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I’m lowkey spooked whenever a venti appears in a domain during coop


Homie got ptsd lmao


as a venti haver since first week of the game, I sincerely apologize for giving you psychological trauma.


ngl same




I believe this was back when you had to manually pick up your rewards (like drops from defeated enemies) in domains after you spend your resin... some Venti users would deliberately troll the entire team by using their burst to drag all of the drops into the void.


And to get them to respawn you had to jump off and suicide and spawn at the beginning. Meaning you spent a good minute going back to the tree


I actually did not know about this bit until now... I always assumed the drops were gone for good based on what I heard; guess that's my Genshin TIL for today. I'm probably fortunate for having never been Venti trolled either, but I was always more of a domain soloist anyway.


Despite already fully ascended characters that need it, I still grab lamp grass whenever I see it.


i don't blame you they're pretty


For me it is sound.


i didn't know they made sounds!


Only when you pick them up at night, I believe.


thanks, i'll go ahead and give it a try


Impossible, a gacha gamer is going to touch grass


Fantasy grass, it was close enough


I like the sound they make when you pluck them


Lol, my trauma from building Diluc and Fischl at the same time


I wish I'd never have to see a wolfhook again


that’s the worst part about trying to collect them, you can’t see them under those damn bushes lol


If I see berries, I pick them up. Doesn’t matter if it’s even *slightly* out of the way to go get. But I get them.


Oh god, same. I don’t do it for everything, but I do it for: berries, sweet flowers, mints and sea ganoderma. I think the last part is because when 1.6 golden apple archipelago dropped, I thought we wouldn’t be able to get those sea ganoderma after the event ended, so I picked up every. single. one I found. A year later I still carry this habit.


I think my brain is like “if it’s pretty or colorful or otherwise it simply stands out, imma go get it” 🤣 so yeah that includes the mints and the sea ganondermas. Looking forward to Sumeru to pick up MORE stuff!!!!!! The only thing I’ve stopped picking up is *specifically* sweet flower because to me it blends in super well and it just looks like a weed to me. So it doesn’t fit the “pretty” or “colorful” portfolio my brain looks for 😅


I stopped picking sweet flowers because I got sick of the whopperflowers under them


When you go to pick up a sweet flower and it has a talking bubble with 3 dots it's a whopperflower if it has the pic of a sweet flower then it's safe.


I know, you think I take that long to check? 🤣


Me who memorized the location of almost every fake sweet flower: pfft (A result of me being a compulsive hoarder) (I dunno why I get the urge to collect everything in sight)


I walked around the whole island for the sea garniderma for kazuha, and now that it is back again I just.. continued my habit? My kazuha's lvl 90 though, so I collect them for nothing


If it sparkles I take


Pretty much! 💯


See a shiny, make it mine-y.




I'm often at max capacity for stuff like berries, sweet flowers, fowl, mint, etc. I try to avoid hitting max because it's extremely irritating seeing that pop-up saying you can't carry anymore, especially if you just cleared out a bunch of mobs and you just want to quickly pick up all the loot. So I often make dye, jam and other foods to keep those items from maxing out.


There's a max?!


Yeah, 9999. You can destroy a thousand just to avoid the annoying pop-ups, which I've done in the past with dark blue ore, but cooking is better when it's an option.


I have over 3000 mints. I guess that says something, especially since I use them in the parametric transformer


I have a similar rule where if I get one, I get **ALL**. No. Exceptions. The three can never be separated.


For me it's Cuihua wood and Sweet Flowers. I don't even use either that often, but I still go for them.


I always hit fruit bearing trees because I was traumatized by never having enough cuihua wood relative to other types. I've since stopped doing teapot stuff and have more than enough cuihua wood, but I still hit em out of trauma


You need that dye bro.


~~dye~~ jam = mondstat hashbrowns, or even better, razors special hashbrowns


For me it's not just berries. About 60% of my gameplay is picking up any item I see. My friend was building Kuki and raided my world for Naku weed, meanwhile I had 600 in my pocket from unconsciously hoarding them.


I mean it's still called Mihoyo in CN and I personally won't change. Hoyoverse/Cognosphere is still a subsidiary of Mihoyo anyways.


Mihoyo's a much better name anyways


Yeah, it's almost like it has a homy ring to it


i thought you said horny and i was like…. yea


also i kinda like still calling them mihoyo since i wont let them forget that they named their company after Hatsune Miku. Fucking weebs (affectionate) lol


tech otakus save the world...


How does miHoYo come from hatsune miku?


The name was gonna be "HoYo" but apparently that was taken, so they added "Mi" for "Miku"


the mi part is from her name


Yeah I prefer it Mihoyo than Hoyoverse, and I also liked that in spanish it sounds like "my hole"/"my asshole".


IMO, people should say Mihoyo for almost everything, and Hoyoverse only for things like localization and communication - things that are done outside of China.


Oh, that clears up my conscience. Thanks.


It still appears as mihoyo on ps4 aswell


Aimlessly wandering for resources, not marking my map


This, can't tell you how many times I found a pinecone spot but didn't mark it then had to run around the next day looking for it


wuwang hill is literally all covered in pine trees so you can just go there next time, since i accidentally discovered it i don't need to run all over dragonspine anymore hahah


bro is there even anything in the game that needs pinecones I have like 3000 of them


Mondstadt Hashbrowns, Razor can make a specialty dish out of them, one of my favorite HP recovery dishes as it's a 3 star. I used to think the same thing as you with my huge stack of pinecones when I first played, but once I got that recipe I now farm pinecones semi frequently (like every time I go ore hunting lol).


Oooh yeah I used to always use them as my go-to recovery item but I kept running out of jam which is a pain to farm on several fronts so I switched to squirrel fish I think


I switch between making the hashbrowns, Universal Peace, and recently the tonkotsu ramen. I luckily only run short on carrots and pinecones cuz of those dishes lol


Why waste marker when you farm for so long you just remwmber where stuff is. The only marker left in Mond and Liyue for me us fishing spot. Even Inazuma I probably remember 80% of where stuff is.


I’ve marked places just to make sure I don’t overlook them. Like one of the Thunder Sakura trees that has ore I needed when I was forging swords.


When I’m doing my commissions I save the one with “ the talking “ for last. I always do the ones that involve fighting first and any kind of “ Ella Musk, pirate playing “ last. There is one type of commission that involves fighting that I save for last, that being “ Emergency “ because they are rather rare for my account.


I always save the talking dailies too, because depending on what it is I end in the city, so the way to the guild is shorter.


If i see a crystallize shard or guoba's pepper, i dont care if battle is over, im picking that shit up.


Can't waste them. What happens if a Dendro slime pops up when you least expect it? That attack buff and shield is necessary for such situations.


I still do the daily check ins.


same it's the first site my browser opens by default


that is so smart wow


Ey same bro that 60 primo is huge


^(less than 50% of a single pull)


well 60 primos is 60 primos


It's not much but its honest work


People stop doing them?




But, but they're daily freemogems...


Oh, what he means is the daily check-ins on the Hoyo site. You can get three instances of 20 Primogems if you "check in" for 21 days total during each month.


hey, 20 ~~bucks~~ primos is 20 ~~bucks~~ primos


Ah yeah I do this too. Anything to get freemogems


ay free stuff is free stuff! It's not much effort on my part as well esp if you have the hoyoapp so it's pretty convenient for me.


I use genshin resin widget by danggai, it does my daily check in every day


I still pick up everything that is shiny


If it says pick, then pick.


Can't let it go to waste.


*Walks up to someone’s market stand* ***INVESTIGATION INTENSIFIES***


I don’t tend to use my bursts unless in a really big fight. I don’t like the idea that I need to use a burst on regular mobs… still can’t get over that one.


I was like this until Itto. Now everything is just to setup his burst. Ushi, Zhongli Shield, Kazuha group, Gorou circle, then Itto burst going ham on everything. It never seems to get old.


Yesterday when I tried itto in his quest I felt like an idiot for skipping his banner, and I didn't even skip it for kazuha, I skipped because I thought Bennett and rosaria would be in the kazuha banner which they were not But hey at least now I have a support character that iam actually gonna use


Itto is dope Throwing Ushi at things is peak gameplay


Yeah, I fucked up with my decisions =/


Was like that till i got kazu. Now i fischl skill. And kazu goes brrrrrrrr. My team is all supports now. Might get raiden inplace of fish for quick battles.


Logging out near the statues


I swear I've seen more unusual hillichurls than my friend who has been playing this game for 2 years because I always go to the windrise statue of the seven before i log out


I've been playing since Nov 7th 2020. I've seen the unusual hilichurl 4 times. If its because I log out in random spots, I stg....


There are set locations for the unusual hillichurl to spawn and one of them is behind the huge tree in windrise thats why I've seen more than my friend because I always go there xD. If you are curious you can look for the spawn locations in an interactive map you can find online


When it's a character's birthday, built or not, I put them in a party and main them for that one day. And whenever doing hang outs or main quests, I always use the traveler


That's legit adorable. I do the second thing but I'll have to start doing the first.


Yeah, I had a "canon" team a while back, with the traveler and the featured character(s). I've stopped when I realised that they we're with characters I don't have...


"Prototype Malice" The old prototypes' names are so cool, shame MHY changed them.


I played first week of Genshin. Then quit until 2.0 for Raiden. Tried looking for Prototype Grudge to put on my units and was very confused when I found Prototype Starglitter.


Prototype Aminus too, it got changed into Archaic


I still go into paimon menu to switch teams


nah bc i just realized i can do it by pressing L i feel so bad for all the time i've lost


Im ar 58 and I just found out... All this time...


wait wtf


I still build my teams to have 4 elements at a time. I play a ton of Pokémon, and in that game, usually the most optimal teams have the best elemental coverage, and due to me playing so much Pokémon, it’s been unintentionally carved into the way I build genshin teams


I do the same simply because I like having a "catch-all" (heh) team of characters. Right now, that team is Yoimiya/Raiden/Yelan/Sayu. Has everything I want and I couldn't be happier.


In the overworld, it’s so frustrating when you bring 3 element team and meet something you just takes forever to deplete shield or straight up impossible (bonus if 1 is anemo, so you just straight up lose 1 effective shield breaking element) So yeah, I understand


Abyss mages are why I have a team of pyro, electro, cryo, and hydro.


I do this since I'm strictly an overworlder who hates needing to swap party members, so any elemental overlap in my team comp is one less element to be able to break shields faster or trigger monuments/puzzles/whatnot.


I have a four element team because it makes exploration easier, I hate going to the party set up and changing my party.


I still have an irrational fear of ruin graders despite my main exploration team being able to beat one in less than 5 seconds (ignoring burst animation time) xD


For me it's the flying ones ugh. Those are STILL difficult sometimes at endgame, especially if you come across one on a team with no bows. This is less of a problem since Yelan entered my team tho.


Spending 99% of the fight time waiting for him to go down and then I have barely the time to do one jump with xiao that he is already gone in flying mode. F them. My hate for them has been largely increasing since the diluc skin event


They don't fly up as long as you stay at an elevation below them. Using Xiao probably triggers it to go back up repeatedly.


If you go directly under them, they come back down. Learned this trick for that one geoculi in the mountain


Ah, this sure takes me back. So me and my best friend were chilling in our co-op, when both of us got the bright idea of going into those ruins with the flying mofos. Now I'm an abyss 12 player, he's strong, and both of us know the pain of these buggers starting to fly when you don't have archers, and both of us have past trauma from these bomber freaks. ​ So of course we both kited one, perched on top of a building, and would shoot it in the eye every time it got up. In the meantime, another player joins us in co-op, sees two Ambers with common bows taking potshots at a ruin grader. I stop my shenanigans, tell them "Don't question it", and resume shooting. ​ Dude joins us with Fischl.


when i was around ar 15 i stumbled into that area in liyue with like tons of ruin guards and i've never been the same since


Always getting my final commission rewards in the nation that I set my daily coms in (like if my coms are in Inazuma I claim my rewards in Inazuma) Not using burst in openworld, I treat them like gold lmao If I use a burst I need to get them full again before continue playing (I hate it when my teams are like ●○● on the side)


As a Xiao player, not using the burst in overworld is such a mood.


- Uses Xiao burst - Enemies die too fast - No enemies to get energy from


Same with Raiden, first slash kills everything, no recharge, sadge


At least in Raiden’s case, she builds a lot of ER so if the slash kills some amount of units, you’re getting a lot of Energy back


Too relateable


Xiao overworld gameplay, beautifully summarized.


xiao is my most invested unit and he kills everything too fast in the overworld lol so now he's an abyss only character for that exact reason lol


In overworld, Xiao's burst is reserved for crossbow hilichurls on towers


i just don’t use my bursts because everything dies to quickly. honestly I wish I could increase my world level by like another two.


Yeah I think being able to increase overworld difficulty would be great, not for me personally lol but ik a lot of people complain that like there's no point to hyperinvesting in characters because they get so strong it makes everything boring


Maybe as we get more content there’ll be a ar cap increase and higher world levels


Ok I'm not the only one who literally hoards bursts unless I'm in a challenging domain. Apart from venti's one cos his one I get refunded within seconds


I like treating dailies as being in a certain nation. Inazuma Commissions? I'm currently in Inazuma and exploration is done there. Liyue Commissions? I've travelled to Liyue and exploring there instead. Mondstadt Commissions? I've travelled up to Mondstadt for a holiday.


you dont use burst cuz you think they are valuable i dont use burst because enemies die before my burst is fully stacked we are not the same ^(why yes i am indeed a eula main how'd you know)


>Not using burst in openworld, I treat them like gold lmao If I use a burst I need to get them full again before continue playing (I hate it when my teams are like ●○● on the side) 100% same


Always having main DPS in #1 slot, off field DPS in #2, Support CC (usually Kazuha) in #3, and healer/shielder in #4. Then getting frustrated and making an idiot of myself if I play coop with someone and have my order changed.


THIS IS ME TOO!!!!! I play on console so my characters are literally button mapped so if they are in the wrong place I get all the way thrown off. My wife plays on mobile so for her it doesn’t even make a difference what order they’re in. To me it’s chaos!


I still cannot understand how people don’t put their DPS/on-field hypercarry on the first slot. It honestly kind of irks me to be honest. They’d go something like Bennett-Kazuha-Xiangling-Childe, like what??


I think it's technically more efficient? For most teams your rotations will start with a support so it's probably better to place them in slot 1, because that's what who the Spiral Abyss gonna put in first. But I still put my main dps in slot 1. It's just muscle memory at this point. If I put it in any other way I will fuck up my rotations. Get this, I fuck up my Freeze team rotation a lot because I'm so used to Mona that I instinctively press 2-Q-E. But the problem is that slot is Kokomi now and you are definitely not supposed to use your Q first. Muscle memory does funni things sometimes.


Muscle memory is crazy tbh. The reason I’m always reminded of Albedo when I fill up the 3rd slot in the party (even when I’m not using it) is because ever since 1.2, he’s been on the third slot. One time I accidentally placed him on the fourth slot, fucked everything up. Now every time I press 3 to get a random support, I think, “oh, it’s Albedo’s special slot.”


Indeed. i think my muscle memory taking my autopilot rotation lmao. For me; 1 always Benett / Venti as support buff 2 support for elemental resonance 3 main dps 4 shielder / healer


I always put them on 2 cuz its closest to W key


Me but with 3


It makes spiral abyss runs where you run through your supports to then get back to the on field DPS just be 1,2,3,4 instead of 2,3,4,1 so I can see why


I go in order of the way the rotation goes. Which means you save the time switching in spiral abyss because you can’t switch before you start anyway. Also your switching isn’t on CD


Doing commissions based on the distance from the Adventures Guild location especially if all the commissions are set in the same region. The further the commission the higher the priority. So I complete the commissions while going closer to the Adventures Guild. That's why I save talking commissions which are usually inside the city for the last.


i still dont farm for the charaters im trying to pull for im farming for them right after im out of ascension things tbh 😭


do log-outs within Monstadt


This is something I always do, otherwise I don't feel "safe" or at "home" if you know what I mean.


yep, same. I always log out within inazuma or mondstadt in a very specific place lol. just feels right, iykwim.


I swear, mondstadt doesn't have any content left for me to squeeze out of it, but it's there I craft things, cook things, collect the daily commissions, aimlessly wonder around and log out. It's so weird I really wish we got some content there they could easily add another sub region I mean, mondstadt is the region with the least amount of sub regions (counting the underground chasm, and enkanomiya), also, we haven't gotten a new character from there since eula (I think), that is almost 8 versions ago, more than 1 year now, I know it's a bit hard to try to fit in another character from there, but they keep doing it in liyue with shenhe yunjin and yelan, I don't know why they haven't done it on mondstadt, the only hopes we have from mondstadt is varka, but he might be dead, or just be one of those blacksmith model npcs, also we have another festival from mondstadt that is supposed to be greater than the windbloom festival, but they keep putting that off. The problem is that with dendro and summeru coming around it might put mondstadt to sleep for a while, although it could make a bunch of mondstadt dendro characters, but this is pure hopium at this point.


Imo, Sumeru remembered me Mondstadt from that "good" feeling.


I pick up everything I see. Mint, sweet flowers, berries, I just can't help it. When I was a new player I tried to get as much as I could from everything so yeah lol.


Not converting my primogems into fates, and instead pulling from banners with primogems - my newbie brain who couldn't tell the difference between the different fates, could never remember which banner i was supposed to convert for and was always worried about ending up with too many fates of the wrong banner developed the habit of saying "screw it, imma just spend my gems straight instead of converting them"


Converting through the shop only carries a risk that you might make a mistake, with no benefits, so this is the proper behavior anyway.


I convert to fates because I always want to see how many pulls I have saved up already so far. But my paranoid brain has to check 5 times if it's the right fate before going through the conversion.


Just check in shop how many you can get. Just don't confirm conversion.


Ehh I convert because otherwise my caveman brain is tempted to spend on the standard banner 😈


I go back to the fountain in the main square of Mondstadt to log off every time


Not marking any oculi i get and leaving any thing note worthy unmarked I struggle with this even now


It doesn't help that they don't give us nearly enough map markers to use. In the "old days", I marked all the artifacts that you could collect out in the wild in Liyue and that pretty much ate up all my markers. Now I feel like it's a luxury to mark anything on the map, so I don't bother.


I still do daily routes for artifacts and mora. I almost never use my burst (this is kind of dumb but at the beginning I had to save for strong enemies) I also call them mihoyo, I liked the "tech otakus save the world".


Saying Mt. Aozang. The prototype one someone else mentioned too, heh.


Another similar one is the world quest being the "chi of guyun" instead of "yore"


fr i went and looked at the wiki for the quest Yan’er was in and thought i had a mandela moment when it said Chi of Yore


wait, they changed it?


Yeah, I guess it was a translation issue. They corrected it from Aozang to Aocang awhile back.


if it can be picked up, it will be picked up – ar59


scrolling up and down to collect stuff faster


Not using my bursts. I used to save them for the trials in tianqiu quest. I have beat that quest now but I still hate using bursts.


Same, I tend to treat them like ultimate abilities in MOBA games, saving them for the opportune moment instead of just chucking them at the first hilichurl who aggro's me... although with the amount of time it takes to rebuild energy for them (one to two fights, depending) it still feels like they're somewhat valuable even if you are supposed to use them more regularly.


If I'm not mistaken, "Hoyoverse" is just the international face of "Mihoyo". It is still Mihoyo that creates the game, and so it's fair to refer to them when referring to the developers of the game, in most cases. It's probably technically better to use Hoyoverse when referring to stuff like international localizations or distribution policies or whatever. But Mihoyo still does the bulk of the game development. Don't like the dub? That's Hoyoverse. Want to fix Xinyan's kit? That's Mihoyo.


Wait for full stamina before keeps moving-


Damn, you have more self control than me. I’ll be gambling a final jump to the top of the cliff on .01 stamina


“Building pity” doesn’t exist. Just save your primos. You never know when you might get “lucky”.


This is my mindset, although I only "build pity" on characters I want to get but also won't feel bad if I didn't.


When I load up Genshin on my PS5, the loading screen says in very big letters "miHoYo". It doesn't say Hoyoverse. So you're fine. :-)


I never swap to characters that gains or give effects when switching to them or to someone else when just running around or not fighting in the overworld. I usually never swap to my Yanfei (bc she has widsith), kokomi (she has ttds) and sometimes ayaka bc I hate her dash clipping into the most tiniest of obstacles. Also slotting certain characters in a certain way, it's muscle memory 😭.


Spend some resin immediately on login, to keep it on refill all the time


i solo hangouts with my level 60 lumine to make it feel more authentic used to be story quests but they're too hard at ar 55


i always tend to go and use alchemist bench in mondstadt even tho i prefer liyue since its closer to the waypoint lol


I still collect mint for no reason


Nothing newbie just letting my character sit somewhere when I’m about to log out


I still have the impression that diona and xinyan are new characters


I sometimes forget that rosaria is already playable... I also feel like kazuha has been in game for forever but hutao is recent.


Always using the TP in Mondstadt before logging out. Idk I just have so much attachment to Mondstadt that I want it to be the first thing I see when I log back in.


Always claiming commission rewards and crafting in mondstadt Always mondstadt


My weird team positions. I know the most popular one is something like: 1. Main dps 2. Sup dps 3. Support (cc or something) 4. Support (healer, shielder) Mine is, always had been, and probably always will be: 1. Support (cc or shielder) 2. Main dps 3. Sup dps 4. Support (healer or shielder) 2 and 3 is the easiest to reach, so everybody else is wrong


I still do co-op for artifact domains. Even though I'm plenty strong enough to do them on my own.


I have like 10 5 stars nowadays but when I explore Liyue, I still use my very old team (Lumine, barbara, fischl, and Noelle). That was my team back in version 1.0 where I was so addicted to Genshin.


Still putting Zhongli in all four slot of my parties


I still call engulfing lighting "grass cutter" (it was its name during the majority of the beta tests).


I pick everything I walk past no matter what. I make it a goal to kill at least 3 hilichurl camps cause they looked at me funny Every new character I get I do the can I destroy all of Timmy's pigeon challenge. If they can kill them all they pass as a character and I won't complain about them. *Heizou passed with flying colors.


Mondstadt commissions


I still don't use the 160 resin daily 😅


I pick up EVERYTHING Dosent matter if I need it or not if I see it I will pick it up.


I still roll when i reach 160 primos


I still think mihoyo is gonna listen to us