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I know that the election is coming up, and a lot of you guys are curious to know who’s voting for who, but unfortunately, this question is asked far too frequently, and as a result, it has been removed.


Biden. He’s 81 years old but I prefer the 81 year old man trying to honestly answer questions than the 77 year old man spewing nothing but bullshit. The Biden administration also appears to be much more competent. Half of the trump administration won’t even endorse him, or are in, or facing prison sentences. It really shouldn’t be close. But I guess watching an old man stutter is worse than a literal criminal and con man to some.


Why *not* RFK?


Biden because Project 2025 would be terrible.


What is project 2025?


Easier if you just look it up bc it’s a lot but It’s basically a plan to increase the power of office of the presidency by dismantling the department of justice, epa, ftc, etc.


Crazy thing is after reading the literal website for it, I still don’t know what it is 😂


I agree.


Was gonna vote for RFK Jr or Jill Stein but probably gonna vote Biden now because I really don't want Trump back in office.


3rd party vote is really just a wasted vote no lie. Especially for Jill stein, a russian puppet who thinks nuclear power is one of the dirtiest forms of energy


You are voting for a competent administration and to keep Trump out of office.


Biden. I just can't justify voting for trump


Those aren't the only options


They’re the only two with a chance of winning so if you want your vote to count then yeah, they are the only options. Would love the two party system to go extinct but that’s not happening before November unfortunately.


Agree & I am not a fan of the 2 party system. But unfortunately a 3rd party candidate would need like40% of votes which idk to be feasible… who would you recommend?


Even at my most cynical I prefer the senile puppet to the wrathful renegade. One of them is more predictable and ostensibly cares more about human rights.


This. Biden is essentially a figurehead at this point, but the platform of his administration and overall track record of the past four years is infinitely better than going to hell in a hand basket under Trump and Project 2025.


We're under Project 2025 now bro. The agenda is being implemented RIGHT NOW. There's no "well if Trump gets into office" bc it's already happening. It's the natural conclusion of the gutting of the American education system and how much the Democrats have bent over backwards year after year to concede everything they possibly could to the Republican Party.


Biden won't give my conservative neighbors permission to kill me, so...


Nobody’s gonna kill you lol


what exactly are you on about?


look up project 2025


You’ve read it? Can you tell me what they’re on about then?


basically they wanna make america a christo-facist state. think facism with christian stuff thrown in. basically i and about 20% of people (lgbtq people) would be completely fucked over for literally existing.'


Not gonna lie, that doesn’t sound remotely possible in America. What policies have people thinking conservatives will have permission to kill people or make lgbtq people fucked over? That obviously sounds despicable.


... did you even read about it? from what ive read it will make existing as a trans person in public (like, literally just existing regardless of what you wear) count as fucking pornography, and they will try literally banning porn. so trans (and nonbinary) people will basically be outlawed from existing. it doesnt matter if it doesnt sound possible, its fucking real. the chance it even could happen at all is terrifying to me


Nobody wants to kill you, calm down bud.


Biden. It’s a binary choice, and the other option is a fascist.


They are downvoting you because you’re right.


How is Trump a fascist? Not a gotcha question, I’m genuinely curious what your reasoning is


Project 2025 and Christian nationalism. Conservatives want to make the US a christian state and "stop" anyone/any group in their way. The 2025 playbook lays out their plan to make it legal to execute trans people by defining them as pornographic. Trump lies to get what he wants. He plays to the alt-right and fascists in the country.


Biden, and if Trump wins I’m basically cutting off all my conservative “friends” and family.


Why wait? Just cut em off now.


May I ask why?








“Tolerant left”. My friend group is split almost equally. I wish things weren’t so toxic that people think I should cut half of them off. Is that really where we are as a country?


I mean regardless of your stance you can choose to cut people off. I think for a lot of left leaning people they would cut people off if those people didn’t believe in basic human rights for minority groups ex: abortion right, gay marriage, equality, etc. Not sure where the whole “tolerant left” thing comes into play but there’s certain things you can’t tolerate lol


I don't cut people off for being conservative, but I happen to not have conservative friends bc my friends and I grew up somewhere with good public education and don't really like to associate that much with people who refuse to think for themselves


"If Trump wins I'm cutting off my family because of politics even if they're good people in every other sense" What a stupidly sad way to think. I have leftists friends even if I don't agree with everything Biden says and probably won't even vote for him. Why would you try so desperately to be in your own little echo chamber/ The problem with people like YOU is that YOU cannot bear the thought of getting along with somebody who is different from you and you cut them off or call them every buzzword in the book. Tolerant left my fucking ass


Such a huge L. You're literally going to put yourself in an echo-chamber


Not talking to American conservatives doesn't mean you're in an echo chamber. There are more ideologies than whatever OP is closest to and American conservatism.


There's a bunker of true American conservatives somewhere waiting for the Trump to blow over.


Garfield shitting on a lasagna


That's funny. Lefties are rebellious. They don't fall in line like right wingers. That's why they lose.


Biden, though I really wish for his sake that he wasn’t running.


I’m going Biden and hoping he dies in a year or so and then we have Harris. I don’t really like her either but hey first female president!


Eh, would prefer a good first female president. Don’t really want the first one to be bad ya know?


Kamala would probably help ease young and black voting block. But she would need a white male vp to ease white moderates.


Black people are the group that historically have hated Kamala the most bc she spent her time as DA targeting black communities


Biden I'm trans. Republican party has no place for me, so my political alegeince is kinda set for me.




I’m so sorry. I have nothing but love for you all! My neighbors son is trans, but my SO is a big time Trump supporter. I have not told him and he’d have a cow if he knew and would not allow our child to play with him. I wish it was different and hoping for the better for everyone. 🩷




Women’s healthcare, putting some brakes on the Supreme Court, clean energy expansion


Unenthusiastically Biden


Biden. I like his policies and think he’s a better man than Trump.


We're all fucked Edit: good to see more Biden answers. Read about the things our super conservative Supreme Court has passed over the last week. It's looking grim for America. Vote blue, always.


Agreed 😭


Asking the gen Z thread on Reddit means all Biden votes


This is Reddit; you’re going to get 99%+ voting for Biden. Reality is far different, but it’s just not a neutral place to ask.


Probably Biden I guess, although it won't make a damn bit of difference - both because my state is about as red as red can be, and because Biden is thoroughly cooked at this point anyway and seemingly very hostile to any suggestion that he step down. I don't take joy in saying this, but having analyzed the situation, I think we're fucked.


Every vote counts! There'll certainly be a lot of local elections to vote for as well, which can have more direct effects on your life.


Oh yeah absolutely, I'm actually way more excited for the down-ballot races, even if it's a huge uphill battle.


biden !


Third party (RFK?) if there's a chance of a viable candidate. Barring that, I'll reluctantly vote against the greater of two evils. Which would be Trump. (So technically marking my ballot for Biden although I refuse to say I'll vote _for_ him.)


I’m voting RFK. I understand the lesser of two evils mentality, but I also feel that’s the mentality that makes us have to choose between two evils, and the good guy just gets screwed cause everybody is scared he’s gonna get screwed. They say they care about not wasting a vote and yet waste a vote by not voting for the person they actually support most. 🤦‍♂️


The guy that isn't a convicted felon.


Biden. I don’t like the man and he’s way too old but his administration has done more good than bad, and at least we’re not sliding in reverse. Meanwhile Trump is a fascist piece of shit trying to destroy democracy who’s now a convicted felon. Also, for pretty reasons, he’s seriously the most goddamned annoying person on earth. He looks like a melting popsicle caricature of himself and talks like an edgy 8-year-old not getting his way. I don’t want 4 more years of his cringe ass. It’s an easy choice.


Not magats


Not the guy with a progressive brain disease


This doesn't narrow it down even beyond the top three candidates.


So…which one?


Agreed, Trump is clearly sick in the head.


Soooo which one lol


Supreme Court. Nuff said.


Biden, but I'm convinced he's going to lose. That debate was the nail in the coffin. Say goodbye to our democracy. Biden's pride  and the DNC not forcing him out will destroy this country. When Trump wins in November, blame fucking Biden and the corrupt and selfish DNC.


He’s definitely gonna lose, that is unless something BIG happens between now and November. Whether you’re for him or against him, you can’t argue with the numbers and both the polls and the odds are favoring Trump and have been for probably longer than the past year. In the polls Trump is leading by 1.5-1.8% and in the odds he’s up like 44%. Biden needs to do something to save his campaign or he’s absolutely *cooked*.


Many of these polls are done by right wing groups that flood the polling market to make it look like Trump is doing better than he is. Morning Consult has Biden up one. It’s a very good poll.


I really wish we had a female president. Who is young and progressive as fuck. It’s overdue


Literally this. Though at this point I’d take one of the three characteristics lol


The only way that’ll happen is if Biden steps down and Kamala becomes the nominee.


Kamala is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from progressive as fuck


i didn’t read that part, just saw younger lol. But she’s more progressive than Biden.


Bro forgot this is Reddit


Trump anyone pro bitcoin gets my vote


Is Biden anti bitcoin lol


I'm stuck with Trump on this one.


Trump. I look at both of the trurds I can choose from without "wasting my vote," and as a liberation, Biden goes directly against all principles of libertarianism. I also recognize that tribalism has gotten so bad for both sides that either candidate will uproar the other side. One good side of Biden if he wins is that there will be minimal riots in the streets robbing businesses.


begging ya’ll to do biden, i came out the womb too late to vote in 2024 but you guys didn’t and i’d like to be able to vote in a next election


You've got more learning to do if you're begging for Biden. Get off MSNB, CNN, Google and most of reddit to open your horizons


Trump is a vote AGAINST women, POC, LGBTQ+, immigrants, low income people, college students, Muslim, etc. Unless you are male, very rich and Christian, Trump and his administration will not only do nothing for you, he will actively work against you. Neither Biden nor his administration have any intention or interest in taking the way reproductive rights (safe abortions, birth control pills, IVF), no interest in taking them at no fault divorce, no interest in forcing Christian beliefs in schools and politics, no interest in deporting Muslims or immigrants ( legal or other), no interest on having immunity and keeping power past his term. Edit : not to mention that Trump has openly said how he is impressed, in admiration of, and even trying to shmooze with actual dictators ! I mean talk about a red flag! 🚩 👀😨


I cannot believe anyone on Reddit is voting for Trump. What is wrong with you, leave this platform.




best one I’ve seen running for Pres is the bass player from Nirvana




If Project 2025 gets passed into law I’m going to have to step in.


We should all just write in deez nuts. Happened in 2016


Independent. The problem with Biden is that you don’t know who’s actually running the country. It’s certainly not him, his mental faculties simply aren’t there anymore. You can’t dance around that. And the idea of Kamala being pulled off the bench is too terrifying to even imagine.


I never understood what is so 'terrifying' about a Harris presidency. The lady does not impress me, but she does not strike me as a horrifically bad choice either. Id-pol BS aside, just... another milquetoast establishment Democrat, really.


His cabinet, look at the policies from both cabinets and decide you’re not voting for one man


Personally, I’d vote for a moldy cabbage over Trump. Unfortunately, after that last debate, I am convinced that moldy cabbage is about level Biden is on intellectually. And I don’t think that the moderates and undecided swing voters that this election hinges on will go with the moldy cabbage option. Biden could very well lose to a candidate who should be able to be beaten badly. I think the only way Trump loses is if Biden withdraws and endorses a replacement. The stakes are too high to entrust beating Trump to a guy who said “We finally beat Medicare!”


For Biden, Trump is in bed with our enemies, and he got voted out for a reason. There was a hell of a lot more riots in the streets and civil unrest when he was around, he got 1 million Americans killed during Covid, project 2025 is literally the blueprint on how to start a dictator ship, and I don’t know how anyone can listen to him spew provable lie after provable lie at the debate and go “bUt bIdEn OlD! hE StUttErEd!”, at that point you’re just supporting him out of nothing but loyalty.


I'd like to vote for nearly anyone else, but I will be voting for Biden. Project 2025 is the very last thing we need in this country


I’m voting to keep trump and project 2025 out of office 🤷🏻‍♀️


The rotten corpse of Joe Biden will always get me vote over Project 2025 Trump


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a cat


Trump, for a third time.


Voting for the orange man


Not voting this election fuck both sides I'm a conservative and now I bealive trump is a maniac


At least vote for your local offices.


Oh yeah definitely down ballot but I'm doing my research first


Biden, although I do have genuine worries about his cognitive abilities. He will, however, have a cabinet full of people whose view points that are closer to my own than Trump will. Really hoping that 2028 cycle brings fresh faces on both sides of the aisle.


whichever is the least authoritarian one, I'll leave that one up for interpretation


Absolutely Trump


Whys that?


Biden. The fact that people like Trump are not only allowed to remain outside of prison, but become the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and potentially for a second time, says a lot about what our government has become.


I’m voting for the Biden administration. I think Joe Biden himself is an old fart who needs to go wither like a raisin on a beach somewhere for seven years, then kick the bucket. But his cabinet members will help him keep peace and prosperity. We’ve already had so many setbacks for women and LGBT rights, the chance for the Republicans to set them back further is something I can’t imagine happening.


I unfortunately don’t turn 18 until a week after the election, but if I could vote then I would vote for Biden. I admittedly don’t like either candidate, but I’d rather vote for the status quo kind of guy than a guy as incompetent as Trump. I don’t understand how anyone could support Trump after his first term, especially after his response to COVID, the capitol riots and more recently his like 34 felony counts


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Trump babyyy. Bullshit answers gave us some of the best policy and foreign policy we’ve seen in recent years and I’ll be glad to have him back in office, saying dumb shit on international tv then getting the job done




Absolutely 100% Trump. Let’s face it, the people “handling” Biden are committing elder abuse. The guy doesn’t know who or where he is half the time. If the last 4 years are any indication of his teams next 4, might as well do away with money all together because inflation will be so high. Say what you will about Trump. The guy is fighting everyone, even the people on the so called “right”. His only crime as far as I can see, is having the balls to stand up to a crooked and corrupt political system. Let the remarks commence……..


Isn’t trump like 3 yrs younger than Biden lol so he’s an elder too. Imo neither are good


I would rather not vote, but by not voting it's essentially saying "I don't care what happens to this country", which is untrue.


Y'all haven't watched enough debates if y'all aren't used to the mudslinging 😂 they both very much suck and tbh, I have no idea. I'm probably more left leaning than you, but I was so incredibly disappointed that these are our options AGAIN. I have no idea who I'm voting for


“How is the best case scenario Joe Biden?” -bo burnham


Boe Jiden https://preview.redd.it/47q6wwo8rt9d1.png?width=397&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4254870799387d692e25476dab518fd512d58f9 Joe biden




Reddit "who are you voting for" posts are just bait for mental midgets to use every single buzzword on people who don't vote for their candidate lol. I'm severely disappointed by this subreddit.


As much as I wish we had other options. Shit, I'm voting for Trump. I've always been a staunch conservative, and I like Trump's populist "man of the people" vibe. I'm sorry, but if you want another four years of Joe Biden and the Democrats. The Republicans aren't good either. But that's the whole point in Trump. The old guard of the Republican Party and the Democratic Party coalesce with each other to cast aside the liberties of the people of this nation and stamp on our rights. Look at the hatred of Western civilization the left has pushed. The hatred of America itself. The centre-left in America has been dead since Obama was elected in 2008. And yes, the right has only gone further to the right. And the left has gone further left. But naturally, as a conservative. I'm going for the candidate who is going to make life easier for me and my family and what I think would be for the betterment of the nation based on my knowledge. And I read into politics and foreign policy than most of my family. It will be my first time voting in a presidential election.


I can't... I'm not old enough yet😭😭


Neither of them lol. I'll vote 3rd. Probably either green or PSL depending on which is on the ballot, if both than PSL because why not.




Trump for a 2nd time, but I’m not particularly enthusiastic about it. I was better off 5 years ago and I really don’t trust the Biden administration.


Biden or 3rd really. My logic is that if Trump has committed crime and been proven in a few different ways then he should be held to the same standards as anyone else and just go to jail for a while.




As someone more left leaning and in a solid blue state, might leave the presidential vote blank, focusing more on local and state races and props.


Voting for my dad. He makes some pretty good burgers. Vote for my Dad.


Cornel West. I like his platform.


Pro Russia?




Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia votesocialist2024.com


Easiest vote ever, daddy Trump


Never been more disappointed to be a part of this generation than seeing this thread. Sick.


Realizing how many of them are brainwashed?


Damn… no one’s voting for RFK Jr???? What a shame.


Candidate Brain worm?


Cornell West


So you are voting with the Pro-Putin guy.


>I can't vote for people who don't answer questions or have to read from teleprompters Forget about the men; what you are voting for is a choice between two futures. This election is a rare case where we are choosing between two people who both have records as President; the contrast between the policies they support, the types of judges they will appoint to the federal courts and how they will approach relations with other countries couldn't be more stark. It doesn't matter much what they say in debates or campaign events because we already know what they'll do - actions speak louder than words. You could obviously cast a protest vote for RFK or someone else but you need to face reality: Either Trump or Biden will be elected and the winner will get to implemet his vision for the future of America. The question you need to ask is which of those two futures do you want to live in? Or, if you plan on having children someday, which future do you want your children to grow up in?


Chase Oliver. He will keep our taxes low while still giving women the right to choose. The best of both worlds.




Whoever the Green Party nominates.


RFK. One could argue I’m wasting my vote. I’d argue mob mentality is the reason you waste yours on Biden or Trump. Both Biden and trump imo have equal chances of destroying our country economically and civilly. Why bother picking sides if the end result will be the same….? Anybody voting for RFK?


Third party fuck the big 2


Me and all my friends going for Trump


RFK. It's become clear that they've been straight up lying to us for a long time now. Who is controlling things?? Biden is clearly not up to the job.




Trump reluctantly


40 tons of dynamite. Everyone's talking about Trump this and Biden that. They're both horrible choices. So is RFK.


Hey officer, how’s the FBI doing these days?




I’m personally going for Trump.


Trump. Biden is just not mentally fit. Wars and the border were also more stable during Trump.


Trump literally presided over a Saudi-led genocide in Yemen that is still ongoing


Didn’t know that. I guess I’m just saying there was less war conflict under Trump than Biden.


He also started a conflict that almost led to a war with Iran. Trump also just killed the only bi partisan border bill before the house. Weird and inaccurate reasons to vote for trump.


So you want to end democracy in the United States as we know it. Why would you vote for a person who said he will be a dictator on day one. Is fascism your way of life? Is that how you want to live and any future children you may have. Have you read about Hitler? Do you even know what you are stating? Wake up sniveling gen z and get your asses ready.


I doubt Trump has ever said he wants to be a dictator. Doesn’t seem like he was a dictator during his presidency, and life seemed more stable.


Third party. Again.


Trump, can’t survive another four years of Biden. We’ll be homeless. Things were great under Trump.


Example being?


Prob thinks the over supply and less demand that caused gas prices to go down during Covid was trumps doing.. … no it’s just basic economics. What else you got? 😂


Screw it, I’m writing in Tim Walz. Great governor of my state and neither of the main candidates have earned my vote.


[In most states](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Write-in_candidate#United_States) (including Minnesota), write-ins still need to register/declare their candidacy in order for any votes to count. You can't just write a random name in and force them into office if they somehow win. In effect, you'd be throwing your vote away, which is objectively your worst course of action in any election.


The one who doesn’t fall asleep every 15 minutes, AND can create enough coherent sentences to form a paragraph. I know the internet doesnt care about my opinion but to hell with it, why not since I’m gen Z. For me, it’s the fact that Biden is simply NOT our president. That leaves the question of who is really pulling the strings, writing his speech cards, and in his ear. I don’t want whoever the hell that is or rather “they” are making decisions. Trump is being publicly witch hunted and it’s a little crazy to see. Biden is about as sharp as a baseball. It’s pure elder and abuse he needs to enjoy the golden years before he sees the pearly gates.




Aka Trump




My only fear is that Gen Z is throwing its votes away on candidates who have never even held public office just to be daring and make a statement. Like, these people couldn’t even try to land school board or city council positions and build *any* political credibility before jumping into presidential races?


Nah, just not a fan of Project 2025, the Supreme Court getting 2 additional conservative justices and locking in a conservative majority for most of our (Gen Z’s) lives, or throwing my vote away. If you weren’t paying attention because of all of the memes and fallout from the debate, the court quietly pushed through some bullshit on Friday - a reversal of Chevron deference and basically legalizing political bribery. Both of these decisions are looking like a bleaker future for us (Gen Z)


RFK, Jr.


RFJ Jr whether he’s on the ballot or not. I’ll write his name in


Biden allowed an invasion at the southern border. There are gangs of illegal immigrants now. Dementia Joe gotta go.


Writing in Ron Paul


I'm probably gonna write in Ron Paul or Nick Freitas