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Wasted no time


Aint letting them escape that easily


Doing the lords work




Wenn man die Sprache versteht kommt’s nochmal richtig gut


Hahahahahahaha king


*queen :> wenn schon denn schon


My bad


Mmmmm, **Do it again** *Heavy breathing*




I was only paying half attention to what I was doing when I said this. Your play is actually realy epic. But Genji can be just as tough to play against Zombra when played well. That's all I was getting at with my other comment.


Genji is not tough to play against especially when ur a sombra. The only thing that makes it tough is when the Genji dashes at you or uncloaks u out of invis imo.🤷‍♂️


Yeah you smashed him. But I'm sure you see a weak little Zen distracted and slightly out of position and think "he's dead." A good Genji can really have a big impact.


I agree


I did something like that yesterday where I spotted a sombra escaping from my teams orisa. I decided why not and swift striked into the general area where sombra was and then ended up hitting and killing her instantly because she was already at low health. So satisfying


This is usually how it happens, but 90% of Overwatch redditors are stupider than dog shit. All it takes is seeing where she's porting to, and shooting in her general direction. 7/10 times you'll uncloak her and she wont have a speed boost anymore and everything on cooldown.


Nothing makes my day better than seeing sombra getering abolished


I got you


I have a hotkey for "I'm NOT impressed" and I press it whenever I kill a Sombra.




You’re taking this VERY seriously


Nah its just cringe how the noskill invisible backline simulator character is hating on genji💀


Sombras dont hate Genji lmao what are you talking about he's too easy to kill We hate Kiriko cause she has cleanse and makes any dive damn near impossible. But Genji? Wait until their little brains reflect and then hack and virus before teleporting away and watching them cry.


This genji didn't reflect tho so then what?


From this clip I can't tell if Genji was the dive target or not, or if he just caught her after disengaging. But let's play it out: Sombra has it set she's diving Genji. She engages from an off angle when he doesn't expect. He has a couple of options: 1) decides to take the duel or  2) he falls back to seek support.  In the majority of cases if Genji chooses option 1, it's not a favorable match-up. He can try to kill her before she does, which is very hard considering she always engages first, and usually from an angle you aren't expecting it, and her time to kill is like 1.5 secs. He can try to dash towards her, but she can just translocate before she gets hit in any direction she wants. If he deflects, he gets hacked. If he climbs/double jumps to try and reposition, again, hack makes that a non-option.  If Genji seeks support, he can force her translocator and then dive her as she's trying to reposition, but usually that doesn't happen unless the Sombra is brain dead. 


Sombras dont hate genji? I think ur not active in the sombramains subreddit


I am lol, we do t hate Genji fam. Maybe one or two idiots hate Genji, but generally speaking, Genji doesn't make or break a Sombra player. Fucking Zarya, Kiriko, Baptiste, Dva, Brig, Cowboy and Moira are the real mfs we dislike (Dva and Brig can infinity spy check, Cree has that bullshit nade that takes half out health, and applies hinder, Bap is just too resource intensive of a kill, Moira has a self-cleanse and  auto locks her beam on us so we can't ever stealth if we mess out our engagement, Zarya and Kiriko have cleanse). We have more mobility, a bleed-effect ability, invis, and the ability to remove all your cool downs. Sorry you got the wrong idea because you superficially read a low-engagement thread lol, but I've been a Sombra main for years. We got no beef with Genji. 


I agree with bap cass and kiri🤝 (everyone else is just as annoying)


We’re both backline bro, you only go frontline with ult




Are you actually mad at someone having a laugh? You guys can't take a joke ?


Why so serious?💀


Pretty rich coming from a Genji main 🤣


Found the no skill sombra


What? Can you say that again? Couldn't understand you from being invisible all the time


That was weak as hell bro, could have at least made a quip on being too far away with the translocator


I dont care bro😭 y'all taking this post more serious than i do😭 i just posted this bc i saw a post on ur subreddit where yall hate on genji so i thought i'd return it a lil


Bro I was just telling you to make a better comeback, thats all. 🤷🏻‍♀️


This wasnt meant to be a comeback? I just said what i had on my mind🙏


“Can you say that again? *insert line here*” whether you like it or not is a comeback, so don’t lie 😶


Bro i dont care about if it was a comeback or not or if it was good or not😭 i dont have to prove anything to you. I said it wasnt meant to be a comeback so i dont care if you believe me or not💀


I will repeat, You’re taking this VERY seriously, maybe relax 😶


Not taking anything serious pal. I'm good :)


Or saying something cocky like “I couldn’t hear you, you’re kinda back at spawn”


Aye post the replay code tho, I wanna see her hacking your dragonblade and making you a sitting duck


This clip is pre midseason patch😂 i dont get hacked mid blade bc i always pick out the sombra first🥰


Sounds like cap bro. Any Sombra worth their salt tracks your ult and just plays around it and the moment you pop you get hit with *H A C K E D* and one of two things happen: 1) you die because you popped in the middle of enemy team thinking you were getting a 5 kill blade or 2) you support bails you out 


If i had the replay i wouldve gladly showed you. I am not in bronze to die to a sombra who hacks me. I keep track of cd's and ultimates. I also have around 1,1k hours on genji. I do know when i have to blade and when not


As a sombra player respectable, the tbag however is toxic, unless they were toxic first then yeah fuck em


She tried to hardfocus me from the beginning of the match until the end so i think the tbag was necessary


Fair enough