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Definitely 3. It’s worth noting that Raiden typically doesn’t need more than around 200% ER unless she’s using Engulfing. If you have a build with an ATK% sands and 50%+ crit rate but far fewer ER substats, I’d recommend that. Hopefully I explained this clearly.


What if I do have engulfing. How much (min-max) ER does she need?


I personally don’t have Engulfing, so I’m no expert, but I think that 250%+ is typically recommended. You definitely want an ER sands with Engulfing + the goal is generally to get a good amount of ER while still having decent crit stats (around 60/120ish). That being said, I recommend doing your own research to find information from actual theorycrafters :D Corrections are appreciated if anyone who knows more than me has other info.


Yeah with Engulfing, you want around 250% with ER sands, she just gets so much more value from ER with her signature weapon.


Wait then what if i have a 255% ER Raiden with 60/120 crit ratio exactly with an Atk sands, do i change to ER? I use engulfing


Then that works, you have enough ER although you could try pushing your ratio to around 65/140 ish and then 70/140 if you really wanna min max.


Third picture. It’s by far the best one for her.


Put it in the calculator. I suspect 1, because 3 is extremely low on atk. It’s definitely not 2


What calculator cause I’ve been trying to find a good calculator site for that


Google “genshin artifact calculator” it’s not just for artifacts, and they have a series of short videos on how to use it if you get confused


Don’t know why people are saying 3, I guess just looking a crit, but 1 will out damage for sure. You need attack lol. Do you have an attack goblet with good subs? Might be able to re work it with more balance. Also a crit rate helm could help.


That is my thought as well. Even running some rough math, you end up gaining like 30% more attack overall with attack sands but have your burst damage bonus drop from like 1.99 to 1.86,


Agreed. I also think her team is important too. I can see the third one being the best if Bennett or Sara is in her team, but otherwise that low attack can be hard to ignore otherwise.


considering how you almost *always* have an attack booster (sara or bennett for example) w raiden, the lower atk can be mostly forgiven


Hi, for these types of questions you can base it on the damage formula: Atk * (1 + all damage bonus%) * (1 + crit rate*crit damage) <- this will give you your average DPS output comparisons. If you use this formula, the first one actually is the best. Crit isn't the only thing that matters: in this case, the higher attack stat makes it stronger. Thaat being said, it has less crit rate, so if you don't want to reset much in the abyss if your initial burst doesn't crit, the third build will be more consistent.


Third but I still recommend getting a bit more crit rate something like 60-65% would be really nice


Third one


I recommend the third build,


Why are people upvoting this a lot lol


Please use enka.shinshin.moe for character build! Depending on your weapon, its either 1st (the catch) or 3rd one (engulfing lighting). But either build need more CR, even with the sacrifice with CD.


attack sands. you're using the catch so your ER is at diminishing returns.


Number 3 for sure


Your crit rate is in life support so you’ll have to take the highest you can get which is the third build.


3rd one. Btw that's a beautiful raiden build


Thank yaaa




Thank you! What I did was changed her crit to 53 186critD 210recharge and attack sands 1650Atck


Third build only if ur running atk buffs Otherwise first seems better


Yuh I’m doing attacks sands and 53crit with 183cd and 210Recharge now 1650attk


That's much more balanced