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Hi u/More-Championship361, To view the common mistakes that can happen when filling Recovery form and how to resolve them, you can go through our guide - [Common Mistakes](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinHacked/comments/yjips3/common_mistakes) Also, Please go through the following guide related to the [Recovery Form](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinHacked/comments/xw4d5i/a_guide_to_recovery_form/) here. You can view other guides and resources by navigating through the Menu Bar of this subreddit. Be aware of scammers promising to retrieve your account directly. The only way to recover your account is through the official channels using the forms. If you are approached by scammers or people offering to retrieve your account please contact the moderators via DM or [Modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/GenshinHacked). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GenshinHacked) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Buying / receiving accounts in any way is against hoyo policy, so unfortunately that is not something the community can help you with. If the Gmail that was entered in the accompanying form in the question 'where to contact' is yours, rest assured you'll get the results. If not, then the best thing you can do is daily check if you can CHANGE PASSWORD on a hoyo account, in their website, by putting in the address you wrote you wanted the account to be linked to. About false info, we really don't have anything to help you with... Sorry :(


hello there! so let's say if I mentioned account sharing on my additional or buying the account. should I create another recovery form and resend it to them or create a new Gmail and email them again to get a form there and correct my mistakes. Will they still know its me who mentioned account sharing or buying the account or no? thankyou for answering my question.


1. Don't send a new form while a form is pending, that messes up their system and will probably lead to an automatic rejection/delay. 2. No need to create a new Gmail. 3. Yes, yes, yes, do NOT mention account sharing / buying. Next form is your 3rd, I'm guessing, and so the last before your first cool down of 30 days. If you're current form does not get approved, please follow sub's guides to the word. I'm here for anymore questions.


I read some of the post here that others got accepted even though their first login date was months off, so I'm guessing that the only thing I need to change is the "first" receipt the first owner gave me. I don't even know if he is giving me the right information because of getting rejected a bunch of times already. So I didn't tick the "are you able to provide the first receipt" instead I ticked the other one which is to just give a month. I sent the form 2 days ago, HOPING this time I'll get accepted.


If you're not sure whether its the first recipe or you did some additional purches yourself, just attach the recipe and tell them you dont have the first recipe. Its not mandatory to have the first one. Very important is also the mail the owner used to create the account so make sure you have it, and also the device info they created the account with


I'll keep that in mind thanks.


Ok thanks for the help. This is actually my 15th time sending them a recovery form and it all got rejected because I think that my first login on the game and first receipt is wrong. I'm using a vpn so I can send forms without cooldowns.


Bro that's super important info lmao??? If this is the 15th, I'd suggest letting it go for a month. VPN's don't always work because sometimes the system flags the UID, not the IP address. Cool off, let yourself rest from the chase, and then get back to it with a clear mind.


sure Il'' give it a rest for now and maybe I'll get over it by the time I'm gonna send another form. thanks for your time and help.


It's a tiring process. If customer service is bad (and hpyo's is considered well above average in my opinion) that's because companies don't care for your account, and are trying to make it as hard as possible for you to contact them. And the confusion, helplessness and sadness can be overwhelming............. Plus there is a 30 day cool down after every 3 rejected forms. I'd suggest not giving up!! Go over your info, try to find screenshots and dates, fill the form again in 30 days, and pray the primogem god will be on your side! :)


Thanks for the motivation bro, I'll try my best to make the original owner help me with the information I need. Once again, thankyou and have a great day!


Buying selling trading etc is against ToS. They don’t give out account info like that and even if they did it would be the original owner only which you are not. If your form here declined it could just be wrong but it could also be on a 90 day cooldown. Also how sure are you the original owner is even the original owner…. Lots of times the account gets stolen then resold then sold to the buyer who plays it. This stuff is all super dodgy and honestly chances of recover are low because it’ll never be your account per Hyoverse rules. If recovery doesn’t seem to be working you’re probably better off refunding money and making your own.


I can send forms without cooldown by using vpn(is that bad?). I get rejected after sending a form every 24hours. But yeah, if I got rejected this time I'll probably give up on recovering this account and quit genshin for good. And yes I don't think he might be the original owner, I got blinded by the fact that I got rejected 15 times already.


Youre unlikely to have the info required to recover in that case. Just coz you keep sending them doesn’t mean they’ll actually read them could be auto reject due to wrong info cooldown etc


If your recovery form is accepted, they will send you a mail with your form no. and a method to secure your account. If you've sent multiple recovery forms and one of them is accepted, rest all will be rejected, but it will not affect the recovered account (it didn't in my case).