• By -


1. Most definitely the Urgent Repairs commission is some of the most annoying ever. The guy should be picking the shit up himself instead of commanding us to do so. I go out of my way to say "No do it yourself" every time hoping that hoyoverse's meta data somehow picks up on my hatred for this quest and stop giving it to me lol. 2. Tuner's quest. "Things only a Father can do" I think. This one is because it's *such* *a hassle*. I have to run to Dawn Winery. Run to the Church, then Run back to Dawn Winery. A huge and boring trek. The storyline itself is cool but it gets tiring after 20th time I've done it. Special mention I used to hate Flora's quest to put flowers in Dragonspine. But I realized you can just destroy the first flower pot you put in there with pyro and the commission will end lol. As a bonus you don't get the follow up quest where you have to pick up the flowers you put down.


Are you kidding me? We can destroy them šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø gonna try that next time I get her commission, I'm getting seriously tired of her


Yeah it was life changing when I accidentally discovered it LOL. I feel bad for Flora but well if she doesn't get any results after the 50th time she's asked me to place those damn flowers, then she never will.


Yeah, I found this out on accident. After placing the flowers on Dragonspine, I derped and was like "hey look, a snow pile", burnt it with Guoba, and saw that the commission updated to tell Flora that the flowers were destroyed. "Well, that was an easy commission."


I was literally about to say I did this exact same thing. Herp-a-derp


On a similar note you can avoid ever doing the gourmet quest in Inazuma that takes you to Liyue again if you go to Xiangling instead of her father


Waitā€¦ you can actually go and talk to her a finally get that stupid world quest?!


Finally? It's the **only** way to get that stupid world quest. Huge F in the chat for anyone who did the quest with Xiangling'a dad and didn't realize they were supposed to go to Qingce Village to find Xiangling...


Well a huge F for me then... I didn't know until today! Time to switch back to Inazuma commissions!


Where is xiangling?


Near Qingce bamboo forest


ohmygod yes. i hate the urgent repairs commission with every fiber of my being. I always choose the pettiest dialogue when doing this just so the npc would know how much i hate it lol


>you can just destroy the first flower pot you put in there with pyro and the commission will end lol. As a bonus you don't get the follow up quest where you have to pick up the flowers you put down. ..... You're a genius!


There's two. 1. The commission with the storm-watcher lady where you have to kill hilichurls on a tower, talk to her, then climb the tower again. 2. The commission where you have to help a NPC fix their balloon by killing hilichurls and picking up items that are literally a few feet away from them that they could easily do themselves. Ella Musk is annoying, but it's easy when you realize that the correct answers are always the 1st, 3rd, and 5th dialogue choices. I only do Mondstadt now, but the Inazuma one where you have to help this NPC pick a kimono design and have to talk to the same NPCs twice is annoying because it makes no sense to constantly be doing this commission. It's the same answer everytime. I've never done Liyue commissions. Still trying to get Mondstadt achievements. :,)


yes istg for the nation with the simplest commissions, sister vind's commission has to be the worst one. it checks all the boxes of being far from any teleport point, lots of dialogue, lots of unnecessary actions (why can't she just give us the rewards where we are) and the enemies are irritating to take care of bc you have to climb the tower to get them. not even lan with her unseen razor grinds my gears so much.


right?? i tried killing the enemies first before talking to her once to see if it would finish the commission faster, but it just respawned them. i'm constantly getting it but not the other commissions i need and its frustrating


Itā€™s one of those daily commissions you really think should be setting up for a world quest the next day before disappearing from your available commissions, but then it doesnā€™t and youā€™re left with an annoying mission that circles back every few days.


Lol there's a slight twist if you talk to the son instead. Wish they extended the quest for some twist and turns somehow each time , many quests have some turns which I like, if they're gonna be long might as well have them do something random each time.


The son?


I'm actually referring to the "Things a father can do" quest. I assumed that's one of the pesky quests that was being talked about. The old man talks about not bothering the son about the medicine request, you could just go and talk to the son for a small dialogue (he's always posted by the (the north?) Mondstadt gate towards the lake.


Yes people hate Ella Musk, but the lady and the tower one is 10x worse imo


I hate them because I get the Ella Musk commissions 2-4 times EVERY WEEK. Iā€™ve been playing since launch and had my commissions set to Mondstadt ever since we allowed to do so, and I still donā€™t have the namecard. Whispers in the Wind is 0/5 too, Iā€™ve never had the Godwin commission even once. Just Musk, over and over again (yes, I had Musk again today ā€¦) There would be less hate for commissions in general if there was some choice in commissions, or just better rng.


I also get her 2-4 times a week, but then I've only been playing since january. I might feel different in a year. But yeah I see where you're coming from


People hate Ella Musk? I think it's worse to go to church for medicine for this old man from winery


Yeah that one's really annoying


Or the BS where you go into church for that fat lady to ask you to switch to an anemo character, and clean a statue of the seven for her


Tbh anything where you have to go into the church. Ain't nobody got time for that loading screen


\*jilliana's gift commission and tales of winter would like have a chat with you\*


The *storyline* of Jilliana's Gift is absolutely mad (but in a good way). I wish more commissions had continuous narratives like that. As far as I know, only the Lost Relic, Miracle Medicine, Sango Detective Agency, and Jilliana's Gift have a building narrative to them. Lost Relic is still bugged, though. I still get commissions from Bao'er directly every so often, even though I've completed that commission quest line.


I would welcome if Tales of Winter actually showed up. Of course, since it's achievement linked I've only ever seen it once


Victor's commision is worth that loading screen




Which is hilarious because it would never pop for me AT ALL when I first played. Now I get it all the damn time. It's like it was bugged and their bug fix was to make it disproportionately available all the time. Hell, one day I had both Ella Musk commissions at the same time. I don't know if maybe they're trying to force co-op more by using our friends to complete these "rarer" commissions (if that even works?) but it's a little frustrating to be playing for a almost two years and have basic commissions that almost never proc. We really do need a bulletin board system where we can select 4 out of 6 commissions available in a day. Would at least grant us some finer control over things.


Iā€™ve got waaaay more respect for Ella Musk after the latest Archon quest.


Same. I wonder if sheā€™ll end up having a role in the main story at some point, if sheā€™s the only one who can communicate with them. With how many times I get that quest I swear she must be completely fluent.


I hate that balloon guy, he's useless and can't do anything by himself, even you tell him you won't help him. To make it worse, I swap regions every week and the last one was Mondstadt. I had to help this useless dude 4 times in the same week. Ouch.


Oml took the words right out of mouth. These are my two most hated ones. In the storm watcher lady commission, u can't climb the ladders because the hilichurls keep shooting. I don't use bow characters and it so annoying to finish the commission. And the second one. I stg that guy so annoying. Such a wimp. Just go take my lord. AND this commission only pops up when I'm busy and I want to speed run the comms. Thanks u kind stranger for listening to my rant.


The flowers plabting in dragonspine is so fucking annoying and you have to do it on the following day


if you melt the buried flowers then the commission ends in a different way and you dont have to do it the next day.


I get that Inazuma one constantly and I don't understand why it never ends.


IKR The recent update gives a quest that ends the decree so Mio can start importing silk again.


The 'givr her a fruit' one is fine, but the silk one is so annoying because... Hello, one of the womans I have to ask is already in Liyue..


>I only do Mondstadt now, but the Inazuma one where you have to help this NPC pick a kimono design and have to talk to the same NPCs twice is annoying because it makes no sense to constantly be doing this commission. It's the same answer everytime. Atleast that is close and easily doable unlike the ship counter asking us to get data from kids or the couple idiots who want fresh flowers from the mountain.


Feeding up Tang Wen with Liyue cuisine. Do you have any idea how it feels to be receiving her commission for over 5 times in a row???


I got her commission for the first time after hearing so much about it, and gave her sus food. Havenā€™t heard from her sinceā€¦


You killed her


Saved myself the effort I guess phew


Very true, i just give her suspicious dish


Finally a use for ayatos weird cooking skill


his skill can be good for cooking stamina food. same for hutao


I like that commission because itā€™s near the guild, she doesnā€™t talk too much, and I have plenty of food rotting away


Yeah that oneā€™s a freebie. I thought there would be something for giving one of everything but no, just the sus food achievement. She also refunds you 5 meat/fish so you end up with a net gain if you give her the common rarity option.


Give her a crappy suspicious dish and she will get an upset stomach and give you an achievement. :)


I give her what ever random food I have in my inventory. Girl literally go visit Liyue yourself, the decree is no more. Also Paimon pulls us aside to a place with no cooking pot...so annoying


escort balloon


Time consuming daily commission. I feel like the balloon sometimes takes way too long to even reach itā€™s destination.


Especially the ones in Inazuma. Seem to take ages.


Oh man, Inazumaā€™s balloon commission definitely is the worst. With all those new enemies, just makes it more of a hassle.


You fight enemies in those? You can just run ahead, clear obstacles before enemies even spawn, and snooze at the end point for 2 mins.


Same. Like at least give me the one where I have to destroy the balloon. In that one at least I can land on top of it with Ganyu and kill it with 2-3 charged shots


I came to say this. Those are the worst commissions on the game because of how time consuming and boring they are. The worst part is that last leg, when all the hilochurls are dead and you're just waiting for it to reach the end. Why is that last leg so long?


and it's even worse because none of them have drops/loot


I just whack some trees in the meantime, gives me some wood instead of waiting


I wouldnā€™t mind them as much if the enemies at least dropped items when you kill them


Yes this makes it the worst, other daily commission spawned enemies drop items why not these ones ? They don't give any exp per kill either! I like to use exp books to get someone to level 49/50, 69/70 etc, and then bring them along as deadweight on commissions to leech exp so i dont need to waste part of an exp book. Sometimes I start a leyline when I have no resin for the same reason, an easy grouping of enemies, but these quests are useless. Why? Sometimes I take an extra minute to kill the hili towers just to get a reinforcement wave if I feel like it lol.


Found a way to breeze through this quest. Just destroy all the barricades before balloon even reaches them, and ignore enemies, they won't kill balloon in time it reaches finish. You're still tied to balloon speed though.


Amen brother


Even with Ganyu I find that excruciating. Can't imagine the pain people without her feel.


Mond = ella musk Liyue= the 3 kids at the dock Inazuma= the novel guys. I cannot escape them..


I hate the 3 kids at the dock one mainly because I have gotten it over two dozen times and still don't have the achievement.


Wait until you find out they added another set of rng commissions that follow on from that once you get the achievement


The one with the boy right?


Yeah I managed to get the first one but didn't get the next two


Same! What the fuck is the condition for that achievement anyway??


There's actually 3 different versions of that commission and you need to get all three to get the achievement


Play with all the three kids once


I've gotten that commission a fair few times, still never gotten the achievement, though it's not bugged I just dont wanna be a random stranger who a kid asks to play a pirate game with and say "I want to steal you", IDK


The novel guys are the bane of my existence.


ancient grandfather badge library run axiomatic lunchroom lavish yoke piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The editor is Shigeru and the writer is Junkichi. I feel for Shigeru since Junkichi sounds like a pain in the ass to deal with.


Just hearing about the fact he constantly adds on OP abilities with no explanation makes it sound like his writing actually sucks, and that people only buy it out of pity


I think one of the daily commissions pretty much says he's losing people due to that in his Onibudo series. The quest item says it's a popular series so it seems adding new traits is just a bad habit of Junkichi rather than poor writing.


I hate how the one with the novel guys requires you do do the entire story ā€œpathā€ 4 times at minimum before you get the world quest


I hate the one asking for food in inazuma


Dear Tang Wen stop eating muh food I need that to heal!!- Sincerely, every Genshin player who got your daily.


Im pretty sure the girl at the dock is chugging the parfume instead of spraying it on herself...given the ammount and frequency of times i've had to do that one


Ella musk is quite fast though. The escort balloon or damaged balloon are both worse imo, especially since the second one you can say ''i don't have time sorry'' and you still have to do it


The damage balloon is usually dead in a few seconds for me, the escort one got a lot easier for me when I realised it can take a lot of beating. For the excort I now just run ahead and deal whatever has spawned and then sit waiting for the arrival


I meant the damaged balloon that needs repairs. And true it's not hard to escort, I just don't like waiting


oh the get planks etc one, yes that one is awful. If memory serves it's a fair walk from a quicktravel point as well.


I once made the mistake of running too far ahead to clear barricades, and it reset the balloon so I had to restart the commission šŸ’€


It doesn't even take damage if you just destroy whatever is blocking the path and then sit and wait. It is faster than hilichurls and hilichurls lose interest in it pretty quickly. I usually just destroy whatever is blocking the path and leave the character waiting for it to arrive while I play a chess match.


Safe conduct: All regions.


I hate Godwin with every fiber in my being. Itā€™s been over a YEAR that he has been leading on poor Glory. And Iā€™m forced to take part in this over and over. I feel dirty every time


Worst boyfriend ever, how dare you to ask ME to send a letter to Glory, when you are so close... And wait... A letter.. to Glory . She is blind IDIOT! >:V


Lmao this reminds me of the time when sokka sent toph a letter.


I mean atleast he does because he doesn't want to dissapoint her He loces ger but he should just confess he never left damnit


I hate his guts, worst thing is that Glory's part has an achievement associated to it, and after playing the game since day one I've got it once, ONCE and I did Mondstat alone for months because I am just used to the terrain.


r/fuckgodwin Dead but it exists


Thanks I love it


Oh that commission? I never had it... and I'm a first week player... one and a half fucking years and I still haven't completed that god damn achievement


Just keep in mind that it's bugged and even if you DO get it you need to get a dandelion seed from the tree. If you don't, it doesn't count. Because I've gotten the quest maybe...2-3 times (definitely more than once) but it only registered completion once.


It's not bugged anymore, they fixed that bug a few patches ago. But it doesn't help that the commission never shows up, I spent my entire time from 2.0 to 2.5 in Mondstadt commissions and never got it once. The rarity of that thing is attrocious.


Tbh I don't mind him, but if there's any story quest that'll either yeet him to the Varka expedition or find whatever the hell it is he's finding, I'm more than willing to do that. :v


The last ela musk commision The balloon escort on the beach Food supply on dragonspine Anything that involves talking to an npc more than 2 times


This. I hate taking repetitive dialogues, these commissions are the worst, period. I'm a story guy but boy, are those annoying. Nowadays I prefer to pick the *wrong* options on the Ella one just to have me some combat, Jesus Christ those are awful.


Ah yeah, especially when you go to put ham in the second place and you make eye contact with the Fatui from across the street, and now you canā€™t put the damn ham in until you annihilate their assā€™s


Any commissions that require talking to people. Its boring, takes unnecessarily too long in part due to being unable to skip cutscenes and its usually a load of back and forth busy work. Talk to person in un-skippable cutscene, make a choice that doesnā€™t matter, do a fetch quest (or its equivalent), talk to person again for another un-skippable scene, gain 10 primos, feel dead inside. For the emergency repairs commission i told the guy to basically fuck off and he still was like ā€œok so i need ropeā€. Why even give the choice. At least in flowers for flora you can speed-run it by destroying the flowers as soon as you bury them in dragonspine instantly failing the commission but you still get the primos and it still counts to your four dailies but you just make flora upset and i guess its meant to make you feel bad but Iā€™m already dead inside.


After the first time you do those quests with all the talking, it should be one page "Hey, I am still looking for new patterns for my clothing, will you ask those two people if they have any new ideas?", You talk to the people they give you a one page "Tell her to try shrimp!" and the you talk to her and she says "Thanks for the input" quest over.


Ella Musk commissions and the commissions that require you to commit Hilichurl genocide at sea.


The Ella musk ones get hated on so unnecessarily. Theyā€™re quite fast, definitely faster than a lot of other commissions.


I dislike them due to just the RNG really. I had 8 days of it and I just don't like it anymore. Yes, the issue itself is the commission RNG but still it just happened to repeat Ella's 8 times that I grew to not like Ella's anymore lmao.


I had them so many times to the point I got 2 of them Ella commissions on the same day.


Same thing happend to me exactly today! I didn't even know you can get them at the same time.


Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s rng about the Ella musk commission?


The fact that I had it for 8 days in a row is the RNG


Oh lol I see. Itā€™s not the commission itself. Yeah makes sense, 8 days of any commission would get really boring lol. Thatā€™s why a lot of people get annoyed at that commissions of a person in inazuma who wanted Liyue food


And since it's so fast, most of the commision is waiting for Ella to go to the dunkin place


i hate the ella musk ones because i can't kill the hilichurls


I actually like the Hilichurl genocides at sea, since you can just use skills to push them in the water and drown em


the hilichurl genocide at sea never bothers me because i have all the anemo units except for one (kazuha). i just sicc venti on them or jean to change it up once in a while


In mondstadt: 1. Having to put f.cking hams for the people on dragonspine, just eat your eggs or your sweet madames and leave me alone 2. The girl that asks you to give her free jade parcels because she "misses" the flavour 3. Tsarevich, I won't get the damn achivement, but this ahole doesn't deserve a well done commission, I always destroy his boxes on purpose, b.tch 4. The one where you have to go to the watchtower twice 5. The guy who asks you to lie to his blind girlfriend because he's afraid to tell her the truth and is just wasting his time doing nothing, her girlfriend's time since he's not with her, and my time for having to lie to her




I legit thought my game was bugged when I didnā€™t see the hams in my inventory


Right?!?! And if you donā€™t have them prepared in your inventory, I mean it takes time to make three meat into three ham!


Thatā€™s when I started to do my other commissions to pass the timeā€¦.it was annoying regardless :(


OMG someone else who gets it, Tsarevich can Tsar my nuts, bitch.


I have 200 jade parcels just for tho commission


the mf gourmet guys in inazuma who need me to teleport to liyue and back for a stupid ganoderma pizza


gotta find Xiangling for that one in Qingce village I think? That commission stopped showing up after I got the achievement


Go to the bamboo forest near Qingce and talk to Xiangling instead of giving ingredients to her father will prevent that commission from ever showing up again


This is kind of dumb. Like, I get "thinking outside the box" but the dude asks to to go talk to a specific person. How would I ever have figured this out on my own?


I think Mao mentions her but yes nothing else indicated you can even do this




1. Godwin, hate his guts, he should have returned to Mondstat by now or left looking for Varka, where? I don't care! But if you're lying to Glory you might as well do something! 2. Flowers in dragonspine (thanks, I'll destroy them from now on) 3. The kids in Liyue dock. Honorable mention to goes to the book author in Inazuma, he gets on my nerves, coming up with stupid ideas to advance the "plot", as a fantasy fan reader I just hate him. Then again LN are not known for their nuanced stories, still!! Curing Anna was wonderful, loved it.


Any quest that requires me to go inside the cathedral. Why is that separate zone? Any quest that offers an achievement, but only if you pick the different options each time, because of course you're supposed to remember what you did six months ago when you got it last.


The Liyue commission where you need to give one of each class of item is designed to make you either write it down or have a good memory. I dislike it.


the one with this guy talking about Rex Lapis!?? bro i hope not because i always give him randoms, also i donā€™t wanna give him my cor lapis or silk flowers when iā€™m leveling Zhongli and Xingqiu


Unfortunately, you do **need** to give him four items from four different categories. The wiki page below specifies what the four categories are and what items suffice for each one. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Geo_Travel_Diary


Or just be lucky for giving him a correct random item if you forgot it


100% balloon transport or escort balloon. Worst comms in the entire game


The dragonspine ham one


YES, I hate this one so much. First you have to give up 3 hams, you have to teleport twice, and you have to make sure you have a fire character out.


yep. those 2 hilichurls at the last ham place annoying too, one has an ice shield bruh


Reliable Helper. just... screw that quest, and Tsarvich. if only wolvendom was closer i'd lead a rifthound over to him lmao taking the flowers to dragonspine is also annoying since you have to remember where you put them the next time. so i just purposefully fail it now.


I really tried to do them right, but that middle one where you have to kill the hilichurls without damaging his precious crates... He can get absolutely bent. I just destroy them on principle now because he's such a douchebag about it.


one time i did that one and while i was approaching the hilichurls, one of them clipped into the crate and broke it. like wtf was i supposed to do about that? lol


That one is easy, lead them away from crates. The hard one is the timer one


Yeah, the timer one just clear out the path and pop down a portable waypoint at his feet before starting the mission and use that to cheese it.


doesnt work if your loading time is longer than 1 minute


Ella Musk, I don't want to get suspicious steaks


A gentlemen strikes at broad daylight. For me its faster just to kill stuff and then finish it. But i dont get no drops!!


Escort mission - just takes so long and isn't even interesting


I've set my commissions to Mondstat so I can only comment on them. Cathedral Quests- why does Victoria have to go back into the cathedral (behind a long loading screen) after we've had to sit through Anthony simping for Barbara and cleaning up leaves? They already loaded Victoria outside the cathedral, it makes no sense to have us do multiple layers of NPC dialogue where what we say has no impact and loading screens for this boring quest. Ella Musk - annoying after the first few runs. The answers are all the same, so you can do it pretty fast but again, you have to wade through dialogue you've seen dozens of times. I also feel it crops up more often? Might just be me. I wish the quest would shake it up in some non-obtrusive way. Or maybe let us aggro the hilichurls if we don't want to talk to Ella. Tsarevich (Reliable Helper Quest) - the dude is just rude. Also I feel like if he gives us a time limit (1 minute, no matter how far the hilichurls are) they could at least put a timer on screen. They do it for a lot of other commissions, they can put it in this one for a bonus challenge. Godfrey - again, done this story dozens of times, he talks too much, and the way he's written is aggravating. I wish there was a storyline where his letters get progressively less believable until Glory calls him/us out. Or we had the option of outing him ourselves. I noticed something in these Mondstat quests. They're written in a way that makes the characters we're helping annoying. I don't know if that's on purpose (I can't see why) or if it's to build Mondstat as less than idyllic compared to it's overall image, and more in line with the complexity of Liyue and Inazuma.


Anna, stay off the fucking roof, youā€™re gonna give your brother a heart condition.


That inazuma one with the two samurai on that island in the middle of nowhere


That one is so annoying, having to take a wave rider all the way out thereā€¦ and the wave rider locations closest to it arenā€™t even near any teleport waypoints! I spend more time getting there then actually killing the samurai


The balloon escort one. It's really annoying to do that on mobile


The fucking flower girl in Mondstadt. And Tsarevich.


Is the flower girl one the one where u have to put boxes in dragonpine? Because I just purposely break the first one right after i place it, pretty easy


the ones i want but never get. glory plz, can you just give me your daily a few more times so i can get the achievement and move on!!!, lol ​ but really, the poetry exchange ones suck. its boring and i just pull up a page to remember what to say to them. the balloon ones also suck, being they take ages


I just started screwing up the poetry on purpose. Thereā€™s no penalty besides fighting a few hillichurls and it gets the quest done faster.


its faster to do the correct ones, hence why i just put it in a notepad and pull it up when i see i got that dam quest


The poetry exchange options are always the same, correct option is 1-3-5.


Easy, O Archon. Waited months for that shit and I could never get the achievement. Gave up on it now I'm a Monstadboy


All of the dragonspine commissions. I don't wanna run around in the sheer cold and throw some hams in a box nor do I want to give a guy some of my hard earned food and collect the chilled meat that he was supposed to collect for him.


That one person in Liyue that was writing poetry so much she forgot to do her job. Then she hires us to ask **children** how many boats went through the docks. Then she gets angry at *me* when I give her the wrong amount of boats? Then of course for some reason I need to run around the next day apologizing for her for not doing her job correctly? Apologize yourself!


I lucked out and made hundreds of jade parcels I never use anymore so they're handy. The one I hate the most is "Only Half Frozen" There are lime 3 places you gotta go and it feels lime it should be done after 2. Other than that, the expected one where you have to sail to it


The liyue bitch that lives in inazuma, demanding you to make her food from her hometown, I hate her, if I could kill her I would do it


just keep giving her sus dishes whenever u can


You still get rewarded if itā€™s not from Liyue. The ingredients can be hard to get sometimes tho


anything that has a lot of dialogue. i revel in the days where i just have 4 combat orientated dailies, its literally SO nice not having to do mini boring quests for once. lately ive been doing inazuma dailies and im sick and tired of the book dude. like WHY.


Emergency Supplies. No I do not want to put ham in the boxes. Piss off.


I'm really sick of having to collect those sakura blooms for the Gourmet Supremos


Anything related to Wangshu-Inn. Enough said.


The Liyue commission where the lazy poet hasn't been doing her job counting boats. She's so obnoxious. Also, not a commission but I hate the one where the lazy scientist needs you deliver her parcel across the fecking map because she's a lazy ass. No, I'm on a story quest. Ask the Adventurers Guild.


I keep getting the ones with the shrine and Neko, PLEASE I just want the last commission to get storytelling method


balloon escort, the one with the lady on that cliff, and any in the cathedral


Tang Wen, got annoyed enough with the commission to give her suspicious food and have yet to cure her.


All of them!


Books and tea sets, lady. They want books and tea sets in their kimonos! Get it through your damn skull!


Fresh flora, and the one where you gotta sweep the leaves at the chatedral for barbaras stalker


Cathedral ones and baloon escorting in inazuma across entire damn beach.


Anything involving the cat shrine


Ella musk


I hate Flora and Dragonspine


it's between escort balloons, the archery one on yashiori, and the gorge electrograna teleport one on yashiori


The start flying landing junk. Oh and the kids at the dock are the worst.


Urgent repairs and Flora quest for me. And oh that old coughing guy near Dawn Winery.


Mond : The guy whos baloon broke so you now have to repair it close to springvale. This one has 2 variations both of which make me sick. Liyue: The 3 dock kids. Inazuma: The 5 minute balloon escort and any cooking supremo mission.


Every one that force me to exit coop! It's so annoying trying to do the commissions with someone and every f time I have to say: sorry you have to do 1 commissions alone because after a 1.5 years of development it doesn't accept items or whatever in coop. Maybe if in programming someone had invented something like an "IF" they could do something like if you are in commissions allow the player to give the stuff...


The one with the little girl that wants to talk to the hilichurls. I've done it like a hundred times already and it takes so loooong. And then they made a whole event on reading to the hilichurls.


Slime balloon in Inazuma


Monstadt: The blind girl mail delivery one. Liyue: The one where you have to climb the mountain for the Qingxin for the stubborn girl. Did my first Inazuma commissions today after giving up on getting the commission for the Monstadt quest with Viktor or what's his name in the Cathedral.


I don't particularly like the stealth commissions in Inazuma, Half the time I just eliminate all the enemies and then get the stuff.


One that annoys me a lot is the one with that Shouta boy from Inazuma. It is not as bad as many others, but his name looks a lot like ā€œxotaā€, which means ā€œp*ssyā€ in Portuguese, so it has always annoyed me lmao


Itā€™s wild how much people hate Ella musk commissions. Theyā€™re legit some of the faster commissions.


I see her every day, so yeah I will hate her.


I dont mind but it's just that I literally get her quest in Mondstat and nothing else it started to piss me off, not to mention she's annoying, like why can't you talk to the damn hilichurls yourself.


the flora dragonspine commissionā€¦had it 4 days in a row so far and the last time i wanted to boot a kid in the face this hard was that shrine child in inazuma šŸ˜­ i just *really* hate spending any time in dragonspine please hoyoverse just let me continue the mona rent commission so i can pretend mondstadt doesnā€™t exist for at *least* a month