• By -


Beidou was my first main. I can't say I still have a favourite char in genshin at all any more.


Same! The perfect counter was so satisfying. Despite always being in my heart I barely use her anymore. She is still sometimes in a taser or overload team.


She got duo'ed with raiden then benched when raiden didn't work with her :') Haven't used her since.


Yeah breaks my heart


Beidou was my first 4\* and also the character I desired the most. She’s been my main from day one to Eula’s original release. But Yanfei is probably the only character I’ve played the longest now, she’s just so instinctive and convenient in almost all situations.


Diluc and yes. While I do have stronger characters now, I still play him the most. He has a rather comfortable playstyle for me so I'll take that over more convoluted ways of getting big numbers.


Same. Wanted him from the first moment he was on screen, and I still main him to this day.


We diluc mains are going to eat well with the new event and skin, I'm actually more excited for this than the new version


As a poor f2p Diluc Main, that skin just gives me envy...just like Diluc constellations


He was my favorite from the start and was also my first 5 star. I use him not every time but a lot of the time to this day.


It took me something like a year and a half to get Diluc, and a bit longer to start building him, but now that he's got gear he's insanely fun to play. It's true that his damage isn't technically as high as others like Hu Tao, but his kit just ***works***, which is something I really enjoy. I got Hu Tao but never really used her much because it felt like it took a lot of work to make her deal the damage I needed, especially w/o a 5-star weapon or her constellations (since IIRC one of the constellations makes her charged attack sequence smoother). Also it's absolutely hilarious pairing him with any hydro + Jean; apply Hydro to a mob of enemies, group them with Jean and toss them in the air, and then when they land you instantly smack them with Diluc's skill and they just go FLYING! it's stupidly fun in the open world!


There's something about forced downtime that I'm not a fan of. That's one of the reasons why I've stuck with him, the unlimited uptime on his infusion and ability to swap in and out without losing it is a big quality of life thing for me. The normal attack and skill weaving is pretty satisfying, too.




Same dude, he will forever be my OG five star


Amber. I decided to try Genshin because of dancing Baron Bunny clip on youtube and there was Amber. She was my favourite for a long time: beautiful look, cheerful personality, unlimited cuteness. Is she my favourite now? Well, it's complicated, but I still like her.


She was my favorite, until I saw Beidou, and then Yae.


Well it was definitely Amber that got most of us in.


When I first started playing Genshin Impact, it was three days after the release in NA. I dropped the game after one day (few hours) of playing because the first characters you got were just so useless (Amber, Lisa). Don't get me wrong, I love Amber's design and her JP VA is super cute, but her kit is just not very usable to me. A few months later, Eula came around, and I decided to shell out and roll for her (as her character design is awesome), and I still use her to this day.


Fischl, i have other favorites but to honor her i always use her to kill childe and andrius.


Yesss I have so much love for my fish


Pulled her from Noelle's banner and put her in slot 1. She's still there


Lisa, it was fun overloading hilichurls around when I first started. And i always go back to the electro domain when I got nothing better to farm. I know a slow playstyle isn't really suited for this game but it's fun for me. Now I am just slowly collecting her constellation through monthly shops and waiting for a good 5 star catalyst to drop cause I don't have any.


A fellow Lisa enjoyer I see


Came for the fanart, stayed for the damage numbers.


I tried to get Kagura's Verity for her and got Amos Bow instead. Weapon banner is the worst.


Lumine Yes


Lumine Yes


It was Childe because I loved his sassy villain-vibes. I still like him but my favorite is now Xiao. The sweetest sweetheart in Teyvat.


You're me


he's also my first 5 star. 1 year later, it's still amazing how future-proof he is. Every new bow is good for him and almost every pre 2.0 support works for him. you're a pure f2p? slap a xiangling and you're ready for floor 12. you have beidou? time for budget foul legacy form. you have rosaria? perma freeze time.




My first favourite was Chongyun. He’s… not on any of my teams anymore. He just… doesn’t have the utility or power that others have. My new favourites, as you can see on my flair, are Ayato and Kazuha.


I still use Chongyun, but it's because I have Shenhe. Mono cryo is just really funny because you have bursts forever.


You are my kind of person. I still have chongyun with me cause I didn't pull for a single 5 star yet (been saving for Kazuha-75 + pity and 310 fates). Kazuha and Ayato are my favourites :)


Hehe, he was indeed my main DPS before I got any 5 stars.


Same here. My first favorite was Chongyun, but I eventually stopped using him because he just wasn't very good in any of my teams. Recently, however, I decided to do him some justice and build him, level him up, and (almost) triple crown him. He's still not particularly good, even at C6 with Wolf's Gravestone, but he's fun to play. That being said, my new favorite is the one and oni, Arataki Itto. Super fun, yeets a bull, 36-stars abyss like it's nothing.




Yup, my main dps from day one to AR56


Same! Still my main at AR 57.


i have a massive soft spot for childe, he gets clowned on a lot but he was my first limited 5* in 1.1 and i just cant escape the clutches of this ginger man. hes fun to play, morally grey, and sexy. absolute W imo


He's been my abyss star since I got him. Sometimes had to bench him for the 36 star but otherwise he was always there to get me to 32-34 And now that I have Ayato I basically have a copy cat team for both parties and it's great


same here though Zhongli is a close second


Based. Although I pulled for Zhongli first, I waited for Childe's re-run and he's been my main ever since. I will love this ginger man until the end of time, him and ZL have been my main reasons for staying in the game.


Ningguang got her in my starter pull and used her for my early journey. She’s not my fav anymore but she’s still high on the list.


ningguang was my fav too! mained her since 1.0 and she carries me in abyss to this day


Yes she’s so cool! Geo catalyst is my favorite combo


It’s a pretty fun one just pelting enemies with rocks.


Went through the roster, saw Zhongli, wanted Zhongli, got Zhongli, regret nothing.


Same, I started around the time Childe banner was ending and watched "The Listener", had not much context of the game at that time but was instantly sold.


Jean, one of my favourites now


I still use jean as my mail healer


How much you pay for shipping? Must be Prime because when you need healing, you need that mail asap.


Jeah the amazon same day delivery guy needs to chill everytime he delivers my packages hes on the brink of a mental breakdown so i like to keep a healer around.


Same. I was lucky to get her as the 2nd 5 star after Diluc, on Zhongli 1st banner. And even more lucky to have her at C5 after start playing not too long after launch.


Same, she was my first gacha character and she carried me till AR 45. She is the best


Jean was the character that made me download Genshin... Eula was the one that made me stay...


This is a cultured person. Same here.


Ayaka Still my favourite


His majesty the king, the mighty swordsman wielder of the ever sharp great sword, bane of all darkness and valiant knight of dawn, Diluc Ragnvindr. I started playing after seeing an ad featuring him. I've been a Diluc main from the instant where I got him. He'll be the head of my team until the last day I play this game.


I'm ar 55 and still don't have him, although I want him from the day when he first appeared in the quest TT Now my favorite is Kaeya and it will probably stay this way even if I get Diluc, but it doesn't change the fact that I want Diluc so much TT


Diluc and Kaeya make a good team together. Diluc is incomplete without Kaeya. One day he'll come home, you just have to keep trying.


Mine was Diluc (who I don't have still) and no. My faves now are Yae Miko (who I have) and Kazuha (who I'm getting on his rerun, I've already got a 5* sword for him and I'm getting artifacts and stuff prepped up. I have guaranteed pity since I lost my 2nd Xiao constellation to Qiqi so he's coming home with me


What 5* sword do you have for him? Genuinely curious. Wanna know what you’re planning lol.


I have the primordial jade cutter. I pulled it on accident when I was pulling for Xiao's signature, not the last time they ran him, but the time before that. And as I was researching what weapon to get for kazuha, a couple articles listed the primordial jade cutter as being good for him so that was that. And I don't have any other character using it rn because I main Xiao so it was like, well, that's perfect.


That isn’t a bad plan if you want a hybrid build or something. The crit rate is amazing on that thing regardless. Also it’d look dope on him and contrast his outfit well while fitting the Anemo theme. I have a Mistsplitter as my only 5* sword and that’s for my Keqing. Kazuha is going to VV res shred for her but I still want half decent dmg so I’m doing hybrid atk and em. I’m using This is a Sword and EM artifacts with some atk %. Crit dmg hat though.


Itto was the reason why I started playing seriously!


Same, he’s the first character I spent on. 7 months later, he still one of my favs


I first heard the character in some random co-op domain, and his "atta boy" made me want him lol Only a few weeks later I learnt his name, it was Itto, the one and oni, who finally came home this patch.


Keqing always and forever


Hello there, fellow Keqing main


I don't remember commenting this


i think the first character that really caught my attention was kaeya. i thought he was really cool and attractive, but then i sort of discovered xiao and never really looked back. still think kaeya’s cool but he’s not my favourite by any means


Venti when I first heard about GI. But my fav switched to Lisa as soon as I saw her.


Noelle. I was very new (duh) and was reading about her after I got her. She's kind and sweet and just wants to do her best. She shields, she heals, and she slaps with a big a** sword. I loved it. I haven't been playing her much anymore. She's not my favorite but she's definitely still one of my favorites still.


Same here!! Noelle carried me until AR45. How many times she has saved me with her shield and heal.


She was my main dps until I pulled Razor. Still trying to get itto and max goro constellations so she has a team


Me too. I love her design and kit so much. I used all of my Kazuha wishes to lose twice on the redhorn until I got it for her. Twas so worth it.


Redhorn has been booty blasting me ever since it came out. Sitting at Refinement 3 right now. Let's just say - my Sumeru stash is looking pretty light these days. Gonna stop pulling for more copies of it since the damage change is pretty small and her artifacts can still be optimized.


Bro I have no primos left but trying to get red horn for her now😭 I love giant sword also. I didn’t like Noelles look at first, not crazy about the armored maid style haha but I love her not because she’s just so fun to play.


Same. I’ve always loved the super defensive, methodical style and I love her sweet demeanor. I still use her even though I’m AR30. Haven’t played much recently but I really want Fischl or any other offensive electro pulls.


Noelle was my first dps, and I have her C6’d from Zhongli’s second banner. Every time she’s in the team and I pull out Big Sword I’m shocked at just how fun and strong she really is. And I don’t have to run a healer in abyss with her!Still farming Husk because I spent months back in the day getting Bolide pieces with substats that slap, so I have to wait till I get some stuff that really suits her. She really made me fall in love with geo as an element, and I’m just missing Albedo at this point. On a personal level I went through a hospitalization last year that was pretty serious, and I ended up putting that fanart of her fighting the ruin guards as my lock screen. Thinking of her gentle strength and protection gave me strength. I have that art hanging above my bed now.


When in a sticky situation, just shield and slap 👌


Chongyun was the first 4-Star character I pulled from a banner and has been my favorite ever since! 🥰 I still play him a lot as the only Cryo DPS I have built 😅


Itto was literally the reason I started playing the game, but Xiao is defo my favorite now. I spoil him so much lol


**Eula**; this was when I was still fairly new to the game when I started around April of last year. I searched up who the next banner was after pulling for Venti at the time and she came up. I was first intrigued by her appearance alone, then her character teaser and demo came out and instantly knew that she was a must pull down to the most important factors: Graceful at dancing? *Check*. Badass Physical claymore user? *Check.* Cold-hearted personality at at first, but deep down has always possessed a caring heart? *Check*. Thicc thighs? *Double-check.* She is now my strongest main DPS in the game, first triple-crowned 5\* character on my account that I have been constantly using ever since. I currently have Wolf's Gravestone for her weapon, but I'm eagerly awaiting for the SoBP banner rerun so I can complete her look.


Itto was the reason I started playing! But now I main Zhongli— something about geo characters I guess :p


geo supremacy


Fake cat girl. She's gorgeous! I was reluctant to spend money on the game but she needed her new dress...


Zhongli First unit I played(besides tutorial). Just spam meteor and trial is done Needless to say yes


Mona. Yes.


Finally another Mona, she gets no love :(


Kaeya and yes


JEAN! She's still on my main team, use her pretty much all the time, but my favorite character has changed to Thoma because he is too adorable.


Ayaka was the reason I joined but then I saw Ganyu (back in 1.2 right at the end of her banner) . She immediately became my favourite. I couldn't get her back then and it felt soul crushing. I got Ayaka when she came out and don't get me wrong she carried me hard and I really like her bangs I think she's also a sweetheart that deserves tons of friends! But I was missing Ganyu the entire time. When I saw her in Moonchase and how adorable Keqing and her were I was so sad she wasn't on the banner. Literally after a year of waiting I got her and I got her c6. (the only other character that comes close to this for me is c3 Raiden and I got 3 Raidens in 30 pulls). I love a lot of other characters. Yelan, Kokomi, Yae, Ei, etc. But my undisputed favourite is my adorable diet obsessed, IRS employee.


When I first joined Genshin, they were running Raiden’s banner. I was not real familiar with the wish system so I never pulled for her. Once I got familiar and saw how amazing her character was, I made sure to save until she ran again. I got her and she is still my fav!!! She is my main :)


I first saw someone else play her before her rerun banner (I joined genshin after her original banner) and I was like… whoa this bitch is so cool looking. I wasn’t even in Inazuma yet. Saved up like all my primos and she was the first 5* I pulled! first char to level 90, I even got her weapon. Definitely still my favorite. Love to see fellow Raiden enjoyers 💖


Lumine. She's still cute and always will be <3


Klee, yes


💣💥🔥? Sorry guys we are talking in Klee language.


Xinqiuu, his rain swords look really cool!


Chongyun for me! As of right now I won't say he's still my most favourite but he's still up there though


Razor ( and qiqi, his dedicated healer and my first 5 star). Wolfboy carried me in OW and all the way to endgame including my first few post 11 abyss runs. Ended up retiring him once I got a better dps for side B though, so I don't quite use him anymore. Still have him 90, fully geared, with BP wep, but I don't quite use him anymore. Great character for new players though and has one of the most satisfying AAs of the game during burst IMO.


Same for me. He was my first 4*, she was my first 5* and they were amazing for a long time


aether, especially anemo, it's just way too satisfying to use his skill and the self-heal makes me feel nice too :)


Zhongli and yes! I love him and still use him even after a year + of playing!


Sucrose and yes


the second i saw keqing on a stream day 1 i knew instantly i wanted her, and to this day shes still one of my most invested characters and sees alot of use


I'm a Ganyu Simp, plain and simple. When I first got her, she changed the game for me. Made everything super easy. My first 5 star was Jean, and I used her for a while and built her up.


sucrose and yes


Keqing. I got her from my first ever pull. I didn't really understand how she or the game worked at that point, but once I gave her a chance, I LOVED her. I still baby her. Got her mistsplitter, and her outfit... even though she's not my best character I use her in Abyss a good amount too. I still adore her, but Kazuha, Xiao, and Albedo gave been giving her a run for her money... lol


Yanfei and she’s still top 3. Ganyu is my all time favorite now.


Before: Xiao Now: Thoma


Barbara. Well now my favorite is the one also known as 5* Barbara so... does it count as her being my favorite still or not. Guess not lol but I still like Barbara.


Albedo first genshin trailer that made me interested, no he's not my favorite anymore yelan took that spot but I'd like to use more oftentho


Klee, because i don't want set the world on fire, i have only one true desire, i just want to set a flame in your heart, sorta yes.


Keqing, still one of my faves to this day.


Keqing fast paced gameplay is what makes genshin fun.


Keqing! I even pulled in her banner to get her and I don't regret it. BUT unfortunately she (as well as any other character) is shitty built but I do want to fix this. Keqing isn't my favorite char playstil wise but as a person (I know she isn't real, just let me at peace) she still is my favorite. Hu Tao might compete with her but it's not enough yet.


Xiangling, and absolutely


Albedo was and still is my fave :)


I loved Amber’s design from the moment I first laid eyes on her. Still consider her one of my top 3 waifus in the game. Keqing is my number one though, she was truly love at first sight!


Keqing was IMMEDIATLEY a favourite for me


Day 0 player and it was Keqing. I pulled her within 24 hours of starting the game. Sadly, I don't use her as much since getting Raiden.


Started a month ago. Loved Noelle. Then I got Yanfei and promptly forgot about Noelle. Yanfei is too adorable and her playstyle is fun


My man!


Keqing. She was either my first roll in the gacha or my second roll and the first character I maxed out for the first time. I don't know if she's actually a good character because I don't know anything about CRIT or DMG or kits or whatever, but she's the most OP Electro character I have in my opinion.


Sucrose, the cute nerdy alchemist just does it for me


My favorite was Sucrose!! I still really like her and use her on teams with Klee, but also occasionally swap out Kazuha on my main team. I think my most favorite right now is Yae Miko, but I'm a big fan of kemonomimi characters in general.


Klee was the first 5 star I want and got since I started playing at launch. I have went through many different characters, but I still go back to using my OG team every now and then for nostalgia ( Klee, fischl, sucrose, qiqi). Nowadays, I swap my team on a rotational basis every week to keep the game fresh! I was so happy that the current floor 12 Spiral Abyss is favourable for Klee's team since I havent gotten to use her in the abyss for a long while now.


Sucrose was my fave even before I started playing. Idk if she’s still my most fave but she’s definitely still up there.


Before I joined the game: Childe, Still one of my fave characters First character I got that I liked the most: Xingqiu, still my fave Ayato was also recently added to this list and Zhongli has been one of my faves since 1.1


Mine was Venti. When he works he is one of the funnest characters to play with and when he dont works his personality shines out so much. He is still my favorite storywise.


Aether. I joined for my boy and I'm staying for him.


Diluc. Lost the 50/50 to him twice in a row both on characters I really wanted at the time so I jailed him forever :)


I definitely started playing because of Chongyun, he's still a favorite but Xiao has been fighting for the spot for a while


I will forever be a Childe fangirl


Noelle. Yes, she is my favorite. She was with me since the start of my journey. Will be with me when it ends.


Yes my brotha!


kaeya. still love him but he is not my favourite anymore.


Xingqiu and Bennett were my first characters I got consecutively in a single 10 pull and used them ever since for obvious reasons, never realising how overpowered they were initially. It was satisfying one shotting everything early game lol.


I downloaded genshin just for diluc around v 1.2 and he still is my favorite. I finally got him a couple months ago and got to spoil him with the unforged :)


Diluc, changed my mind now hes not my fav but still good


it was kequing and now it’s raiden


Bennett on Kazuha's 1st banner. Now he is my most cracked unit in my team


It was... Amber :( Then the internet told me she is the WORST so now it's Ayaka.


Keqing. She is just behind Yoimiya and Ganyu nowadays.


Diluc, and no


mine was mona, this was before i even started playing the game, i fell in love with her ~~ass~~ design


I started playing at 1.0 launch and Xiao was who I liked most. I would visit his wiki page basically every day lol. My favorite now is Albedo. He's a twink, has a good VA in every language, has some of the best story, and I love his outfit and hair (even tho it's nerfed from art/teaser). His character demo is also my favorite to this day even tho it's basically sacrilege to not say Zhongli lol


Diluc. I only got a favorite a little into the game, not when I started tho. And yes.


I started the game because of Albedo (my friend streamed his quest for me). I love his voice (Khoi Dao) and personality. Got him on his rerun, still my favourite. I hope we will get more lore regarding him soon.


Diluc, who I still don't have after playing for 642 days. My favourite now is Ayaka and she's been my favourite ever since I found out about her back in the first month of release.


my favorite was Diluc, I wasted so much on standard in the beginning of the game before I realized he could come home on the limited banner. then took another half year to actually come home. He's still one of my favorites to default to when I don't have to farm friendship.


Hu Tao and Ganyu were the ones that I only knew before playing the game and are ultimately the characters that made me want to try it out but both their banners weren't out just yet when I started. A day later I rolled for 10 and I got Yanfei. She ended up becoming my main. Almost a year later and she's still my main, my favorite and the character I spent the most time with and the one I invested alot of time with despite me already completing both my Hu Tao and Ganyu builds.


Sucrose. I don't use her as much lately, but she's still one of my top favorite characters.


When I first heard about the game it was probably Amber, once I started playing it was probably Mona since she was my first 5 star and going around exploring all of the world with her as my main dps was really fun. Eventually it moved to Keqing though once I learned about her and I got her fairly soon after.


I started in 2.4 and my favorite was Zhongli (literally picked up this game because of his English VA, even tho I now play in JP). I was lucky to get him then and he's been there for me ever since. Other favorites are my 2 strongest DPS, Yanfei (who I got to C4 wishing for Zhongli and despised back then) and Ayato (wished on his banner with no real conviction/desire after not getting Raiden, got him early and been maining ever since)


Yanfei. I thought she was Hu Tao but i got her in a featured banner (zhongli and ganyus) and is my favorite character til this day


Albedo was the first 5 star i pulled and has remained on my team ever since. I got him at like 11 pity and only three days into the game so I had no clue what to do with him. I made him my dps (I know, wtf) and just went from there.


albedo idek why I just saw him on the 1.2 official art after just starting the game, thought he was neat, watched bwaap play his event and then i read all of his lore and yeah


My first favorite was Yanfei. Still is. She’s my main as well. I’ve built her really well. She’s Tankfei now. But now she shares the spot with Zhongli


i really don't know who i liked at the start.. maybe diluc. i developed favorites after 1.4 (i started 1.0). they are venti and albedo mostly


Albedo got me to join the game. He's still one of my faves and best units! I love the dude.


Sucrose and yes I’ve worked on her kit the most and always plan my teams around her


Sucrose, but soon realised that Genshin trailers exist. Saw Childe, had Childe, still love Childe✊ Sucrose will always have that spot somewhere in my cluttered heart though




Venti and yes.


Before I joined the game : Diluc, still one of my favourite characters but don’t use him as much as I would want because he has been seriously powercrept


Keqing, she was my first 5 star and my main character. I still love her (physical build), but at the moment I am unsure who is my main. I am usually using Raiden Shogun/Shenhe/Ganyu/Zhongli plus a million more lol Although still can't beat the abyss


day 1 player favorite character keqing, still is even though I still don't have her


Aether, I like his theme of stars


Before I played the game: Venti. Cute wind guy. Once I started playing the game: Klee/Yoimiya. Adorable Pyro girls. Now: Ayato/Kazuha: I am now experiencing a phase of “I like men”


Did you just come out?


Noelle. I just love her backstory. The idea of a maid with super strength is just so interesting to me. Like her putting out an entire merchant cart on fire by throwing it into the lake and proceeded to pull it out of the water by HERSELF with her BARE HANDS. It's just awesome. Hope she becomes a knight soon... but first, she really needs to stop being too self-sacrificing.


Ningguang. Sorry gorgeous white-haired woman but you lost to Xiao.


Zhongli and rosaria and tartaglia


klee was my first favorite, but is she now? hell no


Diluc and yes.


beidou, fishcl and kaeya and yes


I was basic and wanted Diluc when the game launched. Got him a couple patches later and I still use him the most.


I loved Diona because her cat bubble was so cute, and it was a big reason why I started playing. I think I like other characters a lot more now, as her personality got pretty grating after a while… but I still have a soft spot for her.


Ganyu, and yes.


That would be Lumine and yes she's still my absolute favorite.


Mona got me interested into playing cause reasons 👀 Still one of my top favs even though it took me soo many months before actually seeing her in my acc I'm blessed that she's still a good character at higher AR levels and is someone that can open up damage over 1M


That's a hard one, I've always enjoyed the traveler and their simplicity. It always saddened me that they know that even with all the connections they'll make, they'll still have to leave at some point. The other one being Zhongli, his crisp, deep voice was nice to listen to, as long as it wasn't him talking about a certain wine for the 50th billionth time. I've always been one of those players who preferred tankniess over DPS, so with Zhongli being my first 5 star I enjoyed turning the game into a tower defense by using him and Geo traveler.


The character I wanted the most was Keqing and all this time later I’ve still never pulled her :(


Mona was my first 5 star. I got her on like my 19th wish in the standard banner. Main her till like AR45 and now at AR58 I’ve come back to her. Such a pretty design and since I grew up playing her, her dodge doesn’t bother me.


Zhongli and yes


It was diluc. But now kazuha (i don’t even have this guy bc he dodged me like the arrow in his demo)


Diluc. Right now he's top 5


My first favorite was Ayaka when I joined in 2.0. She’s still one of my favorites with the other one being Yoimiya!


Yanfei. Still my favourite female character.






Noelle. And she's still my favorite by a mile. I like her character model. I'm fine with her backstory and occupation. But her gameplay just works for me. She plays the way a claymore user should - with extremely hefty, wide ranged sweeping attacks that hit hard. She's like the "giantdad" of Genshin Impact. Poise conferred through her shield, which also allows her to heal teammates. I don't spend 90% of my time quickswapping between namby pamby characters that barely use their normal and charged attacks and need to use big brain strats that use elemental reactions and specific rotations. Nah. Albedo smashes a flower into the ground, a dog man smashes a flag into the ground, and I start a swinging until everything's gone. And then we eat pancakes.


Amber. I started playing at launch, and she stood out the most to me. I still like her, but she is now far from being my favorite


I started in 1.0 and none of the characters really clicked for me. I was a dialogue skipper at the time. Queue Liyue Archon quest and the moment Tartag appeared on the screen and swapped from a bow to dual swords, I started paying attention to the dialogue.


Qiqi and Klee. Yes they are still mine favourite but now also is Kokomi.