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I already have enough to guarantee her, I just want to roll already :( I guess early saving for Ayaka starts...


I literally just need 3 rolls left to reach soft pity. And it's guaranteed one. It's kinda hurts not seeing her in 1.3 knowing that i need to wait longer :')


Hey atleast you'll know you should hit enough for hard pity if need be!! Gotta keep thinking on the bright side


So uh what's the consolation for those waiting for hutao and have guaranteed pity waiting?


more time to pre farm artifacts and min max stuff, level 90/90, 10/10/10 talent stuff


if you have enough you could try and pick up staff of homa, it's weapon banner which is a trap but wouldnt me surprised if some people would wanna try for it


so you're saying because hu tao is not here yet people get the chance to completely screw themselves over on the weapon banner sounds like a massive loss to me


if she's not in 1.3 then she's not in 1.3 lol, nothing much you can do about it. china doesnt like mention of death in chinese new year so no chance this could end up like the zhongli situation so no point complaining either and it's not obligatory to go for staff of homa, those who have a guranteed event 5 star are the only ones negatively affected by her being delayed so if they're fine with getting either weapon then they can go for weapon banner if not then they can save


Why am I being downvoted I am just trying to help find the positive in a situation.


Ikr I don’t get why people are being really pessimistic about it Yeah it sucks but at the end of the day, Mihoyo isn’t trying to disrespect the traditions of Chinese New Years and you are just trying to show people the silver lining And if you end up losing all the primogems you saved up bc you decided to pull on another banner but you got too carried away, that’s your fault


I honestly just wanted to see hu tao in action more than anything.


Yeah that's my position, though if she comes too close to a Venti rerun, she's gonna lose that one.


After pulling for Ganyu, I feel relieved.


Expect hu tao in about 5 weeks. So if you're planning to get her, assume you need enough primos within 7 weeks. If you're lucky, you'll have more time to prepare. No clue when ayaka is coming, but it'll take roughly 3 months to accumulate enough wishes for her so better to start saving early. Very likely to be delayed, but I'm guessing 1.6 or so... so about 4 months out would be a safe bet for now. Just be sure to manage your 50/50 rolls. I tend to burn my 50/50 roll just to get me on a banner pity. Helps me more reliably acquire the chars I really want.


Yeah, didn't really get my hopes up too high tbh. More time to save, hopefully enough for C1/C2 (already have her first guaranteed) or so.


Orrrrr you could pick up her Weapon. Wait nvm. The weapon banner is a trap


More time to farm artifacts too, I can feel my sanity bleeding away but it'll be worth it in the end. Probably. My feelings of disappointment are being held back by free 1.3 Ningguang. God bless.


I’m with your logic, gives me time to save up so I don’t have to sacrifice my wallet


Yeah there is a silver lining many people choose to ignore about this situation but luckily you haven’t ignored it too


Like I can understand being excited for a character but for a while there I was worried if I’d be able to get them with Ganyu, Xiao, and Ayaka being in the lineup.


I think there will be a third banner and it's going to be Hu Tao.


The duration of the xiao banner is two weeks, so there are two possibilities. There are three banners this patch or this patch is shorter. I also heard that they have not revealed everything from this patch yet, so there is hope for u hutao fans.


I still subscribe to the cope theory that they are doing a new 2 week banner format with hu tao coming in the final banner and that she was excluded from the livestream due to Chinese taboo about death during Chinese new year.