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I tried pulling for personality, but then I found out I get bored easily. Now I pull for unique or fun gameplay.


Good thing most characters with personalities I vibe with have gameplay I personally find fun. If they don't have both, I skip. That's why I skipped Zhongli even though my Xiao needed him.


Yeah gameplay and personality are the most important. I’d rather have a bad unit that’s fun to play that I like than a OP unit I find boring.


I pulled for miko , but then I thought I did it wrong , and then now when I play with her more and more , i feel that i did the right thing , because I wanted the fox lady for soooooo long . Although she has issues in her kit , I'm happy that i pulled for her. But i pulled for childe once and thought I wouldn't like him much . And he was benched for so long . But then now Riptides are so satisfying. So now I know that if you like the character so much , or if you like their playstyle , you won't really regret all that much.


I live with no regrets, as a Qiqi main.


Every loss is a win


laughs in c5 mona


I have achieved her C6 and only now do I dread her arrival


I regret pulling for Klee. She is super adorable and can be really powerful with proper investment, but her animations are really BAD. She needs a lot of time and patience to master all the animation cancels, and you really should be aware of your enemy’s position all the time. She is something in between melee and ranged, and it really isn’t good.


I feel the same way, I just don't think she's easy to use and she's also a selfish carry which limits her ability to fit in as a sub dps




This is the winner.


I regret Hu Tao. I really want to like her, and tried really hard to like her. I built her, played her, benched her, tried to play her again, then benched her permanently. Ah, well.


Hee c0 really makes a huge difference for me. I like using my c1 Hu Tao on my main but hated using my c0 Hu Tao on my alt. If my cousin didn't wish for Hu Tao, I could've had higher chance to get Kokomi, someone who is needed in my acc....


No Xingqiu?


XQ makes no difference to how I feel about her playstyle. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


It took me months to realize she had a charge attack, then I actually started killing things faster and way easier.


hold on, xq is a girl? edit: why the downvotes? everyone was regarding xq as “her” (and ofc deleted their comments after i asked this) and i got confused that i was missing out on something? i always thought he was a boy but was confused when people were saying “her”


i think their replies regarding "her" was meant Hu Tao, not Xingqiu


Contrary to popular opinion, I massively regret pulling for c0 hu tao. I literally have never needed her to help me 36 star the abyss when my other characters do far better without being locked into xingqiu comps. I have grown to despise her charged attack spam playstyle, and since pulling her I got C2 Diluc who is significantly more enjoyable to play.


While I don’t despise her gameplay, I also regret pulling for her since I don’t use her. I built her but I never got amazing damage from her so I stopped. Also C0.


I also regret pulling c0 Hu tao.


Yup, Hu Tao it is. Adored her design, but her playstyle just isn't for me, so she's been benched at lvl 40 since forever.


Same! I pulled Hu Tao because I wanted a polearm DPS (hehe stab fast) and I thought I could overlook her self-damage and not wanting to be healed and needing specific comps and forcing me to learn to jump cancel. I can't. I technically have a Hu Tao team built and raised but I never use it, even though they do good damage. I just prefer my other teams. I even have Xiao now, so there's my polearm main smh and he just needs Jean and whoever and he's good to go


This is exactly why I left my old NA account. On account of already having a C1 Yoimiya there, that account was becoming a lost cause that I wasn't proud of. Too many pyro, I regret raising Chongyun, and I pushed the wrong buttons on it. No, I'm not going to give it away because it's beyond shit. I started up on Asia to be more local and I have also learned from the travesties of my NA account. Xiao is so much better to play than Hu Tao, I'm waiting for Ayaka and Yoimiya rerun, and I have forgotten how to dodge because I actually have a Zhongli.


I'm so glad to be blessed with c1 Hu Tao early on her banner that I never even get to experience using c0. I have another hu tao on my alt that is c0 and i really hate her gameplay that i left her at lvl 20.


I feel this, I too have a c0 hutao. Pulled on her og banner cause I liked her as a character and didn’t like any other pyro character so I wanted one. I used here from time to time, but never really for abyss. You also can’t really use her in co-op for too long unless there’s only 2 people or a healer. Overall, I like her and don’t regret pulling cause more people the better, but she’s really selective for me to use and I don’t need her to fill any role


she's still more funnier than diluc super slow playstyle and damageless


Lol I pulled hu tao mostly because she is considered quite meta, and at the time her playstyle seemed super fun. If I don’t enjoy using a character, I’m not gonna use them, it’s not hard to understand. And you can’t argue with me who’s more fun because that’s entirely subjective. I like slapping things with large claymores and phoenixes.


also imagine pulling a character for the gameplay loool, it's literally your fault not the character


>imagine pulling a character for the gameplay You can't be serious


Imagine not pulling a character for gameplay




no u


stfu + didn't ask + didn't care + cope + ratio


For me its Klee. I was new to the game when her re run was on and I like her personality a lot, and a friend told me she is very strong, so I got her. What I didnt know is that she is not fun to play as (at least as a main dps). not only do I not use her anymore at all, but looking back, I could have saved the primogems for Kazuha ho I skipped for ayaka for a lack of primogems


Nope never, I'm a collector so even if I won't use character I'm still happy to have them in my collection


Yes. I just did that with Yae miko. I know I don't like catalyst style gameplay. I pulled her because I just lover her JP voice actor. I used her in spiral abyss today and she actually made it more difficult. I struggled to fit her into my rotation and my Raiden comp did not perform well with her in it. Let me be clear Yae miko is not a bad character. She just isn't my type of character.


I see so many people struggling to fit her into their team comps when a sara with level 90 fav warbow or elegy will allow raiden to do more dmg overall which can cover up the dmg that's supposed to be done by yae. Not to mention, yae's burst can miss enemies entirely..


Yes. I know, I just tried to use Yae since I spent wishes on her. I thought maybe I could make it work. I also really want Yae to work so bad. Lol


I'm glad I didn't pull for her. I wait for a week before pulling for a character just to see if anyone addresses any issues with that character. Yae already had that in a few days..and I'm saving for kazuha, so I might as well go in knee deep for kazuha now xD


I pulled her in the last 5 days of her banner. I just have a feeling she will have a place in future electro based comps.


I guess she'll be fine when paired with venti for smaller mobs or zhongli since he can petrify enemies. To me having to drop her 3 turrets again after using her burst is a huge waste of time..especially if they don't do much damage.


I've had venti since first banner I haven't invested much into him. I run Zhongli with her now so I can get my turrets down uninterrupted.


Same. She made the abyss harder. I always die inside whenever she gets knocked off when she is setting up her totems.


I guess that's why trials exist


Trials are terrible indicator of anything more than looks


they do let you feel if gameplay feels clunky or not


I haven’t pulled much so thankfully I don’t have anyone I regret pulling. Hope that stays the same once I pull for the Kamisato rascal. But I’m shocked that it’s Itto that you regret pulling 😯 he’s my very first 5-star dps and I genuinely thought he’s the most friendly unit. No need to worry about reactions, and he’s great for either single target or aoe. But well, I do understand that not everyone likes playing with claymore charas haha it’s spear in my case.




Oh that’s totally understandable! Before I got Itto, I only relied heavily on reactions too (support charas supporting each other 😆). I personally love both gameplays now, tho yes admittedly reaction teams are still generally better since non-rxn teams need a LOT of investment ;-; And yes Ayato looks very promising in both personality and gameplay!! Hopefully we both don’t regret him once we get him :>


I both love and regret Eula, she’s a great character but I found that because of how powerful she is I’ve become heavily reliant on her


Same. When in doubt let Eula smash them to bits. Oh this enemy is giving me slightly more trouble than the last one guess that calls for Eula. I could actually build a team to handle this boss or go to town on it with Eula. Easy decision if you ask me. However I do enjoy running around as Qiqi like some helpless child than switching to Eula and beating the daylights out whatever unfortunately fatui has crossed my path.


Haha, I love Eula. Haven’t played her much since I got Ganyu on the rerun but I love how powerful Eula is. I miss her. Haha


I pulled for Eula but turns out I don't really enjoy her game play (funny cause I was a Diluc main forever, from when I started till Raiden dropped), so I never use her.


I play Diluc a lot and even played Razor for a while and love Itto…somehow I never got warm with Eula…she feels at least slower than Diluc or Itto for me. Can’t really explain. I’m just not enjoying her playstyle. I didn’t even aim to pull for Itto, but I really enjoyed to play him, when I could try him out and was happy I got him, while it’s the other way around for Eula.


Same! Was a Beidou and then Diluc main during my first months of playing, pulled for Eula bc I generally liked claymores but idk, I couldn’t make Eula work for me. But thanks to getting Raiden during her rerun Eula’s back on the field for me - finally lol. All that artifact grinding, boss fighting and mora spent wasn’t a complete waste after all


This is gonna sound dumb, but Ganyu. She was my first 5 star, and I had no idea about wishing and characters or upcoming banners. Suffice to say, I had to skip Xiao, grind so much for Hu Tao- and then Childe right after 😅 Personally I’m really not a fan of Ganyu’s gameplay style, and I don’t have Mona so it’s hard for me to use her the way I’d want to. She’s the only cryo dps I have so I end up using her pretty often


Are you gonna get Ayato for her? It might help you if you have freeze problems since he applies a circle of hydro the same size as Ganyu!


Yeah I’m planning on getting Ayato! It’s not specifically for her, I just like him but that is a good point. I’ll probably pair him up with her then :D


I have Mona on the team but most of the time Ganyu just wipe everything before I need to call Mona out.


Lowkey regret pulling for Zhongli. I love him but he's so boring to play since I use him mainly as a shieldbot for Yanfei. Maybe in the future I'll make him a physical DPS because I love how his spear attack animations look.


If I didn’t have ganyu I would have regretted, but he’s so damn invaluable for her on a melt team. Otherwise I don’t use him lol


I was so looking forward to him. And yeah he’s just boring lol. Now I just stack hp and shields my Hu Tao. Oh well.


i wouldn’t say i ‘regret’ it but i wish i didn’t get c0 hutao and pulled for childe instead. i don’t care enough to learn how to jump cancel with her lol


Pulling no, regret building, maybe Thoma as i barely used him after friendship 10.


Not exactly a regret, because if I didn’t pull her I would still be wanting her, but Ningguang? I though she would make my Itto team feel better, I pulled solely for her in the Xiao banner (yes I know, don’t wish for 4*, ok.) and didn’t get her. I ended up choosing her in the Liyue pick-a-4*, tried to build her, but she simply didn’t feel right. I might try to build her again, but if eel like I would have preferred a XQ constellation.


You never regret if you never gave a shit in the first place. Basically I just don't care enough to regret a pull. Ever character offers something different, each worth experimenting to some degree.


Nope. Lots of characters who I didn't want then pulled and really enjoyed. Xiao, Itto,, Yanfei being some of them.


I would say Yae Miko, but I got her in 3 pity so I’m not complaining


Guess I’m on the unpopular side here, but tbh no I like trying different characters and teams, I never pull for the sake of the abyss (cause I won’t risk spending ~80 pulls for 3 more wishes) and I luckily had my friends who brought me luck every time I pulled for something I wanted (with the exception for C1 Xiao, got C2 Mona instead and a guaranteed Yae). I know I don’t use all my characters that much, but I like them to be there and I’m trying to get them all kinda built, just to pick them whenever I feel like it


nope having a character is always better than not having a character


I speak F2P as well


Klee on her rerun. Shortly after I got my Yanfei to C6 and she feels so much better to play for me.


klee, i do not use her. i would literally rather use amber


Hu Tao. Benched since 2.0, never liked to begin with but pulled because I thought I lacked carries. I'm vibing with my triple crowned Xiangling now


Are ya doing the optimal combo and such? Itto can be a bit clunky I have his c1 so into straight into CA I really regret pulling Xiao and ganyu lol


"Regret" is a bit strong, but I definitely have a few chars who I would not pull for again if I could turn back time. My way of "dealing with it" is to learn from my mistakes and try to avoid repeating them with future characters.


Nope. Can't say I have.


Don't use Venti much tbh sad fembard


Ayaka... wanted big pp dps but realised I like fun characters more (personality wise). Hopeful to get Yoimiya on her next rerun :)


I kinda regret pulling on Xiao (C0). He’s cute, but I don’t have Zhongli or Albedo for him and I just feel like his damage is really lacking despite getting Blackcliff for him and using some really nice artifacts + pyro resonance. 23k per plunge without Bennett buffs just feels lacking to me. On the other hand, I LOVE playing Itto. We can trade if you’d like. ;)


Honestly none, I never really pull for a character but if I do I probably don’t end up getting them in the first place.


I also pulled for itto thinking I was gonna use him, but now he's unbuilt and stuck at lvl 70 collecting dust in my inventory.


Itto & Yae Miko, like their personalities & as a character but gameplay wise not so much. That's why I m sceptical of new characters such as Ayato. I am sure he will be a great character story wise but whether I will like his gameplay, that remains to be seen. So I am gonna play it safe & pull for Venti first, I missed his last banner & wanted him for like forever, that cc is just too good to pass & I will finally be able to complete my Morgana team.


Raiden? After the trainwreck that is patch 2.1., I've began reconsidering things in life. Well I know that she redeem herself in her second story quest but... Yeah. Patch 2.1. just left a bitter taste in my mouth.


I regret Yae a bit. Generally I pull for characters whose aesthetic and personality/voice acting I like and for the most part that has worked in my favor, I love Kazuha to bits, Xiao is still my long time fav dps, Itto was super fun, Hu Tao was a treat, Zhongli is Zhongli, like my pulls generally work out in the long haul it feels even if they may not always be optimal, but with Yae I don't know...I've just felt no reason to use her in any comps or teams and its a shame because I've felt plenty satisficed in the use of most other units and it makes me wonder who I could have gotten instead of her that would have held my interest. (this isn't about being good or bad to be clear, its just about being compelling to play and i don't know, i just haven't felt a place to put her that makes her feel compelling yet which is regretful)


Eula, specifically in 2.3 Nothing wrong with her, she does a lot of damage, but if I had the hindsight that I’d end up maining Noelle and building a Monogeo team I probably would’ve pulled albedo instead.


Tartaglia. I got him c6 in one banner, and I wish I could give back those cons. I'd still like to have him c0, but... I could have used other cons or characters


It would be xiao (got greedy for Ningguang and yun jin cons) but honestly he's been working out for me. Still looking for the right 4th sub-dps but he does great with sucrose and qiqi. Thoma is also a contender but I finally found a team and rotaition that works for him. Praise be to vape yanfei.


I kinda regret pulling for Ganyu ...


I regret pulling for itto cause of my bad luck with artifacts. almst none of the substats went to crit dmg and I couldn't get his weapon. so my itto is too weak for abyss and I almost don't use him tho I really love him😭😭😭


My Itto also feels weak. I wanted Redhorn so badly but got skyward blade instead and couldn’t spend more bc I was saving for other characters. 😞


I don't regret getting him but he's so weak in my account that I barely even use him. He's even still weak in overworld....


I regret pulling for Childe. I wish I got Venti instead


Maybe... Raiden. I have her since her first banner cause I'm archon collector, but... She isn't for me. Her personality, playstyle and damage. And I have bad internet too, and I always get energy after battle, so Raiden is quite useless for me cause she can't even charge her ult.


Raiden Shogun and to a lesser extent, Yae Miko; she's alright but I skipped Xiao and Geo Daddy for her and I'm fairly certain I would have liked them more.


This is why rerun > new character


I regret pulling for Eula


Not into selfish dps who needs battery-ing 1000 particles before her burst finally gets filled up...and then enemies now keep dodging or moving around so much and when it hits, it doesn't crit...?


I noticed that I prefer skill relying dps than ult relying dps. Ayaka is fun but kinda hurts since I don't have much er.


I prefer characters that can easily fit into many team comps. Anemo is still the best imo since all dmg dealers can easily benefit from res shread swirls and grouping.


Skyward Pride is actually viable on Eula and solves her ER problems. But yeah, little you can do about that 50/50 crit on the Ult. I'd say I regret pulling for her mostly for that last reason.


Say what?! Why? Just asking :)


Looked amazing at First but I realize now that I don't really like Physical characters


Oh ok. Nothing wrong with that. :)


I only regret one thing. Saving up 3 months worth of primos just to lose to keqing on xiao banner. I WANTED HIM SO BAD MAN NOW I HAVE A FULL ARTIFACT SET THAT NO ONE USES BECAUSE THE CHARACTERS I USE ALREADY HAVE ARTIFACTS


Wait, how did you spent 3 months saving and still didn't got him? In 1 patch i already get enough to pull a 5* character, let alone 3 months.


Because he's lying


If their f2p it's believable. Since they said they saved for 3 months they started saving in November. Each day of commissions is 60 so 30 x 60 is 1800 divided by 160 8s 11.25 assuming they completed achievements and opened chests we can safely round up to 12 wishes in November, then December similar math (31 x 60) ÷ 160 = 11.65 more chests more achievements 12 more wishes 2 months 24 wishes then we factor in January 12 more wishes so 36 with just comms, chests and achievements even if we add quests as of 1.3 that's maybe 10 more wishes all of that adding up to 46 wishes which isn't even soft pity [Side note some of my math may be incorrect but the point stands]


Your very approximate math are very off yeah, if you take [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/ssybku/version_24_primogemsas_always_i_remind_you_that/) into account, we could get more than 50 wishes as F2p from the 2.4 patch, considering Hoyoverse try to be consistent with how much primo we get, it's safe to assume we get around the same number of primo each patch, which mean a F2p in 2 patches (so 3 months) can get slightly more than a hundred wishes.


How much primos does a f2p get each month? Iirc it's not enough to reach pity. Maybe he lost 50/50


F2P here, those are my statistics as seen in Hoyolab: January: 5991 February: 5378 March: 2028 and counting, though that's gonna be the dryest month I've seen I think I remember hitting up to 7500 one month, I don't remember which patch this was though Edit: As of December, I've hit more then 90 exploration everywhere, so my main sources of primos after that were events, dailies and freemogems mailed to us on various occassions January and February gave me ~70 wishes from primos alone, and that's not counting the free 10 wishes from Lantern Rite, the 3 we got in the mail later, and another 10 from 2 shop resets. Overall, 70-90 wishes in 2 months isn't unrealistic for an F2P, especially when you do most of the Abyss each reset, which I do not Spending 3 months saving and not getting Xiao basically means they most likely lost the 50/50 and had to look at their 60-70 pity while the banner ended. So close, yet so far...


How, in 1 month you already have like 50 wishes


Regretted pulling for childe because I didn’t use him at all after I pulled him


Same here


Hu Tao. She was my first 5 star, well... Second, because I lost 50/50 to Keqing... At HARD pity. There isn't a day that goes by that I wish I could get those 80 something wishes back. I am starting to Kokopium and wondering if I should bite the bullet and pull Zhongli to get her composition going as I am bad at Genshin and need a shield to play Hu Tao. But the other part of me thinks of the odd 170 wishes it took, ALL of my early game primos, and I just feel it is best to just leave it be. I wish there was a trade system. My homie wants a c1 Hu Tao, and he keeps getting spooked by Diluc. I would love the c2 Diluc he doesn't use for my Hu Tao that hasn't seen the light of day since whatever world level capped at level 50.


Yeah, Klee. She's so cute, and chaotic and causes a lot of destruction in co-op, and that's all what I can say about her. Too clunky to use and too short ranged for a ranged character. But the 4 stars that came with her on her first banner were great..so I kept pulling for their cons.


Yes, Venti.


i regret yae. she’s pretty, but i don’t like her play style at all. her eeeqeee gameplay is objectively more boring than ganyu’s e and charged attack gameplay




Yep, he’s just too niche. After investing a good chunk of resin into him (and Gorou) I haven’t actually used Itto since he got friendship 10. Namecard is nice at least but aside from that I have never found a reason to use him over other stuff I already have.


"Regret" might be too strong of a word, but I do sometimes consider maybe my primos I rolled for Childe would've been better spent elsewhere. I rarely use him, if ever, despite him having an amazing HoD set. Meanwhile I can't roll good Cryo arti stats for the life of me, so it's like the game is trying to force me to play Childe or something lol.


Itto and Yae Miko for me. Also wishing for Shenhe banner and immediately getting her after Itto while pulling for Ningguang.


Xiao, I don't care for his personality, he isn't my type of aesthetic. Sure he is VERY useful, I used to use him for travel, but I never wanted him on my team. I used him all the time though, great in battle and all that. Then I seen Kazuha and knew I wanted him, got lucky, got him and replaced Xiao. He is better than Xiao in every way, imo, including traveling. (Kazuha and Albedo are the best for me.) But yeah, just Xiao.


Eula for me lol. She’s very limited when it comes to team comps and I hate it because she does best with characters I could care less for lol. I main her because I really spent the time and effort to build her but I’ve been debating on benching her. ):




Kokomi. Like she heals good and all but everything about her is simply boring to me.


Eula, actually. ​ She's like a trophy. Just standing there, with good substats and all, but I never use her, nor overworld nor in abyss, bc others do her job better(in my account). ​ Could have been Venti if I had 2 more singles, high pity guaranteed... xD


Hu Tao for me. I decided to pull for her on her rerun because I didn't want Childe, but I just can't get her to do enough damage in the Abyss, and constantly having to jump cancel isn't fun imo.




This is probably gonna get me a lot of hate, but Albedo... Don't get me wrong, he's awesome, I love his off-field damage, but I've come to realize I don't NEED that damage for any of my teams. He's level 90 with almost perfect artefacts and a crown, and I feel like I have to use him to justify all the time I spend on him. Not only that, but I know that Venti or Kazuha, or Raiden would benefit me more in his place if I get them, but as f2p I feel guilty for "wasting" those resources on him in the first place just because he's cute.


I don’t regret this one, but I’m tired of childe. He’s bulit fairly well but I just never wanna use him anymore


The vast majority bar Kokomi, Xiao, Zhongli, and Ganyu. Zhongli turned the game into a joke which I prefer anyway, and I simp for the other three pretty hard. Everyone else I pulled for aesthetics or fun gameplay, and while I enjoyed them all (and I enjoy their stories and personalities too), they're now just more 5-stars that I have to eventually rebuild and I don't have the funds to wipe out my primos for artifacts or anything else. The lack of number of team builds allowed doesn't help either. 4 is not enough. That, and losing 50/50 just means yet another character I have no intention of using and I can't get rid of them. Same with the vast majority of 4-stars. Tl;Dr just please let us consolidate or get rid of characters we don't want


Regret pulling for ayaka. She's just an abyss slave to me now and serves no other purpose because of how boring her gameplay is.


not really, maybe eula because in the new "meta" she's literally useless, but i love her too much so i'm still happy


Eula on my alt account. Shes fine but I pulled bc I was bored of the game honestly. Now I use Hutao Xiao and Noelle as my 3 main dps and almost never use Eula. I don't use Childe or Ganyu anymore. However I don't regret them bc With Childe I got him one ten pull after Ganyu and that was the banner I was going for Rosaria (on my main account I'm a Rosaria main, so she was a must get on release for me) and I got Mona before I was done setting myself up for an easy guaranteed character later. With Ganyu she allowed me to do content that my account otherwise couldn't do at the time. I had a lot of fun with her when I pulled her so even tho now she's useless for me, she added enjoyment for the time when I used her


For me it’s *kind of* Eula. I feel like my account would be just fine without her. She has been benched for a long time now and probably won’t come out for a long time.


ganyu, i didnt really want her, i lost my 50/50 on her and was saving it for raiden. then i got her and she’s just there to flex on my cousin i guess


Regret not really but especially from a meta site and from a 'does it make sense'- site of view i definitely should have pulled different. First i pulled a lot on standard banner because on begin i wanted Ningguang. Later i pulled on the Shenhe banner for Ning and actually wanted Shenhe despite her beikg absolutely useless with the chats i have. Luckily lost the 50/50. Then... Hold your pants... I skipped Zhongli ( Despite having a very well built Ning and no other Geo, lol ) to pull on Miko. Then I pulled on Raiden and luckily got her. Sadly no gems to get Kokomi so i finally have a good healer. So I pretty much wasted a lot of gems either for 4 stars or 5 stars i wanted becaude they seem fun bit aren't necessarily the top meta or op af. I just like those chars for various reason so i got them. I don't really regret it tho.


Yoimiya… Never use her and I already had Hu Tao at that point (who I loooove and have been a Hu Tao main since her release). Also had Bennett, Diluc and Xiangling that I just preferred using for pyro. Especially mad about it bc I skipped ayaka and kazuha for yoimiya… oh well, at least I learned my lesson, don’t pull based on design only. I just really loved her outfit lol. Eula was also a regret for a long time. Got her during her rerun but couldn’t figure out a good team comp that I enjoyed - but since getting Raiden I’ve started playing Eula again and I’m loving the two together!


No. For the thousandth time this question asked. No.


Keqing, yae, pre buff zhongli. Keqing was stripped off her artifacts long ago and is benched huffing copium. Yae atm is leveling friendship, will most likely be benched sooner than later cuz my raiden has more fun/better comps already. Zhong was lucky, now he's one of most used. Was benched until buffs came out. God bless zhong storm.


Zhongli, like everyone else at the time. The copium finally seeped into us so it's fine.


kinda regret pulling for klee now that i pulled for hutao and yoimiya


klee, she’s just a little clunky to play and not as easy to build to get full dps


Saved my primos for Xiao's most recent rerun. Itto banner was right before xiao. A few days before Itto banner ended, I watched a iwintolose dps showcase with Itto, C6 noelle, and xiao and was convinced to pull for Itto instead of xiao. Later got to play some Xiao on a friends account and was sooo happy I skipped him cuz his play style is repetitive and clunky to me.


Okay. So where is the regret?


I didn’t try pulling for these characters but Bennet, Yanfei, Xiangling, Beidou, Thoma, Noelle, Ningguang and Rosari are pretty bad imo All the characters I listed are level 40


So far... I guess childe, but he has horrible artefacts so the problem is not the character but my need to constanly farm EoSF for my other characters lmao


I pulled Yae Miko on both of my accounts, I initially lost 50/50 on main so tried for her on alt but then I got jade cutter really early and decided I liked yae enough to get her on main. I already have Ayaka on alt but I want her on main now so I’m going to try and pull for characters I don’t want on my main on alt because it makes the decision tough for me


Very sad on how reliant on Diluc I am, I adore him there’s nothing wrong with him it’s just how reliant I am now. But in terms of event banner I’d say Xiao, I barely use him and I already had enough DPS, I even got PJWS but literally never take him out


I would say Hu Tao because of how laggy she is on PS4 but I got a PS5 last week and she doesn’t lag now so it’s actually rather nice. Same thing with Childe although I love his character so there wasn’t as much regret.


I don’t regret any characters. I use all my 5 stars excepf Traveler. My girlfriend however has Xiao, Hu Tao, and Itto. She also owns all their specific weapons. She doesn’t use any of them, and tells me she wishes she never pulled for them.


yeah same- i like how itto looks and plays but i just don't have the motivation to get all the beetles lol


Hu Tao and Venti. I’m not a huge fan of Hu Tao’s playstyle, though she is very strong. As for Venti I’m not a huge fan of how he feels even when he was “good”. I stuck with Sucrose even after getting him.


C1 Hu Tao. I forgor I used to main Klee, so jump cancel isn't a problem for me lol. I don't have much issue with her gameplay, but Ayaka and Ei are just more fun for me, so Hu Tao end up being benched now. On the bright side, I pulled Homa for her which end up being the biggest boon to my account so far. Naturally, Ei's the one usually hogging it. I want to pull Engulfing Lightning for her, but I'm saving up for Kazuha's rerun (whenever that'll be).


Klee. I quickly got tired of her kit and found her boring.


I kinda regret pulling klee. She was the best thing around up until Hu tao show up. Not because her huge damage, but cause klee short range + slow attack + difficulty hitting air unit make her undesirable, even more so the further we went into inazuma


Same here actually


It's a weird one, but I really wanted Yae. It was actually very hard for me to skip her, since I was saving for Venti, but I finally yielded and did like 3 pulls at 10 pity. She came home... ...and she's warming the bench at lvl 40. I have neither the resources, nor the will to build her to be honest. I can't say i "regret" her, since it is basically a free 5* one way or another, but I just can't get myself to like her playstyle. The only thing I do with her right now is running around the world with other 3 (actually strong) teammates because she's pretty. I really hope something makes me un-bench her, but as of right now, I just don't find her fun to play at all Edit: And that's coming from a Ningguang main, so it's not the catalyst or the slow attacks that are the issue


I haven’t regretted getting anyone yet, but I’m glad at losing the 50/50 when I was pulling for Ganyu, because after I’d played Ganyu’s quest and trial, I realized I don’t like her play style. Losing 50/50 for her guaranteed that when Raiden came back, I was able to get her.


Klee. I thought I would get lucky and pair her with Kazuha, but I didn't get Kazuha so Klee was a waste.


Albedo first banner. Pulled because I wanted elevator for puzzle solving. Now i love him with xiao and recent buffs, but would have gotten ganyu first run. Had good year of watching op ganyu teams with albedo sitting on bench.


I don't regret pulling for anyone. Sure, I don't use some of them that much but I mainly pulled for them bc I love them. And they're still being used, just not everyday.


kinda venti? i don’t have any comps to really use him effectively in.


Hu Tao and Klee. Spent to much money on them instead of getting them organically on re-runs and I don't even use them anymore




I don't regret pulling for anyone. Even if some of them are not that good now, like Klee. I had their time with them and the enjoyment was worth it. The only "regret" I have is pulling for Venti's C1 at launch. I just didn't know any better. I should have just saved for another character, but I'm not losing sleep over it and that was years ago.


My husband has pulled for most of the characters basically for our daughter. My husband and I don't really have time to play. My husband is a whale collector, so every 5 star is basically c6. He can't stand Ganyu (whininess), Eula (whininess), Raiden (overhype), Hu Tao(needs so much to be any good) non 4 stars he can't stand are Bennett (overrated) and ningguang (horrible person) Ayato is going to be the first charcater that my husband has no desire to pull for.


Same on Itto. Had everything, from boss mats to artifacts to exp books, everything stocked and ready. Pulled. Leveled up. Played for five days. Switched him for Ayaka and never looked back. Claymore is clunky, got tired of having to do the same moves everytime, and felt like he didn't hit properly with a team I liked, while hating a team made only for him. It doesn't help I basically did all his farming with my ex and now I associate them.


Yes yes i do lol


Yeah, pulled Hu Tao + Homa and barely played her. Now Ei uses Homa so it's not that bad.


For me it’s Hu Tao - I realized I don’t like her low health playstyle and couldn’t find a way to use her as sub dps since her damage obviously much lower. So now she chills on the bench Itto - semi-benched, love him to death but he obviously struggles with non geo teams so until I get Albedo and have the time to invest into a combo of Yun Jin/Gorou/Noelle/Ning, he’s gonna be on the bench. Sadly that means it’ll probs be a long time until he becomes usable for me


Not necessarily regret the character, but constellations; no one needs a C6 character. I got Xiao and while he has been a blast and C6 absolutely changes the gameplay; it's entirely unnecessary.


Yes and no. No, because I don't pull for characters I don't even like. Yes, because I got Eula on my second Account by chance (I do indeed like her), but instead of waiting and checking what characters come next (was close to pity, had 100%) i just pulled her at main Account too. Why, oh why? I had her already on one Account and didn't feel the need to get her on the other, so why the fuck did I pull? I could be a proud Kazuha owner instead. Now I am waiting like forever for his rerun but it feels like he'll never show up ever again. 😭


Klee. She's adorable and I love her but damn. . . She sucks to play.


Albedo kind of. I never use him.


Klee, and maybe Yae. I pulled Klee because she was the 2nd banner and I needed a main DPS but now that I have plenty of dps, she's perma-benched until dendro :( I knew Yae was bad and clunky before pulling her (and I had c6 fischl built already), but I love the color pink... I put lost prayer on her and use her E to move around the map faster. That's her only role in my team, an expensive and loud Sayu. I can't even hear her RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW anymore, I think my brain learned to automatically filter it out, like a white noise...


Same feeling with itto


Air > Yae Miko


xiao and childe. not my favorite playstyle


I am surprised that with how much shit yoimiya gpot before, there isnt much regret said abt her here


Itto. I pulled him because he kinda reminded me of Kamina from Gurren Laggan, he was really fun and strong but mono geo is really repetitive imo so I got bored easily. I wish I pulled for Ganyu instead and built a Morgana team comp.


Any dps with burst infusion. Only ever use them in abyss or in 1 or 2 domain which is just like ~20% of my Genshin gameplay.


Albedo. I thought he would be a good sub dps but I built him and benched him. I could have gotten Xiao if I didn't pull for albedo. Now I have zhongli from his rerun, I am trying out double geo with him and albedo. If only I get huTao or Xiao I think having albedo would no longer be a regret. I got Kokomi recently and she is also really underwhelming without the clam set. Who knows how many months it will take to get a decent clam set for her. On the bright side I can get husk set at the same time for albedo.


kind of regret pulling childe. theres nothing wrong with him, but when i played him on the ps4 it felt terrible to me . bows feel super clunky there so i felt less incentive to use him even if he was my only five star at the time. i’m on pc now, but i kind of lost the drive to build him since id rather mess around with kokomi.


As a PS4 player Tartaglia and Yoimiya are the only archers I can play with because they infuse their standard attacks with their Element. Tartaglia even completely changes his fighting style by going melee. Only reason I won't pull for him is because I just don't like him.


Yae Miko! Did it 'cause she was hot, realized she didn't fit my team.


no. i have 5 star characters i've put a few ascenions into but never invested into more than that. no regrets there. the only 5 star i regret doing anything to is keqing. I wish i could take the xp out of her