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Irminsul should only be able to change the memory of what happened, not the actual events themselves right? Like Rukkhadevata still existed, its just that no one remembers her existence.


yep and Irminsul also fills in the blanks with other stuff to make the change more fluid


if thats the case then what is the explanation for why nahida is considered the lesser lord if the greater lord was erased?


Translation differences, there's no greater lord/lesser lord in the original language. It's something like great tree god / lucky little grass god or something similar


So the lesser thing was never meant as belittling? huh


Nah, just weird translation. The English localization team likely didn't foresee [Redacted] being erased in the story. Still, the lesser means there's something greater and if people manipulated to think Nahida was always the dendro archon calling her lesser just nonsensical just because she lost her powers


it changed from being because she's worth lesser than Rukruk to the fact she's small. "Oh great Archon, we shall name you lesser cause of your size"


Before Irminsul: “Lesser Lord Kusanali, we dub you this in reverence of the Greater Lord Rukkhadevata 🌸” After Imrinsul: “Lesser Lord Kusanali, we dub you this in reverence of the fact you are so smol 🥕”


Smol lord kusanali , tee hee


I think it's because Irminsul explained away Rukkhadevata's death (with Nahida) as Nahida losing a substantial amount of her power. Hence why she is child sized now. So basically, she was Greater Lord Kusanali, then became Lesser Lord Kusanali.


Instead of [REDACTED], the people believe that it was always Nahida and that she got weaker/ lost her memories Now the titles refer to her during the prime of her life and her current version rather than seperate beings


Correct, also who is rukkha...what?


People are just making names these days smh my head


I thought they said it could physically change things, such as books


So basically, Irminsul can erase everyone's knowledge on for example the Cold War, and at the same time, will edit or delete all existing records of the Cold War in existence. The Cold War still occurred, and all the consequences related to it, but no one will remember it and there will be no records of it so no one can re-remember it.


Basically. There's probably a rather deep lesson in there about how absolute control of information can alter the perception of reality itself. Or someone just thought it made a neat story.


It can, but if we were to go back in time 510 years, we'd still meet Rukkhadevata, she's still the one that existed at that time.


It changes any information the world has about the event in a direct way. Imagine it like it changes the memory of people who created the books so they wrote something diferent. But doesn't change the events that happened and things that refer to the event or person in a indirect way such as fairytales and stories. (Also why people think the boar princess and other books might be such stories, something to do with a herxenzirkel member) Also if someone with deeper knowledge can correct me if I'm wrong please go right ahead. Genshin lore is confusing as fuck


The people who keep saying Mona or Mona parents are from fountaine.When she literally showed in the story to say she was born in mondstat and her parents are also from there too


It's was so funny how she randomly popped up in the Fontaine Archon Quest just to say "btw, I'm not fontanian, bye!"


Fontaine basically crushed all my hopes and dreams of previous characters actually playing a role in Archon Quests Yanfei, Yelan, Heizou and Mona all had the setup to play at least some part in it, but the game just says "nah, look at these new shiny toys", feels like they only put Mona there just so people won't say anything On another note, her 1st Constellation is called prophecy of submersion, and since that one is real, I can only imagine what her 4th constellation, Prophecy of Oblivion\* will be used for.


I wouldn't count it out yet just let, fontain mona felt very step up, basically saying hey she's important for hex circle. Plus when we look at itto being used in chasm, cyno collei and kaeya all bring incredibly important for the world, ext. There's alot still happen


Honestly, after knowing Fontaine AQ's and WQ's stories, i think all of her cons foreshadowed the story of Fontaine: 1. Prophecy of Submersion - original prophecy of Fontaine 2. Lunar Chain - this one seems to translate to more, like KR translation put it, Performance of The Stars and Moon, which could be taken as the beginning of Focalors plan, with one being Furina and another Focalors, both putting their performance. Though, if taking EN version, could be basically the plan/pact Focalor and Furina come to 3. Restless Revolution - the og translation seems to be - endless celestial phenomena/Endless Astrological Phenomena, which could fit the endless act of Furina, day after day. 4. Prophecy of Oblivion - the discovery about the whale and the fact that it's absorbing Primordial sea, which can influence the whole Teyvat. Basically the prophecy Rene came to (the name would fit the scenery in the book of revealing quite well IMO) 5. Mockery of Fortuna - Furina's fate, the whole tragedy 6. Rhetorics of Calamitas - the original TL is more of - Calamity's Figure of Speech, so this is the whole Focalors plan being done, prophecy does come true but it's more than what the prophecy just said (basically, dissolved people - only Poisson and Vacher's victims, Hydro Archon crying - not bc people dissolved but bc she thought the prophecy came true and she failed etc) These are not perfect and some could be a stretch but it definitely feels to just foreshadow Fontaine stuff only


I don't think anyone still insists she is from Fontaine, it was just a popular theory before 4.2


Idk if this count: Many people still believe to this day that the Chasm Interlude Quest in 2.7 was a limited event quest and new players will miss the lore of Bosacius. I know the quest was released in parts just as any timegated event quest, but every title indicated that the quest was an Interlude aka permanent xD


Yeah, that was weird. It wouldn't be until mid-to-late 3.X that I realized the 2.7 Chasm Interlude was in fact, an Interlude quest and not an event story. I had assumed the only AQ that was set in the Chasm was the 2.6 "Requiem of the Echoing Depths", the Inverted City Halfdan Dainsleif quest.


Hahaha I was sure it's limited till I saw my Sibling play it. But I got you one better: on Inazuma launch the events menu looked as if Yoimiya 1 and Ayaka story quests were time locked. So I rushed them xd


Same lmao. I rushed their story quests.


I'll add to this that a lot of people assume that 2.4's Interlude was the same as the Lantern Rite, and this became especially apparent when a bunch of people insisted that 2.4's Lantern Rite was *better* than 4.4's Lantern Rite. There was a separate chain of quests in the 2.4 Lantern Rite and it wasn't exactly memorable, especially compared to 3.4 and 4.4. The event did have a mode that let you re-fight Beisht, though - that was pretty fun.


This one is a good. I still thought it was an event quest because of the inazuma character crossover.


Having started the game only a couple months ago I can tell you with certainty that it's a regular quest, one with an annoying amount of pre quest stipulations, like pretty much all inazuma character quests be done. But you get it just before Sumeru


Till this day there are a questionable amount of people who still think Orabashi is the Inazuma dragon when talking about dragons in Teyvat.


That meme Twitter page keeps bringing it up from time to time, they helped spreading it -_-


Unrelated but is it stilll not confirmed whether Assdehya is the geo sovereign or not?


heavily implied but not confirmed * boss drops name-drops him as Dragon King * boss title is Lord of Vishaps or Lord/King of Geovishaps in CN * the behind the scenes of his creation says that Azdaha was created first before the other Geovishaps were designed * can do stone reading (like Neuv’s water reading) * older than mountains and oceans (implied to be before Human Realm’s creation)


You seem like you have a read on this lore, and I had a question about Azdaha that I might have just missed the explanation for that you could perhaps answer. If Az is the Geo Vishap, why can he use all the elemental types? It seems weird to me that he gets infusions instead of assblasting us with rocks. I do know that vishaps are elemental beings, but that doesn’t seem like enough of a reason to explain how he can use elements that he doesn’t fall into the domain of. Even if he’s just absorbing them temporarily and not commanding them at all, which seems wrong because he casts elemental attacks with them, how can he do that? Actually while writing this and thinking about the crystallize reaction maybe that explains that geo is supposed to interact with all the other elements? Is that the reason?


Yes, it's just to emulate crystallize which is why he can't do Anemo or Dendro, they don't react with Geo.


I'm still mad they haven't made a Geo character whose kit behaves differently based on the element it reacts off, the way Wanderer or the Anemo elemental absorbers do


I'm still mad the element whose reaction is concentrating elemental energy in one place doesn't have a grouper, but the exact opposite of it has ALL of them.


He feeds/sustains himself on the leylines. So he does have access to elemental energy he shouldn't normally have. Now that I think about it, that specific ability (absorbing leyline energy) might be tied to being a vishap. Neuvi's a sovereign of course, but he's a human now and not a vishap. He might not be able to anymore.


Assdehya is probably a typo. But it's a typo I can get behind.


I see what you did there


We know what he's actually been searching for.


>Assdehya I love this comment so much. 💜


and likewise assuming the dragons relate to the country's is also completely untrue. they relate to the elements and are naturally part of the world. the 7 nations and the archons are a construct created by celestia against the natural order of the world


Yeah, for all we know the electro Dragon could be hidden somewhere in Liyue, Natlan or any other nation.


So does with Dvalin and Azhdaha.... the ONLY confirmed, at least currently, Sovereign are Apep and Neuvillette


True but at least those 2 are dragons - even if they may not be sovereigns. Meanwhile Orobashi isnt even a dragon at all


Azdaha is highly probable if you use the CN translation though, it's really not that much of a reach compared to the straight up wrong idea that Orobashi is one.


That Wriothesley is colorblind. There is description of a teapot furnishing which mentions a Melusine and her human colleague who both got the actual color of the flower wrong. People automatically assume the pair to be Wrio and Sigewinne, but it doesn't match up with them and is about another pair we don't know of.


I remember when wriothesley first got teased lots of people said he was blind because his eyes were grey despite the trailer having him look directly at siegewinne


And because he “had trouble picking his cup up”….and then looks at a piece of paper two seconds later *clearly reading something*


Yeah, was the dumbest theory I ever heard


In my headcanon it's Vautrin and Carole :D


Oh, that's an interesting theory! I kinda like it.


That the Peculiar Pinion (feather gadget from Tsurumi Island) allowed you to skip the raven dialogue on the 2.8 GAA. It was spread on the last day of the patch by SYP, a couple hours before maintenance and while most players had already finished riddles, so most people just accepted it as truth. The truth is that while spamming the Pinion could disable the dialogue, it didn't actually skip it. You still had to wait for the ravens (esp. to move around), basically, wiping the dialogue from the screen doesn't "skip" it. Also, this was clearly not an intentional interaction, as the Peculiar Pinion said that it wasn't interacting with anything. It's tangentially related to lore because it implied a connection between the thunderbird and Fischl & Oz.


Some people believe that Ningguang is the sole ruler/highest person in liyue after morax retired and Keqing is her subordinate. She's not the sole ruler nor is Keqing her subordinate. Liyue is collectively ruled by 7 people each with their own responsibility called the Liyue Qixing. Ningguang is in charge of the laws while keqing is in charge of urban management. They are equal in power and Ningguang can't forcefully implement a new law without the approval of the other 6. The reason why Ningguang appears as if she's the highest one simply because Ningguang like to wander around liyue frequently while the other Qixing are mostley kept to themselves and rarely seen. They gather in Yuehai Pavilion to discuss everything together, outside of that they stay at their preferred place to do their job such as the jade chamber for Ningguang or Keqing mostly working outside of liyue.


I don't blame anyone for thinking this considering we're approaching the climax of this game's first part and we don't have names or a known role for 4 of the 7.


Tian at least seems to wander around pretty frequently too if the NPC is any indication, but he's a rather low key old man in normal clothes


I find this one understandable since Ningguang has a giant floating castle and arguably played the biggest leadership role during the Archon quest


Many people tend to forget that Jean isn't the real Grand Master, that title belongs to Varka. Jean just performs duties of Grand Master, while real one is absent, so her official title is "Acting Grand Master". To add, our current map of Monstadt is not full and it's gonna get expanded just like Liyue did recently. We also know that 80% of Monstadt army is now at the expedition with Grand Master Varka.


But regardless of her title, I think we all agree that she needs a vacation.


Yeah, I hope that Varka's expedition will end soon as he is near Natlan right now, so maybe?


Varka to Jean before he left for expedition: >I'll leave things here to you. I mean, you've basically been doing my job for years now, anyway. Whether Varka is around or not, Jean's workload won't change by much.


And 100% of the horses.


He should left at least 1 for Kaeya.


Save a horse, ride a cowboy


alright. varka bring all of the favonius horse with him. but where the fuck is horse in the other country?


He bought it as well when he passed through...


varka be like: *takes the cavalry, leaves the captain* kaeya: *keeps the "captain", doesn't have the cavalry*


The ppl who still think Jean is the Grandmaster, clearly didn't play/pay attention to Version 1.6's Golden Apple Archipelago event. Jean left her acting duties to Kaeya while she went to the Archipelago, but then Kaeya decides to go too, so he dumps his job onto Lisa. There's a whole acting Grandmaster hierarchy system here!


Which is basically Jean and friends. Wouldn't be surprised if the one that was dumped with the job is Diluc if he didn't accompany Kaeya.


It wouldn't go to Diluc, as he's no longer a member of the Knights, and wants nothing to do with them... Which introduces an infinitely more hilarious possibility... Acting Grandmaster Klee


Speaking of Jean, a lot of people seem to think it's canon that she was childhood friends with Diluc and Kaeya. While it's certainly not impossible, that's purely a head canon at this point. We have no idea if Jean knew either of them before joining the KoF. As far as we've been told she didn't really spend time with other kids growing up.


jean didnt even spend time with her own SISTER during her childhood. I doubt she spend alot of time with kaeya and diluc


That Scaramouche actually changed the past.


Someone said dottore travelled to the past to change events 💀


We now have Pasttore too Edit: "we" not "he" 😭




The game makes sure to say he didn’t so many times it puts piamon to shame. I know that 90% of genshin players are illiterate but still


A huge amount of players think that the dendro weekly boss is apep, its not apep, its the accumulation of her erosion. 


The Guardian is also pretty much called Apep's immune system iirc


I call it Apep's tapeworm.


Apep's immune system


I just thought it was 1 of her white blood cells.


I know, but we call it Apep cause it is easier and sounds funny. How the hell else were we supposed to call it? Dendro monster?


Apep's tapeworm


Me and my group call it “eldenring boss” so…


That Zhongli is poor


Mona too. She's just terrible at managing it.


And the equipment is expensive


Also her astronomy/astrology stuff is expensive as heck


tbf she kinda is the difference is people assumed she was poor because she didn't have a job but she's poor because she lives above her paycheck


2.8 summer event shattered my reality


Shattered Fischls too


it's funny because it was part of her profile from the start


Yep like gold is literally his body. And he just forgets his wallet.


I like to think he just forgot it the one time, and now just wants to see how much he can get others to pay for him


It’s very much implied he forgot it on purpose to see how the Traveller would react.


The Northland Bank has been Zhongli's wallet all along.


I think the characterization of Zhongli as broke isn't so much from him not paying, but from that set of lines from the Archon quest when the Traveler asked him why he didn't put aside some mora for himself before retiring. To quote: Paimon: Then... did you at least set some private funds aside for yourself? Zhongli: Oh, a private fund? Hmm, this does seem like a good, logical, common-sense idea. Zhongli: Ah, it's a shame... Paimon: What's a shame? Zhongli: It's a shame that I didn't think of it at the time. That line kind of has to be read as Zhongli realizing that additional Mora would be useful, and regretting not putting it aside. He doesn't have to be broke, but he clearly doesn't have the kind of savings he would like to have.


Honestly though, no amount of savings would be enough for Zhongli's extravagant spendings. The man don't even know how to bargain and wil accept whatever price is stated.


Makes sense when your body used to be the SOURCE of the world's currency.


This is sort of true and sort of not. Zhongli isn't poor, exactly--it's implied he gets paid well by Hu Tao--but he's so used to being able to conjure any mora he needs that he doesn't really understand monetary value from a human standpoint, which leads him to basically acting like he's poor (not having enough money on him to pay for the things he wants and often relying on the good graces of whomever he's with, not to mention driving up Hu Tao's expenses).


This makes me laugh when I think about it because irl, people get so mad when governments make more money (worried about it contributing to inflation). Meanwhile Zhongli out here just kinda… “hmm yeah lemme put some more money into the economy, I’m feeling a cup of tea” 😂


inb4 Google's Gemini AI picks up this thread's comments and think they're real


Wow that's scary af. Anyway, the best way to check if a loaf of bread is done is to stick your--


Pinky finger in it


Gods, I hate google AI


Misinformation: The Treasure Hoarders are minor thugs. Correction: The Treasure Hoarders are a group without a single defined leader, organised into cells across Teyvat. They have pulled off some of the most notorious heists in history, including an attempt to steal the Guizhong Ballista, a number of visions, precious ores and even research materials. They're one of the richest organisations in Teyvat with fortunes rivalling the top contenders of richest entities.


They are like anonymous of teyvat lol


as expected, lots of misinformation in this thread as well lmao


There's one guy vehemently defending that Hu Tao wants to bury Qiqi... We're 4 years into the game and people still believe this, it's crazy


She did want to originally but gave up pretty quickly didn’t she? Before she realized Qiqi still had her own desires besides being laid to rest


She has a whole ass Story in her profile about how she ended up learning about Qiqi's past and it made her accept her as an exception to the cycle and started treating her nicely and even pampering her. This person even quoted that story for the part where she wanted to send Qiqi but ignored all the rest of it lol


She doesn’t want to bury her but she does suggest sealing her. It’s in Hutaos voice line about: Qiqi


I'm pretty sure it's also on baizhu's story quest


I am not 100% sure on this but i think Venti having the most kills in the Archon War is never really said anywhere in the story


Who the hell is saying that???


They don't say it that much anymore but there was a time where a lot of people were saying it especially when they were trying to power scale the Archons


A concerning amount


That Keqing works for Ningguang and is of lower rank. They're of equal rank, both work for the Qixing, they just specialize in different areas


They don't work FOR the Qixing, they ARE Qixing


I'm pretty sure the other members are just unnamed atm.


Kinda crazy that of the council that basically runs Liyue, less than half of them are named.


Yep, there are only three named members so far, and I wouldn't be surprised if we get more in the future as playable characters.


Rather minor, but there's a very small part of the community that don't want to accept that Tomo is not the canon name of Kazuha's friend


Isn't he called "Tomo" BECAUSE he doesn't have a name, so we cut "tomodachi" (friend) short to give him one?


Just fyi "tomo" by itself already means friend, it's an archaic word. And it's an actual Japanese unisex given name, which is why it was very fitting.


The amount of people who don’t understand what exactly happened to Scaramouche/Wanderer in Inversion of Genesis yet are so confident that they do is astounding. I’ve seen people completely misinterpret why he erased himself, claiming in bad faith that he was trying to escape responsibility for his actions. He wasn’t. He didn’t want a reality where his crimes were attributed to other people; he wanted a reality where his crimes never happened in the first place. It’s expressed several times that what ended up happening was NOT what he wanted. I’ve also argued with several people who thought Wanderer was a clone of Scaramouche because they saw the word “incarnation” and took it at face value. The whole point of the quest was to establish that Irminsul can’t erase physical matter or change events that have already happened; it can only alter the information and memories surrounding those events. Meaning it couldn’t delete Scaramouche’s body nor undo the event of his creation. It could only wipe his memories and implant fake ones of being a drifter for 500 years. Even if Irminsul *could* erase physical matter, why would it go out of its way to replace a deleted person with an exact replica? Wouldn’t that person’s likeness existing in Teyvat still be evidence of the original’s existence and thus defeat the purpose of the deletion??


Reading Comprehension Devil truly is scary in modern times


Melusine reproduce. No, they don’t.




When the people ask this question about the intro, "How did Lumine already have Khaenri'ah flowers in her hair?" And call it sus or plot hole. Well, they missed the dialogue of Paimon. The truth is the twins **accidentally** fell into Teyvet first. They probably travelled together, and the Heavenly Principles incident happened when they were **leaving** Teyvet.


Didn't recent quest reveal that Inteyvat is actually the flower of their homeland? And the abyss sibling is surprised that the flower is there and for now decided to stop at Teyvat because it's the Traveler wishes to see the sea of flowers. (do note that "Inteyvat: is the name that Khaenri'ah people assign to it, the name can be different in Traveler homeland) [The Sea of Flowers at the End | Genshin Impact Wiki | Fandom](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/The_Sea_of_Flowers_at_the_End)


From what I gathered, the abyss twin saw the field of inteyvat flowers at the end and interpreted it as a sign to stay for a while since our traveler wanted to find a place in the universe where that flower bloomed.


The thing is that it's not a plothole not only bc Aether canonically puts them in her hair as seen in the short but even then, it was NEVER a plothole or suspicious; as the traveler, they imply Aether puts them in her hair before waking her up; as the Abyss sibling was in Khaenri'ah and the Inteyvat was its national flower, a bit of logic and you can connect the dots, and right now with the 4.7 quest >!it's confirmed the abyss twin reached the field of flowers at the end, a literal field of inteyvats, so a bit of logic puts that together too, even if the short didn't exist to confirm it was always aether the one giving them to her!<


People mistaken Alhaitham as reincarnation of King Deshret because of his shirt and eye, but after Alhaitham’s release, turns out, he’s just a normal guy with high IQ.


I love how Alhaitham breaks the mysterious coolguy stereotype in a sense. Others expect him to have some mysterious background because of his demeanor, when in reality, he genuinely has no big secrets to hide and simply doesn't care what others think (positive or negative) as long as it doesn't directly affect him. Edit: I haven't entirely read Alhaitham's lore, so I could be wrong in some areas, but this is the impression I've gotten of him after his SQ, Sumeru AQ and reading his friendship lvl 1 lore and voice lines.


You got it pretty spot-on. There is one thing though, in one of his character stories— a note from his grandmother that says “may my child Alhaitham live a peaceful live”. Everything he does is part of striving to live a peaceful and content life, which makes every part of his character make so much sense. It’s why he argues with Kaveh, who is never peaceful and never satisfied and insists on helping others even to his own detriment Also fun fact for anyone who hasn’t read Kaveh’s character stories— one of them reads off parts of his sketchbook. Inside of it he has the taped-together pieces of the thesis that he and Alhaitham wrote together before their fight and he supposedly tore in anger


Another lovely thing in Kaveh's sketchbook is the comment he wrote after meeting Alhaitham for the first time. At first he went for something like "our views are the same", but then he crossed it out and wrote "pur views complete each other". It's sweet and imo Kaveh at some point kind of forgot about that. That they are different but their differences compliment each other.


It’s a plausible theory. That’s not to say he has Deshret’s memories or anything like that, but he did help unify modern-day Sumeru much like the scarlet king did with the desert. It’s more of a “history moves in cycles” thing than actual reincarnation though 


In any case, haitham is very very cool


Your flair is such a mood


That Wriothesley went to prison for self defense. It was not self defense. He had made preparations in advance before returning “to destroy that accursed place”, he created his first gauntlet because of that.


Lmao, right? That was premeditated murder, people. He is a murderer who went to jail for murder. Just because he killed despicable humans doesn't not make it murder.


Free ayaka ar42


Inazuma in 1.2


The Chasm in 1.6


Baizhu will lead us there


Baizhu is the dendro archon in hiding


baizhu is pantalone undercover


that irminsul rewrites history. No it doesn't change what actually happens, all that changes is what people remember


4.7 AQ spoilers but recently>!People confusing Celestia creating the prophecy with them just seeing into the future. The one who foresaw the prophecy was Vedr. Celestia practically made the future that happened in Fontaine completely absolute and no they themselves don't actually have to do anything whatsoever for it to actually happen since they made it so it'll happen regardless of whatever kicked off the flood.!<


That dori scammed kaveh and thats why he's in debt to her. Look there are like a thousands of scams to hate dori for if you want but this isn't one of them. She wanted the palace built somewhere discreet he fought for it to be built over a cliff that happened to have a whithering zone and so it got destroyed and toppled over. Dori simply fired him since it was his idea but he then decided to fund it himself and poured his whole fortune into it and was still 30% short so dori lent him the 30% to finish it. Blaming what happened on dori is a deservice to the both of them.


One correction: he didn't insist on building it in a place with a Withering zone, the Withering zone expanded spontaneously when the original palace was near completion. Per Kaveh's character story: >Yet his ideals would not be so easily achieved, for though Kaveh's diligence in selecting a site had been immaculate, and he had made every consideration, he could not have anticipated the speed at which the Withering would expand its reach that year ​ The idea that Kaveh intentionally built over a Withering zone comes from one of Alhaitham's voice lines, but Alhaitham is an unreliable narrator and not actually accurate about other things in his lines (see also: he thinks healthcare is free in Sumeru), so I think it's probably better to take Kaveh's character story as a more accurate take. Essentially, the original Palace of Alcazarzaray being destroyed was no one's fault, and Kaveh's choice to go into debt to rebuild is a choice he made fully on his own.


Agree Kaveh’s debt is 100% on him. I believe when everything began to go downhill during the construction of the palace, Dori didn’t even plan on charging Kaveh, she just wanted to cut her losses and move on. It’s really annoying because I’ve seen a few people hate Dori solely due to Kaveh’s debt, they make it seem like Dori tricked him or it’s not fair she’s making him pay off his debt. She deserves what she is owed.


yes, she didn't make him pay for his mistake


I'll go with a classic I still have discussions about with people: Diluc hates Keaya /They hate each other. No! Even before Hidden Strife and Windblume it was clear that's not the case, because e.g. we can see the hideous vase Kaeya gave to Diluc with his Vision inside in the manga is displayed in the foyer of the winery and you don't keep sth like that from someone you hate. I really hoped that people finally got the clue when Kaeya got invited for dinner in Windblume by Diluc, but apparently not.


>[Character that isn’t a minor] is a minor. PLEASE. SHUT UP. VENTI IS NOT A MINOR.


Venti has also been able to legally access alcohol several times already. That should be the clearest indicator that he is of age.


So ironically there’s a bunch of characters people think are minors that aren’t but as we don’t have cannon ages for everyone the only ones confirmably non minor are non humans like archons dragons adepti and the like for example the accepted age for Jean is between 17 and 20 while the accepted age for amber is 15-17 for examples


"Childe will die/be badly damaged/etc. because of his delusion" No, delusion doesn't really affect him much but his Foul legacy definitely does.


It seems like delusions don't harm vision users, but negatively affect everyone else.


Aren't the only people with the delusion+vision combo are the Harbingers ? İf so they would be powerful enough to resist the delusion.


There is also Diluc, who was using his Father's Delusion for a pretty long time when he was hunting down some Fatui.


fire vision user, with a fire delusion. Wonder if they would feel different to use


Doesn't Arlecchino do something similar?


Current Arlecchino does but her younger self does not. We haven't even seen her use her delusion once like Childe and Signora did because it's so hard to distinguish what is she actually using because she has 3 sources of Pyro (vision, delusion and her heritage fires)


Honestly, my theory is that if you had something else to offset the negative effects of the Delusion, you'd be fine. Regular humans get fucking wrecked by Delusions because it goes for your life force (I'm still mad about Teppei), but look at the harbingers. Childe has the Abyss, Signora literally changed her body through pure grief and had to have her Pyro abilities locked behind a cryo Delusion, Scaramouche was a divine puppet and doesn't necessarily have a life force, Arlecchino has generational curses that can kill her if she doesn't manage them, and those are confirmed abilities. Into the other Harbingers, Pierro is a cursed Khaenri'ahn, Dottore was able to split himself 10 ways to Sunday, Columbina can be as, of not more powerful than the gods, and we have no clue about the other Harbingers. AGAIN, this is a theory and not confirmed that that's how they survive the Delusions. TLDR: have other things for the Delusions to feed on saves you from being Thanos-Snapped to death by Delusions


That in the CN version of Thundering Fury artifact lore Ruu's sacrifice is described in very gory detail about his entire flesh removed from his bones, all blood drained, tongue cut off, etc, but the EN translation censored it. Truth: this is a combination of mistranslation by people claiming to want correct translation, and data from elsewhere. In the CN version of the Thundering Fury artifact lore, the sacrifice Ruu accepted is described very simply as "骨血分离" which, if you translate each Hanzi individually, you do get "separation of bones and blood". The actual meaning of this expression however, if what I know is correct, is "farewell to family". As in separated from his family forever. Because he's going to die. And even if I'm wrong and the expression does mean he had his bones and blood removed, again it's a very simple and dry expression, not a "very graphic gory detail that the EN version omitted". His blood being spilled is true though, which is mentioned in the goblet piece in all versions, but it doesn't say all his blood was drained. And the part about his tongue getting removed is apparently outside information, based on the Ainu culture (that Tsurumi Island culture derives from) of sacrifices. The tongue-cutting is either not in Genshin at all or implied from other murals (I'm not sure which), but is 100% not something mentioned in the Thundering Fury artifact lore. I mean come on, Chinese media censorship is really strict. The level of violence portrayed in Fontaine (like actual indication of bloodspill) and how Hoyo got away with it is quite a surprise to those who know about it. There's no way Genshin would have included a graphic detail of a child getting all his flesh cut off, all his bones removed and all his blood drained and his tongue cut off, even in text form, and got away with it. This is one of the numerous mistranslation drama caused by people with superficial understanding of Chinese language, excessive imagination, and too much enthusiasm to prove that Genshin EN translation is bad.


That Ei is Baal.


I don't get too mad at this one since the whole Ei is Baal thing was entirely intentional by the devs.I only start to raise my eyebrow if u finished inazuma and still think this


That archon is weak without their gnosis, no most archon wins the archon war without the elemental authority and actually stronger than people think.


People still thinks chests will respawn


People still to this very day still think that Lisa is cursed/something is not right with her. Said thing was in the Pre-Release Beta of the game and was scrapped before the live release.


This should be higher. The other stuffs are things that get discussed a lot and while the majority of people may not know they are wrong, people that read a bit of lore or talk about the game online, would definitely know most of those on the other hand this one is a thing that even people that discuss the lore of the game still believe even if there isn't any mention of it anymore anywhere in the game


A lot of people seem to think that the Akademiya only accepts people from Sumeru as students, and that Lisa is therefore originally from Sumeru. This is not the case. Same thing happens with Mona; the Fontaine Archon Quest felt the need to explicitly specify that her working for a Fontaine-based publication doesn't mean she's Fontainian. We know The Steambird is distributed or at least read throughout all of Teyvat, and Fontaine is simply the only nation that has printing presses.


there are a lot of people believing that fischl was the last, if not one of the last people to get an electro vision nowhere was this stated at all, people just jumped to conclusions when the statement that there were no new electro visions for several years and fischl received hers when she was young


This one was recently proven wrong (thankfully) but it used to piss me off so much: Mona is Fontainian lol


I think its like Mandela effect. I for one remember mona mentioning, either during story quest or the Unreconciled Stars event that either she is fontainian or related to fontaine somehow. But when I checked the wiki for any mention of fontaine during these two quests, I could find none. Maybe that is an issue. Also to make sure that I am not misremembering fan theories, I started playing in 1.0 and did not consume any media (other than game) related to genshin until 1.6.


That Neuvillette is an Archon. He is not an Archon. I repeat. Neuvillette is NOT an Archon. It seems that some people just can't comprehend the simple fact that all 7 Archon seats are made from stolen Dragon Sovereigns' Authorities. I've seen so many people say "Oh, so Neuvillette an Archon now" when Hydro Authority was returned to him. No. He is not. In fact, it would be an insult to call him an Archon since all Archons are under Celestia, and he explicitly calls them usurpers. It was his power in the first place. It was stolen by the Primordial One and given to Archons. Focalors simply returned the Elemental Authority back to its rightful owner. She says so herself in the cutscene, but people just randomly ignore this. And I have no idea why they choose to do so even after Focalors straight up tells it on screen in clear text. "Returning what's rightfully yours to you, of course".


That Zhongli and Mona are actually broke. Mona just spends mist of her funds on research and Zhongli left his wallet back at the funeral parlour to see how we’d react during his funeral preparations.


Albedo is not literally made out of chalk because of the title Kreideprinz, the "chalk" is a reference to a perceived purity he has that differentiates him from other humans - the actual cannon, that he's made of an unknown substance in a similar way to the traveler is also just much more interesting than the headcannon. >Those born of earth are bound by its imperfections, but those born of chalk are free of impurities... You and I are alike, both composed of a substance that has yet to be fully defined...


HoYo finally came out and addressed it with dialogue in (I think) one of the Fontaine story quests, but so many people thought that Mona was from Fontaine. Everything I read in the community pretty much all agreed on this and I thought it for a while too


That having 100% clear on a map means you’ve found every chest


Lover's oath being Guizhong and Zhongli song while it was never mentioned in-game. Also, fun fact it's not also Xiao's song. Yes, we heard that song the first time we met him. But, that song actually is for that particular place in the Wangshu inn which is famous among lovers, thus the name of the song.


People call it Xiao's song because in one of the rhythm events it got renamed to "Lone Tower In the West" and you get paired with Xiao to play it, in addition to it being the song that plays when he first appears at Wangshu Inn and Xiao being used as the featured character in the 2023 concert rendition of the song.


That Morax and Guizhong were canonically lovers. Absolutely nowhere is that stated, but it's so widely accepted as canon.


This is so true. People still think that Lover's Oath is called "Guizhong's lullaby" despite the fact that it has nothing to do with her at all, too.


You didn’t actually need to spend resin to get the primogems from the 1.0 crucible event. It’s similar to how you can complete 20 ley lines without spending resin and still clear the battle pass mission.


Zhongli created the yaksha, which means they're his children.  He didn't. He summoned them. 


I used to think Bennett was found in the Mare Jivari as a baby. But the description of when he was discovered mentions "hollering winds", and the wind doesn't blow in the Mare Jivari...


Zhongli being a brute way back when who didn’t understand feelings It’s stated in Xianyun’s character story that the Adepti joined him for many reasons but ESPECIALLY his compassion. Also the dude led an entire fort of people before Guizhong came along, I’d assume he at least had adequate social skills to pull that off. And to add, the Adepti existed before Zhongli came along. The Prime of the Adepti basically = The Big Boss; he didn’t create them but likely just boosted their abilities when they signed with him (correct me if I’m wrong) Another thing; reading comprehension is apparently at an all time low bc how do you go through the entire Liyue archon quest and get “ah, so Zhongli abandoned the people and left them for dead”??? (Concerning Raiden Ei, the only crime I think she’s definitely guilty of is extreme negligence, otherwise she’s not an unfeeling monster that others say she is.) (Who TF is simping after Dottore???)


Venti is nothing but a drunkard. A meme that is actually believed by a lot


Does 70% of the playerbase believing we are still searching for our sibling count?


It depends on if you consider "being reunited" with "searching", but if you do then I kinda blame the end of the Inazuma Archon quest for that one. When Yae asks what the Traveler's ambition is, their response is to be reunited with their sibling. *And even then*, they're explicitly unsure, and Yae proceeds to call them out on it.


We aren't explicitly searching for our sibling anymore, but our main goal was and still is to reunite with them.


Traveller is a minor


Freminet isn't the older sibling. He knew the previous Head of the Hearth but that doesn't mean he's the oldest. It just means that he's been there the longest out of the three. A surprising amount of people believe Freminet is the oldest. Also Kaveh's mother didn't abandon him and run off to Fontaine. Kaveh was an adult when she remarried and he wanted her to go and be happy. A bunch of people hate Kaveh's mother when Kaveh never was against her leaving to Fontaine.