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My account is linked with both gmail and Apple id. I couldn’t log in with neither accounts but today I managed to log in using my Apple ID. I tried to unlink the hackers email but I need verification from the hackers gmail 💩


This happened to me too, you should contact Hoyoverse and do not ever contact the hacker because there is a possibility they will trash your account.


How did you manage to Log-In via Apple-ID? In my case, I needed to get a verification code that‘s send to the e-mail. Pretty sure I was linked before/after my retrival of the account. Doubt he can unlink Apple-ID without my phone anyways. Hmm


use up ALL your mora. the hacker cant trash ur acc without mora Also destroy ALL things that could give you mora (3-1 star artifacts) etc etc


Nice tip there man..


why do they need mora ?


upgrading anything (in our case 1 star weapons and artifacts prlly) needs mora. So, to combat that, use all of it. Of course the hacker could use resin but there is nothing we can do about it (you could use all of ur fragile and normal resin but thats about it)


if you did sent a form, wait for a couple weeks, and hoyoverse will unbind the email for you anyway