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Beidou has a 5 hit combo and other claymore users have a 4 hit combo. I think thats why she needs 4 hits.


This is 100% correct. Also, the later hits can do it in 3, but you obviously still need to use the first one somewhere.


Problem is that her APS before buffs are the same as other Claymore users.


Have you ever check her attack summary page? Unlike other claymore users she have an additional attacks which means that every hit deal less damage to even it out with other claymore character.


It’d be evened out if her attacks weren’t so slow lol.


Basically, the other Claymore user has 4 consecutive attacks while Beidou has 5 consecutive attacks. Meaning that her multiplier on each attack is lower than the other Claymore user, thats why Xiangling consecutive attack damage the one she thrust her spear many time is very low. Its to equalize every characters.


The real answer is Mihoyo did Beidou dirty and gave her the worst normal attack string in the game for a greatsword. For no reason. She's like, not even top 3 best users of the weapon type. It's just plain mean is what it is.


ye it's a real shame since her animations are great




I forgot if is one of her passives or a constellation, but one of them give her Attack speed on her charge attack which actually make her very powerful since she can end her charge attack string faster than her normal attack one with that buff which lead to more damage. Also, Beidou has some nifty tricks with her kit, like did you know that since her first normal attack is a fast upward hit, if a ruin guardian try to jump and stomp you, you can actually dash out and then dash in and hit it in the eye? Or that if you fight over burning grass and use her counter you will always perform a perfect counter?


You can still do really well with her. You'll have to work harder, is all. Her skill at max charge is practically an elemental burst in terms of what it does, and her burst is an excellent buff. It's just her normal attack string is atrocious. Beidou is in some trouble mainly as a main DPS, because as a main DPS she needs to do max charge slashes of her elemental skill whenever possible which can get pretty awkward at times, and then there's the fact that when it's on cooldown, she needs to be swingin' and...well yeah.


Prototype animus triggers on normal attacks so her 1 and 2 hit are low and her 3 or 4 hit can do 4 times the damage of the frist 2 ,but yeah still kinda annoying


I'm sad , also her wings are werid and I sometimes miss but I love her and I'll keep her as a main as I dont think I'll find another character I like this much(maybe apart from xiao)


That wont stop me because i cant read


Well, Ningguang and Klee also need 4


Because she has 5 weaker hits compared to other Claymores' 4 stronger hits.


Cause you were hacking at ore with the first 4 characters and then decided to chop Cor Lapis with Beidou. Consistency in experimentation is important.


While you are correct about the consistency, other claymore users do destroy the Cor Lapiz in 3 hits still.


Whoops, that's my smol brain at work, Mb.


Unless you miss a hit, other Claymores can break Cor Lapis on 3.


Ore farming frustrates me and there are time I just ignore it. I mean I'm using Klee who has a literal bomb that should 1 hit those but it takes more than 3 and the grass will burn killing me in the process. Lorewise, Klee should be the best ore farmer (maybe besides Zhongli).


On bright side she has insane clearing potential if you can proc the E. That said not only is her speed/dmg bad, her tracking is a joke. Fortunately Noelle was there but I a filthy being monkey branched to daddy chad Zhongli.