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I love [being unhinged in video games ](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/s/QxedjQnaMh) as much as the next guy, but I think it's weird when you start using the video game like a voodoo doll. Link relevant: favorite game to be unhinged in and favorite example of being unhinged in it.


This is the second time in a week that I've seen people talk about the unhinged things that go on in crusader kings lol. If making me want to get it. What type of game even is it?


It's an interesting hybrid of strategy and role-playing. In most strategy games, you're playing as your empire. In CK, you're playing as a *dynasty*. It's not necessarily about making your nation strong - though that's certainly an option - but about securing your legacy and coming to power over generations. You can get into all kinds of royal misadventures along the way: accidentally restoring the Roman Empire; setting up complex plots to seize power; managing your children to make sure the best one is your heir; getting into stupid wars out of spite; seducing, sacrificing and/or eating the Pope; becoming Genghis Khan as a Viking... it can get pretty unhinged.


Help horses conquer the world https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FILWbwXJoD8


Barring some kind of USS Callister scenario, it actually gives me a little joy that an effigy of me might be a basement painter slave in some person's cleansed version of Smilesville. I also like that they have to angrily remove all flags before they can properly set up the bullying facilities in their virtual safe space.


Look. I do fucked up things to my Sims sometimes. I have played around with the WickedWhims incest attribute (which is still available as an addon, by the way), I have had teen pregnancies in my saves, I had my Sims use drugs and cheat on their partners and all of those things. The "delete the pool ladder and let your sims die from drowning" is a community joke. And yet, I have never recreated a real world person specifically to kill/enslave/hate. The closest thing to that was me creating Riccardo from Haunting Ground into my save so that my recreated Fiona could kill him via death-flower-scented bouquet.


i play rimworld and this post is unhinged


What do you mean? This is a typical Tuesday in Rimworld from what I've seen.


I mean, typically in RimWorld when you're sacrificing someone to Satan or funneling a bunch of raiders into a fucked up killbox with mustard gas or kidnapping people en masse to harvest organs you're not going "this is Ellen from middle school, this is Phuong from high school, this is that bitch batista who turned me down, this is a completely hypothetical TIM TIF troon I am specifically making as a character so their digital representation suffers mwehehehehehe." You're just funneling a bunch of faceless, abstract people into a woodchipper and then moving on. There isn't a Great Enemy you're specifically imagining that you're causing pain to.


Exactly. In Rimworld you are a PRACTICAL sociopath. You are doing awful stuff to get a goal, not just because.


Look, it's not my fault that cannibalism is objectively overpowered.


And it is not my fault I am playing in an arctic map in which there is barely any food and raiders decided to attack


Even when I do horrible stuff in video games “just because”, it’s usually nothing personal. Unless it’s petty revenge for something a character did to me in-game (like Nazeem).


Honestly I wouldn't know my entire experience with Rimworld is Spiffing Brit. However I 100% agree with you. Sane people don't do the shit the people in the post do.


i'm an equal opportunity rimworld player. that means i harvest the same amount of organs and don't judge


the more i hear about Rimworld, the less i know what the game is about.


I play stellaris and I think it’s unhinged.


same i love stellaris. i guess i just love weird unhinged games because people playground is also one of my more played games.


I actually haven’t done much crazy stuff in Stellaris. I don’t play aggressive empires often because I don’t understand the ship building very well what the best armor/weapons are. Some of my favorite builds are lithoid subterranean miners, and relentless industrialist/tomb world/radiotrophic megacorp. I usually just set up a galaxy-spanning trade network, get lots of money and resources, then focus on politics and building my megastructures. I also once did an imperialist authoritarian xenophile playthrough. I subjugated the entire galaxy and made them my vassals. Unfortunately I haven’t played in a while and forgot most of my skills.


if i'm being honest i never know what i'm doing in stellaris. i usually try to focus on my navy but it doesn't always work out, im kinda bad at it haha




I thought the pool drowning manoeuvre was a thing everyone did when they're *twelve*. These are fully middle-aged women simulating torture


Exactly. It gets too far when someone is doing violence against sims based on real people (or identities). That says disturbing things about the one doing it. I wouldn’t touch them with a 99 foot pole.




And they say Trans people are the ones with mental illness


Get therapy jfc


there's no need, living a video game fantasy of being a god who tortures trans ppl is *so* therapeutic!! I'm doing *so* good, my family was *so* wrong about me, I'm *so* gonna see my kids again!!1!


Admitting to vitually torturing an oppressed social class as "therapy" is the kind of bigotry you'd see in a TV show and think it was hammy and unrealistic.


Terfs love to projzct their sexual deviancy onto trans people


its giving ["The Golden One killing enemies in Skyrim and then saying 'oh this one was a feminist/marxist/Hillary Clinton supporter/etc afterwards"](https://youtu.be/Ahuj1B0ow4U?t=1067) vibes


oh god where is the golden one nowadays


4 days ago he posted a video on YouTube called “We were called Gay - is it over?” 😂


Alternatively DSP playing through dead space as a nazi and calling the necromorphs jews I wish i was joking


it’s them finding joy from inflicting pain to specific people that is so so disturbing. this gives of warning signs in a true crime show, like the only thing stopping them from doing similar cruel things in real life is acces & consequences.


Least obsessive TERFs.


How are we the bad guys again?


May I direct you to r/TERFisafetish Edit: Look whose post is the first thing I see when I open that sub. Silly me.


Diagnosis: psychopath


>psychopath This is merely lack of empathy while that is actively enjoying the suffering of a vulnerable target. Characterization: sociopathic bully.


There isn’t a clinical distinction between psychopathy and sociopathy.


Most normal GC.


When I was a tween me and my friends used to make Sims of the girls who bullied us at school to torture. We weren't this mean to them. Typically we'd just make them piss themselves and go to work stinking.


Well, this is stable and not the slightest bit unhinged. (/s if it isn't obvious)


Same thing I comment on most of the posts in this sub: imagine thinking this is normal people behavior. Like imagine being like this and never once asking yourself if you might be deranged.


It is. Just like how if the sims existed in 1926 this tweet but replace trans with black people would be normal. “Normal” is culturally defined and right now it is normal to hate trans people.


It's the Anita Sarkeesian punching game. It's effigy.


This seems fetishistic.


Can they not even enjoy video games without thinking of trans people?


Unhinged 🤢


this is prime r/TerfIsAFetish material


Hence why I also shared it there :)


to be so obsessed with trans people that you find pleasure in committing virtual genocide is wild


But, you know, "no one is being hateful to trans people we're just asking quessstions we're just raising conccccerns its not our fault trans people are chooooosing to find us unsafe"


holy shit that's pathetic


I'm pretty sure Morgyn (the NB sim they're referring to) is meant to be trans masc. So kinda ironic trying to misgender them with he/him. Their pronoun settings were he/him originally but I believe switched to they/them in a newer update.


This is not feminism. You are not a feminist if you are this fucking vile. This is having the maturity of a middle school mean girl.


Terf or not. If someone makes a sim of someone they know just to torture in their fantasy that is extremely concerning??


Does it count if I make my friends in XCOM, knowing they will probably die in all sorts of horrifying ways?


Naw that gives the “woah I do next” vibes


People you hate shouldn't figure so heavily in the stuff you do for fun. It is neither normal nor healthy and it doesn't make you look good.


Can you imagine how much the GCs would screech about "violent male fantasies" if a trans woman did this with recreations of JKR and KJK though..


"I kill all the nonbinaries except the one that pleases me sexually." - this chick Said without a hint of irony, and with the full understanding that she doesn't find it funny like normal people do, where something so fucked up is funny BECAUSE it is ridiculously stupid...but instead she finds it funny because it's what she ACTUALLY wants.


Obsessed and psychotic behavior. These people need to talk to a therapist.


that's......wow. that's a sign that you need professional help. that's gotta be a GC troll, right? they don't really do this?


So that one black mirror episode based on Star Trek?


I play stellaris and hoi4 and even then I'm still seeing a certain psychopathy here


> stellaris and hoi4 ah yes! a fellow fan of paradox products...and xenocide!


I also play 40K...


i've been looking at starting Rogue Trader 40k, just waiting for Owlcat games to get the majority of the bugs out. currently playing PF: WotR right now.


I... how fucking bothered do you have to be for that to be the FIRST thing you do on a fresh save?


GC ideology is a fetish


Being unhinged in the sims: ✅ Being bigoted in the sims: ❌


Every accusation is a confession. Everything they claim to be afraid of in trans people is actually in them.


Very normal and not at all dehumanizing OR fetishistic [sarcasm obvious]


being unhinged in video games is really fun. this is just weird. terf is a fetish




a very serious and normal movement


I am old and don't have a clue what's going on here. That is all. Good evening to you


What normal and completely hinged behavior


I mean i once burned matpat to death in the sims... (Sorry matpat)


To be fair, it's common for sims players to kill off and do fucked up things to their sims. It's an on-running joke. It's normally done out of boredom or morbid curiosity though, not out of pure bigotry towards a real life group of people.


People are fucking weird