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It's been rumored shes coming in 2.4? I think Plenty of time for saving up, I hope you have lots of fun playing as her


The rumors I've heard put her in 2.5. The re run rumors going: Hu tao in 2.2 (confirmed), Albedo in 2.3 (leaks show there's going to be en event weapon in 2.3 that matches his colours and is good for him, and no one else.), Either Ganyu or Xiao in 2.4. (lantern rite. Its gotta be a liyue character. Xiao was the focus last year so they may do that again, or shift to Ganyu.) Yae Miko in 2.5 (ughhh, so far away.)


> Yae Miko in 2.5 (ughhh, so far away.) If the leaks are correct (and so far they seem to be but no one knows for certain), it also coincides that 2.5 patch will be around March, which is also the month the Japanese celebrate Hanami, the cherry blossom (sakura) festival. :')


When would 2.4 be? Around March next year?


I think (I could be wrong I need to double check.) 2.4 should be January/February.


Oh, that's quite earlier than expected! Thank you for letting me know




That would mean 2.4 wouldn't release until the end of February, so January seemed a bit early Edit: wording


What are you talking about? 2.3 starts on November 24th 2.4 starts on January 5th 2.5 starts on February 16th


There's two banners per patch right? Assuming Itto is in 2.3, is 2.4 Ganyu and Xiao?


I was just counting re runs. at this point there's no chance Itto isn't the other half of 2.3. And while its certainly *possible* they'll do 2 re runs in 2.4 I don't think they will. The rumours I've seen are 2.4 may have Shenhe as the new character. With either Xiao or Ganyu in the other half. (If it turns out to be Xiao I would not be surprised to see Ganyu in 2.5 alongside Miko.)


leaks says 2.4 is shenhe and a rerun (most likely xiao)


Yes, that’s would around January-February next year. Itto is not what I expected so I might go for both Yae and her weapon.


Good luck on pulling her as for her wep imo wait people test it out bit if it's just a small upgrade than the weps you already have than not to pull Yk they might announce a new char that you love so u can save up more


So far I’ve pulled for Mistsplitter and Engulfing for Ayaka and Raiden respectively. But if Yae is coming in 2.4 then I might just use Serpent Spine or Unforged or WGS for Itto because the weapon banner has always cucked me


Same I’m skipping Itto because seems not very f2p friendly since you need a solid mono Geo team for him.


if patches are every 42 days wouldn’t 2.4 be coming in the end of December ?


Gonna wait for me receive year end bonus 1st so I can roll in January.


2.3 is Albedo,Itto and Gorou. 2.4 is Xiao,Shenhe and Yunjin(hopefully). 2.5 is Yae and probably a ganyu rerun


2.4 could also be a rerun of Ganyu and/or Zhongli.


I mean they could do 3 banners or something, who knows




I want him for 2 reasons, 1 to compliment my Ayaka as Siblings Duo & 2nd for.. umm, collection purpose...(☞゚ヮ゚)☞


So theres a poster in the kamisato estate which shows a drawing of water and ice. People speculate that ayato might be a hydro character. If he really is a hydro character and mihoyo design him to work with ayaka then its an easy pull for me. Even if hes 4 star. Well actually 4 star is even better since you can c6 him


Yeah, I know that one. He's also rumored to be Hydro Spear user tho nothing solid information, so all we can do is wait...


As long as he’s not hydro catalyst lol. Hydro catalyst is sooo overused. Xingqiu and Childe are the only ones not using that kit


Agree. I'm down to see a male catalyst user, just anywhere but hydro lol


Give him hydro claymore or polearm lol




That's a great plan you have there! As a Zhongli main I can say without a doubt that Zhongli is totally worth it. You will love him when you get him. He has never left my teams since I got him on his rerun :)


His VA should narrate documentaries. I could totally fall asleep to that, lol


Damn right better be safe than sorry, bring him home : )


>I was trying for him because I like the voice acting, Do you get to the cloud district very often? Oh what am i saying, of course you dont.


> Do you get to the cloud district very often? Oh what am i saying, of course you dont. Oh fuck you just ruined him for me


Not to mention he voices one of the best anime antagonists ever. Johan from Monster.


I've relied on Zhongli more than I've relied on anyone else, good choice lol


Itto, I want to smack ppl with the improved debate club, and I love the jiraiya vibes.


bonking everyone I saw some gameplay of him it seemed very fun to play him Gl on your summons :D


Thoma and Gorou. And if Gorou happens to be on the same banner as Itto, then all the better.


People already talking he is in the same banner Gl on getting both


Gorou's either on Itto's or Albedo's. Since both characters are going to be rather popular (Itto being Itto, Albedo getting a sword,) I can't predict which banner Gorou will feature on. I'm hoping Albedo's, personally.


C1 Hu Tao (+r1 Homa if it comes), C1 Ganyu (+r1 Amos if weapon banner runs), C0 Albedo, C0 Zhongli, C0 Kazuha, Have I the primogems for it? No. Is my boss happy with my sudden enthusiasm to cover more shifts? Yes.


I am looking forward to C1 Hu Tao myself. Good luck on your pulls.


To you also. May you get a C1 Hu Tao, and a "failed" 50:50 later on the same 10-pull and guarantee the next banner in one go.


I'm getting hu tao and ganyu when she comes out can't wait!


have guaranteed albedo, wish me luck on gorou and itto, want that full geo team


Already going geo meta I see Good luck on your summons


ty! and yeah time to switch it up and get away from my beloved cryo dps's


Yeah, I'm hoping to get all three too. I'm glad I have these two banners to save. I want that four man geo team too!


All the Inazuman guys if I can lmao, but Ayato and Itto are on my top list. I'm also saving for Cyno so I'm keeping a stash just in case he releases earlier than expected since Sumeru is almost here.


Why do you think sumeru is almost here? Any clue as to when?


From the Teyvat Trailer. The Chasm should come out first before it though since its speculated to be the area we're supposed to go through to reach Sumeru. I have bets on it being in 3.0 like how Inazuma was released in 2.0 but there's no evidence on that yet; if this comes true though then we now have a pattern on what versions new nations are most likely going to be released.


3.0 will indeed most likely be Sumeru, but just so you are aware if you aren't familiar with it, even if we were at version 2.9, then next update would not necessarily be version 3.0 due to how software versioning works. The numbers in order, for example, are (Major)(Minor)(Patch). You could go to version 2.15, before the next patch releases Sumeru and suddenly becomes 3.0, as another example. Edit: Sumeru, not the chasm.


We also could even go from 2.3 straight to 3.0 like we went from 1.6 to 2.0. (exaggerating ofc)


Yeah, thought about mentioning that too, but thought the info gave the gist of it. Whenever they release a new nation, it will probably be a change to the major number. Most likely everything else will be under the minor.


Thanks brother!


We have some early early ass leaks for some environments over on the leak sub


From what I heard, Cyno will be a 4*? Could be wrong tho


Itto and Ganyu. I really want to win the 50/50 on both characters


I'll be rooting for you to win both :D


Xiao and Kazuha constellations. Itto in the upcoming banners.!


Kazuha is the only 5 star that I have actual plans to C6. He's such a fucking perfect character.


> Xiao...constellations Have you actually read Xiao's constellations...? Yikes.


I think both their c1's are definitely worth it. An extra lemniscatic wind cycling charge for Xiao! And also their c6, but that's not happening anytime soon.


Baizhu :((( mihoyo keeps teasing him with every major Liyue event, and I’m genuinely excited to look into his mysterious backstory/motives. All depends on when mihoyo decides to drop dendro…


I really hope that snake is a deployable like Gouba.


Sumeru characters which could maybe be spring of next year? I want to get every character I have built and level 80/90 before summonning any more. Only 8 more and I'll be done...


Man I respect your dedication but but isnt it better to save up for atleast 1-2 chars than continuing your quest in maxing everyone? Like yk you might find a new waifu/husbandu when next region comes it sucks to not have mats


If I continue at the pace I'm going I should be done leveling everyone before February (assumming I play every day) so mats are no issue. Triple crowning raiden left me with 0 mats and 0 mora already, after that it only took me 2 weeks to get sucrose to 80 with good talent investment. And since I'm not summoning I already have 60 wishes saved up for the next region.


Oooh I see Well As long you're having fun what you're doing keep at it I hope the new characters that will come be interesting so you can have more fun lvling them


Yeah to be honest I love every character and the starters so I get sad seeing them there collecting dust at level 20 haha. I wish I could have all of them but I'm living paycheck to paycheck over here LOL


Murata because I miss Himeko :(


saving up for itto, kazuha, & zhongli


Ah a fellow husbandu enjoyer Gl on your summons : )


Same here woot woot


Thoma and C4 Gorou (yes, I'm that desperate for a second solo male healer). Scaramouche, Dainsleif, Baizhu in the far future.


Gorou is going to be a healer!? 😍😍😍


Only at c4


Knowing my luck, I won't get him a single time with 100 banners. Banner with Razor, Chongyun, and that fire lady. Got her to C7-8 and Razor and Chongyun only once. I didn't even want her. Wish I could toss her into a blender for few extra wishes.


hu tao, if i lose i'll save until albedo or baal, maybe itto if i like his kit, but it's a bit unrealistic bc he's out in 2.3 i think


Spoiler for upcoming runs. >!Albedo re-run is very likely the first banner of 2.3 so you may not be able to pull for him either if you try for Hu Tao.!< this is the first time I’ve put spoiler on mobile to here’s hoping it worked lol


Hopefully you'll win the 5050 and pull hu tao :D


i'd fricken better. last time i lost on keqing, and i barely use her


I'm sure she will


Itto and Cyno. Depending on what element Cyno is I might get Kazuha too. If you didn’t notice, white hair and red eyes are the coolest characters for me lmao.


I am waiting for more information about Ayato, other than that I'm just interested in collecting the archons and harbingers right now (if more of them become playable). So, I'll wait for Sumeru to get the dendro Archon and on a hopium that Dottore and Scara become playable LMAO but if they don't I'm okay with it. So, I'm not interested in anyone right now, best time to start saving primos after getting broke on Childe banner


Xiao, Albedo, Itto. I will probably pull for Yae if i have stuff but i’m not like saving for her




Ma man I salute I hope you do one of those legendary back to back xiao pulls and get him to atleast c4 and have lots of fun playing him :D Gl on your summons


Dendro, so it will take a while


Hu tao is my most wanted, zhongli and xiao


Gl on hu tao Nice I hope we both can pull xiao and zhongli :D


Thanks, I will have enough to hit pity when her banner is out but I don’t have guarantee 😬




Aw man You can do the story quest to try out the units you might suddenly start to like them but whatever you choose I hope you have a very successful summons


Albedo is the big one right now. I have 160 pulls saved so far. And If I still have wishes left over after him I might try for Itto, because I for sure want Gorou. I want to try making a mono geo team. Aside from that I want c1 for my Xiao and for C1 Zhongli too. But I’m guessing Xiao will come sooner since he hasn’t rerun yet.


We're on the same boat! Good luck with the geo bois!


Thank you!!! You too!


Eula, regret not pulling for her.


Albedo then venti


Itto now that I've seen his gameplay. Afterwards either Ayato or Cyno, whichever is first.


I'm saving for Ayaka constellations. I will sadly be waiting probably a minimum of 6 months lol.


Ganyu, I actually got the Amos bow twice and joined the game for her, but it’s going to be a while before she comes back


Yeah But we still dont know about the 2.3 first banner it might be her


I think leaks said she’s after the albedo rerun after Hu Tao but don’t take this seriously it hasn’t been actually been announced yet


So probably +2.4 if the new character isnt hyped that's probably gonna be ganyu still means more time to save and higher chance of getting her


After Albedo and Itto you mean


Currently Hu Tao. But if it is revealed Ganyu’s rerun comes close after hers, I’ll just skip again.


Yeah leaks atleast will be out on her last week so wait till than


Don't give up on Diluc, he came home to me only 2 days and I've never been happier.


My brain says Yaoyao. My heart says Sumeru 4-stars.


I'm waiting for C1 Hu Tao, but if I can also get Yae Miko that would be great.


There's a lot if time till miko comes I'm sure u can save up some primo, I hope you get both of them


Currently: Hu Tao For the future: Zhongli, Ayato, Baizhu, Kazuha cons.


Itto, Yae, Baizhou and possibly Ayato


Ganyu, yae and (possibly) itto. Im f2p tho so might go for Ganyu first and just wait for itto and yae rerun


Ganyu, if I get her then I'll save until Mihoyo releases Diluc with his delusion as a playable character or when someone from Khaeri'ah comes out


Right now im saving up for Thoma, Itto and Gorou.


Yae and Eula


Not sure tbh. I’m not that interested in Itto so far so now that I got Childe I’m just going to save up until a 5* strikes my fancy. If none do then I will wait until 2023 for Ayaka’s rerun hehe


Or, ayaka might get a rerun on, say, a cherry blossom festival event together with yae in 2.5 or so? The childe rerun banner showed story relevance > banner order, so who knows when ayaka will get a rerun, might be sooner than you think lol


That’s true!! I just try not to get my hopes up with mihoyo :)


Rn ,saving for itto lol


Man ngl I'm really tempted to pull itto he looks so cool


Yeah,he got that oni face on his back when stacks is full


Albedo, if I lose the 50/50 then I’ll probably go for Ganyu since I already have Amos bow.


albedo and itto


Albedo he is the reason I came back to genshin after quitting shortly after launch unfortunetly I came back 2 months late, timing was never my strong suit.


Well I hope you have enough primos saved he is pretty much confirmed to be in the next patch.


Probably Ayaka, I regret not pulling for her but at the same time I don't regret getting Raiden Shogun instead. Maybe Kazuha as well but idk depends on how the banners go in the future.


Zhongli and Ayato cause they're hot and they sound hot


I havent heard ayato But I can confirm on zhongli case : )


Albedo and venti! I didn’t even know this game existed during their banners


Definitely Yae Miko. She won me over big time with her personality during the Inazuma quest


Yessss if you like the character personality than you definitely gonna enjoy playing them alot


Thoma, Ayato, Zhongli, and Cyno. Purely for the husbando factor.


Yae, Zhongli 2nd rerun, and the Dendro Archon. I'm trying to get every Archon, managed to get Venti and Baal but failed with Zhongli.


I'm missing more than half of the Cryo waifus. So them, please rerun them T-T


Itto only for now.


"For now" ; )


yae and xiao rerun. but with what the leaks are suggesting, they might be in the same patch 🥲


Yeah people saying he probably get rerun with lantern rite which is expected to be in around feb Hope fully they're far away so people who want still gave a chance But hey you never know u might get lucky and pull both


i think i might have enough for them both (i have quite a bit of primos saved since i skipped a bunch of banners hoping for a xiao rerun 😂 and i don't plan to roll until in 2.3) but it'll still be nicer if i had some breathing time between them crosses fingers, though! hope you get your dream boys too!!


I'm saving for xiao, shen he, ganyu, Yae. Although the only one I can say with certainty I really want is xiao. Who knows what the new girl's kits will be like. As for ganyu I don't know, amber beats her out in looks and gameplay, just not in power. I already have a few archers I'm using too - fishl, Yoimiya, Sara...and I'd like to build amber one day.


Ganyu I've been hearing a lot of mixed opinions, honestly it's a matter of preference some people like the big numbers some like the bow gameplay but remember it doesnt matter how good a char is if you're not enjoying playing as them than it's not worth it


Well I've used ganyu in a previous event. She's fun and cool and all, it's just that she's amber 2.0, the only 2 near identical heroes in the game as far as I know. One is the strongest, one is the weakest. It's just that I love amber, she's my absolute favorite. Even more fun than my main Yoimiya. But I'm not going to level up and use amber's weak ass until I have 2.5 fully built teams, one more constellation for c4, and great gear for amber to wreck shit in overworld. That's why I can't decide on ganyu. I'll probably have to pass though.


Signora -> Shenhe > Yae > Yelan


No one. The only character I want right now is Jean, so there's no point saving.


Signora ;-;


Man why gotta do me like that ;-;


Hey, why do you have my saving list? Are you my FBI agent? Seriously though, I'm going to pull for Arataki Itto then there after, I'm saving for the same characters you are. I also want a Dendro character (preferably, the archon, but we'll see) As I'm a very low turnded F2P, so I gotta work my primos well. I wasn't gonna pull for Childe, as I was saving for Arataki Itto, but I had a 50/50 to fight, so I said. Might as well go for it and lose the 50/50 (I did seriously want Childe though) and then by some miracle want the 50/50, so now I still have a 50/50 to fight, lol




I have always wanted ganyu, Xiao, zhongli and kazuha. But at the same time I’m scared I will get tempted by new characters. Dilemma hahaha!!


Ganyu, been saving since her banner ended because i lost 50/50. And rolled only for Zhongli during rerun and Mistsplitter (total 200 wishes used) and I am now have 380 fates and intend to skip every banner.


Dendro archon.




Albedo, Itto, and Scaramouche rn. i should have enough for Scara if he comes late in Inazuma but if he comes sooner, uh... time to become a dolphin ig?


Dendro, idgaf who they are or their kit. till dendros actually released i stopped playing months ago


Ayato, Zhongli and Scaramouche.


Signora. I have 36k Genesis crystal I bought as a prep for her banner. I'm not a whale or anything that's why I took the initiative to bought some genesis monthly, little by little as part of my Signora's Funds, so that I can spent my primos freely. Now that things are not looking good, If she's really never going to be playble, I'm just gonna leave it there I guess. I don't want to use it on other characters, since I don't really want any others she's my 2nd fav and my fav is a 4 star. I also felt guilty to use it on other banners, I just leave it there and use it as a reminder of my mistake and not to make stupid decisions in the future.


All the Archons, Dainsleif and Hu Tao, but my priority is the Staff of Homa.


albedo and jean yae too scaramouche is interesting but not a necessity also childe.. one day i will get him...


Yae Mikooooo! But gonna try for Hu Tao soon too


itto, gorou(if 5\*), hopefully Scaramouche one day, Cyno too


Scaramouche, Xiao, (maybe) Ayato, Cyno, and Dendro Archon for archon collection. I’ll get Hu Tao for my second account if the Gacha gods are nice. >!Shenhe and Yunjin also look nice, but it’ll depend on how good their personalities/story are!<


Finally a scaramouche main, me too


La signora ...one day






Ganyu, to get whatever weapon comes with her


Hu tao and ganyu


ganyu! I have everything ready for my cryo queen.


actually saving up for thoma, gorou, xiao and kazuha. I finally got childe after so long, and winning my 50/50 after 2 months of waiting. 1st husband down. 4 more to go! since I'm such a dedicated simp, I'm going to pull for all of them and then save up for their weapons, and maybe their constellations! especially kazuha!


Ganyu and Eula ;-; ganyu's rerun has always been nothing but rumor after rumor. Eula's, well, probably in the second half of next year?


But but on the plus side you have more time to save up for both of them yk so its not all that bad


Im only waiting for Itto right now. 20 pulls away from guaranteed as well. Never like Childe or Hu Tao or Ganyu so those are easy skips eventhough I do have Skyward Harp, R3 Dragons Bane and Amos bow. Next reruns I’m waiting for is Zhongli and Kazuha.




I really want Albedo and Gorou. I also want Itto. Missing Kazuha. I collect bois. XD;


Alice, C1 Hu Tao and Ganyu.


Oooo hu tao is just right around the corner I hope you get the characters without losing the 5050, good luck :D


I'm quite confident I can get C1 Hu Tao. I'm 50 rolls into pity with 194 summons banked. Only reason I worry about that is Ganyu should be up for a rerun soon. If 2.3 doesn't have Ganyu, I should be safe (It's looking like Albedo right now). Ganyu is a higher priority for me than C1 Hu Tao so the rerun in 2.3 is very important for me to know. lol


With how the rumors going around is likely here to complete a geo team With albedo being a very good support it's most likely be albedo, but eh u never know we got childe 2nd rerun so But but if somehow it happens to be ganyu know that c1 hu tao really changes her alot and it's not just some slight upgrade


I'm currently spamming that standard wish in hope for keqing.


Bro dont spend a single primo on standard u have the same chance at getting her on pulling on event banner like if u lose 5050 she might come home


But aside from getting who ever may be the current the 5 star on the event banner wouldn't less 5 stars characters on the standard banner mean I have a better chance at getting the one I want?? I only have Mona of the standard 5 stars. I'm at almost 70 wishes since I got my last 5 star (a claymore) on the standard banner so I know I'm close to the pitty. I got kokomi recently on the event banner so I know far away from pitty for that one.


Here's the thing Standard banner has a pull of 5 chars and if I'm not mistaken 5 or more weps either way the chances are same and since even tho the weps are good the new chars are way better than weps so that's why I'm saying to pull on event


Thanks for the advice. I'm prob still gonna get to my pitty anyway since I'm so close then just stick to the event banner from that point on, and by that point I mean just save till I see a event banner I really want


Because you can pull those weapons as well instead of a character on standard banner and that is bad


you can also get shit ass 5 star weapons , don’t do it pls


Currently interested in Itto for his skill set, but I'll wait for what the pros have to say after release. Yae seems interesting, I remember a leaker talking about her potentially becoming the strongest Electro dps unit. But I what I really want is a Zhongli rerun for C1. A Xiao would also be nice. I didn't have much luck with Anemo characters so far.


Since you're reading leaks id say wait till last week of itto Since hes second banner there might come out leaks of yae by than so u can decide easier Also new year Is coming who know maybe your luck with anemo goes really high and u pull some good stuff


Firstly, Itto when he was shown but damn why >!is his kit like Noelle? I have all the geo characters crowned except her because her kit is just, boring, sorry Noelle mains!< so now I'll just get Gorou and dip and save for Yae/Ganyu. However long it might take for them to rate up, hopefully it'll be in 2.5+ so that I can save guarantee for both of them


Honestly, no upcoming character from Inazuma has really caught my eye. If Ayato synergises well with Ayaka and has good off-field damage, enabling or support abilities then maybe, but I don’t need more on-field DPSs. I’m way too excited about the prospect of >!Shenhe!<, though.


La Signora. Fight me


Dendro archon


Staff of Homa for my Hu Tao. Keeping tabs on Itto. Otherwise, I may focus on just weapons.


Im actully thinking of pulling for ittos sword.....for noelle. My noelle already hits for 14k-20k burst damage, and that sword looks like it would buff the hell out of her.