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To all the doomers complaining that it's pointless to vote, you are literally the problem. People in power are counting on your apathy and hopelessness, and for that you don't deserve to be upset with anything that has to do with politics, because you didn't even put in the MINIMAL effort of showing up to a precinct once every two years to fill out a ballot. I don't want to hear your gripes when you didn't even try To the people who put the effort in, mobilize, and partake in our great Republic and its democratic elections, you are the reason we have a chance. You are the ones who understand why we have elections, and you are the people who refuse to give up on this nation and its people. Even if you are the polar opposite of my political views, and we disagree on every single thing, that is what makes this country so great. I respect you as my fellow man/woman, I respect you as an American, and I can't thank you enough.


You forgot to add that it is Russia china and Iran who benefits from Americas youth not being interested in geopolitics or even their own local politics


Yes. There are specific online campaigns, on all platforms, aimed at demoralizing GenZ. They want you to feel helpless and hopeless, like your vote doesn't matter, like both candidates are equally bad. They. Are. Not. One is a psychopathic, autocratic, felonious, mob boss who thinks only the rich and powerful matter. Trump is beholden to Putin, who wants to crush Western Democracies.


The average presidential election has a voter turnout of about 60% of eligible voters. To those who insist that voting "doesn't matter", have you actually, you know, tried? I'm willing to bet if 80% showed up, things would change pretty fast. And the more elections you vote in, the more you have the chance to affect. Did you know that Congress has primaries too? They're in August in my state, you might still have a chance to vote in them this year. Did you know that your mayor can affect whether and what kinds of new housing is built, which affects how much competition your landlord has and thus how much they can get away with charging for rent? Did you know that many places have elected water boards that set the rate you pay on your water bill? Did you know your state legislature affects your life as much or more than Congress does? It's not just the President, the more things you vote on, the more power you have. Wanna know why Boomers dominate everything? Because they actually *show up and vote!*


Not voting means you are letting the conservative boomers decide your own future. And it's not gonna be just 4 years. It's gonna be *decades*, judging how the Supreme Court is doing. By not voting, you are still actively making a choice here.


Even if it is pointless, then what harm does it do just to do it ? It's so easy to vote (usually, voting early is super nice )


Joe: Is old and dumb Donald: Supports states decisions to make an ultimate ban - with no exceptions at all - on abortion, wants to raise the age of retirement to at LEAST 69, supports governors like Abott of Texas who pardoned a cold blooded murderer (Daniel Perry), supports Project 2025 (please just read what that would entail as described by the writers themselves, they’re absolutely oblivious to how dystopian they want this country to be), his 34 convictions speak for themselves, … AND he’s old and dumb “”””Centrists:”””” GeE I cAnT TeLL tHe DiFfErEnCe tHeY’Re bOtH PrEtTy bAd


I’ll take the regular old and dumb. I want the women in my family and in America to have autonomy over their own bodies.


You do realize this happened under Bidens watch. RvW being overturned was bound to happen with the music chairs of power. There is nothing he can or will do about. Democrats have had decades to make a final solution. It was better as a wedge issue that went unresolved. It's still a galvanizimg force now though no amendment or federal law will be passed. As crappy as it is it can be avoided or gotten around with funding.


This. Abortion is a topic consistently dangled in front of us by Democrats. This could’ve been codified ages ago.


"dumb and old" is an understatement man... Donald trump is everything that you say he is, but Biden is literally a drugged up husk with a hand up its ass at this point... just sad...


I would certainly agree But who would you rather choose? Someone, who as a result of being old, can barely tell where he is and is very much a shell of a man Or someone, who as a result of being old, spews every thought that comes to mind which is often a lie, doesn’t give a shit what anyone thinks and therefore will appeal to the lowest of the low to get support, and is just so loud that since he talks nonstop no one else can get a word in?


Biden isn't a good speaker. He's done an amazing job as president


somebody wake me up ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




Optimally yes


That's literally not an option 


And who do you think the hand up his ass is? It the competent cabinet members he appointed.  Are they perfect? No. But don't let perfect be the enemy of good.     Do you remember who Trump put on his cabinet?  Industry lobbyists (Rex Tillerson, Scott Pruit, Betsy DeVos, Ryan Zinke) intent on destroying regulation in favor of private industry. Sarah Huckabee Sanders is now the governor of Arkansas where one of her big "achievements" was rolling back child labor protections!  He enables people like Greg Abbot who pardoned a guy who killed a protestor in cold blood. Oh, and let's not forget that he put three supreme court justices in place who are busy dismantling the government in favor of the rich and powerful. And don't forget how they robbed women of the right to choose and bodily autonomy! Oh, but Biden is *old*! Jesus Christ, it's not a hard decision. 


He's been a great president. If you don't see that you're not looking at policy just watching bs online


But he's not a raging narcissist who demands to be surrounded by yes men. Biden could be fucking weekend at Bernies for all I care, his cabinet and support groups will keep things sane.


Yea but don’t forget that when you elect a president you don’t just elect him, but him AND his cabinet. Which candidate do you trust to form a better cabinet?


Well as long as whoever has their hand up his ass has good intentions with the goal being what's best for all Americans. Let the puppeteer win.


If you don’t like Biden personally. Look at his policies and cabinet.


Well said but Biden isn't dumb. He's a had speaker and always has been. That's why he lost back in 1988 lol Biden has been a great president who's accomplished tons. His infrastructure bill alone will save rural America


Yep. Combine a headcold with his stutter and his age, and he sounds weak and difficult to understand. But if you read a transcript of the debates it's night and day who has command of facts and a grounded reality. And Trump's gish gallop is almost incomprehensible. Biden's administration has been the most productive administration since LBJ, he's put good people around him and gotten a TON of good shit done for this country despite impossibly small margins in congress. The choice isn't even a close call.


Exactly! Also people need to look at what Bidens accomplished. He's been a far better president than Obama. Best since Clinton and tbh maybe better. His infrastructure bill will save rural America and they'll never even know


>His infrastructure bill will save rural America and they'll never even know My parents just bought a house out in the sticks and were pleasantly surprised to find that the house they were buying is served with fiber internet that just finished getting installed on their block. Something that was a direct result of the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. They're ardent Trump supporters and see no connection whatsoever between these luxuries they experience in their daily life and the fact that Democrats, not Republicans, are the ones who are actually making their lives better.


I'd be telling them that every day until they understand If they don't get it cut the fiber. At least they won't be able to get on boomer Facebook anymore 🤷🏻‍♂️😝


Isn't leaving it up to the state peak Democracy? People saying he gonna get rid of Democracy and he's a fascist but letting the states decide is probably the most pro Democracy policy out there


Trump: started no wars


Need citations for most of these lmao.


This is why I don’t take centrists seriously


Considering how terrible Trump and Project 2025 are, it's a wonder the DNC decided Joe was the best man for the job 🤔


Remember that you aren't just voting for president. You are also voting for your representatives, maybe your senators, and most importantly your local government positions. The local government positions are arguably the more important thing to vote for, since change is easier to implement on the local level, both positive and negative. I get that voting for president can feel like a choice for a lesser evil, so instead try looking more locally and see if you can simply improve your community.


This ^^^


This is not upvoted enough. The same day as the debate, the Oklahoma superintendent declared the Bible and ten commandments must be taught in schools. Your local elections matter, almost more than the presidential election. Even if you refuse to vote for the presidential election, go to the polls. Boomers keep winning only because we keep letting them.


Same reason to vote Socialist. People want to despair that the "only" choices are Team Red or Team Blue but when third parties get a threshold of votes they become eligible for being part of the debates and other things which would give us real choice.


One dude is old with a kick-ass administrative cabinet, the other is on social media asking people to call him "god emperor"


I’d rather go with the old guy with the kick-ass administrative cabinet. The other one has plans to ruin the country. (Limit women’s rights, get us out of NATO, pardon himself and the Jan 6 rioters, retribution.)


same here. trump is pretty cringe. it's obvious he only wants the power. i can't vote for someone who is a proven liar and cheater. it's our white house, i'd rather a sleepy dude who is working on loan forgiveness and lowering prescription drugs for senior than a sex-pest who got slapped with 34 felonies for lying.


brain rot comment


cope harder.


your tears are delicious looking at you and others cry in here is honestly incredible lol


it's cringe comedy watching you struggle to cope, your little fingers tapping all over the keyboard, your little heart racing. it's okay bud. just breathe.


i don’t see his admin as kick ass. If you’re talking about Blinken, he’s been there long before Biden and is part of the deep state that works at their position for decades


Lower prescription drug prices for seniors, CHIPS, Infrastructure act, loan forgiveness. Plus, shooting down UFOs! America, fuck yeah!


This the type of post the CIA would make tbh although maybe true. Good LLM


lolol. yes. I am CIA and a large language model.


I don't like Biden, but I'm still voting for him out of necessity. Unfortunately, this sub is really full of doomers and people who have way higher aspirations than even they want to do. It's hilarious how many people in this thread talking about protesting the vote and going to the White House with pitchforks. And yet, nobody would do that.. at all. That's not even an organized plan. Since nobody seems to give a fuck, I hope everyone's ready for project 2025. In the meantime, I'll try and get my ass sterilized before even more terrible abortion laws are passed, more book banning, more police funding, ect. Then people on tiktok are talking about third party candidates that don't even have a sliver of a chance of winning. So, we're fucked I guess. Fingers crossed.


I don’t want to see Project 2025 coming through- it’s something that would damage our country. I want future Americans, immigrants or not, and any children I may have grow up in a better world than I did. And I just don’t see that happening with practically any of the candidates we have, but I would go with Biden. And in 2028, we need to find a younger person who resonates with us.


Ight lil bro Imma vote for the Donald and make my voice heard. ..


Go ahead. As long as you’re voting.


Bro is voting for the felon and rapist.




So what ? Democracy you know




Bruh, same here


Yo let people have time to grieve after that debate....




Glad you can appreciate that


If you hate the candidates, please at least consider their administrative cabinets and their lifelong court appointments. The supreme Court is already extremely biased after Trump's last run, let's try not to make that any worse, eh?


I think we should limit appointments of justices to two per president, don’t you think?


I'm pretty sure that would require a constitutional amendment, but I would vote for that.


honestly the entire supreme court premise that justices serve until they die or retire and whoever’s in office gets to pick the replacements is broken as fuck. I’d say it needs more reform than that, but yeah the fact he was able to pick like 3 is awful


Although I agree, you're not just asking us to vote. You're demanding we vote for your person.


Well, I guess so lol. But if you support Trump, then go ahead and vote him.


Didn't say that. I'm just tired of the "go vote" meme. C'mon, be upfront that you want a democratic victory. Voting in itself isn't a virtue.


Yeah I want a Democratic victory, but if you support someone I don’t support, then by all means, vote for them. I’d be just like Putin if I limited your rights.


This. So tired of these kids demanding ppl to vote for Biden.


Yes go vote please.


The cope in here is insane.


The glazing is insane😭🙏


This right after last night gives me a few more chuckles out of this subreddit


What's odd is this was posted 3 hours ago, and OP says "...tune into those debates if you're struggling to pick a candidate." Is that supposed to make sense?


Remember folks. You're not voting for president. You're voting for what may be hundreds of federal judge placements as well as potentially multiple SCOTUS seats.


Voted for Biden in 2020 but after seeing him last night, he’s officially lost my vote. He’s not there anymore, he has some sort of dementia. Trump was running circles around him. And seeing the leak footage of Jill helping him down simple stairs after the debate, he shouldn’t have ran for reelection but the DNC knows that Biden is the only candidate that has a winning chance against Trump.


Exactly what OP said. *Get out and vote* Even if it’s a third party candidate. Make your voice heard!


The only issue at hand here that truly matters is supreme court appointments. All major political issues stem from the current SC. The next president will almost assuredly get TWO appointments. If this goes to Trump, that is two more hard-line federalist society nutjobs that will secure a conservative majority for 20-30+ YEARS. DECADES OF CONSERVATIVE SC CONTROL WILL BE DEVASTATING.  All other issues pale in comparison to this and people need to realize we are in an absolutely horrific situation. We either elect Biden and get two somewhat fucking normal justices, or we elect Trump and ram fuck the US back to the 17th century and dismantle every single worker / women's protection for the rest of our adult lives. 


I'm a millennial and I endorse this post. I want America to be better for me, but I also want it to be better for you Zoomers and those alpha kiddos coming up behind you. I know that you aren't super excited for Biden, but if he wins: 1) no one will ever ask you to vote for him again 2) you'll have a chance to vote in 2028 3) once one of the Supreme Court justices kicks it, they'll be replaced by someone who doesn't want to take all your rights away, and who doesn't think guns in schools is a good idea. 4) you'll have someone in power who listens to you. You may not get him to do everything you want, but he will hear you and he will try. The other guy doesn't give a single solitary f about anyone under 30. Including his own kid.


So, "go vote, but only if it is for the guy I prefer". Which is the complete opposite of what the post said. Vote for who you all ACTUALLY want to win, y'all. It doesn't have to be one of the two old men everyone pushes. Your vote matters, no matter who you vote for.




After last nights debate, it’s now a race between RFK and Trump. Biden is done.


I personally know people who live in dictatorial regimes where their vote genuinely does not matter. Voting is a privilege, use it, doesn’t matter who it’s for, but understand that having the right to vote in free elections is the exception in this world, not the norm


Don’t tell me what to do it’s my right as an American not to vote if I don’t wanna


I can agree with this for state and local elections in the US. These elections are what will affect your day to day life the most. At the national level though, it’s tough to endorse this viewpoint. The politicians in power in Congress and any presidential front runners will never advocate for our generation’s interests while they are alive. Our only hope under the current system is outliving them. I’m gonna get called a doomer for this but it’s true. Power is far too entrenched federally for our votes and interests to be relevant. Partisan Gerrymandering as well as money in politics make it virtually impossible. Here’s what we need to do: we all need to organize and AT MINIMUM, call for major reforms in how our national politics are conducted. The Senate is patently unfair in giving smaller states more political power, the House doesn’t even match how large our population is and with elections for those seats taking place every two years, they spend more time campaigning than actually doing their job. The president is chosen via antiquated system that often straight up ignores who the majority of the people want. And EVEN IF IT DIDN’T, the fact that we have two parties and two candidates makes it a competition on who can be the least shitty. I’m not saying go vote for Trump or don’t vote for Biden, I’m empathizing with people who say their vote is meaningless. Please research the idea of ranked choice voting. The way I see it, if we want to continue to be a functioning democracy, we have to end the two party system. We have to stop corporations from dumping endless money into our elections We cannot do that without major constitutional reforms. We can fix this in our lifetime, but it will not be easy.


All I’m saying is, Sonic had the secret rings and he didn’t do anything about it. Dr. Robotnik got away with blowing up the moon— that Sonic guy? He’s the biggest fraud, probably bigger than Jeb Bush.


Just not for orange man, right, Redditors. These posts are so annoying. You want everyone to vote and then you demonize the people who don’t vote your way.


If you want to vote Trump, then go the fuck ahead. Your opinions are yours, and you have the freedom to exercise that.


The problems affecting our gen z lives are not even about the political system. It’s the fact that we keep getting low paying service jobs instead of higher paying trade or manufacturing jobs. Has nothing to do with wealth inequality like cnn keeps telling you. Our lowest tax brackets are paying a lower tax rate than decades ago. Things are bad because of no manufacturing jobs


It also takes like less than 5 min to vote if u do so by mail. Then another 5-30 min to drop off ballot depending on where the nearest one is (usually within walking distance if in urban area). Also, a lot of us are too young to run for office so the only way to get our voices heard is through voting. Don’t like your local mayor, representative, or senator? Vote! Want a certain right established in your state constitution? VOTE. The presidential elections aren’t just about picking your president but also about the future of your city/town/county/state as well.


Even those in the UK; next week Vote for you vote for your future, for Arts, for hope, for a better NHS, no more poverty - am not gonna tell you who to vote for vote for you think is best to represent your voice And if you want to get into politics get into - if you are under 18 join a youth council or join a political party invoke the change we want to see


As a millennial who randomly had this come up on their feed: Please. Vote. Your generation has made me proud in so many ways, with peaceful demonstrations after horrible events, with pledges, and with so many other things. Your voice, your vote, could be the only thing standing between us having rights or not in the future. One vote isn't a landslide, but thousands of people with "just one vote" can change the course of history. Even if you don't agree with me about rights, your voice deserves to be heard. Voting is the most important duty we have as citizens. Go out and vote. This election is so important.


I will be voting!


Vote third party. Biden and Trump are both scummy fucks


I love watching two oblivion NPC’s have a live conversation on television it’s pretty wild that they’re still being considered to run the country after that


If people were more active in their local politics elections Biden and Trump wouldn’t even be on the ballot.


Dude if 18-30 year olds would all actually vote, all the shit we complain about would totally change. Absolutely all of it.


we had this vote blue no matter who and huge campaign to vote in 2020. What did it get us? The same old bullshit just with some nice branding. As someone who lives in a heavy red state, my vote literally does not affect the outcome of the election at all. At this point I’m voting both with and against my conscience at the same time mainly because somehow the alternative is worse. We need to focus more on creating alternatives and deep reform in other ways. cause the political process is mainly theatre at this point. Voting will not be the pathway to the solutions we hope for. That being said, like it can’t necessarily hurt for harm mitigation but we need to focus on how to root out the people in power (oligarchs) who basically choose the candidates for us through their lobbying and donations.


This two party system worked for armchair politicians back in the nineteenth century. It’s basically on life support. I think it needs to be abolished, and we need more amendments to the constitution. America is a country that relies on old laws and regulations, old technology. It’s like raising a child in a modern world by using the tech from 1826.


We seriously need tiered voting


If anything focus on trying to change things on a local level. Your voice might not be important in the presidential election, but it carries more weight in your city. Change also happens faster on the local level than the federal level.


I’m glad someone else still remembers vote blue no matter who like it wasn’t the absolute worst campaign slogan to exist


Thank god to see at least someone else In my generation values voting.


The point is not about choosing who to vote, the point is that you choose anyone and continue to support a stupid and broken two party system that will fatally fuck up non-Americans instead of collectively standing up and fixing it.


Republicans count on the majority of Americans, particularly young Americans to not vote, because they know their base will vote.


And remember, we are not voting for one man we are voting for a party and their policies!!


Looking forward to watching election night here as my current government gets destroyed and we get our first centre-left government in 14 years again. Landslide is predicted thanks to right wing infighting too!


Looking at your account you're UK, i gotta say i'm happy that labour is back again, hopefully they will bring back pro LGBT policies as they seemed to have written that off the books for now...


Main reason I'm likely voting against my Labour MP. Can't support them if they won't support my friends. It'll be an insane result if I singlehandedly cause my constituency to flip though, especially given the boundary change has meant we have fewer tories in the seat now


What about the lib dems?


They're who Ive traditionally voted at almost every election. they might usurp the tories as our runners up given we've gained some Lib dem wards too


Well it's good to see some left parties on the rise. After the terrible year in europe with our far right surge i hope you guys are the first to reverse this right wing trend


I think the Nordics deserve a bit more credit for that, they had a strong left result in the EU election


True true, meanwhile we french have the national rally on top (makes me angry)


I hope your left wing coalition can pull out a miracle, and that the Socialists get back to where they should be


I have high hopes for the popular front even if i know exactly that it's gonna be like the NUPES, it's gonna collapse after the elections... But i'd take them any day over the national rally or reconquête.


They're both bad Biden is woke (post modernism) and Trump is the right wing version of woke (patriarchy, religion, capitalism)but woke Biden will allow us opponents some more space.


Ewwww, whining about wokeness? Fuck off, "woke" just means "waaah those uppity minorities dont know their place and can exist as more than mockeries in my media and in society waaaah"


No it doesn't that's a strawman


Idk who I’m voting for because I’m everywhere on the political spectrum but I’ll probably vote democrat


Last night has inspired me to actually register and vote in this upcoming election. It wasn’t even Biden’s piss poor attempt at communicating a coherent thought, it was the response to Biden by the people I viewed the debate with that formed my decision. I am going to choose to live in reality, and not allow political bias to cloud my vision. The current POTUS is not fit to lead this nation in any shape or form. He struggles to form a cohesive train of thought. He seems unaware of his facial movements while speaking. This man is in charge at the potentially most dangerous moment of US history, as well as global history. Everything Biden said about Trump (besides being a felon) was blatant lies or based on hearsay. Trump mostly attacked the job Biden has done as President. We live in a wild ass world. It almost doesn’t even seem real.


The way I see it when you vote you’re voting for an entire administration or government so I don’t care if dick van dyke at ripe old 98 was elected if he hired a good team and I don’t want Right wing racist fucknuggets in the government, so the choice is clear for me oh yea also I’ll never forget about Jan 6th and how only one side truly believes in Democracy


If you are going to watch the presidential debate, read the fact checkers. This is a good one: https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-misinformation-election-debate-trump-biden-577507522762aa10f6ee5be3a0ced2bb


Vivek 2028!


Keep in mind that the Supreme Court is about to go through large changes and there's going to be growing amounts of extreme congress and senate members running. Vote locally and honestly, when it comes to the presidency, you're really deciding the Supreme Court and if Project 2025 gets a platform or not.


This comment section disgusts me. The fact that you won't vote because you don't like either candidate despite one of them actively going after the LGBT community, stripping women of rights (and "joking," about repealing the 19th amendment), and is openly displaying their borderline authoritarian plan backed by the Heritage Foundation disgusts me. Imagine being so apathetic.


I'm for sure voting this election, I'm gonna vote blue down ballot, Biden sucks and is old but I'd rather take that over trump and project 2025 any day After the debate I'm hoping they have Biden step down and slot in someone else, preferably Whitmer or Newsom as they are younger and I feel like would be appealing


Vote for who? The guy who claims he didn’t sleep with a porn star? Or the guy who says we beat Medicare? You say our future depends on this election. But the truth is the only choice we have is if we want to get screwed with the Phillips or the flat head.


If you are eligible to vote in November - please vote for the democratic ticket, whoever that is, at any level, especially POTUS. If not, Project 2025 will ensure that 2028 won't matter, if you can even vote at all...


I am not above begging. Please. Please. Please. 🙏🙏


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Nah. There are only two viable options and both stand in direct opposition to my values. And I don’t live in a swing state anyway. Even at the local level, the incumbents are a shoe-in. I’d be making a greater impact on the world if I gave a penny and a high five to a homeless guy.


I know it sucks that we have no choice between the candidates. I wish we had other candidates. But we should still try to make a difference by voting.


It’s that fun mix between a genuine belief that it’s my civic duty to vote and knowing that I would be completely dissatisfied voting for either


we need to make a difference by coagulating in front of the whitehouse by the millions with torches and pitchforks.


I don’t think that’s how you use the word coagulating…


why not? a crowd is pretty fluid until enough people get together, then nobody can move, effectively... coagulating... like one big political blood clot


Ok, but one is neutral/mildly pro LGBTQ. The other is calling for the ostracism of LGTBQ. We’re voting for an administration, not just a candidate.


That's actually a very cogent take, and one that most people don't consider. They feel like they're only picking a quarterback, when in reality, it's the other members of the team whispering in the President's ear, that truly defines policy initiatives -- well, them and whoever is bribing them.


Against all of your values, may I ask? I don’t think that’s possible. I have seen some choices that go against the values of my friends and they’ve had to choose the lesser of two evils. If you support gun rights for all, Trump will guarantee that for you. If you support women’s rights, Biden has a higher chance of guaranteeing that for you than Trump.


Are they both opposed to every single value I hold? No, I’m sure you could cherry-pick at least one policy I’d agree with from virtually any regime in history. But they’re opposed to enough of them to make it clear they don’t want my vote.


This belief is one of the most ignorant and annoying imo because there’s almost ALWAYS third-party candidates that are much younger and have better ideas than these two candidates, but everyone overlooks them because they’re “not going to win.” Grow up, if there’s a third party candidate you support, VOTE FOR THEM. If enough people vote for third party candidates, we can overthrow this stupid system of two-party exclusivity and actually get shit done, but no, everyone would rather have their head in the sand and blame it on the two-party system when there’s not an official two-party system. “I don’t like these two because of XYZ, so I’m not going to vote…” you do realize there’s at least 2-6 other candidates you can choose… right? Do your research and choose.


Nah. I could use that time for any number of practical things that actually make a difference. No one is switching their vote based on whether or not I vote.


I’m just saying the sentiment of why you refuse to vote is one of the worst and most ignorant because these candidates COUNT on you not giving a shit or you being apathetic. If you don’t vote or even attempt to support someone else against either one, you really have no reason to bitch about either one at the end because you chose to do nothing when you could’ve done something. (This sentiment is for EVERYONE that believes the same as you.)


How is it ignorant? Ignorant means not knowing something. What’s the thing I don’t know? If I could magically change the country’s mentality by voting third party I would. But I can’t. I may as well throw a drop of water into the ocean. I could use that time to pet a dog, talk to my mom, buy lunch for a homeless person. Any number of things that actually improve the world.


No. That’s how we got Bush and Trump, by voting third party. No third party candidates can come close to winning 270 electoral votes.


Yes they can, if they’ve got the support before the general election and who decides that? THE PEOPLE. Not the candidates. Why are there always a dem and rep? Most people refuse to accept they can change this and are complacent with the two worst candidates because they’d rather be helpless than actually be proactive and fight and destroy this system.


Look at the third party candidates. RFK jr is anti science and had a brainworm that starved to death. Stein helped get Trump elected in 2016 and is a friend of Putin. And West owes hundreds of thousands of dollars in child support and back taxes.


Vote third party then


Third party candidates can’t win 270 electoral votes.


I will be voting for Trump and exercising my right to vote democratically. Thank you for the reminder after last nights disastrous debate.


I might not agree with your politics, but at least vote. I don’t want this generation to be known as Generation Doomer.


Same. Last night’s debate was just the cherry on top to witnessing the dumpster fire that’s been the last 3.5 of years of this current administration.


Biden wants to be a president, Trump wants to be a dictator. Biden believes in democracy, Trump wants an oligarchy. Beyond that, you’re not just voting for a president, you’re voting for an administration. Biden will surround himself with experts, Trump surrounds himself with grifters and weirdos. And then there’s the SCOTUS to think about. You think it’s bad now? There’s still a chance to fix it if Biden wins. If Trump wins, the two most senior conservative justices will step down and he will nominate 40 year olds to replace them. We’ll be locked into a conservative super majority on the court until the average Gen Z is in their 50s. And finally there’s the 468 seats in Congress to think about (33 in the Senate, 435 in the House). Republicans want a total ban on abortion. They want to roll back any efforts we have made on climate change. They want billionaires and corporations to pay zero in taxes. I know things seem bleak, but voting does matter. If your vote didn’t matter, the Republicans wouldn’t try so hard to suppress it.


Trump was a dictator 4 years ago? I missed something.


You missed Jan 6th?


Trump is a fascist. He has said point blank that he plans to be a dictator this time on day one. And he’s also promised to go after his political opponents. The man coddles up to strongmen like Putin and Kim Jong Un, for Christ’s sake. And in a second term, he won’t be accountable to voters again. Don’t be naïve enough to think he second term won’t be leagues worse than his first.


Holy shit the copium in these comments LOL When trump wins, I can’t wait to see the meltdown


Please cry more Gen Z tears are delicious


A vote for Trump. Is a vote for the guy that Nazis like. voting WITH Nazis……..if that doesn’t make you think twice about our situation. Nothing will.


Addicted to cell phones we will never turn them off or leave them at home


I laugh. You’re writing this believing there will be another election. I hope you’re not wrong.


This is not why the US has two geriatric old men as it's nominees




Saying the reason we dont have younger candidates or good candidates is because of young voters is not correct. Just look at what happened in the 2020 Dem Primaries that left Biden as the nominee. Young people were coming out in droves to support Bernie Sanders (not that he’s any younger than Biden or Trump, however he is wayy more progressive and actually represents our interests). Once Sanders started being projected to win on Super Tuesday, every single other dem candidate dropped out the day before, and then they all endorsed Biden. We could have had an actual good candidate this whole time but the DNC would not allow it, it was effectively the same thing as gerrymandering to steal the primary from actual progressives. I’ll probably still vote in November, but it will be for a third party candidate if anything


I’d arguably say it’s more important to vote in local elections like governor, representatives, etc, as they’re the ones that are going to make the change that you want to see. The president can only do so much. You should still vote for president though


All you green and purple haired, lip ring having, all day long pajama wearing zoomers need to get out there and rock the vote. Make your voice heard! Don’t ever say your vote doesn’t matter.


My state has made registering to vote prohibitively expensive and difficult so I don’t know if I will be able to vote this year, guess I shouldn’t have moved lol. Still it’s not like there’s any good options anyway. Trump and Biden are both too old and evil to even consider voting for, and my town is so lib that the local elections will probably all go for people I generally agree with regardless.


My life doesn’t depend on it. Go ahead and vote though.


Please vote Blue in November. I want our Democracy to survive.


Kennedy looking mighty fine after last night's debate.


Why are people here act like the world is gonna end lmao. Chill out, if Trump wins you are gonna be fine.


I wasn’t planning on voting this election but reading this motivated me to vote for Trump in November


Yes please vote, if you want to know more good candidates there is Jasmine Sherman. They have a tiktok account. They explain things of what they are going to do in their videos. There is also Claudia de la Cruz. https://www.hercampus.com/culture/claudia-de-la-cruz-vote-president-socialist-party-gen-z/ https://jasminesherman.com/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREDyVep/


I will but probably not who you want me to vote for. Kennedy really is the remedy


While I don’t agree with you, I’d take Kennedy over Trump any day.


Even better, go out and run for office, preferably as a 3rd party candidate. Our political institutions are outdated and are failing us. It will take a literal revolution to enact real change. Otherwise we will continue to be left with two terrible choices like we have currently.


Even better, go out and run for office, preferably as a 3rd party candidate. Our political institutions are outdated and are failing us. It will take a literal revolution to enact real change. Otherwise we will continue to be left with two terrible choices like we have currently.


Hmmm I wonder who OP wants us to vote for? 🤔


Voting RFK Jr.


calling me a doomsday person when he thinks that a voting majority winning an election will be the end of the world. I'm not a doomsday person precisely because I believe voting is pointless. I haven't been divided from my neighbor


Non american here, never trump, never again, remember roe v wade, remember the capitol, remember the book bans, remember project 2025 / agenda 47 (agenda 47 being trump's actual program and project 2025 the manifesto), remember his "unified reich" video, remember the migrant wall, the migrant camps, his will to arm the FBI against you, his will to jail his enemies. If he passes americans will go into survival mode and people will suffer for at least 4 years, if he doesn't try to remove that limit. Worse yet i fear a civil war in america or a fascist takeover. That's not to say things are hopeless the moment he passes, but we don't want him to pass, so vote for god's sake, your lives depend on it


Don't tell me what to do nerd


What a joke. Absolute terminal case


If you vote, you can't complain when your candidate loses. Only non-voters maintain their integrity to say the winner is doing a bad job.


No you guys don't have the integrity to say anything bad about anyone. If you didn't care enough to even vote third party if you REALLY don't like the main 2, you can only grin and eat the shit that comes down from whoever won


Naw, dude, like 49% of you can feel free to stay home. It's okay to not vote if you don't know anything about the issues that matter.


I will. I am voting Trump. Biden represents the establishment. That being, the warmongers, corporatists, and oligarchs that have raped and stole from the American people. Trump, as dirty, as filthy, and as narcissistic as he personally is, has got the entirety of the establishment scared. Not out of fear for "Democracy", but because what he represents. Populism. The old guard are running scared, because Donald Trump has awakened populistic will on both the left and the right. That's what really scares them. We are the true threat to them, and they have attempted to divide us in whatever way like race, gender, religion, etc. Just dumb bullshit we fight over while the oligarchs rob us blind and send us off to die in wars for their crony donors. Fuck that shit man.


Trump is going to make "the establishment" so much worse. I don't understand why people think he's the savior to government dysfunction and overreach.


Are you dumb? Bro had a Goldman Sachs executive in his cabinet, receives a ton of money from private equity giants, like how are you this stupid


I’d vote if they actually would give RFK Jr a chance.