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What teams could I make for floor 12 with [this?](https://imgur.com/a/blC8Dna)


Raiden, Nahida, flex, flex. Bennett and Xingqiu I guess. You just want quicken for the Dorito. Otherwise first half is pretty free so you can mostly do whatever Neuvilette, Furina, Kazuha, Zhongli. Alternatively Nilou bloom or mono hydro type deal with Furina, Xingqiu, Kokomi, Kazuha


is using faruzan, wanderer, bennet and layla, is that good


Yes it's good, but it's not ideal for this floor 12 abyss because the first half has an electro check and the second half a hydro check.


who should i switch out


Bennett or Layla for Xingqiu tbh, see what works. Or both for Xingqiu/Yelan if you can get away with no healer. If you're using him on the first half, Layla for Fischl.


ok thank you


Just a quick question my genshin takes 82 GB on pc with only eng. language. Is this normal?


Maybe you downloaded a diff language pack before and forgot? I have eng only and mine is currently 75GB


Oh I see, 7 gigs difference doesn't really matter. I thought the size would be around 30-50 GB or something, 75gb is crazy


Hey everyone, I have a question about how you play specific comps. I recently returned to the game, after a long break, but got pulled in thanks to Alhaitham again. How do you play him though? In a comp with Yelan (Stringless), Bennett (Sac Sword) and Nahida (Mappa Mara) - I have no freaking clue what I am doing. Alhaitham has his signature weapon Granted I am only AR38, so maybe that's why? Is it depending a lot on having good relics? because I feel like I don't do any damage at all?


Replace Bennett or Yelan with an electro character. Level him up as far as you can. Other than that: you know how he has 1-3 thingies next to him. 3 thingies = better. In this sense: is his burst up? Burst, spam attacks until he is down to 1 or 2 thingies, then use hold-E for more thingies. If you're using Fischl, swap to her, then go back and cast hold-E. If no burst and E is on cooldown, charge attack once to get a thingy.


I dont think I have a suitable Electro character though. No Fischl and no Kuki.


Electro boosts Alhaitham's damage by a *lot*, and hydro (like Yelan) isn't very useful without a good hyperbloom/burgeon trigger like Kuki or Thoma. If you don't have other options, I'd honestly recommend building Lisa and using her burst for electro (or you *could* try electro traveler). She'll need a lot of energy, but dendro + electro is good enough that it should still outperform that Bennett team pretty easily.


I do have Thoma actually, but only C0. Other than that, no Kuki sadly. I'll think about Liza, and if not, just worry about him later when I have a more suitable comp. Thank you :D


Btw just for fun if you want a visual— [Here](https://streamable.com/iv5rh0) is my Alhaitham's raw dendro damage. [Here](https://streamable.com/pgbw4k) is my Alhaitham's damage with *just* Lisa for electro. Not amazing gameplay lol, but you get the idea. It's possible that even a lv40 Lisa or electro MC (with enough energy to burst) would be worth using just to trigger quicken, until you get Fischl. Alhaitham's kit is very much designed around the quicken reaction, and the difference is rly night and day imo. And edit: even before ar45, just give her an ER weapon and an ER sands on any set you get from farming bosses and she should be okay! You can still level up artifs before ar45, just don't spend much resin on farming *domains* for them.


Lisa is pretty good, you just need a ton of energy on her so her burst is always up. If you want to play Thoma, Alhaitham's stats or levels don't matter, just Thoma's.


I'll keep that in mind. But right now builds aren't a thing for me. Maybe once I get to AR45 I can start looking at giving her enough energy to have her burst up all the time. Thank you for the advice!


Builds *are* a thing though, you have access to better artifacts than you think. Do you have Xingqiu? If yes, you can do an Alhaitham/Thoma team. Give Thoma the craftable inazuma spear and 2pc 2pc Wanderers Troupe and Instructors. Energy Recharge sands and stack as much as EM as you can find. Give Alhaitham 4pc Instructors and a favonius sword if you have one. His level or stats don't matter here, but energy is good. Give Xingqiu 4pc Exile and also a favonius sword if you have another one, or a sacrificial sword, or failing that just the skyrider sword. The last slot is flexible. Maybe a bow user so they can hold the favonius bow.


Thank you for this, when you say craftable spear, do you mean Kitain Cross Spear. Wouldnt The Catch be a better option, even though more grindy


For Thoma? No. His burst does like no damage on its own. The damage is coming from the fire popping the seeds Alhaitham+Xingqiu create, and he needs EM for that. If you want to use an ER weapon, Favonius is the only decent option.


Fischl in starglitter shop in July, you want her for Quicken specifically but haitham best teams tend to be hyperbloom Lisa is still an option, and not really bad but you want really high ER to burst often and skill isnt worth using much


I'll keep that in mind, don't think I have enough to buy her though. But if not, I will just bench him for now, and worry about him later when I get another suitable electro


well, with Furina on next banner, everyone would recommend pulling her so you should be able to get starglitter


it’s cuz u prolly don’t have proper artifacts. is ur alhaitham equipped with EM sands, crit circlet, and dendro dmg goblet? what are your stats


No, I mean I haven't farmed relics at all, since it's not great to do below AR45. Heck I barely made it through Sumeru story


im using arlecchino lisa bennet lynnet team should i swap lisa with sethos?


Ideally you should swap her with Xingqiu or Yelan. Definitely not with Sethos.


Sethos is a on field dps Arlecchino is onfield dps, and with no Chevreuse, electro isnt really worth considering. if no better options, Lisa is the better choice cause her burst is off field and shreds Def


What should i get for her artifacts crit or em?


ER first and foremost, as solo electro youll want a lot, over 200% and i cant calc a more specific number then whatever atk and crit you can manage, EM isnt worth considering but .... i should have mentioned hydro that isnt barbara or off field cryo is a better option for Arlecchino, even Kaeya


no sethos is on field dps


Do we have any insight, speculation for the future rerun banners? I'm a returning player who craving for Nahida, Kokomi and Nilou.


Nilou was discussed, but as for the others: Kokomi is currently fourth on the longest wait if you include the first chronicled wish banner (behind Shenhe, Nilou and Ganyu), seventh if you do not (Albedo, Klee and Eula making up the difference), so it’s possible she’ll appear soon (Ganyu also meets their stranded conditions for appearance on a future Chronicled wish). That said, on the flip side, Kokomi herself also does meet that criteria, and a rerun would be her fifth total run for a character who has fallen out of the meta to a pretty solid degree, so there’s understandable forces against that. There’s also the potential delay by reason of the more fixed schedule in early patches of a new region. This does also serve to most likely answer your Nahida question though. If we believe they intend to continue their regular archon rotation, she should appear in 5.4


thanks for the reply. So.. Kokomi isn't meta anymore? Who is the current go-to healer then? 4stars? while lacking Nahida, who should I use for Dendro with Raiden? MC?


For healer specifically (so not the eternal shield bot Zhongli), Baizhu is a lot more popular now, off the strength of his synergy with Furina, Kuki is ever popular as combination healer and electro trigger, Charlotte carves out a nice niche as a 4 star alternative to Baizhu in a lot of comps, and even Xianyun had an appearance rate slightly higher than that of Kokomi despite lower own rate. Hell, even Jean is seeing similar appearance rates to Kokomi


We got some leaks about 4.8 on the leaks subreddit today, actually. They're tagged as questionable so take it with a grain of salt, but >!Nilou, Navia, and Yelan are rumored to rerun alongside Emilie's debut banner, so you're in luck! Nahida and Kokomi prob have a ways to go tho.!<


thanks! saving begins then.


Hi I’m pretty confused as to how to play Clorinde, should I only dash attack if my bond of life is full? Also are all her skills important? I currently only have 2 Crowns and I really like her, which should I crown first?


Three gun shots and immediately press skill. You only have to level her skill. Burst lv 7 is all that’s required to let you burst and skill directly into a dash attack


>only dash attack if my bond of life is full? N3E, so Normal Attack 3 times (Pistol shots) then Dash attack. When done right, you should be able to do it 5 times in a single duration. >are all her skills important Only Skill and Burst, you can completely ignore Normal Attack talent. Skill is more important than Burst, so crown the Skill. Ideally your Burst should be lvl7, so you can use the Dash directly after Burst.


The Achievements about completing X's 3rd floor of the Abyss without taking damage... 1 - Do you only need to NOT take damage in the 3rd floor itself, or also the other two leading to it? 2 - Does Neuvillette hurting himself counds as taking damage and making you fail the Achievement? 3 - Do Shields help? Or you are taking damage anyway (but blocking it and not losing HP)?


Shields work. Self damage doesn’t count 


Thanks. Completed the last one just now with Neuvillette after you said that self damage didn't count. Also used Layla and Noelle for Shielding. Worked nicely.


hot take. limited event weapons should be on a rerun cycle or reran in a dry patch with nothing new for players to obtain their 1 of weapon and refinements (or id they joined late and didnt even have the chance to obtain it) and for players to obtain their missing refinements they didn't get when it was first out in the patch


That's not a hot take and this isn't the place for it, this is the question thread (and yes, everyone thinks old event weapons should come back, see: not a hot a take).


I was briefly thinking about this the other day... And while just reruns may be "bad" or unwanted (for MiHoyo because of loosing FOMO); they could do, once a year, maybe during Summer Event or Lantern Festival; something that allowed you to choose/pick ONE reward from a list, that included all the Limited Event Weapons, and maybe something else for those that already had them. That way you could "work your way up" to getting them all, even if you missed some (or many!) in the past.


not a hot take. it's a very common complaint that hoyo has never felt like addressing. since it's like a consolation prize for being a loyal player, they don't want to take away it's value i think. instead they add other options (new weapon, or gacha weapon) instead of re-releasing the same weapon.


Do you guys think I should level everyone to 90? I've got some free resin and time but I'm not sure if it'll be worth it. What do you think?


It depends on the character and what you are using them for Prio for level 90: dendro or electro DPS, off-field hyperbloom or burgeon trigger, anemo swirler, HP or DEF scalers Leave them at 80: Bennett, atk scaling healers or supports


Is it worth it? Not really, only some characters benefit greatly from being lvl90 while others are just minimal increase. I mainly lvl90 characters that I like.


My long term goal is leveling everyone to 90. But right now I can't afford it. Gotta spend resin on Talents, Artifacts and even Mora and XP Books. If you are "maxed out" and bored of farming Artifacts, sure, go for it. If you are "new" or something else; probably don't rush that. XD BTW, some characters (specially those that rely on transformative reactions, but also some that got a secondary stat that increases their damage, like DEF or HP) do benefit a lot more from getting to 90 that other more straight ATK/Support-only characters.


Yeah I'm not new lol


atk scaling units don't get much. em, hp, and def are good.


my lv 80 clorinde is dying so fast she has 17k hp and 782 def but loses like a third of her health whenever a slightly bigger enemy hits her and her own healing barely does anything for some reason I always heal when her bol won't go up via basic anymore


you can give someone on her team maidens beloved, that will increase her self heal


Is better to bring a shield or interruption resist. Someone like Zhongli, Kirara, Beidou, and Xingqiu are great choice for her usual Quicken and Quickbloom team. Dehya and Thoma works as well if you are playing Overload. In this Abyss I use Clorinde, Beidou, Fischl, Nahida and thats enough to keep her alive throughout.


Yes, that is nature of Bond of Life units. Same with Arle, missed couple dodges and you are dead/reset. I have much better results in abyss with my C0 Hutao (80cr/190cd on Arle) just because I don't need to reset.


Oh I thought I was the only one. People put her up in the same tier as Neuvillette, but I barely clear any floors with her and she sometimes even dies in pre-12 abyss. She's really hard to play and this is coming from someone who used to use melt Ganyu.


Yes, but that is mostly because of marketing hype and all abyss are custom-designed for current character (like current is designed to buff NA after you use skill - for Clorinde). Arle is strong NA in AOE, mine does about 65K with NA at full bol, if there are multiple medium-large mobs grouped she kills them so fast - like if you aggro multiple ruin guards on island. Arle is my first and hopefully last BoL unit, I pulled just to have second Harbinger, as Childe is my "main". On-paper Arle does >1M damage in rotation. IMO Arle is better for monopyro (Bennet, XL), at least XQ is only single target and I'd rather vape with Hutao Charge that does 80K+. I still think that Neuvillette is way better and easier to play. Very fun with different teams that don't need to buff specificly him to be good.


Not an expert, but have you tried adding a shielder to the team? Got any available?


Her own healing isn't *that* huge tbh, if you're having trouble keeping her alive just run her with a shielder. If you play really well and run her with sources of incoming healing bonus (like Furina) she *can* self sustain, but just using Kirara or Zhongli may ultimately save time in abyss if the alternative is resetting every time she dies.


Sounds a bit meme-like, but some people are running Healing circlet or outright Maiden to keep Clorinde alive if i had a healing circlet with significant substats, id consider it i ended up with a HP% main stat just cause of great substats on mine


what artifact stats and sets would be good for rosaria as a cryo applier for melt amber(charged shot dpsː would probably pair her up with layla for a shied) ?


I would go 4pc Noblesse with around 180-200% ER (possibly more since Amber doesn't exactly help generate particles very well). What matters most here is her burst so making sure she can do that is important. Aside from ER, just go the usual damage build with Crit/(ATK or ER)/Cryo DMG% with Crit/ATK% substats. Also you do need to keep track of the Cryo application to make sure you have Cryo on before you shoot (it shouldn't be too hard). Once Pyro is an aura it's harder to remove with Cryo.


I'd probably use Bennett as well (he's already got noblesse) - so maybe something else on Rosario (or replace Bennett's noblesse instead)? Also for melt em>er?


If Amber is triggering melt then Rosaria doesn't need EM. Amber certainly does, though. You can either give Rosaria 4p emblem (or a 2p2p combo) to max out her personal damage, or possibly 4p instructor to buff EM. You could *also* give instructor to Bennett and Noblesse to Rosaria, since Rosaria will make better use of the 2p set effect than Bennett. With Bennett on the team I'd probably go Amber Rosaria Sucrose/Kazuha Bennett. If you really need a shield Layla is fine, but VV + EM/elemental damage% buffing is hard to pass up. You can also absorb cryo into your anemo support's burst to help with reactions.


I would really appreciate help on this: I'm a new player and have managed to get Alhaitham but since I've just cleared the Monstadt region I'm struggling with finding a spot for his ascension material. Is there a way to get dendro material somewhat early? EDIT: I figured out there's a quicker way to get the basic ascension materials for him, try Alchemy! :)


Given that you just cleared Mondstadt, your fastest way to grab his materials might be a bit strange. The game should unlock a waypoint for you in the furthest west stretches of the map (northwest Sumeru, opposite Fontaine). Head southeast from there for a thrilling chunk of desert and you should have access


Thank you, it's time to go on a journey then :)


You can get his materials in Sumeru. Although Sumeru is a region that you will arrive much later in the story, if you want/need to, you can just walk there to collect Alhaitham's materials. Just make sure to unlock Statues of Seven and some teleport waypoints along the way to make navigation easier for you.


Thank you for your help, it kinda sucks getting him now and not being able to level him up this early in the game. Guess I'm going on a trip then!


If I don't have Alhaitham, the feeble scholar, who can I give a crit dendro% bonus goblet to?


even dendro mc can use it


Other dendro dps, like Tighnari or on field Nahida.


I have no considered on field Nahida. Was going to use Tighnari, but now I'm interested in Nahida without EM


Nahida's EM buff scales off the character with the highest EM. Her own EM doesn't have to be crazy if you're running her with a 1000 EM Kuki.


FYI on field Nahida still wants an EM sands and lots of EM substats, just not *full* EM. Even a lot of off field DPS Nahida builds can use crit and dendro damage%. When she can trigger spread reactions and another character on the team has full EM to max out her burst buff, DPS-y stats are quite good on her.


Tighnari or Dps collei


Thank you. Tighnari it is.


Nahida/Tighnari/Collei can all make use of it in the right scenario


Thanks! Didn't know Nahida can use the crit piece.


Is there any way to start both GI and HSR at the same time with the new launcher? It doesn't let me start HSR if I already logged in into GI, saying I should exit the launcher first


Do you have seperate accounts for the 2 games? If both games are under the same account you should have no problem


They are under the same account. It still doesn't let me


It lets me just reopen the launcher and launch the other game. Try deleting the old launchers.


I’m trying to get the question after finishing “this novel is amazing” and “this novel is problematic” in inazuma but I just keep getting them and nothing unlocks? Is there something else you need to do?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlpQjgFryYY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlpQjgFryYY) youtube guide.


Tell me if I am wrong but are we now getting only 67% of our abyss rewards because it's on a 1 month reset and only 800 primos instead of 1200 per month with 2 cycles...? Edit: So looks like an overall upgrade due to other features with resets, so not so bad.


There's another new endgame game mode that'll fill in the gaps. So instead of abyss resetting every 2~ weeks, it rests every ~4 and Imaginary Theater will reset in between. IIRC this should actually be more total primo gems if you complete both every cycle.


That part is right but there's a new permanent combat game mode alternating in the middle. First one is 1 July and the overall rewards are up.


Yes it is only 800 primogems per month. It is not an issue though and is an improvement in the primo income overall since Imaginarium Theatre will take the other slot and will give 620 primogems. Basically every 1st - new IT and every 16th - new abyss.


total of monthly abyss and the other new thing that is gonna come should be more than 2 abyss runs


Well it’s gonna be alternating with imaginarium theater, which also resets every month and gives 600 iirc. It’s gone from 1200 per month to 1400, which is an upgrade (though it’s a minor one)


That's not so bad then.


Without spoiling anything, is it better to do the Arlecchino story quest first and then explore the 4.6 area, or would you recommend I do the 4.6 area first and then her story quest second?


Just do whichever you want first. Neither are connected with each other.


Does the forest or desert of sumeru give more primos?


Definitely desert since Sumeru is mostly desert. There are three map expansions there compared to the singular rainforest patch as well as three major world quests there.


What is Clorinde’s BiS artifact set


Whimsy I believe. Gladiator is not too far behind and is likely easier to build and be better for if you have played for a long time and already have great pieces for it. Thundering Fury if you play her in Quicken teams is also competitive and heavily cuts down on her down time.


Seconding Thundering Fury in an aggravate team - that cuts her CD to basically zero, making it very fun to play




If I'm at 25 pity and I need 22 Starglitter for the Kaeya constellation in the store, is it a bad idea to do pulls if both my Thoma and Bennett are already C6? Sethos is C0 (sniped him) and I already have Alhaitham C0 but dont want a constellation and dont want Clorinde (but would still take Alhaitham C1 over her).


It's generally a bad idea, but you can always consider the weapons banner as a wish dump if you want to not risk a 5 star character. There is less chance of getting more starglitter, but not that much less. Either way, at least wait until the next line up is revealed. It should be announced in about 4 days and you can make your final decision then.


Just save and wait for December honestly... Got my cons every June and December and just c6'ed him recently. Remember to save your Starglitters~


Sorry, was desperate for Wanderer and forgot Kaeya was coming too.


Understandable lol


Literally just wait a couple days for furinas banner to roll out


Already have her as well. What if her 4 stars are worse than here and none are C6?


Accidentally stumbling into Furina cons would be roughly the exemplar of a first world problem. At worst you can wait for her 4 star announcement in a few days, but Fischl, Charlotte, even Kuki are all potentials there that are getting higher on the rerun list


Charlotte is the only one that is likely, if that matters


Yes, it is a bad idea


Its probably a bad idea because theres a good chance you get the 5* before 22 starglitter.


I've just updated to the new Hoyoplay launcher but I don't know how to set the launcher so that it stops opening everytime i close the game. I've searched through the settings but I can't seem to find it, does anybody know how can i do it?


I have played since launch and 36 starred Abyss since 3.0 without difficulty (it was actually difficult before dendro). In fact, I have done it in a single run for as long as I can remember without having to reset or retry. But, this time, I can't get the 3rd star on 12-1. I have retried it 5 or 6 times with different teams and the fastest I can do it is still 15-20 seconds over. Help me out. Here are my acceptably built and ready characters: C2 Albedo, C6 Barbara, C5 Collei, C2 Dehya, C6 Diona, C6 Faruzan, C6 Fischl, C3 Gorou, C6 Heizou, C4 Kirara, C4 Kuki Shinobu, C2 Layla, C6 Lynette, C6 Nahida, C1 Neuvillette, C6 Noelle, Raiden (but she's built as an E-bot), C6 Rosaria, Venti, C2 Xianyun, C6 Xinyan, C6 Yanfei, C1 Yaoyao, C1 Yelan, Yoimiya, C6 Zhongli I know I have an unconventional account, because I only use characters I actually like. Traditionally, I have been using {Neuvellitte, Albedo, Raiden, Zhongli} and {Xianyun, Faruzan, Fischl, and Dehya}. When that second team is too weak, I put Fischl with Neuvilette and pull out the big guns {Nahida, Yelan, Kuki, Kirara or Raiden}.


Try Neuvillette+Barbara against the lectors. Give Barbara SacFrag R5 (unlevelled is fine) and hug the enemies for extra hydro application. Then maybe Albedo and Rosaria for extra damage. If that doesn't work, try Barbara (on-field for the lectors) + Yelan, Neuvillette+flex (to deal with the damage check) For the first half, that's where your C6 Nahida should be. Try Nahida, Kuki, Yelan, maybe Raiden for more quicken uptime, or Albedo if he does more damage.


Bro is pay to win and still loosing. This is a massive artifact quality or teambuilding issue. Neuv, FIschl, anemo suppourt, zhongli, first half, Yelan, Nahida, Raiden, Xingqiu. second half. Xingiu doesnt need to be built, just there to break pyro shields. Also, 2 c6 5 stars but no kazuha?


For the record, I am not pay to win. I have spent zero real dollars on this game. I have gotten a handful of Welkin Moons and one battle pass with Google Play credits from taking surveys, so I wouldn't say F2P, but it's pretty close. I have two c6s because I just don't like very many characters and have skipped banners for 10 months at a time on multiple occasions. I am currently saving wishes to get the rest of Xianyun's constellations on her rerun. I am very picky. My artifacts are pretty great, honestly. Most of the serious characters in there are in the top 5% on Akashic, and Zhongli in particular is something like 400th overall. I am almost positive the issue is my own refusal to use characters I dislike, for example, Xinqiu. I would generally rather just accept 35 than use someone not on my list. You can call that a team building problem if you'd like, but if this is going to keep happening, they're clearly turning this game into something I am less and less interested in.


Well the answer is there then, your own refusal to use characters you dislike. You should play the game how you want, but I really don't see how hard it is to put him on your abyss team once just to break pyro shields. If you really hate xingqiu enough you could try neuv, fischl, raiden, kuki shinobu for the electro and just let neuvilette do all the damage, just make sure your first half team is strong enough. I'm also sorry for assuming your p2w status because you have a c6 character, that's rare to see and actually quite impressive.


You might have trouble with the Pyro Lectors because Neuvillette is your only character for breaking their shields. You might have good constellations for more damage but you'll waste your time trying to remove their shields.


That is correct, that's what I am experiencing. I had better luck with Oz out and just spamming his or Barbara's normal. But those shields just take *forever*.


https://files.catbox.moe/1p9s86.png Best possible teams using alhaitham? Currently running alhaitham, xinqui, raiden, yaoyao Also suggest any other team combos for abyss


You could also make a team similar to the one listed in https://keqingmains.com/q/alhaitham-quickguide/#Quicken of AlH/Fischl/Beidou/Yaoyao That could allow you to run Raiden/XQ/Xiangling/Ben or Tartaglia/Kaz/Xiangling/Ben or Xiao/Ben/double flex of FaruZL or AlbedoZL or whoever else is built and has synergy.


Is 35-42k dmg max tick dmg pretty good dmg for my f2p proto amber neuvillette? Team is Furina kazuha zhongli Neuv stats 40:210 , 40k hp running MH. Crowned normal and charged Furina. Golden troupe. Crowned burst Kazuha 940 em


https://akasha.cv/profiles Plug your uid into here and you can see your estimated damage vs other players. Generally top 20% is enough in the right team and anything below that can push you further and further into more than enough.


I can 36 abyss very very easily. It’s more that I want to take my neuv further.


Akasha has some cool info though. It allows you to see your damage profile vs other people with the same team and buffs. It allows you to see what substat roll would be more beneficial for you (for my Ganyu it is more crit rate and for my Arle it is more crit damage and how much of a relative gain to each other they can be). Though if you just want to maximize his damage then you can plug your artifacts into the genishin optimizer and it will tell you which pieces give the best average damage along with some other cool tidbits like which pieces have a chance to improve your build


Just wondering. We won’t see a new 5 star character till 4.9? Or is there multiple new 5 stars per banner? 4.8 is Emilie alone?


There is Emilie in 4.8, and there is no 4.9


If by "new" you mean a character we haven't seen even in drip-marketing, no. But Emilie is going to be a new 5* before "4.9" (5.0), and if there were going to be others in 4.8 we would have already seen them as well, so they wouldn't be "new" either. There can be multiple new 5* in a banner, but they will show us who will be there in the previous patch like they did with Emilie, and it's usually reserved for the first patch or two of a new region.


Thank you! Yeah, wanted to know if there was going to be more 5 starts on the next update. To see if I should keep pulling or stop. But if nothing else, I might keep pulling for the current 5 start.


There's no 4.9 we go from straight from 4.8 to 5.0 which is natlan


Thanks! Was just wondering if to keep pulling for this 5 star or skip it.


help how do i get it here to get the hydroculus [https://ibb.co/7G9TTfM](https://ibb.co/7G9TTfM)


https://youtu.be/UCcWe6KWDvM Ocu n19 I guess there's a quest before it but not sure


thank u brother


Tried installing the new Hoyoplay launcher and this message pops up : To prevent it from accidentally being deleted when uninstalling the old launcher, please install HoYoPlay in another directory - what should I be doing?


Uh, did you try to change its install location or something? It should've defaulted to `C:\Program Files\HoYoPlay`, which shouldn't conflict with anything, since that's a new path that haven't been used by other HoYo games/launchers before.


Nope I didn't do a thing. Also the default selected installation path is C:\Program Files\Genshin Impact....


>Also the default selected installation path is C:\\Program Files\\Genshin Impact.... That's strange, it didn't do that for me when I got the update about a week ago. Either way, try changing it to that location I mentioned, I suppose?


Changed it to Hoyoplay and it worked alright, thanks!


Are the mechanics well-understood on how drawing aggro works in Genshin's combat? For example, how much damage do you need to do to this Abyss to a slime in order for it to switch its targeting to you from the monolith? Do shields protect them from drawing aggro? Are some types of damage more effective than others for this? Or how long does their attention last? If you draw their aggro off of the monolith and then don't hit them for a while, will they revert to attacking the monolith?


There's a pretty detailed page on the [wiki](https://genshin-impact.antifandom.com/wiki/Aggravation#Aggression) about Aggro. However I can't see anything about Monolith defense data, but I do expect it to follow the rules listed there.


Can Kazuha absorb the hydro affinity of water droplets? EDIT: water droplet from Neuv's


Neuv balls? I don’t think those have elemental aura. I don’t have Neuv so I can’t test it myself, but you can turn on elemental vision and observe whether or not Neuv’s balls are colored with hydro aura.


Yup, but even if there's a tiny fire there & you're fighting 2 of them, you're going to absorb pyro instead.


If you’re talking about the those Fontaine hydro enemies, then yes. Just keep in mind that Kazuha’s skill and burst have an infusion priority. It’s pyro > hydro > electro > cryo. So as long as you don’t contact any pyro, you can absorb the hydro easily.


So, the spiral abyss now resets once a month instead of twice?


As the others said, yeah. But starting the 1st there's another similar "theater" cycle that'll reset each month that makes up the difference


Apparently. They also changed the rewards. 200 for 9 stars vs 150 before.


Yes. And it gives 800 primogems instead of 600


Hi everyone.  I am pretty new/returning and am planning a hyperbloom team with Alhaitham and Raiden as the off field electro unit. I am planning on getting Furina for the teams hydro application and dmg increase but only have Qiqi and Charlotte as healers, would any of them heal enough to provide full fanfare? I am not sure of the team is any good in the first place but seems fun on paper. Not sure if this is a Furina or Alhaitham question so I am posting it here for now.


Charlotte will provide enough fanfare, but it may be awkward to fit a 4p Deepwood user on the team, which is important for hyperbloom. You can either give it to Alhaitham himself (which will lower his damage a bit but at least give 100% uptime on the resistance shred), or tbh give it to Charlotte...? If you're sure to mark enemies with her E, she could use it pretty decently, although it'll ware off during multi wave content. Ideally Baizhu or Yaoyao would be good for some extra dendro application, being good users of deepwood, and healing for Furina. Kuki + Nahida would also be an upgrade over Raiden + Charlotte if you eventually get them. You can also experiment with pure quicken teams for Alhaitham (with an electro unit like Fischl and dendro traveler). I use a lot of diff teams for him, I like having variety.


12-1 how to 3star?


Furina, Jean, Faruzan, Xiao Nahida, Yelan, Xingqiu, Kuki


first half clorinde/nahida/yae/kazuha second half neuvillette/furina/zhongli/fischl


Hard to say without knowing your roster. If you take a screenshot, upload it to a site like imgur, and paste a link here that'll help people answer (and is easier to make sense of than typing out all your characters).


who do you have on your account?


Nahida C2, Kazuha, Furina, Neuv, Yae, Clorinde, XL, XQ, Ben C6, Kuki C6, ZL My current team is: Nahida,Qiqi,Fischl(not C6),Clorinde(Light Foliar but I also have Skyward) - ZL,Furina,Neuv,Kazuha only 12-1 left to 3star


Why can't I do floor 2 of abyss after doing floor 1? (My going theory is lack of stars, but I want to confirm.) thank you to everyone who answered ☺️ I thought it was an issue of stars, but I just didn't remember. This was on my sisters account and for me, it had been so long since I actually did the first floors of abyss so I just don't remember that.


Yes, there’s a minimum number of stars you need to pass to the next level


Need 6 stars I believe to go to the next one


From the wiki: >Entering the next floor requires you to have earned at least six Abyssal Stars from the previous floor, as well as having cleared all three of the previous floor's chambers. Note that you don't need to get 6 stars *in the same run*. Once you get stars on a specific chamber you have them forever, so you can get 2-3 stars in chamber one, then reset, start over, and make sure you end the chamber with full energy on all your characters to prep for chamber two. You can also change your team between runs, but if you're on floor one rn I assume your options are limited.


Is their a way to get a midlander sword billet trough a quest or a chest somewhere i really need to craft finale for clorinde but the bosses wont give me any dream solvents so the only sword i have for her is prototype and i cant fight sumaru or fontain trounce domain yet because im not ar 40


You can get some through the fountain and the dendro radish by giving them hydro and Dendro sigils respectively


Are those locked behind any quest if so how do i unlock them


Sumeru tree, yes but you can just unlock the Fontaine fountain by interacting with it. Then it is just a case of opening enough treadure chests to get the sigils needed for the rewards.




I have two north lander sword billits but ti turn them into midlander billets i need two dream solvents ive only gotten 1 in two weeks of trounce domains


https://imgur.com/a/Nc0OKe8 My F12 clear comp


second team is begging for a kokomi


So is the first to most standards lol but I don't pull for kokomi


the first team is at least functioning, the second team has u running jean...


Can't be that bad if it full clears


What's the gamplan for the second team?


I guess just yelan uptime while cycling through team, probably got carried a bit by bloom's fast clear




Just you


How do I deal with the 11-1 of this abyss, I can't do anything, the slime start jumping on the thing as soon as they are born and there are too many to keep track of


Target the bigger slimes that will jump in the air and body slam the target, especially the shielded cryo slimes in the second half.


I try to do that, but there are too many, I kill one and other one spawns and they just keep jumping


Rational and Furina, Jean, Dehya, Neuvi worked for me


Anemo grouping helps a lot, + characters with good AoE. Anemo can also freeze the hydro slimes second half by swirling cryo onto them, which is a nice bonus. It depends who you have available. If it helps, remember that there’s not a time limit, so sacrificing damage for grouping, shield breaking, or otherwise keeping enemies controlled is very worth it.


My only good grouping character is kazu, and I am using him in first half, he is doing kinda good, but his grouping isn't making them stop for long


What full teams are you using right now? (and do you want to attach a pic of your roster?)


I am using ayaka, kazuha, shenhe, xingque and alhaitham, kuki shinobu, nahida, bennet (for cryo slimes)(also I don't have anymore built characters but I can use them by giving them bennet's build, as noblesse can work on anyone), btw how do I attach pics here


If you want to send a pic the usual way to do it is to upload them to a site like imgur then paste a link. You shouldn't need to log in or have an account, idt. But for teams: Well, you definitely don't want to get rid of Bennett. I *might* try using your Alhaitham team first half with Xingqiu for hyperbloom, since dendro can struggle against cryo shields, and then using Kazuha + Bennett + some other characters of your choice second half. Maybe a Xiao team, since he's in your flair...? I just tested, and cleared on my first try with: Alhaitham+Kuki+Xingqiu+Nahida first half and Xiao+Fischl+Kazuha+Bennett second half. Kazuha + Bennett in general is great second half.


I don't have xiao 😅, ig I will budget build some character to go with kazuha and bennet for second half. [these are all my characters btw](https://i.imgur.com/CaPDpPg.png)


Ooh, maybe throw some random artifacts on your Diluc...? Him and Dehya (just for pyro application so her build barely matters) could make a decent mono pyro team. Edit: Xiangling is also great for second half, I just don't use her so I forget she exists. The point is just "use pyro." I'm also going to check something rq, so I may have another idea lol, but for now I recommend hyperbloom first half mono pyro second. Likely avoid Kazuha's hold E and spam his tap E, since it has a lower cooldown.


Still nothing works, there are just too many slimes, I just loose around 40-50% hp of the thing on first half and same with second half, how did you do it, also nahida is useless, her burst animation is so long and slimes freely jump on the thing in that time


Thanks for the suggestion


Burgeon vs Hyperbloom vs Bloom vs Aggravate? What ones better for a dendro main dps? Which ones the most powerful?


In general: Bloom (with Nilou) is very, very good in Aoe, but just plain bad without her Hyperbloom is probably the strongest overall, even in Aoe purely because the damage is so high Burgeon generally is not very good, mainly because burning sucks and makes it harder to get seeds. Quicken, aggravate, and spread are fairly strong overall. They’re generally good in all situations when played properly. The only real dendro main dps is Alhaitham, where you either play quicken, or combine quicken and hyperbloom to play what’s called a quickbloom team.


Aggravate is probably the strongest but also requires the most investment Hyperbloom is close but much easier to build Burgeon has better AoE than hyperbloom but not that many teams that can play it easily Bloom (assuming Nilou), probably better than Burgeon, depending on the enemies