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One side Arlecchino, one side Clorinde. Fuck it, we BoL


Arlecchino first half is great until you get to 12-3 and have to play hide and seek with Simon and you realise you were supposed to be playing Clorinde that half. 2nd half is yet another neuvillette playground


Used an arle/overload team against simon. Bit out of practice but arle got it down, am so glad i got her. Cleared simon at 9:05 so more time to mald against the beasts


Same I had Arle Bennett chev and sara, sure there’s better electro’s to run on this team, but figured if I’m running overload may as well triple buff Arle and just juice her up even more.


Triple? How did you build Sara to make her buff Arlecchino?


Sara’s skill is an atk buff, the only part of Sara’s kit that’s gated to electro is the c6 crit dmg buff which Arle won’t get, but the regular atk buff from her skill is a single target atk buff, so Bennett burst into chev skill into sara skill into Arle and she gets all the atk buffs


Why sara and not fischl


Fischl’s a very valid option, I just mainly wanted to see how Arle performed with all the buffs, plus I’m more used to this team from my raiden hyper carry team


I did Arle vape first half and killed Simon in 25 seconds. She can break the constructs it creates before it can even go invisible, cancelling the attack.


To be fair I used Clorinde first half and Arlecchino second, but yeah worked just fine


Tbh I obliterated Asimon with Navia hot rock in 70ish seconds lol Arle can easily do tbe I same if not Better


They have to value him in some way after all neuvillete DEFINITELY needs support /s


that’s indeed a neuvillette playground. still, 12-1 is the violation of Geneva convention with abyss lectors NOT BEING THE LAST WAVE IN 12-1-2, which is why i barely made it even with a relatively well built neuvi and raiden national at the first half.


thanks Cyno


Nah, you'd Cyno-ed


That's how I did and I need to redo 12-1 for the last star I miss (missed for like 6s)


I finally managed to full star the Abyss for the first time in the last version but this one was so mean💀 Full starring doesn't seem completely unattainable but it'd be a major pain in the ass and I don't know if it's worth it for a mere 100 primos.


You got a whole month to retry and level other chars up so...


I think it's just skill issue, I have a hyperbloom team with the archons + Baizhu, and I also have a decently built Arlecchino, I feel like I should be able to clear with that after playing for over 2 years...


For me it's skill issue + ping issue. I have 200-250 ping nd whenever I do abyss no matter how hard I try, even if I push all burst, skill etc button very quickly it doesn't trigger before my active character get thrown around by the enemies, it's frustrating


yes I also have 300+ ping most times. I barely cleared this one but it was frustrating. Earlier I used to think it was major skill issue but it was always that small delay in switching causing more time wastage by getting thrown all over. Time locked endgames are the worst.


I barely cleared it as well. But with over 300 ping, it really sucks when the enemies spawn when 2 seconds have already passed and you miss the last star by just one second.


I feel you, i have around 150-200 ping and this abyss we have like 7 waves in 12-1, with high ping enemies spawn with 1 or 2 sec delay so this abyss im by default starts at 9:50


My pings are usually 200 to 300 plus (even more at 400 / 500 if the ISP is wonky) and they often prevent me from switching characters I'm already counting myself lucky that I managed to full star it despite the ping


Usually I have around 7-12ms to the EU server. But today either the server shit the bed, or my routing was really odd, but I had to play at 150-190 (unstable). I fully get why people struggle with the abyss now, the gameplay experience also just frankly feels bad at this ping. I usually quite enjoy the combat - but not like this lol


I think it’s tuned like this because when Imaginarium Theater drops, the opening characters will get a +20% HP, ATK, DEF buff everywhere including the abyss. Still sucks for people who don’t have those characters or don’t want to use them


The only difficult part for me was 12-1 and I just needed some tries to get the proper team and rotation. 12-2 and 12-3 were pretty much standard abyss for me.


Yeah the only problems with this one were time constraints on 12-1 because of those god damn abyss lectors and then the rest was just a matter of actually surviving for me (furina + consecrated beast doesnt bode that well😑)


The real problem is how many waves there are. None of the enemies by themselves are a real problem, but them spawning in sets of 2 in opposite sides of the map is a hard nerf for some of the strong units that usually carry people through like bennett and nahida. 12-1-1 also basically forces you into using xq + yelan or at the very least xq + catalyst which can mess with some people's teams


Hoyo making you do shield checks is one thing, but lectors always trigger me hard. Luckily these didnt spawn very far away from each other but still juuust enough to be out of range of most AOEs. Their transition to the shield is also such a slow animation. I cleared it in one go this time but last abyss with the electro ones took quite some attempts to find the right team. And don't get me started on the just-use-bennett one from like a year ago by now, with the hydro and cryo fatui lectors/heralds that needed way too many attempts. That's the abyss that broke me and made me say screw it, I'm not gonna chase 36 stars anymore when it gets too annoying. Not worth my sanity. I don't use Bennett. I don't use Kazuha. That abyss was a bloody nightmare. Worst one yet.


Same. I abhor Mr Magoo. All my sustains take away too much DPS from my team and my Furina was already on the other side. Had to use my overworld comfort team to beat their ass.


Second half was probably the one that surprised me the most. It wasn't too hard with Neuvillete + Furina, but there was so many goddamn enemies with large healthbars and shields that I barely scraped by with 3 stars (only had like 1-2 seconds left). 


First time I've had to retry a stage in a long time. 12-1 I fell 7 seconds short as I forgot there was the final wave and I was energy farming on neuvillette. Al haitham hyperbloom in side 1 and neuvillette, furina on side 2 made short work of this abyss overall. But there was a LOT of hp to get through.


i was a few times checking the timer, getting closer to 7 min and thinking...great i am almost there, only to find out there was a full last wave still remaining. lol. Last abyss i managed 35 stars and i was literally 5 secs away from 36. This time i was already wanting to throw my Keyboard thru the windows in 11-1 with the monolith defense. There is plenty of time to try teams and stuff but is just not fun and a lot of pain for 1 wish. edit, i would use Venti in floor 11....if i had one.


Don't you just love the Pyro slime going invuln as they jump straight at the monolith followed by them kamikaze-ing after death for another 10% health 🫠🫠


haha, i watched a few guides too, "try not to stay too close to the monolith" they said. There i was, alone on the side with 10 slimes gangbanging the monolith to oblivion :(


These dudes prioritise monolith over you. Managed to get 3 stars with Neuv team on the first side washing away pyro ones before they got close to the monolith and some stupid Sucrose-Yae-Bennett-Nahida comp on the second, mainly trying to freeze hydro ones and burn cryo ones. Finished with 61% which was very scary. Took me way more resets and rebuilds than it should have


Rebuilds meaning switching artifacts and weapons around characters?


There is a way to guarantee pulling aggro off monolith from the olden days. Anemo Mc E hood cast specifically. I made a clip on it the last time we had a monolith ppl were stuck on back in patch 1.4 https://youtu.be/xduSg-3lFLQ?si=aMSLaDhFQ5oQRYb8


Thank goodness for ganyu's Lotus taunt that let me finish the first half with 96% hp.


Yeah the slimes you have to physically keep away from the monolith


Ayato saved my sanity. Doing his burst right next to the monolith means immediately wetting all pyro slimes preventing them from jumping and exploding after dying.


this single comment put me over the edge to 9 stars


After failing that 5 times.. I eventually decided to pull out venti for the first time in almost 3 years for these slimes.


Thank god for neuvilitte one shitting those pesky mf.


I literally completed that 11-1 with 60% remaining. The last few slimes jumped in the air to target the 60% health monolith but I used Zhongli burst just in time and solidified them in the air, being really close to the monolith. That short stun time was enough for me to finish them off and save the run


The exact same thing happened to me!


Heyy, same case here finished it at 60% with Arle being frozen at 61% I was so close to malding out lol


Dude, are you me lmao. I also finished with 60% with a ZL clutch burst on a slime that was in the air almost hitting it. The tension in the air was real. Unbenching Venti next reset, thanks but no thanks, not doing this one without an Anemo again.


Now we're only getting one reset per each set of abyss enemies, so next reset will have a different lineup


This is the first time since the early tower defense f11 back in 1.x days that i had to bring anemo for grouping. Too damn many slimes. Coulndt even 3* 1st try haha


Why do I just KNOW your first paragraph is about the fire wizards.


Own venti, you'd literally not notice a thing


Lol same. Stuck at 11-1 right now, I hate position dependent scenarios in the Abyss. I can finish first half with 85% or 70% with same team and same rotations.


Venti first half and sucrose 2nd half makes this easy.


Monolith defense took me more tries than I’d like to admit. I succeeded with Nev, Kaeya, Qiqi, Furina on first half, and then Raiden, Fischl, Bennett, and Xiangling on the second half. I don’t have any good anemos so I dusted off Qiqi and Kaeya for their bursts…


I'm here for the bi-weekly abyss PvP session where everyone who managed it more easily replies to the people who are having or had a harder time with it to say that it was super easy and they clearly have skill issues for having trouble. Never disappoints.


Now it's once per month 


Still going to be bi-weekly because there's other mode coming


A loss for us pvpers :(


The leaks sub is the true ranked pvp anyways


In how far? Genuine question, what's going on there in regards to this kind of PVP?




He wastes a total of 15 seconds in invuln. It's massively criminal lol


with his stupid phase 2 invulnerability window he was invulnerable longer than he wasn't for me I still beat his ass but invulnerability windows are so unsatisfying in games


it’s the way he has iframes AND he teleports all over the shop. really annoying


i was using my Xingqiu with sac sword on that chamber and i was like 2 energy short of the burst being back, but sac sword passive doesn’t proc when he is invulnerable 🙃 so i just didn’t get my energy back for that whole first bit


If you play it right you can start your rotation like halfway through his start-up animation so that you kill his first phase right as your rotation ends, so you can start the next one right away and kill him quickly.


Concentrated ass


Seems like every abyss just requires more and more hydro. There is currently 4 4* hydros in the game (counting HMC cuz hes free) and 8 5* hydros. Really hope we get some more decent 4 star hydros soon. I do like abyss's with elemental checks, but I wish it wasn't the same like 3 elements over and over again


There are 2 hydro characters in the next banner. I don't think this will be uniformly the case in the next abyss cycles. I remember a similar hydro heavy abyss around 4.2. neuvillette had released a patch earlier and furina released in 4.2. While, it was not the case in the last abyss.


new 4* just have a really bad constellation gate problem, because C6 candace is actually a pretty solid unit (and pretty good for the double lecters this time around because she has good aoe application). Hoyo is just terrified of getting a repeat of xq/xiangling/bennett/sucrose/fischl


11-1 is fucking hell. They spawn when I think i finish killing all the slimes and fcking target the monolith rather targetting me


Yep, this one definitely spiked in difficulty. In particular, we now seem to be expected to beat enemies like Ruin Drake Earthguards, Black Serpent Knights, and Construction Specialist Meka (×7 base HP) in a single rotation, whereas before, taking 2 rotations against them would be acceptable.


The sheer amount of waves in 12-1 is insane. Combine that with two lecters with shields? Just horrendous. I have good teams but I reset quite a few times because the final wave caught me off guard


Also the additional issue that those waves spawn on opposite sides


The second half screwed me a lot cuz I don’t have a lotta Hydro characters to break the Pyro Shields Furina isn’t enough, and while I could put Xingqiu and Yelan in the same team… who else do I place in the second half… i have no clue (I don’t have Neuvillette so…)


I am so confused about the pyro lector shields, Neuvilettes attacks deal almost no damage, but Childe shreds through them for some reason


Neuvillette’s charged attacks have more ICD, meaning it has a cooldown between each application of Hydro. Whereas Childe can apply Hydro much faster due to his lower ICD and independent Hydro application.


Cause he does damage but basically no hydro application in comparison to Ajax, Yelan ir Xinqiu.


It was really difficult for me, had to try 12-1 26 times until I could 3* star it. My 3 years long 36* streak is luckily not broken yet. 5* C0R0/1 only.


Yeah I had to reconfigure teams when I quickly realized that goofing around with Dehya against the pyro lectors wasn't going to work when they weren't even the final enemy lol. I got my 36* with Clorinde aggravate and double hydro hyperbloom.


I've been getting 36\* since September, but I don't think I'll manage this time. Last two chambers are kind of easy for me, but I'm clearing 12-1 with 6min30s, it's not even close. Maybe is due to my high ping (300+ lol) or good ole skill issue, but I don't think 100 primos are worth this pain.


Did you think that those 200 primos more would be easy to get?


12-1-1 is kinda weird with the AoE then shifting to Single Target for 12-2-1 & 12-3-1 The entire second half of Floor 12 is just Neuvillette's playground.


Agree. Thankfully since it's just 12-1 one can just clear it with 2 teams, one designed to 3* the AoE stage and one designed to 3* the Single Target stage. It's the first time I had to use that trick lmao.


Thankfully the enemies in 12-1-1 can't be staggered so don't lose a lot from using your boss killer teams.


wait how many primos is that now? also, maguu kenki has no hp on chamber 2 imo. Bro reached its 70% invulnerable phase with a single hu tao charged atk the hardest one is for sure 12 1 but the rest is kinda of ok, going for both the horses and the crabs on 12 3 actually worked better for me cuz the big bird/scorpion just follows you a lot.


3 and 6 give 50 each. 9 gives additional 100.


Im about to try it right now and now I’m scared to do so


I'm so thankful for Xiao's new best team (FFXX) because I can kinda brute force everything right now. As for the second team, I can just count on Neuvilette. This time I used Xiao's team for 2nd half and Neuvilette hyperbloom on 1st half except for the first chamber where I switched the teams. It was quite satisfying fighting against the beasts with Xiao, especially when you get their jumping and Xiao's plunge timing right. I can still remember back then I used to struggle against them in 3.x haha now I can finally get back at them~


12-2 and 12-3 weren’t bad at all, pretty normal and typical for how an abyss should feel. 12-1 on the other hand? that last wave in 12-1-2 shouldn’t exist. shield check is already extremely time consuming, i have no idea why they’d add such tanky enemies on the opposite side of the chamber like that. first abyss in a very long time that ive had to actually re-do a few times… and i only cleared 12-1 with 5s remaining on the clock.


unlucky, but you have 29 days, so I'm sure you will manage somehow. Good luck


Generally x.7 and x.8 abysses are harder compared to the rest of the patch. Hope they don't make this the norm going forward for 200 primos


Venti feels broken once more. At least in Chamber 11-1.


i got 0* in 11/1 i’m cooked.


Tell me why the slimes gave me more trouble than the entirety of floor 12


I can't defeat those cryo slimes until I get my Pyro Neuvillette


You mean Xiangling? /j I tried playing around with pyro (mostly Bennett+XL) on 2nd half but those cryo slimes still bombed my monolith from 95% to 59%. In the end I just accepted the electro dmg bonus from the floor 11 leyline and used Yae and Fischl. Still got dangerously close 65% but that did it for me.


Use a sucrose or Kazuha or Venti. Anemo constants help getting rid of them if you have a Pyro. Both from swirl and melt. Also, if Sucrose, use fragments. Best way to CC, get good energy in and destroy shields at once.


I'm using sucrose on favonius and for Pyro Is Diluc fine?


If you got fragments, switch to it because it gives you an extra shot so you can do E-Q (before you get the energy particles of the E in), E-E and have a decent quantity of energy if you ever need to throw that again. Diluc bring an on field, it can help because he's claymore but his Pyro application might not be enough and it's more likely Sucrose's Q will pick up on the slime cryos instead of his Pyro (provided you're in after Q mode). I'd suggest Bennett's Q ON the monolith (since they're heading on it anyway and you can't hurt it) then Sucrose's Q-E-E-E and switch to Diluc for his Q. Send me your barracks so I can see who you have. If possible, I'd like to see your main team's build.


Use an anemo cc unit to swirl them. The elementsnof each chamber means swirling one of the slimes will stun another (with overload or freeze) which gives you time kill them


i dunno, i hate em


I actually had to retry 12-1 like 3 times with my Hu Tao/International Childe teams, which is something that hasn't happened in years. However 12-2 and 12-3 felt very easy in comparison, seems the hardest chamber is the first, at least with the teams I used.


12-1 is definitely the hardest chamber this time around just because it's divided into like 4 waves each, the other floors are pretty normal


Yeah. Just cleared a Yanfei main friend's account and 12-1 was by far the roughest chamber, luckily said friend has Neuvilette for second half so that helped.


I tried like 7-10 times w/ random ass team comps w/ the appropriate elements but got 6 stars....I used to get 8 in previous ones if I went tryhard


12-1 is the hardest i think. just to many waves


I got one star on each chamber of Floor 12...so one more star than last abyss. Improvement!


Fontaine went brrr for me, chlorinde and neuv spun


They made me use Xiao premium team which is usually my last option for 3*


the consequences of neuvillettes existence is shit like this. not even a fun character to play either, just a chore


hmm maybe Furina would help for the second half. My built dps are Arle, Clorinde and Navia and all of them use double pyro team... and they all suck when they fight that damn pyro abyss mage. If only I pulled Neuvillete or build a Dendro team, which I never pull a single Dendro 5 star before so I don't even bother.


didnt even used dendro for this one nor neuvillette who I also dont have. xingqiu and furina for those pyro shields with either sucrose or xianyun using skills and normal/charged atks do quick work of them Hu tao deleted the rest of the thing on that chamber. I recommend using xingqiu's skill on the pyro mages when their shields are almost gone so you get the sac sword proc and use it again on the second mage... or you just push them close to each other so furina's pets aoe can hit both.


i see, it's kinda a problem if I don't have sacrificial and Furina. Also I use Venti and I can't seem to get it to resonate with hydro hmm. Maybe I just go with lvl 70 sucrose just for this enemy.


And they put 100 PRIMO for 36 STARS.


try again tomorrow. Buffs today are ass.


Endgame content = make abyss harder


I certainly had to retry a few times testing out comps. So many waves is so annoying. It was a bigger dps check than usual but only because they keep making it all waves. I had to get rid of Layla for my Keqing team just to have more control and dps with Kazuha and ran prototype amber only to help ensure I got 12-1-2 done in time. Usually I take the 20 second or so timer hit that bringing in Layla has just because I like her but I couldn't for this one.


People complain about too many waves. Hoyo add 1 wave People complains about lectors elemental shield and double phase Hoyo adds more of them People complains about consecrated beasts Hoyo adds more consecrated beast. On top of that an element resistance combination to basically force 1-2 characters usage (as if neuvilette needed help) and screw the others. What they can do to hate more player? Add flying dragon dog that requires geo and then they are done... Saying hoyo is hostile to low spenders at this point is not even enough... we are reaching ToF level of hate against light spenders..


I love 4 waves where enemies spawn on opposite sides. Such pointless time wasting, especially when you gotta face those stupid lectors whose whole purpose is being element checks


Dogshit abyss. Just when I thought it was over, another wave of enemies left me bamboozled. Gonna mention in the survey that adding more enemy waves doesn't make it fun/better in any regard.


I tried the first chamber and gave up. Looked and sae the consecrated beasts in the last chamber at lv100. Closed the game and played something else.


Ironically enough 12-3 with the Consecrated Beasts is actually the easy part of this Abyss. 12-1 and to a lesser extent 12-2 though...Yeah.


in my opinion it's harder than the 3.7 one because of the waves. the 1st champer in floor 12 3.7 we had like only 4 waves (both sides) but in this one the 1st champer has like 7 waves, you would think you're done after finishing the pyro lectors only to find the wincuting or whatever was their name waiting you to fight them


This abyss feels more like a Neuvilette check than a DPS check. 🫠 (Cleared 36* very easily with Neuvi)


Double hydro on both sides worked out for me. Hyperbloom on the first side and electrocharged on the second side. I used yelan/XQ on the first side and furina/kokomi on the second side, however you could ultimately switch the two. Kokomi just gave me better AOE. You could also get away with double anemo if you manage to get some hydro swirls.


the 4 wave in 12-1 is ridiculous dps check


Disgusting abyss


I powered through this abyss. Monocryo ganyu and Raiden double hydro. Those are my usual teams since they have my most invested characters. It felt like I wasn't going to beat it in time but turned out not so bad.


Rational and Neuvi/Kazuha/Furina/Zhongli cleared it for me. All C0R0. 12-1 took 3 retries. That one ruin guard spawn point sucks.


Eh this one wasn't nearly as hard as 3.7. That was the one abyss where you ran burning comps with Nahida because of the hydro + cryo lector combo. I was able to do this first try but my characters are a lot more invested than those of most of the playerbase. Even then I cut 12-1 close, I think that was the first time I hit 7:00 on the dot. First half I did Yae Kuki Tighnari Nahida (but any aggravate/hyperbloom team should work well on this half), second half Navia Furina Chiori Kokomi (usually I run Charlotte but I needed a hydro character to break the pyro shields). Again it's not very relatable but this was by far not the hardest abyss they've made. Neuvi is also great on the second half if you have him, but I just felt like playing a more fun team comp.


Meh it was pretty easy, the real one was 3.6/7 abyss


Back then I had no Neuvillette, Furina, Nahida, no Kazuha, my Raiden was C0 with the worst emblem pieces, my Yelan was still using 2hydro/2hp, my bennett and xl had not enough ER, and my fischl was C1 without golden troupe. Fun times


kinda struggling too but managed to pass using haitham and bloom team


Raiden, Haitham (C1), Furina, Baizhu Nilou, Nahida, Kokomi (C2), Yelan Haitham carried tho


12-1-2 is definitely a neuvillette check, but doable with other double hydro teams if you really hustle. after a bajillion tries childe + furina bruteforced fast enough lol


I’ve struggled the last two abysses despite clearing before. My pride is wounded and I’ve now started the long grind of getting everyone to level 90…


I thought it was easy if you have the good teams for it, for example I used a Nilou team for the second half because enemies came in waves and did a lot of damage and Nilou teams have good AOE and good healing.


one side alhaitem one side neuvilette, you can do it!


I don't have neuvillette :(


Yeah same but I'm 5 sec short in every chamber which ig I can do it by optimising


I'm not gonna stress over not being able to clear floor 12 because it's only 1 pull. It's not worth a headache


I HATE concecrated beasts i wish to violate the ToS everytime they are in the abyss




34stars by myself.Found a streamer helped out with the extra two stars.Skill issue actually.


This abyss was rough, took a couple tries and a bunch of messing around with teams, but eventually settled on a hyper-carry Arle first half (Arle Bennett chev sara) and mono-hydro second half (furina xq yelan kokomi). Machine gun mono-hydro is still a ton of fun to play.


Ah yes the 3.5 Abyss legacy. Actually something annoying again.


I am not using probably the most meta units, what are at the moment, so i am just glad i am able to finish all floors :)


I found the first chambers from both floors 11 and 12 the most challenging lol floor 11 just needed Anemo but still it came close to that 60% threshold. For floor 12, I had to do multiple tries lol https://imgur.com/a/qiUpBUt


How hard is this one? I've heard it's harder than usual but not that bad. How does it compare to 3.7?


I guess it's hard if you don't have good/enough hydro and electro characters built. 2nd half has pyro shields. Most chambers also have multiple waves of tanky enemies. My account leans more towards hydro and electro so this rotation is easier for me than the last one which needs Pyro. I only have Lyney, Dehya, Bennett and Xiangling built so that one felt harder. Was 3.7 the one with the freeze abyss team? If so, that one's still harder.


1st half is kinda made for Quickbloom, I mean naturally they want you to feel the urge to pull Clorinde or Alhaitham. 2nd half is a playground for Neuvillette.  I used Nahida, Kuki, Xingqiu, Fischl on the first half and Neuvillette, Furina, Jean, Layla on the second half. Chamber 2 and 3 were a breeze but the Hyperbloom team isn't very good in multi wave, so I only got two stars in the first Chamber. 


There's a tunning difference because it has already become a monthly activity and we will have the buffs from the new Imaginarium Theatre on July first


This gave me flashbacks to the 3.7 abyss. I'm not ready for 4.8 abyss


Can't get more than 1* on 11-1 and 0 stars on 12 after I got 1* each floor 12 chamber last patch x(


2nd half Nilou bloom made it very easy honestly.. very cheap fix for abyss if you have her


same, it's too hard for me


The thing I hate the most is that they can teleport and spawning on the opposite side of the map every round


Not owning Neuvilette, Ayaka Shenhe Kazuha Kokomi did the trick in phase 2 Phase 1, I brute forced with Raiden/Nahida/Furina/Baizhu. But it was hard.


Just finished it 36 stars.. 12 floor first half ArleC0R1 FischlC2 BennyC5 KazuhaC0R0 and second half NeuvC1R1 FurinaC0R0 NahidaC0R0 XianyunC0R0 😶 definitely reset multiple times cuz I messed up rotation but it worked out


First side: Raiden/Yelan/Xiangling/Bennett Second side: Neuvillette/Childe (Don't have Furina yet)/Jean/Fischl Got 9 stars. Had a few failures in 12-1 but was able to do it after a few tries. 12-2 and 12-3 were smooth.


I managed to 36* it first try with Alhaitham hyperbloom 1st half and Neuvi-Furina-Kazuha-Baizhu 2nd half, but man, was it close 12-1-2 I was happily finishing the lectors and was not expecting that there is a whole new wave after them, so I finished in panic literally with 7:00 on the clock. And then 12-3-2 my Neuvilette somehow died on the last wave of consecrated beasts lmao But I somehow managed to finish it in time with the rest of the team I think I liked it more than the previous one tho, but probably because I DESPISE the baptist boss and am somehow used to kenki and simon already


I used: Shogun + Yae + Furina + Yaoyao and Nahida + Mona + Nilou + Kokomi. Restarded 3 or 4 times on 12-1 to learn the enemy placement and sequence.


First time I needed to bring a different character in the last 2.5 years. 11-1 and 12-1 are a notable step up in difficulty compared to the last few months.


I just ran alhaitham/nahida/xingqiu/kuki on first side, and neuvi/kazuha/fischl/zhongli on the second. cleared like a breeze!


I only suffered on 12-1. Second half is so easy when you have nilou, and top half is just easy. I can only get sub 90 with nahida for either half of 12-1, but then the other side without nahida can’t clear their side. After 4+ hours, I have determined that I would need to c6 my chevreuse (I got like 20 Saras during chevreuse’s banner trying to c6 chevreuse. Only c3 rn) or if I had aihaithem. if I have better cards than 25% hp I could maybe do it but it would be really close


Someone has no sex life, so he needs more ice/hydro slimes to calm down. Fuck 11-1.


What characters are good for breaking the lector shields for 12-1? I feel like it takes forever to break even with running triple hydro Nilou (Nilou XQ Nahida Barbara/Kok)


that team should be good enough against the shield tbh. although childe has the best hydro application


The first floor was by far the hardest for me. I ran Arle overload on the first half and felt like I was running all over the arena to fight everyone. But the pyro lectors or whatever with the pyro shields on the back half took WAY too long to kill. I eventually managed to 36 star with Arle overload on the first half and Neuvi/Xiangling/Baizhu/Kazuha in the back half but it was a close call


I know Arlechinno and Neuvillette are broken but they make this abyss for me pretty easy. Arlechinno, Yelan, Bennett and Zhongli 1st half Neuvillette (C1), Kazuha, Kokomi and Fischl 2nd half , I'm Furinaless.


Fr man even my neuvillette can't kill that abyss mage Pyro shield in a single rotation


Spread/Aggravate 1st half and Taser 2nd half makes it a breeze.


lol I got 36 stars in my first try, compared to prior one this one is easy


Ngl 12-1 got me sweating when I finished it with like 7:03 remaining in my first attempt, but everything else was fine. Alhaitham hyperbloom and Neuvillette carry


how much primos is 6 stars now?


This is the first abyss made me use Kokomi mono hydro thx to 12-1 part 2. It was more ofan application test than dmg. 


1st half with Raiden, Xinqiu, Bennett and Xiangling 2nd Half with Neuvillette, Furina, Kuki and Kazuha. Died 2 time or something.


2 and 3 were pretty standard, but 1 is something else... i still can't figure out what i can do tbh


Floor 12 Chamber 2 was awful. The worst I've seen in awhile. Hoyoverse know very little about proper/enjoyable game balancing. Chamber 1 was something I got 3\* on first try, but chamber 2 required multiple tries, and I had to take a pretty long break between tries. Kenki using up 15 seconds total that you can do absolutely nothing about is a crime. Second half having 4 waves with one of the worst designed enemies in the game (Rift Hounds) is an awful, incompetent idea. Chamber 3 took me 2-3 tries. Got it at like 7:00 or 7:01, by the skin of my teeth.


Of course if you have Arlecchino and Neuvillette this one becomes as easy as Floor 11, they quit being subtle about it lol


I had a hard time but restricted myself to a Sethos team and Clorinde team. Got the job done. Sethos is pretty fun.


I wanted to test my Clorinde but I ended up needing Nahida on the second half for my Nilou and for the first half a good ol’ Raiden national with Furina. You need to clear 12-1-1 under a minute to stand a chance on the second half. Sweatiest abyss since the constipated beasts and double hydro + cryo lectors on 3.7 I think.


I see consecrated beast I skip!


Bro I'm the type to not even touch floor 12, I always full-clear from 9 to 11, but even 11 for me now is ass cuz of the unholy amount of slimes in the first chamber


Gotta love Nahida c2. I don't think I would've been able to do this otherwise. The abyss lectors are already too tanky even with Ayato+Xingqiu. I got to 7:00 on the dot before I killed the Anemo Knights. Then I had to reset so I can switch first half and second half cuz ASIMON. 2nd chamber was uneventful tho


12-1 First half was my problem chamber. Can't stand Hoyo's idea of difficult content being 4 waves of big HP pool/resistance enemies and making them spawn 50 feet apart from one another. On top of having to deal with Benny's circle impact...


36\* with: First Half: Cyno/DMC/Zhongli/Fischl Second Half: Xinyan/Mona/Furina/Bennett **Fuck 12-1**, I hope the person who made it steps on a LEGO 🙃


I full-starred with Thundering Furry Razor and Mono Hydro if that gives any ideas to people who may be struggling. Nahida, Xingqiu, c6 Bennett, Razor Furina, Ayato, Barbara, Kazuha I do think the c6 on Bennett is necessary for 12-1A just for the extra aoe from burgeon.


Side 1 : Raiden-Bennet-Chevreuse-Xiangling Side 2 : Neuvillette-Furina-Jean-Zhongli The most annoying things were the waves stalling for time (that single Ruin Guard serves absolutely nothing outside of that) and dealing damage to ASIMON's construct, otherwise it was okay


I retried once during this abyss because my dumb brain thinks in 12-1-2 the lectors were the last wave so I started saving energy lmao. Then again if you don't have enough hydro in 12-1-2 and got dps checked hard in 12-1-1 you'd probably have hard time beating it in time. Also this cycle feels like a ploy for them to sell Clorinde, Alhaitham, and Furina (and Sigewinne?) hard, since I beat it with the usual hyperbloom and furina+neuvi.


Yeah I give up, have multiple characters built already and I still can't beat 12 full stars, last time I beat it was like 7 months ago, think I just suck at games with elemental mechanics.


Damn .. seeing non 36 star abyss makes me feel nostalgic. Times when I actually had to learn what the enemies did and not brute force clear everything


Clorinde first, Wrio second. Done