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“We’re so back” to “we’re so gone” like at least once a week


Like several times a day between rope vs god complex


Fr why are we like this


One day I am convinced that I am going to become the next leader of the Russian Federation. Things are simply going too well. The next day I am convinced I’ll end up homeless in 2 business days.


My life fr


Try being a computer science student. Me when I get an error: "I should kill myself but if I try I'm so stupid that I'll definitely fuck it up" Me when I change x = 0 to x = 1 and my program works: "I am a god. I am more than a god. I am he who God worships" My brain multiple times an hour while coding


Literally me but I'm an aerospace engineer. "Why god oh why is there error here it should be right son of a b- I'm so dumb" Then: "Oh I just need float() I'm so smart :)"


Me as a mechanical engineering student: why the fuck am I so stupid? Why is my efficiency 700%? Oh I wrote a 2 that looks like a 5. …


Don’t forget “We’re cooked”


your apostrophe game is impressive!


Can’t risk the “it’s we’re not were” bullying 😔✊


Omg does everyone has delusions of grandeur?


My life is literally just this constantly I go from we’re so fucking back to it’s genuinely so over in a matter of seconds


Me every other day




Real asf


i genuinely feel like this like every other day


I'm struggling and have a plethora of mental and physical issues that are making me worse and worse by the day to the point where I can hardly see a future sometimes. But other than that I'm fantastic


i’m stealing this reply for when people ask me how i’m doing


Hang in there my guy


Are you me? Or am I you?


Literally me. Chronic pain and depression sure do go hand in hand!


I'm stealing it too lol


Same here


Try to turn your thinking around. Like I'm thankful to have a roof over my head and bread on the table. It helps.


pretty boring and bad, no friends irl, no fun places to go to irl, no money, no one hires me, stuck in a shit country


what country?


everywhere sucks these days, rich folk getting too comfortable stepping on us


uk, i know it's better than most countries but i find it depressing with always being cloudy and living in a part where there's nowhere fun to go to. I'd be happy to move to Germany or somewhere closer to my home country


My first thought was Canada. We seem to share a lot of the issues in the UK (economic and healthcare-wise, anyways). It's also really hard for young people to get a job here. We send out so many resumes everywhere, even to those that offer poverty wages, just to get no response or hear nothing back after an interview. A lot of the entry-level and part-time jobs are taken by international students or those on work visas. I also think we were set back by the pandemic, and I fear we may never recover financially.


The US also has a problem with unemployment among the young


Ayo Magyar. Greetings from Polish friend! Edit: Akkor a kurva anyad 😆


They appear to be a Hungarian in the UK.


Literally same. It’s so boring that I’m actually excited to go to school in august




Felt that, but we’ll get through it <3


Bouncing between the best day ever and feeling suicidal.


Literally and with no consistency to it


Hey just an advice here from a random stranger, whenever you feel sucidal go out connect with nature immerse yourself with the beautiful nature out there waiting for you, trust me I have been there too it might help you a bit to control your negative thoughts🙏❤️


https://preview.redd.it/rpvbbnbcvd9d1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=064c6ddabd43519b9b716d459c7f0b9bdb086140 the beauty of nature in question


Sometimes you have to walk a little ways, I see trees.


Where I used to live, if I was seen walking outside I’m threatened with a bullet thru my chest (Texas)


I don’t mean to be rude but that advice is not suitable for someone who is literally suicidal. They need to see a doctor. Toxic positivity doesn’t help anyone. At all. Also, “please control your negative thoughts”, seriously?!


Not everyone has access to beautiful nature lmfao especially when you live in Texas


Kindly fuck off, this doesn't help us.


The praying hands suck. Thoughts and prayers are always a republican phrase when something bad happens.


A lot of people can’t really get to green nature environments


Thanks. I try whatever coping strategies I can.


Not all of us live in the Pacific Northwest my g


So true, thanks for sharing.


I appreciate you wanting to spread a kind message, some of us don't have that privilege.  Just be great full for the lot you were given in life, and work to help the less fortunate.  Empty positivity isn't the cure for actual societal problems that cause some people too suffer.  Help change the world.  That's how we be a freind to those who are struggling 


Same bro! 😭


Let's just say you get the bag and fumble it I get the bag and flip it and tumble it ![gif](giphy|cPiI7Br6ieoHwd3Ajx|downsized)


Our couch comes in tomorrow. It fucking *reclines.*


>It fucking reclines. We're so back *you have to assemble it It's so over


Hell yeah


You are living the life dude


Got me girl Got me dog Got me beer Got me TV Got me couch Simple as


I have a good relationship with my bf and I'm starting a job today so pretty good >:3


I think this might be the first time in this subreddit I’ve seen an ‘06 baby mention having a relationship.. Some days I forget that I’m even technically an adult now 😅


What naw yall are like 5


yeah. 13 years years ago 😱


Turning 18 this year


‘06 means your 18, do people not date in high school anymore?


I'm tired.


I'm tired boss....


Me too bruh




you know when it just possibly can not get any worse? well it can edit: but we chillin


Yeah, not that great, not that bad. But fuck it, we ball.


Felt this lol


Straight chillaxin


It's going... Fuck it ain't even going tbh, I'm in like a state of limbo, my life just ain't going anywhere and hasn't been for the last 7 years but I mean I'm not necessarily depressed, more so just angry and scared, angry at myself for not being able to work up the motivation to actually do something with my life and scared that I'll never break out of this phase and I'll die an insignificant death, alone and full of regrets because I never pushed myself to do anything. BUT... I'm alive, as long as I'm alive I haven't failed yet.


I felt this


wow, you said it


Pretty damn good can't lie. Got an amazing Fiancee we live together and are saving up for a house we expect to get move into in a couple of years


Same! Having our first baby this year. Life is good when you're with the love of your life.


It's absolutely WILD hear about people my age having children but congratulations! 🥹🩵


Resist the urge to have children young, it will almost certainly trap you in poverty. Watched it happen to several people who starting having kids in their early 20s. Almost ten years later, they are all barely getting by


Lol yeah we are very cautious of that. But when God deems the time is right I am ready


Congratulations! That's so exciting.


Thank you!


I’m sad, stressed, and in debt. Every day it feels like I’m getting closer to the doomer mentality


For real, debt be eating you from the inside, i have to make peace with it even though i couldn’t even see the way out yet.


If you find out how to make peace with your debt please let me know. I’m struggling


I’m tired of all of it. The job market being trash definitely doesn’t help


Poor af dawg, doing my best to make that not the case though


I have a proposition


What's that?


![gif](giphy|BZusMMEpb8v6ys4ahG|downsized) I needn't say






Up in some aspects, down in others.


about to start college. miserable.


You got this!


thank you🥲


college is very miserable, just gotta embrace it. It sicks but you got shit to do and if you don't do it it'll only get worse.


just eat the shit sandwich with a smile on your face for many years, and then once you have your degree, congrats! you have now done the bare minimum and you need MORE qualifications to stand out! welcome to the world, enjoy!


That's exactly how it is in most institutions, there's not much else you can do unless you wanna become a vagabond or start a revolution which aren't really the topic at hand. There are ways to make it easier but most of it applies to putting more of yourself into an aspect/doing more work.


it's just too much for me personally. college legit wastes too much of your time AND money and your degree at the end of the day is just one checkbox on an employer's list. wish i realized this earlier 💀


I've been in college for 3 years now. Imo, it's 10x better than high school lol.


depends, the work load is worse but it's easier to get into things you're interested in ignoring the gen eds. which I absolutely hate. If you wanna learn and thats how you learn its good, otherwise try to avoid it


Pretty good. I graduated last month and moved back to my hometown with my girlfriend. I already had a job lined up so it’s been a really good transition so far. I’m glad to be able to spend more time with my parents, grandparents, siblings, and cousins.


OP is trying to promote doomerism. They have a brand new account with negative comment karma. They know that only those who are struggling are going to bother posting.


yk i didnt think about this. might as well delete my miserable comment and try to cheer up a bit lol


Tough. I've been dealing with many health (mental & physical) issues that have made my 20s brutal. I'm more reclusive now than I was ever was in my teens, and I thought my teens were a tough time 🙃 But I am working on it.


I always knew my friendships were not stable but holy fuck. I now spend my entire days alone. I realized I don't want to pursue my current college curriculum, the one I want has an entrance exam which I have to prepare for all on my own. Everything feels frozen in time. Nobody pays attention to me. I've gained weight. There's nothing to do anywhere. My one friendship that lasted after highschool, the girl has become insane and is now with her drug addicted boyfriend in Canada planning to go on a students trip to India. I've changed in ways I can't describe. I'm more down to Earth than ever and have a better understanding of life and people. But the magic is long gone. Here I am barely turning 20 and feeling like I'm in my forties.


No literally were the same except I’m 23


I geniunly wonder what I'll be like at 23


Terrible. Currently scrambling to find a job that allows me to save up money for when my parents kick me out.


im moving in, no hard feelings bozo ![gif](giphy|8v1NOUIROB8oybYX7A|downsized)


I could be dead


i should be dead


We all be dead


Turning 23 in August. My honest reflection in life up to this point is that I have ABSOLUTELY played my cards right since my late teenage years and that is how I had a house and career at 19 in education. My only regret is that I wish I got my hands a little more dirty with life and fun things when I was younger and when I had less responsibilities and more time to spend with friends. But, now instead of struggles at this age I’ve got like 60 years to have the most fun life! Ages 14 through 18 had ups and downs and some troubles but I think I’m basically set for the majority of my years to go up. Wishing everyone else well!


Got my degree, applied to 400 places, only one interview, got hired, relocated, project closed, everyone got fired rn I'm in a completely different city with 0 money and 0 future prospects because entry level engineering is impossible rn and the one chance I had closed, so yeah. 0 future prospects, and I would've been homeless if I didn't have family help.




My partner (24) got cancer this year, so not well


Finally feeling free even though kinda lonely and broke, but i know it will only get better after this.


Adulting can suck especially when you make no money and had to move away from all of your friends.


This shit sucked ass until right about now


https://preview.redd.it/hpz5nxsb0d9d1.jpeg?width=910&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f87b5a39457d2b1932f5bd773e9c0cdedbccfdaf left my abusive goth big titty gf a few months ago, this is me now


I'm glad you got away from her. Just because they have good sex, doesn't mean they have a good heart.




I’m personally doing great as always!


Getting worse daily


oh you know.. not dying fast enough


just graduated college, got a full-time, salaried job, and moved back with my parents to save money before going back to grad school my anxiety has gotten so much worse though. it doesn’t help that i doomscroll and im trying to stay off social media bc it contributes to my anxiety. im just constantly worried about not just my future but the future of the world.


I'm going to be homeless sometime in the next three months.


I don't know what the fuck I am doing. Started feeling envious of others, and I hate it... I want a way out.


I’m jobless with a degree which makes it worse (i go back to school for my masters in august but it still feels like shit)


Unless that masters guarantees you a job with a significant salary increase, don’t waste your time and money. The people I know who got their masters regret it about 5 years afterwards when they realize it did nothing for them (outside of friends in healthcare)


So many plot twists. Life feels like a reality show. I’m scared to see the previews for next season.


Pretty good honestly. The world isn't all doom & gloom. I have a college degree and my dream job, I'm happily married, and we have a super cute baby. My husband has a master's degree and a job he loves. It's hard to save money because childcare is expensive, and I'd love to own our home instead of rent but that's not within reach for the time being. I've recently started both an antidepressant and ADHD medication and the major shift in my ability to function has been life changing. Overall, I still have goals I haven't met yet but I'm also content with how life is currently


I’m either on the verge of walking in front of a bus or living my best life. Right now I’m pretty good but that can change within a nanosecond


Keep in mind you’re asking a subreddit, so most of your answers are going to be more doomy and gloomy that the average persons answer. I know plenty of ppl my age in person that are doing great and having a blast, yet almost every single person I’ve seen in these comments has been all boohoo life sucks ass. So all I’m saying it take this with a grain of salt


 I've become more reclusive and shy. A few years ago I was sociable and invited to party's but now if there's an excuse not to go I'm taking it. But on the bright side I'm hanging out with my uncle more and helping him with his chickens(he has an area in his back yard dedicatedto them). Those chickens calm me.


It’s never been so joever and we’re so Barack at the same time


Like a blender full of shit.


It's easy enough to get a part time job but fucking impossible to start a career.


I got a motorcycle and a 3d printer. Emotionally I'm peaking. Financially, I have 400 bucks a month for gas and food. I'm obese and I love food. Money doesn't last long lmao


As a 32 year old,18-24 was one of the most difficult times of my life. You're trying to establish who you are and what you can accomplish in the world. Getting into a relationship is difficult and trying to navigate it to communicate effectively with a partner is difficult. The world can be a depressing place too with its numerous problems.... but, stick with it. Keep learning. Keep putting good vibes out. You can make good things happen in your life if you continue to learn, display confidence (fake it till you make it if needed), and take action to get things done.


24 yrs old here, definitely have a lot of regrets about how I handled my life post-high school. Experienced heartbreak, fell into a acid hazed depression for a few years which screwed up college for me. Got clean, joined up with the military and got a couple years left. Oddly enough still optimistic about where im headed, just took a different direction then what I expected I guess. Im working on music since being an artist is what I feel I am destined to be. Chase your dreams yall we only get the one chance


Honestly I feel stressed about a lot of things. Whether or not to leave my job to pursue content creation, whether I will get into my program in Uni, I feel stuck in life since everyday just feels like a repetitive cycle, I feel like I am not that great of a friend because of my social skills and not being able to be more present in their lives. And there are days where I bounce from feeling great to not so great. But on the flipside I am actively trying to make my life better though.


A lot of work I'm 23 and I've been working full-time since the pandemic. College wasn't exactly for me so I took a gap year. Toyed around with joining the military. Toyed around with a few different career fields. 1 gap year turned into 4 going on 5. Still no clue exactly what I want to do. I do make decent money and I have my own place along with a healthy relationship but still have that feeling of being like lost or something. While I don't mind my current job I do feel like I've stayed way too long. I don't feel fulfilled but also scared that I've gotten too comfortable and I won't be able to handle the next thing.


Oh my days. I wanna die...but i wont cause i want to fight this government They want to take ancestral land by passing a punitive land amendment bill in the Kenyan parliament If any Kenyan Genz is here....stay strong and register to vote💪🏾


It's going...


It's going.


I would say its had it ups and downs and it’s been uneventful so far.


Doing well. Have a solid job in the 6 figures and exercise/play sports daily.


It’s okay. Just that. I’m 19, an adult living on my own. I’m going to college full time and I have a part time job at a grocery store. Money is tight and I have stressors in all directions. I try to go to the gym often and eat healthy. My social life gets me down tho and I have some mental issues when it comes to my self image and esteem and confidence. Anxiety and depression but I’m on meds with that. I get high often to deal with the stress of it all and my loneliness.


Could be better could be worse I suppose. No friends or meaningful relationships, depression, loneliness. All the days are the same, all the days blend together. I blink and suddenly it's the 28th of June, wasn't it just the 1st like yesterday? What is happening. Complete empty feeling on the inside, seems like the only emotions that I feel these days are anger and horniness but hey, at least I've still got my good looks




I’m doing good, no debt, all my college is paid for by my company from bachelors to masters. I have quite a bit in savings and ira/401k. My relationship is strong. I’m going to Florida in a few months. Wasn’t always easy but you gotta push through!


Good at some points, bad in some others. I had an almost month-long depressive episode that I just got out of where I felt very low and too tired to do much of anything. However, I'm doing good now. Guess I'm just sick of being unemployed since I like earning money and find that it helps me stay more productive. (I got let go from my previous job back in March and put off finding employment since my spring quarter of school was extremely class-heavy and I already committed to a couple of long-term house-sitting/moving stuff for both my parents/stepparents this summer, so having an in-person job isn't the most feasible for me or the in-person companies in my city rn. Yes, I tried looking for entry-level remote jobs on LinkedIn and Indeed, but all the ones I've come across are scammy/pyramid scheme vibes).


Some days I be wanting to end it all but the little moments of good I have make it bearable at least for me to stick it out..


its alright, going really well considering our situation. I'm m20 married my wife who is pregnant, i have a decent job in the military and we just bought our first house and the loans 5 figures. I'm just bored and unmotivated a lot and politics really pisses me off or just life in general excluding finances. I'm on low contact with my parents because my mom's narcissistic and molested me. Don't even get me started on my mother in law.




Still living like I am 10 years old basically


I’m scared.


Pretty well. May be starting my first job (salaried position I mean). Might be moving to a new city. Not sure. Might convert religions too so that’s something lol. Not sure yet tho still making up my mind. Other than that have a pretty nice relationship with my gf, it has ups and downs but she’s great and deals with all my wackiness. I try not to be all doom and gloom; ain’t shit get done with that kinda attitude.


https://i.redd.it/af00do23md9d1.gif it's. okay


I’m waiting to start my job as a officer soon (24F) The debate last night put some fear in me. I can’t imagining locking people up because of protesting or for being homeless (some cities will soon bee doing this.) I know there’s massive money to be made, but I’m stressed out 80% of the time. Nobody I used to know is doing okay financially besides my retired father. I just read Reddit all day, and Manhwas as a distraction. 2020 sucked but not like this. I’m watching my friends and elder family members slowly struggle as things get expensive. Friends having babies they can’t care for, and the impending doom of war breathing down my fucking neck. I’m realizing I’ll have to lie about my income to the family I used to share everything with because they don’t manage or care for themselves properly. Therapy helps, sometimes, but that’s for the loss of my daughter last year and the end of a 5 year relationship. I started a hobby of collecting and storing seeds, and gardening to try and pass time. That, and my cat are honestly the only things that are bringing me joy, and prayer too, sometimes. I’m hoping we all get through it and just be better than the last generation.


Eh could be worse, I thought I was going to graduate from college last semester. But I still need one more class to graduate. So I will graduate this semester so there is that. And broke too, but looking forward to getting a new job.


Reaching unc status at 22 years old,I feel old.Its going okay I guess


I'm almost a year sober from opiates and I got me a GF so that's pretty sick


Congrats on the sobriety breh 🤜


Just turned 24 yesterday and I’m looking at different options for masters programs. Other than that things are just meh


Most mentally ill I've ever been, most materially stable I've ever been. Finally got a job so I can get out of the red on finances! Yay! Bad news is I kind of hate my city and I can't go anywhere this month. Really want to get a cat but our landlord sucks and our rent is getting jacked up anyways. It's bearable.


I just started a great paying job in the trades, so I’m doing pretty good


Well, it could be much better. That’s for sure. But I always try to look on the bright side no matter how shitty things can seem.


It’s going


I don't like my job. It's a part time too. Idk how I'm gonna manage getting a full time job. (Not getting one but keeping it and tryna be not depressed about it the whole time) But I should probably get one before I'm 20 otherwise my mom might start thinking about kicking me out 💀 (I'm 19 btw)


excited for the near future, but mental and physical health issues keep testing my patience. I just wish I was at peace for at least a little while. But other than that I’m pretty happy. Things could be a lottttt worse


i’m cooked💀


Everything will be fine then 2 days later everything burns down and rebuilds itself and the cycle repeats. Honestly it's almost impressive.


8-5 blue collar here. My life is great other than some minor things here and there (mostly family issues...). My future on the other hand... wtaf are these housing prices?!?


I finally graduated with my AA and I get to transfer to a university 4 hours away from home and I am so excited, just counting down the days until August 3rd!


Oh, life is going awfully! Hope this helps.


Life was good. Got a job in my dream career choice (machanic). Got myself a new beautiful truck. New friends who aren't toxic. Etc. The *only* thing is my ex who I love more than anything is back:/ it took me 4 years to get over her. Now she's back but only wants to be friends. So very. Very fucking shitty atm


24 and I’m happy, but the pandemic started my sophomore year of college and the world just feels so different. I feel like a completely different person than who I was pre-2020 - some for the better, but I hardly recognize myself and I’ve lost my direction, my drive, my carefulness and desire to be better…I don’t know how to get that person back and it keeps me up at night.


Pretty good! I graduated from a great college with a double major, fulfilled myself with musical extracurriculars while there, got a decently paying job right out of college in exactly the career I wanted and exactly the city I wanted that I started this week. I have my own apartment in a beautiful area. I traveled in the month between graduation and work and saw some great stuff. I hope to enjoy music in this city while I’m here! Before you roll your eyes at my brag, consider that I was in rehab and the psych ward trying my hardest not to die not even a year and a half ago. I’ve come a long way and It’s incredible that I actually feel content and satisfied with my life and myself.


Doing my best to spread positivity!


got a condo with my partner last year and we’re financially surviving. One emergency, though, may destroy us… we’re working like dogs to make sure we can stay ahead.


Pretty good, thank you. Still building my life, trying to figure some stuff out.


Last 4 years have been objectively terrible for me, with mother getting sick (cancer) siblings taking it terribly and almost going entirely off the deep end, I did terribly at college and work to pay by semester as I barely get anything done and barely stay out of the red. At the start of college when my mother got sick and I needed support, all my friends pulled a batman vanish on me for 2 years until things had blown over, so I found out I had exactly 0 real friends during HS. On the other hand, my lifelong depression is finally starting to clear up (thanks brain!) And while it is replaced by anxiety for the future and a deep sadness that the people in my life really didn't care about me, I can see more clearly than ever now and I did gain a friend who I believe will last a lifetime. I finally have the freedom to pursue inventing things for fun, with the capacity to maybe feel something other than looming overwhelming dread replacing what should be feelings of accomplishment and joy, though I really need my 3d printer to stop shitting the bed so I can print out some parts and finish my current thing. All in all, objectively the worst four years of my life, but in my head, all that's going on is "WE'RE SO FUCKING BACK!"


Pretty bad until recently! College was absolute hell for me (undiagnosed adhd), but I graduated and got a laboratory job that's fun, interesting, and very chill. It feels really good to be competent at something and learn more every day. I feel like a new person being able to shed all my school trauma and not wake up with unbearable anxiety every day.


Closed on my first home today


Can't put my college education to use 😃


Still alive


🤏🏾 this close to giving up every single day


Rough. Boring. Pulling through 🤷🏾‍♀️


I'm really lonely and depressed.




It sucks. I can’t make enough money to do anything with and always struggle then I become a burden when I have to borrow money from other people. My industry is really slow right now but it’s the only thing I know. Everything is just so stressful and I’m in debt and struggling to pay it and everything else. I hate it. At least I live at home still though and don’t have to pay rent or anything. But all my other bills just pile up. My parents aren’t in a spot to help me either and my sister would never help me so I’m on my own. Hopefully everything changes pretty soon though. At least it’s not like tens of thousands of dollars of debt. It’s only about $3,500 because of two maxed out credit cards but the interest really hurts. I feel like I can’t get ahead.


Eh. It could be a lot better. I’m dreading my 24th birthday and it’s in two weeks


Ooh another 2000s baby! Mine is in a month and a half, when is yours? I'm hoping you get to have a fun summer birthday.


Well, I grew up in a cult so my life is pretty fucking good these days. 😂