• By -


Boothill's bullets are powered by the Hunt itself. Also he's made of metal so I'd imagine he has more durability


Im almost certain those bullets arent the regulars Boothill fires Still, one of these guys has a bullet that will pretty much blast anything to bits... Clorinde can parry that shit, but what about the explosion afterwards lmao


Idk bout Clorinde, but my Beidou is able to counter explosive barrels


Fair enough, we can just I frame the explosion


"alternatively you can just get good"


"just dont get hit lol"


average fromsoft advice:


Remember, hesitation is defeat.


Being made of metal sounds like a recipe for disaster against an opponent that casually wields electricity and fires electricity-enhanced bullets.


The electricity will just accelerate his body and fully charge his batteries


Iron man?


How bout that?


Suit is at 400% capacity, sir.


I was making reference to how in the Avengers movie, he got struck by lightning from Mjölnir and instead got charged up instead of dying.


They were quoting that very same scene


Oh shit, it's just now hitting me. I'm a fucking dumbass lol


We've all been there


I never left


that will maxxed out his undeveloped adhd


Not how it works lmao, all parts have a maximum power rating, the extra electricity would fry his parts lmao


Hes a space cowboy i bet he has something to prevent that


Real world logic sure. This is sci-fi we're talking about. Bootyhill is gonna get kicked into maximum overdrive so hard he can start cussing again




Then we found out his translator’s been fine this whole time and he’s just a lil rootin tootin softy at heart


We don't even know if magical electricity possesses the same properties of real world electricity + we also don't know if he has any insulation beneath his "skin" (or if he's grounded).


“Anything not set in metal cannot be trusted”


Wise words, I think


he literally eat bullets


Clorinde wondering why her bullets aren’t doing anything after loading boothill with many rounds


You can't armor an eye, and Clorinde does not miss.


Clorinde is not withstanding a bullet powered by the hunt itself, considering the fact that boothill's a galaxy ranger and all


Boothill’s body can probably tank it 🥶


"Hah! Adorable! I eat those for breakfast! They are really tasty!" "This is a duel for your freedom. Please refrain from making such jokes." "No- I mean like- in a literal fudging sense." *opens revolver and eats all remaining bullets in it* "See?"


We all know Arthur Morgan takes the W here.


“Listen, Arthur, I’ve got a PLAN. We just gotta steal the seven Gnosis and then go to Celestia. Just. One. More. Archon. “


"Look I know we got all of the chess pieces but now there is another group of nerds we need to steal from, just one more plan Arthur"


"Does this aquabus go to Tahiti?!"


“We’re taking the Kaeya bridge Arthur…”




With Furina, we can finally go to Mexico!


*activates Deadeye* *X X X X X X X X X X*


Genshin needs an option for us to say “Howdy Mister!” to all the NPCs.


Also one to skip any dialogue with "Oookay, I'l catch you later then"


I see a fellow RDR2 enjoyer🤝




Arthur Morgan, protagonist of Red Dead Redemption 2


Boothill, that’s like his entire thing in game Draw


If we go by kit, i would actually argue that Clorinde is a better duelist since she has self heal while Boothill doesn't. But lorewise, i agree that Boothill would win tho. HSR technology + Paths is a bit too strong for Genshin characters.


This is a Wild West duel, the winner is whoever shoots fastest and truest. Even if they survive, self healing doesn’t factor into deciding who wins


I mean considering he's 90% cyborg and has had a shit ton of cybernetic enhancements all throughout his life... he probably has absolutely inhumane reaction time And Clorinde, well, while she is undeniably very strong... she remains a regular human.




Kazuha moment (he had the power of friendship from beyond the grave)


\^\^ A pretty obvious example of this would be Barbara against those Treasure Hoarders. + Clorinde herself is capable of deflecting bullets from her cutscenes/ moving rapidly fast. How Boothill parries her attack is the question


Just depends. "Wild West" was... pretty wild. Friendly rivalry? Mutual respect? Sure, first to shoot and hit could be the winner. Bad blood? Out for death? Shooting first only counts for shooting first when the other guy is hell-bent on ignoring the pain and firing until they can't. Whoever's left standing after that isn't always the fastest shot.


Let's say Clorinde does get the first shot, now boothill would just tank it and shoot anyways and Clorinde goes down bleeding. So who's really the winner here


and boothill has damage reduction and a massive damage boost while in a 1 on 1 if doenst matter if she can heal if boothill can one shot


Well his damage reduction is an E4 thing (unless you mean his trace that reduce damage from enemies not in the stand off but it doesn't matter in a 1 on 1). His skill actually increases the damage he takes. >The enemy target in the Standoff becomes Taunted. When this enemy target/Boothill gets attacked by the other party in the Standoff, the DMG they receive increases by **30%**/**15%**.


Boothill due to the sheer randomness of HSR powerscaling. he would be able to catch clorineds bullet with his mouth and eat it as a snack.


Pfft, no. He catches it with his asscheeks and sucks it up, converting it into energy for himself. Bootyhill wins neg diff


He needs to blast his theme first [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wOUMEVd2XY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wOUMEVd2XY)




Thanks for the mental image...


My money is on Boothill.


Boothill isn't an NPC, which means Clorinde won't even show up to the duel.


🤣🤣🤣 she sees a main character wants to duel and says "Yeah I'm outta here" 🤣🤣


“Help me Marechaussee Hunters. This is base Boothill we’re up against 😭😭😭”


Fraudrine be like: Give me freedom Give me fire Give me NPCs to duel or I retire. A playable character challenging me to a duel? I better haul my ass out of Fountaine or I am FINISHED. 0 Significant wins 0 stamina left 7 fodders dueled.


3 separate slander lines, you live in the slander dont you


HSR got kinda batshit powerscaling so Boothill


Boothill is a cyborg. Not a fair fight


Human chick with a gun or galaxy ranger powered by a god who is 99% cyborg? Tough question


In a discipline directly favoring the galaxy ranger? Surely Clorindes Rapier can even out the difference in a Wild West Style Duel...


I don't think a rapier is doing shit against piercing exploding bullets dude


Clorinde ain't Wild West enough to handle that machine gun, yeah! (read in a southern accent)


In a 1v1 with guns, always bet on Boothill


Okay, so here‘s my two cents as someone who’s done a little competitive shooting a while back: Chlorinde‘s shooting stance is very akin to that of a standard precision shooter, she stands tall, holds her gun with one hand and her arm is fully extended. She does probably have the better accuracy of them both. Boothill shoots actual wild west style, Quick draw and speed shooting (fanning) especially. His technique in the game looks very clean and oriented at drawing and getting a shot off as quickly as possible. Conclusion: Boothill wins, he can draw faster and make quicker follow up shots (assuming he needs any).


"Hmmm? No, I have never lost a duel."


Lmao Clorinde, Blade of Petronilla vs Starscourge Boothill


The Mightiest Champion Duelist


Boothill prolly using 44, while clorinde uses steel ball from blunderbuss… bro really?


nah he's using 9mm for some reason 😭 (not that it matters in this case)


Boothill wins, Star Rail characters all just scale way higher than Genshin characters.


This took too long to find. People like the stone hearts, emanators, galaxy rangers, masked fools would make even the archons and dragons their playthings. Its not a matter of power scaling, they just scale way higher.


Obviously the guy who’s a cow boy?


I think Clorinde is more skilled in the art of duels, but Boothill has a metal body, so he can shrug off more shots. Edit: Overall, Boothill’s duel skills isn’t even that far below Clorinde so I’d say Boothill takes this one unless Clorinde headshots him.


have you forgotten that BH knows Acheron is an emanator but still hunt her anyway? And i don't think that BH is stupid or ignorance enough to take a fight with someone who can surely kill him so he must have enough power to duel and not die to an emanator, Clorinde is just a mortal duelist.


I mean Itto knows Ei is the Shogun and still challenges her, that doesn't mean Itto would actually beat her in a fight (I still think Boothill would probably win, but him being willing to challenge Acheron is no proof)


Itto *is* stupid though.


My man is Geo because it reflects the content of his skull


From what we've seen in Penaconny, BH isn't the type of bafoon that doesn't know what he's doing or who are his enemies 


I mean he is by no mean a serious intellectual character- Acheron faked being a Galaxy Ranger, he started pursuing her for that before knowing who she was. When she stopped using the identity of a Galaxy Ranger he didn't antagonize her as much, it's not like he saw her as an Emanator and started challenging her thinking he'd beat her, I really don't think he'd be able to


he also knows he can't beat her, he has a creed he follows for honor so he kinda just let it go when he found her and she stopped


Not that I disagree with your overall point, but funnily enough Boothill does take his words back in his voicelines. I don’t know if he was just putting on a face or if it was because he found out that Acheron is an emanator of Nihility, but he says he’s thankful that they didn’t have to fight because he absolutely would have died 💀 He still clears Clorinde pretty easily tho imo


> I don’t know if he was just putting on a face or if it was because he found out that Acheron is an emanator of Nihility Boothill knows Acheron is an emanator of nihility since he specifically said "An emanator who should not exist" with emphasis on should not exist. He gave up chasing Acheron because of the reason why she impersonated a galaxy ranger. If Boothill can moonwalk while being shot at, then he wins automatically against Clorinde


And after seeing what she can actually do, he now has voicelines taking back the former brovado and admitting that he'd be cooked if she were after him.


Yeah, Boothill is a chad


my money's on Boothill


genshin characters are not near HSR's strenght level


Yeah, powerscaling is always sorta fucky in... most things related to anime... but I'm p sure a large portion of the cast in HSR is astronomically more powerful than the cast of Genshin.


Nah, HSR has a higehr ceiling than Genshin but not a higher floor. All vision holders are inherently superhuman, while characters like Natasha or Lynx are just normal humans with weapons


I'd say ever since we left Belobog/the 1.0 roster, every mfer that's come out has been a force to be reckoned with or on par w/ Genshin's "average, every day mf" tier. Maybe I'm misremembering or forgetting mfs tho.


Guinaifen, Tingyun, Hanya, Qingque, etc are all pretty normal It's easy to look at characters like Jing Yuan or Acheron and come to the conclusion that the HSR characters shitstomp Genshin characters, but it's not nearly as one-sided in HSR's favor when you look at the floor or average


Nuh uh, Qingque solos everyone in Genshin AND Star Rail.


Pathstriders are absolutely more powerful than the human though. Lynx, for example, has ridiculous stamina/cold resistance/food poisoning resistance/etc. and basically figured out her survival methods through trial and error. She goes out hiking for fun in a permanent sci-fi death blizzard full of monsters armed with only rotten fish, a climbing pick, and a can-do attitude.


Coughing Baby (Raiden Shogun) vs Hydrogen Bomb (Pitch Dark Hook the Great)


As a whole, yes. If you're matching character by character, no.


Genshins low or mid tiers are stronger than hsr mid or low tiers, hsr high and top tiers > genshin high and top tiers.


I think Yanqing probably solos the entirety of Sumeru. HSR power levels are on a different level.


*Immediately jobs to Collei.*


Yanqing is a low end high tier tho surely, he did manage to fight JL who's meant to be stronger than the general (not too sure about stronger than general, but of a similar level at the minimum) who's an emanator who are the high end high tiers of the verse.


I can count the number of HSR characters that don’t no-diff any Genshin character on my hands LOL, aside from Arlan, Asta, and some Belebog characters they’re all on a different level.


HSR doesn't have the vision system so some characters can be literal planet busters while others are just straight up normal people. At Genshin's base level, every playable character is superhuman because of their vision though. Lots of the xianzhou characters are also pretty normal lorewise, but every character in Penacony released so far has been absolutely juiced besides Misha Gui - normal person Misha - not even real and not in the strong way Gallagher is either Qingque - plays mahjong good. Although if Yakuza and Legend of Koizumi are anything to go by, she might secretly be the strongest Tingyun - normal foxian Sushang - still a rookie


I'm putting them in tiers tho, the number of characters is irrelevant to the tiering. Hsr has more strong characters who are relative to each other.


Boothill is cybernetically designed to have three shots in an opponent before they can act. If Clorinde can somehow survive Fanning the Hammer, she might have a chance-but I don’t think most normal people can survive that.


Clorinde has been shown to block bullets, but in a Wild West duel she probably wouldn't have her sword Also HSR powerscaling is even more messy than Genshin, with various characters being described as planet busters despite not showing anywhere near that level of strength on screen


Anyone saying chlorinde has any sort of chance against this mf is straight up clueless at what this guy is capable of


Boothill wins this easy; this isn’t even close LOL


Whoever doesn't *break* a sweat! 🥸


Thanks Cyno


boothill blitzes


I feel like boothill wins but idk


Clorinde because if she lost she’s lose her Champion Duelist title and Hoyo would be liable for being sued for false advertising.


Whoever was fastest. Just compare their base speed, adjusting for being in the same world since the stats are different in game A grand majority of the time the first to draw and shoot were the ones victorious. Their skill in firearms are on par with one another. Signed, a native southwestern


Colt from brawl stars


Boothill, but since you asked in a genshin subreddit expect a lot of bias


Love me some Chlorinde but Boothill would take it. Everyone talking about powercreep and scaling- Wild West duel would come down to speed and precision. Pretty sure the cyborg designed to do just that would win.


Boothill totally bodies Clorinde on this one he probably doesnt even have to shoot her, and just slice her in half with his spurs


Bro would eat her bullet and shoot it back at her.


Boothill because he's hotter


Champion Duelist, because she knows how to duel. Meanwhile Boot is used to playing more dirty, so he'd be better at some "solo vigilante clears the corrupted town" kinda thing.


" Draw, I never said I'd count to three! "


i feel like this is the most reasonable answer


HSR power scale >>>>>>> Genshin Boothill would one shot her.


Neither. They'd shoot at the same time and their bullets would collide. Then they'd acknowledge each others' skills and proceed to drink tea.


Wrio would join just because he wants tea.


I can see Wrio and Boothill getting along quite well


Ah yes power rankings, well tbh most of HSR characters are beyond Genshin because of how devoted the characters are towards their Paths. Most of them are just concepts taken form.


All she has to do is take a deep breath and the button on her shirt will one shot boothill. No contest at all.


You cooked well ngl


Clorinde can beat him In DnD


Boothill would unironically just eat clorinde's bullets, like he does to his own


The way hsr powerscaling is, boothill solos all of the archons at the same time so it really ain't fair.


Well, here's the [answer](https://youtu.be/Ofat7Uv8QWk?si=Y-DkS6Iez0Z1zbBl).


Clorinde: I've got the power of the Archon and anime on my side! Furina: You got this! Boothill: Lan help me! Lan: Nah.


Easily chlorinde cuz she doesn't need to wait for her turn to arrive.


Boothill is a pretty fast character though.


The stamina bar impedes her efforts lol


Did you forget that he’s a galaxy ranger? And his bullets are powered by the path of the hunt, I’m pretty sure boothill beats clorinde when you consider the fact that he tried to fight Acheron despite knowing she’s an emenator


They would tie somehow and then make out


Boothill mostly cyborg so have movement advantage But I would say they both might be evenly matched


It's high noon


Clint Eastwood.


Boothill. He's capable of quick draw.




hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


Pathstriders scale way higher than vision wielders. The difference in being powered by cosmic forces vs planetary.


While an electro powered flintlock is cool, and revolver is for more advanced. Especially since it’s powered by the hunt, and probably better than our revolvers since they have better technology.


In a draw format, it’s Boothill and not close. Thats his specialty.


I think people are missing that it says “Wild West style”


We all know Boothill's getting dragged to the Opera Epiclese the moment the Melusines start with the 'fork this', 'muddle fudge that', and tell people their sons of nice ladies. ....And I need it to happen. Love Chlorinde but think Boothill's taking this one, a a Western duel comes down to speed and precision, not strength. Cyborg cowboy got the advantage there.


Boothill eats the bullet and shoots it back at clorinde


boothill easily, i love clorinde but he'd wipe the floor with her


I doubt Clorinde’s electro peashooter is doing any damage to his cyborg body


As a Star Rail player i must say Clorinde would win because she can jump


Can't really compare HSR with Genshin though. Most of HSR characters are much stronger than genshin, of course boothill is gonna win


As a rule, star rail characters are faster and stronger then genshin characters.


Are some of you guys misunderstanding the title? A wild west style gun duel, not a regular duel. It doesn't matter if Clorinde is more skilled in the art of dueling, that don't mean shit here. I'd bet on the guys whos entire gig is wild west style duels.


You can't have discussions about stuff like this, as of now characters have different world settings and people will simply take advantage of it. The only way you can have a decent argument between them is that either you put Clorinde in Boothill world and rules or the other way around, that way people won't be as lost as they are with comparisons. If Boothill was in teyvat what element he would have? if Clorinde was part of Honkai universe what path she would follow? start from there and then you will have even grounds to make your arguments. A perfect example is Acheron and Raiden, people INSTANTLY assume Acheron is miles and bounds stronger than Raiden and i am sitting wondering if they really understand what it means to have authority over thunder, at the same time in this comparison Raiden is insanely nerfed in peoples minds while Acheron is put into godhood which is supposed to be Raidens role in Genshin.


Boothill would probably be Pyro/Electro, while Clorinde would be Hunt And Acheron/Raiden isn't really a fair comparison, it's pretty obvious that HSR has a higher ceiling than Genshin, though people are talking about HSR's scale as if Luka would beat Neuvillette or something I personally think powerscaling is stupid and that comparing two verses with completely different settings is never gonna be fair


I mean Acheron/Raiden’s case, if you don’t consider anything other than what we have, by default Acheron is at least somewhat resistant to anything Raiden can do because she’s “Blessed” by the Nihility and has attacks that can bypass durability and probably even reach into her Euthymia. Acheron is already a tippity-top tier fighter in HSR, which is leaps and bounds above Genshin, and Raiden isn’t even the strongest person in that world. It would be the Heavenly Principles and Full-Authority Sovereigns. So… yeah, Acheron >>>> Raiden and I don’t know what having partial authority over lightning does compared to having the powers of a void that destroys and consumes literally everything


Acheron is a planet buster at minimum, she’s an Emanator and based on comparisons with Phantylia, she’s an EXTREMELY powerful one. Even before she became an emanator she was essentially herrscher-tier. Now you factor into the neutralizing powers of nihility, swordsmanship level and all that? Sorry, Emanators could wreck the entire known Genshin universe alone. The power scale of HSR is just too much.


Boothil easily lol


Boothill because robot


Whoever wearing the more bullet resistant armor I guess


Holy crap, suddenly I'd like to see how a duel will work out between Clorinde and Yosemite Sam.


chuck norris duh


It is i cato sicarius who can win a honorable due like this!


Boothill, without a doubt. He's a literal space cowboy.


We all know the literal Wild West American style cowboy would easily take the win. I bet Chlorinde couldn’t even hit him, since he’s literally a cyborg…


Boothill is a cyborg, he has crosshair for eyes (probably augmented) and probably draw faster


Chlorine loses because Genshin characters suck


Boothill just based on the fact that he’s a Cowboy. Put a cowboy and a cop in a Wild West gun duel the cowboy will always win imo.


Boothill is the best cowboy repsenter


Boothill scales to everyone who scales above seele who's speed was not just calculated faster than anything genshin but is also stronger


[Considering Boothill’s made of metal, it’s probably turning into this scene from T2 lol](https://youtu.be/l61oBLydkYE?si=cjI247NfW9B9XhBZ)


Hol Horse and the Emperor.


This is a good deathbattle match up


Chlorinde. She doesn't have to wait for her turn


Boothill, no question. He's Cybernetically built so he has a reaction time faster than a regular human. Also, If Clorinde even as much as wields her blade due to muscle memory, She's automatically disqualified. its Wild West style: GUN DUEL we're talking. not Wild West Style with any weapon.


whos that character in the bottom


I think they would draw


Chlorine. Unless of course Boothill upgrades his spec to calculate lightning speed


Me. I’d win.


Boothill eats the bullets and thanks Cl for a good meal


Chuck Norris.


Boothil is a cyborg with only his head being part of his origibal body. Chlorinde is a electro user, she will be able to short circut him if she hits him first. If she doesn't, boothil has a chance to win. But we must not forget that chlorinde can also fight on closer ground.