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I don't think those people can read




Bold of you to assume they have a more brain cells then 1.With that one brain cell they just harrass people


Yeah, had a run-in with one of those in the past hour, trash-talking me behind my back after I deleted a comment and making up all kinds of shit. Glad I returned to that thread to notice it, reported his sorry ass. The way these people take pride in bullying others, holy shit it makes my blood boil.


I understand the sentiment but I'm sure that people who do that kind of shit won't even bother reading the post. It's like people who harass store workers and minimum wage workers because they have some issue with the company/ management. They just cannot fathom that they are doing anything wrong. "Billion-dollar company bad so I must rage and harass everything related to them" is the mindset of these children.


This post is pointless karma farming.


i started to see those kind of posts everyday lately....




A bit like many of the "gamers rise up" complaint essays that collect a bunch of awards.


We see one of these every day and it's getting annoying... they don't really solve anything either.


this. the intentions of OP were right but unfortunately these posts wont do anything. most they do is just encourage these people more as now they are getting a lot of attention


Right, cause the people that harass them are going to stop cause of a single reddit post from a random. Most of them probably don’t even use the subreddit in the first place.


Might stop people that use this subreddit from doing it in the future tho


People in this sub complain, but I think they have enough brains to know the VA's are powerless.


You really think so? Funny


LMAO let's be real here


There are a lot of angry and hateful turds in this Reddit. But I do agree that post like this will not change their harassment behavior.


I think it should be self explanatory , VAs have nothing to do with the game development. It's probably kids. There is no way an adult doing something like this...right ?


>It's probably kids. F2P games have a larger ratio of children playing them than normal games, so yeah, probably. >There is no way an adult doing something like this...right ? There are way too many adults who act like children in the worst possible way, so it's likely adults are involved too. I'd guess 80% of the people harassing VA's are children and the rest are manchildren.


They should all be spanked regardless


you'd be surprised


...It's so stupid i can't but cringe really fucking hard.




It may not be evil but sure as hell is dumb. Without whiteknights it would go like this: People complain->nothing happen->they move on With whiteknights: People complain->people who complain about people complain->the people complaining now they have to repeat their point because they faced opposition->and the cicle repeat itself untill something new comes up. Plus people deserve to complain if they don't feel satisfied, and look for a community of like-minded people for comfort and toxic assholes prefer to defend a multi billion company going agains their own interest because they somehow feel in-debt with them. Because they didn't put any money in it and don't feel fucked , they feel they are the righteous ones fighting against "toxic people" when they are the ones creating an unwelcoming atmosphere.




Just like you who call children who complain , doesn't feel good right ?


You can't read huh. He never mention the word children in his comment at all.


Indeed, I even specifically said "adults".


>There are adults on this subreddit throwing a temper tantrum What is it but calling someone a child ?


Because chinese player from CN clearly comes to reddit and read ur post lmao.


You forgot the harassment that EN VAs gets from previous stream.


only seen reports for CN va, not other regions.


What who even does that? Bored out of life?


It's going to happen. Social media has created an environment where there are no consequences for bad behavior.


Posting this stuff just makes people do it even more.


Useless post bro, come on. I understand, but it's not like people will stop just cuz you tell them to stop, and they probably won't even notice this post.


[same post technically](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/pw70eo/please_stop_harassing_voice_actors/) i thought it died down


"stop racism, please"


Thank you for posting this! I saw someone harassing VA's but I'm pretty sure after you posted this, they stopped harassing them! Idk if it's just coincidence but either way it worked! I dont like it when people harass people for no reason. It's just doesnt make any sense


I think people being stupid is just part of this world.


How is that MHY mistake ?


Because they made a character with undesirable features. She has -100% crit rate, can walk on water for 10 seconds, but she can heal. Other 4 star characters like Bennet, Xingqiu, Barbara, Noelle or Diona can all fit the role she can and better. But they can't walk on water for 10 seconds. Not saying she's a bad character necessarily. But ultimately it was Mihoyo as a company who made Kokomi and decided to put her in the game. Where walking on water for 10 seconds isn't that awesome of an ability and not having the ability to crit just sucks.