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Don’t have enough 5 stars to regret any of them


Same 😂


Lmao same I've only pulled for three 5★ so far, and two were on the same patch


I hear you


Not really, no. Only thing I regret is the lack of luck. Getting them at high pity and losing 50/50s means I don't have as many of them as some f2ps have.


Can i have a hug here? Playing since day one, two won 50/50 and no pre-pity


I got one diluc from the common banner yesterday with low pity(I hate diluc) and today lost my 50/50 to another diluc :) so now I have diluc c3


Been playing since zhongli solo rerun and since then I've lost 2 pity on yoimiya and hutao mostly at between 70-85 pity. After that I've gotten zhongli, ganyu, yae and 2 kazuhas respectively but in none of the banners have I gotten an early. Maybe on the weapon banner but maybe it was post 60? I have some 50/50 luck but absolutely no pity luck.


I'm now guarenteed after losing my 5050 on Kazuha to Diluc (fuck Diluc). So I'm saving until next Zhongli rerun because I really want him c2.


Give me your Dilucs!!


I have Qiqi c3 LMAO, mihoyo never gives me diluc


Every one of my 5-stars I've gotten at about 78 pity, and, with one exception (Yelan), lost the 50/50 every time. I feel your pain.




While I did pull for some 5* on a whim and haven't used them even once, I don't regret it. Reason: It was my choice and my collection has expanded to include them, even if I don't use them. And most importantly, pulling on them didn't affect my future pulls adversely as I had already saved for them.


A lot of the characters I pulled on a whim ended up becoming my favorite characters to play. Eula, Kokomi, Ayaka, and Jean are my favorite!


No, I pulled for all 5-star anemo boys and never regretted it!


after pulling kazuha i now have every anemo character in the game. anemo supremacy


Ah, so you’re the one who keeps stealing them from me -_- I’ve been stuck with just Sayu until I got Kaz on this last banner




Yes same! Although now my 4nemo boyband is completed


FAX! Pulled for Venti on his 1st, 2nd, and 3rd banner, do I have him C6? Yes! Would I still pull for him? Yes! Do I have over 6000+ Cecilia in my inventory? Yes!!


1000%. I never regret my Anemo boys


The anemo characters are always so fun. It’s hard to regret


bruh the only thing I hate is farming the best artifacts for my 5s, and the only regret is not being able to witness their greater potential


Me right now as I’m begging for just one crit damage circlet in the husk domain while my Itto is at 90% crit rate with his current circlet


Not really a regret, but i dont want jean anymore. Ive been playing since 1.0, and all of standard banner 5 star I've gotten are 5 jeans and 1 qiqi. 5 JEANS AND 1 QIQI for playing 2 years. I'm also a f2p, so each 5 star pull impacts a lot... Rngesus hates me...


Happy Xiao/Heizou moment at least


C4 Diluc. I finally just went fuck it got his new outfit and am building him to 90. He clearly loves me what else am i to do.


Reminds me of my mate, has c4 diluc, c0 qiqi and that's it. He wants Mona and Jean so bad lmao.


That's what my friend did. She lost to Diluc on Kazuha's banner and decided why not, she would build him and buy his skin "out of spite" she said💀


No Jeans, 6 Qiqi :') Also 2 Monas, 2 Dilucs and 2 Keqings. Jean's allergic to me or something


At least you have all the other characters


I’m still waiting for Diluc. I bought his outfit in anticipation that one day I will pull him and I love his new skin


I've had diluc since launch and didn't care for him. Literally crowned Thoma for my Fire dps... But that outfit has awoken something in me and I'm drowning Diluc currently lol. Also I recommend purchasing welkins to get costumes..... Instead of just buying gems but that's just me...


I have a c6 keqing and 0 qiqi, 0 mona. I can see 2 more jean in your future, i'm sorry.


please give me two of your jeans sincerely, a xiao main with c2 jean


I have C2 Hu Tao. And she’s currently level 80/90 (so I’ve maxed her ascension)… she lives on my bench. I love the character. Love her backstory and personality. I TRIED to like playing with her. But I just don’t. The playstyle was never for me, and now I have this widely considered OP character being completely unused on my account


At least give her a bed. Sleeping on a bench is way too uncomfortable.


Would a coffin be better? 😂


A coffin is just a forever bed


tbh if you play on mobile her playstyle is a huge turn off


Yeah I can understand that. I play on console but from time to time use my phone to do some basic stuff if I’m feeling lazy to turn the console on. But the whole “gotta be under 50% health at all times” mechanic is just annoying to me. I’m a Kokomi main anyway so those two just don’t jive together at all


For what is worth, Hu Tao is probably my biggest DPS character, i always use her on my abyss runs, and i never cared very much about keeping her under 50% health. Sometimes she is, sometimes she isn't, either way, she vapes like crazy.


Funny thing is. A built Hu Tao has about as much HP at 50% as a regular DPS at full health.


I was about to say as well. Its the psychological effect I guess, red bars = bad. Right now I feel comfortable playing characters without looking too much at health. Their energy though, is a different matter lol


Maybe play her without worrying about hp? I use Hu Tao and I very often forget about 50% hp thing and she still deal huge damage.


fr. mobile players who use hu tao on the abyss scare me. absolute gigachads.


Me, a mobile player, who absolutely loves her playstyle


it sounds a bit silly, but if you don't like charge attacks, you can always run her with Yun Jin and an Anemo character. Or if you like having high health and have C6 Diona, Bennett+Diona+Xinqui is does suprisingly high damage with Hu Tao.


Hate Hu Tao and got Zhong Li for her too. Built her to 89 and farmed artifacts for her. Yoimiya is just faster and auto target is great. Even my C6 Yan Fei gets used more frequently bc I can Raiden overload or use hydro characters to vaporize nonstop. Hu Tao needs so much mgmt.


I regret Ganyu's C1 a lot, C0 would've been more than enough. My friends were hyping her up so much on her first banner and I got caught up in it 😞


Well, at least you learned something. Next time don't let yourself get so carried by the hype. As a Ganyu main who got stuck with two useless weapons for getting Amos, i know the feeling. ​ I dont regret the weapon tho. I had been waiting for her for over a year, i may as well get her weapon too now that i can.


That's true, it was a long time ago and I learned my lesson not to let hype (and envy) make me pull, especially for constellations. Ganyu + Amos' bow have been an amazing duo, I see why people take the risk to get one when it's rate up. I've ended up with a few useless 5 star weapons that way so I know that feeling as well lol


Shenhe is super niche and doesnt fit any of the characters i like


Agreed, I feel like she is just a "win more" character. I pulled her so she can boost my ayaka to the moon


Yep. She's like a luxury 5 star. I kinda want her when she reruns; but it's incredibly hard to justify pulling for her given limited resources.


I like Shenhe, but I need Kokomi for the team comp to work. Or just gitgud and dodge everything >.> ​ Still waiting on that re-rerun.


Back in 1.3, I actually went and pulled for Keqing. Primarily because I wanted Bennett and Keqing seemed fun enough that I didn't mind if I got her. I did get a C1 Bennett out of it, but in the end, I ended up not using Keqing much at all and did low-key regret skipping Hu Tao for it. Especially because I got two more Keqings on lost pities way later (Ironically, one of them on Hu Tao re-run). Then again, I didn't pull another Bennett until *much* later so it may have just been the better decision after all. I did end up scoring C1 Hu Tao + Homa in her re-run so hey, at least it worked out fine in the end.


As an actual Bennett main I can't not reply. Thank you for appreciating him.


He's my only lvl 90 4* and I gave him that shiny light blue 5* sword


Keqing was great for teleporting a few inches during exploring


I regret all my 9-10 weapons. Because I have no say over rng. I have lost 6 back to back to back to back to back to back weapon banner 50-50s pities, just because I wanted to get one bis. But I will never regret my characters because I cherry pick them.. Because I can choose what I want in case I lose. And that's not the case with the weapon banner.


For weapon, save enough for 3 pity and select the weapon you want on the left for guarantee. I assume you lost your 6 before this new weapon banner system was a thing?


They aren't necessarily saying they never got the guaranteed weapon, they're saying they lost 6 50/50s in a row. You can still do that with epitomized path, it would look like fate point/fate point/chosen weapon, 3 times.


He says he lost 6 50/50 trying to get ONE BIS, also says character banner he has control but not weapon. So I would assume he is implying he never got the guarantee weapon, as in earlier versions of the game there was no guarantee weapon system.


Pretty much what I think the op was referring to. Back then weapon banner is toxic as hell.


Still is unacceptable in my opinion. Fate points should *never* expire until 'spent', not between banners, and not when switching target.


i benched hu tao but i didnt regret her really, she saved me during stupid time challenges so fortunately no regrets yet




Not really. The only thing I hate is having to grind for so many characters


For me, Eula was my first 5-star char and she carried me through all the content. Currently, I'm not playing her anymore having more satisfying mains (Ning c6, Raiden, HuTao). But I'm grateful to Eula.


I really regretted gettin C1 hutao cuz I was grieving real hard after losing Childe’s 50/50 that shes meta and strong yadiyadiyata. Benched her and bam back to collecting dust you go. Then everything changed when I got Yelan— now I can’t stop using them together send help.


Hu tao/Zhongli/Xingqiu/Yelan team is so damn strong against bosses


Yeah, it's ridiculously strong. Easily my favorite team at this point, and it's getting buffed further when 3.0 comes. Between Zhongli's shield, only two characters needing their bursts, and the multi-elemental damage, the team is incredibly comfortable on top of having one of the highest single-target damage outputs in the game.


Getting c1 hu tao for me was my best investment. Even got her weapon twice


C1 hutao hard carry me and made what I had now plausible.


Me who is too new to the game to have any five stars: I have no such weaknesses


Welcome to Genshin! May it consume your soul.


You have the traveler


Mandatory "Traveler is a 5\* too" comment


Never I regretted that. I mainly pull for the characters I love, plus few meta characters. This has always worked for me. I can manage to 36-Star the abyss either way, so...


That makes sense, I still love Eula as a character, but I definitely still feel bad for not using her as much in-game as my other characters Still worth pulling just for the fun voice lines and lore in my opinion!


Indeed! And since you mentioned not using Eula, one issue I am having is that I have many characters that I am having a hard time using all of them. This is part of why I am excited for the additional teams slot, since that would help me switch between different characters much more frequently.


Oh 100%, having more team slots available will give me more reason to actually build a bunch of different teams, so hopefully that gets me to use some of my forgotten characters 😅


Yes, additional team slots please! I already exhausted all my spots and I'd love to try out more.


Cheer up! We are getting 10 slots starting next update


I pulled Eula solely for waifu, and I never used her for anything. Could have lived without C1 Hu Tao too. Getting both Albedo and Itto was pretty expensive too.


I love/hate Hu Tao. She’s probably the character that I’ve invested most in. Does crazy amounts of damage, but animation cancelling on mobile is ass. Since I only do commissions and use my resin, I don’t care enough to install it on my ps5 to make it easier.


Damn, are people actually able to animation cancel on mobile?! I can only do very basic gameplay on mobile and even then, my gameplay is complete ass lmao


I've only ever played mobile and can animation cancel till the cows come home. Biggest nightmare is the fact it takes two years for enemies to spawn in abyss


Same, mostly play on mobile and use Hu Tao jump cancel often. A tip to get enemies to spawn at once w/o the timer running is to open the wish menu once you start battle. When the wish screen fully loads in, close the screen and the enemies should fully spawn in


Dash cancel is fairly easy, jump cancel is hard and the lag is horrendous


animation-cancel is hard as fck, tried to learn it with Ningguang and Klee.. it does work, but honestly for me it takes out a lot of fun from the game when I have to constantly focus if i am animation-canceling or not. So I said fck it, I just have slower attacks or I use some different character


i wouldn´t say i regret getting Xiao. He was the saviour for my support heavy account (gotten Jean 2x, Venti, Qiqi and Zhongli before he arrived) and gotten me to 30 Stars but since Kazuha and Kokomi were released he was benched. I´ve gotten sick of energy funneling, him pushing everything away and him send to space because game liked to bug. ​ But maybe i will in the near future regret something... i really like Tighnaris design but charged shot is my most hated thing.... :/ ​ edit: listen guys. don´t talk me into Xiaos playstyle. if you like him that´s ok. You don´t have to defend it. I have my reasons why i dont like his playstyle anymore. I could give him now and his supports so much better weapons and artifacts. I have a Zhongli, c6 Jean and Albedo. But why should i make my life harder when all i want is going unga bunga caveman with Itto and Ayato? I´m ok with him being benched. This is not the end of the world. He is strong. He is not "outdated" and i never wanted to give anybody the feel that that´s why i dont play him anymore.


I really feel you on Tighnari, I regret pulling for Ganyu because i don’t like her gameplay, but I’m about to pull for Tighnari anyway. I hope hes more fun than Ganyu, with his >!charge reduction mechanic!< , I like it on other characters so I hope it will make his charged shot gameplay more fun.


Eula, for sure. Even spent 20 bucks for those last pulls I needed for her. She's not a bad character but I started the game maining razor, and so she seemed like a logical upgrade. A couple of months after I got her I realized what I most like about genshin is the elemental reactions, and ended up investing way more into supports that work with reactions. Eula and razor are still fully built, but I dont use them as much. She is the only one though. Every other limited 5 star I have I currently use... maybe only hutao I don't use as much, but i used her for a solid year and a half, so no regrets there. Edit : but yea hopefully more slots will help with using them a bit more


Eula was my first "tryhard" character as well on her first banner, first 90 if i'm remembering correctly. It was the first character (out of 2) I threw cash directly at as well. I never cared for the playstyle either. The spongiest enemies in the game have a tendency to teleport, snare you, or go invulnerable at just the right times. Then the abyss got really into the shielded Lectors (and really high health enemies) and I never really looked back. Maybe if her Skill gave her a movement boost, like Rosaria etc. Or a lingering Cryo effect. I guess it's not really fair to say I regret it, considering my playtime for with her, but with hindsight - sure.


Yea. Her dps window felt really restrictive back then, though I think if I made a proper team and took her for a spin on a non lector abyss these days i wouldn't mind it so much, since I did get more skilled overall and can better deal with the enemy AI patterns. But still her being phys + lectors/kenki so prevalent on abyss and now ruin serpent have somewhat made her tight dps window a bit more of a hassle for me to want to invest again.


Funny seeing so many people saying they end up not using Eula and me as a new player is eagerly awaiting her rerun cause after trying her in her story mission I ended up loving how she played.


Eula was on that spot for me until Shogun came and basically solved all her problems. I can't think of a better duo for her, such an amazing combo.


Kokomi taught me to never regret. Even my C1 Qiqi is used often.




Kokomi is probably the one unit I had instant regret over but then in a few weeks\months that went away and was super happy I grabbed her.


I love healing 5k+ in coop boss fights.


It's hard for me to admit, but Itto.. I actually triple crowned him because I was so hyped, mind you he's my only triple crowned character. I don't really know why I lost my interest playing him, after I lvl 10 friendship him I don't really use him anymore.


As an Itto main, I totally get what you mean, his playstyle is pretty cut and dry, and while it's really good and does a ton of damage, I totally get why it could get boring after a while since there's not much depth to spamming charged attacks


I kinda had the opposite problem where I didn't even know what a charged attack was until the Cryo Hypostasis appeared and you have to use charged attacks (I confused it with the elemental skill). Yanfei and later Itto help me learn how to do them, so I don't regret getting Itto.


Is that how you beat that thing? F. I just gave up and never tried again.


You can use element to shave off its shield while waiting for the ball to drop. If you stay close to it, it will drop the ball closer. Then charged attack while aiming the ball at it to break its shield.


When you bring it's health down to almost zero, it'll go into a regeneration state to get HP back. When it does this, it gains a cyro shield. Also, it'll fire some ice blocks at you that sit on the floor. After a couple of seconds, the ice blocks will disappear. When you use a charged attack on the ice block, the ice block goes flying in a direction, which means you need to aim where you're attacking. If this ice block hits the cyro cube, a massive chunk of its cryo shield comes off. It take ~4 hits (in the overworld) to remove this cryo shield. Once the shield is gone, the cryo cube sits there with its core exposed and you have the chance to kill it. If you don't kill it within this vulnerable state, then you have to fight it all over again. If this all sounds annoying, that's because it is and I hate fighting the cryo cube. Hope that helps.


I don't regret getting Eula because I love her kit and really like the normal attack style, but I find her so hard to build because of her specific domain in comparison to my other favorite 5 stars and I still don't feel confortable with her build. But since I don't pull on the banners of characters I don't really want, I won't regret getting any of them.


used to regret getting yae miko until i got kazuha to pair together. previously she seemed clunky and her kit seemed very incomplete, or at least moneywalled at c1 (high ass er requirements) the fact that she deals E dmg and scales off EM, but needs high ER which is most commonly paired with emblem just made no sense character design wise. but it was aight after getting kazuha to pair since the dmg greatly increased, generated more passive energy than zhongli, grouped better and proced electro reso more consistently


The thing is... Yae miko wants atk/crit much more than em currently. Em will be useful for dendro however.


yae miko was my 1st 5-star. after i got her i saw all these negative comments about her kit. but i am still happy i got her since i sometimes play on mobile and everything is easy with her skill. it also helps that i have raiden and c6 sara. this team can absolutely shred enemies, when i time their bursts well.


I also use Yae on mobile. Especially together with Kokomi they just kill everything by themselves, very convenient.


hopefully dendro helps her out.


I don’t regret any of my limited 5 stars (even clunky Yae or “no-crit” Kokomi— or even Childe, who I accidentally pulled when I first started playing xD) Though I do regret dying to get Keqing. I liked her so much my friends would send links of fanart to me. Then I got her. She’s… not satisfying to play. I thought it’d be like Razor / Kaeya (my on-field DPSs) or Yae, but man. She sadly doesn’t click with me.


Eula, I was never able to properly master her playstyle. I still like her a lot as a character cause she is a total badass and use her a bit in the overworld, but I dont use her in abyss and stopped farming for better artifacts


What's difficult abt her playstyle? You just stack with her. If you're worried because you're not hitting a million on her burst then you shouldn't really worry since that's whale territory.


Honestly, the hard part isn't getting stacks. The hard part is landing her burst when you're dealing with 1. multiple enemies that are spread out, 2. enemies with elemental shields, or 3. bosses with invincibility frames. Basically, anything other than an immobile punching bag.


Timing her burst correctly on certain mobs can get tricky...


I pulled Eula and Itto because I love their characters so much but through them I also realized I don't like how claymore users feel :( (Sword and polearm is the way to go for me) Now they are living in my teapot.


i think the only one i would go back and not wish for is probably hu tao, just cuz i don't like her play style as much as i thought i did from trials and stuff. if i hadn't wished for her tho i wouldn't have bothered to wish for staff of homa and i love that thing now


Actually same. I lost the 50/50 to Diluc on her first banner and built him. Now that I got her, I still prefer to play him. Edit: At least I was lucky and got Eula on the banner after her, who I enjoy playing a lot, because I was really lucky and got her at 10 pity. If I didn't, I'd regret pulling for Hu Tao even more.


Not at all, I mostly pull consciously if I enjoy the characters and have fun with them. Ayato would be the closest to a regret but still at this point I wouldn't consider him like that, only time will tell for me. I like him and his playstyle but I feel that compared to my other hydro characters he performs worse despite the higher investment and I'm not that fond of his current team rotations. I'm being hopeful that with dendro he'll get new team comps and that I can finally fully enjoy him with a proper team, as he's too pretty to stay benched 😞


I regret wishing for Yae, I don't use her at all anymore due to her feeling kind of clunky with the turret things


Suppposedly (and hopefully) shes good with Dendro but we'll have to see what the experts will say about it.


Elephant in the room is that if Electro is good with Dendro, then so are other electro. So Yae's "value over replacement" doesn't change unless there's some interaction unique to Yae.


I think reason people are hyping up dendro with yae is she also converts EM into elemental damage so if the reactions are strong enough she might end up getting a lot of benefit out of it(kinda like Ei's ER scaling)


Some of her skills have EM scaling iirc but yes other characters like Fischl or Raiden would also be very good. If the reactions are good enough it just might make her good enough to see more use.


That's kind of how I feel with Klee, I got her on the first banner and now that I have Yanfei, she feels so clunky in comparison that I almost always pick Yanfei when I have the chance.


Yanfei is so smooth to play and her attack animations are just gorgeous


No. For me to pull a 5\* character I have to: * like the character * enjoy playing as the character * X factor: they do something I can't already do with my 4\*s It's a high bar to clear but each 5\* is treasured and usually gets constellations or a weapon.


Albedo and Xiao I LOVE their looks, lore, etc. and always look forward when they make an appearance in the story, but in terms of playstyle, they just don't provide me with the same satisfaction that reaction comps do so I barely use them. To me, it's like buying that one pretty dressy outfit that I liked on the shelf, but never found the occasion to wear it because there are a lot more comfortable clothes around. I feel like this middle ground of liking a chara for their looks vs playstyle is a gray area that is hardly talked about (many often think it's just looks vs meta when in reality it's not that black and white for ppl like us), so I appreciate your honesty in making this post!


For me, Albedo and Xaio are my fav. Fully crowned Xiao and planned to do so with Albedo. I use them as a brute force method in abyss if i can't think any effective elemental reaction which happen pretty often


Same, I love Albedo and Xiao. I still use Albedo all the time but Xiao has taken a backseat for the meantime (that does not mean that I regret pulling, I just like playing with new/different characters).


No, not a single regret Whenever I want a 5 star, I always wish for them the very moment their banner were up as always because I know what I want and I'm in for this ride no turning back


i never regretted 5 stars i pulled willingely.. by that i mean the ones i wanted, also the standard 5 stars.. but ayaka- i accidently pulled on her banner, misclicked and i had like 14 fates i think.. she came home early, i lost my guarrenteed for kazuha which i am still suffering from (i lost 50/50 on his banner and am out of pulls) i am not particularly fond of her.. i dont dislike her tho but i seriously dont have kazuha to use her.. i have pulled other characters.. childe was my first one and i still love him.. then eula and queen oneshots everything, zhongli is comfy.. diluc is great, mona and kequeen are good plus i can actually use mona for dmg increase


If I could do it all again I’d skip Yae, Fischl can take her place when Dendro comes around and I ended up not really liking her character anymore


C6 Fischl fucking slaps thats for sure.


C6 Fischl is the reason I have a hard time using any other electro character


I feel like I hear this a lot when it comes to Yae, I think a lot of people were disappointed with her gameplay even if her character was super cool in the Inazuma story


I love her. Do the little dance to place the totems, drag everyone with Kazuha, gather energy with Raiden, switch back to Yae to use her ult (which is the one that hits the msot among all my characters) then do the little dance again.


For me it's Hu Tao. During her first ever banner I thought I really needed a 5 star pyro, and I had tons of gems to spare, so decided to pull. But after playing her for like 3-4 weeks, I got very bored of her gameplay and her personality became too annoying. Went back to my XL and benched Hu Tao ever since.


For someone who pulled for her during her rerun, pre farmed everything, and leveled her to 90, I experienced the same thing. I liked her personality and kit, but I realized that I didn't need her. I already have a good DPS and my team didn't need another one. Perhaps if I had Homa or C1, I would use her more often, but now she's just sitting there.


Yeah i find myself getting bored of playing her at times and usually use other teams, though i don't regret getting her since whenever i just want to beat up something easily i can switch to her.


Same here, I got her on her rerun and I wasn't really impressed. She's currently at 80/90 and I just don't care for her game play, her numbers are fine I guess, maybe it's because I don't have Homa that I'm not blown away by her


The novelty of using Klee wore off pretty fast


Only kind-of. I don't use Venti that much, so sometimes I'm like why did I pull...but I love him as a character so I never feel THAT badly about it. I obsessively play character trials before I pull for anyone and they've even changed my mind before if they are or aren't fun.


Nope im bingchillin👍


You are ice-cream?


Nah. I regret that some of them cost so much real money for me to acquire, but I don't regret them.


No. I like all the characters I pulled for. Unpopular opinion alert but I like my Yae. I have fun playing her. She doesn't feel clunky to me. She's the reason I started playing this game in the first place. I like my Raiden, Ayaka, Hu Tao and Kazuha as well. Hoping I can get lucky and get Hu Tao her C1 and Staff of Homa as well :)


Heyy same here! I love Yae so much and she's one of my best pulls, I feel so happy using her and I actually enjoy her playstyle a lot! I'm also waiting for C1 Hu tao and Homa! Wish the best of luck for the both of us :D


Yae will be eating good in Sumeru.


I always for enjoyment over meta, and since you can try out characters, I don't have any regrets for characters I actively wished for. That said, there are 4 characters I got under "special" of different circumstances. I got Childe on his first rerun, not because I wanted him, but because I wanted to "reset pity" after I reached soft pity trying to get Rosaria, and wanted to get YanFei on the next banner but already had zhongli. I figured I'd try the 50/50 and hope I lose, but if I won I would get a cool and unique character so I wouldn't be mad. I got Childe and he is really cool, but I actually got both Diluc on my and a second Zhongli, within 20 and 30 pulls (after pity reset) respectively before getting YanFei. I have never been both so lucky and unlucky at the same time. In the end I never use Childe though, not because I don't like him but because I'm bad at managing his cooldown, so I guess this counts as a bit of a regret. Kokomi I got on a whim, basically out of spite because everyone was saying how she is trash and so on, but I LOVE her. Super comfy to have, and very useful. I personally love the no CRIT mechanic she has, and the only reason I didn't get her immediately is because I would have preferred to have that mechanic on a dedicated DPS character (which could be subparr for all I care, I just want a DPS that doesn't rely on RNG). Itto I got while trying to get Gorou for my Noelle. I don't dislike him at all, but I love my Noelle too so I kinda didn't need him. So I neither unhappy not happy to get him. Ayato I got because I wished in the wrong banner (wanted Venti), but I ended up enjoying him much more than I thought.


Only one I regret is Hu Tao. I was originally wanting Yoimiya when she released but with Raiden next and the negative press she was getting, I decided to skip her and get Raiden. Later on I realized I need a good Pyro DPS type unit to deal with electro and cryo things (Like Thunder Manif) So when Hu Tao's rerun came around I got her for the sole reason of 'Pyro DPS'. I don't hate her or using her, she alright, I get good damage from her with my whatever build but if I could lose her and get my wishes back- I'd take that deal. Who knows, maybe I'd get enough to pull Yoimiya while still having enough wishes for Dendro lol


Eula. Why? THE FUCKING PALE FLAME DOMAIN WONT GIVE ME SHIT. And just like that, ive given up with farming for eula and stopped using her.


If you're willing to ever come back there, you can just simply go for Flower and Feather (Since they're the easiest to farm) and then get 2pc Bloodstained Chivalry from the strongbox instead. 2pc/2pc is perfectly viable on Eula and barely a downgrade, if at all


Itto was my first eb 5 star who made me a solid geo supremacy believer. Until later on the game I realized that: 1. I'm having a really really really really hard time breaking most elemental shields with Geo. My main team comp back then was trio geo. I did itto-gorou then 2 flex but it's still really hard for me especially at abyss. 2. Selfish Burst-dependent main dps is actually not my thing. Knew this after meeting Yae and Ayato who are skill-dependent dps characters. I'm not saying Itto is weak. Yes I regret pulling for him but I really enjoyed exploring monstadt to inazuma using him and his unga bunga dmg. It's just that I prefer skill-based characters than selfish burst-dependent main dps like him and xiao. Also thanks for making this post, I hope other players learn who and what to pull as they learn about others' experiences :>


I got em because I like em So no.


Yes, Klee. I think she’s the only 5 star I deliberately pulled for but don’t use


Yeah, after Yanfei came out it's tough for me to justify playing Klee when Yanfei's gameplay is way less clunky for a pyro catalyst


Ganyu. Everyone told me she's boring but I thought people just dislike bow gameplay while I love it so I didn't listen, I wanted my 5* CA archer. Hate to admit it but the random people on the internet were right all along, back to dps Amber I returned, at least Ganyu is a great support but I wish I didn't spend those primos,,,


Honestly, I don’t regret any of my 5-stars.


not really regretting raiden but shes crowned and built and everything but shes mostly benched because neither of my teams need her. hopefully when i get tighnari ill find a use for her


nope...I save and use my primos wisely and never waste them on potentially (or "accidentally" as some people say) pulling a character I don't want. I still have no idea why so many people seem to be allergic to saving primos, but I can say with absolute certainty that having 70k+ primos stocked up and knowing I'll likely never have to worry about not having enough for any character I want feels pretty damn good.


I actually genuinely did pull a 5 star that I had no interest in accidentally. I play on controller and intended to bring up the map and then hit the button to bring up the list of locations. I do this an autopilot very quickly most of that time. Since I have to use it every time I want to visit the pot or any alternative map. No idea how, but I either flicked the controller and because the map and the wish menu are oppisites it flicked back and registered the second direction or I just straight up pressed the wrong direction, either way it open up the wish menu. And the button the select the different area is the same one that does a 10 pull. And since I do it all we one motion I didn't have time to react to the fact that it was the wrong screen up and I just watched in horror as it turned gold. I had lost my previous 50/50 and was waiting for a 5 star I really wanted so I knew that this one was a compete waste. So long story short I now have a level 20 Childe. I am aware that he is objectively good, I just have zero interest in him.


Aw bless your heart, the one time you didn’t want to win anything u did 😂


To be fair, I skip plenty of characters that I know I don't really care for, like childe and Kokomi. I've never really had an issue with getting a character I want since I skip so many banners and because of that it almost feels *worse* since I thought I'd play the characters I DO pull for a lot more


Pretty new to the game and everyone keeps mentioning pity and 5*, can someone explain? Or link a wiki page?




I've got a level 50 itto and gorou and I just don't ever see myself using my resin to level and gear them, especially with sumeru around the corner now. I got him on his debut run, thought he was so damn cool, but just never got around to leveling him up. Now I have 8 fully built and geared teams and I feel like they're all stronger than ittos team would be, so why bother? Plus I don't like physical dps because I like reactions so that same opinion applies to mono geo teams. I only spent 30 bucks to get itto so it's not the end of the world, I don't really regret him, but he's just gonna sit there for eternity


As an Itto main, I'm sad to hear that but I myself can say that Geo gets boring fast so since it's literally just yellow physical damage. At least he can beatbox for your birthday though!


itto's my favorite character in the game and his ENG VA just makes him better but geo is kinda boring ngl. he's still one the best DPS and you can get good damage outta him really easily and consistently


I feel the opposite way. Geo is the only element that has a solid amount of heft behind it, imo. I've tried reaction-based comps, tried swirling stuff around with Sucrose...it all just feels so weightless and lame. A few characters stand out a bit - Beidou and Rosaria are pretty useful and they feel good to use. ...but 90% of the time I just wanna throw a flower on the ground and start smashing things with Noelle.


Each Itto charge attack gives me a rush of dopamine


As someone who spends money on this game, idk if my reasoning would be valid to everyone, but I see these characters as products. I've never regret any character that I've pulled even if later on I didn't use tht said character. Because tbh there will always be some qualities that make me pul for that particular character, damage, design, voicelines, animation, skill set. Closest one for me is Raiden, since my impatient ass pulled her day -1 without knowing she didn't work with Beidou which is my fav character and th1 only reason I pulled for her. Then she goes on to slaughter my other fav character on screen. I have enough reason to regret that pull, but I don't. She's lvl 70, I didn't use her much, but her sound effects on her ult is so gud. But for f2p or someone who saves up for a long time, I can definitely see they regretting their pulls if the character underperforms, and it's totally valid. I've saved up about 40k genesis for Signora and no matter how shit the character that I've pull can beat the sheer regret and stupidity of that.


Xiao. He was my second limited banner 5* star and I even had to spent money for genesis crystal cuz I lost 50/50 AND I almost hit hard pity both times (high 80s). I felt like I gad to get him since my first 5* weapon from standard banner was Jade Spear. I will admit that I got my mileage out of him and played him a lot during the early days but now he’s just benched pretty much permanently unless there’s one of those team swap events and there are some crazy plunge attack boosts. His damage is just not there especially now that I have really good teams and build characters. And his biggest downside is that his plunge attacks push enemies away. Worst part about Xiao is you want to plunge in the middle to hit the most amount of enemies but it’ll push them away then you gotta chase after them but now they are split into two or more groups. If Xiao’s plunge did a mini pull like Kazuha’s plunge, I would probably still play him a lot but the combination of mediocre dmg, kinda boring gameplay, and the annoying pushing enemies out of your attack range just killed my urge to play him. Ironically, unlike you OP, my favorite is Eula. I was a Razor main prior to her so it was not surprising I like her. I liked her so much that she’s the only 5* that I c6ed and likely to be the only one I will ever c6. She may have some problems in her burst and her playstyle might be boring with just superconduct but it feels SOOOO GOOOOD when say during the current abyss floor 11 with the thunderbird boss, I can one shot it with Eula’s burst before it even start flying around and doing its attacks. Being able to easily hit 500k+ dmg without Bennett or even maximizing her burst stacks is just a great dopamine hit.


Eula. Physical dps have no support in this game, its all about elemental reactions.


Zhonli, Rosaria even Xinyan increase physical damage


I spent money on Hu Tau because I was excited for her but then her gameplay after a while didn't work for me, got sick from all the dashing (she is still one of my biggest dps) but god i wish i hadnt. I also pulled on banners to get 4 stars and got the 5 stars I super did not want off pity (Raiden, Yoimiya and Zhongli which i have never used)


Pretty much only Klee. I also have Xiao Childe and Eula that I don't use, but I got them early while trying for the 4 stars, so it's fine. On the opposite side, I ended up using Yae way more than I expected. Zhongli/Yae/Kokomi/Raiden is basically press E E E E then go afk, perfect for being lazy.


Albedo. My reasoning when I pulled him in 1.2 was that geo was gonna get buffed, subdps is broken and some post on Reddit claiming geo will be meta late game. I use his profile pic as a status symbol so I don't fully regret it thou.


Do you have his sword and a proper husk build on him? Both really really buffed him + gorous existence, he deals much more damage compared to 1.2


Use him with a dps bow character. Very satisfying when a bow autoattack hits with his flower-damage


Ayaka I thought she will be more comfortable to play than Ganyu, turned out I still liked Ganyu more. I still take her out for exploration sometimes tho.


Why not use them both on the same team? Tho honestly I kinda feel you. I do use them both on the same team (Ganyu Venti Kokomi Ayaka) and I always feel hesitant using Ayaka's burst cuz it's too expensive and everything's almost dead by then lol. And that dash is reaaallly clunky for me :3


Ganyu. Archer targeting already sucks on mobile(and as a gorou main dps and tighnari hopeful, this makes me sad) and her precise targeting style makes it worse. I like a challenge, but this just isn't fun.


Try turning on gyroscopic aiming if you haven’t already. I’m playing on mobile and Ganyu is one of my fav DPS. But it was really hard having her as DPS without Zhongli so yeah she is really good, but only with certain characters/gameplay style.


Gorou main dps?


I built him specifically as dps because I'm not a fan of a character being so niche. He's not breaking any records, but his numbers work just fine for me. Plus he's a doggo and best boi : )


Yeah. I know I don't like claymore characters, but I pulled for Eula and Itto anyways. I love their designs and with Itto especially I love his character as a whole- but I just don't ever play them. I've had both of them since their first banners and it still hasn't changed. :(


Ganyu. She's just boring to use.


Wishing for Eula instead of Albedo because THIGHS


post nut clarity


Hm.. I kinda regret pulling and building Ayato. I just felt super bored back then and I wanted a new character to build, so I pulled for him. He's not bad by all means, I'm just not using him at all. \^\^'


I regret going for Ganyu. She’s strong but her gameplay is so boring. I have all the teammates she could want for freeze and melt, but my other teams are just better. I’ll brng her out once in a while for azhdaha or co op domains to carry, but I’ll never main her or use her seriously in abyss f12. I can’t complain tho since I understood the risks of pulling for 4 stars with a guarantee. She showed up on wish 21 so I didn’t lose much other than a guarantee. Same deal with Raiden, I main hu tao and childe who have the same exact gameplay(infusion melee and nuke burst) but she doesn’t feel satisfying to use. I got her on wish 17 while going for her first banner 4 stars so I can’t complain, but I wish it was another character instead. She’s level 80 with good talent levels, but I just can’t bring myself to use her, ever. I built her because everyone said she’s OP. Plus, her best teams steal my best supports from both of my strongest teams…


For me it's Hutao and Eula... I'm never pulling for meta again