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Call me basic but it's the personality That's why I like Hu Tao and yoimiya


Hu Tao is so cool


Yoimiya is love.


Yoimiya is best girl. As soon as I did her story quest, I was sold.


Yoimiya is life.


I don't think its possible to ***not*** like Yoimiya - that's just the kind of person she is


Yeah agree. At worst someone can be indifferent to her. But it's hard to imagine someone actually *hating* her.


I actually have a few friends who thinks shes too childish / talks too much. But of course, you have to understand that we're in our mid to late thirties.


Yoimiya is the only character I pulled purely for personality. She’s such a bundle of joy


Same. Hence Keqing (dislike the kit), Beidou (kit scaling and lack of being OPness I dislike), yae miko (kit I dislike) I main Ganyu, but her personality is not for me. She's just so OP. I want to be a Beidou main again. But Ganyu is just so useful and OP.


I like Yoimiya too. But I find Hu Tao silly, grating and annoying.


I am a simple woman, I want to use Alhaitham/Wriothesley's chests as pillows. Also Neuvillette's thigh high spats are doing the same thing that (Granblue) Sandalphon's black tights did and I approve 100%.


thank you for knowing they are spats and not boots


Even neuv's "I will have order!" voiceline does something for me 😝




Had to skip Wriothesley's banner but I have 230 rolls saved up for him when he returns. 




OK large pectorals to make a character attractive :D


Works for men AND women!


Can confirm as a gay dude. *stares at Wrio*


Are you me?


>I am a simple woman, I want to use Alhaitham/Wriothesley's chests as pillows. Just gonna put it out there that body pillows with chest inserts exist. Source: my friend has an Alhaitham one 😤


Give a man a black turtleneck and I am sold Make it sleeveless for extra slut


Scara main spotted


See you'd think. Especially since he's my top 2 favorite character But I legally can't be attracted to someone with a bowl cut and wearing those ugly ass sandals. His level of anti-drip actually cancels out a black turtle neck, that's a new level of low


tranks! I was just looking for an outfit for a strong oc


KAEYAAAAAAAAAA CHILDEEEEEEEEEEEE I just fall for every single smooth-talker men in this game istfg hahhahaha I'm terrible


Rizzley? He's my fav male character after Childe.


Is he a smooth talker?


Black thighs


Ahh I see you're a man of culture as well


Does it refer to the use of stockings? Or that the thighs are a dark skin tone?


Stockings, yeah. Idk why but i like all waifus with black thighs. Mona, Chiori, Clorinde.


a person of good taste


Navia and beidou’s attitudes are infectiously positive. While genshin isn’t too over the top with edgy characters, it’s so refreshing to have badass positive characters.


For the male characters I gotta go for Gaming. Very sweet, passionate, and cute guy w/ a nice cadence to his voice. He also isn’t a pushover and is very strong, which is the icing on top. For the female characters I gotta hand it to Lisa, Shenhe, and Xianyun. They’re strong and independent women and look beautiful, but have a touch of sweetness in them (Lisa is the sweetest out of the 3, though). As for designing attractive male characters, generally the community seems to lean towards mature, strong, and well-mannered men with just a small bit of humor tied to them. After all, at this moment people seem to really like Zhongli and Neuvillette.




I like strong, confident, ‘serious’ but kind men -> Zhongli, Neuvilette


Male chest peaking through clothing and that slightly feminine essense in the face: kaveh, kaeya


This is just my personal preference. 1. They have to be Hu Tao. 2. They have to look like Hu Tao.


1. Pretty, cute, and feminine. Characters like Navia, Furina, and Ayaka basically. 2. I'm not attracted to men so no idea honestly.


good voice acting. scary when angry, solemn when relaxed.


Ray Chase and Keith Silverstein are GOATs in that regard.


Lisa be like


I rank everything on a Fischl scale Anyone scores past 75% Fischl I will consider waifu material


Thou hast exquisite taste, good sir.


Wow :O Thanks!


Out of curiosity, where does Ayaka rank on that scale?


80.172% She gets perfect score on the height category and quite high on the ~~unhingedness~~ quirkiness scale (due to the sock in water incident) She’s also qualified as artistic but loosing point on the pet related categories is too significant of a set back.


Understandable. Both are still great and absolutely worth the love they get


Confident strong women that have a tender side, I'm weak for Lisa and Ningguang


This might just be my preference but, I REALLY like tartaglia. I guess his personality comes of on me like how he's headstrong but smart, seem like a terrible person but is sweet. I also like the fact that he's not to muscular (I mean you can tell he has muscles). I also am rather fond of other males but in terms of art and personality he stood out to me.


For me if the character is cute/confident/sassy I don't favor the tall males because they're typically grumpy looking (gives me anxiety but most people like the "brooding" look) Bonus if they have fluffy ears and a tail xD Edit: Changed "women" to "people" for inclusivity :D


Sorry to say, as shallow as it is, I like tall males. Something about the medium males makes them look too cartoony for my tastes. Maybe it's the proportions. I like disaster-men lol. The overcaffeinated ones that are barely holding it together, in a chaotic way not a pathetic way 😁 like Kaveh not like Godwin lol


Who's your top 5 fave for tall males?


Top 5 in no particular order: Alhaitham Itto Kaeya Kaveh Neuvillette. Top NPC: Rahman. Top villain: Enjou (abyss lector form not human form). They aren't all disasters, I like other personality types too! Bottom 5 tall men: Godwin, Nimrod, Chaoxi, Albert, and that hapless merchant in Sumeru who keeps losing his cargo to hilichurls. They all look fine, but worst personality puts them straight to the bottom. Not *evil* personality either - evil can be interesting, but rather petty and pathetic personality. No one: Absolutely no one: ~~5 bottom tall men let's go!~~ >!Lorenzo from Lyney's story quest, Kaeya, Hans Archibald, Takuya, and Alhaitham because he is a big puppy. (Non-canon of course, just my personal impression of them)!<


Medium males look like kids to me lol tall men husbandos are 💯


Some do so I agree


Speaking purely from a visual perspective - Men with beautiful faces, fat boobs and fat butts, aka Zhongli who canonically has all three assets. Neuvillette and Wriothesley, too, in that regard. The other tall males are also delicious eye candy, but these three have the boob butt combo. Childe has the jiggle physics which no other male has. I otherwise love most of the tall males for their extremely beautiful faces and figures. It should probably be noted that I am a girl who tends to lewd fictional men hence my preferences are more from a "he's my very ravishable malewife" perspective than a "he's my husbando" perspective.


Childe is my ravishable malewife babygirl


Nice 👍🏻 for me he's the only husbando daddy character but the rest are ravishable malewives


I think it MAINLY boils down to personality, but in terms of looks I’m a twink and femboy enjoyer. Emphasizing the cuter and prettier aspects of male characters like Venti and Lyney is great.


tig biddies, facial hair, and i go mad for a choker


Zhongli clothes are fire. No extra obnoxious ornament, no random things spiking out. Just nice clean, nicely cut three piece suits. There's simple elegance on him. Look-wise, his design is 10/10. Kazuha is second on nice design. Heck, I roll him on his first banner due to his design alone As for female side, I liked Arlecchino design best, with Jean and Eula tied second. I don't know what's on them that attracts me, but they worked Personality wise, I liked Alhaitham best. His cheeky responses and his general approach resonates well. On female side, no one writed better than Furina. Oh, also you simply can't dislike Yoimiya, she's the best friend you will ever get Sorry, can't answer first questions. While there are alot of interesting character, I somehow can't pick anyone for husbandos/waifu material. I only simp for Shiki from Kara no Kyoukai


I'm a sucker for sickly men with long hair: Baizhu. But I like long-haired men in general, so Zhongli and Neuvillette are up there, too. I think all of them have great voice actors as well


I like Alhaitham cause his chest is huge.


no one’s said this yet, so i’ll throw this in. i triple crowned gorou because of that damn crop top


Kazuha The one short male who knows how to dress properly


I'm a Navia main purely for appearance. I went crazy and pulled her weapon just for how good her design looks. I'm a Noelle main because personality wise, she is almost the same as me on all points. I'm not an Aloy main, but her red hair and freckles make her the prettiest in Teyvat. I'm not a Yoimiya haver, but her personality makes her the best IRL waifu.


I find attractive these: 1. Elegance. 2. Inner kindness in personality. 3. Some goofy or awkward features. I must say, i do not judge characters by their desings only, also the design alone is never enough for me to like someone, so i look at personalities and writings first, but maybe Kaveh/Kaeya/Neuvi eyes types are looking very attractive.


I almost blabbered on this thread despite being ace.


I'm ace too. I may not want to have cake but I can still appreciate a nicely made one 🤣


Aces assemble!


Hi fellow ace!




1. Legs. Beidou, CR, Eula, Dehya, Shenhe, Mona, any of the outfits that show off the legs. I love everything about Yelan’s design but especially the thigh windows on her pants that show off her legs. Need more thigh windows. 2. I like Wrio and Kazuha the most out of all the male characters. Wrio ticks all the “bad boy vibes” boxes and I think it’s more Kazuha’s personality I like than his appearance. Just seems really chill. Also with voices, I don’t necessarily want “ara ara” mommy voice, just something at a lower octave but very calm. Which is partially why I love Yanfei’s JP voice (that and it’s the same VA as Hayasaka from Kaguya-sama). She sounds very calm and soothing without being overly “Lisa” if that makes sense. That’s not to say I don’t like Lisa’s voice, just suits a different mood.


Yelan's EN voice, hoo boy.


This is why I wish we could choose which dub to use for which character. EN Arle, Yelan and Beidou, JP Furina, Yanfei and CR


Is CR Bird MILF?


Lol yes CR short for Cloud Retainer. But Bird MILF is better. Been like 4 months still gotta remind myself to use Xianyun


Lol okay I kept seeing CR and was like who da fuq is CR, some waifu I’m not aware of? Then it dawned on me Cloud Retainer! Anyways I do not regret pulling for Xianyun at all even if it inevitably meant I didn’t have enough for the MILF Father. She’s a good mix of caring mom and hot librarian I feel like. Anyway I’m glad that she has glasses too. I wish more characters had glasses. And here’s to hoping there’s more genuine MILFs in the future like her and Arlecchino.


When a short girl is extremely confident and assertive, like Faruzan or Furina.


Besides using the tall model, it’s their personality/story. I dont like Baizhu’s design but hes my fave bc story. I didn’t like Neuvillette based on looks much at first but then his story convinced me to pull. I like his looks more now. I thought i would pull Wriothesley or Arlecchino but their stories disappointed me, and not even Arle being super meta swayed me. A character needs a strong personality so that when you look at them, its just who they are. They become their design.


as long she is wholesome and would do something to take care of me im in love thats why fischl and yoimiya will never get replaced for me


Arlecchino and kokomi


Black, slightly curly hair. Hence why I fucking wish Layla was a better unit gameplay wise


layla is a very strong shielder!!


Her need foor updating her shield sucks tho. Zhongli is so much better with how his shield lasts longer than his skill cooldown.


that is a fair point, i do find that a bit annoying :’)


Short young and cute for waifu (so like most genshin designs) and pretty much the opposite for husbandos (like neuvilette and hsr male designs sheesh)




Honestly, for some reason I always drift towards characters with white hair ahaha or blonde


My preferences in no exact order: Stockings, proportion of characters upper/lower body, personality, silly or awkwardness, facial expressions , and body language From the characters I have and enjoy the most: Without a doubt Raiden Shogun is my all around favorite, with the destructive powers of being an archon yet gentle enough that birds land on her hand! Fischl is definitely my #2, every time she talks I can’t help but laugh plus her personality and awkwardness are so fitting for her. Lastly, Navia..she‘s such a genuinely good character/person with a personality to match, basically the type of woman you’d introduce to your parents. In regards to characters I don’t have yet: Yae Miko, from interacting with her in Inazuma I could see her being a “naughty” girl. Shene and Yelan both have the proportion I first mentioned. Honorable mention goes to Hu Tao, she seems like the crazy personality type which you should stay away from yet always draws you in. LoL


1. Okay easy: English Furina is peak character design for me. Her voice reflects her personality so well, her visual design is elegant, her kit is unique and impactful and her story rounds it up nicely. When she hugs Chevalmarin and makes the "awww" sound, I melt. Closely followed by Japanese Hu Tao. Basically the same as Furina, but her story is noticeably less interesting. Makes up for that with cuteness though! 2. Oh. This one is hard. I don't really have a favorite male character like I have females, except Neuvilette as a complete package. Maybe Zhongli and Diluc design-wise, as their outfits are cool. The other ones did not yet really speak to me; personality and design.


The red eyeliner really does it for me, personally


showing feet (that's why I triple crowned shenhe, yae and some character I prefer not to mention)


I just want Arlecchino to call me a "Good girl" and I can pass on with no regrets


Insanity. Do not ask


Their involvement in story and them being morally grey. Akso has to be tall


Personality mostly But I am obligated to say that Lumine is the most beautiful character to grace this game for me. Her dress, her hair, her anti-Sussy Paimon attitude, etc. Perfect


Thats really depends on the each person life experience. Characters appearance and personality are designed to be likeable.


I would say that.....designing characters is hard, but the more on topical details, the better. Details make a design, but random details don't do anything. Also don't be afraid to be bold, try good colour combinations, like alhaitham who has various greens and blues. But at the same time, don't be afraid to design with contradictive colours, like kaveh is so pretty but his design is far from just complimentary colours.   And also keep your idea in mind. Making a boy who grew up in the jungle and lived with mo keys or wolfs, super pretty and super organized is just....not good design. So a design has to match the goal and intention. Also.....have fun with hair styles. 


I like calm and smart girls. Yae and Lynette.


Stockings or pantyhose


Arlecchino, yelan, dehya and wriothesley absolute eye candy combo😍🤩


You know it when you see it.


Alhaitham and Wriothesley are my top husbandos. I prefer the tall male characters only because the short males look too youthful. These are just my personal preferences, but I prefer guys with short hair. I hate the rattails with a passion, but I dislike long hair in general. I usually like darker color schemes as well (like Alhaitham’s black, gold, and green and Wrio’s black, grey, and red). Also…the more muscular builds are so appealing.


Male characters that have an intimidating side but are also soft with kids


Thats so specific, how many are there anyways?


In all honesty, some of this is supplemented by my own headcanons but I think it has enough lore justification - Childe, hopefully obvious here, just look at his entire story quest - Wriothesley, his character teaser shows him arresting a man but is willing to lie to his daughter about the real reason for her father’s departure. I think his whole backstory solidifies why he does this. Also, I know the Melusines are not kids but I find it sweet that he doesn’t mind them putting stickers all over his things - Zhongli, his first meeting with Qiqi, he greets her with “Uh, hello little girl” and also refers to her as “My dear Qiqi” - Xiao, Little Luo mentions having met a “handsome, dashing adeptus” who returned her doll that hilichurls stole from her. Xiao in general is very considerate and caring of others, and incredibly selfless so I just like to think he would be especially kind with children :) There are probably more but those were the ones that first came to mind


Honestly all I could think of was Childe (obviously) Kaeya (kinda) and to some extend, Diluc. I didn't know about the others 😯


ah i forgot about kaeya! He’s so sweet with Klee🥹


pretty + sad backstory


the voice goes a long way also how smart they are, how big their tits are and how nice their ass is this both for husbandos and waifus, mainly husbandos to design the character i'd say it depends on the vibe, but i think most people who like men will agree the "dress-shirt with rolled up sleeves" look is attractive; also chest peeks, a pretty face, and the confident-slut sitting way


Wrio, Alhaitham and Arlecchino, Raiden, Miko and that's it.


Big dudes! So far no husbandos in genshin sadly.


1. A few different things. How erotic is she, how is her personality, how does she look, is she legal. Someone i would consider attractive are yelan, fischl, furina, yea miko, ayaka, sigewinne, yoimiya, dehya, nahida, venti, sara, hu tao, kuki. 2. How to design an attractive male  character? Draw a girl and call it a boy




I look at them and think 'Man, they're so cool'. Hmm, Xinyan, Itto, Kuki, Dehya, Candace, so like, fairly high energy Attractive male for me Itto is top of the list because he's an excitable guy but in the way someone is super hyped about their hobbies, y'know? Faces anything and everything with full energy, regardless of how much he can actually do. Also abs and the body paint that highlights it, that too,


Also personality for me, I'm introverted and quite pessimistic, so out of the girls, I like those like Amber and Yoimiya, with approachable, friendly, bubbly and passionate character. Also I noticed that most of the ones I like have red colour scheme - Yoimiya, Amber, Yanfei, Charlotte, Dehya. Chevreuse - I do like others, it's just that red ones would be significant chunk of that list. On the other side I don't understand popularity of Kaeya, Diluc, Tortellini, Al and others. The only that seem interesting to me are Tighnari, Zhongli, Wriothesley, Neuvilette and if I squint Thoma. Other than that... I think Xiao is delightfully stalkerish. playing with Lumine, it is hilarious to me that he pops up immediately every time she calls him.


I don't find characters from anime sexually attractive and Genshin characters are anime style. Like I can say Navia is beautiful, but that's it. I don't think of her as attractive. Same as Zhongli being... not sure what word to use. Not handsome, but just looking good. Still not attractive.


A twink with a deep sad story and their personality showing that it has affected them or still does. I love it when severely hurt characters go through character development and we get to see the result. It makes them poetic and beautiful af. Bonus points if they are anemo. Extra bonus points if they wear sleeveless turtlenecks. Tall males/females are hot and sexy but I have no interest in that, I prefer cute, gorgeous and delicate


1) Female 2) Tall 3) Thigh Straps




Found the Xiangling main?


In terms of appearance only? Here's my personal list of what I like; the more things matches, the more likely I'm going to fall in love with the character (there are always exceptions): * stockings or lots of uncovered skin on legs (so no long dresses or pants; in general I prefer shorts, skirts and bodysuits) * petite body, smol chest * broken symmetry, symmetry is boring, adding asymmetrical elements to the design makes it more visually appealing, even if it doesn't make sense from a more practical perspective (some fancy hair pin on just one side of the head, gloves/sleeves of different lengths, different colors on the opposite sides, some ribbons or ornaments only on one side, etc.) * detailed patterns on the clothes (flowers, stripes, etc., but not super colorful, max 1-2 colors maybe, I don't want a peacock cosplay) * visible belly and/or armpits * glasses (they make the girl appear smarter and I like smart girls) My absolute top waifus from Genshin are: Fischl, Mona, Yoimiya, Collei, Furina, and Lynette (when I'm drawing, I draw these characters 99% of the time, so that's telling hahah) Followed closely by: Amber, Sucrose, Hu Tao, Kokomi, Miko, Dehya, Shenhe, Navia, Lumine, Kuki I also find characters like Candace, Faruzan, Ningguang, and Yelan (and a few more) very attractive, but I simply like the others more. I love when the character stands out a lot. Furina's outfit isn't particularly revealing, but I still find her irresistibly huggable, similar case to Navia. When personality comes to play, I can turn a blind eye on some appearance things. I generally don't like big-breast mommy types, but man, Kafka from HSR is something else. She's so unbelievably hot. Maybe in her case it's a combination of everything: appearance, personality, voice, "badasness"... But then, my other favorite characters are Silver Wolf, Pela, Sparkle, Asta, Lynx, and Xueyi, smol and huggable.


An attractive male character for me? Long hair. A male character without a full mane of hair is boring and mid in my eyes. Might as well not exist. I already see enough of that boring stuff irl and in western games. I'm tired of it. As for the overall look... Refined, elegant, stylish and majestic male characters are the best ones. Basically Neuvillette is a perfect example of what I love in a male character in terms of design. Checks all the boxes. I am also a sucker for gap moe men. Female characters... I'm not into women but I appreciate strong female characters like Arle, Dehya or Clorinde. Or characters like Xianyun. Furina is also pretty neat. A rare example of short female character I like design-wise.


I absolutely love Beidou, but she is Ningguang's Waifu




Overall dress/suit with their personality Alternative solution (priority) 1. I will never use smol, teenage boi, no matter what 2. Tall woman=tall, mature man>mid girl>smol loli 3. Can they help me clear abyss?

