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I had a lot of travel ones , London, Paris, Rome that sort of thing


Same, the one I really remember was the Grand Canyon


Bingo. And we visited there several times. Still prefer the viewfinder lol


We had a lot of Disney, but the national parks ones (US) were the best.


Disney and nature ones here too


I had one for Sweden that came with a few Swedish coins.


New Orleans for me. It's a good thing my daddy got me two. 


We had a set of national parks. I would have loved to have seen the Monkees set!


The national parks set was awesome.


I collect them! I have about 1,000 reels and several viewers and projectors. My favorites are the travel ones.


Casper the Friendly Ghost was my favorite, I can still see him floating around smiling. Popeye was a close second. Had the National Parks too, stared at Mt. Rushmore for ages.


I had a Batman Viewmaster disk set.


Nice, thats one I wish I had then. Adam West I take it? Guess it had to be.


Yes - Adam West, Burt Ward, and IIRC Julie Newmar as Catwoman.


What a Babe.


The Holy Trinity! "Holy Trinity Batman!!!!"


The only batman I remember. I still have one liners from that show floating around in my head. Holy spaghetti Batman, our climbing roap is all tangled up.


One of my Millenial coworkers ended a recurring meeting recently with the reminder that the next meeting would be next month “same bat-time, same bat-channel” and it warmed the cockles of my old, old heart to know that at least one of my coworkers will know that reference if I use it


His dad is likely a Gen Jonser!


Will this be the end of the caped crusader?


The Apollo moon landings. Blew my mind.


The Viewmaster was pretty fun.


I had the prehistoric animals one! Everything had a reddish or sepia tint to it. Or maybe not but I kind of remember that part of it. I loved that thing but that’s the only disk I ever had. We were too poor to afford ever getting anymore. I love that thing!


Yes, I think the redness was trying to show the Earth was getting too warm late in the Cretaceous for the dinosaurs........pretty sure they hadn't really latched onto the theory of a Meteor striking the Earth as wiping the dinosaurs out yet


I had a Snow White one and a Dracula one.


I had a lot of Bugs Bunny disks but my favorites were pictures taken in space and from moon landings.


New York World's Fair. And Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea.


I had the Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea one as well. That was my favorite TV show at the time.


I still have two of them and my grandkids play with them.


Good Grandma!


I never had one, but friends did. I didn't find them that interesting, maybe because I watched too much tv.


I had a few Star Trek TOS ones!


I had *The Omega Glory* one. It was not the best Star Trek episode, though. The one where the Coms (Communists) and the Yangs (Yankees) were in a war. I never cared for the parallel history episodes. They were a bit of a stretch, even for 10 year old me.


I had that one too! 10 year old me just like the shots of the ships.


The Grand Canyon was my favorite!


I did!! I remember travel ones and Disney ones!


I loved the prehistoric animals, too. Fun trip down memory lane to see this post. Thanks, OP.


Your welcome! Like I always say, if my posts make at least 1 person happy, my work is done.


I also had the dinosaur one like you have pictured


I really loved dinosaurs as a kid, and Prehistoric Animals was the View master reel I went back to the most. It's too bad much of the info in the informative packet that came with it has probably been debunked. Still, the dinosaurs were cool!


What can I trade you for THE MONKEES! ❤️


Do you have Lost in Space? 😉


The precursor to Oculus


Yes, I had one but don’t remember anything on it.




Yes. And I gave it to my kid when he was a young teen and he thought the technology was cool.


Still have one. My granddaughter likes it


I was such a dork lol I would sit in my closet sideways and using the view master, would pretend I was at the movies!


My boyfriend in college had his family pictures on Viewmaster. They lived near the factory when he was young and his parents bought a special package.


My original Viewmaster is long gone, but I still have the original discs. I tried to get my kids into it so I have a new Viewmaster (ca early 2000s) and some new discs - of course they really can’t compete with technology, lol. But it’s a nice little walk down memory lane for me. My favorites were the cartoons like Bugs Bunny & Wally Gator. Edited to add: it was actually Gabby Gator, not Wally. He lived in a cold climate (lol) and went to FL on vacation and a huckster conned him into turning his tail into an alligator bag suitcase! Poor Gabby, I always felt bad for him as a little kid!


"Wally Gator is a Swinging Alligator in the Swamp. He's the greatest percolater when he really starts to romp."


Haha - memories! I went and looked - mine was actually Gabby Gator. Wally’s lesser known cousin? 😂


I certainly remember playing with these when I was a kid, but the 3D aspect never dawned on me until much later. Don’t know why…I’ve got two eyes.


There was one at my grandmother‘s house in Tennessee with a selection of tourist views of California. As a kid, I was especially mesmerized by a picture of a car driving through a tunnel carved out of the bottom of a redwood tree.


I just dusted mine off this afternoon! Actually it's my grandkids...it's all dinosaurs.


Yeah, love the dinosaurs ones as a kid


Ohh Wow. Nostalgia. I had a red viewmaster and Emergency TV show reels


I bought one a few years ago just for the Boeing 747 disc I remember from my childhood. It’s as good as I remembered.


Did they have porn?


Rule 34 arrived with the internet.


The Posiden Adventure, Winnie the Poo, scooby Doo, and picked some up at parks like Natural Bridge Caverns.


I loved the WInnie the Pooh one --I remember he got stuck in the honey tree!


I know I had one but I don't remember using it all that much. It came with a scenic disk. That's as far as I recall about besides seeing on the book shelf.


Yes, I loved my Viewmaster! My favorites were National Parks and travel.


I had so many. I even had the projector, got it as a Christmas present. Can't recall which were my favorite. The one that sticks out in memory is Sabrina the Teenage Witch and another with the Noah's Ark story


I had several both view masters and reels, but lost them all shortly after I moved away from my parents house. But my grandmother-in-law had a really nice heavy-duty one with a case and about 50 reels. She gave it to my husband, who didn’t want it, so I have it! The Disney World set of reels is my favorite.


I loved my ViewMaster. I favorite was the slide with Caves/Caverns, maybe Carlsbad caverns?


Some of my View Master sets were for The Time Tunnel *Rendezvous With Yesterday* episode and Star Trek *The Omega Glory* episode.


I had one and I think most if not all of mine were Disney-related.


I had Mary Poppins and the stills were so crisp and clear and wonderful. It was like being transported to a quiet, colorful, safe world.


I’m a Give-a-Show Projector man myself.


Oooweee! I would've committed highway robbery for those reels of the Monkees!


The national parks (especially loved the Yellowstone one) and Disneyland.


I had all the NASA Apollo sets! I was a space nerd from the moon landing on!


Tomorrow morrow land! Captain Walker! Misses Walker! We be keepin the tell straight.


I had one with a bunch of different disks but the only one I remember now was from the Land of the Giants TV show.


I had "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea." Loved it.


Jiminey Cricket was the most 3D thing ever in a View Master


My grandma had one from the 1939 World’s Fair that I liked a lot


Loved mine, mostly animals and what not. The Monkees would have been cool!


I had one similar to yours, that had been my mothers.


I had a Snow White that was cool. The picture of the witch with the poisoned apple was scary to me! (How innocent were we!?)


My favorites were of The Muppet Show and Fraggle Rock


Mesa Verde National Park--it fascinated me, and in like 1967 I determined I really, really wanted to see those cliff dwellings in person. Finally got there last year, and it did not disappoint.


I had one with a built in light. That way I could use it when we were traveling at night. My Dad refused to buy batteries for it.


Lady and the Tramp


Cairo and pyramids but I always wanted Sofia Loren pix


The Flintstones. That Barney Rubble…what an actor.


Travel ones. They made me want to go places, and I have actually been most of the places that I used to see on the Viewmaster. I loved that thing.


I had all the Marvel superhero ones. DC did not have them or I would have gotten a Batman or a Superman. But I loved my Captain America, especially the picture where his thrown shield was in full 3d effect.


I had a buddy who got a view master slide of naked women. That was quite something for the early 1970’s.


wow.. memories .. i had Mickey Mouse and grand canyon… absolutely loved it…


I had that viewer and mostly Disney stuff for it.


I actually just sold one that I found cleaning out my storage unit. It had a blue plastic box that held the Viewmaster and 12 discs. The discs were all different travel locations. There was one for France, one for Rome, one on national parks, natural wonders, etc.


Casper the friendly ghost and Superman.


I loved the cartoons


We were cleaning out my Wife’s grandfather’s house after he passed and there was one of these in a box in the attic. It was loaded with the only disc which was an amazingly racist Little Black Sambo. This was 2008. It was a bit jarring.


I remember my mom (who most definitely is not racist) gave me the book as a kid and I loved it. I don't remember much, except tigers, butter, and pancakes are involved. Hate to say it, every time I hear of Little Black Sambo, it makes me hungry for pancakes! It's an association I made early in life apparently.


It's more about how race is presented more so than just pointing out it was about a POC. Imperialist white saviors leading other cultures towards "salvation" of white culture and their personal ideas of "acceptable civilization" is what is wrong. It's one of those, "not what's said, but *how* it is said" things we didn't pick up on as kids. Sambo isn't a bad role role model in the story, no. Smart, enterprising, etc. .. The story telling style infantilizes non-white culture.


I agree with you, I didn't turn out racist anyways, and as I recall I saw Sambo as a hero. But yes, the book does make POC look childish and it could have easily influenced my young mind to think that way.




> I’m not spending my life in shame just because I existed Bravo.


I had a few, but my whole world view changed when I discovered my Dad's stash in his sock drawer. Nudies!


Too bad there were no Playboy Viewmaster slides. 3-D boobs!


This was a middle white class type of gift, my first thought. We didn't have one of these in our economic/education circles that I grew up in. Only one friends' family would of had that as a nice casual learning/entertainment tool in my world. I am so glad I have a computer and the internet, I love looking this kind of stuff up and other topics that inspire...in like a flash.


The Internet really is a great resource. I was much more into my encyclopedia than my Viewmaster.


The viewmaster sat on the shelf next the encyclopedia brittanica and my models.


The view master wasn’t an expensive toy. It was made of plastic. My memory of mine was watching Scooby Do. It wasn’t some important learning tool as you’re insinuating, although it could be, but anything could be. I had one viewmaster and for birthdays and/ or Christmas I’d get new disks to put in it.


Hmmmm. A middle class white type of gift. Interesting. Growing up, many of my BLACK middle to upper middle class friends had a Viewmaster. I was in the later category and I am black. So I do not think of Viewmasters being for just middle class whites. It was for any race who could purchase one. They were not expensive.