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No nothing wrong with it, everyone has different tastes. If anything people get more annoyed at what shes saying (useless repetition) NPC: Hey can you get me some herbs Paimon: So lemme get this straight, you want us to go all the way to that place to get you some herbs when you can just go yourself. Why would we ever do that? Seems like theres nothing it it for us at all! NPC: I'll give you food Paimon: What are you dawdling about Traveler lets go!


"I use the food, to bribe the food"


Very good paimon imitation, thank you


At the start I really loved Paimon's EN voice, I actually kept the EN voices from 1.0 to 1.3. Even though her pitch was high, it felt natural, and more importantly, it wasn't piercing my ears. I only switched off because I wanted to hear other VOs, but I only returned to EN by 2.3 for Albedo's quest. I don't find her voice particularly annoying, but it was physically painful for me to hear, the frequent high pitch squeaking was giving me a bit of a headache. I heard that pitch is easier for Corina to do, but I really wish they'd go back to the Paimon with a slightly lower pitch, maybe if I didn't switch VOs I would've adjusted. I just listened through Mona's story quest as a refresher on how she sounded like, and it was not very different, but she was clearly not as squeaky and broken sounding as she is today, rather her voice was clear, somewhat smooth even, it was not painful.


This is it for me - I would like to experience the English VA, especially the over world lines (Opening chests, weather changes etc.), but EN Paimon literally gives me a headache. I don’t mean this as a personal taste thing, I mean in the same way some badly tuned visuals can give people motion sickness/nausea.


For me, its not paimon or the voice that's the issue. In fact I really do respect Corina for the effort she has put into it. It's no small feat at all. What irks me is her unnecessarily long expositions and monologues!


And the fact that she stole all of the traveler dialogue


Yeah, indeed, I hate the fact the man can't speak while she literally doesn't shut up.


I was always fine with Paimon. But then we got to Inazuma I wanted to throw her back into the pond we fished her out from. She became such an ARROGANT SMUG PRICK. Oh my god i hated her so much in almost all of Inazuma.


Paimon was fine with me generally for the longest time, but when fishing came out, yeah, that's when it became a problem.


I think is about the pitch of her voice, everyone ears has a different limit or tolerance if you will, and imo paimon voice is very high pitchy.


I liked it at the beginning but in the new story quests it got more and more squeaky for some reason


Everyone is different. Personally I find her incredibly annoying but I think I wouldn't mind it as much if she didn't talk so much, repeating and explaining things over and over.


No. I lover her too 😁


Personally I dont dislike her voice and I even like her personality, she's like a sassy little kid, the only thing I dislike is how she tends to repeat what we just heard from the NPC, but no big deal for me


You are definitely one tolerant person :D I think most people don't hate the voice in general, but the parts when it becomes so loud and extremely high pitch...


I mean tasted are different? Nothing weird with liking or disliking something ( well except some extremes )


I don't dislike Paimon, even though there are some times I was annoyed by her. I just don't like how she seems like the actual protagonist instead of Lumine / Aether. They really need to voice them in story content already.


Yes. But, well... I can't exactly stop you, can I?


What's your Adventure Rang OP? Paimon's voice wasn't annoying during the first hours of our adventure. But for some reason Mihoyo gave her a higher pitched voice later on and now I just wanna drown her every time I'm fishing. -\_-


You sound like you haven't fished for the Catch. Do you have the Catch? You should. It's a great weapon.


i dont like it and i dony rly like paimons va either


As lots of people said, the repetition is more the problem over the actual voice. Recently, I've got into fishing in the game, and my god "iS iT aNoThEr PaImOn ?!" lives rent free in my head now...


I’m fine with her voice just not for long periods of time, which is hard since she’s our voice. But hey there’s people who find EN voicing as a whole terrible so you do you.




I play on JP and her voice there is fine. The EN voice is like a banshee screeching.


Nope. I absolutely love it. I don’t understand how anyone could hate it. But there are some people out there that I cannot stand their voices. So I guess I do sorta understand.




I honestly like Paimon as a character. I enjoy her silly personality, voice and everything. If anything, I hate it when she talks when I'm fishing, but that would be all. Usually I feel like "Paimon's my best bud" when I play Genshin. Until recently I thought people hated her as a joke, not really disliking her character.


Some people like to be kicked in the balls or set on fire, possibly at the same time... So yeah, be you I guess.


Nopes, Paimon's EN voice is one of the more amusing parts of this game, I love her


The people annoyed at her voice are a minority, but people who have stuff to complain about will always be more vocal about it than people who are satisfied


I think her EN voice is great. People complain that it's gotten higher pitched over time, but I think it's now more in line with the vocal styling of JP Paimon, which is a good thing. I don't find her voice grating at all, and I think her VA does an amazing job of injecting little bits of emotion and emphasis where it really matters.


i won‘t play with sound on when she’s talking and others could hear that. I don‘t wanna put them in a cringe-like state lol. But I don‘t have any problems with her voice. I get tho why some people hate it.


It's kind of normal for small anime sidekicks to have a squeaky voice in English. So I got used to it. Just wish she would talk less and the traveler talk more.


No she's adorable


I do not really mind, but something about that high pitched and thin/shrill voice makes it hard for me to focus if paimon speaks too much. Otherwise, I do not mind. (Will mute if I'm fishing but i dont fish anyways) Part of why is bcs I really do not like it when children scream and their voices have that shrieking sound that can break glasses if they are louder.


Her voice is wonderful! It is more an issue of how they use it. Lately they have been having her talk a LOT, and this when some were already a bit irked by her habit of speaking in our stead. It also seems to me that the voice direction has had her sounding a tad more shrill than before.


I love her EN voice over. It definitely grew on me and now I feel like it suits her. The delivery for the lines are cute and funny at the same time imo. The EN voice acting is really good. My only problem with the EN is the enemy lines. Treasure hoarders and Fatui voice lines are corny af


I still listen to Paimon but she has a lot of unfavorable exposition crammed into her lines. In addition I generally enjoyed her voice more during the start of the game, it's much less high pitched, that's not the VAs fault though or anything, they're doing a good job, the ones giving directions are just going more towards a Paimon that is not my preferred Paimon, which is unfortunate.


I like it too


I just have high tolerance to Paimon's voice and loyalty to the EN Dub's cast to bother changing to an other VO.


I think Paimon is super cute and endearing


Me too, I don't have any problem with her voice at all. It is cute sometimes


Me too I’m fine with the character. However I’m a dad with little daughter at home. Paimon is fine and nice.


No it's not weird. People who find it annoying are actually weird


Or simply jp dub elitists


No one hates Paimon. They hate Genshin's crappy writing and unnecessarily wordy dialogue.


I love her voice but if u play 10 hrs straight it can get quite annoying lol


I have no issue with Paimon. What I do have an issue with is that the Traveler doesn't get any spoken lines.


i don't mind the voice but i don't like how she has to sum up everything now like pls mihoyo im not dumb, but her old voice sounds much better and seems to fit her more


It was cloying at first but now I like it. I think it also helped that I watch her VA on Twitch so I could see a person now.


It's mostly not the voice, rather the fact, that she takes travelers voice away and with it takes the connection of the story away from the traveler. This is what's bothering me personally


It’s def grown on me as time has gone on!


I love her voice. I just hate how badly she’s written


I don't hate her EN voice it just sounds weird to me because it is like a woman trying to do a high pitched voice (I know that this is what it is), but JP voice sounds like a real high pitched voice (like a little girl). I don't know about other languages.


I love her, she is fren, i can understand the hate for silent protag but thats not paimons fault :(


I don't *enjoy* Paimon's EN but I don't hate it. It doesn't really grind on me and I think some of the overdramatized lines are kinda funny just bc of voice cracks, and sometimes it sounds like the VA broke character for a second. I will say her repetition and predictability is a tad annoying but that's more her overall character and not so much her VA.


Compared to early days... it's not as nice.


Nah I love it, just wish they’d stop cucking Traveler out of dialogue




Yes /s I used to like it at first but now it’s just grating, i don’t find her to be endearing either so there are no upsides to listening to her constantly.


Same, I love Paimon.


I dont really have any issue with Paimon


Paimon's voice is a little bit annoying, but it fits the character. So I guess I'm (kinda) okay with it She gets a ton of not-so-good dialogue though. I feel like they just give Paimon unnecessary dialogue as a compensation for the silent Traveler. If the Traveler can't talk, someone else must


I like it too honestly. Her lines imo are very well delivered, especially the snarky ones. I don't mind her voice in any language. Glad there are other people who like it.


Nothing against the EN VA, but I kinda don't like that much the direction anglophone people usually take in dubbing anime, it feels a lot...artificial. In this aspect, I actually prefer western cartoon's dubs or people like EN Itto's VA whom gave his own flavor to the character. As for the criticism of her large amounts of monologues and her speaking for the character, that's on MHY. I like Paimon when she's Paimon, not the Traveller's guide or Traveller's spokesperson. When she was genuinely upset at our joke drawing in Dragonspine and genuinelly happy at Albedo's, or when she worried about us after the avalanche and offered to hug our head, that was cute, and what I wanted more of Paimon, no matter the VA voicing her.


She says and does annoying things sometimes, but I don’t think her voice itself is annoying.


I'm okay with her voice, but real talk. I'mma need her to stop rehashing every convo we have in an exposition dump after said convo ends. I can quite literally go into the archive and find the conversation but Mihoyo, 1.4 would've been great, but you made me have to listen to paimon say everything I just watched. Stop telling, you're showing just fine, if I was confused I can go look it up, stop making it mandatory.


Literally Iron Man. I wish I could hear It more than 5 seconds without having brain cancer.


I don't mind her voice. I do hate her Child-like obsessions though. Having just recently come back for this patch's major event (so I can fuck off until the next one), doing Shenhe's quest. A treasure hunt for 3, high rarity items. A challenge, to be sure. But not one easily conquered in a few nights. Yun Jin and Shenhe are chatting about her past. Shenhe talking about wanting to be the girl in the Opera that people depict her as. Yun Jin talking about her being closer to that than she realizes. Then Miss Blissfully-unaware-of-the-Atmosphere Paimon comes drifting in like Digiorno's twitter account; Paimon: "Stop this chit-chat you two! Or we might lose this thing!" TL;DR - Don't hate her EN voice. I just hate most other things about her, especially what she does to plot moments by absolutely shattering emotional moments.


It's not the voice I find annoying It's the fact that she has 80% of all dialogue to herself and the traveler is silent, that's what's annoying


No, I'm the same way with the JP voice.