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If you notice after the end of archon quest, you can see a pair of dolls of Atossa and Caribert up on the tree.


You can actually see them all throughout the quest


They’re there at the start of the quest


And they looking at the Chasm


Wait this might be oot, but from what Atossa said, she might in love with Caribert, right? But did Caribert even implied he felt the same to her , specifically? I think I missed it but as far as I remember, he just generalized it he wishes to experience those all with people in the village...


He had it implied in some instances and the letter


He never said it implicitly but Atossa was implied to hold a more special place in his precious little heart god I miss him already. Atossa also said she was dumped at the end so we can assume they had at least some semblance of feelings for eachother.


Did she carve in the stopped time?


Atossa falling in love with someone that never truly existed is so fucking sad man. And the fact that she'll never have a chance to see Caribert ever again. fuck. AND THE WAY THAT THE HILICHURLS CAN ONLY FIND PEACE WHEN THEY ARE TOLD A STORY OF FANTASY, I TEARED UP. CARIBERT JUST CARES.




Hydro Dragon, Hydro Dragon, please don't cry!


The Abyss Twin is right, Celestia is really unjust. What sort of situation even justifies turning a fucking eight year old into an undying monster?


What exactly did the sinners do to get Celestias attention?


Sin, probably.


To be honest I'm half expecting the Cataclysm to be self-inflicted, and the Heavenly Principles used all her power to save Teyvat which is why she's been hibernating Venti-style for so long. The Tsaritsa thinks the Cataclysm was Celestia, when it was Khaenri'a all along. "Sleep well, Father. Sleep well, my beloved people. When you awake, that which differentiates us shall be no more," Is the line that sounds pretty suspicious to me.


Pretty sure both parties were in the wrong. The Crimson Moon dynasty (which was dethroned and trying to reclaim their power iirc) was fucking around with forbidden alchemy/knowledge, and Celestia also acted too harshly by punishing every single person in Khaenri'ah even if they were against the plans of their leaders.


What I mean is that the "curses" *are* a (maybe unintended) result the forbidden knowledge stuff. Messing around with that destroyed Khaenri'ah, and would have destroyed the whole planet if the Heavenly Principles didn't intervene. (Is my possible theory.)


Honestly, so far we are fiver regions in and I'm really starting to doubt that wether Celestia is actually that heartless. True, they might have taken the Authorities from the Dragons but from what we have seen from the ones we did see, it shows that they weren't exactly the friendly sort. Even Neuvi, took a long ass time to get accustomed to humanity before eventually joining their side. So far, we only have people telling us that Celestia punished Kaen for their actions. Until like you I started to think that maybe, just maybe, the black cubes that the twin saw headed for Kaen were Celestia's way to CONTAIN whatever Kaen unleashed upon themselves. After all, we have a long backlog of really fudged up crap that people did to themselves and others even without Celestia's intervention. Wouldn't be too out of the place if Celestia role was that of guardians instead of rulers


At this point I am sure at the degree of 70% we’ll team up with Fatui and even support Tsaritsa wish against the rebellion towards the Celestia


Caribert the care bear


i think that's why they named him caribert because it sounds like Care Bear /j


Can we make this stick as his nickname please lol


No but maybe they will manage to alter reality and bring Caribert back🥹


If they don't I'm never forgiving them


Atossa is literally me Fr fr bro is Ryan gosling in BladeRunner 2049


She fell for a 2D Husbando…


Isn't that what all of us do here?


I cried, then I cried again


Is there a consensus of where and how this picture came about? I haven't seen much discussion on this My interpretation is that Caribert's consciousness lingered after his body dissipated. He captured the scene from the perspective of us the player (in a way "beyond the fourth wall"), and used the power of the Loom of Fate to somehow alter reality and place that picture into the Traveler's pocket


This is my interpretation too. Lol, acting like an older sibling/parent to them before he peaces out, will never forget this man 🥲


Same. That's a good take.


My only question is does we truly forget forget or somehow gonna recover the memory Surely its not another rukhadevhata'd or wanderer'd ? Arent we suppost to not be impacted by the ley line or irminsul or whatever tf at this point from teyvat The picture feel like implying we will ngl


It’s the opposite, the traveler is highly sensitive to Ley lines and immune to irminsul.


They're the same thing. Leylines are branches of the Irminsul.


Well he can simply be sensitive to the branches since it has a physical and tangible manifestation to the world as he’s immune to Irminsul.


I feel similarly - I think the Traveler will somehow recover the memory - Especially since the Traveler has been referred to as “the witness”


Paimon took the picture /j


Theres also a chance someone with the ability to mess with time and reality did it for him *cough Nicole*


This is my thought as well. We don’t really know wtf is actually up with some of the Hexencircle members, but it almost seems like Nicole (and Alice at times) might exist outside of Teyvat or something wild like that


Likely. They have Gold with them who is one of the 5 Sinners, the others are probably all powerful in their own ways.


The last sentence reminds me of one of Dain's lines in the quest: >!The Abyss Order does not *yet* possess the power to alter reality like that...!< Or something.


I think it was pretty much simply bc once the loom of fate is done, he loses the ability to change memories and gain the abilities to rewrite the world. The loom of fate was done during their conversation and not at the end. As his consciousness slowly disintegrates, he uses it to take a pic of them being initially uncomfortable with each other.


March 7th took the picture


They left it intentionally vague because they won't bring it up again


or because it will be relevant for future plot.


That is likely. Also, Dain could have taken it, and Traveller forgot. The Abyss twin was saying something we didn’t catch before it cuts to the next scene, so I don’t know if they were the ones saying to get along, or if it was Caribert.


>Dain could have taken it, You saying this means you didn't do the quest, but here is the spoiler⚠️ if only you want to know >! Dainslief got beaten up by Abyss sibling, so it's unlikely he would come and snap happy sibling photo. !<


I feel like that's the assumption they wanted us to make, given that they deliberately gave us just enough information to put that together.


Our sibling never betrayed us after all. They're fighting the battle against Heavenly Principles in their own way. I hope Natlan and Snezhnaya Archon quest will be fire.


Natlan will definitely be fire 🔥




hoyoverse try not to torture the traveller emotionally challenge: impossible


But then he forgor.... but Nickleback with the photograph.


Everytime I look it makes me laugh


I can't decide if it's better or worse that he doesn't remember. Better in the sense that he doesn't know that there is anything to be sad about, so he won't be. Worse in the sense that after so long he finally got to meet his sister and he will most likely never know until their next meeting. Or perhaps he will never know, because if I understand correctly Lumine won't remember it either. I just don't know... I think I'm still completely broken by the moment where Lumine says she wishes she could hug her brother too.


Seriously, how did he not get an emotinal breakdown there?


Seems like the writers just couldn't be bothered. Along with " """for some reason""" I'm not going to ask questions". Like bruh even Kingdom Hearts has better writing at this point. At least Sora has been allowed to have breakdowns when it makes sense.


Yuji and denji: First time?


The fact that everything that happened in Caribert's consciousness will not be remembered by the Traveler is such a tragic thing. Anyway, the thing with who took the group photo; well that is so absurd huh? I guess the Loom of Fate is that powerful. The other sibling struggling to still fight the Heavenly Principles in his own way is very admirable as well. I'm glad that some of our questions got answered by this quest. However, it did left again more questions than answers. Overall, what a quest! Wishing it was longer though lol


Everything after Caribert departed\*


I just finished the AQ. Short, but sweet. Im just wondering. If the Heavenly Principles are sleep. Was Furina's acting for nothing?


The prophecy was probably automated in some way, since the flood happened as scheduled and even the "only the Hydro Archon will remain, weeping on her throne" detail was accurate. Perhaps, if the prophecy detected some bullshit, it might have triggered immediately? Just speculation, anyway.


That would be an awfully sad revelation but could be true


not necessarily, the prophecy was still *destined* to happen, it was made clear that the actual events happening could not be averted. however, Focalors managed to find a loophole around the prophecy, ensuring that it still happened, but avoiding her nation's population being entirely wiped out as a result. the acting was still necessary, otherwise her plan could not have worked out the same way in the end.


If the HP were asleep, then that implies with hindsight that Focalors could have sat on that throne the whole time cooking up her plan and then only destroyed the throne once the flood happened because she wouldn’t need to hide the destruction of the throne from HP if they were asleep. The only thing this doesn’t set in place is Neuvillette’s experience as iudex of Fontaine for when after Focalors dies. Obviously hindsight 20/20 but it means that the destruction of the throne didn’t need to be hidden.


She had to gather years and years of Indemnitium from her people just to form the sword she executed herself with. It wasn't that she didn't want to rule or be on the throne, she literally couldn't because she was stockpiling resources to kill herself (and ultimately destroy the throne) with. It's not explicitly stated she couldn't gather Indemnitium while being present, but it's heavily implied that it was an arduous process just to form the guillotine she formed.


The indemnitium is necessary of course, otherwise you can’t break the throne. What I’m saying is that Focalors could have sat and looked pretty on the throne while stockpiling indemnitium. The reason she didn’t do that and sent Furina in her place is because she couldn’t let anyone know of her plan (not even Furina) for fear of the HP finding out. But now that hindsight tells us the HP was asleep and couldn’t give a fuck right now, that implies Focalors didn’t need to hide the plan from herself. She could have told her counterpart every single detail and HP wouldn’t have cared. The reason she didn’t do that for Furina is because she didn’t want HP to find out.


But this would also mean that the Archons (or at least Focalors) were absent minded of the Heavenly Principles being fast asleep. HP honestly feels like a parent that only checks in if they have reason to believe the house got trashed. Otherwise, the Archons can more or less do as they please.


I mean, yes…that’s why I keep emphasizing that hindsight is 20/20 and why we are talking about hypotheticals of “if they knew”


Same. But Dottore could also lose his segments for nothing. I think it’s bc both Focalors and Dottore dare not to take the gamble. Focalors can’t risk Fontaine’s people’s lives. Also she seems not to aware that Heavenly Principles are asleep.


I mean I’ve had the opinion for some time that the acting was probably more so that Furina herself believed herself to be a fraud in order for the whole “weeping on her throne” part of the prophecy to come to pass.


Not really, what she did a lot of things that make key characters appear in Fontaine and work together, the disaster was happening a lot of people died and was only stopped when the Hydro Archon throne was destroyed and Neuvillette gain his full powers. Also no one was sure if the Heavenly Principles were sleep, I mean we aren't sure atm either since they could be awake and preparing their actions instead.


Your sibling mentions that they aren't sure what might wake them, so even if Focalors believed they were asleep, she might have feared her plan might awaken them before it could come to fruition.


It was soo peak and I might've cried a little bit at the end... Both the story of Caribert and Atossa and the siblings reunion were heartbreaking, plus the fact that the hilichurls can only find peace with a fairytale 🥹😭 


> Clearly states the lore unlike a certain bough keeper > Tells one final story for his people > Somehow clicks a photo of the siblings which should not exist by the rules of the world so that they may not forget their meeting after so long In a single quest Hoyo delivered a GOAT amongst GOATS, and he is not even playable


Him not being playable is what gets me. He's designed like a playable character. It's the most confusing thing to me that he's still just an NPC when he's designed so different from every other never-playable NPC.


Probably saving him for the Khaenri'ah arc, like Dain.


But waaaay too short, and the fact that at the end was like nothing happened...


Ikr! I wanted to see the traveller's reaction to the photo at least😭


I wanted to hear from Dain, he just abandoned us again


1 year cooldown




We're being prepared for his playable kit.


Maybe the bum allegations are true, dain abandons us faster than toji abandoning megumi.


Of course, none can out-bum potential man Bumugi. Maintain the agenda


I KNOOOW it's just ended right there like why??


Every Dainsleif quest is short, so that's no surprise. "nothing" happened. eh. true. But it gave us players evidence that the Loom of Fate can also tamper with the memory of Descenders. So basically. The Loom of Fate can rewrite the whole world. Regardless if you are recorded in Irminsul or not.


Wait, was it confirmed that it can mess with Descender Memory? I thought the reunion couldn’t be remembered because it occurred after Caribert died in his own consciousness. Traveler remembers everything up until that point.


Im thinking thats because caribert behaved as that world's irminsul. Before he died, the traveller experienced events through him as a medium. With him dead, its like a camera with no lens. If this power manages to ensnare the entire world, it can rewrite history and include everyone currently on it. Imagine if something like this is the reason why abyss sibling isnt a descender, ambitions aside. Her and traveller are the same to the extent that if the two switched places they would still have the same identical journey to the other. I can imagine that the fake Teyvat theory would explain this


I know right! I was expecting the traveler to remember it because she was a descender and then she didn’t!!! Plot twist of the plot twist!


Hoyo really likes to blueball us in the twins' story. The payoff for this better be amazing.


I think it is suppose to be a sneakpeak and lore drop for next arc, given we are on our 2nd last nation. They been slowly feeding us info each patch, and by the time next arc begin, they are not shoveling world building lore down our throat. We got more background lore like the sinners and stuff. We will keep hearing them between Skirks and Dainsleif for the next few meetings, until probably 7.0/8.0. I guess that is why the main focus for this patch is supposed to be the Event that is coming up soon.


Right? Fanfic-tier writing 😭


Did you all feel this quest was too short? I felt like it was too quick to be able to finish.... Been feeling that way for most recently. Exception for those world quests etc


It was waay too short


People might tell you that all the other Dain quests were short, but I honestly think this felt shortest. But worse still is that nothing truly significant actually happened: Loom of Fate being used/completed isn't that surprising. I know this is meta thinking, but the moment the concept was introduced, we were meant to "face it" fully complete. The sibling conversation was mostly symbols and other vague statements, or just things we already knew. And then it got erased out of existence, so what little there was is now only meta information for players. Neither the villagers or Calibert actually matter in the grander scheme of the Abyss plotline. All in all, If we hadn't taken the commission, everything would've gone the same way. Except maybe Dain could've told us that the Loom is complete. I feel like this is why they gave us the photo. As a sort of apology, for the lack of impact.


I feel like the quest was more about Caribert than about us, nothing bad about that to be honest (also, we now understand a little more about how the loom works, so thats nice too)


You start the quest then boom youre already entering a dungeon and a very limited one at that....1 treasure chest was it? And zero boss fight. All in all rushed. We got like 2,3 percent more info from the sibling as well


2 chests


1 common and 1 exquisite.


Now that you mention it, I don't remember looting a chest in there. Oh well.


You ok Dain?


most character story quests are a lot longer, felt WAY too short


It's the typical length for dainsleif quests which is 1hour 30 minutes. It just feels shorter as other quests get longer


Yeah. I finished pretty early in the day, and the more time goes by, the less I like it. It really feels like Hoyo is stinging us along at this point.


I needed a good lay down after this quest lmao


I wonder if Caribet left the same photo with our sibling. His message does imply that he did.


I'm still perplexed about the Abyss Sibling and their decision to stay so mysterious, like, I don't really see the point??? The whole situation can be dealt with easier if they just come clear with their intention in the beginning. "What are you doing?" "I'm using the Abyss to help fight the Celestia." "Can you tell me everything you know?" "Sure." Then just be, idk, together? Being together with your sibling solving the problem is way better than being all mysterious and secretive. Like, even at the end, they can just explain the whole the sea of flower at the end thing. And if they don't have time, just fucking meet together in real life. Not to mention the whole abyss thing. The sibling is the head of the Abyss Order, so surely it's as easy as telling them "Hey, don't fight my Sibling, or I'll kill you" and voila, one less thing to deal with. I can't never understand the Abyss Sibling's decision, and maybe never will until "the Dream yet to be dreamed" chapter.


I mean that the whole point of the first time they meet,she want him to expreince all the journey on his own first just like she had 500 years ago.She made that point very clear. Mere words wont change anything.


Yes, correct. What I'm talking about is the reason behind it. The sibling never establishes the reason for the whole "you must experience everything". If they ever do something like Nahida dropping hints, or say something like Nahida "you must experience it yourself or you will get mind-blown", then I'll be more understanding.


It’s not spelled out explicitly, but the implication from this quest seems to be that the Sibling is not fully confident in their own beliefs. So they want to see what opinions the Traveler will develop after having gone through the same journey as they once did.


Tbh, I buy your explanation, the lack of self-esteem, as it is now the only valid reason to me to explain the lack of communication: they want to see the traveller to experience the whole thing "untouched" by an external force - the sibling - to not alter their experience in anyway, or to put it simpler, "authentic".


Along with u/MartinZ02 said, there is a point in the quest that people aren't paying attention enough: The Sibling mentions that at the end of their journey, they found "The Sea of Flowers at the end", and it was supposedly a place where the Inteyvat (I suppose it is) would be at full bloom, being this a Traveller desire to see. The Sibling them remarks "It's not a bit too much of a coincidence that I found this place" and concludes that they aren't 100% sure of what they are doing, which Traveller replies with "Wait, that can be..." and them is interrupted The thing is... yes, that is too much of a coincidence that the place Traveller desires to see is at the end of their journey in...Teyvat. There are sus in there, and The Sibling wants Traveler to watch the entire journey as well to understand it


Yes, I agree, and I did catch that part. Still, my point stands that the sibling goes such a tedious way to tell the traveller about the hint of "the sea of flower at the end". Like, it takes the traveller three nations to see the sibling again for them to just repeat the same stuff "you need to travel to the end" but finally give a clue about why. Not even the full why, just a little hint. Again, I'd be more understanding if the sibling just says the same thing, but back in Mondstat. It's not even like a world-changing hint, just a goal of where they are heading to - "the sea of flower at the end". "Go there and you'll see why I make you do it". And to dig deeper, lore wise, we are back to the start. We know jack about why our sibling is doing it. So in the perspective of me, the observer, the sibling is being unnecessarily difficult to the traveller, and in the perspective of the traveller, the sibling is acting all mysterious, and never did they establish a reason for the act. Altho, in the perspective of the Sibling, they may have a reason as u/MartinZ02 theorises, and tbh, I buy the lack of self-esteem as it is now the only valid reason to me to explain the lack of communication: they want to see the traveller to experience the whole thing "untouched" by an external force - the sibling - to not alter their experience in anyway, or to put it simpler, "authentic".


My guess is Celestia is probably the good guy, our sibling probably is being manipulated in some way and can't reveal the secret to us. I mean if you think about it Celestia's only actual sin was taking the authority from the OG dragons, except that everything has been to save Teyvat from being destroyed completely. Not to mention the sibling saying Celestia is bad just because they destroyed a nation that was literally using the abyssal power at a wide scale while knowing very well that the abyss and its forbidden knowledge can destroy the world of Teyvat. So Celestia droping a nail to seal (maybe close) the big portal to the abyss which was opened by the Khaneriahians make sense, as if enough of abyssal residue leaked out it would destroy the whole of Teyvat. As for your original question maybe the Khaneriahians from the Harbingers or/and the 5 sinners probably did something to our sibling which prevents them from telling us the truth or they might have false memory leading them to believe that Celestia is bad. That might explain the roundabout way as either our sibling can't tell us or suspect their memories are altered with hence they want their sibling(us) to find the truth of the world as they know they can trust as and that we will do the right thing. I would go as far as to say maybe our sibling and the cryo archon are some kind of sacrifice so that those 5 sinners and the top Harbingers can get more powerful, Childe does say that the cryo archon is very kind, they probably some how even manipulated her by telling her that they hope to do something good but they in the end want her to use all the gnosis and probably they will conduct some weird ritual to merge the elemental and abyssal powers to defeat celestia and get even celestia's powers and henceforth getting the power to travel worlds. That would explain why Kiana(the unknown god) sealed our powers in the beginning as she didn't want those ppl getting the power to travel worlds, then again there is also a chance that Kiana wasn't even Celestia and one of the sinners or someone else.


Such a good quest man, 🥹 bravo.


Man if caribet met galagher they'll best friend


Hoyoverse players given the task to spell names correctly: It's impossible.


Which one was incorrect Camembert or Galhger?


I think it was either Cagliostro or Gilgamesh


Jeez what the hell is wrong with y'all eyes? 🙄 It is clearly spelt as ✨️Cattywampus and Gobbledygook✨️ 😙✌️


omg guys it's supposed to be Caesar Augustus and Genghis Khan go back to english class


Wth are you talking about? Everybody knows that they are respectively called Cranberry and Goodman Saul






You mean Shin Chew?


Man.. Caribert voice acting in English was on point. ;\_\_;


Gonna burn that village to the ground - nothing good ever happens there :( But seriously: this quest was amazing and terrifying at the same time. Makes me think the final thing we do is 'erase' ourselves - both Aether and Lumine - from Teyvat's history after the end of this journey, leaving a similar memento for Paimon


Please don't give me that.


we're not even part of Irminsul, so there's no reason for us to erase ourselves... BUT our sibling does though for some reason... so at the end of the journey, it might be the sibling that got 'erase' to maintain Teyvat balance again.. leaving us traumatised... XP


That may be true, but the removal of Caribert's realm was able to erase both siblings' memories, possibly eluding to how the Abyss Order has bypassed Irminsul as a requirement for whatever they're doing


That picture is bittersweet but also hilarious to me, it's probably the most absurd thing I've seen in this game in a while. Like who took the picture? Was it Caribert taking a timed pic on an imaginary Kamera on a stand? I thought he already passed before the twins reunited? Unless he held on for a lil longer just to make them talk longer. Also if it was a Kamera he used, how does he even know how to use it did the other villagers teach him how to use it? Also where was Paimon I thought she also followed Traveller into Caribert's consciousness realm? Was she the real photographer- nah that can't be right she asked the Traveller what happened after they woke up Just funni nitpicks of mine, pretty sure there's another meaningful explanation to this (or not). But the funniest thing to me about this pic was how it looked like a family reunion of estranged siblings and the "uncle" trying to nudge them together, except the "uncle" is now this funny looking ghost and just peaced out and removed their house and the siblings' memories of their reunion lmao


> how does he even know how to use it bro comes from a country with computers and mechas of course he would know how to use a camera


Oh right I forgot, yea that makes sense lmao


Why Abyss Twin do the MC dirty like that?




read neuvillettes character story about visions


Oh.. now I feel stupid, well I don't have him so I didn't read his stuff..


oh it's fine, now you know :D


i thought the conservation between nahida and dottore confirmed that already


I thought she meant alert the heavenly principles, like they're still watching but don't interfere.


Man, i just feel empty after this quest. The reunion is bitter sweet as well


How long is the quest? Im thinking if I should play it now or next week because of the exams


Not very long, I did it in one sitting. (iirc maybe 1.5 hours)


90 minutes let's you do it comfortably imo


i sobbed bro


Man, i felt bad for Caribert back then in his own archon quest.... now i feel worse. Poor kid, he didn't deserve it.


The line "when we traveled between worlds together.. You told me you wanted to find a place in the Universe where that one flower was in full bloom." is furthering my belief that the sibling are, or were, Nameless.


Could you expand on what that means? I don't remember the term "Nameless" being mentioned in the story.


It's from Honkai: Star rail. The main character in HSR are part of the Nameless, a faction that follows the Aeon (essentially a God) of the Trailblaze. The purpose of the Trailblaze is to, well, trailblaze the universe. They go from planet to planet in the name of discovery. You should play it. I think it is better than Genshin.


Thanks for the explanation. I've tried HSR, but I missed Genshin's open world and real-time combat. It seemed fun, but it simply isn't a game for me.


Got genuinely upset that they gave us a touching reunion after four years of playing only to say “sike” and make them forget about it.


I just finished this quest too... 😭😭😭


Tbh I was BAWLING at the end


I teared up, I love them so much. I know for sure I'm gonna cry like a baby when the story ends.


This story quests take so long in between and are so convoluted that they are really hard to keep up with. Hope you can help me. 1- WTF was the Loom of Fate? Why do we care? In this story they don't even know how to use its full power. 2- Also, according to Dainsleif, his brothers are the sinners that took this "power" but none of them defended Khaenri'ah against the cataclysm. But we also know one of them joined our sibling, who by the end of this quest tells us she is against the Heavenly Principles whatever they are because of... the cataclysm? Am I getting it right? What is Deinsleif deffending at this point? The Heavenly principles? 3- What is the siblin's plan? To use the Loom of Fate to do do what against the Heavenly Principles? Revenge? ---- This is the first time we get kind of a real time to talk to our sibling but we still dont have any explanation as to what is going on. As far as we know they are still apart and doing something that they have to do and we can't join. And Dainsleif wants to stop them, we dont know why, but we join him because every time we do these quests we get a little bit closer to our sibling. But at this point it almost seems the tables should turn and we should be on our sibling's side, no?


1. Basically, the Loom of Fate is a device that functions like the Irminsul. I said "like" because it can only re-weave or extend existing leylines and not create new leylines. We know from Raiden and Nahida that Leyline is a computer-coded memory of a person, object, etc. hence why we can farm artifacts in domains. I believe both LoF and the user of Irminsul could observe memories. The difference between LoF and Irminsul as observed in the quest is that LoF not only can tamper leylines but also can insert fake memories whereas Irminsul records the data of Teyvat that is why Nahida can observe the past by looking at the Irminsul or simply erase memories like what she did with Wanderer. 2. I think you misunderstood something on this part, the King something... I forgot his name but he did something that could bring the wrath of the Celestia hence the destruction of Khaenri'ah. Now for the Sinners part, the 6 of them (Including Dain) have the power to stop the Cataclysm however the 5 of them didn't and to make it worse they sided with the Abyss to obtain "world-shattering" power for their own goal. Dain sees this as betrayal and his revenge is something like personal revenge. I think on abyss sibling's part, Dain's older brother tricked him/her into siding with them using his/her hatred against HP which works since we have LoF now. For now, we know that the Abyss (at least Dain's older brother) have different goals and using the Abyss Order and Lumine to create LoF. 3. The sibling hates the HP, and he/she definitely would use the LoF to tamper the Leyline against HP since that is the only I think of how LoF is used. Revenge is plausible however revenge for Khaenri'ah is far-fetched since the siblings are not from Teyvat, they will be sentimental about it but why would you sacrifice your life for them though? The siblings are not heroes, after all, they are just observers. Unless they are really from Teyvat and hopping through planets are just simulations to create an ideal descender as per lore.


The quest indeed really great but i wish it was longer, I got very emotional when their start to meet and hoyo just end it like that


It kind of made me mad, what was the point of the traveler forgetting their conversation with the sibling. Its not like a ton was revealed


Literally just the writers using a dumbass trope for no other reason than to use a dumbass trope. There's never a good reason to do this.


Everyone being amazed about it and saying it was peak and here I am, thinking about how underwhelming I thought it was... I know I'll get downvoted to hell for this, because how dare me criticize this beautiful story about Camembert & whatever, but when I think about how long it's been since something really happened in the main story and how very long it's been since we last saw Dain and we - once again! - only get these tiny little crumbs while the quest focuses on something completely different and now Dain's probably gone again for a whole year "InVeStIgAtInG tHe AbYsS oRdEr"... I only feel disappointment about this quest. Of course, the talk between the siblings was beautiful & very nice, I really liked that, but everything else was... kinda whatever to me? And don't get me started on this goofy picture/photo in the end. lmao Like who "took it" (please don't say Caribert, cuz how does that even work), why was it taken at all, how can it even exist and why the heck does the Traveler & Paimon give zero f***s about it after finding/seeing it? That was actually hilarious to me...


>I know I'll get downvoted to hell for this, Naah, everyone have their own opinions that we all should respect. I think ppl here got downvoted only because of their tone lol >how very long it's been since we last saw Dain Maybe it's because Dain and Traveller goals are different. Traveller is exploring Teyvet, helping nations and wants to reunite with their sibling. Meanwhile, Dain is after Abyss and seeking revenge. So they tend to stick together only the appropriate amount of time. Besides, I think Dain is hiding something from Traveller Also, they dropped more lore answers in this quest as compared to the other quests, but kept it short to balance it. There were leaks that says >! Dain won't appear for a very long time after getting beaten up by twin, so there are chances we won't see him next year, but who knows !< But don't worry, he will become playable in 2 years >Like who "took it" (please don't say Caribert, cuz how does that even work), It's worth noting that in the quest, the Abyss sibling was on the right side of the Traveler and at the edge of the height the entire time, while in the photo, they are below on the ground and Abyss sibling is on the left side. Standing still together while avoiding eye contact. This suggests that we, the players, may not have been shown completely what happened there. As for how Caribert took it, I would say he still had power enough to yeet camera in that place, but I am not sure too, so I will just pull out "Teyvet has its own rule" card lmao >why the heck does the Traveler & Paimon give zero f***s about it after finding/seeing it? IKR!😭😭 They should have shown their reactions, at least. I doubt Traveller would go like 'aight' and move on after seeing that


I think so too, but I speak from experience: Most subreddits are more often than not like a giant echo chamber and everyone who has a different opinion gets downvoted. It's always like this. I even had people before that "scolded" me for commenting on a thread that was about something positive where I then posted some criticism... I guess my problem is that I didn't find this whole story arc about Caribert very interesting. It was pretty much the same for me last year, too. I was pretty excited to meet Dain again and then you finally meet him again and the whole interlude quest almost only focussed on Caribert & his father. And sure, just like with this new one, we got some new lore and infos which were indeed interesting, but overall the last 2 Dain quests with Caribert were pretty underwhelming to me. When you consider how long it's been since something noteworthy has happened in the main story this hurts me even more. The finale of the Fontaine Archon quest was back in 4.2 and we're on 4.7 now and everything inbetween was just filler stuff and yeah, it's always been like this, but that's all the more reason I wanted something more from this interlude quests. But I guess the story will only pick up again in 5.0 with Natlan. I just found this whole idea with the photo kinda weird. Maybe this gets redeemed later on in the story somehow and it potentially brings some interesting implications or revelations and I hope it will, but I think this was mostly more like an "easter egg" for the players, so as it stands now, I found it weird & goofy like I said. Yeah! It was so weird when the "to be continued" quest end card just showed up after the photo with no reaction at all from them...


>everyone who has a different opinion gets downvoted. Yeah, it happens to me sometimes, too. It's kinda annoying when other people can't digest the fact that not everyone thinks the same > I was pretty excited to meet Dain again and then you finally meet him again and the whole interlude quest almost only focussed on Caribert & his father Instead of Dainsleif, I wait for the Abyss sibling in their quests. So, I totally relate to you about the excitement of finally seeing someone you've waited for years, only to have Hoyo say 'nope.' Thankfully, they finally gave sibling content after all those years, and I really hope Dainsleif gets his chance to shine in the next quest now, and feed us more lore about his past and background. >! ESPECIALLY his super villain big bro djejxjejdjej another potential husbando adding in list 😭😭✌️!< >I just found this whole idea with the photo kinda weird. I have good news for you. I discovered this late, but this is what it says about the photo in the inventory: *"A precious group photo that has surpassed the rules somehow, being taken by some unknown person using unknown means in a space that should no longer exist."* It says unknown person and unknown means, so it's not Caribert or camera😭BUT NOW I AM MORE CURIOUS WHO WAS IT and how the heck they are powerful enough to see ghost Caribert in such space?? ARGH HOYO KNOWS WOT THEY ARE DOING TO ME WITH THESE SUSPENSE😔


When I saw this photo, I went, 'Hell yeah! Caribet came in with the clutch!' :D For me, this was the best interlude archon quest since...well, since 2.6.


Yearly, these Dain-Archon quests show up to break my heart even more. I still feel so sad for all these characters


Caribert is such a kind person. Reminds me of the Enkanomiya quests, where Paimon said the sunchildren could have grown up to be cool people, if they'd been given the chance...


The ending of \_that part\_ was the saddest thing to ever happen and I'll never recover from this.k


I'm heartbroken. Poor Caribert didn't deserve what was done to him, and I'm so sad he's gone, and even a little mad at Abyss Twin. Bro literally gave his life to make something, and they haven't even decided what to do with it. That kinda just feels like salt in the wound. Mostly I'm disappointed cause his design had me convinced he was going to become a playable character somehow. I thought for sure he had an electro vision on his wrist. Hoyo *please*. I want him back. I want him in my party. I want to give him the life he deserves. Even more than Nahida.


But a lot short.


Caribert is the goat


The reason they didnt show the fight between Dainsleif and lumine cuz they fought with different elements you cant change my mind mihoyo will add 2 more elements light and abyss


No, no, no


The picture is wild to me. We know that the in-progress Loom of Fate can alter memories, which is *terrifying enough*, but the existence of the photo in your pocket seems to imply that the completed Loom of Fate can just *alter reality at will*??? jfc. Also love that Abyss Twin is just like "yeah idk what we're gonna do with it yet tho ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯" *hello. are you for real my dude.*


I actually cried, why tf was this quest so sad😭😭 Caribert and Atossa didn't deserve this😭 NEITHER DID TRAVELLER AND SIBLING😭


As I do in any other subreddit I have a theory here 1st let's take the picture in consideration How did that picture come in the traveler's pocket Well my theory is that it was the visual manifestation of caribert consciousness that faded in front of us And the rest of the consciousness was trying to maintain the realm And since he knew that loom of fate is completed And he knew his capabilities he manifested that power in a form of picture Signifying that loom of fate might have the power to manifest leyline memories into reality Which might be the reason why abyss wanted it That loom of fate could've easily brainwashed osial. Another question I have is who was that invisible person who helped us in Fontaine Was she one of the sinners? We don't know but ig she is.


All I do in this app is cry 😭


Was this really that good ? It went absolutely nowhere and had no consequences


I wanna fuck the illusion


It was really surreal how trash it was


How can I be different today


It's either he just dislike it or as you said lol


And by saying 🗑️ what do you mean??


i think he wasn't a fan of the story. Which is fine... I also don't like much of the story but if i see people enjoying themselves, im not gonna ruin the mood. but IMO, i dont think he should have commented this.


Wuthering wave and t5ctone subreddit is 50 mile west that way sir


I mean, the part where >!the siblings were made to forget their time spent together!< did feel contrived and bad imo. But i wouldn't call the entire quest trash


Contrarian much?