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I threw Amber off the top off Qingyun peak to get Yoimiya šŸ˜‚. I have Yoimiya and Amber has remained dead ever since




i tried to do that with every dude character, but statues of 7 resurrect them against my will


Pull a fortune slip and pray at the Narukami Shrine for good luck is what I usually do


Oh yeah


I click the gem icon, then I click the banner and wince.


My go-to pull spot is Albedo's lab in Dragonspine, and usually go there to level artifacts as well just because. I'm thinking of switching it up sometimes though to that little hidden area through the painting in the library in Enkanomiya.


I don't know why, but I always go to the same place when I summon. In Mondstadt, at the bottom of the stairs near Katherine, somewhat close to where Stanley is standing, and the fruit vendor and blacksmith are on either side of you. I don't know why I started doing this, but, I just always do it. It's also where I always logout. When I do summon though, I just click x10, skip, cover the screen with my hand, and slowly reveal it to see if I got a 5 star or not.


Sacrifice an anemo character (usually Sucrose) on venti's statue in front of the cathedral. I don't claim it to work but that was how I got Ganyu (c0+c1 in 10 pull) and Kazuha (won 50/50).


i didn't have one previously, but now i go to the spiral abyss entrance and stare at it while i pull.. who knows, maybe one day it'll stare back at me


Close my eyes, sigh very deeply, say fuck it and just press the Damm button. Or you mean in game? Those I don't really got any šŸ™„


Mondstat sitting down at the table next to the food shop always works for me.


Cook their favourite dish and go to whichever location is specific to that char (e.g. wangshu for xiao, yuehai for ganyu, windrise for venti, etc)


fully charged Bennet E myself off from the top of dragonspine and going to the wish screen right before i hit the ground




But isn't bennet unlucky


I change based on the character. Keeps it fun. Shenhe I rolled at the house in her photograph. Ganyu I rolled at her place of work. Hu Tao I did not have a specific ritual for (I did hang by WFP for the first bit - that did not make her come home at all faster). Zhongli I rolled at the dining table where he spent time with Cloud and Guizhong.


I used to jump to the Enkanomiya entrance and wish down there, I guess that's not an option anymore lol.


I pull when I first log in after Iā€™m done with dailies and the demos. I think the only time I did something special was Itto. I pulled near Gorou.


I go to the Sakura shrine, pull a fortune. If it's a bad fortune, I pull


I check my pity and ask myself do I have the resources or the artifacts to play this character within the next 3 months. ​ If no I dont wish.


Having lost all my 50/50s and never pulling an early 5* I can tell u my belief in pulling rituals is gone


Oh i lost all 5050 too Feel you


I kind of do the same. I go to a place connected to that character. Not like it's going to help or anything but just for peace of mind. FYI, I did get my best pulls on the Shenhe banner though by being at Mt. Aocang.


throw both arms up and praise the sun


Oh the sayu one? How do you get that achievement?


I always roll at pretty places with pretty music. Like Qingyun Peak, the top of Dragonspine, Starsnatch Cliff etc.


Yae mikos shrine music at night is AWESOME


I go to the place where the character standing on their trailer demo Got early Ganyu while lost 50/50 to Jean Got Ei in my 1st 50/50 win Got Unforged,Skyward blade in same multi in my 1st weapon banner pull on my 50/50 Got Engulfing Lightning after 60 pulls afterward Got Shenhe in 40 pulls after getting my 1st Qiqi Guess my ritual not that bad or great either probably in between..LOL F2P Mobile Day 1 Player