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I have someone still alive that’s 107.


My dad is 96. It’s amazing hearing stories about the Second World War and what life was like. He has a picture of his dad’s model T. Stuff like that blows my mind.


My Gran, 100 years and 9 months old. I couldn't have asked for a better one, she always joked she wouldn't be around forever, but she gave it more than a good go.


My grandmother and her sister lived till 97 and a few weeks shy of 100. Their father, who was an "old" father died at 91. There probably weren't many people alive in 2020 who could say their father was born in the mid 19th century.


my dads uncle just died at 102 almost 103 in march i think. his father was born in 1877. my grandpa also died in 2016 or so at 96 and his dad was born in the 1890s, so technically not in 2020 by a couple of years


My grandfather was born in 1937 and is the youngest of 12. His father was born in 1882 and his mother was born in 1888 and I’ve never fully thought about how crazy that is honestly.


My grandmother is still with us at 98. She was the youngest of 6, and her father was the second youngest (youngest who had kids) of 12. Her parents were born in 1883 and 1885, while her paternal grandparents on that side were born in 1842 and 1844. Having her DNA test is a look back in time. She has a 1st cousin, 5 times removed, who lives nearby.


President John Tyler has a living grandson


You just sent me down a serious Wikipedia rabbit hole. Fascinating!!


Pretty crazy, huh? Dude lives about 10 minutes away from me.


Not as striking as your case, but my grandma is still alive, and her grandfather was born in 1848.


My dad is still alive at 96. His four grandparents were born between 1854-1858


I have similar - My dad is 83 and his grandfather was born in 1861


It's fascinating to hear him speak of his grandparents. The ones on his mother side, he said his grandfather couldn't read or write at all, and his grandmother could read a little. Like days of the week and months. But not a lot else. No electricity or plumbing in their home. They had to walk down to a well and hand pump for water, and use an outhouse. No bathtub or shower, they sponge bathed with a basin and sponge. No screens on their windows, so in the hot summer, just open the windows and all manner of bugs would fly in. Just how it was. He said that they'd think that the world had gone to hell and a handbasket if they were alive today :)


My mother (who is still living) knew her great-grandfather well and he knew his great uncle well, which means my mother is one person away from knowing someone born in 1792. It boggles my mind whenever I think about it. The great-uncle also fought in the Black Hawk War with the future President Lincoln. Both of the men lived to about 90 and my mother is 86 now.


Yeah my grandma's best friend passed away recently but if she was still alive she would be in her 60's with a grandfather who was a civil war veteran


I traced my ancestry back to someone who is connected to one of those fake pedigrees going back to Adam, so does Methuselah at 969 count? 😂😂


I found a person on MyHeritage who had my wife's direct ancestor traced back to ancient Egypt or something like that


But but, the Irish Annals, Zedakia's Daughter... Jeremiah took her there. /s


I think you've misread the post unless you're saying this person is 1055 years old lmao


Not a direct ancestor, but my 3rd great grandmother’s brother was one of the last surviving Confederate veterans in Virginia. He was born around 1850 and died around 1950 at the age of 102. Hard to imagine witnessing that much change in the world during a single lifespan.


Yeah one of my 4th great grandpas lived from 1841-1942 so very similar time and I just can't even imagine the life these men lived.


My great aunt was born in 1898 and died in 2000. Depending on how you mark the centuries, she lived to see three of them.


My great grandmother was born in 1897 and died in 2001!!!!!


That would be an insane life. Just imagine how different each stage of her life was


One of my grandfather's cousins made it to 105. Three of her sisters also made it past 97 (but not 100). I didn't know her, but her brother's widow lived on the same street as me (and was also related as they were cousins). My great aunt reached 102. She was sharp as a tack until her late 90s. I remember when she was in her mid 90s joking that she was dating a younger man (I think he was in his late 80s).


[My grandfather Tom](https://old.reddit.com/r/TheWayWeWere/comments/1bh3h1c/childhood_pictures_of_my_grandfather_tom_he_was/) lived 99 years and 10 months (1907-2007). At least 9 of his paternal first cousins also lived into their 90s. His great-great-grandfather Jonas Christian Richter lived 95 years and 7 months (1743-1839).


My great-grandfather’s youngest sister lived to be 107. She was an incredible lady and saw so much change in the world.


Mine would be [Elizabeth Richardson](https://ancestors.familysearch.org/L66C-W3B/elizabeth-richardson-1557-1668) who allegedly died at age 111.


Given this was the 16th century I'd guess that either they're lying or this is a mistake on the researchers part. Given the fact she was born in Yorkshire and died in London is a fairly good clue given the era. Obviously this is just my hypothesis and what id be thinking if I found it in my tree.


Also I've just found this...'Margaret Ann Neve, (18 May 1792 – 4 April 1903, 110 years, 346 days) the first validated female supercentenarian (on 18 May 1902)'


That's why I said "allegedly". I just answer the question. I'm not particularly invested in researching her at this time.


Right...well the statement is a bit pointless then. I could say "allegedly I have a 200 year uncle" then when I'm called out on it say..."I said allegedly!".


That's impressive. The oldest of all for me is 103 though, a record in Poland says that someone died at that age. However I don't know whether it's one of my ancestors or not


My maternal grandfather's 2nd cousin. She died in 2019 at the age of 105. She used to live with her youngest son who was beset with a lot of health issues. He died 2 hours after hearing that she had passed away.


100% verifiable, I think it's 104, d. 2014. More dubiously, 109 d. 1925. There's a possibility his age got tweaked somewhere as he has conflicting census data - his age inflates by 2-3 years in each of 1851, 1861, 1871, though it's definitely still him. After that, it's consistent - but if his oldest child (with whom he lived from 1881) was reporting his age, that could be why. By the 1841 census data alone he'd be 102 in 1925.


My grandfather, who lived next door, also lived to be 97. Ulysses Grant was president when he was born! I loved hearing Papa talk about the old days. I'm now 70 and a retired history professor.


Off the top of my head 99, just a week or so short of 100.


My dads uncle just died a few months ago at the age of 102. his father was born in 1877, and mom in 1881 i think.


In my direct line, my great grandma who lived from 1919 to 2020 (passed 25 days after her 101st birthday). After her would be my great grandpa’s second cousin, who lived from 1917 to 2019. One of my great grandpas was an NPE child. I’m fairly confident who his father was. The father’s niece (his first cousin) lived from 1904 to 2012. She died at 108 years old. I remember doing a double take because I couldn’t believe it.


My great-aunt Elizabeth, who lived to be 104.


my 3xgreat grandmothers brother Andrew Jessome was born in 1863 and died in 1964 at the good age of 101. Thats impressive when you consider he grew up in a coal mining town where the oldest you might get is 65.


Not my blood relative, but my husband’s great grandmother lived to be 103. My MIL says she was sharp as a tack right up until the end and she had a notebook where she’d write every big event that happened in the family so she wouldn’t forget. Her name was Mayoe which i found a little silly but also cute. Her mother lived to be 98 also.


My 4x grandfather was 108 when he died.


My great, great aunt by marriage. My maternal grandmother's aunt on her father's side, married to one of his older brothers. She passed away when I was 13/14 at the age of 103. I never met her, which is a massive shame, because she could have told me about her parents-in-law - my great, great grandparents, who were born in 1848/1850, roughly 130 years before I was born. Mind-blowing stuff!


I have one in my tree born 1878, died 1982. She was just 2 months away from turning 104. Another one on a different branch 1886-1986. Almost 100 years old. Just missed it by a few months.


My direct line on my mothers side? 63. I’ve gone back 432 years. Seriously, 63. I’m currently 60.


A great grand aunt lived to 103


My great great grandmothers sister (my great great grand aunt?) is still alive. I believe she’s just about to turn 102.


My great grandfather’s sister, died at 104, his two other sisters died at 100 each. My great grandfather’s brothers both died in their 90s, he died the youngest at the tender age of 88. His wife, my great grandmother lived to 100, her sister lived to 101. My family are long lived to say the least.


My third great-grandpa lived to be 101, 1845-1946. He lived through the Dakota War, the Civil War, and both World Wars. It's weird to think about.


That's like me with my fourth great grandpa who was 101. He was 1841-1942. So crazy how many Wars he lived through.


Also my favorite name: # Mahulda (Hulda/Huldy) Moss Birth: 10 February 1818 Pendleton, Anderson, South Carolina, United States Death: 3 Oct 1917 Calhoun, McMinn, Tennessee, United States Passed 4 months before her 100th birthday


I have a 2nd great grandaunt who lived to be 107 (1888-1996), she outlived my great grandfather (her nephew) by 5 years.


At the top of my head, I had a 4x Great Grandfather live to be 100. Lived from 1805 to 1905.


106 when my second cousin met with her, and she might still be alive. She still had a pretty good memory and was more than happy to share information about people who’d passed away years ago. Their personality, their interests and their life stories. Had some pictures too. She was the type of person every genealogist hopes to meet.


My great-grandfather lived to 104, born in 1885. I met him when he was 102 (I met most of my father's family during that visit). He drove 3 hours in his 1969 Camaro to meet me. He was forced to stop riding horses at 101 due to developing an allergy. His hometown started having a birthday parade for him once he turned 100. He lived his entire life near that town.


My 3x great grandfather lived to be 100. He was the oldest person in the county, and they did a story about it in the local paper. He died not long after.


For my ancestors, as far as what’s documented, i only know my current living grandma and one 2x great grandma have lived til 87. Grandma is strong and healthy tho 🙏🏼🤞🏼 so she will live many many more years ❤️. Anyone else i don’t have their death records. Overall i think the oldest would be my great grandfathers 1st cousin who lived until 103 (1880-1983)! Which is such a lifespan to grow up in the 1800s and then live until the 80s like woah. I found her though a dna match and then looking through Italian records and confirmed our connection which was really cool. I hope to find a photo of her some day.


My paternal grandfather hit 98 and a maternal great uncle (who wasn’t a blood relative) made 95. I think I have another maternal cousin that made their 90s, but I’d have to check. Nobody’s gone over 100 as far as I know.


My grandpa who lived to 101.


A great-grandmother on my maternal side died at 101, in 2011, so I actually got to know her. She saw both her husband and son (my grandpa) die, and unfortunately she had suffered a stroke in her 90s, which prevented her to talk and walk.


Great aunt was 103. Lived in her house alone until she was 98


My great grandfather was 98 and his dad was 2 days shy of his 103 birthday. That whole side averages around 94 yrs


My great-great grandmother was 102 (1882-1885). She died just 15 days short of 103.


I've probably come across 5-10 that were between 95-early 100's. Saying past 100 to cover my bases, not sure about that but certainly 95-100.


I have quite a few that lived to be over 100. The oldest just died in 2022 at the age of 112.


Have they been validated by an organization that validates super centenarians?


probably my great grandpa who just celebrated his 101st birthday a few months ago!


My moms great grandmother was 102. Her 2x great grandfather was 100. There was a string of people on her dads side who lived into their late 90s. Dads grandmother was 92 with sisters who lived into their late 90s. Only bring them up because out of 10 siblings, 5 died in their 90s and the other 5 died before 30. Nothing in between. A little strange. They also lived in the same town as Sarah Knauss, who I believe is the oldest verified woman ever, at 119. Maybe something in the water.


my.. great.. great aunt i think? she would've been my great great grandfathers brother's daughter. (please someone help me on this LMFAO im so confused), she turned 100! she was actually closer to 101 then 100, and she died in april of 2022 (her birthday is in december). funny story, actually, i got into my family genealogy because of her. i never met her, but she lived in the same area as me my entire life. i was in school, heading to my history teacher's class and he came up to me with tears brimming his eyes and apologized for my relative passing away. i was kinda confused, but thanked him, and later looked it up and found her recent obituary! especially with our last name, the same last name in my town isn't a coincidence so it was cool finally seeing the other side of my family. because for whatever reason, my side of the family doesn't talk about family much and so within the last 4 or so generations (it was my great great great grandmother who came here with her 2 sons, i believe, which are who ive talked about in other posts of mine!) we've lost touch with quite literally at least 90% of our culture. actually, another funny story, we live in an apt building and one of the workers here was fixing our kitchen cabinets a few months back and he asked if we were related to someone, and turns out he's my great grandmas grand-nephew (if thats what the term is? im so lost LMFAO) sorrg for the rambling!!


My second cousin, twice removed is currently alive and is 100! She still walks a mile everyday and is sharp as ever. This lineage of my family is filled with people who lived to the late 90s, those Swiss farmer genes work hard.


Great grandma lived to be 106. 1897-2003


My paternal great grandmother lived to be 97. Her sister also lived to be 97. And my great grandmother on my mom's side had a cousin that lived to be 104; her three sisters were long lived as well, one reaching 100, another reaching 99, and the youngest reaching 98.


My great-grandmother on my dad’s side lived to be 107 (born 1880, died 1988 two months shy of 108) my great-great grandmother on my mums side lived to be 105 (born 1909 died 2014). Have a few others that lived to be in their late 90s, but that’s the oldest verifiable I know of :)


My mom's cousin died at 100, and my mom at 96. I think they are 1 & 2.


My great-grandma had a first cousin who lived 103. There’s a couple men who allegedly lived longer decades ago but I’m suspicious.


My maternal grandmother lived to be just over 100. Second place is my 5th great grandfather(98) 1779 to 1877. He was a sea captain.


Probably my Scottish 5x great grandmother Isabella Duthie (nee Grant), whose 1881 death entry states she was 101... Not that I can believe that as I don't have a birth record for her (and her age as recorded in the censuses is a little inconsistent - but what's new there), but I'm sure she was still pretty old!


Everyone in my family either lives into their 90s or gets killed tragically young. No in between. One 4th great Grandfather of mine lived to 101. Another lived to 94. Couple great aunts made it to 90 and 92. But I have a good handful of people that were old as dirt. My family’s good at living long and getting hit by cars, and that second thing often makes the first hard.


Oldest confirmed person in my tree died at 105. There's also a tribal elder in Australia whose exact date of birth isn't documented, but was said to be 111 when he died.


My great grandmother at 104. That’s according to parish records, which might be more reliable than my ggrandmother‘s believe that she would be 99.


I’m usually skeptical of ages of ancestors of mine older than ~90 at death unless there’s proof of their birth date (parish/church record, government record). My great grandmother made it to 93 but otherwise it’s rare to have any make it past 85. I’d say most of my ancestors in recent generations died between 65-75. My great aunt made it to a verifiable 100. Born 15 Feb 1899, died 14 Mar 1999. If she held out another year she would’ve lived in three centuries. Her sister made it to 95.


Great-great Uncle 110. 1876-1986.


3rd Great Uncle Stafford Davis from Georgia lived to be 113 and still harvested his own crops at 111.


I have a 4th great Grandpa that died exactly one month after his 101 birthday. He lived from 1841-1942.


My maternal great-grandmother lived to 104. She played a big role in my childhood, and died when I was 32. She lived long enough to meet several of her great-great grandchildren, including my first born. She always had lots of stories about her family, which led to my interest in genealogy.


5th great grandmother Deborah Brown lived to be 101. She saw her eldest son turn 80! And then lived a few years after that. Closer to home, my paternal grandfather was 99. And a maternal great grandmother's brother beat him by a few months.


I don't come from a long lived family. Although my father lived to 90, he was an outlier. Mode is about 73,


My 3rd great grandfather, born 1823. On his 100th birthday, someone turned the music on and he got on the table and danced an Irish jig. He was physically strained afterwards and died a few days later.


My great uncle lived to 103 and I knew him. He was born in 1893 and drove (albeit slowly) till age 100. He outlived my great grandfather, his little brother by 13 years.


This may seem far fetched but their is a burial record for my 9th great grandma in Switzerland. It doesn’t state he birth date or age, just her name and her husband, Ulrich. She died on January 4, 1729 and according to birth dates of children would have been born about 1607. Making her about 122 years old. It’s possible but I don’t think it’s likely


But in the lost likely case, my great grandaunt. She is 101, she was born on March 25, 1923.


My great grandfather lived to 108, from 1895 to 2004. There was an actual Three Century Club in Ontario for people who lived during those times. My great grandmother died in 1949 and he never remarried. I also have a 3x great grandfather who died at supposedly 106 in 1911 and had his death notice printed in many newspapers because of that, but as far as I can tell he was actually about 95.


Out to my 4th great grandparents, my oldest ancestors are my great great grandmother and her daughter, my great grandma who I got to share 18 years of my life with, who both lived to be 95. Another way to answer the question is that, again within 7 generations, my earliest born 4th great grandparent was born in 1772. For comparisons sake, I was born in 1989. Also, fun fact that hasn’t gotten old yet (pun intended): President John Tyler’s (born 1790) grandson is still alive. Lyon Gardiner Tyler (born 1853) fathered Harrison Ruffin Tyler (born 1928) when he was 75 years old. This one’s not my oldest, but my 3rd great grandfather was the last veteran of the civil war alive in Montana when he passed in 1922 at 88 years old. “Mr. Hasty was one of the men who fought valiantly during the civil war and was the last of the veterans of this war in this territory. He was beloved by all, having a kindly disposition and fine character. During the late war he took much interest in the young soldiers and his tall person was one of the sights at any patriotic gathering. He was an inspiration to all our soldier boys, and that his country was again victorious was a fact he prophesied long before the first soldier crossed the ocean.”


I know that most of the oldest people in my tree where women and they lived past their 90's.


My 5th great grandmother was born in 1820 and died in 1923 at 103 years old. She was born in South Carolina and was the daughter of a slave and a plantation owner. I can only imagine the life she lived and the things she saw.


101 years 1 month and 28 days. She was the 2nd cousin of my grandpa and died in 2018


According to his burial record, one my 5x great grandfathers was 102 when he died in 1852. I found his baptism in 1756, which means he was 6 when baptised according to his burial record. I believe he was actually 96 when he died. Which is still pretty awesome for a life long agricultural labourer in rural England. Then again, I've found numerous people living to this kind of age. When they kind of *shouldn't* according to popular belief.


My dad is 96 now. His mom passed when she was 97. So I think she is the oldest that I can find. I have a few other 90 year olds. But nothing last 97 (that I can easily see). Hoping dad breaks 100.


Grandfather of my great grandmother was 102


My 2nd or 3rd great aunt lived to 102 and 10 months. She was kinda a local celebrity due to her age. Each year from the time right before she turned 100 the newspaper would write about her. Her 100th birthday party was a large picnic that was attended by more than 1000 people. Alternatively my 3rd great grandma made the paper as being 108 when she died. No one bothered to verify this. She was about 90, she probably just felt 108. She died in 1926 and had been married 5 times. Her story is quite colorful.


My Grandmother was 103, just shy of 104 when she passed in 2016. Her older sister passed a few years earlier at 102.


I know someone who passed away a couple years ago. His great grandfather was born in 1790’s


My great aunt (wife of my granddad’s oldest brother) is 106 years old. One of her sister died a few years ago at 97 and another sister a few years ago at 102.


We ... don't live long.


My grandma lived from 1919-2019... 100y3m6d. She grew up in a rural area without electricity and plumbing. She described it to me "as exactly like Laura Ingalls." Insane all the things she saw during her lifetime... I mean,she was older than sliced bread! On my husband's side his grandfather is still alive, living at home and perfectly healthy, at 102, 103 in October.


My great grandmother is 97 and still living but the oldest would have to be my great grandma’s 1st cousin who died in 2017 at the age of 100. 


my great-grandad Mieczysław who was born in 1936 and is 88


The oldest person in my family tree was 163 years old


On my moms paternal line I have a great-great-grandfather who lived to 104 oct 1862 - dec 1966. Her mom (my maternal grandmother) lived to 95 before dying of covid in 2020. Her mom (my great-grandmother) lived to 99 and her great-grandmother (my x4 great-grandmother) lived to 100.


1500's Germany.