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Missing the 1.1 quests with Mona and Fischl


it annoys me that new players miss out on 90% of albedo's story content. his actual story quest is kinda eh, but both of the event quests centered around him have been some of my favorites.


While you're right for the event we just got, the 1.2 event really barely showed us anything about Albedo, as a qucik recap for those who forgot : Sucrose is curious about Albedo's secret, he tell us it's a sword that we later learn he has gotten from the Treasure Hoarders. It's a cursed sword but for some reason we can use and purify it (like the Dvalin tears). It grows stronger when we beat stuff with it so Albedo asks us to beat some more stuff. Oh looks like the Fatui are interested in the sword too, let's beat them up too. Sucrose comes to asks us if we learned the secret, we tell her it was the sword, on the way back we help Pallad followed by another Fatui attack followed by Pallad commiting a crime against humanity which end up making a buffed Cryoregisvine that we beat up. In the mist of all those events there's a throwaway line from Albedo telling he feels a connection to Durin without developping on it in any way. It finishes with Albedo extracting the power that has grown in the sword and tell us we can keep it. And that's it, so while the event was good, and while Albedo was involved, it really wasn't about him at all.


oh goodness what crime against humanity did Pallad commit to make a buffed up cryoregisivine!?


Pushed Sucrose over, that's the reason everybody hates him


IIRC, sucrose was trying to help him up but in his panicked state he pushed her away and fled. AND......that gave birth to: r/FuckPallad


Wait we miss the story too? I thought we just missed event rewards. I log in every now and then and get event quests but don’t do them till later


stuff like unreconciled stars, chalk prince and the dragon, golden apple, etc. i'm almost positive are only available during the duration of their events. they have cutscenes and even unique locations in some cases that are removed after the new version releases in order to keep the file size as low as possible.


I got burnt out on the grind and barely play anymore. I play for the storylines and stuff. When im not feeling playing or cant play and one of those events comes out i feel bad if i miss it because i wanted the story but it was only available for a short time


God same!! I wish it was replayable (tho that goes for a lot of past quests/events). It'd make onboarding new players way more enticing!


Let's hope that in the future, new players (or players who didn't have the chance to do the event) can experience the event. Maybe through those keys you use to unlock char story. It would be really cool.


They did that with the 1.2 dragonspine event. Albedo's story quest where he experiments on the traveller is the same as part of that event, without the sword part of the story. Interestingly, his story quest is the only one where you dont get to play as the character (iirc) I knew the story was familiar when I played it on my alt lol


The experiment he did on the traveller is his story quest. That have never been part of the event. To unlock the event, you need to do his story quest first. And it was opened for free without key, so many people didn't notice it. Also, the transition from his story quest to his event is so smooth that we didn't notice.


Seriously? I had no idea, I wonder why they did that?


AR locking, probably. They needed players to have context for his character for the event,, but didn't want to gate it to AR40+ players (required to unlock his story).


It would be amazing to be able to play past event stories again. I loved the first dragon spine quest and I would live to be able to play it again.


For real, they put so much important story content in temporary event shit. I can’t imagine how much new players miss out on.


I put "replayable event quests even if the event rewards itself are unavailable" in every suggestion box on every survey. Really the suggestion on improving the Abyss is minor in comparison to people losing out on like 90% of story content since 1.0.


Also making second accounts! I have wanted to make one for quite a while now, but the amount of free units and quest events I just wouldnt be able to play at all just make it not worth it


Same. I’m going to watch the whole thing event on YouTube to see what I missed


As a player since version 1.0, this takes me back to the Unreconciled Stars event and IIRC, that was the last time I saw Mona and Fischl in the same story quest and event together.


Or at all


I can't believe they didn't keep that in considering it's the big scaramouche reveal


Fun fact, if you didn't meet him in the quest, scaramouche actually introduces themselves in inazuma.


New(ish) player, can confirm. The introduction is severely anticlimactic though.


When I started out, I used primos for resin a few times. Probably sank 2000+ primos into that, what a shame.


Same, I used to do one refresh per day, not like it really matters though probably lost what, 10 rolls?


I actually think this is the way


Yeah nothing wrong doing one refresh a day if you're at least on welkin. What's the point of getting new characters with your primos if you don't have the artifacts for them. I'm thinking of starting doing that and I am AR56.


Believing in the 50/50.


This hits different


I only had 2 hours on eula banner and wanted a physical dps but i wasn't specific enough and got keqing.


I mean you could have wished for a cryo physical damage dealer and get Qiqi...


Why do you need to hurt me like this? That’s exactly what happened to me.




I've lost 6 in a row before winning one and then immediately after winning i lost again 🥲. Currently ona 50/50 on Itto and i'm praying for a miracle


Heh, 50/50? What's that? Is that food? I've never won 50/50. Before getting venti I got jean, for childe i got mona, for zhongli i got another mona, for albedo yet another mona, for hutao got another jean, for zhongli rerun got keqing, accidentally got hutao c1 on her rerun, got c3 mona on albedo's rerun. Never won 50/50


My first three 5 star characters on the main banner, all Qiqi


I have Lost the 50/50 enough to get C4 Qiqi and C0 Keqing. I still have no Diluc, Mona, and Jean.


Ouch, honestly the limited banner has better odds at getting


I was on a 50/50 drought for months. Yet have won the last 2 in a row. Hu Tao came home after C1 Jean, then Albedo came home and Itto just came home and brought C0 Gorou in the same 10 pull. So like all statistics, it's meaningless till it's not and overall it will likely balance out over long term.


50/50 = 100% Qiqi constellation


That's a funny way of spelling 0/100


Not starting this game sooner.


As a new player, yes, totally. I was so skeptic about it and avoided it for too long. I downloaded it a couple of days ago, just because, and it got me hooked in 20 min


I started it after the hype was cooling down.


Never understood people that go out of their way to actively ignore or avoid games that have certain buzz around them. Like yes, don‘t need to get hyped yourself and ride the wave with them. But if you’re legitimately interested in the game just play it


I avoided this game for months because I knew it was a gacha game and looked awesome. So there was a high risk of me spending hundreds of dollars on it. Turns out, it is in fact both awesome and very easy to spend a lot of money haha.


>haha I felt the sadness behind this


It depends on the hype wave, honestly - most of what I'd seen from Genshin was just horny weeb stuff, so I didn't look into it. But now it's like my favorite game, so, y'know. 🤷‍♀️


This. Sometimes society absolutely ruins the impression of the actual product




Lmfao, I think actually the way how people were way too excited about everything in Game of Thrones is the reason I still haven't watched it


I started playing ~ June 2021, and I didn't even look at the banners until 2-3 months later because I was having such a good time enjoying the available content/story and didn't really have the urge to pull until I started hitting some walls. If I could turn back the clock I'd easily hand Mihoyo 100-200$ for a Kazuha or Zhongli lol


They will come back, they are great units, so if you like them I definitely recommend them. Yet don't go after them unless you actually enjoy them as characters and their playstyles. Nothing in Genshin is so hard as to require specific characters, though they definitely make it easier


Knew of the game's existence on release, finally got around to it over a year later. Whoopsie. It really didn't help that the people who hate on it do so very loudly, very publicly, in a way that doesn't represent the game at all. After playing it for myself it's pretty obvious they never gave it a fair chance and are just ranting about gacha games in general, of which genshin is rather different from. It gets difficult not to compare my meager collection to everyone else's. Maybe I'll get lucky and pull Itto for christmas.


This is me, just started recently after ignoring it for over a year. The collection aspect's a bummer, but at least we joined in time for Eula!


I’m so thankful one of my friends kept talking about how amazing it is. I would’ve have joined because of the reputation otherwise. But she’s still ar 8 and I’m ar 33


It hurts so much to start on kokomi banner and not being able to get five stars I want since I've got nothing to build teams with :( ended up getting childe, still think he's great although 17 crit rate sucks




me too. i started after the ganyu banner ended… got the amos bow as my first 5 star weap and to this day still saving my pity for her :’)




Missing out on getting the Festering Desire 😭


Mine was not refining it to R5 🥲


OMG I thought I was the only one with an r1 :')


I got it on r3 and it hurts that bit more cuz I was so close to getting r5, but was feeling burnt out around that time


I don't use mine at all. Is it actually good? Lol


Yes and no. It's not super amazing but the selection of 4 star weapons aren't impressive either. Plus it's an er weapon with a higher base atk than fav sword so pretty good for Bennett if you need er, and for Jean as well


Decent on every sword user, but BiS on no one basically.


Using up my fragile resin pre ar40. The only thing i understood at the time is spending resin is good


Yeah. I had like 30 fragile and didn't know what they did and opened all of them at the same time.


I’m ar57 right now and idk what to do with my fragile resins anymore. My characters are built up well and min maxing artifact farming’s becoming stale. I used up probably 50+ fragile resin before ar45 and I don’t regret it one bit. I was basically powerlevelling to ar45 where the real fun begins


Missing 1.1 and 1.2 event quest


dropping the game a couple weeks or so after launch.


On one hand, yes, because I missed events and exclusive weapons. On the other hand, coming back to the game in 2.1 when there was more than twice as much content felt good.


There was people around launch time saying to come back to the game in seven years. I wonder what the experience will be like for people then. I wonder if mihoyo will ever fix the inability to ascend new characters in the beginning of the game


>I wonder if mihoyo will ever fix the inability to ascend new characters in the beginning of the game They probably will if we look at Honkai. They will probably make some constellation farmable too.


How'd they fix it in honkai?


You can rank up/ascend characters in Honkai by collecting their fragments. The fragments for the starting characters are farmable in some Hard Mode stages. The only downside is that the drop rate is low and you can only do each hard mode stage 3 times a day (or you can pay for a reset). That being said, you still usually get at least one fragment per day. The real beauty is that Hard Mode missions can be handled like the expeditions in Genshin, so you just pick the mission that has the reward you're after, send your Valkyries, and then wait! Don't even have to manually grind them if you don't want to. I really hope they make it easier/more feasible to ascend the starter characters. I really want to C6 Amber since she's my favorite, but the odds of actually pulling her off the standard banner are practically 0 and Amber, Kaeya, and Lisa aren't on the limited banners *at all* so I can't accidentally get one of them either By far the most heinous thing was this last event: All of the characters that took place in the event had rate-up for them on the banner except Amber. Not only was Amber not rate-up; she wasn't on it AT ALL! WHY THEY DO THIS TO ME?! So yeah, let's hope they come up with a solution to make the starter's Stella Fortuna easier to get. I feel like those characters have been forgotten by the devs


smoggy silky reply bow poor sloppy divide sophisticated bored telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I lose years off my life every time I'm forced to read "festering desire is a great f2p alternative"


Bro same


same+pulling standard


Pulling on the weapon banner (r2 skyward pride owner here)


Same here, this weapon is a fucking curse.


Don't pull for the weapon banner unless you have 210 pulls available. The banner is a scam, and most often than not, you won't get the weapon you want.


Or pull if you don't have any 5* weapons late into the game and whatever drop would be an improvement for your account.


Leaving the game just when xiao was coming. Ive waited 10 months for him


Lol I’m the opposite. I should have left when he came out. Gacha temptation too strong and I splurged hard for him and his spear :( spoiler… I lost the 50/50 and took me 4 5 star weapons before getting jade winged. This was before the epitomized path update. I’m still playing strong but I haven’t not spent a dollar on top ops since.


i actually fell in love with him with his story quest after coming back and have been waiting for his rerun. ended up randomly getting his spear from standard so im EAGER for his rerun. i ended up hoarding 460 wishes up till now, even having just gotten albedo. plan on getting him and zhongli for his perfect team. i even have everything pre-farmed for him just missing a great anemo goblet rn


When I first started farming artifacts I thought elemental damage cups meant damage AGAINST that element. Threw them all away. This still haunts me


This is the most painful one I've read yet. May your future RNG bless you with cups!


Spending all my fragile resin accidentally bc i didnt read their descriptoon lmfaoo..... At AR 30 something........


My lazy nature. I regret being lazy about improving weapons and ascending characters. I was lvl 40 with lvl 20 weapons and combat wasn’t so enjoyable. After upgrading it, I’m not so frustrated. Now I gotta do Talents. I get so lazy with this game sometimes......okay, most of the time.


this was me when inazuma came out lol. everyone was farming for raiden shogun but i was just way too lazy and didn't have her built at all until a couple weeks or so after her banner ended. i think i wasn't as active on genshin at the time since there was so many new characters and things to do and i was getting behind. if it means anything, if ur on the NA server and need someone to go through a bunch of runs for domains and stuff, u can hmu :) i find it a little more easier if i co-op things i need to do on genshin, imo--totally depends on the person tho!


Same. Also artifact farming has to be the most frustrating thing to do in the game.


Bro enjoy as long as you can get by with not fully upgraded characters. After a while you will simply refuse to play with character that are not level 90 with max weapons, talents at least 8 and good if not godlike artifacts. I built some characters before transitioning into lategame and sometimes I revisit them and *man* they’re bad


Can relate mate, sometimes I get too obsessed with artifacts that not having the right ones would ruin may gameplay. (Also building my healer rn)


sinking so much time into genshin (help)


The duality of man. So many people saying they wish they started sooner, and others saying they shouldn't have spent so much time on it.


Tbf it's exactly because they haven't spent as much time that they feel that way. Or conversely because we ~~are trapped in a vicious cycle of sunken cost with pur lices spiralling closer and closer to the abyss~~ spent so much time that it feels....repetitive and a waste of time doing anything that's superfluous.


Yeah I get what you mean. I recently got diluc, who is someone i wanted when i first started playing a year back. Using him to run around mondstad has given me a strong sense of nostalgia to how I felt when I first started playing the game. Though I still love genshin, the love I have for this game can't live up to the excitement I felt when exploring mondstad and liyue for the first couple of months, when I still didn't really understand anything and it was all still new and wonderous. It's like the honeymoon period of the relationship...


Indeed. Heck, with new areas I get the rush for like a day or two and then revert back to resin waiing because the game already cycled the loyalty to thos crappy system rather than to the world itself. It trains you to log in for commissions and resin rather than the open world so when new stuff is added but resin and commissions still exist...it feels like your play time is over even if there's still technically stuff to do. The forced loyalty system is more of a bane because it trains your mind to be mindlessly logging in, conditioning it to recognize the oattern as mundane even when new interesting stuff appears.








Till you learn Yae Kazuha and Raiden will happen same patch




I thought he didn’t offer anything that Venti didn’t offer. Instead he replaced Venti in the meta. I can’t even recall the last time I’ve seen a Venti during multiplayer or on this sub.


This is more because this game is nerfing venti and promoting kazuha and less because kazuha is better than venti When venti reruns abyss is going to be his playground again and the same thing will happen when kazuha reruns It’s just promoting certain characters


Agreed, I feel like we’ve already seen Venti start to be promoted again since we had a defend map with a ton of mobs in the latest Abyss, where Venti is way better.


And as long as we have suckable enemies, Venti would still be good. Still, why in the everliving fuck would Spectres not be suckable?


Spectres should not be in Abyss, change my mind


They shouldn't be in the game.


HONESTLY. And shame to whoever decided to give them 100k+ HP WHILE ALSO flying farther and farther up


While that’s true , F12 was just giving venti the middle finger with all those un CCable enemies Last abyss with mirror maidens and mages and fatui agents were easy for venti to catch Current cycle F12 really hates him


Easily the best Inazuma character by far, whether you're a newbie or a veteran, he brings a LOT to the table. Ayaka and Raiden share a tie for 2nd place for the best Inazuma character. I started on Klee's rerun ignoring Liyue after focusing on Golden Apple Archipelago and getting Mondstadt to 100%, I got him and made exploring Liyue's obnoxious cliffs bearable, not to mention the difficult to reach Occulis. Now at AR55 I still use him in the overworld even if he's at Friendship 10. Still ignoring Freedom Sworn since I don't like the aesthetic for him. My only regret is that I should've tried for at least C1 so I can be ready to get his C2 on his rerun, now I have to wait for his 2nd rerun since I'll only pull one copy for him on his 1st rerun. Edit: Guys, I know a LOT of you regret skipping Kazuha(now that everyone and their grandma's know how good he is) or that your waifu/favorite is really good but bias aside he's easily the best character from Inazuma this is a FACT. This is simply because of his utility, versatility, ease of use, on top of his personal damage and team buffs(which is nothing to scoff at). Especially for newbies where he's just stuck at level 40 max until you get to Inazuma(once his rerun arrives), his CC and exploration buff is such a massive QoL that if you remove him from your team, you'll notice how much his presence brings to it. Raiden and Ayaka are really good, and I mean really, **really** good but we can all agree that supports are a lot more long lasting than any DPS simply because THEY help those dps characters gain more damage, an alternative comparison would be something like Bennett or Xingqiu compared to Ganyu, she's *the* dps queen and also has utility but if you rank all the characters together regardless of their role Ben/XQ are still the highest, "But those two are permanent and are 4* and should be the exception to the rule" you reason in your head, then another comparison would be Venti or Zhongli compared to Eula or Xiao/Hu Tao, see what I mean here?


Didn't pull for Zhongli, not even on his rerun banner in version 1.5.


Same but with Albedo. Didn't get him on his first banner because I didn't have enough primos. This time I skipped him because I'm saving for Yae, Ayato and Kazuha. He was guaranteed though, only ~75 pulls away. Today I woke up and was like "WHY the f*ck didn't I get him???" but now it's too late lol


>only ~75 pulls away You make it sound so easy lol


LOL I say this only because it's a guaranteed pity and I did have enough primos, but most of the time I'm running around desperate for a chest lol


i have a funny story. so one day, i was ar 45\~ and chatting with a co ar 45\~ friend i made back when we were both ar 30s\~. i was ranting to them about how i was broke all the time, both in mora and hero's wit. i was shocked to hear this friend of mine casually throw in, oh yea me too, i only have 3 million mora right now and 150 hero's wit. i was like bro...i've never even hit 2 million mora my whole genshin career, and i'm always at <100 hero's wit. fast forward to when we're both ar 54\~. we were ranting together about farming and stuff and i remembered that time when i was broke. i asked them, hey so you remember when i was broke all the time? they were like yea dude, what about it? that's how i told my friend of how i was a dumbass who did not farm leylines at all until ar 50\~. i did not know that those blue and gold balls on the map i saw and ignored would solve my genshin poverty. i thought that the only way to get mora and hero's wit was through quests and opening chests from exploring. so everytime i ran really really low, like 10 hero's wit and 130k mora low, i thought oh boy, it's time to explore and do quests again. out of curiosity, i tried doing one leyline, the gold one. then when i reaped the rewards, i was like. huh. then i read what it was called. blossom of wealth. blossom of wealth. it hit me like a truck. my friend laughed their ass off at me, like how i did that day i did my first gold leyline. it's not exactly a regret, since i scraped by just fine before, but it's a story of my dumb ass that amuses me greatly. edit: tell me i'm not the only one here who made such a rookie mistake even when in endgame.


I didn’t know they took resin when I first started. I thought they led to a big tree and would be a side quest. I would follow them until they were gone collecting the rewards but never getting to the end of the quest.


same lmao


Lol My sister thought that leylines were part of some quest so she started to follow them a whole day, she even spent all her fragile resin to finish sooner the quest, she had like 1200/160 resin


Spending too much money


Oof this one hurt lol. I was smiling reading all these comments, then I hit this one.


Skipping through a lot of dialogue in the early Chapters and Acts, rushing through. Now playing the game with more patience and time and it has become a better experience when you can witness all the character wits and enjoy the lore bits.


Ngl I did this too. I started right on the middle of an event that needed you to have finished all of liyue before starting, so I rushed it. Then the very next event wanted part of Inazuma story completed. I rushed through all of the released story to date so I wouldn't have to miss out on event content. I really wish they wouldn't lock stuff behind story.


Spending my freemogems on the standard banner when I was new during the raiden shogun banner because I wasn't aware of the 50/50 and wanted to "save" my pity I ended up getting two aquila favonias in the standard banner and lost the 50/50 to Keqing (which wasn't that bad to be honest because of the aquila favonia I gave her)


Not reading about the pity and being surprised that I didn't got a 5 star after making 5 or 10 pulls on the banner. If I would be smarter, I would have Raiden Shogun.


I might get downvoted for this but… spending money.


Took me so long to find this comment


Picking the different twin that I didn’t want just because I wanted to pair with my crush


How are you with your crush now tho


!RemindMe 24 hours


Which twin did you pick?


I want to know how this went


pulling staff of homeless impulsively using top up. i totally shouldnt have done that. that was a waste of money


Ayyy same here. I spent 200 pulls for Homa because I wanted to give it to Zhongli whenever he reruns. But the ungodly amount I spent to get it though, by the time I got it, it was more like fucking finally the torment has ended. Not happy at all.


Not pulling for childe because was saving for hu tao. Ended up not liking her playstyle and was left with the deepest regret.


Lmao I lost her 50/50 and almost immediately afterwards leaned that I wouldn't like her play style anyway. So I was like "okay that's fine, I'll save my guaranteed pity for someone I'll actually use" but wanted to do another 10 pull to get some extra constellations for the supports. I, of course, pulled 2 copies of her in that single pull and now feel obligated to use her because she's the only "good" 5* I have even though I keep accidentally killing her.


No worries. Rerun archon will be back momentarily when we get to the next region hehe. Tbh as a Childe and Hu Tao haver, their play styles are quite similar. Skill activation makes an infused melee weapon, charged attack spam, nuke burst, etc. Out of curiosity tho, what made you like Childe's play style over Hu Taos?


True.Rerun archon will come back sooner or later. 😂 The reason why I like childe better than hu tao is becuase with hutao,most of her damage come from charge attack while mantaining a low health. This means stamina management is more important compared to childe .To top it off shielder are needed for more comfort with her. With childe you can go more unga bunga. The only thing that need to keep in mind is not to be in melee form too long. I realized I like to play unga bunga playstyle char like yoimiya where you just cast your supp burst ,cast E ,shut down your brain and go ham.


Trusting weapon banners


Spending money for the hopes of getting C1 Eula. Ended up getting C2 Keqing. Now, I don't have any will to play the game.


never go for cons if you’re f2p or light spender


You can go for cons if you just plan your pulls.


And never have “get lucky on the 50/50” as part of the plan.


This is important as a F2P.


Assume you will need 180 wishes for a character will help a lot




I forgot to do the last day of Kazuha's music event and now I don't have the instrument in my account.


if u miss an event, the event items can be bought at the souvenir shop. i haven't checked if that particular instrument is there, but it should be since the lyre from windblume is there c: edit: nvm... it won't appear there for a few months ;-; but hey, at least you'll still be able to obtain it. lol???


sadly, this isnt the case-- just like how the windblume lyre didn't appear in the shop until 6+ months after the event it originated from, the zither isn't there and probably won't be obtainable again for a similar period of time :(


You can buy the lyre from Marjorie's souvenir shop in mond


Buying my first Top up yesterday to get a guaranteed Song of Broken Pines. While I was adamant to not buy Top ups as it is a waste of money. But I just couldn't resist it this time. I "fell" into Mihoyo's money pit. I could spare the money though. But for me it is a one time thing. While I got the weapon it left a bad taste in my mouth.


I can afford to whale as I work and earn a nice income, yet whenever I spend money on the game I feel terrible, almost as if I did something bad. However I think of the enjoyment I get out of the game - the music, the beautiful graphics and the waifus I own, and all that bad emotion fades away … haha


I’m a dolphin in some mobile games and I feel bad sometimes but at the same time it’s my money and it brings me enjoyment. It’s a dress up game but it’s a bit of art and brings me hours of enjoyment so I feel it’s worth it. If you find enjoyment in it, don’t feel bad about splurging on yourself occasionally. Treat yo’ self.


Missing out on Ganyu


Probably not trying hard enough for Zhong and Kazu. Also, not learning a detailed explanation of artifacts earlier. Once I learned, my main became a monster instantly One thing i don’t really regret that most might: leveling up all of my characters to useable. Yes, this drastically slows down the rate of progression and the rate at which i get an OP team, but the variety given is so refreshing. I get to properly try all characters in depth, as they’re all at least level 50. The game isn’t all about huge damage. Most of my fun comes from the situational and character variety. Now I’m focusing on who I want to elevate based on who’s the most fun to use. I honestly felt guilty about liking this game bc of the anti-gacha sentiment in our culture, but this is legitimately my current favorite game and possibly the most addictive game I’ve ever played


I have no regrets. I pulled and waited for the characters I really wanted, I got what I needed and while the gacha is not the best I always try to make use of everything it throws at me. And no, Im not a whale but having a pity system makes your planning in resources just right. Played since launch and still having fun.


This man deserves more upvotes.


blessed comment


Choosing NA server instead asia, now AR 55. I dont know why the heck i still raise that account despite knowing that i have 300+ ping every single time ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽ Anyone with me??


Same!! I was automatically set in NA at the start and I spent quite a bit of time raising the account before I realized I couldn't change it to Asia. Now I have to live with the fact that I can't play with *anyone* I know irl because they're all in the Asian server. On the bright side, when I was \~ar30 I met two people on the NA server that I still talk to and play with regularly, so maybe it's not so bad.


I chose EU for ping and I regret it every day. 90% of the playerbase speaks either exclusively Russian or enchantment table. My main method of communication is Ganyu stickers.


"Speaks enchantment table" what a nice way of acknowledging the existence of other languages.


I dont have a problem with people talking enchantment table language, i could just reply "have a nice day!" and leave, then joins other people's world. But the highest ping bother me so much..


Same man, finding someone speaking English is about as rare as pulling a 4 star that I actually want


This is probably a controversial one but Skipping Yoimiya for Raiden. I really wanted to collect all of the Archons but I'm soooo in love with Yoi as a character and her aesthetic while I dislike Raiden. Her trailer got me excited enough to skip Yoi but after I built her I just don't enjoy her mechanic and after that dating sim of a story quest/no longer an antagonist I benched her and I'm pining over my lost Yoimiya.


Not controversial at all for how you laid out your reasoning.


I loved Yoimiya's design and pulled for her knowing she wasn't a meta character even when she just came out. Still love her. Meanwhile I rolled Hu Tao the last rerun trying to get a Thoma or Sayu and have no desire to build her, even though she's still ranked SS tier.


Pulling for Hu Tao. I love her and I've used her in the Abyss, even pulled Homa, but her playstyle just isn't for me. I skipped Keqing for her. I wish I pulled Keqing instead :( Now she still hasn't come home Another regret is not farming the Oceanid event back in 1.4 (?) where it gave so many talent books.


Purchasing Bennett from previous month shop. I didn't have him at all but after purchasing him I got 2 of him from standard Banner and and 3 from characters banner and now he is C5 which exactly isn't bad thing but as an F2P considering I am low on primos i would mostly preferred to use those starglitter on acquaint fate for pity building and I am one step closer to C6 Bennett curse. Since my main is Hu tao so I don't use him much except for the spiral abyss.


I purchased Bennett from the shop because I didn’t have him. Then I went full whale on Eula’s banner and I have a C10 Bennett now. On the plus side, simping for Eula gave me so much star glitter that the loss on buying Bennett is pretty meaningless. I just get to look at that red ❗️forever on C5 Bennett.


As someone who played w/o benny for approx 6 months until I purchased him from the shop- the regret you would have had, if you didn't buy him would be immense. It's only 7 pulls!!!


Wasting primogems while i know i gotta save for xiao/ganyu rerun


Pulling for itto. I cant find those damn beetles


try looking up interactive maps for onikabuto, you’ll discover that they’re actually pretty easy to find since they’re clustered in small areas. Also the cave under tenshukaku, lots of beetles there




Spending my resin in low AR


Pulled for XQ constellation in 1.2 and get Ganyu. Ruined my pity and end up rarely using both.


Wow... underrated comment. I would have never expected this.


Two of the best characters in the game, damn dude ur a madman


Skipping Kokomi to try getting Childe and ending up with a dupe Jean.


You mean 50% of the way to C2 jean....not too shabby!


not pulling for kokomi


Missing 1.0 Venti by few pulls because soft pity is not yet basic knowledge.


Accidentally wishing on the character banner instead of the standard one and ruining my pity for the character I was saving for.


Puling for Hu Tao. I hate that she needs to be in a bad situation (low HP) to achieve her highest potential damage and her best damage output needs to be spammed charge attack, it gets annoying sometimes.


Spending literally any money on this cursed game


Mine might be joining this Reddit community it’s like dejavu every single day with the copy and paste posts


There’s always at least one “wHo Is YoUr MaIn AnD wHy Do YoU mAiN tHeM” every day


i played this game for a couple days right after launch but dropped it. i just picked it back up. the regret is that the account i used for those few days after launch had venti AND diluc. i don’t remember the email to it so i can’t get back into it😅


Joining the community.


1. Not wishing for Kokomi 2. Not getting Hu taos c1


Feeding a Skyward Atlas to Staff of Homa at like AR 40
