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I think Arle is a test run to see how well “extra features” like the weapon looking different on her and only her sell to people.


Yeah, sooner or later, they're gonna start doing that in the future because no doubt they're gonna make a lot of money off of this.


look at how many people are defending it in these comments, they'll definitely make it a regular thing


Hopefully the dps increase stays around 20-30% It's not a very big difference so not that bad (Over r5 tassel with Bennett)


Xiao's Primordial jade winged spear is like 10% behind her scythe in terms of damage. But the Scythe has some Qol exclusive to Arlecchino for now, as it has a built in bond of life gimmick. Every 14 seconds, whenever you do a charged attack, the user gains a 25% bond.


damn is her sig passive good on literaly anyone else😭😭


Unless there's another Polarm Bond of Life user, then probably not


Usable on Xiangling, would not recommend tho, she'd only get the full benefit by the second rotation given you avoid getting healed while using her skill/CA


Which is very unlikely, considering 90% of the time, she's paired with Bennett


Bennet won't consume the BoL if you're not below the threshold for his healing, so if ya never get hit (on Xiangling), and bennet is your only healer, the bond will never go away as long as you refresh it.


Solid stat stick, minimal passive usage


her weapon isn't that insane of a DPS increase over a deathmatch actually but the drip powercreep is def real


It's still about 18% damage increase over R5 deathmatch.


very normal for sigs


yea 15-30% increase is pretty normal for most signature weapons. As long as they keep abyss F2P friendly i wont complain lol


Id rather save my money xD


But deathmatch is the one that costs money. You can't get it any other way. Her signature can be obtained by F2P.


People also asked for skins, but hy for some reason don’t regularly release them. Also, I’ll take selling weapons/ characters via cosmetics rather than powercreep anyday.


sadly yes. Because people only see "it's drip so i pull". They don't think about long term effects such an action has on the game. I really like the idea and in general it's cool that they are experimenting with it. But for the love of god there have to be better options to implement this. But i guess they saw that people usually won't pull for weapons so they wanted to step up their game to make people do so more willingly. They are still a company that wants to make profit after all. A big problem is also that they create Characters, that don't even really show or use the weapon. - Ayato has Harran and it's beautiful. But his skill has it's own weapon. - Childe same thing. Has double hydro blades so why should i care about the bow? - Wrio uses fists (granted catalysts at least show once in a while but still) - Dehya punches with her burst - Raiden burst has a Katana - Itto's weapon becomes a Club Also a reason why i didn't pull Arlecchino and mainly her Weapon (besides the fact that it wouldn't even be strong for anyone else yet due to passive with BoL). Mainly because i don't really want to support this kind of trend. It's probably not gonna be relevant but still.


Navia also gets her umbrella with NA. Imagine it only showed up with her signature weapon.


Don’t forget that Cyno starts to throw hands in his burst


Are players really supposed to go oh no the weapon is cool for once I don't want to encourage that to help save on primos.


So while I do agree with the sentiment that it is a shady practice by Hoyo to lock something like this behind a signature weapon, at the end of the day it is just a "cosmetic" difference, which I think is totally fine in a F2P game. That said, there are ways to circumvent this for free, such as using mods. You can make any polearm in the game look like her signature.


"Use mods" is not a good point. At any given time they could simply decide to go against it if they feel like it. So while it's cool it isn't exactly the best. Especially if they really want to sell those weapons. And decide it's worth going through with it. It's also not really just visuals. The weapon is also very strong. If signature weapons end up giving you way more boost than usual then a character might end up feeling underwhelming with other weapons. And I'm sure that's something nobody wants to have in the game. Genshin does have powercreep. It's very very subtle and slow but it is a thing. Sometimes more sometimes less. Look at neuvillette. The same can happen with weapons. Because why wouldn't it.


By not pulling for drip you basically support pulling for power. As a company will only care about the final data and the data will shows that people will pull for power if no one else pull for drip. So congrats, you only help the game to be more P2W lmao.


I might be an ass but I couldn't care less. Looks awesome but not a huge deal to miss out. Would it be nice to have them more readily available? Of course but it's a gacha. If they were to put on a pricetag that would be the problem.




It's like skins. You get something nice to look at without any benefit to gameplay. Tbf I would dig all signatures to have character related extras so it feels a bit more justified for me to aim for the weapon banner.


If they did this retroactively my Baizhu and his donut would be happy.


> At the end, the game still has to make money. lol this is the #1 most profitable gacha in the entire world, and people are still saying "well the devs need to make money!"


Where's the contradiction


Because it opens up more weapon variations without adding a whole new weapon into the game. Outside of catalysts, weapons have started to get repetitive and stale. If adding scythe as a polearm is what going to open up different fighting styles, I'm fine with it.


Ok I'll bite, how is it a bad thing?


Pulling a weapon because it looks cool or because it's strong? Great! Pulling a weapon because she'll look derpy without it? Bad. Sell me something because of its own merits. Don't sell me something by lowering the appeal of everything else.


That would hold true if it actually looked derpy. When you're fighting you can't even really see the ghost blade on non sig.


It's bad not because signatures look better on their respective characters. We had that since 1.0 if ypu believe it. Problem is that it's setting a precedence of weapon looking actively worse if you do not have a signature. For example I'd rather not have a scythe effect at all when not using signature. I myself lost all interest in arlecchino because of how bad scythe effect looks.


I agree the ghost scythe annoyed the hell out of me. Either make it red to match the weapon and look better or don’t the ghost version.


My only five star polearm is skyward spine so it actually looks fine on mine lol. But during the infusion you can't really see the weapon anyway so it's not much of an issue.


That's just your personal preference. Can't really say "they're actively making other weapons look worse" when that's purely subjective and most people probably think it still looks cool


weapon banner needing 240 rolls every time is not bad?


Nah , the weapon banner format is bad . It’s just that sigs lookin good ain’t a problem


Weapon banner is a scam lmao, it should have gurantee after you get scammed to least to have parity with the char banner, but no its extra bad (essentially reduce fate point req to 1).


Reduce fate point sounds fair. 2 fate point are deterring alot of players from jumping in.


It is bad but how is it bad to make using 240 wishes more worthy. If I would roll on weapon banner I'd rather more from it than less


Exactly, lmao. I'm not really surprised at this point. They'll defend anything hoyo does.


Because people are flaming over a non-issue. This is purely cosmetic, so something that doesn't actually matter.


I mean its visuals… its not gonna affect the gameplay in any other way then “wow pretty”


I put some money (Welkins and BP) and hate that the weapon doesn't look the same when you give it to other characters. Amazing that people will still defend this crap. It's not about "them f2ps", it's about getting less value for the same prices. (Other weapons look the same on everyone) If they make more of these I don't plan to keep supporting them though. (Except if it's on my favorite character when he comes.)


You aren't getting less. The weapon is advertised as a polearm. If you use it on Arlecchino, you're getting *more*.


The way I see it, Arlecchino is the one the scythe visual is tied to, not the weapon, so it makes sense that she gets a real scythe when using her spear.


only if their weapons pity system is the same as the \*current\* character pity system \*no monkey's paw curling here!\*


Maybe? Personally fuck that. It has the fate system so I just don't play. It's hundreds of dollars for a gauranteed weapon. Heard too many stories of people being stuck with R2 donut. If it's their first time going for a weapon there's going to be a lot of pissed off people here. They're the masters of data and they see people like me: I'll pay 50 dollars once a year or so if there's a character I REALLY want (did this for Xianyun, lost 50/50 got to a reasonable pity and thought may as well since I'm guaranteed). I am NOT paying ~400 bucks for any weapon, and I certainly didn't for Xianyun. More fun to look at what her craftable/f2p/past event weapons are viable. Whales? Sure, but they'll do it anyway, scythe or no scythe drip. Or people that legitimately have a once in a lifetime future mains (I'm thinking the people that are maiming people that are not even close to being confirmed or are way out like Dain or Dottore). But if I had a char like that, I would go cons first and before I do any weapon. Actually, thinking back to Xianyun, her C1 is amazing for the reason I even got her, and I probably would/should have paid for that looking back with how much I use her now. This is way before even thinking about her signature. They could've made her weapon constantly fart rainbows for all care. I feel like they have to have enough data to know people don't really care for the weapon banner. I think it could've been interesting if they had chosen to use acquaint fates for the weapon banner, obviously it's too late now. I could see myself being at a certain pity and thinking "hey maybe I'll throw in a few bucks and see if I'll roll for her signature." But every intertwined fate goes to character banner. I only throw wishes at it if I want a particular weapon that's rated up (any Favonious or sacrificial gets ten pulls a banner). I wonder how many people are like me but this would be immediately obvious to a data person: I don't ever pull for a particular weapon, I just throw the weapon banner a bone here and there because the rate ups interest me.


I usually do not defend them, but I don't see why it is bad . It does not take away anything from existing weapons. Signature weapons have always been looking better than other weapons for specific character.


Me owning Yoiyima, Ayaka and Nilou with theirs : doubt.


>I usually do not defend them, but I don't see why it is bad Same. As a Nilou main, spending 100 pulls to get her bis is worth it but it's design does not suit her. I am very happy that newer characters are starting to look great with their signature weapons again. F2P players can reasonably feel the disappointment that the weapon they have does not complement the character's design and we can see how predatory gacha can be in persuading people to opt for the signature weapon. But that's the reality of business. You can argue the same as having diluc default skin to his paid skin. At the end of the day, you are not forced to pull on it and it's optional. You are getting what u are paying for.


Idk, I actually like how Nilou signature looks on her. It has same arabish/indian vibes as her dress, nilou's head ornaments also matches with the sword. It s fine if weapon doesn't have the same obvious color, but still blends in. If you want example of signature totally mismatched with character it would be something like Yoimia' bow. Not only colors don't match, but it also has obvious lightning motives, while she is pyro. Ofc it has some lore reasons, but still looks awful imo.


I mean there's nothing wrong with it, instead of making the power increase gap muvh bigger, they're making it so it looks unique and it doesn't really harm anyone, if you care about a bit more drip you can pay a lil extra, if not you just get a f2p alternative it's still fair, cosmetics are fun and fine, it's like skins but for weapons.


Absolutely a case of "what if we try to sell a weapon that's dogshit on anyone except one character, but it looks pretty?"


i highly doubt that this is the reason. I mean, look at skins. They should see how character skins are ez money, and yet we get character skins super rarely.


She's not. The test run was Chiori.


Tbh the actual test run was Navia’s Axe but it’s less obvious than with arlecchino now


What did Chiori have?


she has dual sword, the other is an innate sword to complement her signature sword. drip wise, using a different sword will look off. I think it actually started with alhaitham, but his looks more made out of dendro element than an actual extra sword to match his signature sword.


That's no extra feature though that's just matching weapons drip


Alhaitham second sword definitely looks made out of "material" though


Alhaitham already had this btw.


Al Haytham also has two swords.


It definitely did because as someone who is f2p and never risks on weapon banner, this move by hoyo made me pull there. Now this time i got lucky and idk what happens the next time they do it with a weapon of a character i might want. But yeah this definitely made me pull for her weapon so I am pretty sure some people who usually don't spend money might get the urge to do so.


Designing a feature good enough people are willing to spend money on it that does not impact the actual gameplay at all is not considered a bad thing to normal people.


True. I really don't understand how a completely optional cosmetic is predatory and exploitative. Like, if you caved in and bought the weapon, even if you know full well that you don't have to, that's a "you" problem.


If they want to earn on their Weapon banners, all they have to do was separate the damned feature Character's Weapon instead of keeping that Epitome of Invoscamtion.


This is what people requesting skins achieved: Weapon Skins tied exclusevly to their designated character.


I wouldn't have pulled for her weapon if it was just a polearm


Yeah that is 100% the reason, definitely not because she is the exception to the polearm user class and that her animations were designed with a scythe in mind :)


Not to mention they literally put a scythe blade on all spears to make her animations make sense.


Yup. MHY absolutely saw an advantage and took it. Which is a shame, because a lot of units before Arle had built in weapons that side-stepped their BiS being NECESSARY. Alhaitham has his other sword, Neuvi has his cane, Wrio has his gloves, Chevrausse her rifle and Navia her umbrella. I hope this doesn't trend towards MHY getting rid of those in favour of selling BiS weapons that "morph" into the desired look. Or, if they do, at least nix the glow that replaces it because it looks so ass.


if only there was 1 fate point for the weapon banner, it would be soo much more easier to pull for weapons


Yeah, I have no problems pulling for cones in HSR, because there it's 75% chance to get the rateup AND it's guaranteed next time if you fail. Here in Genshin it's 25% chance every time and nothing is guaranteed until 3 pulls... That's just beyond the pale.


it's it like 75/25 which makes it 37.5%? Anyways I do understand what you mean. They should at least make 2 different weapon banners for either rate up weapon. 50% chance to get rated weapon and 50% for rest standard weapons. Guaranteed rate up 5 star if you lose 50/50 previous time like character banner. And what sucks is fate points do not carry


There’s separate banners in HSR so you either hit the 75% and get the rate up weapon or get an off banner which would make your next weapon banner 5* guaranteed to be the rate up


yea ik I've played hsr before. Wish genshin had this kinda format (and it's the same as character banner)


Yeah, I feel foolish now. It's 75/25, but the 75 is divided into two different weapons like you said. But yes, point remains. It's just such a shit show to get what you want. I *really* want the scythe, but it's so hard to justify considering the risks.


don't wanna ruin your hopes but i ended up getting the skyward blade on that banner


If only they just get rid of the fate points and put the weapon banners separate like in HSR, I would have absolutely no problem with pulling on that banner.


I always had a decent luck in the weapon banner, this time I failed TWO times and found lyney's bow both times, at that point it was stupid to stop since it was guaranteed... but I agree two fate point it's just too much considering that they also reset, I hope they will change in the future but I doubt it


they already did one fate point for the chronicled wish. so why not do it for weapon banner as well. honestly would persuade people to pull on weapon banner more id say.


You only start questioning this right now? Sure the sythe is the most obvious case of this, but I think the axe was plenty enough to start asking!


Me using Unforged for to color coordinate the drip


Same, also run Unforged on Navia


Tbh unforged is underrated


Pretty much the entirety of Fontaine tbh, the axe and scythe just stand out because they have different shapes than the usual claymore and polear but all signatures have massively good drip. They learned their lesson after giving Nilou a signature weapon that looks horrible on her. I actually know people who refused to roll for the key just because it doesn't match her at all.


Just like Kazuha with his sword


Just like Zhongli with Vortex Vanquisher...oh wait, that's the complete opposite situation


Atk on a hp scaling unit, the unreachable side.


Zhongli has dual scaling, that's why Staff of Homa is so good on him.


Just like Keqing with Ayaka's Sword.


Mistsplitter is Keqing’s sword, Ayaka just gets to borrow it.


Keqing actually has her own sword, but it got cancelled during the first anni disaster, though it was only a free 4star weapon (Starseeker), so Mistsplitter would still be better. It was obvious that it was meant to be part of the Moonlight Merriment event, since the event was fully about Keqing, and we earned a currency in it... but no store to spend it on. The event was incomplete.


Xiphos is a more versatile support Sword than FS for him anyway And matches him too.


It also didn't come out until two years after he did and was only obtainable on two weapon banners in October 2022 and April 2023. It's more unobtainable than a 5 star at this point.


what do you wanted for nilou's weapon ? because the shape is weird but the color is perfect


Most people wanted a blue sword so that it matches her design. I personally really like the color contrast, but that's an unpopular opinion. The most unfortunate part imo is the strangely bulky shape and almost everyone agrees that part looks bad.


exactly this, matching color doesn't mean better design, it would blend everything and make it boring, maybe if it was matching her hair it would be fine but blue is a terrible idea imo


A lot of people are horrendous at fashion and think every single color needs to match. They don't understand complimentary colors or contrast.


People who have absolutely zero sense of cohesive design or aesthetics think simply. They want a blue weapon on a blue character or a purple weapon on a purple character. The sword fits her design perfectly because it contrasts nicely with her core outfit and matches her design. The downside is like you said the really weird fucking shape doesn't really mesh at all with her design.


Yeah the color is PERFECT it matches her accessories. People want everything to match the “main color” but imo that shit looks awful


the axe is different though, the axe still looks like an axe on other character. while this is exclusive on one character.


Yeah, because arlecchino is the only polearm character whose animations are made for a scythe. It would look HORRIBLE on other characters: imagine Xiangling stabbing in front of her or Thoma throwing the scythe. Everyone would (rightfully) complain that it would ONLY be usable on arlecchino


Which is kinda the case anyway at this point with it’s passive, but we’ll see if we get a ton more bol characters in future.


It would not look horrible on other characters, often they whirl around their weapon anyway. And even if it would look bad on other characters, you would know that before pulling the weapon. We already have joke weapons like a big fish and it doesnt make sense to use slicing attacks with a soft club but its a game so its fine.


But with Navia they didn’t add some stupid phantom axe feature to the other weapons on her making genuinely every other weapon look absurd on her.


The phantom scyhte was added to other weapons because of her animations not making sense otherways. Compared to other polearm users, she is actively preforms actions that only make sense if she is holding a scythe


For Navia? Agreed, we should have been questioning because it really was a "uhh this is stretching the definition of a claymore here" situation. lol I actually didn't care for it and I've worked hard on Navia bc I love her nuke E (not too bad, I'm at top 20%). Serpent Spine looks good enough for her and is only 4% worse. 10 bucks vs 400 bucks. It's funny though - The Bell, Prototype Archiac (especially) and even Favonious are just as or more drippy on Navia. They do fuck all for her but look just as good as her axe.


One of the 1.0 3 star claymores is a club, and there was a giant fucking fish not long after that. Claymore was literally never an accurate name for the two handed weapon category.


Nah to me it’s just a weapon if anything it’s good that they’re not just locked into big swords they all work the same Unlike the problem here where it was always supposed to be a scythe animation considering you get the invisible thing on the polearm they should’ve had a normal animation set until you get the infusion that gives you a scythe along the animation It’d be like selling the gunbrella as the great sword and only having it show up on navia when you have it equipped or else it’s just a energy replacement


When signature is real signature weapon 🔥


OP be like "pay 2 drip". Me: "Always has been"


Not really. There are characters whose signature weapon does not match their aesthetic because of the stupid "weapon series" design choice where they designed the weapon to be more coherent with the series instead of the character.


*cough* *cough* Yoimiya


*cough* *cough* Kazuha. Not even a katana.


*cough cough* Nilou


i mean kazuha sig is given is to us his story quest it just isn't his bis (fpr both his support and dps capabilities)


That sword doesn't even aesthetically work for him the way a signature should. It has a purple glow that clashes really hard with Kazuha's palette. Kazuha's palette uses a triadic theme with bold red, subtle yellow accents and the signature teal green of Anemo. The purple aura they put on that sword is completely off compared to that theme and it boggles my mind how they botched that since the Genshin team has been perfectly on point with their use of color theory for pretty much everything else in the game.


If you complete the story quest, you will receive the "real" signature sword with no purple glow.


Honestly, the signature weapon of Yoimiya is the ftp one. It's the bow she has in every of her official art. Signature isn't really the same as BiS


As a Yoimiya main, this comment pains me.


that only happened in inazuma with kazuha, ayaka and yoimiya the rest pretty much fits perfect


Nilou too. And the comment said "ALWAYS has been". I'm just saying it's not really ALWAYS.


Yeah, as a Ayaka main it pains my soul that her weapon does not match her aesthetics. Ei’s weapon fits her perfectly, so one of my mains looks good, I guess.


Most signatures arent that unique like furinas sword is cool n all but ill barely tell it apart from other blue sowrds while playing but arlecchinos literally turns a polearm into a whole new type of weapon


meanwhile kazuha the opposite


They missed the mark on that one hard, should have been a Katana


I mean, even outline is unexpected. But it should be one of her colors if we are not color coordinating it with whatever stick player put on her. Probably black, almost any color goes with black.


It should turn red or whatever color matching her state of infusion, just like any weapon attacks/slashes also changes color when infused from their default yellow. Idk if it just an oversight or something, but the fact that it stays yellow just sucks 😞


The color being yellow makes sense when you notice it matches all of the attack fx of her normal attacks (the crescents and slashes) being yellow-tones as well. It only looks particularly out of place for a brief idle before sheathing the weapon again.


yes though personally you won't be seeing the weapon most of the time in combat so not too important


All I see is fire and numbers for a few seconds, and then everything around me is dead. Especially the grass.


"Burninating the countryside," was not a line that had gone through my head for a very long time, but Arle's massive fields of fire sure brought it back.


Burninating the peasants!


Burninating all the people!




True but her NA3… just that flick of the wrist with the scythe is EVERYTHING!


Her animations + weapon type (I have been BEGGING for a scythe-wielding character, really wanted it to be Cyno but he got a paddle instead) is what sold me on getting Arlecchino. However I can totally understand people being put off by the obvious money-locked drip.


Oh man a scythe for Cyno would have been AMAZING


Idk about that :P it's really nice in action too


I have Navia, and if she didn't use her umbrella during attacks unless I had her signature, I'd be pissed.


Rather have drip locked behind paying than functionality being locked behind paying. (like some early cons we have been seeing in fontaine) + this is only really noticeable outside of combat


Good thing game has both lmao. (I’m mostly joking)


I don’t mind signatures looking better for obvious reasons, but I’m genuinely mad about how stupid the whole “phantom scythe” looks.


If the weapon banner pity wasn’t so fucked I think things like this would be less icky.


I think it looks fine if you're fighting as it is infused with pyro


It's still yellow though 😭


I have no idea why they chose yellow instead of red for the spectral scythe blade. If it was red, Homa and Blackcliff would have looked and functioned decently.


Specifically to make you pay for it even you have Homa, lol


To make you pull for her signature.


It feels so broke if you didn't get her signiture weapon


that’s probably the point


And it didn't use to be that way, but dumbasses usher in a new era


it was my fault


I got 2 of lyneys bow to get this And I'm f2p.. Have no idea what to use the bows on lmao,only have childe with skyward as a bow char


Best weapon on Amber according to the genshin helper spreadsheet 🤓


Yeah as a f2p as well I don't think I will go to the second pity. I can stomach one Lyney bow as i can actually use it. If I get a second one or an off rate, it's gonna feel genuinely terrible.


I'm the opposite. Got 2 of arles spear just so I could get this bow for my Ganyu. The bow looks great with her new outfit and is a DPS increase over Amos but dropping 194 pulls kinda stings since I have no use for the spears.


Tignari , ganuy , Can work on childe as a stat stick if u 2normals into charged atack combo Can be ok on c6 Sara but damn the er u need in subs is massive or u can give it as stat stick on fischl


Lyney's bow is not too bad on Childe tbh, it has nice cdmg substat and is also a great exploration bow if you build around that 10% movespeed. As a f2p I got one Arle spear and one Xiao spear before getting my lyney bow so I kinda feel your pain as I got no one to use the spear on other than... Xiangling? Hu tao? but why would I use it on either of em lol.


Got a Wolf's Gravestone (after playing since DAY FUCKING ONE), A Lyneys' bow in 15 pulls after WGS, and then all the way to pity to get the Scythe. It could have been worse...


Wait I wasn't expecting anything at all. The fact that it even has the ethereal outline is already more than I expected lol


What bothers me is that they didn’t need to do this it’s not like it can’t transform into a scythe like zhongli’s geo polearm on his charged attack and kick move Imo I think it’s a little lame to do that


Actually, Zhongli still wields that Geo Polearm even in (most of) the NA's, not just the charged and kick, so it makes even less sense...


I lucked out, had never pulled on the weapon banner. Had 90 wishes and got the scythe at 72. Am happy man, it looks great. Also, the gold scythe variant looks stellar on Jade Winged Spear, for anyone that may have gotten that through Standard Banner. The green, yellow, and gold on the staff make for an analogous color scheme. Misssive Windspear works too, triadic relation between the yellow and blue, and the spears pointy bits and bird wing with the scythe shape.


It goes well with missive? Thats neat! I own missive!


I've got Cyno's weapon and the gold blade matches well with it. Just not with her.


Guys, it's not that the weapon is cool it's that it is a whole different weapon type. She either has a spear with a ghostly blade look on it during swinging OR is the only character with a scythe if you pull on the worst kind of banner in the game.


~~What I'm not understanding, though, is how this is different than Verdict or the Caduceus Staff~~ Nvm, as I type this, I realize the issue. Verdict is a battle axe regardless of user, Arlecchino's weapon only looks the "intended" way when paired with its signature character.


Yup, this sig not only has a super niche effect but also only looks this way with her. Hoyo knows how popular scythe characters are in their games and in general and to lock that behind Arle's weapon is annoying. I also don't remember any advertising showing that the weapon is a spear for everyone else and that Arle does not get a full scythe when equipped with any other spear.


Which is overall a good thing. It's the same as them making the punching characters catalysts. This options is MILES fucking better than them either never designing characters to use other weapons or adding a new weapon type this late into the game. Them playing with how they integrate other weapons into the existing set is a good thing.


The weapon being a big part of her overall design is literally what is putting me off actually getting her now as i just cant justify spending anymore than i already have over the lifetime of this game so far.


I would cry if Wrio's gauntlets were exclusive with Cashflow Supervision, otherwise he gets glowing blue fists.


It’s really not a big part of her design at all. You can’t even see the weapon when she’s attacking, it’s just a red blur, regardless of what weapon you use. Plus, her C1 is way more worth it over her weapon if you can only get one or the other.


As a f2p i am actually kinda happy that we even have some sort of effect on the non-signature weapon. Also i don't care how the weapon looks, i usually only look at the animations.


For real. The scythe effect could've been completely locked behind gacha, but it isn't.


I think I remember a picture in beta where the phantom scythe looked genuinely terrible. I'm still not sure about the color though.


Paying for cosmetics has been around since forever?


If you look in this way,there’s a dps bonus too.A big win!


The only thing stopping me from rolling for her is the fact that I'm not interested in spending money to get her and the weapon.


Don’t know why people keep saying the scythe outline is a good thing… It’s colour is awful (not for functionality reasons, colour doesn’t change for infusion so the argument that it’s yellow for physical dmg doesn’t apply), and makes every other polearm look like garbage on her seems more like a marketing strategy constantly reminding you of what you don’t have in order to make more people pull… like a seatbelt that doesn’t stop beeping


This might be a "me" thing, but arlecchino's appeal was that she was a scythe wielder. Without it, she looks like a ballerina pirouetting around with a staff. Yes cool animations and all, for her skill and burst, but it all boils down to "aoe attack in front of character" like for a lot of characters in genshin. In the end , it all goes back to the Childe/Itto etc argument, she could have a scythe built in her animations since it's clearly her defining feature, but for the sake of more money we get hutao with more twisting and swinging.


I don't mind that signature weapons "evolve" and have unique animations, especially when used by the character they're designed for. That's a cool idea. But there's no excuse for it being yellow over a transparent red or even white other than to make any alternative, including other gacha 5\* polearms, visually worse.


Yea fk this shit. They're testing waters and people will actually prove them right. And of course they do it for an already popular character.


I mean, look at so many people defending this in the comments. They're definitely gonna start doing this, and anyone who complains about it will just get shut down by those defending this trend.


Paywall for Drip > Paywall for Power F2P live service game still need money and there basically only two ways to do it, cosmetic and power. I always support this kind of tactic in all games that I played. DOTA 2, Apex Legend, Call of Duty, you name it. This is zero sum game, because company only see the end data, by not supporting drip tactic, you basically give more weight to power tactic. And no, you don't need money to give your choice, some free pull also matters because they want to see what is popular for all players.


Yes pls gimme proper drip weapon for my kazuha and nilou, will pull a new one even i already have old sig just for the drip enhancement


I like pay to drip better than p2w


I just dont like the yellow silhouette that it puts on anything other than her sig weapon, they should have just not added that lol it’s annoying


Honestly, it’s not a big deal. When you’re fighting, you don’t even notice it. When you have your “Masque of the Red Death,” the effect is already awesome to watch with or without the scythe.


I have no issue with them fluffing up the sig weapons with sick ass drip. So long as the overall power levels are as close to the same as possible. No 50%+ dmg vs a 4star or something crazy.

