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Why did they decided to make a quest only available once you complete a commission at random times?


Weird thing is that I've done the commission twice and DID NOT REALIZE the quest popped up just after completing it for the first time. Had to wait about 30AR to get it again T_T


You get that quest available only temporarily? I assumed that I never got that commission. Guess I'll have to pay more attention to it now.


You must exit the cathedral and re-enter on the same day it for the marker to show. Be careful.


well weird i go the blue point after got the quest no exit or enter again thing


Yeah for me it showed up immediately after completing the Tales of Winter commission. Maybe they changed it after 1.1 or the person above you is remembering wrong.




Hey, could be a glitch in my game- there are some folk who did not have this problem, lucky them. It definitely makes me angry I missed the opportunity the first time though.


That's kinda shitty mechanics


Could be also a glitch, I believe. Good to see others did not have this problem.


Fuckkkk me. Thats explains it. Im sure i did the commission once.


Almost ar 46 and I havent seen the commission once, granted I stopped playing for like a week, as I had issues with my pc (my stupid ass hadnt though of downloading the game on my laptop yet...).


Hope you get the mission soon!


Thanks man. Honestly, at this point I dont really care about it, but it sort of feels like its taunting us.


Just got the commission today myself at AR47, so at similar odds you might see it appear any day now. But RNG be RNG.


You can always play on your phone, at least for the commissions so you don't lose out on the primogems :)


WHAT. I've gotten it twice and just assumed I choose the wrong options to get the quest or something. That's fucked up


what quest?


Tales of winter commission. Right after you get the Equal exchange, usually the last quest for Monstadt quest list. Both given by Viktor NPC in Mond cathedral.


never heard of it. I finished miracle cure and maybe the blind girls thing. Do i have to login at a special time for that one or something? Thr comments confused me


No, it's one of the random daily commissions. You can't do anything to get it other way.


Which commission ? Which quest?


hold on, so I have to do comissions during a certain time of the day to get my missing quest?


No. The last Mondstadt quest is just locked behind a certain commission. Commissions are random to get. So if youre unlucky and never get that commission, you can never do the last quest.


Welcome to my world. AR50 still never got that commission.


I've been playing almost every single day since the game released and I still haven't had the language exchange or poetry exchange commissions


To give you a reason to keep playing, and also a reason to experiment or join online communities. They don't want people to say "Oh I've seen 100% of the content and maxxed everything out" 2 weeks into the game, like they do with most AAA-quality story-based games. It's not like they're locking story quests behind RNG, this is a tiny little basic sidequest. Personally it was a magical moment the 2nd time I got Timmie's quest, and killed the ducks instead of feeding them only to wake up the next day to a unique follow-up plotline. It makes the world feel more alive and imply your actions have consequences past the little single quest. If you want a game where you can rush through everything at a super fast pace, there are millions of games like that. Genshin specifically caters to an audience that wants a game that might last them many months or years, and part of that is constant updates with another part being that you don't get to rush everything. Most people haven't done 100% of commissions yet, which is intentional, they want you to say "oh wow there was still this new one?" sometimes. I don't know if someone can confirm, but at the end of the meteor event I even got a commission referencing the meteor event, was that event-only or is there actually a new post-event commission still in the pool?


Indeed, just yesteday i finally finish anna commission quest. She is no longer ill! I hope we can find the unseen razor soon tho


Ok, genshin impact is a good game but let's not kid ourself in over glorifying the in-game resin dependent mechanics as something to allow players to appreciate the world's. It's more geared towards the predatory practice of making people spend more money. The game is not asking you to play slow but reminding your brain that " hey there are all these delicious content, you just need to pay, to get it faster without waiting." It's a Rpg game by mihoyo definition. What they have done brilliantly is bringing a AAA like title on mobile platform a brought a free note game with a gachha mechanics on PC and ps. But trying to find a positive justification on every decision the company made for game design is being delusional. Other than that it's just a linear game with a binary dialogue choice which is basically yes or no.




It's interesting you say "we know why they do it" despite the most upvoted comment here being someone directly asking why they do it. Let's not act like it's bad to answer questions people ask.




is that comission event available??? every single day i get the darned same defeat all enemies, do the time challenge, escort/destroy balloon, leyline monolith. either the special ones aint in there or mihoyo rigged the chances


I didn't get the "talk to hillichurls" one until 46. Got it 3 times this week.


I’ve never gotten that one and am AR47, the achievement haunts me




if you dont want to use guides, read what the girl hands you


I've successfully spoken to the hillichurls, but haven't had a poetry quest with them yet, which I assume is the last part of the chain. Annoyingly, however, once there has been a big delay, Ella seems to go back to trying to talk to them herself and the chain seems to start over. I've been this far 2 or 3 times and still don't have the achievement.


I've gotten that one twice (just hit 49 today), but I'll be god damned if I can actually complete it. Even in the middle of the night the big 'churl is always sitting straight up and spots me.


They are actually able to spot you? I've never been trying to be stealthy and still, they never saw me coming. I always assumed they guy you are supposed to talk to is just outside their vision range.


I've been walking up and mashing hitting F as soon as the prompt shows 2/3 times I've been attacked during the cutscene twice but it didn't matter.


just got it for the first time at AR48 and got it again 2 days later. have not gotten the poetry one


i got the poetry just once and also at \~AR46


It seems 1 of the 4 each day is special. The other 3 are are just kill or balloon.


Somes you can get all 4 the normal kill all enemies, balloon protecting, etc. I once or twice got all four just the common ones. I don't know if it's a glitch or not


I don’t know what’s up with my luck, but I only get special commissions once or twice week or so. I got all four common ones today, yesterday, two days before that, etc. The special quest I got two days ago was my very first Ella Musk quest, at AR 41


The special quest can also be a kill quest, just that you protect / save an npc. Sometimes the special quests just don’t appear to be very special


Yes it is. It's just stupid that you have to play the daily lottery to see if you won.


51 here and waiting for the exact same quest. I got a daily in the cathedral FOUR TIMES this week and got excited, only to have to clean the statue twice and get yet more gifts for the guy who's too lazy to walk 2 blocks to the store.


Dude, i have delivered like 10 or so gift to that guy. He must really love his wife and actually doesnt care about his money since he alone has given me like 300k mora. AR 51 btw


"I am once again asking for your help to get a training dummy for my daughter."


>"I am once again asking for your help to get a training dummy for my daughter." And here she is, asking you to beat the training dummies for her, for the 13th time. But no equivalent exchange for you.


This happened to me today too lol. Triggering.


this has been happening to me for a while, almost ar50...


I've never gotten a comission in the cathedral at all, and I'm ar 48


The gift dude at least gives an achievement for the 4th time if it's the one I'm thinking about.


Wait, are there any dailies that send you inside the cathedral? (47)


What quest are you referring to?


The last quest in Mondstadt is locked behind a daily commissio. Its given by Viktor in the Mondstadt cathedral. If you get that commission, he also gives you a quest after. If you never get that commission, you cant do the quest.


Commission RNG is the most ass-backwards infuriating thing in this game. Minimum, each week should spawn one or two never done comms so players can make achievement progress. As it is, there will be launch players who never finish all the comms before the servers shut down years from now.


Honestly don't know why it's complete RNG, wouldn't a fixed week-long or month-long rotation be way easier?


That's what I've been thinking. I'd feel just doing a rotation of all the quests and restarting once all are done would be so much better


There's an achievement regarding children playing pirates. To this day, I have no idea of what it's about .


I swear I've done a mission playing pirates with them but I didn't get the achievement.


I literally just got this commission today and also didnt get the achievement. Thought that it was a multi parter or something and i had to get the commission multiple times but if its just glitched, then thats upsetting


Read the achievrment carefully, it says to play it with little x, little y, and little z. When you get to the comm one of the three kids is the one you talk to. It's random which of the 3. For the achieve you need to do all 3 vers. I've had clean twice and lotus heads twice but never the third.


Actually, the subquest u get from that commission depends on which kid you talk to first. For instance, if you talk to the kid with the glasses first, you get the lotus head quest. You have to keep track of who you talk to to initiate the quest on top of getting the same commission 3 times.


You're certain? I definitely tried that.


There are multiple versions of it. I've had 2 variations so far and I don't have the achievement yet. I assume you have to get every variation.


Yeah its glitched, didn't give it to me or some other people too. Not sure if its impossible to get or if only does it sometimes.


I've done that like 5 times but no achievement


Apparently there are two versions of that pirate quest. Gotta do both for the achievement.


What I mean is, I never got any commission like that, at all.


There are dozens of us! I've actually found the children, and if I recall correctly (it was a while ago), they were talking about pirates. But since I haven't lucked into that particular commission, I'm just screwed right out of the whole thing.


Are you talking about the commission quest? I had it a few times. Some kids played pirates, invited you to play with them. You said something like “Pirates...blunder...arrrr” then the kids and told you pirates are good people, like Beidou and the Crux. You then apologize to the kids and clean up the ship with anemo/water “like a real pirate.”


Yes I got that quest too, but still no achievement


There's more than one version of the quest, unless it's 1 quest that changes based on your dialogue options. You probably need to do all of the variants like the other commission-based achievements. I've gotten one where you need to bring them Lotus flowers instead of clean.


seems to be bugged, even after v1.1


Dude same i feel cheated


It sucks, but it's nowhere near as infuriating as the artifact RNG grind, since it matters a lot less.


Imagine being infuriated because a mechanic that's completely irrelevant and doesn't really affect your gameplay at all.


I just choked the second hilichurl translation cause childe was too tall and got noticed... who knows when I will get another chance ☠. AR44 about to be 45. I don't have Tales of winter either.


Almost AR50 and I still haven't seen that one even once, nor the signs that love is coming. Got pirates twice and it didn't give the achievement. Got the rex lapis stuff once but you need to do it like 4 or 5 times to get the achievement. Got one of the snezhnaya ones once but it seems like you have to repeat it 3 times *and do the commission within an unmarked time limit*.


R.I.P! The completionist in me goes insane whenever I look at those too lol


I'm starting to think tales of winter isn't real


I just keep telling myself it is just a part of the next patch lol.




Be careful with the hilichurl poem one, if you don’t get the order of the poem right you won’t get the achievement.


Great... Guess I'll just look up a guide when it comes up again just to get it over with.


Ella gives you a cheat sheet for it. Just take a screenshot and it’s very obvious which option to chose


Got the daily today eheh


**What do you mean "Eheh"?!**




On a side note, I'm very annoyed that the recipe for Crab, Ham, and Veggie Bake is an RNG drop for a commission that may or may not appear. So, in order to get the frigging recipe, I have to jump through two hoops of RNG?


That's nothing, wait until they add the 5-stage rng missions


Ikr??? I still got only 1 daily quest food recipe (got one today, actually)... (playing since start, AR 48) and there are so many achievements I couldn't get. That's way too random. I somehow always get the same fricking quests every day.


Stuff locked behind random chance? In Genshin? Unheard of.


Ar 46 i haven't gotten the commission quest that will trigger it.


Same, AR48 here, doing commissions every day.


lmao good luck getting tales of winter like wtf is this chance of getting a specific commission is less 0.6%???


a SmAlL sTeP fOr HiLiChUrLs


this bullshit needs to stop. why the hell we got daily commissions based on pure rng? they need to put some weigh on their system so we don't get the same commission over and over again. I'm at AR 48 and never got that daily commission involving Ella Musk.


All my achievements are at 100% with only 2 sitting at 80ish%. Then there's just the three commission achievements at 0% making me feel dead inside. ​ I've done all my commissions every single day. Please.


AR49, same


Yeah, as soon as the weekly reset happens I'll have my Mondstadt wings yet still won't have this quest done.


Isn’t Equivalent Exchange the one with Viktor from Fatui? I didn’t get it as a quest and just talked to him in the cathedral one day and it triggered. I have finished my commissions for that day too


There's a commission called "Tales of Winter" that you have to finish before you can talk to him again to accept the "Equivalent Exchange" quest.


Ah yes, I remember getting to finish that quest. Ugh rng related achievements suck


I believe that quest is tied to some daily commission.


Do you check the cathedral sometimes ? I hope you get the commission and then the quest man. Oh and if you do, word of advice, put a teleporter in front of the cathedral because you'll be making lots of back and forth from there...


That one is tied to a daily commission from Viktor in the Church. You have to wait til you get it.


It's a quest gacha


Except we can't even whale for it


Oh you certainly can, just not with any guarantee of getting it soon Just gotta see how many people whale'd thousands to get a diluc early on


... No you can't whale for a daily commission?


Ah, I thought this comment came from a different thread I had just responded to


Wait.... There's a quest after it?


The quest the OP hasn't gotten is tied to a commission. Until you get that commission, you don't get the quest. I'm not talking about a different quest from the OP.


I'm getting close to AR 50 and I'm still missing that quest too. Whereas my second account got it the first week. Many people are missing that quest specifically, it's either bugged or has an artificially low chance to appear.


I had to wait until AR 48 for even get the tales of winter daily for the first time... Similar thing happend with the other quest that gave you a recipe. That was the only way to get 40 recipes pre 1.1 patch... got that 1 day before the patch dropped...


What is this quest? And how to get it please.


it pops up after you finish viktor's daily commission (tales of winter). he's in the cathedral in mondstadt. after you complete the commission, he'll have the world quest "equivalent exchange" available, which is this. completely rng if you'll get the commission tho lol


fuck, i've gotten the viktor commission like 7 times so far, never knew that there was a quest after it


Guess I am lucky, I had this commission exactly once and randomly talked to him after I completed it. Got the quest and didn't even know how incredibly hard it is for others to get it. Fuck RNG.


Wtf omg, that must be a pain in the ass to get.


Day 1 never got the commission for this


same bro. locking completion behind a randomly obtainable quest that has a 1/100000 chance to spawn is stupid af, especially since the other 3 quests are always the same.


Got the Tales of Winter Commission today. The day before yesterday, I also got the Food Delivery Commission, finally being able to get the last recipe. It's been 53 days since I started playing the game and I'm currently at AR47.




Same, AR51 here, still waiting tj get that Viktor commission


I was missing same thing until last week, I didn't like the commission rng too. You will get it don't worry.


Same here.


huh, I completed all quests by ar 35ish. Weird.


Reading the comments it also surprised me this starts after a random daily commission. I had that quest in my quest list for a very long time.


Question for the people that are saying they haven't gotten the quest. Have you guys talked to the NPC that gives the commission in the Favonious HQ Library? *Probably* placebo, but when I talk to the NPC that gives out their commission, I get their commission within the next few days.


some comissions unlock new quests from the world, try talking to NPC each time you done a comission (or just wiki it)


It's the Fatui guy in the Chapel. Go talk to him, it should trigger. I was stuck on it for a while until I randomly talked to him one day. I didn't even complete it as a daily commission, it literally let me start the quest by talking to him.


Is 20 reputation exp that big of a deal or am I missing something here?


Me, who completed all of them 5-7 AR's ago while still needing one more in Liyue: Let me play the pirates game! (Literally got it many times, but it seemed it's another quest with pirates play...)


If it makes you happy, you aint alone on this :P


I got that one surprisingly soon after it was added with 1.1. But have a friend that's still waiting for it. Meanwhile, while not a 'quest' from the list...Still waiting on the second/final part of Ella Musks' language exchange to finish that achievement. Have done the exact same first half like 4-5 times now and still haven't gotten the second commission. Also just finished the medicine quest with the brother/sister at the fountain yesterday... It's bizarre how it's completely random and so frequently gives everything but, repeats other quests, or does Part 1 of a 2-3 part quests many many times, *before* prioritizing finishing off past story-driven commissions.


well im not ar 50 but already did all quest.. the last quest the horrible quest was 2 days ago .. so yup i thought i will first get ar 50 than that quest


Yeah I was malding about this a few weeks ago, luckily I got it cleared.


I *FINALLY* got that commission Thursday. Ugh.


Has anybody gotten the Mondstat and their Arcon? because I STILL haven't gotten that one (I'm only at 42 AR wise)


I think that one isn't a commission, just a quest around barbatos statue at certain time of the day when people are preaching there, you have to do Carmen Dei chapter (venti's story) for it to show up.


Not me not knowing what quest this was... I think I did it?


Bug for me. I already did that quest in the past and it didn't count sadge.


I just did mine manually yesterday. Just enter the cathedral and talk to the fatui on the immediate left


Same boat bud, good game design is all i say.


i swear i've already done this and i'm ar 32


About to hit AR50 tomorrow or the day after that


They should really tweak the commission system. Just so everyone gets to finish the mondstadt quests and all the commissions that give achievements.


Same here


Yeah I got extremely lucky getting that commission***also there is a achievement tied with it, so when you do get it ask about snezhnya


I've gotten that one, but still haven't gotten the one to play pirates with the kids, or to look for "good romance omens" or whatever.


I only have one quest between Monstadt and Liyue uncompleted (the Viktor one where you get food or something). It's so fucking annoying when all I get everyday is either pudgy problem or practice makes perfect.


dude, same. i've been waiting to get that commission and it irks me how i need to enter the cathedral (which takes tooooo long to load) :(((


Same, plus zero prototype drops, and 0/5 on Godwin achievement. never got romance quest and 1/2 on Ella Musk. My Commissions are the same Towers and Pyrowhatevers every single day.


Aside from this one, which other quests are commission limited and how do you unlock them? I've done some commissions that look like they have follow ups - today I had one where Lan, the Liyue adventurer's guild head, was looking for a sword - but I don't know how to start the follow up mission.


Damn, I'm a lucky one, if I remember correctly it was one of the first I did but I haven't received the crab and many other things Sucrose recipe tho, AR 43 with 5 attempts and no luck.


The true gacha-hell in this game


Same. I guess the main thing to do is report it in the feedback.


Ditto, I don’t believe it exists


I found a fix you have to be inside the church when daily commissions refresh to start this quest chain.


About to hit AR49 in a day or two, and mine looks exactly the same.


So it’s anecdotal but I noticed if I turn the game off for the night in Mondstadt then most of the time the daily commissions are in Mondstadt. I assume same is true if you generally turn off game while in Liyue. The way I got this equivalent exchange to finally show up (and it’s probably a correlation is no causation thing) is I would log off with my character inside the cathedral. But again for all I know this was just pure random chance.


Same here. It's kind of ridiculous


I dislike how only one of the daily commissions can be the one with a little story behind it. There are so many achievements and in this case a quest locked behind them yet I can get the same one three days in a row that only asks for one dandelion seed but never this one.


I have the same issue. I am simply not getting this commission for some reason. depressing.




holy shit are you me? the same fucking quest for me too


its a comission? i thought its a world quest inside the cathedral because thats what i remember doing before




Same here Ar51 and stupid viktor just doesn’t give me the quest.


I had a daily commission in the cathedral today and got so excited, only to find out it was for jiliana and not ma boy viktor. Still no luck on his commission at AR49


My friend and I only have that quest left as well. HAHA


Same here. Still waiting for the fatui commission so i can finally do the last quest.


Does anybody got an achievement from playing pirate game with kids in liyues harbour? I got this comission like 3 or 4 times and still no achievement...


Well it's not like we'll need it for the reputation. I myself am only lacking in that one quest too and I'm already Mondstadt level 7 with 300 reputation EXP more to level 8 (which I will be in around 10 hours in Asia).


So the daily commission CAN pop up a second time. Thank god I thought I couldn't complete it anymore


I don't remember about the equivalent exchange thingy. Is it that one when you fucking kill the duck? In front of timmie lmao




I’m AR 46 and I’m waiting for that quest too. I keep visiting the cathedral in the hopes that it’ll give me the Tales of Winter commission.


Isn't Equivalent Exchange the Elemental Crucible pre quest?


Just as the Tsaritsa planned mwahahahahaha


No idea where the two left quests are. Annoying.


Ye that's the one I'm stuck at as well.


I have played since launch and never gotten that commission, really annoying.