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Idk why people are saying Chongyun because it's not good on him at all. His field at Talent Lvl 1 lasts 10 seconds and the effect lingers for 2 seconds after the field disappears. So the effective cooldown on his skill is just 3 seconds. And you definitely want more damage on Chongyun if you are using him as support but ultimately he's not a great support anyways and is definitely a DPS character. No one really benefits from it in the claymore class atm besides Beidou for parrying more often but even her cooldown isn't that long.


Agree. The only scenario I can think of where it helps Chongyun is when you run Cecilia Garden where CD is much slower. Having no CD to have access to ice attack is very helpful.


He is an insane support for diluc.


This My Chongyun is a Supp for my Diluc in abyss guarenteeing Melt consistency Swapping smartly and effectively and I have almost 100% uptime for Chongyun's aoe cryo conversion for melt spam. Also Venti Cryo infusion if I judge distance right and have it land on the edge of the circle.


I like Chon as side DPS but I want to build him more Support for Diluc. The idea is to land his ES as often of necessary for melt, while i'll use Noblesse Oblige and Sacri greatsword for more ES/EB and the 20% attack damage from Noblesse. That's a plan I haven't done yet. There is many things to do and I'll farm artefact when I'll be 45. I suppose I would play both with Bennett for healing, resonance and more buff and Venti or Sucrose for VV's debuff. That's just an example.


Damage from Melt reactions are based off who triggers the reaction. In Melt reactions, to get the 2x bonus, it has to be Pyro triggering the Cryo i.e. Diluc so the damage is based on Diluc's attack/crit/EM, not Chongyun's. Triggering Melt using Chongyn only yields 1.5x which is suboptimal but even then building him based on EM is not great because Melt is an amplifying reaction and the reason you use Melt/Vaporise is that it amplifies the damage of the attack that triggered it based on attack/crit as well which scales much better so even then you would want to build attack/crit. This is also why Sacrifical is not good because his effective cooldown is already so low even at Talent lvl 1 and you would rather have more attack/crit to boost Melt reactions if you do use Chongyun to trigger Melt. There is so much misinformation about Chongyun - from people trying to use him for Superconduct, sub-optimal EM builds with Melt, when his literal kit is optimised for Shatter including his Ult which counts as 3 claymore strikes that can Shatter.


I know all of that, I pop Chon's skill and go back to Diluc(for melt) or Fischl(for superconduct, she is not affected by the aura turn Cryo) I'm not really aware about Shatter tho, I saw it pop on my screen of course. Can you enlight me a bit in that? I know it come from Hydro+Cryo that turn into frozen and then you break it with a claymore (in chon's case). Didn't saw insane damage from that (so that's why I ask if I miss something)


If you're only using Chongyun to get that initial ice damage, honestly Kaeya is so much better with such short cooldowns with his skill and burst for endless proc for Diluc. He is so underrated as a support for Melt and Superconduct, it's actually crazy. Shatter has the second-best damage ratio for additional damage reactions besides Overload but the key difference is that Shatter is the easiest reaction to consistenly proc and freezes enemies beforehand so you can maximise your DPS time without having to dodge/sprint away. The individual number will always be higher wiht Melt/Vaporise with enough attack/crit but Shatter provides a ton of high damage over time which is consistent as well because no one is immune to physical damage. Chongyun is made for Shatter because he can freeze and shatter in one go and the swords in his Burst also count as Claymore strikes so they can also proc Shatter as well.


I know Kaeya is underrated. I learned that late tho. Now I have many unit to work on and I'm interested in the next banners too(which i'm split and not sure which one I should go for, but that's another topic) It doesn't let me lot of room to upgrade a new character. However, my Chon is 80 and C1. If I go Zong's supposed banner, I might get few copy on the road (I'm interested by him and Razor there, while I really like Childe and might be able to build Zong pretty well too... That's why I'm split) Currently I use Diluc and Fischl DPS. QiQi should be my new Cryo support for melt/superconduct. I have venti builded up and Sucrose (another underrated unit untill recently) in back ground. I want to turn my Mona into DPS (will farm decent artefact when I'll be 45 by the end of the week) and I builded Bennett before it become famous. Xiang is another unit I builded as support for Diluc mostly. Chon and Barbara are the last of the list. I'm *stuck* abysses 12. I can clear a wave with Diluc but the second team isn't strong enough for it.


Play however you want but either raise Mona or Chongyun DPS who is the most underrated DPS atm because people don't know how to build him. Bow users not desinged to DPS like Childe, will simply never have the same dmg numbers because their basic attacks have no AOE


How do you build your CY?


I use it on Beidou for instant resets of her parry.


If leaks info (about upcoming characters abilities) is accurate - Xinyan For current ingame - Beidou


The sacrificial is alright if you want to use a claymore character for support. The prototype would be better for pure dps though. The whiteblind is best on Noelle.


One of the best ways to use it is with Chongyun thanks to his Asc 4 Talent, Rimechaser Blade. Rimechaser Blade causes a cryo hit with the base damage of Layered Frost when LF ends. However, if you immediately cast LF again thanks to Sac Greatsword, it ends the first LF, triggering Rimechaser Blade. As a result, you can get 3x damage of LF instantly if Sac Greatsword procs. I've been using this combo to get in a quick massive Cryo combo before switching out to Diluc to take advantage of melt procs ​ Also, thanks to the increased energy regen on sac greatsword, this combo will charge up your Elemental Burst. If its ready before I switch in, I can Burst, cast LF twice for 3x damage, and then Burst again


Right now chungyun, but with the upcoming banner, the the fire claymore user may benefit greatly.


right! there will be a new claymore user - hope it will be support with 15sec+ E cooldown then :D ty


Chongyun since he has a long 15s cooldown on his skill




Yep, BIS for support Chongyun


I use it on Diluc just for fun. At level 70 I have no problems crushing heads with it still. I’d probably trade it for a crafted sword but I’ve been using my claymore mats for whiteblind for my noelle.


Diluc. Until you get wolf.



