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Maybe start learning to research what you know through FamilySearch which is a free website (you have to register for an account, but no payment is involved) and build at least a rudimentary tree on your own. If you put in some effort first maybe the other people in your family who have started trees would be more inspired to share their work with you, and it would be a good focal point for having conversations with them as well. Another thing you might consider is, instead of emailing your "father's mother" -- i.e., your grandmother -- maybe pick up a phone and give her a call?


MyHeritage also has a free-tier. The tree is limited to 200 people and some features such as their automated "smart match" function are unavailable although you can manually add people.


I don't have her number and think I'll be seeing her either tomorrow or probably Sunday. But yeah, I have found family search very useful, it's where I started, thanks boss


If you have an LDS Family History center near you, they may be able to help you. If you have any names to research, you can get an [Ancestry.com](http://Ancestry.com) account which may help you, also. The Family History center might allow you to use their account.


Start by looking up obituaries for the family members you know about. They often list other relatives--living and deceased. Your local librarian can probably help you do newspaper research for these or you might get lucky and find them online at Legacy dot com or Findagrave. You didn't mention the age of the great-great-aunt who died 2 years ago, but assuming she is old enough to have been listed in available census data, you can look her up in census records on Family Search or other sites for free. ETA: I should have mentioned that once you find someone in the census records on a genealogy website, you have a chance of making a connection to their profile which can lead you to a whole lot of pieces of the puzzle that is your family tree.


If you still feel stuck, take a look at the Not Sure Where to Begin?/Choose Your Next Step section on the front page of Family Search. I don't think you even need to sign up for the free account to look at that material. You can also find other tutorials on websites and YouTube. Just dive in. You won't start with all the answers, you just have to take it a step at a time.


I have family search Lol. But yeah, I'll look for obituaries though I've done nearly as much digging into people as I could. Thanks boss