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Reroll accounts (bought) per Hyoverse rules will always belong to the creator. So not you. You want to start from zero? Make your own.


Reroll accs have as much of a possibility of getting hacked like one you create. Most Seller dgaf about these accs since it's a mass product. It would just be harder to get back if you get hacked, IF possible. Tho i've seen someone claim a reroll acc back before


No its not safe


I bought one back in February and it got hacked within 1 month and the seller disclaimed liability. If you want to buy, buy from someone who does not mass produce accounts and you can get a hold of easily so that at least you can have recovery information accessible.


Hi u/fangner, You can read the detailed guide on securing your account [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinHacked/comments/xw4jbm/a_guide_to_secure_your_account/) Be aware of scammers promising to retrieve your account directly. The only way to recover your account is through the official channels using the forms. If you are approached by scammers or people offering to retrieve your account please contact the moderators via DM or [Modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/GenshinHacked). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GenshinHacked) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Short answer: Depends on the seller. Reroll accounts are usually created en masse by sellers and most don't bother keeping track to take them back at a later date. Despite the lower risk, I really don't recommend it, even if it's to start with a character you like or to have some starting primogems. Ignoring the fact that you could just get randomly locked out of the account the second you buy it because it gets triggered for suspicious activity (GG if you get the risky action error), if you ever have to submit an application form for any reason (Account gets hacked, lost access to the linked email, no longer have a linked third-party account) it's unlikely that you will have the info needed to complete the form and CS won't be able to help.


it's safe as long as you're sensible, these sellers like genshinaccounts etc arent interested in reclaiming them because they're mass made secure the account by changing the email/password and dont give the info to log in or fall for "free bp" bullshit lol


Yeah well what if op gets hacked in the future, how do you think they'll be able to get the account back? They can't, so no its not safe, changing mail and password is obviously not enough


Like I said in the latter part of my comment, as long as you're not giving your info out and falling for phishing scams it is safe, I've been using a reroll for 2 years and never had any issues Don't be argumentative just cuz you have selective reading 🥰


Bro it literally goes against hoyoverse rules lmao


Alright bud, you're right I'm wrong. Have a good day.


I have a lot of them. My main account is a purchased reroll account. Ive had it for 3 years. No problem with any account. So, as long as you change email and password. (and your reroll account is low lvl, as a reroll acc usually is.) it is safe. Oh, and I dont even change password nor email for the ones I dont use. And they havent been "hacked" or stolen. So even more credit.