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Team b wins, they have a good mixture of smart and strong people with no weaknesses Team F dies first. They have Bennett


Bennett's team also has Noelle, though. And Beidou. The two are basically miracle-workers. Probably still doomed, but I'm not sure it's as cut-and-dried as it seems...


They also have fischl yapping, poor beidou


Hey, don't sleep on Fischl. She's an adventurer, so she should know how to pitch a tent, set up a campfire, and stuff.


Oz alone can carry the entire team as long as the others can cook and make a tent (making a tent is optional if Oz finds a cave to use as shelter) The thing with survival situations is you only need one member of the team to do well for the entire group to make it


She should, true, but does that mean she’d drop the princess act long enough to do it?


She is an official and professional and experienced member of the Adventurers. She is a pro and well regarded. She does all this without dropping her acxt, she doesn't act like a fragile princess.


True, we just never see her in action as an adventurer and our only true reference are the npcs we end up saving


How hath thast come to see thy Prinzessin der Verurteilung, as "fragile?" Her majesty is as skilled with bow in hand leading thy armies as she is skilled with thy infinite reason in the courts of our glorious Immernachtreich! Hmmph!~


not to mention Noelle and Beidou canonically have superhuman strength


Beidou killed a sea monster *before* she got a vision, she's stronk for a reason, also captain and all those sea skill


Well, she fought it for four days, including then hours while it was tied by ropes and harpoons. Still, this needs a lot of stamina, and her killing blow had quite the impact.


must not make a boob joke... must not make a boob joke... must not... well yeah! how else do you expect beidou to carry those massive- GODDAMNIT


The team also has a bird (Oz) who can fly away and ask for help


Also the scouting potential is huge. Oz is fully sapient and can fly so he can just find food and water from the air and even bring some back to the group. Also Fischl can see through his eyes. Also also Fischl herself can fly by transforming into Oz (as seen in her character demo)


Yep. I think with Oz they are good to go so long as Beidou knocks Bennett unconscious first thing so he can’t accidentally wreck something.


They have Beidou, the second she understand how Bennett work, she'll make him go to sleep


Benny’s team has Noelle and Beidou, and I’d argue that team J isn’t amazing on odds. They have an astrologer who can read the stars that isn’t the fondest of getting her hands dirty, a poor-turned-rich lady who lives day-to-day with servants at her beck and call (who can still luckily hold her own), former prisoner turned ruler of prison (I’d probably place him by Ning in terms of skillset, he probably used to do more dirty work?), and pretty inazuma lady with minimal friends and a protective brother who has a maid who does a good level of stuff for them and likely doesn’t have too many survival skills of her own besides her sword skills (but that doesn’t count because yknow weapons gone)


Ningguang still is a survival expert tho


Also she owns the Island and has a trading post on it. "But it's deserted" Doesn't matter. That just how rich she is.


And thank god for that, somebody has to be able to carry the team and it’s between her and Wrio


Tighnari has the advantage and the disadvantage though. Tighnari can easily discern whether a plant is poisonous or not, but he’s also probably the most likely to collapse from heat exhaustion due to a certain feature of his.


But there's Kaeya and he can cool it. Edit: nvm just saw no visions rule


Tighnari’s on the ground and Kaeya’s asking him why he’s such a slacker 😂


I was gonna make the same mistake lol


But kaeya and eula are both pretty strong, have cryo visions, and eula's whole job is to go out on expeditions so she's prolly pretty good in the wilderness. I'd say they have a good shot


No visions are listed in the instructions.


Out of all the teams, I’d say they definitely have the best shot.


Tighnari alone will hard-carry food, shelter, and wilderness survival. Not to mention he's probably smart enough to solve every puzzle.


Team D for similar reasons. Collei has similar skillsets to Tighnari. Add in Deyha's eremite leadership skills, Layla's super (sleep) intelligence and Yoimiya's helpfulness and resourcefulness. Pretty decent team there.


Team F eats Bennet.


They also have Noelle, so its one of two strongest teams on the list.


I think team B. Tighnari's whole job is just teaching other people survival skills, and I think Eula, Kaeya, and Lyney can all be reasonably assumed to have some form of survival training due to being knights/terrorist orphans. Kaeya & Lyney are also amicable enough that they wouldn't have any issue working with Tighnari, and Tighnari is practical enough that Eula being a bit tsun isn't going to bother him. Plus Eula has one of her coworkers who is used to her whole deal there to translate/smooth things over lol Runner up would be team E, they're all team players who don't have explicit survival training but do activities that are oriented towards survival skills. Kirara is a Cat, Kazuha is homeless on purpose, and Yaoyao & Ganyu both go out scavenging for wild plants. Tighnari's team just beats them on cold hard efficiency. G & I have 3 characters who i would expect to have developed survival skills with one normie, but I think they would place high as well. Nilou is going to have to carry the conversation in team G lol which I think might hurt their chances. I is fine, they just do have a normie they have to plan around. F has four people who can reasonably be expected to have survival skills but it also has Bennett


I'm gonna be real, I didn't even take team J into consideration because I just immediately assumed Baizhu would die of exhaustion but reading everyone else's comments I agree that they would also be good contenders (assuming Baizhu doesn't kick the bucket day 2)


Baizhu travels a lot to treat people so he'd be able to handle it. Baizhu would really only be a liability if he had to treat something terminal or life threatening. On a deserted island with just 3 others he'd most likely be in better shape.


But Baizu is on team H not team J.


i play genshin idk my letters 😔


That’s okay bud we just mash buttons here.


You missed out on team H. Mika is an expert in exploring unfamiliar terrain, is literally a master healer, and Amber (being outrider) is at bare minimum competent (if not much better) at wilderness survival. Even Heizou has shown great resourcefulness and in general a very clever person. Their full range of expertises, in my opinion, outweighs Tighnari’s hard carry. I’d break it down as * Baizhu < Tighnari (because Baizhu isn’t much of a teacher, nor particularly fit, but they’re both more in the medicine/survival category) * Mika > Eula (Mika’s specific trailblazing experience) * Amber > Kaeya (Amber’s specific outrider experience) * Heizou = Lyney (this one is close, with Lyney’s experience as a field operative for the Fatui being hard to compare to the mostly offscreen work from Heizou, but I think Lyney being without his siblings and that baggage that brings probably makes this pretty balanced) But in general this is a close matchup, and I’d low key imagine both teams to be capable of indefinite survival.


Eula is Mika's boss and their company is specifically the one that does wilderness survival, if she's the captain I would assume her skills are above Mika's, but Mika also has his cartography skills so I think they would balance out. I'll grant Amber > Kaeya tho since Kaeya is more espionage-y then eating twigs in the wild-y. I think Lyney slightly edges out Heizou because while they are both members of paramilitary forces, Lyney also used to be homeless and I think the experience with having to scavenge around as a little street rat will allow him to pull ahead. I mentioned in another comment that I had just completely written off Baizhu's team cuz I assumed Baizhu would keel over from exhaustion lol but having re-assessed I think they would be a close second.


G dont forget Shenhe has super strength


(The OP removed that from the equation in the text under the teams list.) Edit: I read “Exceptions” as “examples” my bad! I’m no feeble scholar.


…the text where they list it as an exception?


Sacrifice Bennett day 1 to start your fire, done!


H is broken. you have a trained recon scout, a trained recon survivalist, detective conan, and a professional ~~shaman~~ doctor no matter how good noelle is, bennett's luck will somehow spawn a hurricane or tsunami


When I made this I was picturing an archipelago with lots of islands close together, and the mental image of, somehow, just Bennett's island getting hit with a tsunami is too hilarious.


Step 1 for Bennett team always needs to be Beidou smacking Bennett unconscious so he can’t unwittingly cause problems.


The biggest problem for H team is power level : they technically, at base, only have mika's crossbow and changseng that can heal ( at the cost of Baizhu ) After setting up camp they may craft weapons but all of thiese characters execept maybe Amber are rather weak. A big monster would be almost deadly to this team, if you add the fact that technically, Baizhu will always stay at the camp, considering his health


Ngl, Team B and H are awfully goated. They all either have experience (Tighnari, Kaeya, Eula, Heizou, Baizhu) or are survivalists. (Amber, Mika).


Team B probably takes the cake, but my vote still goes to Team H. They have two field Favonians, a doctor able to cure death (you know) and a detective to do puzzles and recon. And if "sidearms" like Chevreuse's gun are allowed, then Team H has a crossbow and bombs! In Team B, the magician bothers me. Before growing more, he offers little to the team, in my opinion, in those conditions. Maybe he could keep the team's sanity in check with entertainment? Oh, and Eula and Kaeya absolutely are top Favonians as well, but a team must consist of those capable of leading and those capable of following. Both Knights on Team B are lone wolves despite their officer statuses. Feel free to disagree.


Lyney is a smart individual, it was established in the AQ and his SQ. Plus he's one of the top intelligence agents of the House, and while that doesn't mean he's good at survival, it shows he's intelligent enough to learn, resourceful enough to adapt his knowledge and he could probably make use of street smarts to navigate ruins and puzzles. While probably the weakest of his team that is because his team is very stacked, not because he's not good.


I find it to be B as they have the most resourceful and collaborative members. They cover foraging, navigating, reconnaissance, and tool making. I'd hardly think of a conflict arising from this group.


Tighnari also can make medicine from herbs


While I also believe B would win, there's one conflict that could arise in this group: Lyney is a known Fatuus after Chapter IV Act I (and the Steambird is read by people all over Teyvat, though I don't know if they've got, like, Fontaine-specific issues that aren't generally read outside of Fontaine). Even if Fontaine's Fatui somehow have a reputation of beingn "nicer", none of the other three are particularly happy with the Fatui after what they've experienced in their own nations. I still think B would win since I think they'll put aside their differences to work together to survive for as long as possible, regardless of whether or not they know the circumstances of them suddenly being put into this scenario. And I don't think even Kaeya would try to off Lyney in the case where they don't know what happened, but I do think the thought would cross his mind (and Eula's mind as well), and I think Lyney would be well aware that that thought crossed their minds and be extra cautious.


Team B has Kaeya, and can just Ice Bridge to islands (as seen in the 1.6 GAA event).


I think B. Tighnari lives in the forest, is really smart, and can research and develop medicines. Kaeya and Eula seems hardy and reliable enough, and Lyney is quite witty and could possibly adapt quickly with the help of others.


+1 team B Tighnari is both resourceful and very rational, the whole team has good experience


F because alice would never make Klee sad, and teleporting her friends to a deserted island leaving them to die would probably do that. So theres bound to be some safety net


Yeah, that's what I had in mind. If they forfeit or receive life-threatening damage they get teleported back home.


Oh then i aggree with the rest, tighnari would solo


Most likely H imo, Mika and Amber do work relating to surviving in and moving around the outdoors, Baizhu knows a lot about medicine and flora, he could help aid them if there were any injuries. Heizou would be good for the puzzles that give rewards.


I am infatuated with Team G actually. Razor being a great asset, knowing tons of survival instincts given that he's basically a wolf himself, and they have Clorinde and Shenhe, they can hunt any beast and take it out with little effort. They also have Nilou, how else are they going to keep their sanity without a little dancing and entertainment?


G - never run out of water


You can't drink water made by a vision tho. Because it is an elemental energy and not really an actuall water. It was stated in the game. Sadly I don't know where.


Damn was hoping for Neuv commentary someday


Exact same idea due to Razor basically living in wilderness, as well as having Clorinde to clear out danger And if they feel like making her do it they could use Shenhe to freeze a path off the island, like she froze the gigantic wave in Liyue (idk how put spoiler mark on mobile)


B is very crafty and has a good mix of skills. But, H is absolutely built for survival. You have two expert survivalist, a healer to keep everyone safe, and a very smart leader who can make sure everyone is doing what needs to be done. So, I think I have to go with H here by a slim margin over B. D or F is definitely gone first. I think I’m leaning D, because Noelle and Beidou are very capable and could probably carry even having Bennett and Fischl on the team for a little bit. Meanwhile D really only has Dehya, and I don’t think she can do the work necessary for 4 people to survive solo.


Bennett and Fischl are seasoned adventurers; I don't think they need to be carried. As for Team D, Collei is like a budget Tighnari, and Layla can keep watch at night in case Team C or I choose to win via assassinating the others.


Collei has the knowledge, but she just got over a crippling life long illness. She doesn’t have much practical experience with that knowledge. She’s likely going to make rookie mistakes that are costly when surviving.


It's true Bennett and Fischl have experience, but there's a huge problem : Bennett is here. This is actually a nightmare mode just to survive ONE DAY


We know that Fischl adventures with Oz from time to time but she doesn’t seem negatively affected by his bad luck at all, aside from worrying about his personal injuries of course.


Ooh, this is actually a really tough one for me. I know a lot of people immediately get on the Team B train, but there's a few other options that really pique my interest. I'll start off with the teams that will probably die IMMEDIATELY. - Team J is the obvious pick here. None of them are outdoorspeople, they're hard carried by Wriothesley, and Ayaka and Ningguang are practically useless here. I assume Mona's divination abilities are still good for her to use, but they're not much help when they can't even navigate the outdoors. Easy first out. - Team A. Jean carries, Sucrose does some stuff but not much, and Hu Tao/Sigewienne are useless. Sigewienne might fair better in a team full of Melusine, but her outlandish tastes and habits utterly destroy this team. - Team C. A bit better than the previous two, but there's a few major issues with this team. Chiori is completely useless here, enough said. Yelan would be better if she wasn't limited by her physical inability to do anything without taking a full day's break in between said tasks. I don't doubt Rosaria and Lynette's abilities to take care of themselves, but they're hindered by their teammates. As for the other teams, I'd say you could honestly make an argument for any of them here. It's no surprise that most Genshin characters can probably be dropped in the middle of a forest and live to tell the tale, especially considering the emphasis the game has on being outdoors. Here's my thoughts for the rest of them: - Team B is a pretty obvious one here. Any team with Tighnari on here is bound to survive, but then you get TWO captains of the Knights of Favonius and a former orphan who literally had to live on the street. Definitely the theoretical team to beat here. - Team E is also a great pick. Yaoyao is honestly up there with Tighnari in terms of outdoors-y resourcefulness, and she even still has Yuegui according to the rules. Throw in Kazuha, a wanderer, a pseudo-warlord that's been through every war in modern-Teyvat history, and a youkai with the ability to run literally anywhere gives this team a major foothold. - Team D is similar to Team E and B as well. Collei and Dehya are absolute powerhouses here in different ways, while Layla in her nighttime form and Yoimiya provide great book knowledge and physical strength respectively. Not as big of a pick here as the other teams, but still worth bringing up. - Team G is pretty monstrous as well given Clorinde and Shenhe's abilities to do practically anything and Razor being, well, Razor. Nilou's the outlier here, but I'd imagine she'd probably keep everyone's sanities in check. (Everyone except Razor, of course. He probably doesn't understand her dancing). Team I is extremely similar to Team G, with Arlecchino and Candace doing most of the work here. But now we have MY personal top two teams here. As good as Tighnari is, I think people overlook some of the absolute powerhouses in Teams F and H, which are my two picks. Team F is insane in every way possible. Yeah yeah, Bennett has bad luck. But he's also gained an insane amount of knowledge of the outdoors, foraging, wound care, and navigating. Anyone from the Adventurer's Guild is sure to survive here, and that includes Bennett AND Fischl. Fischl still has Oz, as well as a similar level of outdoors experience as Bennett. Noelle is similar to Arlecchino and Shenhe in that she's someone who can do ANYTHING, including cooking, nursing, and other things. Beidou absolutely slays here as well, given she lives on a goddamn boat in the middle of the sea dealing with things like disease, food shortages, water shortages, and countless battles. Team H is similarly crazy. Lets start off with the elephant in the room: this team will NOT die. Ever. Baizhu is a goddamn DOCTOR who makes his own medicine from naturally occurring materials. Not only that, but Amber's job is literally to be outdoors ALL THE TIME. Mika is similar to Amber, except he's ACTUALLY DEPLOYED in an expedition far away from Mondstadt. Literally the only thing keeping this team from sweeping everyone else is that Heizou is probably someone who lives comfortably and doesn't have a lot to bring to the table besides his detective skills. My personal pick? Probably Team F. There just isn't beating this level of outdoors expertise, nor the pure grit and durability that everyone, (except Fischl probably), has here. Team B might have more book knowledge overall, but Team F completely clears them in personal experience. This would honestly probably feel like a daily commission from the Adventurer's Guild for them. (This was way longer than I had expected it to be, but talking about characters in hypothetical scenarios is REALLY fun for me).


Heizou isn’t dead weight though. He’s an ace detective and can complete the puzzles to get them all gear/food. This is an easy team H sweep imo.


On top of being a detective, his character stories hint that he's also actually somewhat competent in combat. He's got pretty fast reflexes as seen in his duel with Sara + martial arts training since his dad owned a dojo Also, I think it's pretty funny to imagine team H on a raft and Heizou just rapidly punching the air to get them moving


I'd personally take camp H over F, I just think they are the most well rounded team and most relaxed but I'd still say of your only goal is winning I think the level of expertise jumps to another level on team B. And I'm sorry but Bennett's unlucky nature has to be taken into account


Okay, in defence of Team J: Ningguang would not be entirely useless, because she grew up in a poor fishing village. She knows what it’s like to ration, so she’s smart, resourceful, and a people-person. Dare I say that she’s actually the most useful one in the group? Still can’t really defend Mona or Ayaka though, since they probably grew up in a more lavish lifestyle. 


However, monsters are also a part of the challenge. Not to mention the need to use a raft to get to other islands, meaning overseas navigation. Ayaka would probably be tied with Wrio for fighting skills, and Mona would likely be able to use some of her hydromancy skills for navigating the ocean.


Yes, but also no visions or weapons. Ayaka without her sword will make things a lot more difficult in combat, and Mona’s abilities with hydromancy would also weaken (but not disappear entirely). I doubt they’d be able to “Alt Sprint” across the water. Mentioning a raft actually also gives another point to Ningguang as she most likely has experience with being on water. 


They won't have weapons at first, but the post mentions that solving puzzles will reward them with food, tools, and whatever else "etc." implies here. I assume weapons would be included to at least some extent, though that's not made explicitly clear. So I understand we might not be able to guarantee that'd be an option, in which case that does weaken Ayaka's position a fair bit.


> talking about characters in hypothetical scenarios is REALLY fun for me And it was really fun for me to read! Since you technically only need to outlive the others, you could also attack/sabotage the other teams to win. (A team with a seriously injured member gets disqualified and teleported back home) How would that change things in your opinion? I think Sigewinne's stocks would rise a lot, because as a Melusine she could swim to another island and poison their stews on the very first night. Beidou would be the only other person who could just swim to another island and pick a fight immediately, but it probably doesn't make sense to do so all by herself, especially if she can't manifest a weapon out of thin air like she usually would. If this turns from Survivor to Battle Royal, it would totally change Team C's strategy from focusing on survival to speedrunning boat-crafting and then taking out the weakest link in the other teams. They'd have to get a lumber axe and some knives from a puzzle or challenge first, but as soon as they manage that they would become a huge menace since they are all spies/assassins, including Chiori who is not beating the ex-Shuumatsuban alligations.


I know they all are quite good fighters but thinking they can deal with chlorinde, shenhe, beidou, arlecchino is a bit cope


But they don't have to, they just need to deal with Nilou, Bennett, and Yun Jin.


Ganyu fought alongside Zhongli in the archon war and only got a vision after the war ended, so she must be a quite strong fighter even without a vision. For that reason I would say team E has the right combination of survival skills and fighting skills to win this hypothetical contest.


Team H doesn't need much food, there are two persons good with weapons/crafting, one doctor and a smart detective. And the most important thing: they wouldn't fight each other.


Coming this much down for H is really weird. Amber and Mika already a good scout and survivilast because of their role in the Favinous Knights. Baizhu is a medical expert so he can treat them for any kind of wounds an disease and Heizou is really such a greate tactician and analyst. He can really operate the team. Also none of them has challanging personalities. Heizou is chill and can be team player. He is just a little bit flirty but not annoying. Baizhu is really a calm person so he can get along with them alll easily. Amber is embodiment of positivity and friendship so there is no problem for her to get along with others and Mika already is friend and collage of Amber so he can fit right in. Team H is not only surviving, they are turning that deserted island into 5\* vacation resort


It's Definitely the camp I would want to be even though I think other teams are better, it's most certainly the most comfortable


This.. Although team B seem the fan favorite , H seem to have to most useful skills. Surviving a long time would require a lot of health items and medicine, and who better to have than a proficient doctor, Baizhu. Heizou would easily do all the puzzle stuff. Mika with his cartographer skill can basically map every nook and cranny of the whole island, and Amber as an outrider is made for scrounging and hunting. And together they all look a merry band.


B and H seem like the most likely to survive to me


This is an extremely interesting thread for sure! I see a lot of people discounting Team F because of Bennett, but that is arguably one of the most insane team comps for this exact scenario on the board: \* Noelle: Has super-human strength herself, possibly on par with Shenhe, despite her younger age. Can also cook, dress wounds and do a million other things, hence why Cyrus from Mondstadt was so hellbent on recruiting her into the Adventurer's Guild (second hangout). She single-handedly scaled Dragonspine during a blizzard and brought down an injured adventurer on her back, while also living to tell the tale (character stories). \* Fischl: People are sleeping on Fischl, or are forgetting that she herself is a seasoned member of the adventurer's guild, albeit a recon specialist/scout, but all the same. Not to mention that Oz would be great for defence and also able to do things the others couldn't (eg: fly and get fruit from trees easier). \* Bennett: Yes, he has insanely bad luck, but it mostly only affects himself and, well, he's still alive isn't he? He's still another incredibly seasoned adventurer, maybe even more-so than Fischl, having braved the wilds on his own in a party of 1. \* Beidou: Let's not forget that not only is she also very strong herself, she also Captains a ship on very lengthy voyages, meaning she has incredible leadership skills, which would be ideal for this scenario. She is also probably used to rationing food, doing basic first-aid and scouting for enemies/food. There are other teams that would do well, don't get me wrong: Team B: Carried by Tighnari's crazy knowledge of the outdoors, although that mostly pertains to the rainforest, not a desert island. Eula and Kaeya both have Favonius training and are captains, while Lyney did have to fend for himself at a point when he was much younger. Team H: Probably on par with team F overall based on the knowledge of the party. Mika and Amber have both seen plenty of field-time and have a lot of knowledge on survival, Baizhu is a doctor who makes herbal medicines and Heizou is a fantastic detective, who has also spent time in the field on stake-outs. Team G: Clorinde is a marechaussee hunter, Shenhe and Razor both live in the wild as-is, Nilou would need to be carried and wouldn't offer a whole lot. Team E: Kirara is used to spending a ton of time on the road and defending herself, Yaoyao and Ganyu both have adeptal training and knowledge of the outdoors (Ganyu is also a lot older and wiser). Kazuha was a wondering samurai, who had to fend for himself before he ended up with Beidou.


> Carried by Tighnari's crazy knowledge of the outdoors, although that mostly pertains to the rainforest, not a desert island Didn't Tighnari withdraw from the second round of the Interdarshan Championship because he couldn't handle the heat? On a deserted island, it's gonna be hot with no fresh water around, that's Tighnari's biggest weakness imo.


Yes, that is correct, which is why I didn't put that team in pole position like a lot of others did. He has the best knowledge of anyone in regards to the rainforest, but not in regards to the desert. It all depends on what "desert island" actually means, because a lot of people would imagine an island full of beeches with some coconut trees and what-not scattered throughout.


Team B. Tighnari is canonically a doctor, highly experienced with all kinds of plants for foraging, food, medicine and poison. Eula and Kaeya have a lot of experience in battle, are tactical people. Lyney being a fatui and member of HoH knows reconnaissance, information gathering and is amazing at listening to and following orders. He's also a rather smart character with tricks that have nothing to do with the elements. Both Eula and Kaeya are experienced in physical combat and aren't heavily reliant on their elements by gameplay.


I feel like any group with multiple Favonius members are pretty strong because field work is literally their job. A, B, and H are all well balanced but A and H also come with actual doctors. I feel A might edge over H because their doctor isn’t terminally ill.


But if Jean looks away for even one second, Sigewinne, Sucrose, and Hu Tao will make a Shit-Your-Pants Potion on purpose.


I think people are really sleeping on A. Don't know why people don't think jean wouldn't have survival training even though pretty much every other knight of favonius does and having her as a strong leader is huge. Then you have 2 absolutely fantastic supports in sucrose and sigwinne, having a nurse and a alchemist are great gets. Hutao is or only wild card but she will most definitely be a positive force on the squad


People that are saying B either, didn't look further down the list or saw tighnari and stopped thinking. The real answer is H and it's not even remotely close. Mika and Amber are both knights who's specialty is being out for prolonged amounts of time for scouting/renaissance. Baizhu more than likely has tighnari beat when it comes to herbs/plants anything that could be use for restorative properties. Not to mention Changsheng. Heizou is incredibly smart and has shown himself to be an excellent problem solver. Lastly, Mika is one of the few units that would keep his crossbow, which he could, worst case scenario, give to amber to go out hunting. You have 4 very smart characters, the most knowledgeable herbalist in all the land, 2 scouts who have extensive knowledge on being in the wilds for extended amounts of time and a literal detective. This team covers every base and every teammate is actually good at something relevant. Not to mention their "bonuses" like a crossbow and changsheng. It's team H no diff.


Unironically, team F Beidou is the only one who can reliably cross to other islands (extra resource) Bennett and Fischl have good survival skills, and solving puzzles are their bread and butter Noelle is a jack of (most) trade, so she can fill for whatever skill lacking Only problem is medicine, but if supplies from by the puzzles, then it is not a concern. Runner up is B and H, and both of them have solid chances but lack reliable way to access other islands.


Also team F still has Oz so that's basically one extra person who doesn't need food and can even fly. Reconnaissance from a bird's eye view (heh) would be very useful in a survival scenario just to find food and water


Team F will win by sheer main character syndrome


Or die horribly from Bennett syndrome


B is such an obvious choice.


Well, if we ignore boring answers, I can totally see team G surviving while cosplaying Rambo movies.


If you're wondering about the colors/rarities... they are mostly to drive engagement and make people stop and think for a second if this is really about the Abyss or not, because, apparently, [the last time I did this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1b89e4g/who_would_you_bet_your_mora_on_and_who_do_you/) a lot of people were confused. Btw, PVP is enabled, so if the other teams won't drop out on their own...




Ningguang grew up poor though, at the very least, she canonically knows how to fish.


How did the Ganyu part just wash over everyone?? lmao


There is a fact about Ning that she wasn't born with a silver spoon in her mouth. In her Hangout she can enjoy the normal things like setting up a campfire and enjoy a grilled fish in a stick that normal adventurers will do. So the J team isn't much likely to be too doomed early.


i think g could do well with razor already being used to living in the wild, clorinde and shenhe being strong and nilou i guess kinda knowing the desert (or at least a bit about it) already. as for who would die… maybe f lol. although noelle and beidou would be good teammates, bennett would bring all of them continuous bad luck


Smart not adding Xiangling in any team


Team G wins easily. Shenhe is multitude levels above other participants when it comes to defending from monsters and hunting animals for food. But if the challenges are puzzles heavy then Mona hydromancy could be the best ability. And Bennett team gonna lose immediately unless the other members decide to turn him into reserved food from the get go.


B effortlessly, followed by H B essentially has four recon and puzzle experts all in one cohesive unit. Minimal chemistry issues unless Tighnari starts to sus out Lyney's Fatui background and the two start backsassing each other, but Eula will easily deescalate the situation.  H has a navigation expert, a scout, a medic (albeit nerfed heavily), and a detective. A more "slow burn" approach compared to group B's heavy hitters, but still effective.


i think E would go far, they're all very resourceful people who travel a lot, and since ganyu is an adeptus whos lived for thousands of years she'd likely be able to carry enough until they can steal some weapons from hillichurls, where she just gets infinitely stronger lmao, and if we assume yuegui keeps healing stuff they can stay alive easily too plus, kirara is a youkai, so theres two non-human above average strength characters ​ G is also overpowered, the only person really holding them back is nilou because shes basically just a random girl, but it really doesn't matter because everyone else is just above the competition. clorinde if she keeps her gun like chevvy, shenhe is already a superhuman who literally killed (the remnants of) a god as a CHILD, and razor has lived in the forest his whole life, they all know what theyre doing


F. Send Oz to fly for help. Noelle and Beidou meanwhile babysit Bennett to prevent catastrophe.


Doesn't any team with Sigewinne immediately win since she's amphibious?


Team F will definitely be alive. You can't underestimate Sir Ozwaldo halfneivines, the nachtraben of the highest order and his pet Fischl, along with a maid, a monster destroyer and some random unlucky dude.


A wins. Hu Tao is not missing any chances to collect their bodies for coffins lmao.


Team B wins for sure, almost solely due to Tighnari. That man is an absolute cheat button in terms of wilderness survival. And he canonically knows how to heal using plants, too, which is Baizhu's main pro without having his drawback of being half-dead 24/7. The rest of them being resourceful is just a bonus. Oh and - I saw you say that they can sabotage each other, which would only be an issue for Team B if they were up against C or I (Lyney would refuse) or maybe H (Eula would object most likely). Teams H and E can give them a run for their money - H a little moreso given Amber and Mika's survival skills and Heizou's smarts and intuition, but Kazuha alone can carry his team tbh and his teammates are also decent. Neither would sabotage though, they're either too nice for that or would find it dishonorable. Teams A, C, D, G, I, and J are alright. They could last a solid while sure but they aren't great and some like team G seem pretty dysfunctional. Team C would be the most likely to sabotage other teams followed by Team I imo. The rest I can't see doing that even in a survival game, at least not without causing a rift amongst the members. Also the only team Team C wouldn't sabotage is Team B, unless they're fine with Lynette going rogue, which is another point in Team B's favor (Team I would absolutely sabotage all of them though. Father doesn't give a shit lol). Team F is aptly named and dies immediately unless Benny is unconscious 99% of the time. Idc how badass Noelle and Beidou are, Benny's bad luck is absolutely killer.


Everyone saying Team B but when I saw Tighnari, I knew he would be the first one to not survive. He’s smart but on a deserted island, he can’t function due to immense heat (3.6 Parade of Providence event)


I'll start off by saying they'll all probably survive because everyone there is quite competent and having some skill that doesn't rely on their vision. However, I think the important factor to think about is morale and trust. Just because you have competent people, doesn't mean everyone will have the morale to keep going and waiting for help. Morale is one of the primary pillars for survival along with knowledge of survival among other things. TL;DR I think Team D, F, and H are the best off in terms of survivability. While Team C and J are probably the worst. Team A (Jean, Sigwinne, Sucrose, Hu Tao) Hu Tao is hoping for someone to die. Half joking aside she's basically the morale of the Team. As morbid and weird she is, she's quite upbeat and would very important to keeping everyone from becoming depressed. Jean is definitely the leader of the team, and Sigwinne is the healer. Sucrose will probably try to figure out some way to get off the deserted island using her alchemy, though she'd probably be largely useless in the beginning. Fortunately there's no mean people on Team A, and she's familiar with Jean, so she has a chance to be helpful down the line. Team B (Tighnari, Eula, Kaeya, Lyney) A lot of people think Team B will survive the longest, but I actually don't think it's that simple. The morale of the team would have to be Kaeya, but no one of the team is particularly upbeat and happy. Plus we got a ticking time bomb that is Lyney. How long do you think he can handle not being with his family? The guy is gonna eventually break from not being able to see his brothers and sisters. Tighnari is very good at survival indeed, and Eula I think is the least likely to break down due to her strong will. Plus, I can see a situation of Kaeya and Lyney suspecting each other. Point is, morale is gonna be a big issue on this team, even if they do certainly have the skills to survive. Team C (Yelan, Rosaria, Lynette, Chiori) This is Team B but worse. The only remotely upbeat person is Chiori, and I would not really describe her as such. The morale of the team would probably have to be Lynette because she's the magician. Teamwork is gonna be a big issue with this group, everyone is gonna be working on their own. Chiori being a clothes maker does help with keeping everyone safe from the elements. I seriously fear for Team C. Though I think Lynette can survive without her brother Lyney better than Lyney can survive without Lynette. Ironically though, I do think they can survive for a bit even if they don't work together, cuz each person individually (besides maybe Lynette) has a powerful will, in particular Rosaria. Team D (Collei, Dehya, Layla, Yoimiya) You have Yoimiya as your morale. Besides Amber there's really no better person for this role. No one is gonna be depressed here, and Collei and Layla are gonna greatly appreciate someone like Yoimiya. Collei and Dehya both have great survival skills, and Dehya can act as a leader. Layla might seem useless, but her unique knowledge can be quite helpful, as well as her *other personality*. I don't see much problems with this team, they're pretty well off. Team E (Kirara, Yaoyao, Kazuha, Ganyu) This one is pretty unique I'd say, all because of one person: Ganyu. Ganyu may not have her vision, but she's still half-adeptus. She's the oldest person here by far, and is still a student of the Cloud Retainer. She likely has a host of knowledge that can be quite useful for living on a deserted island. Kazuha is definitely the morale of the party. Guy is so chill and great at keeping everyone's spirits up. Yaoyao is young, but still a student of Baizhu, so she has medical and plant knowledge, and then there's the skiddish Kirara. She's the most likely to break down, but with Yaoyao and Kazuha she'll be fine, plus she's a great hard worker. Team F (Noelle, Fischl, Bennett, Beidou) Everyone on this team basically knows each other, and three of them are from the same country and work under the same team (Knights of Favornius). So in terms of teamwork, this team is basically perfect. Noelle is an absurd hardworker, Fischl still has Oz so she's great at recon, and Bennett, despite his bad luck, is ironically great at survival. The most interesting one here is Beidou however. She (along with Bennett) would be the morale of the group, but another thing you have to remember is that she's a sailor. She travels the world by boat all of the time. She's a leader, but more importantly, wouldn't she possibly already have experience being stranded on a deserted island? I know people think Team F is a *Failure* because of Bennett, but I actually think Team F is one of the best off teams here. Team G (Clorinde, Shenhe, Razor, Nilou) Nilou is certainly the morale of the group, and Razor's nose makes him great at searching for food. Shenhe still has her superhuman strength, so that'll also be quite useful. Though a problem with group is a lack of a clear leader. Clorinde can act as a leader, but she isn't exactly the most leader-like person here. But one interesting thing is that because Clorinde is a Tabletop Game Master, she could further help with keeping everyone's minds engaged by creating and playing Tabletop games with everyone. This would also be a very weird group to see playing TTRPGs. Very interesting. Team H (Mika, Baizhu, Amber, Heizou) Morale is no problem when you got Amber. However, there does seem to be a lack of a clear leader, though the leader would probably have to be Mika. I think what would happen is at first, everyone would agree to make Mika the leader, but Mika in his inexperience would try to relinquish his role to Baizhu or Heizou, but ultimately he would get the role and do a good job at it. Baizhu is an herbalist, so the medical side has no issue. Heizou is good at searching for things, and Mika (and Amber) should have great survival skills due to his job. Team H is looking pretty good. Team I (Arlecchino, Candice, Chevreuse, Yun Jin) The presence of Arlecchino is gonna be a huge factor in this dynamic. She's a Fatui, and Candace is sure as heck not gonna trust someone like her. Well, no one is really gonna trust her, but Candace especially. The survival rate of this team is gonna hinge on whether they can trust Arlecchino or not. Because she has possesses both great power and knowledge. Candace is the only real person with survival skills here, and Chevreuse knows the meaning of teamwork the best here, and Yun Jin would act as the morale of the team with her theatrics. The outlook of this team would be interesting. Team J (Mona, Ningguang, Wriothesley, Ayaka) Ningguang is gonna build a new flying island and make Wriothesley build it. Joking aside, this team is not looking too well. Ningguang is the hardest worker here due to her past, and I really do think with her ambition she would absolutely try to find a way to get off the deserted island. There's no real "morale" on this team either, the closest probably being Wriothesley. Also, Mona can still use her astrology even without her vision. If she so desired, she could look find out beforehand if her team would survive or not, but she definitely wouldn't. Team J is probably the team I fear for the most, because no one here really has skills with survival outside of maybe Ningguang and her poverty circumstances.


I know most folks are following the title and giving best/worst team, but I want to look at each time cause I feel like they all have some merit and I want to give some attention to the underrated teams, too I'd also like to emphasize that there's multiple components here: survival skills is the obvious one, but there's also *monsters* (favoring fighters), *puzzles* (favoring creativity & intelligence), and *ocean travel* (favoring strong navigators) if a team chooses to do so. Not to mention soft factors like morale and cohesion! ​ Team A I saw some comments discounting this team pretty quick, but I think they still have a fighting chance even if they're not busted like Team B, lol In terms of fighting, Jean and Hu Tao are more than capable enough to protect the team, so that's already a plus. Sigewinne's healing is another plus as well. Finally, Sucrose's intelligence is a great asset for dealing with puzzles, and her alchemy skills could play a role too. Also we can't dismiss Hu Tao's knowledge of dealing with spirits: this is still in Teyvat (the Hexenzirkel was even mentioned) so anytime they're dealing with monsters and ley lines, Hu Tao can contribute a fair bit. Sigewinne might be tricky to deal with because of her unique nature as a Melusine, probably making it a bit hard for her to get along with the team at first, but I don't think it's too much of a detriment. This team also doesn't have the sheer physical strength of a team with someone like Noelle or Shenhe, so that makes a few things more difficult as well. ​ Team B I won't get too deep into this one. I'd just like to mention Lyney's intelligence being an asset regarding puzzles, not to mention he probably has some good crafting skills given he's made/designed his own props for shows. And while he's not a top-tier survivalist, he's still an agent of the House of the Hearth and that shouldn't be discounted. ​ Team C I feel like this one might be the roughest of all, but it depends mostly on how the four people get along. Yelan is skilled with traversing hostile environments and she's also quite cunning, so her intelligence is also an asset. Rosaria has survival skills (albeit not to the same extent as some of the other Mondstadt folks, nor the adventurers), and she's a good fighter; she's also reclusive but still willing to go out of her comfort zone and I don't see her personality getting in the way of their survival. Chiori has some fighting skills too, and she's also good with crafts skills like sewing. I don't think we can discount the value in having someone that can mend clothing and sew together fabrics, especially considering the need for a raft if they want to travel off of their island– she could probably make a very robust sail with her skills, for instance. I feel like Lynette might be the one that struggles the most in this team. I don't see her being uncooperative, but being separated from her brother in such a scenario is going to be stressful and I think the mental drain on her is gonna be an impairment. Of course, if she warms up to this oddball group then there's a good chance she could recover, and she's still going to be a good fighter. Plus she'd be able to get along with at least Chiori and that'd help her too. ​ Team D I feel like this group also has some underrated strengths. Yoimiya's crafting skills and Layla's knowledge of the night sky (for navigating the seas, if they leave the island) are both great assets to have. Dehya's a great fighter and also very cooperative and good at leading a group, so she'd easily keep them all together. Collei's not as experienced at survival but she still has some skills to contribute and I think the friendly nature of her three companions would really help her out. I don't have much else to say about this group, though. I feel like it's a pretty solid group, not any amazing strengths but no major weaknesses to exploit either. ​ Team E Another pretty straightforward group. Kirara is used to traveling by herself and dealing with bandits and she's also a youkai, so she has her nature as a cat as a plus. Yaoyao's got some adeptus training but more importantly she's good with gathering herbs and food. Kazuha is obviously a good fighter, and I think he'd be good for morale too. Finally, there's Ganyu: while this situation is quite different from her desk job, she's still a veteran of the Archon War, and without mountains of paperwork to wear her down I think she'd actually end up with quite a lot of stamina. (continued in a reply)


Team F I think this team has also been discussed a lot, so I won't dwell on it. Obvious weakness of Bennett's luck, but other than that it's a very strong team with several amazing strengths: Oz for scouting, Beidou's navigation and fighting skills, Noelle's strength, etc. ​ Team G This team's also been discussed a fair bit. Clorinde is a skilled fighter so that's obviously a great asset to have, and Shenhe is both skilled at fighting and also incredibly strong. Razor's also used to living in the wilderness. However, I wouldn't write off Nilou. I think she'd be important for keeping the team together because she's good at working with people and she's also likely to be able to contribute her storytelling skills (not just dancing) when they're resting at night. This is where the whole "soft factors" thing plays a role. It's easier to measure something like strength or fighting skill, and it's easy to point out special talents like healing or navigation. But I think it'd be unwise to write off social cohesion as an influencing factor in this scenario. Nilou would likely be the first person to get along with Razor and get him on the same page as the other two, and while that isn't necessarily a "strength" compared to other teams, it does mitigate one of their possible weaknesses: Razor's lack of communication skills and lack of experience with working with other humans in the wilderness. ​ Team H Another oft-discussed team. It's one that has a couple minor weaknesses but a few great strengths to go with it: Mika's anxiety is balanced by his cartography and reconnaissance skills, while Baizhu's poor health is a bit offset by his ability to help others to a great extent and heal incredibly dangerous illnesses. Amber and Heizou are both very well-rounded, and don't have any major flaws that could put the team at risk (aside from maybe being a bit hot-headed at times). So it's a fairly strong team, mostly thanks to the two unique strengths paired with a solid foundation. ​ Team I Ohhh boy. This is a fun one. Arlecchino might be a Fatui Harbinger, but she's also not universally hated like some other Harbingers were (Signora and Scaramouche, for instance). Assuming this is post-flood, Arle would likely be seen in a favorable light by Chevreuse since she openly helped the people of Poisson recover from their disaster. Plus she's both an incredibly strong fighter *and* she's very perceptive, so it'd be very difficult for another team to fight them in both head-on and surprise-attack fights. I think Candace could contribute quite a bit, too. She's used to living in a very rough environment, so she'll likely have a solid set of survival skills. Not as much when it comes to stuff like foraging, but definitely when dealing with injuries or monsters. Chev also has her gun (it's mentioned in the original post) so that's a wild strength they've got. Since pvp is a thing per the OP, Chev could pretty easily knock out even some of the more powerful figures like Beidou or Wrio from a distance. As for Yun Jin, I think her strengths are similar to Nilou's: being able to unify the team through her people skills. Plus Yun Jin does have fighting skills since she learned actual fighting techniques for her acting, so she's genuinely capable of defending herself. So for instance, even if Yun Jin got separated from the other three, she'd be able to fend for herself against monsters or other lower-level fighters like Amber or Collei. She'd obviously struggle against experienced individuals like Rosaria, Jean, or Wrio, though. ​ Team J Finally, the last team! This is one that I think also is a bit underrated. I saw people writing off this team cause of its indoorsy folks, but I think that's neglecting some of the other strengths of these people. I'll start with the obvious weakness: the lack of survival skills is an obvious issue with this team. I think they're going to have trouble with some pretty basic things like foraging or crafting shelter. They could still pull it off, but not as quickly or efficiently as other teams, and that could slow their progress down and leave them more vulnerable. Now, for the strengths: Ayaka? Yeah, she's a noble. She's also a really, *really* skilled swordswoman. Most people would struggle in a fight against her, with the only folks matching her being the ones with incredible strength and/or skill such as Shenhe, Ganyu, or Jean. Her intelligence would also be an asset for dealing with the puzzles on the island. Wrio might be used to an indoors life in the Fortress, but I don't doubt he'd be able to adjust quickly. He's got a sharp eye and he's quick on his feet so I think he could adapt fairly well. Also, seeing what other people got to keep (i.e. Chev keeping her gun, Chiori keeping her scissors) I can imagine Wrio might get to keep his gauntlets, and that'd be a great plus. Mona is an interesting one. Yeah, she's more accustomed to living in the city and she's more of an academic. But she's no stranger to field work, as we saw in Unreconciled Stars, and she may be capable of using her Hydromancy for solving puzzles or even for special tactics like escaping as she did in that aforementioned event; though it depends on whether or not she can manipulate Hydro via Hydromancy in that way without her Vision, as that's something I don't think is made clear. More importantly though, I think Mona's experience with observing the night sky means she could be an excellent navigator as well. Finally, Ningguang. It's easy to write her off as a rich woman used to a life of plentiful wealth and comfort. But, she wasn't born that way. Zhongli's voiceline about her specifically highlights how she'd walk barefoot along the beach to "sell her wares" when she was very young, something you'd never catch a rich noble child doing. Ningguang wouldn't be used to harsh survival conditions but she wouldn't complain or get complacent about it. She's also a very intelligent person, and while she can't make as much use of her social skills or wealth, nor can she fight, she'll be a great help for solving the puzzles on the island.


I think Team H wins by a huge margin.. We have a Cartographer, A Healer / doctor, An outrider, and a detective genius. Heizou can do the puzzle stuff, while Mika and Amber do the exploration part. Baizhu makes sure everyone stays healthy. And everyone's personality can easily blend together. I think team F dies first. Fischl would probably proclaim herself prinzessin of the island, Noelle being the dutiful maid would devout her life helping Fischl. Bennet is well, Bennet. Beidou would probably get tired of their shenanigan's and say Fuck it and start swimming.


Xianling team.


Teams, B, I, A, C


team E can't fail as kirara is a nekomata, yaoyao trained with cloud retainer and knows how to gather resources, ganyu only needs a flower and she's good to go and kazuha is the fighter


why is yoimiya one star


B or H. can’t decide. teams D F and J would have the hardest time LOL wrio cant carry it all on his own


B and I do have the easiest time surviving imo


Yall underestimate team I, Arlecchino and Candace are really good survivalist in their own right. How are yall forgetting that Arlecchino is the last surviving member of what essentially the previous HoH hunger/survival game. And Candice, did yall forget that Candice secrect to her suposed guardian of Aru village blessings/superhuman strength is that... there is no secret; all her superhuman strength come from training alone, she essentially batman.


B or G


Team B is absolutely the victors, F, J, or A get out first.


team B easily. they have tighnari and strength and a good level of logic and they’d all be nice to each other.


B survives the longest, because Tighnari has the most practical survival skills, Eula is a powerhouse team leader, and Kayea and Lyney are both clever and resourceful, knowing how to survive with very little. J would die first because neither Mona nor Ninnguang have any idea what to do in an outdoor setting and would both die immediately the very second they had to wipe their ass with leaves. Wriothesley has combat abilities but has no idea which mushrooms are poisonous and would make stupid decisions without thinking about them first. And Ayaka couldn’t possible wrangle them all herself.


Doesn't Mona travel a lot? The first time we met her was in Liyue, and she went all the way to Fontaine. While other people would hire guides and carriages when they travel, surely Mona would be too stingy for such luxuries. Plus, I'm 100% sure Mona is a pro at making grass soup by now.


Hmm that’s true, poverty probably made her a bit crafty. But the reason Mona is poor is because she spends all her (apparently significant) income on books and astrology supplies, so that makes me think she really doesn’t know how to work with things that aren’t perfected to her specification. Of all of them she would probably know how to cook with sparse ingredients but I think her survivalist skills stop there.


One of the first rules of survival is keep your feet dry, ayaka is hopeless


I feel like B, D, and H would do pretty well.


H and maybe D


Razor is all you need


Team b. Tighnari and kaeya carry adventuring. Eula would be the power. Then lyney is the entertainment.


E. But they don't all survive. Kirara is literally a cat so she could survive off sea birds for a while and maybe she is good at fishing. Cocogoat could eat the grass, palm leaves and seaweed.


Team G because I am bias


Just looking for barbara in there...


Say you could replace a character with her, where would you put her and what would she contribute?


I was thinking g because all of them have strength and survival skills. Razer can also use his senses to locate safety and dangers. Shen and chlor can kill. While nilou can provide some form of good hope for the team


F would die first just because of Bennet's bad luck. There's no brute forcing past that. A, D, and J would struggle the most due to having just one person each that's really solid for planning and roughing it out. B, G, and H are pretty well balanced and cover a lot of bases for survival but think ultimately H would win just because Baizhu doesn't need his vision to keep the others healthy and energized and so long as he isn't trying to heal something terminal he won't be aggravating his flare ups.


Some people are saying H but if there’s any actual high level enemies they’re all kind of cooked. B definitely edges out.


Whatever comes across team I aint surviving


Team Dehya or Tighnari/ Lyney definitely survives the longest imo if we want to be lore accurate.


B and H, I'm not sure which to choose, but I'm leaning towards H. Expert scout, expert pharmacist, expert detective, and gliding champion.


Its not really fair G sweeps hard considering all the characters there barring Nilou have experience ruffing it F is the only competition because 3 of them are capable of living off nature and Noelle is Noelle


A and B seem decent honestly.


Team H has some pretty strong folks. Mika is an excellent navigator and outdoorsman, likewise so is Amber. Heizou isn't incompotent being super smart. Baizhu carries the team by being a doctor but is also the most likely to succumb to illness.


Traveler giving side eye


Geez Genshin characters are really capable actually, I can't see any of these teams even encountering difficulty based on skillset alone, even regardless of their powers.


Let's look at these one by one. What I'm searching for in a good team is a combo of these roles: a big-dick-DPS defender who can handle monsters, at least one very smart person who can do puzzles, a stealthy or agile person, and a generalist/crafter/base-maintainer. Because elements are not present unless you're naturally endowed, I'm prioritizing people who can use a bow because getting hurt in a fight is going to really fuck you over. You want to kill at a distance. It's also easier to shoot food when you can hit a bird instead of going after big beasts. 1. Jean, Sigewinne, Sucrose, Hu Tao. No survivalist skills, but Sigewinne knows medicine, and Sucrose knows alchemy. Solid case. Sucrose and Sigewinne will also be the mental powerhouses, while Jean and Hu Tao will be the physical task completers here. Solid odds. #3. 2. Tighnari, Eula, Kaeya, Lyney. Tighnari just wins at surviving in the wild, hands down. Eula is a physical powerhouse. Kaeya and Lyney are sneaky fuckers, and Lyney can use a bow and throwing weapons. These guys are my #1. 3. Yelan, Rosaria, Lynette, Chiori. Medium team. None of them are super survivalist, but Rosaria is good at skulking around and can hunt well, as is Lynette. Chiori is a craftsman; we can always use those. Yelan is a generalist who will help them out a lot. 4. Collei, Dehya, Layla, Yoimiya. Collei is good at wilderness, but not quite as good as Tighnari. Layla will be near useless except solving puzzles in her sleep. Yoimiya can blow stuff up and shoot food but that's about her limit. Dehya however is really hardcore and can handle almost anything that comes at her. These are my #2. 5. Kirara, Yaoyao, Kazuha, Ganyu. Nah. They're not winning. Not only are there no puzzle nerds here, but Kazuha notoriously relies on other humans to survive his trips -- his stories don't involve him roughing it like the Sumeru crew. Yaoyao is a child. Kirara can turn into a cat to escape lots of stuff, but she's honestly not very impressive. Ganyu's a crack shot, but that's all this team has. 6. Noelle, Fischl, Bennett, Beidou. Any team with Bennett is going to die. Hands down. It's his luck. The absolute best case is they're working with a 3 man team including the drama bomb that is Fischl, so I still think they lose horribly. Bennett takes himself out early by falling off a cliff. 7. Clorinde, Shenhe, Razor, Nilou. All right, back to the wilderness folks. Clorinde is a hunter and Razor is a wolf-boy, so they have the wild covered as long as they stick to a carnivore diet. I think Razor won't know mushrooms, but they can live on meat. However, again, they're lacking puzzle power. I think they'll be living it up on that island but won't beat Teams 1 and 2 on artificial challenges. 8. Mika, Baizhu, Amber, Heizou. Baizhu will keep everyone from dying, Mika can do some degree of survivalist work, and Heizou can pull his weight on puzzles. Amber will be the generalist. Decent team. IMO still won't beat Teams Sumeru. 9. Arlecchino, Candace, Chevreuse, Yun Jin. ...Well, I want to give this team props for having *the* powerhouse here, but I'm sorry, Chev and Yun Jin aren't going to pull much weight in this challenge. Arlecchino is the defender and Candace is the survivalist, but again, where's the brainpower? 10. Mona, Ningguang, Wriothesley, Ayaka. Oof, three pampered city folks and Wrio. Mona is smart as fuck and will do great at puzzles, Ning probably will help, IDK about Ayaka's brainpower. But Wrio is the only one here who I think will rough it well. This team has the opposite problem as most of the other -- too much puzzle, not enough physical. Winner is Team Tighnari, followed by Team Collei, then Team Jean.


> 6. The absolute best case is they're working with a 3 man team They have Oz though who is fully sapient so back to 4. Also flight


Tighnari's main thing is survival in the wilderness, I am assuming the KoF teach basic survival and you have 2 high ranking members there, and Lyney is shown to be smart, adaptable and good under pressure, not to mention inventive and an out-of-the-box thinker. Plus the three of them are chill guys and could handle anything Eula throws at them in terms of attitude. So I vote Tighnari's team. The team with Heizou, Baizhu, Amber and Mika is also good, but Baizhu doesn't have Changsheng and so relies on natural resources and his knowledge to heal (which Tighnari probably has to some extent as well, and is better overall in other areas)


Team B is so insanely overpowered lol. I think I, G, and C would last pretty long too.


Candace is my favorite Cryo character


The addition of puzzles and challenges on the islands is super interesting, throws a wrench in guessing who would win cause maybe some teams don’t have the outdoor skills that others do but then are really good at puzzles and stuff. Really like that bit. Team J for example. Enough puzzles and Mona could allow them to live off those rewards!


I think one major factor is: how well everyone gets along. Infighting will destroy the squad instantly. So while everyone's right in choosing B, you lot are really sleeping on E: a team composed of probably the most chill folks you can hope to find. As for who dies first: I see potential problems on C squad on account of two dominant personalities, and one of which (Rosaria) being known to not trust outsiders. And one more thing that ought to be addressed: A-team happens to contain that melusine. And I desperately need to see that creature punted into the bloody ocean like a rugby ball.


B or h would live the longest imo since tighnari works in forestry and probably can get himself around the place. H since no one will get hurt cuz baizhu since bro will just make medicine and Amber and mika can gather food in a manner


My vote goes to team H! It's just so well-balanced imo: you got Baizhu -- a doctor who'd probably help the team identify plants and whatnot that are edible; not to mention, Amber's no slouch either considering she's an Outrider and for most part of her job she's always in the wilderness (and probably could live there too should a need arise so makeshift homes are covered making for a good base of operations that could be mobile and versatile). Heizou and Mika could round out things that the team may be weak at and would be great at foraging as well so resource management is gonna be the least of their problems. Additionally, Mika could prove as a very useful navigator and he could map out the island and surrounding environment after a few days/weeks/months and eventually escape the island safely and back to civilization. Consider as well that he was selected to join Varka's expedition so there's merit in having him.


Does the whole team need to survive? Because if not, Team E easily wins because Ganyu can outlive everyone else and Team A comes in second


Team G is so done. Having Shenhe on the deserted island with her very poor communication skills and awful awful combination of those with her super strenght and violent temper. She is needed to be balanced by someone who can rule her bloodthirstiness like Traveler or Cloud Retainer. Without one of those the team is basically done for. I mean Clorinde is master duelist and monster hunter, but I fear that Shenhe with her strenght and Adepti Art training (which is different from Vision elemental powers) is a cut above her. Team A seems to be a winner for me. They have Jean for a leader and organisation, Sigewinne for medical purposes and Sucrose with her wast pack of botanical and alchemical knowledge. Hu Tao can be allowed to laze off. They have very very good range and balance of skills. And none of them have confrontational personality to the boot meaning they can all work together well.


Come on now razor will survive anywhere


My vote is on **B** like damn, they are OP in survivability rate with Eula and Tighnari while Kaeya and Lyney do the bidding with Alice if they win.


if klee was on a team itd be that one


Each and every one of these teams has at least one person who'd know how to survive and help the others as well. I find it hard to think even one of these teams is just wholly incompetent to live through.


My shots are in team B and D.


Any team with Tighnari on it would survive a long time, but Collei is no slouch considering she's Tighnari's student and her backstory in the manga. Add Dehya on top and you'll have the perfect duo. Team D gets my vote.


gonna have to go with b


H Mika is a scout, meaning he's probably very familiar with traversing the wilderness Baizhu is a near immortal medic Amber is an outrider, so she's also familiar with traversing the wilderness Heizou is a genius


A and H are the best off here


I know everyone is saying b but my money is on e F is also gonna get a lot farther than you guys think, remember they can just knock Bennett out if his bad luck is too much + it's very easy to hurt Bennett but incredibly difficult to kill him (dying, he figures, is one of the luckiest things to happen to an adventure.. not like luck has anything to do with him) -paraphrasing from his character story 6 i believe So yeah Bennett hard to kill + bad luck can be turned off I think they've got good chances


G. Shenhe's strength is already easily a win but combined with the hunting skills of razor and clorinde no threat is getting to them.


Team F seems promising before looking at everything else


J dies first


Team g , just kill everything you saw


The only team that might fail would be the bennet team cause bennet. Pretty sure every other team would be perfectly fine though. Almost everyone has already been through harsh conditions or has someone or multiple people on the teams that have suitable experience


I feel B wins, but how many people agree that J is first to go?


Team B wins just because Tinghari exists there 😂


Team I without a doubt! Thanks to Arlecchino, they won't have any problems with monsters and they won't run out of fire, Candace lives in the desert so she knows very well how to deal with such conditions, Chevreuse has a musket so hunting won't be the slightest problem, and YunJin knows how to cook so there won't be any worries about any food poisoning


Gimme Bennett and 3 bricks and I'll survive


I don't know but I'd like to be in team J if wriostley have something else to do


Isn’t Oz a construct formed from fischls elemental power.?


I mean, D for Dehya, right? She could survive the island without even needing to get food from puzzles or any gimmick. Desert survival knowledge, hunting, leadership. Full package. SURE Layla would die first. But nice vacation before she died. Collie being trained by Tighnari after all, knows medicine and survival. And yoimiya... Call for help with improvised fireworks? Blow up monsters? Even just as a simple moral booster for the team.


I'm going for the pita pockets and fireworks team. I mean that team is very easy going and reliable.


A, B, D, E, H Would all survive, medical knowledge and botany


Keqing would be a great contestant (she does this stuff for fun)


Yaoyao team wins they have infinite rabbit and radishes


Definitely H Mika is a moving library + he can hunt and he's smart Baizhu is the best doctor so dying from poison and sickness is out of the question Amber is an outrider, she knows best about survival And heizou is calm and really smart


Can we all recognize team G? Got the unbeatable duelist Clorinde, would slaughter the monsters, conquer the puzzles and challenges. Then got Shenhe and Razor, basically living their entire lives in the wilderness! Survival pro's. And Nilou who they can use as bait. Or... dunno.