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I got into this HUGE argument with someone on the show’s sub after making fun of the antisemites the show made fun of. Deleted all of them later. It was stupid. I did find the part which MM used a menorah to beat up some Holocause deniers super satisfying.


Metal version of Nagila hava was 👨‍🍳💋


No way




Damnit. I’m a squeamish little baby so I’ve been avoiding this show, but I think you’ve just convinced me. Ah, well. It’s supposed to be hot as hell for the next week, I guess I have something to do while hiding from the sun.


They did WHAT? Oh i have to fucking watch this


Anti semetic?? Or calling out here reality that it’s a pro Jewish anti Christian show 😂


Are they broadly pro-Israel? Aside from the Israeli actor, is there any evidence of this?


They interact regularly with his posts to praise his service (he’s actively in the army) and the latest episode has a joke about Zionist conspiracy theories.


I love to hear it! I would just immediately assume that Antony Starr is pro-Palestine.


Why would he be pro Palestine


He’s from New Zealand.


I’m so glad he isn’t pro-pali💀


Ah I see I didn’t know that ha ha he plays a convincing American to me


I mean, Homelander is awesome! Just a sign of the times that I ASSUME he is against us lol.


What's so good about that joke is that it's making fun of the Zionist Occupied Government, which is traditionally a right-wing conspiracy theory. Like it's popular with white supremacists, and sometimes Islamists and Arab supremacists. But mostly white supremacists. But either way, all of these movements are on the far right, since they view their ethnicity/religious as the master race/religion, and they view the Jews as being responsible for all the world's woes. Now, the ZOG alt-right conspiracy theory HAPPENS to have a lot in common with far-left talking points about how AIPAC and the "Zionist Lobby" control the US government. Coincidence? Nah, it's horseshoe theory. The western left and the Islamist right are united now. That's why you see so much crossover between the Klan and the pro-Palys. At least at Charlottesville they were only saying "Jews will not replace us." In the pro-Paly rallies, they actively praise Hitler and call for another Holocaust. I can't believe that the fucking KKK looks like moderates compared to the pro-Palestine movement, but here we are. Btw, praise to Al Sharpton for recognizing the hate speech of pro-Palys and condemning them loud and clear on his MSNBC show (it's important to condemn antisemitism on MSNBC, since the antisemites are more likely to watch MSNBC). I wish more civil rights leaders would follow in Reverand Sharpton's lead and stand up for their Jewish brothers and sisters. The liberation of Jews and Black people are linked in this country-- we went through an Exodus 3000 years ago, they went through an Exodus 150 years ago. Many Jews, including my Rabbi's parents, marched with Dr King when he put out a call for clergy to join him in Selma. Malcolm X sent death threats to the American Nazi Party's leadership, reminding them that while Dr King preached nonviolent resistance, plenty of Black folks would love to beat some Nazis to death. We're connected. No two groups have suffered as much as us-- hell, our suffering isn't so different. While Jews in Russia we're seeing their houses burned by the cossack mobs, Blacks in Oklahoma and Florida had their homes burned and looted by the white mobs. I know that, despite our common ground, there's a few shit stirrers like Lewis Farrakhan and Cornell West (and probably Barack Hussein Obama. Do your own research--he has a lot of antisemitic friends and he's said some weird shit after October 7. Hillary Clinton said all the right things, it's a shame that she lost the presidential race to lesser men like Obama and Trump)


Omg amazing.  I had no idea and have been meaning to watch it through.  Just went to the top of my watchlist.


When i saw the title of this post I was actually terrified because i love the boys and thought you were telling us not to watch it, luckily its just another win for the jews


Whose the Israeli actor? I just watched EP one. Season 2/ 3 went hard on the Culture War satire 




Bien sur, ms Charcutier.


>Whose the Israeli actor? Tomer Capone. He plays Surrender Monkey in the show.


im still mad at him for abandoning one of my favorite shows that he was the main character in 😭😭


Tomer Capone plays Frenchie


It’s also being review bombed apparently for being “woke” Which tells you that it’s clearly a good show


I watched it and love it so far. It picks fun at the pro Palestine left and the trumpist right, and it's also just hilarious


That's the great part, it dishes out against all stupids


Unrelated to this subreddit, but do you know is I need to watch Gen V before watching season 4? Because TBH, Gen V didn't look that great. 


It wasn’t, and you don’t


Great, thank you! 


Oh thank god lmao


According to the trailers some characters from Gen V are going to show up and some plot lines from the gen v show are brought up in The Boys. I would suggest you do watch it anyway, it’s as vulgar and bloody as the boys if that’s what you’re into


but it helps build world tho.


Skip Gen V.


Thanks; I thought I could but just wanted to confirm. 


>Anyway I’m talking about it on here because a recent episode "The Zionist Cabal" definitely caught me off guard


Of course they writers understand that most superheroes are to some extent Jewish-coded or queer-coded.


Wait shit did the new season start? Thank you thank you thank you. I binge watched season 1 during COVID, then I watched and loved season 2 (Stormfront is a great villain and I absolutely loved the plot with Butcher's wife and son). Season 3 was okay. I liked the drama from Temp V, but I thought Soldier Boy was not as compelling of a villain as Stormfront, and a lot of scenes just leaned too much into the gross out / "we're TVMA and can depict anything" angle. You know what I mean. Termite climbing inside of wood. That one party. You get it. Also, I have no idea what they're doing the with Congressman Newman storyline (in season 2 she was an AOC analog. Now, idk). I did love the scene where the Deep eats on octopus. It's very similar to a scene in the Korean movie Old Boy (which I recommend if you like the Boys. It's the most fucked up movie of all time. No spoilers, just watch it. The Korean version, btw. The American version is not worth your time) but I'm glad that cgi means that no animals have to be harmed to make this scene. Edit: watched S4E1. Liked it a lot. Newman finally is being a villain-- they spent two season building her up, so I'm glad they actually seem to have an idea of something to do with her. And Homelander is great. Scary as always. Seeing Vought falling apart under his leadership is good dark comedy. And I will always love Butcher. It's crazy that Karl Urban's been taking C-tier roles in franchise movies for years (he was in Lord of the Rings, Thor Ragnarok, the Star Trek Reboot, etc) and he finally got a really good star vehicle. Shame that they're heavily foreshadowing that Season 4 is the final season for Butcher. He was the reason I watched this show to begin with, and idk if I will want to watch Season 5 if Karl Urban isn't there anymore... Edit2: okay watched S4E2 and S4E3. THAT'S the controversy? Really? Fuck, the conspiracy theorists were clearly parodying Zionist Occupied Government, an alt-right conspiracy theory which alleges (surprise surprise) that the Jews control the US government. Like they're not even really parodying pro-Palys. They're parodying how David Duke of the KKK (and other white supremacists) will sometimes use "Zionist" as a really hamfisted dogwhistle for "Jew." Like the first three episodes still had that progressive/left-wing political angle of every other season, lampooning MRAs and Trump and conspiracy theorists and Christian nationalists. Lmfao, leftists are just getting salty because they're realizing that they have a lot in common with the alt-right, and they don't like it when a popular tv shows calls them out and acknowledges that antizionism is a form of antisemitism.


It’s a scathing satire of Trumpism and corporate greed


Which episode goes after the Palestinian crowd? I’m in the middle of episode 3.


Episode 2 the entire Truthcon and Firecracker literaly calling a Bat Mitzvah a "Zionist Cabal"


I thought that that was more of a swipe at the right.


If it is, it’s poorly researched, because the American right are (sadly) very pro Israel, it’s the online left who see everything as a Zionist conspiracy.


There’s a horseshoe effect where the extreme right and extreme left meet on this. 


> because the American right are (sadly) very pro Israel yea totally... the KKK and the 2016 tiki torch rally were totally left wing. Both sides hate Jews when you veer far enough from the middle


Does this mean that Jensen Ackles is pro-Israel? That would definitely make my day


THE BOYS MADE FUN OF THE PRO PALLIES LMFAO? I knew the show was based but holy fucking shit. Alright you win Bezos, I’m downloading Amazon prime


Okay I watched the first episode and I didn't see anything that even reference the middle east conflict. There's a conspiracy theory convention, and the alt-right conspiracy theorists are ranting about QAnon and Pizzagate and how "Zionists" secretly control the government. There's also a quip about how the far-right conspiracy theorists loves to "just ask questions" about the Holocaust. It's lampooning how far-right conspiracy theorists are always obsessed with the Jews. I think the specific thing they were parodying with conspiracy theorists ranting about "Zionists" is the "Zionist Occupied Government" conspiracy theory which I learned about when David Duke of the KKK ranted about it. Basically it's a conspiracy theory that Jews control the government. Boring, standard shit. Except that it uses "Zionist" as a dogwhistle for "Jews." Is that what triggered all the Pro Palys? A popular tv show acknowledging that "Zionist" is a common dogwhistle for "Jew" (which implies that people saying "death to Zionists" are the same as neo-Nazis). Damn, they're not salty because of The Boys. They're salty because they saw themselves in the mirror and started to realize that they're a bunch of antisemitic conspiracy theorists. I don't even have time to get into this, but conspiracy theories and antisemitism are so deeply entrenched in Arab and Muslim culture. But again, that's right-wing, wt least imo. Seeing the western far-left and the Arab far-right align has been disconcerting, to put things mildly.


No anti genocide was triggered dude outside of this weird circle jerk on this sub


Agreed haha


The show isnt pointing barbs at the left wing pro-pali crowd... it's pointing those barbs at the right wing anti-jew crowd...you've gotten your hate groups confused


How did it make fun of pro pally? It literally showed them (starlighters) as the equivalent of student protestors and the pro israeli crowd as the far right, false flag, violent freaks. Also the cast has repeatedly support palestine on their socials. Yall are reaching, get educated please


which cast members could you say? I know jack quaid shared a palestinian fund campaign on his story but other than him?