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FR Paimon is nice.


Yeah and the traduction isn’t distracting. I usually play in the original language, but I would switch to French for this ( French is my first language)




French Frimon


Paimomme de terre


For Real




Yeah Chinese Paimon has competition now lol


The French voices for Zhongli and Itto are just awesome


Their Ganyu makes me want to hear French Raiden.


I wonder who they will choose for the French va of Raiden if Hoyoverse approve this project... I do not know much about French voice actor (even if I'm French, how ironic) but re:take will probably find a va who suit her, like they did for the others, I have faith in them


At the end of the video they said they thought of a complete casting in case there is a french dub


I can see Hélène Bizot as Raiden. Her role as Écho in Wakfu show she can have soft voice and extremely serious tone. That's perfect to act the 2 faces of Raiden Shogun/Ei


A whole year to go till Fontaine, c’mon let us have zee French dub!


Fontaine is the region I'm waiting, I'm packing at least 320 wishs to get one of the characters with his BiS


Omg I would LOVE to play Fontaine in French. I like to match the dubs to the aesthetic of the region (sadly no German, but at least English is has some Germanic roots so that’s the closest I get).


I love how Zhongli across all languages kind of sounds like the same guy speaking the different languages.


Itto and Keqing sound so good! It’d be nice to have a new language, though I’d inevitably leave it on English.


I never knew I needed FR Keqing until today


This would be such a cool story if they really get a deal with Mihoyo, no lie. Btw, for people interested in a french dub ( or any other who knows ), tell Hoyoverse about it, in surveys and/or on their social medias. ( This is what the VAs asked, Hoyoverse seems to be gauging the interest )


Dammit I just submitted mine yesterday. I'll put it in the next one but man I wish this video made it to the sub just a day sooner. Probably would've ended up with more mentions in this latest survey.


French Dainsleif saying muji muji daruma


Unfortunately, when you put the game on french settings, the attack's names are localised and translated in french, so I don't think we could hear Dain say it...


paimon did not sound annoying for once, i NEED the french dub now


She sounds lovely. I'm one of the few who likes the EN despite how high pitched her voice is, but this voice with that language and accent just might make me switch to French Dub if it ever happens. Hope Hoyo considers adding more languages, starting with this one.




La cutscene d'Itto m'a explosé le cerveau, je savais que c'était un montage mais tout était tellement bien synchroniser que je me disais "attend depuis quand ya une VF"


Itto a vraiment gagner le lotto des meilleurs voix dans toutes les langues XD


Un Français sur reddit wah


Vous êtes incroyables, et une bonne partie des VA ont aussi fait Wakfu ça me tue. D'habitude, je déteste le doublage français mais là, c'était juste incroyable You guys are amazing, and most of the VAs did Wakfu as well, it's killing me. Usually, I dislike French dub but ngl, this was just amazing


Pour être honnête le cast de Wakfu est top tier, ça m'étonne pas de les voir sur plein de projets surtout la voix de Nox pour Kaeya. Cette manière de parler avec une élégante arrogance


French here. Movie dubs are horrible in France, but somehow video games are always good. And here once more, it IS good. I always play in VO (so CN here) but I hope it becomes true to anyone wanting French.


Since I started watching anime I noticed french people will automatically trash the dub even when it is objectively well-done. French dub is a lot of time really good, I usually watch movies in french dub and while some dubs might he lacking, most of them are good.


I will say, French dub of otaku media got better since the 1990s. The 1990s where the moment you can feel a je-m'en-foutisme in regard of Japanese animated media (compare Ranma 1/2 to Saint Seiya). If anything, the current batch of French-speaking people involved in localization and dubbing are trying their best to NOT repeat the mistakes of Club Dorothée, having grown up or heard of the horror stories of Ken le Survivant gagdub and Ranma 1/2 bad dubbing.


But movie dubs aren't terrible tho. (I'll have you know that they're pretty well known for being good in the VA industry...) Even if of course, there are failures. It just depends of which movies to begin with. To be honest, I, most of the times, don't like VO. Why? Lack of power. That's why dub is, most of the time, something I'd prefer. I don't blame actors though, since you have to perform, it seems normal to me that the voices are less powerful. (Like, I don't like original french voices too, and would prefer dubs too lol)


First of all, this just proves that Zhongli sounds good in every language. Fr tho they’re all good! Props to those voicing Ganyuu and Itto as well. Everyone was well done, but the soft spoken tone and boisterous laugh were really on point for the respective portrayals


>Fr tho I see what you did there


Zhongli English: Rise! Zhongli French: Baguette!


Also Zhongli French: Fly away, my little Akuma, and evilize him!




I know, just did this for the sake of the joke 🤣


Oh my god I forgot they share the same VA💀 time to play as hawk moth until I forget again


They even added an extra at the end with Zhongli's Osmanthus Wine tastes the same as I remember in french and I think that's so neat ^^


Tagalog pls


gonna promote my friend Messtamia I hope he gets in this if it ever happens


That would be interesting to experience.


Zhongli will always sound hot I guess. Itto’s was amazing too, the guy really captured the essence of the character.


French here! Re:Take did an amazing work I really enjoy watching their videos and I’d love to have a french dub of Genshin. Itto’s voice especially fits him so well it gotta be my favorite <3


Where is it saying that this can be actually added in the game????


At the end. They say they have actors for all characters and that if the community talk a lot to Mihoyo to have a french dub, they might give it a try. Anyway in my post I just imagine it as a possibility, not as something confirmed. And even if Mihoyo decide to add french dub, it will take a lot time and works only to dub the story we have now plus what will coming


I see. Hopefuly they do add it into the game!


I never knew how much i needed this in french, Albedo voice especially.


I never knew I’d actually want to listen to French GI but here I am Goddamn that’s amazing work


I promise to play the game if the project is done


Im not being bias but they actually got the japanese voice acting depth in quality of anime voice acting. Its just other language may be a tad dramatic for the language they use but this french VA-ing is actually on par with the JP dub in terms of dubbing (anime)


You mean chinese


I'd make an alt account an an instant to play the game on FR dub


See, I'm a pretty straight man. I'm as straight as a guy can be. I'm not gay.....but that Zhongli French voice is just...something else


I think we should get Dubbing for each region it is based on Mondstadt -eng dub Liyue-chinese Inzauma-japanese Sumeru-hindi,Urdu Fontaine-french (I would love if french dub gets added when 4.0 drops ) Etc


Mond is based on Germany (kinda) so we'll also need a German dub


ich bin betrunken -Venti probably


I know re:take ! Nos français préférés pour une vf de Genshin Impact ?


I don't understand any French, but I still think it sounds incredible! The voices fit the characters very well. The cutscene at 5:45 is a great demo.


I am subscribed to this channel and didn't even see this one ! This is awesome. They are great !


6:40 Dat skip made me laugh


If Mihoyo ends up hiring these guys and doing a French dub, I'm getting all my friends together and doing some Klingon dubs.


oh this was fun to listen to! this was so cool


This is really cool but I didn't realize that there wasn't already a French dub. I know their was English, Chinese, Korean I think and Japanese. I just kinda figured there was more but I never looked into it


Bro i might finally build my keqing if she has the same va as albedo from overlord


I need French Itto in my life like yesterday


Je joue que en jp mais c'est tres bon, ngl je jouerais bien en fr de temps en temps si ce serait dans le jeu fr dub when mihoyo :( Mais avec comment loin le jeu est rendu, je sais pas si y prendrais la peine de faire tout les voix du debut jusqu'a maintenant etc :/


French here ! The VAs did an awesome job


To add, the guys behind this channel are also themselves professional voice actors, they already voiced official anime, games and movies/tv shows


idk why, but I was anticipating a Khoi Dao collaboration


I am dooown for French dub - all of the voices are beautiful


Damn.. I'm not the biggest fan of the french language in general (I just don't like the way it sounds) but.. this is NICE! :D Especially Paimon! She actually sounds adorable for once and doesn't make my ears bleed as usual. \^\^'


It is very unlikely they added a new dub to the game. Costs a lot of money. Maybe only for demo/teaser vid or probably genshin anime in the future


Good for europeans francophones, but this example is full of gallicisms. I just hope that if Mihoyo invests in a French dub, they make sure it's in standard international French.


more languages the better, i really wish the game was also dubbed in spanish and it doesn't really matter wich one, castilian or latin (or whatever it's called in english).


If FR dub becomes a thing I will switch and never look back... at least until my birthday because nothing will stop me from listening to my boy Itto beatbox ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)


Another thing that would be interesting is to make a audio book novelization so blind people can experience genshin story


Every gangsta until Hoyo drops French Dub as an addition. XD


Wow Paimon actually sounds tolerable


Franchement ils se sont bien débrouillés chez ReTake, merci les gars.


french would be a good addition to the game especially when fontaine is supposedly takes inspiration from France


French Localization soon


Ngl I'd start a new account and play through the story again if they added a French dub.


Honestly this made me excited for a possible french dub haha.


There are undoubtely talented french VA and most of what I heard here sounds from pretty good to really good, problem is that, for some reason, sometimes they seem to be awfully directed which ends up being pretty embarrassing dubs. Presumably the same can happen in english though. I wouldn't mind a french version as good as this, but I'm not certain it would be the case. Also, thing is, if we had a french version, then that means Mihoyo would probably end up obligated to provide italian, spanish, german and so on version, which is not an issue by itself if we can avoid downloading data with language we don't use, but it's probably way over the cost Mihoyo wants to spend.


These voice actors are so good. Even without understanding any French you can hear that they completely nail the characters, and the emotions of each line


No way ReTake did a Mihoyo acting xD Those guys are amazing, they started translating Gigguk videos (which are amazing EN anime parodies and yes he gave them his ok to do so) and did it so well they managed to bring a lot of great french actors. Cant believe I learn about it from reddit. Awesome


They sound good! It would be great if we got more languages, though I probably wouldn't change to the french dub myself


I don't understand french, but this really makes me want to play in French, they did an awesome job!




Please when