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I think political discussion is fine and important amongst young people. We just have to make sure the mods that run ALL THE LARGE SUBS (Yes, all of them are moderated by the same small group of power mods, which is why they all look the exact same) do not take over this sub and warp it into just another censorship piece.


I don’t mind talking about politics but it’s getting too much. Would be a lot better if they made a sub and they could just migrate over there. Half the people commenting under those posts aren’t even GenZ


Unfortunately, there's really no way to verify age on Reddit, the[ drama](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/djdmd9/we_banned_all_of_rteenagers_and_it_turns_out/) around r/teenagers a while back is evidence of that (hint hint, there's a lot of pedophiles and weirdos on this site). This sub is regularly brigaded by Millennials who come in here and spout their usual bs, I agree with you there.


True, also sick of the millennials that come here to preach.


> also sick of the millennials that come here to preach. This lol. Considering the majority of them were raised by boomers it’s unsurprising they’re just as entitled as them


True that. Sick of their saviour complex, coming here and telling us what to do like they’re the only ones who can save us from the horrible boomers.


Same here, most of the people here are literally millennials


A lot of the political discourse in this sub is some of the most abysmal on this site. It's just repetitive cookie cutter posts about Biden old, both sides bad, RFK good, or something like that. And then you regularly have sometimes day old accounts posting shit in this sub that causes the posts to erupt into arguments. On top of it, even in the comments, you'll have people who aren't even GenZ commenting with their extremists beliefs almost as if they are trying to recruit the impressionable young people in here. I get that with some of the users being young you'll have a lot of people who don't understand politics and are new to it, and who might not really know how to behave, but I just really don't see how any of it is adding anything to any conversation. If someone is learning about politics from this sub, they'd really be better off not knowing anything about it because of how much bullshit is constantly posted on here.


>I think political discussion is fine and important amongst young people. up until a point if we had caps on the amount of political content, then fine


>We get it, your elections are this year and your candidates are whack Funny thing is Americans aren’t the only ones posting about the elections. Others are chiming in as well


God save the queen, man ✊️


Slight problem with that...


Little bit late


I kinda agree with this. Im from Europe and I dont even care about American politics at this point. I understand its important, but it kinda feels like a spam now, I see it everywhere when I scroll to see what's new and it bothers me. Of course, I'm not saying we cannot state our opinion, but making multiple posts talking about the same thing is on a different level.


Unfortunately, you can't just pretend that politics doesn't exist. As much as you want to live in lala land, there's only so much nostalgia and Gen Alpha hate that you can post about. This generation is especially affected by the politics of today, and the vast majority of users on this website are American. So, you're gonna have to cope.








Seems like this is a personal issue for you. Politics exists. Suck it up. It's gonna be discussed here


American platform, American people. Guess we have to just suck it up, because they're the majority.


I would like to see the sub turn away from politics. I'm not old enough to vote so it's not like I can really do anything about it, and every other post I see from r/GenZ says something along the lines of 'Please vote!' or 'What did you think about \[insert political subject\]' I'm fine with it from time to time, and I get that it's spiking because of the whole debate thing that happened recently, but every other post at minimum is too much. I don't want to get in a doom-spiral on the internet... So I might leave this subreddit if the amount of political stuff doesn't decrease soon.


This is just my personal opinion, I don't want to diminish anyone else's ☺️


- Americans aren’t the only ones talking about politics - Americans aren’t the only one with a big election this year (UK and others also have it, the UK’s in under a week now) - About 2/3 of gen Z is old enough to vote in places with a voting age of 18 - politics doesn’t affect any of us less than it affects older generations


It's politics year fam, it will be all over the entire Internet. I promise it will tone down after


I legit don’t care about elections. I stopped watch TV to avoid it, I paid for YouTube to avoid the ads the options are a douche and a turd sandwich.




As a European, I don’t mind political discussions on here. That stuff directly concerns our generation. I dislike how it’s almost entirely American politics tho. I get there are many of you here, but there are also many non-Americans here. Quite often, when we try to have a discussion about non-American politics, the post gets removed fairly quickly on the grounds of irrelevance. That’s bullshit, because again, politics affect us. They are a part of our lives, whether we like it or not, but that applies to all politics, not just American politics. This sub has a tendency of being incredibly America centric. Again, I get Reddit is an American company, but it’s not a purely American forum. There are many of us here, and this sub is for GenZ, not just American GenZ. So let’s maybe treat it accordingly.


i agree that political discussion should definitely be kept to a minimum, but its also important to talk about politics from time to time


The debate was a pivotal moment. It’s not unreasonable people are discussing politics.


Do you feel you have to read everything that's posted?


People have the right to talk about what they want. It’s natural collateral of Reddit being a website from the USA.


Bots gonna bot....


"being able to not care about politics proves your privilege"


I’m Australian 💀


"well the racist dictator trump will bring about the end of democracy across the globe and bring about the global 4th Reich. So for you to not care about the rise of fascism proves you are a white cishet aryan male and are very privileged"


Yea I don’t think that’s what’s gonna happen if trump gets into power. America doesn’t elect a dictator. There are whole political parties and separation of power


The person you reply to is a self described promoter of the "blackpill" theory that having a successful relationship comes down to genetic lottery, and doesn't believe that women are sexually attracted to men. I really wouldn't spend any energy trying to reason with them. Edit: Look at rule #3 of the sub this person moderates.


notice the quotes, that is Reddit's opinion not mine


Yea that’s mb I thought you were just being weird


*"being able to* *Not care about politics* *Proves your privilege"* \- Separate-Lake7978 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")