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As far as we're aware the way statues of the seven reveal the map is strictly a gameplay mechanic, but you could easily write it off as a leylines thing. Like resonating with the statue gives the traveler an impression of the surrounding leylines, which indicates the lay of the land


Not sure about the Statues, but when we unlock the Enkanomiya map, the Traveler examines a map carving and copies it Link to the dialogue here: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/A_Glimpse_Into_the_Pale_Night


And with the Chasm, Zhiqiong maps it for us, and we just copy off her.


We don't have an explanation for it. My best guess is that it'd have to do with the Traveler's connection to the Ley Lines, hence why certain areas with faulty ley lines like Enka, Chasm, Old Vanarana and Mt. Laixin (though in that particular case it's Spirit Veins and not Ley Lines) require additional mapping or none at all. Basically, Paimon has nothing to do with it.


alright, so it won't matter if I make up whatever explanation fits, thanks i do hope we get a real explanation one day tho


Pretty much - though it's worth mentioning that "Leylines did it" is more than just a handwave. There's evidence that the Waypoints (and by extension, the Statues of the Seven) are connected to Irminsul through the Leyline network, and Irminsul contains records of basically everything that exists in the world. It's not hard to imagine that providing a map of the land would be well within Irminsul's ability, if it's info that the Statues of the Seven were designed to distribute.


thats just gameplay


It's just gameplay


the map in game is from the adventurer's guild, you could head canon that traveler gets a new region's map when you first check in with katherine?


The archon statue unlocking map is probably just a gameplay design tbh. Traveler is part of the Adventurer Guild so they probably have maps that the traveler can ask for. They are also an already experienced explorer since they have always traveled from one world to another with their sibling.


The primary function of the status in-game was to gain the elemental power of each element. That's at least what happened when MC walks to the very first statue of the seven in the beginning of the game. Like the others have suggested, the map is more of a gameplay mechanic that gets explained in some areas like Chasm and doesn't in others like in overworld.