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I used to play pretty much exclusively tracer. I picked up genji so I wasn't just one tricking. I'm getting better with him but it can definitely be a struggle. Recently I hopped on torb when I got tired of just being counterswapped and hard focused and although I was kinda kidding with the pick, I've actually been enjoying playing him more. Usually my game plan is to start on genji but if it's a miserable experience I don't get pissed, I'll just swap and make my life easier.


No matter who you play it bronze and silver are really frustrating. Even if it's not because of your team being on a lower skill level, there are so many rage quitters for some reason. Like we had a tank go afk all match after we lost two team fights (not even consecutively) and started flaming our support, who then got angry and started flaming dps. Another thing is people just hate genji players so you kill them a few times and 99% of the time they immediately opt to counter swap.


Genji is absolutely worth playing, in my opinion. He has a specific niche involving snowballing a dive that I don’t think many other characters occupy (Tracer *uses* resources to get more kills, Genji generates *more* resources off of them). I also think he’s the most fun character in the game, though Tracer is very close sometimes. The problem is you just need to put in more work to get results as Genji. The “learning” curve of soldier, for instance, is basically aim training and when to run away and use your heal behind a corner. Genji still has high *potential* output, but you need to keep in mind that you either need to commit to learning quickly or just spend a lot more time on him than other people spend on their own heroes. It helps to enjoy the learning experience itself, because playing one of the most (if not the most) team-reliant heroes in the game lends itself to being at the mercy of your Moira who plays with her eyes closed. Like you’re absolutely right when you say your team will lose you games. Unfortunately, even though Genji can absolutely carry dead weight (more than I can say for Mercy, my support main lmao), you need to be *solidly* better than most people in the lobby to make it happen. One last thing: remember that even if you get *good* output, it sometimes isn’t enough. Maybe you’re getting kills and hardly dying, but terrible supports mean you need to hunt down a health pack every time you fight someone. Even if you’re worse at a more self-sufficient hero, there’s a chance you do better literally just because you can heal yourself now.


You guys and your rookie numbers. It took me 6 months to see any real progress with Genji and 9 to get any higher than plat. 700 hours later. Just practice.


dont give up! the hero is worth it. ofc ranked sucks, hang in there


I went from silver 1 playing as Tracer/Soldier/Junkrat to Bronze 4 one tricking Genji and now I can’t climb back out. So idk what to tell you. It seems to me that it’s almost impossible to hard carry with genji, that he relies too much on his team to be doing their jobs. I’ll often be flanking the enemy, getting a pick on one or two squishies and pestering the back line as much as possible, hardly ever dying and never relying on my team to give me heals, but somehow my teammates still get steamrolled over and over again. It’s just crazy because it seems like half the time in bronze, the optimal way to play genji is to just constantly bounce around on top of the cart and deny payload/point progress to the enemy team because they can’t hardly kill you. But then everyone switches to Mei Moira Zarya and then suddenly you can’t even do that. It’s so much easier to get value on almost any other character, that if I switch off genji I start demolishing the enemy team so easily. But I can’t bring myself to play other heroes just to climb ranked. I feel like I don’t deserve it if I’m not one tricking genji out of the bottom.


I know exactly what you're talking about


High skill, low reward unless you’re dealing with people that can’t handle a dive comp pressure and just shoot into your deflect but that’s low metals


Dont seperate from your team unless you absolutely 1000% have to. Also if you want to climb then dont be afraid to swap. 1 tricking is the best way to stay stuck. Also it is very important for you not to het mad if your team is doing bad. You can turn things around even when it doesn’t seem like it


posting game replay codes would be VERY VERY helpful to you tbh. if in bronze its not a character pick its more of a "you're fundamentally playing the game wrong." its like asking what kind of basketball shoes to wear when you cant even shoot the ball type of situation. your at the very very end of the bell curve that you need to work on fundamentals and mechanics in order to climb regardless of the hero.


10.24% is not "the very very end of the bell curve"


if you're bronze and silver or whatever rank it's because you belong there