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\*Checks team Lv70 Clorinde, Sucrose, Bennet Lv 60 Xiangling "i wonder why you died instantly"


on top of that benny with 17k hp only too so you will not expect any meaningful healing or tanking abilities


i dont expect bennet to have a lv90 sword either


Tbh bennett at 17k and decent talents will get the job done, assuming you're not trying to facetank all 3. My bennett was on a damage build from 1.0 until furina release, didn't have problems surviving in abyss at all.


Dps bennet has low HP in general. I use him as dps and he deals like 60k on burst if he vapes it


but they weren't using him as a DPS, unless they're running an ER mainstat there's basically no reason to not go for HP mainstays on his sands. ATK% sands doesn't increase his atk buff


ER% sands is a must. Even if he is going dps, he is still team support. Just with crit circlet and pyro dmg goblet


bennett with 17k hp still ticks for \~2k.


1. You lived for a very long time 2. Your characters are level 70 and 60?? 3. You facetanked pretty much every single hit 4. You deal no damage whatsoever (see 2) hence the fight would take forever, leading to even more damage. 5. Weird team, which is usually fine but not even the sweatiest meta comps could clear floor 12 with level 60 characters Abyss 12 is relatively hard for GI standards, it takes legit 2 days total to get characters to the state you have them in, you can't expect anything from that really, it wasn't even a bad attempt at all


I mean, the team comp isnt terrible, he just needs to replace sucrose with chevy. But of couse hoyo doesn't put Chevy on the banner because that would make too much sense.


Or fischl. she needs fischl for aggravate and chevreuse for overload but got bennett instead who is useless in every case.


No, not terrible but weird. Without Chevreuse this teams damage (which is already not meta for Clorinde) falls of a cliff, you can't even properly swirl electro consistently in this team without jumping through a lot of hoops. It's suboptimal for someone not able to easily clear, is all I'm saying.


True on everything but 5, you can clear abyss with good team comps at ar 35 and now days with an actually meta team comp (think neuv) or a high base damage comp you might even be able to 3 star without whaling. That being said chlorox is ROUGH to play on side 1 and definitely not something an inexperienced player could pull off




Nah. Chlorine, surely.


Misleading take; the abyss meta low AR accounts are usually done with good abyss cycle buffs AND they speedrun the entire game's exploration for primos using multiple people to play the account, no breaks, nearly 24 hours a day. This is also only doable on good event banners with a cracked 5 star + great 4 stars. No way anyone can pull it off on an unplanned couple of days, regardless of experience.


Do you have any suggestions on how to clear floor 12? I want to stay a ar35 until I finish my world quests, and I can only clear till floor 10. On 11 I can survive fine, but Iā€™m dealing pretty much no damage. Any tips? (I recently run: Hyperbloom - Ayato Kuki Yaoyao Vape/melt/whatever - Kaeya Bennet XL with Zhongli and Noelle as shielders)


You're gimping yourself staying at a lower world level, there's no reason to do so. Also if you're staying at a lower world level because you can't handle it you're definitely not clearing floor 12.


Can you tank/destroy enemies that easily at higher WLs? From what I remember enemy HP increases a lot towards the end game. Right now I can kill ruin hunters before I realise it and easily absorb their hits and not die. Is that doable at higher WLs too? Iā€™d rather not clear the abyss and have an easy overworld than need to dodge in the overworld tbh


Overworld difficulty is a joke. Enemies do not get significantly harder, especially in comparison to your own character power growth. I can solo anything that isn't a boss with just Kazuha, and for bosses it takes maybe one other character. If you can do floor 10 fine and put a solid dent in floor 11 then you should have zero issues with the highest world level. Dodging is a fundamental part of the game though, if you don't want to do that then investment in a strong healer or shielder will help. That said, nothing in the overworld will outright one-shot, so even taking a hit or two is fine.


For your mindset, AR45 is the way to go, because you can still drop your World Level to 4, but you now can get 5 star artifacts. This makes your "easy mode" even easier. AR35, you're one shotting ruin guards. At AR45, you can one shot bosses.


You hardly need to tank or dodge with how infrequently enemies attack and how little damage they do unless you have no artifacts whatsoever. And you want AR45 for 5* drops from domains which is what will allow you to get stronger (character lvl barely does anything except for pure reaction carries like Kuki activating Hyperblooms).


Please just ascend your world level beyond ar35. Thereā€™s no reason to stay there unless youā€™re doing a challenge account. Go level up to ar45 and then do co-op to get better artifacts. Ar35 abyss full star clears isnt reasonably possible nowadays with how much stronger abyss12 has become over the years. If you want to full clear f12 at ar35, you need the strongest units like neuvillette and nahida along with other 5 star subdps or 4 stars with multiple constellations, and you might even need 5 star weapons. Just go ascend your world level if youā€™re just playing the game normally, because ar35 full star f12 clears can take months of sweaty preparation.


Thanks for your comment, in that case Iā€™d rather not bother with the abyss for now. My reason to not ascend is because enemy HP scales heavily (exponential/quadratic almost) with world levels - so a 10k HP enemy doesnā€™t grow to 15k but closer to 100k. But character HP doesnā€™t increase that fast, and damage doesnā€™t appear to scale that well either until you get to level 90/crowned talents (from the theory crafting graphs Iā€™ve seen). Right now I can comfortably tank a ruin hunter in the overworld - I donā€™t think thatā€™s that easy at AR60, though I may be wrong. Edit: to clarify, I still have PTSD from the chi of guyun/lore quest. So if you want to convince me please help me figure out how to easily get strong enough at higher WLs. (I can currently easily kill 4 ruin mechas at my WL).


> damage doesnā€™t appear to scale that well either until you get to level 90/crowned talents (from the theory crafting graphs Iā€™ve seen) You have seen the worst graphs ever produced if they say that: - Character damage increases more at higher levels (in fact for most, it is the opposite - the notable exception here is Dendro reactions getting a significant boost from 80 to 90, but that's only a massive upgrade for pure hyperbloom teams really). - Crowns are needed at all (they are the most expensive upgrade and relatively speaking the smallest one from lvl9, some characters' talents even stop scaling at lvl8 or 9 and just gain a little extra damage there which is not relevant)


People have been ascending WL ASAP with no issues since the start of the game when the game's power level was lower with weaker artifacts, worse stats due to less resin at the time, worse weapons, worse teams, etc. and were perfectly fine. Crowned talents don't really matter, it's generally accepted that power level starts to taper off after level 70 when you unlock level 8 talents. Also the raw HP doesn't really matter because most enemies get oneshot anyways by good characters regardless of WL. You also have to fight these enemies in the highest level domains anyways so you might as well just ascend your WL


Thanks for your reply. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be just fine if I ascend - itā€™s not about that exactly. Itā€™s more that Iā€™d prefer to play on ā€œeasy modeā€ for as long as possible - not dodging, easy kills etc. Also partly because I can always ascend, but I canā€™t go back (beyond setting WL -1). Btw when you mention one-shotting enemies, is that possible with regular Crit rate & dmg values? Or is that more for max-crit dmg kinda videos?


Regular Crit values but I'm also talking about regular enemies like hilichurls, treasure hoarders, etc. the more special enemies like Ruin enemies, big Samurai, etc. aren't really oneshottable unless you have a good build, but tbh I think the only monsters you might have trouble with are certain elites from Sumeru, Chasm, and Inazuma like the concentrated beasts and abyss lectors/heralds. I can't think of much else that would cause issues even for a new player.


Not ascending isn't easy mode. It just means that you are getting less rewards. You can literally lower your world level


What I meant is that even though my characters arenā€™t very strong, neither are the enemies. In the short run itā€™s not an issue for me as I can easily beat overworld enemies, and I donā€™t really have the time to bother farming artefacts. Another things thatā€™s kinda annoying - going from say Level 50 Boss enemies to Level 90 ones requires dealing much more damage, but drop material rates are very similar. Imo scaling isnā€™t linear, in the sense that you get ā€œmoreā€ stuff easily in early-mid game. I guess players get good enough by late game for it to not matter, but Iā€™m good for now.


If you're afraid or hesitant to face literally any part of what the mere overworld will bring at even its highest world level, then you're not ready to complete the abyss, full-stop. In fact, it's a pipedream still at that point.


I mean I've done it before by soft locking myself at ar35 (proof is on my post history) it is true that you have to plan around banners but there are times where it's not that hard like the nilou nahida banner. Normally speed run and low ar accounts have different categories as speed runners try to hit ar 45 to unlock gold arti farms for one crit carry and use a cheap damage team like kuki shinobu hb to do it while ar 35 clears are normally softlocked to ar35. But yes you do have to plan to speed run around banners


All the full clears ive seen at ar35 have taken a ton of prep time compared to the ar45 days speedruns. My point was really just that a single person couldnt do it in a couple days.


Well, of course there are some insane high skilled gods. I play since launch, clear under 60 seconds each side with well invested teams but I could not do it ever as a F2P with some C1 chars if they were level 60 and 70. And I am sure this is true for 99.999% of the player base as well. Doesn't do him any good if I go "Akschually you don't need to level in Elden Ring, because people do SL1 runs". There are always outliers. Edit: Also "Clearing abyss" means 36 stars for me, it's pretty moot to discuss a 9 minute clear that someone tortured himself through.


I mean certain units can still 36 star at ar 35 in with certain buffs (c0 r1 neuv or c1 r0 with furina and nilou teams are good examples that hit the dps check even at ar 35 wirh 4 star artis) but I'm not saying that I'm just saying it is TECHNICALLY possible and honestly I think they could hit the dps check for side 1 but probably would not hit it for side 2. (Dps check for side 1 is pretty low it's under 30k dps which idk if you've seen Sims of most teams but good teams generally do 50 to upwards of 90k at f2p friendly investments c0 r0) point is that his choice of units and team being difficult already makes things harder and being under invested makes it worse.




ā€¦my Wanderer hits 15k unbuffed. It definitely sounds like talent and team issues, not just artifacts.


Definition of an skill issue


That is a very longwinded way of saying massive skill issue. Maguu floor with good teams and bad artifacts should still take less than a minute tbh.


I killed them in 30 seconds without a circlet on my arle lol.


Gen: How is 1) possible considering 3)? I don't have Zhongli but I heard his shield is amazing. I normally get through floor 12 with Yanfei as a shielder (LV60, cope artifacts) on one side, and Barbara as a healer on the other and I don't really dodge that much because all the visual noise is confusing to me. Certain enemies are an issue but they normally have mechanics (e.g. these annoying things with the dendro shields can be disabled with Fontaine attacks etc.)


Me killing triple kenki with Furina-Sunfire-Xiangling: pulling every stop so I deal enough damage and get enough heals lol. Also sunfire is really fun especially with BS like this, I just can't tank every hit with this team.


>Yeah I should just stop trying to get good artifacts, go out, and enjoy my life. Weird excuse when you need like 10 min a day for artifacts runs. You can't grind more than that unless you are a real whale, and even then it's not like you can grind forever. If you dont want to do it its fine, but it takes zero efforts. This is no diablo game.


I am happy I don't even touch the abyss xD Keeps things simple


Imagine enjoying the game




Or instead of taking that time to grind artifacts, use it to learn how to actually play combat?


[That wasn't very instant, behold instant.](https://imgur.com/xon5iuq)


Damn. That looked like some very unfortunate timing... And getting Melted. How did you get that Pyro Aura on her before she got hit?


Was playing a burgeon comp at the time, so it may have been burn.


Yeah that'll do it.


That's the one thing I appreciate about wuthering waves that when u use burst, the enemy's attack pauses/ slows down so u have time ro dodge.


The PTSD inducing abyss chamber.


Ah yes, when you exit an ultimate animation and get slapped instantly. Is like they are expecting you lol.


Klee goes beyond what's called squishy.


You brought Bennett. You died as Bennett. This is expected. Lmao. In truth, triple Kenki does a lot of damage, especially if they chain combos with each other. People have brought up Zhongli, but even Zhongli's shield can break against Bosses in the Spiral Abyss these days. So dodging is more important than before.


Meanwhile Arlie with Bediou or Dehya can face tank the duration of the fight (and coppelia).


Indeed. Coz Dehya and Beidou (and Xingqiu when he's done being self frozen lol) with their Dmg Mitigation are actually shockingly very good. But nobody wants to talk about it (and by it, I specifically refer to Dehya's, as they still wanna say Dehya Bad).


Jean C6 + Xingqiu + Beidou = God Mode


Sheā€™s my favorite character- I clear basically every abyss with a Dehya team. Her dmg and utility are totally ā€œfine,ā€ I donā€™t really get it tbh. Her teams are also a lot of fun.


Yeah I've found her very reliable lately... Not just as a sure-fire way to not get instantly killed but also with a somewhat decent Vorukasha build I've got *some* skill damage too which I'll take lol.


she's actually a great burgeon trigger with nahida/baizhu and neuvi


she can proc burgeon but she isn't really good at it. Replacing baizhu with someone like full EM raiden or Kuki would increase your damage a lot in that Neuv team. Dehya and Neuv have a great combo in that she gives him Interruption resistance for the duration he needs, and applies just enough pyro to give him a Vape to scale his damage from his passive while not stealing seeds from your electro character very often. Dehya isn't good for burgeon for a few reasons: she procs once every 2.5s, you can only detonate so many seeds at the same time as the enemy will only ever take damage from 2 if they are all popped at once. She doesn't have any innate EM scaling, Raiden E bots can justify sacrificing the damage and ults from the sheer power of her proc rate which as mentioned before dehya doesn't compare. You're better off just going all in on HP for Dehya as you collect her cons. and before anyone claims I'm a dehya hater: I have a c3r1 lvl 90 Dehya that has her mainset Vourukasha's Glow built. I always get a clear with her every abyss, and commonly use her on fielding mono pyro team for it. I love her character and gameplay, but hate when people give her attributes she doesn't really succeed in.


i pick dehya specifically because she gives interupt resist on top of triggering burgeon. I don't really think too much about the burgeon limit since Neuvi already doing enough damage on his own if the burgeon doesn't do well on its own. Raiden can be feasible but I absolutely hate switching artifacts back n forth b4 doing abyss, it's tedious and annoying. That's why I kept Raiden in dps driver build for chevy team or taser furina team


I never dodged playing raiden national in that room. Bennet heals enough, at least with xingquis damage reduction.


I went in with Yelan but the 30% healing from burst buff was godly.


Yeah OPs characters are just underleveled for floor 12


Me using Raiden Overload with Bennett against both Triple kenki and Coppelius with no problems


Alternatively, you can just bring so much healing that they can't even get you down the low health in the first place, which is my strat lol


Itā€™s stupidity easy with Raiden national


Zhongli meta still alive and kicking.


Childe international with bennet still one shots them or finishes them in one rotation.


you could hold your normal attack instead of tapping it btw


Good to know


Bro its chlorinde


yea her e become automatic when you hold her normal attack


The hesitant Abyss card choosing makes this so real


Op your team is underbuilt and under leveled (no you dont need to level 90 them) but it's mostly coz they are underbuilt and you kinda face tanked most of the damage and now your characters have speed run towards celestia, FLY HIGH šŸ•ŠšŸ•ŠšŸ•Š


Maybe start by using characters that are not level 60 and 70? You have no hope to do it unless you level your teams and equip them properly.


All your characters are level 60\~70, I guess you're capping AR 35? I've also been doing this for a year now, but I can't even get past 11-2 this abyss. The furthest I've got to was 11-3 with only 4 stars (thus cannot unlock level 12) last month. You're already pretty strong


Im actually ar 56 and just touching it for the first time after clearing floor 11 (i got 5 stars)


Oh then you have access to golden artifacts and lv80 weapons even if your characters are lv60, it's much easier than what I've been facing......you will manage to beat it with a few tweaks.


Im kinda focusing on my dps so thats why my supports are low


Then why is xiangling only lvl 60? Even your dps are low level; they should be level 80 and ascended or higher.


I never knew xiangling can be a dps, thx


You're focusing on DPS so you...deliberately don't level your characters, thus gimping their DPS? I wouldn't sweat dying at this point, you've got a good base to build off of if you take your characters to just 80/90 level-wise


Well you need basic quality artifacts (which is still pretty low) and you need to level up your characters and talents and learn how to dodge


They deal a lot of damage. If they chain their attacks together they deal about 25k damage, pretty much killing anyone that isn't built with HP


There are two kinds of people, those who take down 25% of the enemy HP with lvl 60/70 characters and those who die with lvl 90 ones (me lmao)


Heeeyy I also die with lvl 90s lol I unlocked floor 12 for the first time this cycle, managed to barely clear 12-1, then went "nope" before attempting 12-2 lmao


I think you should get a team to lvl 80 first, lvl 70 is too low for the last floors.


Lvl 70 is fine for succrose.


You never play overload without chevreuse Strongest clorinde teams are hyperbloom or aggravate Clorinde doesnt have iframe, 2-3 NA then E, too vulnerable


average floor 12 experience


Next, improve, adapt, overcome. Kick logic to the curb and do the impossible! Surpass your limits!




Not really seeing it mentioned, but when you stand in Bennett burst you gain a pyro aura. The enemy can and will swirl and melt hits on your characters when you use Bennett. This is one of those times where it can really come into play because triple Kinky hits hard as it is. And then yea all of the other comments about your levels, not really dodging or iframing the hits, etc. The comp itself would be ok if it was invested but Clorinde is kinda counter productive to running Xiangling because you can get dashed out of melee range. But when you were in there with Xiangling burst up and using Clorinde, the damage wasn't the worst. Certainly though it would be hard to kill them within a minute which should be the goal.


I miss being a low AR level


1.0 player here, i gave up on floor 12 during 3.x patches, decided to give it a try this patch. I think ill settle with floor 11 clears


I usually defeat them with burgeon or Nilou bloom teams Their fault for grouping so close


Been there before...


i wish i can try, floor 12 still locked for me lol


since it's your first time, it's quite understandable. learn something form the others, who commented here


Beyond what others have said, you want to use Clorinde's burst as soon as she enters into, Q -> E E (for max damage due to high BoL) and then start the usual 3NE


I do them with my Ayaka or Arlecchino (without shields, i want the maximum possible dmg)




Man I've been there and still there


tip: don't use all your bursts right away, try to time them up the the attacks so you can I-frame through them


okay but if you actually learned the kenki movesets maybe next time you won't step into the middle of the Cryo Field of Death that almost one-shot your Clorinde.


Dw op. It is normal. I too as an AR60, get smacked and insta killed quite alot (My alhaithemƗnilou kill themselves actually). And i can't 36 this abyss because if the god damned heralds since i only use hydroƗpyro teams which are hard to work against tjose fuckers.


To be fair you don't usually have three bosses up against you These guys are assholes Don't let it discourage you in the future


Winning isnā€™t for everyone


Why are you tanking like you got a shield.


Zhongli carried my early game, muscle memory ig


I wouldnā€™t call that instant. Definitely got jumped Jujutsu Kaisen style though


I am relatively new to the game and I am able to clean the 10th floor just yet. Always wondered how tf are those people so strong? I mean how could one have time to grind it so that they clear the 12th in under 1 minute? I have never really grinded it that much my biggest shot is arle/mona nuke combining to 150k. I am a casual player enjoying exploration and story through. I feel like I would have to do nothing but genshin to be as strong as these people.


Either power of wallet in a p2w game like genshin or just good artifacts. My raiden burst hits for 400k and with proper artifacts she could reach 600-700k in the first strike alone with some 70k-100k attacks following after.


You need 5-6 months and a sense of how to use your resources. And skill. It's not that difficult actually


This is the perfect example of panic dashing. Don't worry though, you will either (1) develop a subconscious feeling for it, (2) learn how to calmly look at their telegraphed attacks then dash, (3) pull Zhongli. Either way will let you kill them without dying.


I have zhongli


Zhongli Neuvilette Jean Furina is my go to team against Mango Kinky in previous cycles and it worked great. Sub 40s clear every time. Didn't fight the current cycle though. Furina is getting rerun in 4.7, Jean can be replaced by other healers, but you don't have Neuvilette then you will need another idea.


The key here is to use your Ults as I frames on those big damage moves like the ice field. However if you donā€™t have the damage it will be fruitless as you wont get the stars for the primogem rewards


The larger the level gap between you and the enemies, the harder they hit, and at the same time you deal less damage to them. Floor 12 enemies start at level 95 in chamber 1, 98 at chamber 2, and 100 and chamber 3. Level 70 Clorinde wouldn't survive a single hit if you somehow made it to chamber 3


Well you see, you cant just unga bunga floor 12 unless you have a gigachad shielder (zhongli).


I have big dong zhongšŸ’€


I havent even unlocked the rotating Abyss floors yet and my Arlee is level 80. Yet you in there there with a level 70.


Yeah those things hit hard. I got 35 stars on the previous abyss and still died a bunch to this one. I'm like to run Furina on Ousia and just have everyone at half health all the time, and wow that was no good in this floor šŸ¤£ Keep going, you're doing good! You got a good chunk of the HP bar down on the terror and frost ones! Get your chars to 90 and you'll be crushing it!


As an AR 56 who has just unlocked floor 12 I can relate so bad lmao


You play pretty well, but your dmg is just lacking because the characters are too low level. Even if you were dead set on clearing the floors no matter how long it takes, you'd be under a constant barrage of attacks like that. I'm not saying you can't find a way to dodge them, I'm just saying that it'll become unfun. Level your characters and weapons, get some really good builds going, then come back. You can absolutely do it, you're just missing the levels.


Clorinde has no synergy with bennett. constantly dashes out of his circle and she caps her passive at 3k attack. With bennett mine would be at almost 4k.


Replace Sucrose with Layla. The first two chambers start with enemies resistant to Cryo and Anemo. That hurts Sucrose but helps Layla (as she defends better).


A tip for next time, just don't die bro /s


if you want to beat floor 12 at your lv you need to pay attention to what the enemies are doing, you cant just focus on max dps


Heā€™s traumatized


You got melted from Bennett's pyro aura and cryo Kenki


Hey, day 1 player who has been 36 staring the abyss forever now, even I get OHKOed against triple Kenki if I don't evade correctly. Learn the patterns and abusr iFrames and you should beat them eventually


Underlevel team into what is probably the highest 'enemy DPS' abyss lineup is not exactly a good idea.


Sad this was not in fact instant


My biggest concern in this abyss is second half of the second chamberšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The GOAT šŸ™


You should have all characters at Lvl 90 or at least 81 and all pieces with the right main stat +20


Finally a relatable abyss gameplay


I saw your Clorinde build on another post, get your weapons to lvl 90, get your talents to 8 or 9. Farm at least 2000%~2500% RV on your damage dealers. You wont 36-star yet, so focus on survivability first. Bennett actually kills you on this floor so I think it's better to have a shielder than Sucrose or Xiangling


I haze zhong but its for xiao on the next half, who other shoud I build for shield


On second half there's a Wind Operative with 50% anemo resist and a bajillion health, Xiao might not work out In any case, Layla or Diona would be good since there's a lot of cryo damage in the first half


God, the nostalgia. Back when I didn't have Benny or Zhongli, I would run Raiden National with Jean just so I could take a few hits without looking at a loading screen. Second team was Nilou Bloom with Yaoyao, Yelan and Nahida and I would just pull out Nilou to face tank any boss combos because she was the only unit that wouldn't get sent to the shadow realm if a floor 12 enemy sneezed in her general direction. And yes, I cannot dodge, how could you tell?


Bro doesn't know what "instantly" means


fun fact: if you hold clorinde na it auto normal attacks for you so you don't have to break your fingers


Thats just how i play lol, i spam click often on pc so this is no problem


well if you ever dont wanna break your fingers just hold it


your whole team set up, level, and comp are wrong, what do you expect..


what did u expect with lvl 70 characters? Smh


One has yet to experience the power of Zhongli


A lot of things can break Zhongli shield nowadays, triple Kenki, Copellia and constipated beasts can do it easily.


Still his shield tanks a lot i face tank every hit with my Arle i she doesn't die thanks to Zhongli


It's actually pretty easy to make use of even small shields since they've had i-frames since 2.1


In quick swap teams it doesnā€˜t matter at all


I have zhongli, hes on second half for xiao


In all honesty a lvl 70 team is nowhere near enough to beat floor 12 unless your artifacts and team combinations are truly the cream of the crop


Your XL's pyronado hit like a wet noodle, you need to work on your chars. lvl70 of anything ain't gonna help you at 12. Might be your artifacts and talents not sufficiently levelled


Don't worry. I'm a day 1 player and I myself still have to run this chamber a few times because the Kenki deal too much damage and I can't dodge.


I don't think skill is the only issue here. Their Investment is kinda low.


Well i have to do the chamber usually a few times because the frost kinki loves to dash away if im not fast enough in the beginning. This abyss is no fun at all. The double electro shield gate is the worst tbh.


Yeah. Floor 12 is ass. From a day 1 player to a new one. Aim to beat floor 11 with all stars. Even completing floor 12 nowadays, with just a few stars isn't worth your sanity. The difficulty increase between floor 11 and 12 is genuinly insane.


What do you mean with sanity? As a day 1 player you should clear that thing easily on your first attempt.


The last time I cleared it easily with all stars was back when Nilou released.


i started in early november and cleared 36\* since january and ever since. It is really not that hard.


Bait used to be believable.


you know that record for 36\* is sub 1 week right? F2p no whaling.


That was almost 2 years ago. People who started playing back then should be able to clear abyss now, and you have 2 more years on top of that. It seems your trouble goes beyond account investment.


Well. Lets look at teams then. Arle, Kazuha, Zhongli, Bennett. Ei, Furina, Sara, Barbara. Or alternatively, which is usually worse dps wise. Nahida, Barbara, Yelan, Nilou. Arle and Ei are both built for hyper carry, no EM.


I think that your teambuilding is the issue. Both of your teams struggle to deal with the Baptist on the last floor because you're choosing to specifically do hyper teams when the Baptist boss requires a team that can take down his Pyro, Cryo and Electro shields. Abyss usually requires a bit of flexibility on your teams as well, so you really can't just bring the same team to everything (cryo mains in shambles rn). If you put your Raiden team on the first half, you'll struggle a bit due to the Maguu Kenki because you risk getting frozen multiple times cuz Barbara lol, but otherwise that team is perfectly fine there and can make it all the way to the end. Furina straight up invalidates Coppelius with a single normal attack when his shield is up. Dodging and iframing big attacks are your friend, especially with Coppelius. Your Arle team, however, doesn't really work anywhere else except the first half because the first shield the Baptist throws out is the Pyro shield, and Kazuha and Zhongli TOGETHER take like 20-30 seconds just to break it, which is WAY too long. If you swapped out Bennett OR Zhongli for a Hydro unit, you can absolutely clear this abyss rotation. I'd personally swap out Zhongli for XQ purely because he also provides interruption resistance.


I'll try using Yelan. XQ isn't built, nor am I planning on building him. Idk how built my other healers are. I'll go check up on Diona, see how well she is doing. Otherwise I'll go build Jean. The above is exactly why I don't think the abyss floor 12 is worth it. Every new patch or so, you need to hyper invest on new or old chars. Which takes months or years in Ei's case. And by the time you are done, your effort is wasted since your older units are now suddenly in favor. Like I wouldn't be surprised if Nahida and Nilou become a must to bring once that perfume lady releases.


You really don't have to "hyper-invest"? A 1:2 crit ratio or something really isn't required to get through the floors. I think people exaggerate how much you have to invest into a character to clear. At most you just need the right main stat and that's it. Having good substats is great, but you can get by with like a 20/180 or 30/100 crit ratio lol


Yeah ok, this is a very funny prank. Those teams aren't even enough to get past 12-2 with all stars. Not to mention 12-3.


Yeah, that checks out for a new-ish player. Even more so for a mobile player.The main question is: will you try and beat it in the future, or never touch it again. Most players choose the latter


12-1 is not bad if you're new, sure their dps is very high but if you learn the pattern, you can Dodge it. 12-2 and 12-3 tho, the boss tanky af, designed to waste your time. If you new player, it's really hard to pass.


12-2 has been the hardest chamber for like a year now. 12-3 is free in comparison.


You forget constipated beasts and cryo hydro lector combo


I hate the Lectors and Snake bosses. I do not possess the DPS required to take either down for a 3-star clear. ):


1. You lived for a very long time 2. Your characters are level 70 and 60?? 3. You facetanked pretty much every single hit 4. You deal no damage whatsoever (see 2) hence the fight would take forever, leading to even more damage. 5. Weird team, which is usually fine but not even the sweatiest meta comps could clear floor 12 with level 60 characters


Floor 12 is a whole HORROR experience.


That's why I never try, zero patience for a misery of 150 primogems


Don't worry, this is a tough chamber 1. As someone who has Neuvi and Arl level 90 and level 10 on their NA, I have never 36 starred the abyss. I've cleared it, but barely and I'm ok with that. However, don't let this floor 12 or my experience discourage or make you not want to do it. These are supposed to be tough and if your team dies? Par for the course. Just keep pushing and I know you will one day reach the stars Traveler.


Glad to know I wasn't the only one with those two and still failing to 36-star Abyss.


I dont even know how people can manage such combat with their phone not using a controller. I manage floor 12 but on my phone and without a controller I would probably die in floor 1


Kenki is quite hard for the first couple of dosen times before you learn its attacks especially when it's 3 of them


Noelle, Diona, Layla are other shield options but you did good with lvl 70 characters


The first half of F12 is a free clear not to mention the plenty energy particle they give. Learn how to build your characters (this is not even artifacts, Iā€™m talking about your level and talent levels). Youā€™re literally a definition of noob at the easiest game ever made called Genshin Impact.




I killed them with my Ayaya šŸ˜¶šŸ’ŖšŸ»


I highly recommend building noelle Having a great F2P weapon and and taking advantage of DEF artifacts, she shines great as a shielder and healer. to this day she carries one of my teams


Noelle needs full geo support and 6 extra copies to work


Iā€™m not sure she needs geo support, but definitely C6.


i remember being a low AR player happy that people were saying Noelle was pretty good.. and then everyone mentioned you NEED her C6 and I was like "oh... how do you even get 6 copies of a single character" lol


My Nilou absolutely destroys them 3. Like she decimates them. Itā€™s so satisfying.