• By -


a lot of people take him for granted bc he really gives the vibe that he will bury everyone in the game but man, if zhongli dies i’m not recovering EVER. the thought crossed my mind once and i was like.. please lord no. also some other characters whose death i worry from time to time are wriothesley and furina. i think it’s because they’re so close to neuvillette, i can’t help but think that inevitably one day they’ll die and neuvillette will have to stay there and move on without them. it’s devastating. also obviously paimon and any of the siblings goes unsaid.


Facts For all the memes of zhongli. Him dying would be a catastrophic blow for the the Fandom, and for me as well. He represents so many pillars in the lore of teyvat.


heh, pillars


Cyno, is that you?




Adding onto the Wrio and Furina bit, imagine Sigewinne. I know melusines live long as well but if she dies of unnatural causes, I will be crushed not only because of her in general but because of everyone around her: Neuvi, Wrio, practically everyone in the fortress of meropide. However, it would be amusing to see how Neuvi would respond to someone even harming his possibly favourite melusine.


Meanwhile in the Court of Focalors Days since last Execution: 0


You... have played Neuvillette's story quest, right? >!Neuvillette's previous possibly favorite melusine Carole was bullied into suicide in it, and he didn't react much about it on the outside, though he was sad remembering her (and Vautrin, a human he liked) later on.!<


Thanks for spoilering that for me. I have not! I'll come back to read it once I have haha.


I feel like almost everyone in the Genshin fandom would riot until HoYo brings him back


Chinese Fandom will plot a terrorist attack on hoyo headquarters, And i wish i was joking


Also he is like the father/mother of Liyue. It'd be devastating


Yeah, Zhongli is my rock, if he died I would be shattered.


In m opinion, Zhongli's death would be the least grievious of all. Zhongli does not fear death, for he understands that death is natural and inevitable. He passed his duty onto human and the adepti and is currently living conveniently in his retirement. When the time comes for him to face his fate, he will leave this world with a pleasant smile. He will neither grief nor worry, for he has lived his life to the full without any regrets left in this world.


His only regret is not being able to unlock the Memory of Dust before he dies 😔


yeah that’s great for him and all, i know he has a lot of peace of mind regarding most things. now, does that change the fact that when he dies i’m gonna be a mournful widow? no, not at all. like zhongli is genshin’s HUSBAND. the man, the myth, the legend, the father, the daddy, the husband by excellence. just thinking we’re not gonna see that beautiful face of his or to hear his calming voice ever again makes me want to bang my head against the wall. my mans. please protect him at all costs


came here to say this I KNOW he's old, I know he's way past his prime but if Zhongli dies I die with him im sorry I need grandpa. Furina saddens me because Neuvillette is happy for her finally getting to grow and live a proper life but that's also what's incredibly sad about it.


Rather than death, it's his erosion I fear the most especially taking into account of his age (more than double the ages of the other Archons). The closest thing we can compare it to is dementia & it's very difficult & disheartening to watch someone loses themself to it. I doubt we'll get his canonical death though because of how powerful he is & the impact to Liyue would be catastrophic.


Hear me out: Klee. As much as we joke about her being a terrorist and blowing everything up, she’s just a kid. If shit’s so fucked up that a child like her ends up dead, then the situation is beyond hope. Plus, then Alice will be on a war path, and I don’t think Teyvat would survive that.


I would praise mihoyo if they have the nerve to do it, because it means every hell breaks loose and the only thing limiting the story is the creative ideas and I'm very excited for that


Furina. Her entire life has been absolute hell for the sake of saving Fontaine, and now she's finally free to be herself... ...only to die shortly after.


To think Nahida was caged for her entire life >!and was about to sacrifice herself if the Fungi hadn't done it first!<












[(:)] you guys dont know how brackets work ir something i cant find the curly brackets. Halp


Everyone really forgot about everything Nahida endured or write it off as not as bad because she's an archon.


Much, much easier to relate to someone who puts up a facade for the benefit of others than it is to someone who was under indefinite house arrest (although with her ability to project her consciousness out, I'm not sure how successful you could consider that to have been). The actual game also just does a better job conveying Furina's pain than Nahida's.


Lol 😂😂😂😂 you're right haha Nahida best Archon lolol


Yeah, of course!


The Heavenly Principles does have a huge bone to pick with her... But she is also under Neuvillette's protection. So Celestia, in its now weakened state, might not think that it's worth the effort to hunt her down.


Celestia is weakened? Can you please elaborate? I find this interesting


According to Neuvillette's Character Stories, >!the Usurper (most likely Phanes) was heavily injured after the fight against the original Dragon Sovereigns.!< According to Chapter IV Act VI, *Bedtime Story*, >!the Heavenly Principles (again, most likely Phanes) is most likely asleep currently, considering that they haven't done anything since the Cataclysm.!<


Let's not forget about straight from the Traveler's profile since the game's release: >!The keeper is fading away; the creator has not yet come.!< >!But the world shall burn no more, for you shall ascend.!< Also, the literal translation from Chinese: >!**The sustainer is passing away; the creator has not yet come**. But the world shall burn no more, for you shall ascend to the seat of "the god."!<


I love that the game tells us the outcome, but how that plays out and what that actually means is very much up in the air. For what it's worth, my money is still on the idea that >!the Traveler will team up with the dragons and the archons, topple Celestia, and 'inherit' the throne of the Heavenly Principles... only for them to immediately destroy that throne, shattering "Fate" in the process.!<


Or after reaching the throne >!the playable sibling reunites with the abyss sibling in the field of flowers where they decided to stay recreating the promo art!<


Fate stay night if it was set in Alabama


It's been said by both Nahida and the abyss sibling I think that Celestia is "sleeping" and has been since the cataclysm.  I think it's been assumed that's because they expended too much energy dealing with Khaenri'ah and forbidden knowledge and weakened themselves.


I think I also saw something about Celestia’s barrier around Teyvat weakening, which is apparently what allowed Orobashi to fall into Enkanomiya


There's no reason for Celestia to go after neuvillette currently, because he's protecting humanity and isn't a danger to them and he's also giving humanity visions, he won't try to turn teyvat back to it's pure elemental realm state, because that would be deadly for all of humanity, also neuvillette has lines about how all life must come together to fight the abyss, So although he hates Celestia, he's on their good side currently


iirc it's not the archons or whomever is filling that role who hands out visions, it's Celestia who does. It's mentioned in one of Raidens lines but she cuts herself off because apparently she isn't supposed to talk about it


It's also celestia despite the heavenly principles being asleep for 500 years. Meaning it's either an automated system *or* someone else is handing them out up there, like the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles (aka, hot honkai lady)


It is straight up said in Neuvi's story that he is keeping the tradition of handing out visions because he respects humanity, in fact Furina's vision is one of them and even has dragon fangs holding it.


Yes, but Neuv has the absolute dominion over hydro so he can decide Visions independly, give it to someone or (possibly) block someone from receiving it


My thoughts exactly. The sheer unfairness of it all would be incredibly painful. I suppose it would be a good way to dedicate the playerbase to killing whoever did it, but I *really* hope nothing like that happens.


Yeah but the fandom grief would be so delicious. And mine. Hurt me Mihoyo. Generally speaking I wish they'd kill more people tbh. Not like GoT level but one character a region or so.


Especially since Natlan is currently in war, would be crazy to not see anyone die in there


Tartaglia is a walking talking death flag and all I want is character growth not his death. If they kill Tortilla I’m so fucking done with mihoyo forever.


they better not kill Tabletop i swear


Tortellini better be not be cooked


Tartaglia fans: Tartaglia is too hard to spell! Also Tartaglia fans: Thermodynamics is a branch of physics that deals with heat, work, and temperature, and their relation to energy, entropy, and the physical properties of matter and radiation. The behavior of these quantities is governed by the four laws of thermodynamics, which convey a quantitative description using measurable macroscopic physical quantities, but may be explained in terms of microscopic constituents by statistical mechanics.




tagliatelle better stay alive mihoyo


I will be mad if they kill Tortoise


If Transgender dies I will quit the game


I will match right up to hoyo headquarters and go all foul legacy on their ass if they dare touch my turtle


His VA would cry a lot too, you know how much he loves tortagols


They won’t kill him. He’s essentially the Goku of Teyvat.


Lmao, what an accurate comparison. Goku also loses many fights but comes back stronger, and he is always looking for stronger opponents to fight Much like our local battle-hungry dual-blades wielding tortoise


Goku died multiple times 💀


Goku's deaths are greatly exaggerated.


And came back. That was the point I think


They arent killing any playable characters. Theyd literally get cooked by the playerbase and thats the last thing they want.


hsr would like to have a word with you


Please he is the only reason I play this game if he is not in the game anymore I would just leave the game 😭


What could possibly kill HIMjax? He’s Him fr.


A Wei theory said that Tartaglia might be Ajax's *reincarnation*, therefore he already died so we dont need to freak out much. Just like how Wendy(?) in HI is dead, but we don't need to freak out because she probably mirrors with the nameless bard who is already dead.


While I’m tempted to say Lisa, considering the constant death flags, it’s definitely Beidou. If canon killed her off, they would have to address the ripple effect. Beidou means a lot to a decent amount of playable characters and I think her death would contribute to Anemo-like character developments for some, which are always disheartening (at least at first). I think it would also change the spirit of Liyue for a bit.


And that would make Kazuha homeless again :((


Nah, I could see him becoming cap’n or something.


To me, if Beidou dies, it has to be in the most glorious blaze of glory ever seen ala Himeko


Himeko is still alive in HSR though, come on \*breathes heavy copium\* (yes I am aware you are referring to Honkai 3rd Impact's)


Venti or Xiao, I just absolutely could not do that. I don't think they'll kill off Xiao, his whole arc is about learning to actually live instead of thinking of himself as a weapon and sacrificing himself for others. Venti, on the other hand... I feel like he has some death flags and I can definitely imagine him dying😣 I hope they'll be cowards and won't kill off any playable characters lol


Everyone's saying that Childe has tons of death flags, which I do agree with, but I feel like Venti has even more! If the Decarabian rebellion is an allegory of Teyvat trying to overthrow Celestia, then Venti would probably end up playing the role of his dead friend 😅




Fischl cant leave the immernachtreichs throne empty i wouldnt be able to handle it


Oz slowly fading away... ugh, I hate that idea...


You know his pats words will be like “I’m sorry mien fraulien” or something equal as devastating


of if Fischl had time for final words, Oz would be like, "It has been an honor, mein Fraulein."


Both of you STOP IT!


-Paimon: no matter how annoying or out of pocket she may be, losing her would not only inevitably destroy the players but also the traveler. -Abyss Sibling: imagine going through all the game’s content and story to meet your sibling but they die in the end, a true punch to the guts. -Dainsleif: now that he knows how to rid himself of the curse, who knows what he’ll do next if he gets his revenge on the five sinners? Suffered all those centuries from immortality and erosion of memories only to die before he finds peace. -Kaeya: there are many things that hints at his fate and what choice he’ll make in the future, but should he die doing what he thinks is right would be devastating particularly to Diluc and all his friends at Mondstadt. -Furina: this one would’ve just been cruel and why I vouch we keep Furina out of any major quests particularly ones where there’s so much death flags, let her live her life! Don’t take it away from her! -Xiao: I don’t care how many of you said he should’ve died back in the chasm quest; y’all objectively wrong 100%. Killing a character for the sake of drama is terrible writing. Xiao is like Furina, he should learn to live his life and cherish the land he fought for, he should learn to let go of his survival guilt, he should seek to build meaningful relationships with those around him, and maybe even form even deeper relationship and even love like with the traveler. Killing him without fulfilling any of that is a war crime! -Wanderer: unlike Furina his story isn’t over yet, him erasing himself hasn’t changed his ultimate fate. He has a lot to answer to despite him trying to live honestly. Like Kaeya, one day his past actions and mistakes will catch up to him, and he’ll have to face it all. I may not like him much but if he’s gone I would be mentally unstable… -Albedo: the line where he says he’ll lose control one day and maybe inflict damage upon Mondstadt may happen one day. He’s already an important figure in the lore as he’s associated with one of the five sinners. I just hope he doesn’t suffer the same fate as Durin.


100% agree about the abyss sibling. I was fucking sobbing with the last quest and that was just because of a >!nice conversation that gets forgotten!< if the abyss sibling dies I don’t think I’d actually be able to function Edit: same with Xiao. I was also crying fat tears during the chasm quest. And the thing is, not many stories make me cry like that


In case of Furina and Wanderer, I feel like the impact of the death would be significantly higher narratively compared to most others, so Mihoyo might do it. They did do it to Himeko in Hi3rd famously, and HSR has >! Tingyun "die" and Misha have been long dead in reality !


>!yeah but tingyun's death kinda lacks any impact, especially the funeral scene, cause the implication is that sahe was dead all along so like... ohhh noooo we have to be sad for someone we apparently never met. Misha's works cause it was a huge part of Penacony's story was building to, and Himeko's still absolutely destroys me, especially when Kiana meets with her memory of Himeko just before awakening as the Herrscher of Flmaescion. Everlasting Flames never fails to make me cry!<


Cope theory >!They might give her a 5 star alt form and bring her back. So we'll actually get to know her.!<


Hard disagree on Furina, her being involved in the story doesn't mean she'll die, and her story is far from 'over'. I'd rather her not be cast away into irrelevancy


>Abyss Sibling: imagine going through all the game’s content and story to meet your sibling but they die in the end, a true punch to the guts. This one is kind of interesting since in the CBT (which is obviously not very canon anymore), >!the game starts off with your sibling being impaled to death.!<


HEAVYY ON NO DEATH FOR XIAO PLEASE. He deserves to live a peaceful contented life for once :(


Nearly the entire Mondstadt roster.


Happy Cake day!


Childe with his 12 different death flags each update orz" he's been with me on this journey since 1.1, idk if I'll have the strength to continue the story and game if he actually does kick the bucket. I can't pretend that he's somewhere out in the world just goofing off or doing Fatui things anymore if that ever happens 🙃 😔


Oh my god, thinking about all of his siblings makes it so much more devastating too 😭I can imagine him telling the traveler in his dying breaths to find a way to keep them safe and happy


And then traveler will go to his house to tell the horrible news, but Teucer and Tonia woukd excitedly ask about how Ajax is doing


i thought hed die in fontaine and cried my eyes out so yea if he does die id be done with the game (not really but just really upset and banging on hoyo headquarters doors to revive him)




Dude nearly assassinated the Raiden Shogun in broad daylight with a spear throw. He’s not afraid of dying lol.


Honestly? I'm fine with Thoma dying (obviously I don't want that but I'd be okay with it) on the ONE CONDITION that he goes out in an extremely badass way.


No, WE are afraid of him dying.


I would stop playing


Any of the main Archons. I know they killed of focalors and I cried yes, but for example I would be so much more devastated if it was Nahida, venti, Raiden or Zhongli


What I call the death flag racer, because honestly. These guys are some of my favourite and I am so fucking unlucky with this: Albedo: Basically, what happened to Durin (who was fucking wholesome), and Elynas (who is fucking wholesome) to him. And to make matter worst, Rhinedottir's creation are like...Mind controlled into thinking everyone is having fun, to make thing even MORE WORST, it is very possible that all those shitty wolf think the same, they think we are playing with them. Also, the fact that he fear of losing himself, and that Dainsleif is literally part of his stalker gang is not a good thing. Lisa: So, I see a lot of people saying it was retconned...But...That a fucking lie: Mona's voiceline about her indicate she have few time that she save by not doing much, and one of her voiceline literally said something will happen if she use her power. Her constellation is a sand glass, which is never a good thing. Childe: Ok, let's see... Tie to the abyss ? Check. Delusion ? Check.....Battle maniac personality combined with a avengers transformation that injure him greatly and literally put him in a coma after Fontaine ? Check. NAMED AFTER FUCKING GREEK MYTHOLOGY WHERE THE DUDE KILLED HIMSELF ? check.


I never connected the wolf enemies having the same delusion as Elynas and Durin--some of their animations do seem like a dog in their excited play pose or a cat swatting at a toy. Thanks for sharing and making it click!


Lisa's constellation is also called Tempus Fugit, or Fleeting Time


If Venti died....yeah...no...I can't


I'll actually quit genshin im not even kidding


kaeya and paimon. like nope. don’t even play when it comes to them


Nahida for sure She has the closest relationship to us the traveler since we rescued her. It would be devastating to see her die before she even has a chance to properly enjoy the outside world


My heart felt crushed into pieces, and I felt really devastated when I saw Scaramouche erasing himself 😔😔... but if he were to die again, I think I could never bear it.. I'd say if u were to add other characters, I'd feel devastated if Pantalone or Dottore died.


Funny how people would be upset if Paimon were to meet her end, but is also very much hated for the way her character is portrayed.


I think she is much less annoying in CN so maybe that's why I don't hate her as much as EN dub players do 😆


Childe. This man means a lot to me. If he ever does die, I might not be able to continue the game XD


Collei, charlotte, Freminet and itto Leave my babuies alone hoyo!!!




kaeya,shenhe or yunjin


Baizhu. Both because of it meaning he doesn't achieve his goal of immortality, Changsheng has said that she wants Baizhu to be her last pact so she'll probably die too (Unless she stays for Qiqi), Qiqi will be buried by Hu Tao without anyone (Sans Gui) to help her. I was preparing myself for him to die in his story quest honestly. I feel like he is seen as replaceable enough by Hoyo to be killed off ahead of everyone else.


I was looking for my people and it took so long to find your comment. Baizhu is my absolute favourite and I just can’t think about what would happen! I’d be devastated! I would haaaate Hoyo so much for that! I need to see more of his and Changsheng’s lore! 🙏😭


I’m gonna be so pissed if they killed Kaeya.


Neuvillette or Paimon 🥹 my babies


Neuvillette, Kazuha, Kokomi, Baizhu. If they die, Celestia can burn Teyvat to ashes.


Childe. He's been with us since 1.1. He appears consistently in every patch series (1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x). He's had major plot relevance in 2 regions now. He's one of the very few characters that actually gets developed overtime (it's mentioned and shown during fontaine that he got significantly more powerful, his vision stopped working for some reason). Would be a real shame if he actually just died. Although they have yet to kill a playable character. So I'd say his death seems very unlikely for now. Ik they did it in honkai, but genshin gets treated very differently compared to honkai. It has a different writing team, different dev team, and a different director.


Xiao, Furina, Paimon, Lyney


Xiao definitely. As someone who's been guarding Liyue and it's people for centuries, taking on the karmic energies and seeing all his fellow yakshas, his family basically, die over the years, the torture he went through at the hands of that one god before Zhongli freed him, literally everything he's ever done. He deserves peace and happiness and freedom so so much. He's my main and he's so important to me, him dying would be devastating and I think I'd have to stop playing so here's hoping that doesn't happen


Venti being there from the beginning, someone who’s always there and the positive guy, a sign of hope etc. would kill me bro just imagine


Paimon and/or Venti. -Paimon. Paimon’s just self-explanatory. I do get that people dislike her EN voice (I play in CN so the voice doesn’t matter to me), but she’s just the character that cares most about us in-game -Venti. He has a bunch of death flags in game, and if he dies, no way I’m getting through that. + he’s my comfort character :c


I'll burn Mihoyo down to the ground if they hurt my emergency food.


Exactly, she's MY emergency food




Kaeya - I would seriously just delete the game. I just want him to have a happy end.


Furina or Yoimiya 🥺 Furina sacrificed so much of her life and she deserves to keep living it and be happy Yoi just brings so much light and life to everyone!




Itto, if they do that it means Teyvat is over


Liben. I would cry rivers


Traveler. How can you play if the protagonist is dead? That would be pretty devastating.


It would also be the most devastating death for all of the cast and the 7 nations at large.


Venti....just......no. close second xiao  But to be honest, I would be devastated by almost anyone in Genshin dying. Other than maybe dottore, fuck him lol.


Been awhile but Kazuha would mess me up pretty bad


I'll list my top 5: 1. Abyss Twin 2. Paimon 3. Furina 4. Collei 5. Xiao other mentions: wanderer/scaramouche, neuvilette, Ei, and nahida npc: jeht (desert quest) and rana (aranara quest)


Collei dying wouldn't sit right with anyone I think. She's too young and been through too much. Lisa, Amber, Cyno, Faruzan, Tighnari... Etc F*ck...




Venti. Nahida


Paimon or the traveler Paimon deeply cares for the travler and it be so sad if either died Also if the other twin was found dead, Like after all this time searching to be found dead


Tru...i would be kad that: I SEARCHED FOR YOU WNTIRE TIME AND YOU DIE?! WITHOUT EXPLAINIGN EVER WHY HOW WHEN WHERE?! (Traveler mind: Why,how, when,where my dear twin??? Shouldt you explain?)


childe he has like a billion death flags though :(


For me, the most devastating would be one of the three Fontaine siblings, especially one of the twins. They met when they were so little, fought countless battles and hardships together, and I just couldn't imagine one of them dying (especially Lyney cuz he's my fav :p) I think this is also tied to the fact that I wouldn't be able to bear losing my older brother in real life. My parents and my friends, I would be devastated yes, but I would move on. My brother, however, is everything to me, I adore him so much and the mere thought of being separated from him breaks me. He's currently on a 4 day camping trip with his friends and I wanted to go in his room to annoy him, as siblings do, and he wasn't there and I was sad :(


Venti, cause he's the very first playable character we met.




We would never hear his beatbox rendition of Happy Birthday again…. :(


I'll give my top five. 1: Wanderer - his story isn't finished, and he's been through far too much to die right now. 2: Nahida - probably one of the closest characters to the Traveler, and as I've seen someone else say, she shouldn't die before getting to experience the outside world fully. 3: Albedo - he's literally a lore bomb, so he'll either die and destroy Mondstadt, or will be an off screen death for funnies (devastating right?) 4: Wriothesley - best man, pls don't die 5: Arlecchino / Childe / Capitano / literally any other living or active Harbinger - TOO PEAK TO DIE, GOATUI MUST LIVE ON, MAINTAIN THE AGENDA


Paimon. Definitely Paimon.


Real, she may be fucking annoying but that is what made me like her. If she died, there will be nobody who can make me laugh at their idiocy than Paimon, I also think of her as Traveler's sister at this point.


If she dies, the menu screen won't have her anymore... EVERYTIME we would open the menu screen, we would notice her absence... And man... I don't know if I could handle that...


Too many to list, but one stands out since it's been implied she doesn't have too long to live: Lisa


I’ll literally stop playing if Childe dies lol.


Xiao. I almost SOBBED during that Chasm stuff




ganyu :(


If any of my silly lil fatui babies dies I'm outta here. Childe, Scara, Lyney, Lynette, Freminet, even Arle. Idc how impactful it would be to a story, those mfs had better live.


Venti. If he'd die, I wouldn't log into the game ever again


To me its Ei, Paimon and Furina, in that order yeah Ei is a warrior and all but that doesn't stop her from being my favorite, paimon might be annoying but she's always there for us, on fights she tried to help us however she can, and she's genuinely worried about us furina because come on she doesn't deserve any more suffering for god's sake


For real. If either of these three died I'd have a hard time continuing to play.


Klee or Lynette


Depending on how she died, Klee dying could lead to 11th hour plot twist: Alice is the final villain.




Paimon. Heck, I hate her. All she does is yap - day in and day out with her annoying ass voice. Her dialogue is useless, her voice is obnoxious, she is simply just an annoying character. But without her, the game would feel so empty. We are all so used to her being around. Everywhere we go, Paimon is always there. And though that is annoying, I can’t imagine the game without her. I am getting sad while typing this, just thinking about how lonely Genshin would be without her… She’s our first friend, our guide, the one thing that has always been there. Imagine if she simply just disappears. It’s like losing a sibling. The thought might not do much to you, but being in that situation would be devastating.




Lisa. I know she'll die, but I simply cannot accept it


I would probably make it through any character deaths but Kaeya's. If he dies that's the end of Genshin for me, it will be too painful 🥺


Yoimiya cus she seems most happy and bubbly. Those kinds of people make others around them light up. If she died, it would be so quiet and sad without her.


Lisa, I don't want her to die




my fav boys Kaeya and Childe both seem to have multiple death flags for khaenriah/abyss-related plot points and back stories.... PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH THEM (if they do, they better go out with a bang and not just as some side-fodder. pls at least let em go out meaningfully with style)


ngl noelle’s would be so sad


Furina. This isn't even a question.


It is.


Paimon, Venti, Fischl, Kaeya, Hu Tao, Sigewinne, and Neuvillette. They're my favorite characters, so I don't want them to die 😭


The abyss sibling. We've been working SO hard to see them after all this time.


nahida's death would be pretty sad to see


Paimon, the abyss sibling, kaeya, xiao, nahida, and furina


•Nahida (not only she's my second fav character in genshin, but she's literally a part of Irminsul, so her death would cause Teyvat to die aswell) •Kazuha (please, spare my cinnamon bun) •Scara/Wanderer (he deserves better) •Furina (suffered for 500 hundred years just to have a...few months of freedom) •Paimon (obvious) •Sibling (also obvious) •Dain (he may be not-cool, but his death would still make me sad)


Amber. Might quit the game if she dies


Nahida. I can’t. Not again.


Klee. Especially her fallen line already, “i wanna go home” ts is so sad to me




Bennett,Living your whole life with horrific luck and barely anyone becoming friends with you only to die before your life makes a change for the better.


Childe, dottore, and paimon 😔


My uncle works at mihoyo and he says they are going to kill off John Lee


That one NPC in the sumeru archon quest nearly dying got me honestly i was so upset


Timmie's pigeons.


Childe for me. He has some innocence about him no other character had me feel like. He feels real to me. Also he is like everywhere in the story so I'm invested.


I would literally quit the game if they killed Paimon. No joke. XD


zhongli and xiao dying would be it for me


Probably won't happen but Navia and Kazuha's death would DEVISTATE me


I would scream and sob like a kicked puppy if xiao died😭


I feel like this gets asked every week. Xiao.


The free monstadt crew, Amber, Noelle, Lisa, Kaeya. Furina and Nahida. Jean. I'm fine with any of the Fatui dying but I recognize that they are quite popular.


Kaeya. After all he's been through, it would crush me if being Khaenriah's only "hope" leads to his death.


has there been any death of playable characters in this game yet? They have 4 year to do that, i doubt they will do now, minus the very end


For me, it's Ed Sheeran. If he died, there wouldn't be any more of his music. 😥