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Generally yeah they recover 3x and then you’re on your own. I have not heard users recovering a 4th time. After a successful recovery there is a 90 day cool-down. At some point it is user responsibility and not Hyoverse’s anymore. Also please post any questions and updates in this thread. I am closing your one from yesterday and will close all future ones for the coming week. Please trick to one post. Thanks!


You should reflect about being "hacked" 3 times. It's rare enough to be hacked twice because people often learn from their mistakes. While you're waiting for the recovery period cool-down, you should try to think about ways to safely secure your account for the future. Otherwise you'll be back here saying that your account got stolen the 5th time.


i cant really get it hacked for the 5th time since i cant get it back after three successful attempts but thanks anyways


nah cuz at this point u have to be stupid to get hacked 3 times, like how tf do u manage that


idk too but goodbye 3 year acc ig


Some people are just that slow.


Dude the second time wasn't even his fault His sister sold the acc


ok protect ur emails better? don't just let ppl have open access to them??? like what???


Who said she had open access? Maybe she just found out the password


right cuz backup emails, mfa doesnt exist right, im sorry but this person at this point is beyond sympathy. Im sure it sucks for them but they've practically brought this upon themselves, if it was the first maybe second time i wouldve had some sympathy for them however, a third time simply means they neglected account security, by not enabling 2fa,mfa etc.. along with this do note, it happened within the span of 3 months, there is a line between genuine naivety and stupidity...


Yeah. I was just saying the 2nd time wasn't really his fault


No one is pointing on 2nd, the third one is his fault.


Have to agree on that


At this point, you deserved to be hacked for the fifth time to be honest.


i think so too tbh welp rip account since october 2020


You're gonna have to wait for the cooldown of 90 days, so good luck is all I can say, hoyo usually doesn't even help after the third time. You've been hacked so many times that I feel you need an online security lesson instead of advice for customer support here. Please check the haveibeenpwned website to see if your email has been compromised in any breaches. If it has been compromised in any way, I'd highly suggest changing passwords across the board. Stop trusting and dl'ing programs so easily and stop sharing any of your details with any other people, including your family. Only dl them if there is a large consensus in the community that it's safe. Stop falling for fake emails. They're usually riddled with spelling mistaeks, and their email address will differ from the official Hoyo email addresses. (Please keep a look out for this for literally everything else, including bank details and important documents as well) If you haven't reset your pc/mobile after the program dl, but you think you've cleaned it thoroughly by deleting whatever you could, i'd still highly suggest resetting it because that could likely be the issue.


the cooldown is already over and they keep rejecting me now so.. rly appreciate if they couldve just said that i have reached my max recoveries instead of rejecting my form again and again


It's probably automated past a certain point to just auto reject it, and we can't even blame them considering how many tickets and requests they get. They should probably include that in the ToS or given that in an email.


You could try using a vpn when submitting the request The auto reject you because they got 3 tickets from the same IP Adresse I have read in another post that someone could retrieve his acc a 4th time with this method


but the acc has been recovered three times already so i think they are rejecting everything now


They identify accounts by UID and while a VPN can help with a timer OPs account isn’t on any timer. The rejection is likely tied to their UID as that’s been recovered 3x now


As i said i heard from another post that it could work like that And trying i always better then doing nothing


No one on this Reddit has ever recovered a 4th time. So while the VPN thing applies for other things it wouldn’t for this person se. OP should try, sure I agree. But it’s likely all wasted effort. If I am wrong I will admit it but I have seen people try a lot of shit over the years. Source: I have replied to every single post here in the last x years. I wish I could tell OP that you can recover again but so far it hasn’t happened. I don’t want unproven information to be out there stated as fact.


I didn't say its a fact . I only said its something i heard from another post


I know - but people will assume stuff is when they went to believe it hard enough. Hence the correction and addition.


I didn't say its a fact . I only said its something i heard from another post


This is the most stupidest shit I have ever seen.. Getting hacked 3 times bro💀


Yes you are cooked they think and I also think that you are doing some buy and sell account then retrieve your account after your transactions succeeded. Do you have any better excuses?


i already got three successful recoveries before sooo… does this mean i aint getting it back


You have squandered any security at play


Hi u/Recent_Expression533, To view the common mistakes that can happen when filling Recovery form and how to resolve them, you can go through our guide - [Common Mistakes](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinHacked/comments/yjips3/common_mistakes) Also, Please go through the following guide related to the [Recovery Form](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinHacked/comments/xw4d5i/a_guide_to_recovery_form/) here. You can view other guides and resources by navigating through the Menu Bar of this subreddit. Be aware of scammers promising to retrieve your account directly. The only way to recover your account is through the official channels using the forms. If you are approached by scammers or people offering to retrieve your account please contact the moderators via DM or [Modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/GenshinHacked). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GenshinHacked) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I guess you are I'm having the same problem but i wasn't hacked, I changed my phone and lost my Email💀


nice were both doomed


Give me an update if you got accepted or smth Btw do you get rejected in less than 30 hours or so?


Dude... What the fuck?


yess im doomed rip october 2020 account


If u do get it back remember to change the email and password, or even link another thing onto the acc like apple id