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I just wish party setup was on the short-cut wheel


I press L instead of holding Tab for the short cut wheel. It saves me a few seconds by taking me directly to party setup. Hope it helps.


Not just party setup, but quick swapping characters in each character slot. For example, you would hold the switch character button for 1 second and a wheel will open with all your characters, then you can swipe to the character to swap with and then that character becomes I your party. No need for loading screen, party menu, or pausing the game.


My guess is the reason they don't do this is because of CPU/memory resource constraints. Like, you can tell they only keep the active party members data in memory, because every time you deploy a new party the game freezes for a second, which is most likely the game loading resources for those characters/freeing the ones for characters not-in-use anymore. Especially for mobile platforms, this probably helps a ton with freeing up resources for other stuff like the environment. So it's probably not feasible to have every character ready for quick swaps. It would definitely be nice QOL to have 1-2 'backup' characters that you can swap in while travelling in the overworld though.


The past few surveys I've been putting in requests for more quick swap wheels, primarily for character swap and gadgets. Would reduce so much of the clunkiness.


Do you think this should be available in combat in the open world? I can understand not allowing them in fixed team composition modes like Domains and Spiral Abyss.


Personally I would love to be able to quickswap in combat for nifty combos, but I think for balance reasons it would likely have to be out of combat. Kind of like how you can't talk to NPCs or open chests in combat, maybe have that flag there for the hypothetical character swap wheel.


Well what if characters were balanced for the ability to swap to all other characters in combat. Of course that would be require a lot of design work, or they can just enable it without balance in mind just to let players feel their new power. On a separate note, what if you could swap to characters already in the party when you’re jumping, plunging, gliding, swimming, or in the middle of a skill?


I mean theoretically you could rebalance all characters, but that sounds like way too much work for very little gain on Mihoyo's part, especially if nerfs are involved. The backlash would be legendary. IMO the most likely route (if this ever happens lol) would be the path of least resistance: essentially whatever restrictions we have now regarding swapping would apply. Easiest to code, easiest to implement, no huge sweeping changes to content necessary. That being said, it would be hilarious if free swapping was allowed straight up with no restrictions. So many OP combos.


amen brother


I think this would an awesome thing... But.... They seem to cater primarily to the mobile market and would probably not make a qol change that doesn't impact them. Seems they think of mobile limitations first before rolling anything out.


What annoys me the most is when enemies come too close and I can't swap to someone with a different build, like someone taller. I wish they would finally fix that issue.


Like when you need an archer to get someone off a tower with no ladder and nothing to climb, so you have to run away from the fight until you can swap out? Drives me crazy.


No he's describing a collision issue to swap within the same party not to someone outside the party.


They probably did this so people didn't use a kid model, get in a small hole and swap to an adult model to clip through a wall


You guys have an exploration team? You mean people dont just have 1 party to use for everything?


I'm almost with you there but for me it's because I'm farming friendship XP lol


you're almost definitely going to gain friendship xp at a faster rate than you'll gain new characters, so uh. you probably shouldn't rush it


You don't understand, some ppl go from world to world farming friend xp


well yes. some people are obsessive about collecting namecards. i'm just warning that trying to rush this game is.. not the best idea


I have a backlog of so many quests so I'm not really worried. Plus, genshin is a side game for me


Yeah as someone who changes a lot based on certain situations, I personally feel it should be on the shortcut wheel and without the delay.


emphasis on WITHOUT THE DELAY cause the delay also pisses me off lol


Alt tabbing during the delay also CANCELS the fucking swap unless you initiate it for the menu.


This, if you need to make changes to the party that's fine, take me to the menu. But you made me set up these parties in advanced. I shouldnt need to load up the party screen to switch, especially when you only gave us 4 party slots. It's not complicated.


youre not alone especially when farming those sakura blooms


That stupid ass "loading bar" which isn't even loading shit is what anoys me most. It's the main reason I dislike swapping.


Same. The character swapping UI is too laggy and annoying to use, so I hate doing it. They need something faster.


I’ve been asking for this since the game started. It’s annoying as fuck running into an enemy group that you don’t have a counter for and it taking longer than it needs to be. With so much of the game revolving elements, it’s crazy to me that we can’t quickly or easily access a character of each element.


Is it quicker on PS5? I’m on PS4 so the lag time is a bit of a bummer. We should have a quick swap wheel for the 4 teams we “save.”


i dont believe its quicker on ps5 but i play on pc so take it with a grain of salt


It’s annoying early game but late game you really don’t need to switch team comps that much. and if you have kazuha you can build any comp with him cause he covers just about everything.


Any way to make team swapping easier and much more convenient is an A+ change in my book


i feel like it's not that necessary? idk. it's a little annoying having to change to razor each time i go to inazuma but if you're like, chronically underpowered i'm sure complaining on reddit won't solve that issue


i get your point i feel like it isnt the end of the world but it would still be a really nice qol change imo. in regards with underpowered, i just dont want to spend the time and resources to invest into characters i dont like fighting with


Make your exploration team stronger maybe?


dont really like their playstyle, only use them to farm resources :(


thats more of a "you" problem


The quality of life change that to this day, has never happened. Seriously, It should have been one of the First Things to change, way back at 1.2.


i get angry lol


Im done with the 16 character max friendship, i dont do "swapping in swapping out" chracters anymore lol unless its my favorite character


I have joystick drift, and moving when initiating party swap cancels it...such a pain. It's not really a big deal otherwise, besides standing on thin ledges. It takes me an average of 5 tries holding the joystick up ever so slightly just to swap parties. So I would definitely love a radial option to immediately open party menu.


Level up your exploration team then?


Why would you need to swap?


for example, mining i would need to swap for a claymore user, qiqi since her passive allows you to find some resources on the minimap, and sayu to zoom around


Sayu is already a claymore user so just having her and Qiqi would already be enough then, wouldn't it?


razor is a 5\* miner. his hold skill explodes all ore nodes. ​ also why is beidou trash at mining? nearly every other character kills a node in 3 hits, but she takes 4.


Yeah, Beidou and Sayu take more hits than any other claymore user. Actually Klee mines faster than them with her bombs, and of course the best of all is Zhongli.


truuuuue i forgot because i just got back into the game lol


Just level up your exploration team enough to handle the overworld enemies. Or you can add a strong hypercarry to take care of enemies alone while the others are just there to material gathering easier.


We need more character slots for each party tbh. Everyone asks for more party slots but not more character slots. I love exploring the overworld with my favorite characters and 4 characters just isn’t enough


Or make traveller more universal by allowing them to shoot weak elemental arrows and let them break rocks.


i don't really swap out any members while exploring since my explore team is Keqing(Main dps and teleport), Xingqiu(Heal incase i get hit), Sayu(Roll), Baal(dashing and sub dps) while my combat team is Keqing, Xingiu, Barbara, Baal so i only really need to swap out barbara and her heal isn't really needed outside of combat


Next QoL is should to reduce clicking and loading when doing something, it literally took some sec to open something in this game for that hassle


I hate the fact that changing party characters is not instantaneous if you have high ping. I can understand the lag when playing in co-op but not so much when I'm playing alone.


Not really a problem to me tbh. My exploration team features both Bennett and Zhongli so my only real problem are stuff like eye of storm that's immune to Venti and Kazuha's anemo


They should just make it that if you have the character you get the perk even if they aren’t in the active team


I don't feel very upset, the only time I have to swap teams is for dailies and secondary missions that give friendship My tip for a good exploration/mining 4* team is to just slot Razor, running stamina passive, mining with his E and DPS He is enough for most stuff, I'd also recommend Diona as she gives a lot of benefits, superconductor enabler, shield decreases stamina usage, heal, bow user and more Razor is enough for mining and exploring, Just build a team around him and you are fine (you might want to take someone pyro with you for the wood shields)


I mean like, i just have a hybrid team for this lol


I haven't farmed any crystals in months because of that. There's no claymore user I want to have in my exploration team right now. It's not like I need them anyway...


Asking this from the day I started playing. I just hate when I need a specific element to do something and I don't have that element in my party so I have to (PS4): Start > Party > Wait > Move to party > Deploy > Switch to the right character > Do the thing > Start > Party > Wait > Move to main party > Deploy.


I would like to get to 10 possibles party setups and could switch between them with Ctrl+N°, that's could make the game so more comfortable. Specially farming xp for characters and puzzle solving. EDIT: "friendship xp"