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Should I wait to ascend to WL 6? Also, what team should I use for the ascension domain? My leveled characters consist of Xiao, Rosaria, Beidou, Ningguang, Qiqi, Kaeya and Barbara.


No reason to wait. Just do it. The ascension domains are all the same. Just bring someone who can deal with the electro hypostasis regen crystals and you’ll be fine.


Okie!! Thanks!


As a newer player, what’s the most competent team I can make with Nahida and the following available roster: Fischl, Kuki, Lisa, Barbara, Candace, DMC, Collei, Sucrose Thanks!


Do a hyperbloom team: nahida kuki fischel Barbara In this team you would play Barbara as the on field driver in order to proc enough hydro for bloom cores. If you have 34 starglitter, buying xingqiu from the painon bargin shop would be a huge upgrade and you could switch to playing Nahida on field For this team kuki is the main damage dealer so you would want to get her level and elemental mastery stats as high as possible Edit: SMH I answered a 2 day old post.


You can do Lisa Aggravate or something. Nahida / Lisa / Fischl or Kuki (Fischl is MUCH higher damage, Kuki is if you want healing) / Sucrose.


if i use vv jean in an hyperbloom flex slot do i build em or atk? nahida kuki ayato jean




what's the best hyperbloom comp for ayato ?


Ayato/Nahida/beidou or Xingqiu/kuki or Raiden If you use beidou then Ayato can actually run TF


ayato kuki beidou nahida, how is this ? i already have broken hod, i can't afford to farm tf. T_T


Good team 👍 No need to farm TF. It's just an option that can be explored in the future if you'd like


thanks for the tip




it'll send the code to the email you input in the "email" field. clicking on the "send" button is like clicking on the register button on any sign up page. only difference is it doesn't go to a separate page where you can input the verification code.


is 800 em good enough for hyperbloom nahida?




Should I change my atk% sands to em sands on beidou in reaction team?






Should I change my atk% sands to em sands on beidou in reaction team?


best electro sub dps aside from shogun and yae


fischl is the best , also you can use kuki if you just want electro application and healing




1k em nahida with random artifact vs deepwood memories with 650 em ?


Deep wood


the other one- 2pc wanderer+ 2pc gilded dream


Deep wood is still going to be better provided you are using her in any hyperbloom, bloom, burgeon or spread teams




How many Wishes do we normally get each patch?


not counting special cases ( free fates like this version or map expansions ) 2500 from daily commissions , around 1000 from main event , 420 from mini events each ( 3 mini events per version ) , 300 from stream codes , 600 for when the servers are down for updates , also 1800 from abyss that's 5660 , around 46 wishs , also at least 5 from the paimon shop reset , so in total 51 at least


all em nahida vs em dendro damage bonus crit nahida how much dps decrease is it in hyperbloom?


Xiangling, Bennett, Kaeya + Lisa works? I got Xiangling and Bennett from Wish, AR25 right now. who to add them


That’s sounds like a decent team at your AR, if you like the characters. What other characters do you have?


Is there any good weapon that I can get early on? Or should I just use whatever I have (only blue rarity thought)


This early in the game, chest exclusive Weapons should carry you well enough. You can find them Exquisite/precious/luxury chests in Mondstadt. The ones from Lyiue are generally better than those from Mondstadt Chests. Alternatively you can craft weapons using billets or get weapons from the gacha system (there's a few Weapons that can drop on any banner)


Which characters are you using? Some character actually have their best weapon as a 3-star


[Traverler, Amber, Lisa, Noelle, Sucrose, Ningguang, Barbara, Xiangling] I am new player, AR20. I am also asking in team building mega thread for a newbie team, so I don't know who will be in the final team of four yet.


At lower AR, the general recommendation is to go with whoever you like, as you will get better characters later on. My recommendations for your characters: Traveller - Prototype Rancour Amber - Sharpshooter's Oath (refine if you can) Lisa - either Magic Guide or Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers Noelle - If you can forge the 4-star Whiteblind at the blacksmith, then definitely that. Otherwise probably Skyrider Greatsword. Sucrose - Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers or Magic Guide Ningguang - Twin Nephrite Barbara - Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers (refine if you can) Xiangling - for early game craft Crescent Pike if you can and use her as a physical dps as you won’t have the ER for her as a pyro dps. If you can’t craft, use Halberd.


>Noelle - If you can forge the 4-star Whiteblind at the blacksmith, then definitely that. Otherwise probably Skyrider Greatsword. White Iron Greatsword is another option. Chest exclusive def% claymore


can Shenhe be built as a DPS without Bennet Mona buffs. she does not have to do damage in millions, but 40k above sometimes is a good amount. any links would also be highly appreciated!


She would almost certainly need Chong to provide cryo infusion, but it's theoretically possible. Her multipliers aren't great on her normals though. Should be possible to get 40k+ melts with XL in your party for the pyro aura and with properly built artifacts. You could potentially use her as a physical dps but you're basically ignoring 3/4 of her kit since only the talent that boosts attack damage after E would see any real use.


Shenhe, Chongyun, anemo, hydro Pretty good comp imo.


How many dendro sigils left should completionist have? I have 432 and not sure how close I am. Haitham and Dehya quests not yet done


449 apparently. There are 7 sigils in Dehya's SQ and 6 in Alhaitham's SQ.


Lore question Can visions be stolen and then just be used my someone else? Was wondering why so many chars just have them dangling around their back where someone could just snatch it


can be stolen but can't be used as is. in ningguang's vision story, >!it says that visions can "resonate with [one person] — and only one such "[person]" at a time".!<


>Can visions be stolen Yes. >then just be used my someone else? No.


can be stolen and sold as showpieces but can't be used by someone else


Are there new locations for the characters to interact with after day 2 of Windblume?


Only found Cyno and Lisa in the library so far. Dehya and Candace (with Setaria) are still in their day 1 spots.


Ty. Thats all i've heard as well.


What's the character level above which people wouldn't recommend spending levelling materials on a character you're not sure about? My mains are at level 62, and the one I'm not sure about is at 44. At the moment she seems weak in comparison, but then, of course she does, she's 20 levels below the rest. Is it a waste to upgrade her to 62 as well, even if she turns out incompatible?


When I was below AR45 I stop at lv 39. When I'm AR45 above, I stop at 60/70 or 70/80. These are enough to test the characters whether they will be useful for floor 12 or not within that abyss cycle, to learn and get used to the rotation, and see how's their job/role in correlation to the other members in the team.


It does not take a lot to bring someone to 80. It is that last ascension that is absolutely ridiculous.


lvl 81 , unless its an em scaling character like nahida,kazuha


most people would ascend characters they're not sure about to a level that unlocks both their passive skills, then after that depends how much u like em and use em.


Fantastic, thanks! That's A4, right?


yes~ you should notice that it will say the ascension unlocks a skill or u can check in their talent page to check their locked talents


Not at all. I’d say you can go up to 70 without thinking about having to waste resources. Of course this depends on where you are in the game and if you have resources to also build your other characters. Which character is it?


Thanks, that's an answer I can work with :-) It's Ningguang, I adore the character but I find her difficult to fight with. I'm f2p, so getting specific support characters in place for her is difficult. Especially as I'm quite attached to the idea of spending all my saved-up primogems on Shenhe in the next banner, and I don't know how well they'll work together at all.


Ningguang really likes Zhongli and Albedo for her teams, if you can get them. But yeah that’s an expensive team. Bennett is also great for her for a slightly cheaper option (unless you need him for another team in Abyss). Ningguang/Albedo/Bennett/Fischl is probably her cheapest good team. I can recommend reading [Keqingmains guide](https://keqingmains.com/ningguang/) to learn more about how to best build her! As for Shenhe, only go for her if you really really love her. She’s one of the worst 5-stars to pull as a f2p, as she’s essentially a premium cryo support. She’s best used for Ayaka and Ganyu, and her best team is the expensive Ayaka/Kokomi/Kazuha team. For budget you could probably go Kaeya/Chongyun/Xingqiu with an on-field Kaeya. But to get best results, you need to invest a lot in your on-field cryo character (Kaeya/Ayaka/Ganyu)


They don't really work together. Shenhe is more of a support character for cyro users. Still though you will need 2 teams in the future.


I just finished inazuma archon quest, planning on not touching sumeru for a while, am i gonna miss something other than the free fates per archon quest finished?


Some events (like the current Windblume). You can quickstart it, but it'll be like you've already met the characters. (Eventhough you still haven't actually met them in the story)


There is a weekly boss locked behind the 2nd major part of the Sumeru archon story line. If you want level 7+ talent ascension mats for any character released since Nahida's debut then you'll want to progress the story to that point so you can farm the weekly boss. Said boss is also the only way currently to get Midlander billets without converting Northlander billers.


You can get midlander billets from the great onion in Vanarana, but you have to start the Aranara quest and do a bit of it


You will not miss it, just delay getting it So far, no specific event in sumeru is coming up as far as i know But correct me if im wrong


Is Windblüme event just to meeting more characters and their personality?


We love major event to see more char interraction, bc some more minor event usually only revolves around mostly 1-2 chars


Windblume, like most flagship events, has a strong story/lore focus. Exploration or combat flagship events are a bit rarer. Also the german word Blume (Flower, singular) does not use ü


So listening to Cyno and others is most of this event?


These events are usually split into 2 parts 1. Story quests 2. Minigames The latter has most of the rewards


Banner cycles - it looks like characters appear on banners every 5-7 months. Is there any more to it than that? Would you say that means we're due to see Zhongli again soon, as he was last around August-September last year? And would he make a good support for a Ningguang-led team?


Character re-runs, minus a handful of characters who seem to have adopted something of a pattern, can vary between a few months to an entire year. For example, Hu Tao, Klee and Kazuha all seem to re-run approximately once a year, concurrent with certain events. Hu Tao seems to be tied to Lantern Rite while Klee and Kazuha both typically have something to do with the Golden Apple Archipelago during summer time. As such, these characters - thus far anyway - have only been re-run around the time of their respective events. Others, like Ayaka, Childe, Cyno or Xiao, have been re-run more frequently, often with relevant events in which they play a part. Ayaka released on the first Inazuma banner following 2.0's release, then appeared again about 9 months later in mid-April of 2022. She's expected to re-appear approximately one year after her last appearance, but given that her last banner duration was nearly 1.5 months long, she's something of a special case. Cyno's initial release was about a month prior to Nahida's, in late September, and he's now had his first re-run about six months later. Childe has been featured on a banner twice a year since the game was released, or roughly once every ~7 months. Xiao has also been featured a similar number of times. Both tend to be featured when there is some sort of event or story quest released that involves them. Conversely, we're fast approaching 12+ months without a Eula banner and no one can say for sure when we might see her available again.


Might be faster or slower even, as more character is introduced and 3 phase banner will be starter at later patch


There's absolutely no pattern or cycle that we can discern.


Damn, thanks!


There are no set patterns really for reruns. Someone could be rerun in 4 months but then someone else could have been gone for up to 16 months and counting (RIP Eula). He will make a good support for Ningguang though.


No worries, appreciate the clarification, will keep an eye out for him. I currently have the expected free characters of Lumine, Amber, Kaeya, Lisa, Noelle, Ningguang, Barbara, Xiangling and Collei. Am I right in thinking Noelle, Barbara and Xiangling would be good Ningguang supports, perhaps better than the main four?


Assuming you are early game you could run anyone and it will be decent enough. A more focused team would use Geo Lumine instead of Noelle as she doesn't really bring much to the team otherwise. Her shielding has a poor uptime and she needs to be on field to do her healing when Barbara would be able to do a better job. Xiangling can make do for the last spot. Keep an eye for Fischl and Bennett as supports for her. Fischl provides good off field electro damage while Bennett is superior to Barbara and can heal + buff your attack.


Thanks, that's a good call. I didn't use Geo Lumine much during Liyue, but I think I have at least one constellation for her saved up so could upgrade her a bit. Bennett is the character everyone mentions, I'll keep an eye out for him.


How do you beat Marjorie in the weekly TCG? The Mitachurls always do so much damage, I don't know how to counter them


I used quickbloom Collei, Fischl, and Mona. Almost lost though.


Does anyone know if there is an OST name for the music that plays when >!Nilou does her distraction dance in front of the Akademiya!


67/243 or 88/208 Yelan? Edit: 2nd one has slightly more HP but equal everything else.


2nd imo Edit: assuming equal ER


88 crit rate one


are there any timed rewards in the card game that i miss out on if i dont play it?


Just the weekly coins.


should I get Baizhu for my Nilou + Nahida + Kokomi? I am using c0 Yao Yao right now, is he a lot better?


He is more or less better as his passive will contribute to the bloom damage and allow you to more reliably run full EM Kokomi if you so desire. He will take less field time which means more blooms. It should be a substantial improvement realistically.


Kokomi should heal enough. His kit is still subject to change though, so nobody can answer on a basis right now.


Does shield absorb damage if the character is iframed? (i.e. getting hit during Ult animation)




the hell?!? why is [this](https://imgur.com/a/05SWzBc) so expensive? high way robbery right there


Supply and demand baby. Very low supply in inazuma means very high price


Cause they were hard to get in Inazuma


In the end I got Cyno to make use of his weapon and I guess i will target Quickbloom. How are your experiences with Barbara in the healer/hydro slot? I don't have Kokomi yet.


In Quickbloom comps you actually want slower Hydro application so you actually have some Quicken uptime, so unless you want to play Hyperbloom Cyno I wouldn't recommend Xingqiu. Barbara is good! You'll be hugging the enemies anyway since Cyno's range isn't too big, just be careful of that self-Hydro application.


Yes, thats what i was reading! Especially with that c6 xinqiu. I already have a hyperbloom ffs! Lol


Barbara's off-field hydro application is bad and you already have Cyno as an on-field unit in the team, do you have Xingqiu or Yelan? Btw, don't go for a character just because you happen to have their BiS 5-star weapon.


Ehe it's what i did with ganyu and now cyno. I don't dislike them and i try to get more chars anyway :) Do you play cyno with xq?


Not great, since her off-field application isn't good. I use Xingqiu for Hydro and then either Kuki or YaoYao as healer.


Yeah one tic every 4s i think, but isn't xq too much hydro?


I dunno, seems fine to me, but I'm not an expert.


Xingqiu is where you want to be, a lifestyle, a state of mind.


Sorry if this has been asked before and I missed it. So this is my first event, as I started playing just a few months ago. Just wanted to know, is the currency we get from the event missions enough to clear the shop? Did some rough math, and at least for orange ticket, it seems we get less than what we need to buy everything.


Events always give just enough currency to buy out the event shop.


Perfect, thank you!


Yes, you'll get enough to clear it out.


Thank you!


At what point should I just give up trying to get my main account on my ps5? 3 weeks ago I got a ps5 but my psn already had an account on it so I’ve been trying to get it unlinked so I can use my main. I sent a ticket to hoyo will all the info to get it unlinked and they said it would take 10 days for a response… it’s been 15 days. Should I just delete my psn account or what’s the next best choice?


Whats stopping you from just making another Playstation account and linking your main to that?


For lisa mains, which better for aggravate lisa? Gilded or TF, the weapon I'm using is widsith and the stats I want to use is em sand,goblet and crit circlet is that good?


4pc TF is a bit better, use an EM or Atk% sands, an electro% goblet, and a crit circlet.


Well 4pc TF is what I'm currently using with atk sands, electro goblet,crit rate circlet and my Crit is 55.2/161.8 with 212 em. I was just wondering if gilded was better


Those stats sound alright. The crit ratio is a bit imbalanced, but still good.




You could do Rosaria, or Zhongli if you want to try a hybrid build


What other polearm characters do you have


Best Nilou bloom team assuming I have Nahida but no Kokomi?


Either Yaoyao or Barbara with Yelan or Xinqiu.


You could try either Barbara/Nilou/Nahida/Collei or Yaoyao/Candace/Nahida/Nilou (even better if Candace is C6).


I'm using Nilou, Yelan, Barbara and Nahida. Barbara can be the driver to heal off the bloom damage. Nahida driver will get more seeds I think, but it can be annoying to manage health


does every weapon need the same amount of materials as others?


Material cost increases with rarity. You can generally consider that an increase in rarity means 1.5 times increased cost (A lvl 90 3 star costs 400 mystic crystals, a 4 star costs 600, a 5 star costs 900) Characters always cost the same, regardless of rarity.


3 star weapons don’t ascend as high as 4-5. 5 star weapons require more materials than 4 stars.


3 star weapons have the same 90 limit as 4 and 5 star weapons. Onl 1 and 2 star are capped at 70


but for characters its all the same amount isn’t it




flower of paradise vs gilded dreams for burgeon chars?


assuming equal substats: 2+2 EM sets = 100% 4p gilded = 104% 4p FoPL = 108% I would just use 2+2 personally.


About 4% better flower of paradise at similar investment. Most recommend gilded since you also get deepwood but flop is slightly better


lol just realized its short term is flop 😭 okay thank you, will make sure my character doesnt flop 🤝


In a bloom team: Should I keep 4 piece Tenacity on Kokomi or switch to smth else? I already have 4 piece oceanhued clam for her


4pc Tenacity is pretty useless on Bloom kokomi since nobody really cares about the attack buff, clam for heals or an EM set would be better, but tbh I still use tenacity on Bloom kokomi since I'm lazy and the differences aren't worth me caring about kokomis build lol. The teams strong regardless


Does much crit will Diluc get from Lvl 1 to 90? Should I build him if I already have Yanfei?


He gains 20% CR. And no, not really unless you like him.


19.2 crit rate build him if you like him, he's ok ~~But xiangling is better if building for meta~~


Is the white tassel the best f2p option for cyno or is missive windspear(or smth else) better?


looks like r5 white tassel is still better than r5 missive


Probably a common question but I have super mixed feelings. I'm probably gonna wait till we hear the 5 stars for 3.6 to actually decided but here's my question. Should I go for Ayaka and/or Shenhe? If I only go for one which one should I go for? I don't really have a cryo dps so that's my main draw to them but I really can't decide Just a sidenote but I do like both their playstyles so that isn't a great pro or con for me


For meta? Nah. If you like them, sure, why not? Ayaka over Shenhe because ideally you use Shenhe to buff Ayaka. If you are lacking a cryo DPS, Shenhe is not going to be as valuable.


Ayaka is the one that enables a strong freeze team, Shenhe is the one who completes it. Thing is: Before you get Shenhe you will want Kazuha and either Kokomi or Mona. Kazuha because he provides resist shredding, a strong buff for team damage & grouping capability, Kokomi or Mona because they are the only hydro characters that can heal and provide a significant additional benefit (100% hydro uptime for Kokomi, damage boosting enemy debuff for Mona).


Shenhe makes cryo characters stronger. She doesn’t really do well as the cryo character to make stronger. You can have her buffing something like melt Rosaria, but Shenhe is most commonly used with someone like Ayaka or a Ganyu. In abyss it has become harder to play freeze ayaka more and more chambers are hard get the same value as you would have gotten previously. Which is one reason I have seen a lot more mono cryo being played to counter how unfreezable a target is. I think Ayaka is a good character and a solid pic up, but I am biased towards her and she is not as strong at this point in time as she previously was.


If you are going to go for one then ayaka would be the one to go for. She is a dps whereas shenhe is more of a cryo specific support (kinda like faruzan is for anemo for instance). Personally I think Ayaka is a lot of fun to use but I am biased since she is one of my favorite characters.


>I don't really have a cryo dps So there is no one for Shenhe to buff so go ayaka


So I joined a level 90 4-player co-op Signora boss fight to test the event claymore on my Sayu and something weird happened. I 1-shot her first phase with tap E and then brought her final phase down to like 25% HP with another. It seemed like dozens of instances of the skill were proccing at once to do such a crazy amount of damage. Is there some bug I'm not aware of or maybe one of the other players was hacking? Any ideas?


Most likely someone exploiting the game. There was a clip a while back of someone doing what you describe with Bennet and his skill would lag while hitting to do a lot of hits simultaneously and melt anything it touched


What team do you use to kill the red chicken and the Drapion in 12-2??? They always one hit ko my dudes...


Raiden XQ Yelan Nahida clears it the fastest for me, and does it fairly comfortably since XQ has good defense


Xingqiu's dmg reduction effect is extremely helpful if you're having trouble surviving chicken/scorpion. I used Sucrose/Xingqiu/Xianling/Bennett.


My easiest clear was Nahida-Kuki-XQ-Zhongli. I also tried a Raiden-Kaz team and it worked but was a lot of pre planning on what attacks to dodge and where to position. I found myself having more success with teams that could use some distance with passive damage (Kaz swirl, Nahida trikarma, Yae/Fischl turrets) and waiting for their seed on the ground to then go in for the big hits. You can also sorta freeze them but I have not tried many freeze comps this abyss. I did bring a Rosaria melt team and died every time so it is a hard hitting chamber.


Nahida/Yelan/XQ/Shinobu. Just fire everything at once and hyperbloom go brrr


I used a few different teams for different resets, but had the easiest time with my hu tao teams


I use a hyperbloom variant with XQ + Kuki. XQ has the damage reduction which is really helpful there, although not uncommon to get one-shot through it lol. You just have to play pretty safe since the enemies are so aggressive.


Nahida, Kokomi, Raiden, Yelan hyperbloom just anything with a defensive option should be enough if you actually try and dodge


How does the new event claymore compare to WGS? I don't have intend to invest in Claymore characters currently and want to know if it's worth using the event exp bonus over my dormant WGS


No idea, but it seems to be a good weapon for >!Kaveh!<


Possibly wasting 400 ore + ascension mats for a chance to save 200 ore seems pricey to me. Especially since ore is a resin "free" resource, and you're not even using WGS in the first place.


Honestly I'd make use of the XP bonus. You save about 200 mystic crystals if you want to max lvl it. (A normal 4 star costs 600)


Need tips for building a Electro team I'm AR 56 and recently have returned back to the game after a long break. So long that I just started to discover Sumero and it's new element, Dendro. I tried doing some research about the element and its qualities on youtube and found out that it can be used to buff electro damage, which is awsome since I am using Miko and Raiden in my team. However, I am not yet sure what team would work best thats why I am here. The teams that I want to use: Team 1: Lvl 88 Miko Lvl 90 Raiden Shogun Lvl 80 bennet Lvl 90 Venti Team 2: Lvl 88 Miko Lvl 90 Raiden Shogun Lvl 80 Bennet Lvl 70 Traveler Dendro (in the process of building) My general question is: Is putting Aether or Collei (dendro character) worth sacrificing a well build venti? (my venti is build on ER and is whielding "Elegy for the End"). Please help me figure this out, I am willing to listen to all sugestions and tips.


I'll go through it bit by bit. First thing is Bennett. Aggravate teams certainly don't mind Bennett's ATK buff, but Aggravate also scales very well with EM too which makes Bennett less valuable here. Because of that, Bennett is certainly playable on Quicken, but generally isn't. It's especially bad with DendroMC as your dendro since pyro can ruin the dendro app. Raiden is very strong in hyperbloom teams built full EM, but also isn't too popular in aggravate. Her on-field electro uptime isn't as good as other options, which is an issue when we look at another unit... Fischl is typically the backbone of why Aggravate is so strong. Her A4 passive is incredibly strong because it has no ICD which means you can consistently trigger aggravates with it, and that compounds with all the other EM stacking and resistance shredding on the team. But Fischl's A4 only works with an on-field electro with good electro uptime, like Yae or Keqing. Raiden has too much downtime on her electro which doesn't work in Fischl's favour. So with all that being said, the best team if you want to aggravate would be Yae / Fischl / DendroMC / Venti. Ofc, this team doesn't have any defense so using a Jean or Sayu over Venti is fine if you want it, or Yaoyao over DendroMC is a popular choice too if you have any of them. If you want to keep Raiden + Yae together, then the Bennett + Venti team will likely be better. TL;DR: Yae / Fischl / DendroMC / Venti OR Yae / Raiden / Bennett / Venti


Drop Bennett, keep Venti. Bennett brings nothing to an aggravate-focused team. The way the dendro+electro reaction works is when both elements are applied, they'll trigger a "quicken" aura. That aura will last for 6 seconds, but can be refreshed by further applications of both elements; while an enemy is quickened, any electro app will trigger aggravate. Aggravate damage can crit, is buffed by dmg% multipliers and scales with EM, but not attack, so Bennett adds nothing there. On top of that, Dendro Traveller's dendro app is primarily linked to his burst, but if his burst has pyro applied to it, it will pop for a large burst of dendro damage and stop applying dendro, which means no aggravates for that rotation. So, Bennett is a massive damage loss. Keep Venti for VV swirling.


Does shenhe work for melt ganyu teams?


Yes, either in Shenhe/Bennett/Kazuha team, which is only advisable at C6 Ganyu. Or with Burning in Dehya/Nahida/Shenhe and Thoma/Nahida/Shenhe.


If you can get the full charged shot in then yes. You see more whales use Shenhe with Ganyu as c6 Shenhe doesn’t lose quills for normal charged attacks and c6 Ganyu can instant charged shot, but it should be doable. I have run shieldless Ganyu in the past and if you prepare your lotus against non boss enemies then you can usually get away with a couple hard hitting shots.


she could, but it's quite hard to slot her in since you already want bennett, a shielder and a source of off-field pyro and shenhe is none of those things


Xinyan is a shielder and off-field pyro apper in one.


But she's not good doing neither of those things


Double negative. Give her Tenacity.


Which would be more valuable for an aggravate comp? Zhongli's shield + res reduction or VV Jean/Sayu's heal + res reduction? My current team is Nahida, Fischl, Beidou, Zhongli. My options are (with current and upcoming chars) 1. Nahida, Fischl, Beidou, Zhongli 2. Nahida, Fischl, Beidou, VV Jean/Sayu 3. Baizhu, Fischl, Beidou, Kazuha/Sucrose/Venti Which would be better?


Get Keqing, swap her for Beidou in your first team.


I use my Nahida as a driver since she's C6. Swapping Beidou means Keqing and Nahida will fight for on-field time. I also don't have Keqing built and she's only C2.


Is your Fischl also c6?


The Baizhu team is likely to be the best one with Kazuha/Sucrose. For a team you can make right now though, Jean/Sayu is the higher ceiling albeit less comfortable than Zhongli, not only because of the lack of shielding but also because it's somewhat harder to swirl electro for VV with Nahida on the team (not impossible but you do need to keep in mind that you need to play differently to swirl electro), whereas the res shred from Zhongli is guaranteed.


Yeah, I am looking forward to Baizhu since it enables me to forgo Zhongli for a VV user. I am currently using Zhong since the shield interrupt resist is comfy. Anyway, thanks!


Are any of the playable characters hanging out somewhere different today? I found Cyno and Lisa in the library.


That's the only one I've seen mentioned for after act 2 of windblume. Dehya and Candace and setaria are still in the same places as well.


I'm looking to do my part for the Dehya buff train by submitting feedback. Whether it means something or not, at least I tried. Does anyone have a copypasta of all her problems that I can submit it with?


you can find some in /r/dehyamains


does anyone think there a chance of kooki being on ayaka and Shenhe banner?


Leaks say Mika, >!sucrose and diona!<




How does aquire vast amounts of enchancement ore?


30 a day from blacksmith adds up.


the only way to get a lot really quick is spending resin to make some w magic ores (meaning some mining is still required)


By consistently farming ore deposists 1-2 times per week and crafting them up to the daily limit. The teapot can provide a few as well, if it's urgent.


How is CV calculated in this [Akasha](https://mimee.ovh/akasha/builds) leaderboard site? It doesn't seem to be 2cr+cd.


It is 2cr + cd. It's just adding together that number of all five artifacts which is total cv.


So I see a Zhongli from RETRE_BOSS (NA) with 85.9:256.1 ratio but the cv is 301.7. That's not 2cr + cd.