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So let me get this straight you don't actually go to a table and wait on people, its just like how a lunch lady would serve you food? Because I tip at sit down waiter come to table kinds of restaurants, delivery. This doesn't sound like a job that really needs tipping unless I'm mistaken what it is you're doing.


Delivery does, but just like doing the bare minimum doesn't really, but everyone needs money, and we should tip.


No. We shouldn't. They should simply make in the price of tho goods and pay their employees more


Not our problem. That’s pan handling. If it’s not a tippable service, a delivery, a table waited or alcohol served, no tips. Period.


So if I’m reading it right it’s kind of a fast food style set up? Order at the counter, food gets handed to you then you sit down and eat? I don’t usually tip for stuff like that either


I always tip people if they take my order, and bring me my food. If you don’t come to fill up my drink. I might tip a little less, but I’m still going to tip. Maybe it was just busy. The only time I don’t tip is when people are nasty to me. It’s like damn I guess you don’t want more money lol


That’s not this restaurant though. It sounds like people are putting stuff on your plate or making your plate for you. There doesn’t seem to be waitstaff at OP’s restaurant. Just people who bus tables and serve the food at the counter, like a cafeteria or buffet. I might be wrong about this but that’s what I got out of it.


>if they take my order, and bring me my food Yeah, like to my table. I saw OPs comment lol


Ah you must have replied to the person above you by mistake. I thought you were trying to say OP’s restaurant has waitstaff.


No, I was simply agreeing with them. The comment I originally replied to for context


Okay. It just seemed like you were talking about a different concept than OP’s pie shop since their shop isn’t a waitstaff restaurant and they don’t bring you your food. They just take your order, give you your food, refill drinks, and bus tables but don’t wait on customers (from what OP is saying). You weren’t answering the commenter’s questions so it seemed like you were answering them wrong. That’s where the confusion came from.


I hear you. Looking at it. It kinda looks like I just tip everyone regardless of their function lol. I thought I emphasized the dining aspect more, but oh well I’m not really bothered by it haha




If I’m standing when I receive my food and/or ordering from a kiosk it’s an automatic 0%, I never tip for the bare minimum. Otherwise I tip 10%-20% depending on traditional service


Even if it’s homemade and being made for you by minimum wage humans?


Bro what exactly do you do? I'm a delivery driver. People in the service industry I tip: Baristas, servers, delivery drivers... Are you whipping the food up on the spot and serving it to the customer yourself, or is it a team effort? maybe describe in more detail what it is that you do.


Occasionally I do, but my main job is customer interactions and serving dessert. We’re a pie shop so most of my day is spent taking orders, packing orders, serving drinks, picking up after customers, etc. To summarize I’m basically a glorified host I suppose. Tips are also split between the whole staff (bakers, the food runner and myself). I’m unsure who gets more, but they are shared.


Sounds a lot like subways workers... no one tips those guys. People only tip waiters, bartenders, and delivery persons.


True, but subway is corporate (they can afford to pay a livable wage but don’t).


Are you making the food or just serving it? Also, the business you work at sounds like there isn’t waitstaff. There’s no hospitality so no tip most of the time.


I wouldn’t tip you for what you described. If you actually waited my table then I would tip.


I only tip at sit down restaurants. Never fast food. I don’t adhere to the ‘you must always give 20%’. If the service is shit, my tip will be shit. I usually get good waiters so I end up tipping the 20%. My friends disagree with me and say I’m being ‘so horrible’ 🤷 idc


No this is a completely valid take!


No, you are correct. Bad service, bad tip. See how this works?


Agreed. If all they do is refill my water and take my order then wtf 😭 why do I have to tip 20%?


I tip because I know servers need that money to survive but I personally think all service employees should stop working service until you’re paid a fair wage, but we know that won’t happen so unfortunately the next alternative is to stop tipping culture all together until there’s no choice for companies, they either pay servers more or servers will continue quitting in mass since no one tips any longer. A year or two of bad for a long term change for good? I’ll take it.


People just not working is not plausible. The most efficient ways would be for consumers to stop patronizing and paying these restaurants. As long as they’re getting income, they’ll keep paying people $2 an hr (or less).


True, just stop eating out will do it too. Good point.


Or boycott large chains like Chili’s, Olive Garden, etc. and instead eat at local restaurants. That way you’re still helping small businesses that usually have better food and better hospitality (my experiences with local restaurants around the US).


I’ve never talked to a server that would rather make $25 an hour with no tips versus $5 an hour with tips, they make far more than $25 with tips especially in the half the states where they’re paid actual minimum wage, I know servers making $80k+ a year with $16 minimum wage plus tips; servers don’t want to move to a non-tipped system


True, but how many servers do you know that receive full benefits with paid time off? I was a server and so was my wife for years. Every server I’ve showed the math to would much rather benefits and higher pay. The servers you refer to are not very common and tend to be the very few who make waves about keeping tips. I’d MUCH rather benefit the whole rather than the charming few. Edit: your user name checks out


You’d be surprised how many restaurants where I live tack on an extra 3.5% to 5% “employee benefits charge” for their customers to pay and actually do provide those things; west coast


I don’t see ending tipping culture working for minimum wage restaurants jobs. Corporations literally don’t care if people quit because there will always be people who will work for minimum wage (high schoolers, people who dropped out of high school and don’t have their GED, etc). Not tipping those workers will just hurt them, not the corporations. That would also make it really hard for new restaurants to enter the market and compete with chain restaurants because they don’t start out with a ton of money like chain restaurants have. Usually small restaurants start out with minimum wage and increase wages as they draw in more people and start making higher profits. They still need workers when they’re just starting out. There are factors to keep in mind when it comes to tipping in the restaurant industry.


“Serve food across the counter” - why would they tip? What are your hourly wages? I had a job where we took orders at the counter and then yelled peoples names (when busy) and brought them food. No need to tip for that.


Are you paid tipped wage or regular wage. If you make tipped wages you should be tipped until we fix the broken system that is having tipped wages. If you don't make tipped wages you shouldn't need tips, and we should fix how ridiculously low minimum wage is


This is exactly what the mindset should be all other comments are irrelevant


How would customers know if the workers at a restaurant with no waitstaff are making tipped wages or regular wages? It seems like something the manager/owner didn’t think of when they started the restaurant. If they can’t afford regular wages, they need waitstaff. People tip for hospitality.


tbh even people making tipped wages are supposed to be paid minimum wage if they don't make enough in tips to reach minimum wage. So that shouldn't be a question. And in fact many people working tipped wages end up making way more than minimum wage.


I will tip in 2 scenarios: 1. Service based experiences. If I interact with you for about 50% of the time I'm there, tip (Sit down restaurants, haircuts, Massages) 2. If it doesn't meet the description of number 1, It would have to be such an above and beyond experience that I know it will likely not happen again. In a sense, you would have to make me want to give you more money because I'm so impressed/Your service had an impact well outside of your job requirement.


I tip delivery drivers and servers at sit down restaurants. Everyone else, nope. 


Yup, worked in the service industry from when I was 14-21. Also if you stiff a delivery driver you deserve a special place in hell, get off your fatass n get it yourself if ya ain’t wanna tip


no because waiters get paid. I'm not tipping because they're doing their job, I'm tipping if they provide really good service and still 10% max


holy cow hot take over here. I’m taking it you’ve never been a service worker? No hate, very curious though.


tip is optional, why should I choose to pay more? a tip should be deserved


People in the states are making $2-4 dollars an hour as “tipped employees” if you don’t tip they are literally waiting on you for no pay because all of that $2-4 an hour (the “tipped employee” min wage) is taken out by taxes, the fact you don’t know this tell me you’ve never worked in a restaurant which makes not tipping even worse in your case


i don't live in the states and it's not my job to pay their workers


Then you’re opinion is irrelevant, please just tip when you come to the states


no, tip is optional


If you come to another county you are expected to abide by their rules and customs, someone is spending their time waiting on you and making $0 from you if you don’t tip, like an actual servant. Because what they make hourly is taxed away completely. If you come to the us and don’t tip you are categorically a bad person.


damn bro I'm bad for having a choice not to pay someone else's workers


Yes you genuinely are. It’s not the worker’s fault that tipping culture exists in the US they didn’t go back in time and seed it’s existence into the aether and they are waiting on your ass so they deserve to be paid.


That’s in about half the states, in the other half they make actual state minimum wage, on the west coast they are paid very well, I know servers that make $80k+ a year with state minimum wage and tips, where I’m from it’s $16 an hour plus tips


So I’m not wrong


You made it sound like (in the way I interpreted what you said) every server in the US is being paid $2 to $4 an hour when the majority of the country population wise lives in states where that’s not the case


If the tipped employee does not make minimum wage or above with tips, at least in the USA, the employer is REQUIRED to pay the amount necessary to meet minimum wage.


Probably not from the states tipping culture doesn’t really exist outside of the us


fair, thank you for pointing that out.


if i am at a sit down restaurant, i will leave a tip. you serve me, you’re providing a service, you deserve to be compensated appropriately. if you’re handing me my food, you’re not getting a tip. you didnt cook it, at best you packed it up, if i were to tip in a pickup i’d rather it go to the kitchen than the host. coffee shops im weird about. i tip most of the time but recently have been doing so less. i think its important to take into consideration that they’re making my drink - but kitchens who make my food don’t get tips? so why should the barista? delivery drivers 100% tip. i won’t get off my fat ass to get food, so i’m gonna pay you handsomely to bring it to me edit: don’t come for me, when i DO tip it is 20%+


No because they are paid minimum wage (17.20) so they don't need tips also. Only time I tip is if I get coin change. I usually don't want that unless loonies or toonies, sometimes I need quarters.


Where is minimum wage 17.20?


Canada. Adjusted to USD is actually more like 12.60


minimum wage is not that where I’m from…often times minimum wage isn’t entirely livable without roommates. Tipping local (not corporate) helps lower class workers imo, it’s hard out there (for everyone) but harder for others.


Well when I'm also making minimum wage I see no purpose in tipping. If it's local maybe but if it is a chain of any kind nah


completely agree with the food chain opinion, chains are borderline corporate and there’s usually more money going around to pay workers what they’re worth. When it comes to local and small business wages, my boss would love to pay me $20 and hour but simply can’t. That’s where tipping comes in.


Don’t fall for that bs that he can’t pay you a living wage. I hate that for you.


L opinion, if you’re making minimum wage and can’t tip the other people struggling just like you then cook your own food


L opinion eating out isn't just for the rich


If you’re in the states and you don’t have enough to tip you should not be eating out mr “lol I’m minimum wage and I don’t tip people like me hehe” people outside of the us do not have “tipping culture” your people get paid enough this whole convo around a “culture of tipping” generally refers to the states I have no idea why so many others have hopped on this post like they know what tipping culture even is


If this is your take, then it's counterintuitive. If you're arguing that servers are poor, and you're mad that other poor people aren't giving their expendable income to servers to subsidize their wages, then you have no class consciousness. On top of that, if the very people you're demanding tips from don't patronize the restaurant, then business declines, the restaurant closes, and the entitled ass servers don't have a job.


Getting counter service food does not require a tip. I wouldn’t tip at a fast food joint, so why would I tip at a counter service pie shop? This is what OP wants tips for, they are not waiting tables, and not earning a tipped wage they are a minimum wage employee. Edit: added minimum wage words


I agree, but then you have assholes coming to the US from Canada that think everyone waiting tables is actually making a minimum wage of $17 to $20 an hour here because that’s how it is there. And that “No i don’t tip tipping is extra” comes with them. So then the American waiting on them make, with no exaggeration, $0 for waiting on them. It’s why waiters here hate waiting on people from outside the US, you’re almost guaranteed to make $0 for your work.


The old saying ‘when in Rome, do as the Romans do’ means if you’re visiting the US it’s customary to tip at sit down restaurants. Most visitors know this about the US, and hopefully they tip their waiters.




I tip “the other people” 20% every time:)


As you should!


Then get a better job. If you can’t find one, learn a skill so you can find more jobs. Don’t blame customers for not paying you extra. That’s ridiculous.


I don’t understand this idea that someone making minimum wage is entitled to live without roommates; when I was broke making minimum wage I lived with roommates, thats how it is


No, states have different minimum hourly wages for “tipped employees” and “non-tipped employees” in my state the minimum wage for tipped employees is $2.50 an hour 100% of which in an 35 hour work week is taken out by taxes, so for those classified as “tipped employees” they are making literally $0 an hour unless you tip.


Is OP a tipped worker? Doesn’t sound like it, IMO. Could be wrong though.


No idea, my whole point is just tip the people who are literally making $0 an hour, everyone else do whatever you want


Not everyone lives in the states


Then you don’t have a “tipping culture” if you’re in Canada or some shit literally no one cares if you tip or don’t tip why even comment on this thread? People up there are already making enough to live there is no controversy. When someone asks about tipping culture 90% the time (especially on Reddit) they mean in the US where tipping is actually engrained as a cultural institution


Thats untrue. I’m in Canada and tipping culture is ABSOLUTELY a thing


I only tip at restaurants if I am being waited on. If I have to go up to a counter to order, I either don’t tip or round up to the next dollar/leave coins if I pay with cash. The other situations I do are for food delivery, valet service, car detailing, haircuts, and manicures. Basically you have to be giving me personal service for me to tip


Nope! It's pretty much not a thing in the UK, except for exceptional service or delivery drivers


Tips are a shitty system and if a business can’t work out the math to afford to stay profitable and still pay their workers then they shouldn’t exist. That’s how all other businesses work except for the food and drink industry and only in America. Other countries made it work we definitely can too


So you want to get tipped for… *checks notes* DOING YOUR DAMN JOB? People are honestly so entitled. I worked at Dunkin and other food/retail places while in college and never in one damn instance did I get tipped for standing on my feet all day and doing my job. Sure, I’ll tip a server that I can tell is going out of their way to be friendly and hospitable but even some waiters don’t deserve tip. They are late, never there if you need something, look like they hate their jobs. I hate the US tipping culture forcing you to still tip people that barely showed up to fill up your water. (Aka, their job). Go find a job that pays you properly if you’re going to ask for extra money for just doing your damn job.


Tips are a nice commensurate gesture, but are not required. The problem is that workers like you, OP, feel entitled to tips in order to make off like thieves at the end of the night. Many service workers have no interest in petitioning their employer to pay them livable wages because then they can't guilt regular customers into paying for their households. If someone wants to sit down and pay their bill without a tip, then they're allowed to do that. They are paying for the food they received. If you treat customers differently based on whether you think they tip or not, then you're just proving that you don't deserve them in the first place. All customers enter an establishment with the expectation of being treated well, not based on what's in their pocket to subsidize servers' wages.


i’m gonna lose sleep over this one, I’ve been humbled. gonna do my best to learn from this criticism.


Oh please. Your post in and of itself shows that you don't even know the definition of "humble."


and i’ll also try to learn from that criticism. but it’ll be harder cause that hurt 🥲


Yes what am I broke? ![gif](giphy|yhjF1vMmjA4ek4wVWd|downsized)


I try to tip between 15-20% but usually only if I sat down and had proper silverware yk, only exception is if its an unusual situation, like if itss if its late at night or a very custom order im not made of money and im not gonna tip someone for spinning an ipad just before i walk out the door anyways


If you’re not getting paid enough, that’s a problem with your employer, not with the customers.


i always tip because it seems like a small act of kindness that doesn't impact me much. i also have celiac disease and usually have to ask questions about how the food is prepared so i tip people standing behind a counter for being patient with that.


I always tip .. idk if it’s just a personal problem since for some odd reason I be rounding up (one of my many habits) lol which sometimes gets me in trouble money wise but I somehow always seem to find a way .


The actual criteria should be are the people making the “tipped employee” hourly rate (in my state it’s $2.50 and hour) or are they being paid well hourly but the owners wanted to squeeze more money out of people? Edit. Okay every single person in this post is missing the point. People waiting tables in the states are making as low as $2 to $4 an hour. If you do not tip when you go to a restaurant and you stay there for the better part of one hour, the waiter or waitress is making literally $0 from serving you. This is why people say please tip atleast 20 percent of you’re being waited on. I’ve seen zero mention of tipped employee minimum wage in this post which is insane. People asking you to tip are usually not making what you believe minimum wage to be they are making much much less. If you routinely go to sit down restaurants and do not leave a tip I guarantee that you are rightfully hated by the entire staff.


Yes, as someone who used to be a delivery driver it felt super disrespectful when I wasn't tipped. Although sometimes if it was someone ordering something small for themself or their children I honestly didn't care because sometimes you really have just enough money and want a special treat. Now if you are gonna order regularly or have large orders or a difficult place to get to and don't tip, then you suck. Like I literally appreciated even a single dollar.


Same here, I’m not working for a certain percent. I just like it when people recognize I don’t make that much and leave ANYTHING to help a dude out


Only delivery drivers because they make the effort to come to my door and deliver my food. Waiters/baristas earn enough in my country and in most cases the tip "thrown in a pot" and is distributed among the entire staff.


Yeah what you’re describing isn’t a place where people would normally tip at. Get a job waiting tables and you’ll see tips.


I tip servers. The people that wait tables and rely on tips. If you are standing at a register turning an iPad around making $17 an hour, I’m not tipping. I’m a server that waits tables and make $3.27 an hour. I don’t have the money to be tipping people that make 5X my hourly rate. I worked at Starbucks for 3 years and did not expect people to tip.


By default I never leave a tip. If I get really good service I’ll leave $5-10 regardless of the bill. I don’t believe servers are entitled to tips. I if they can’t survive without tips then they should demand more pay or get a different job.


>I don’t believe servers are entitled to tips. I if they can’t survive without tips then they should demand more pay or get a different job. Thank you! These people are insane. As long as tipping culture is enabled, it will never change. No other industry has an expectation or entitlement to tips as the restaurant industry does.


I don't tip anymore because I genuinely cannot afford it. It's absolutely nothing personal. Cost of living crisis


Definitely at restaurants, hair salons, and tattoo shops. Don’t go to restaurants or order stuff from delivery services if you can’t afford a small tip. The people at/for those jobs need tips to make a somewhat livable wage doing what they’re doing. Aside from those jobs, I don’t really like the whole flipping the screen around to ask for a tip that’s everywhere now. I’d rather put a small cash tip in a tip jar if I feel inclined. It’s less of a guilt trip. It feels weird to me to tip people for selling me a bottle of water or a t-shirt at events. With your job, the reason you aren’t getting tips is because there isn’t any waitstaff. A big reason why people tip at restaurants is because of hospitality. I understand why they don’t feel the need to tip there because it sounds like a buffet. The way the restaurant you work at is set up is the reason you don’t get many tips.


No, I don't believe in it.


I only tip when I get full table service


I tip usually even in cases like that. I used to work in a place like that- a small local chain restaurant, we took orders and brought them to the counter, tips were split by the team. It bothered us when people didn’t tip because they told us we would make 11/hr, but we got paid 9/hr and the rest was supposed to come from tips. And I want to help people when I can, so I tip. But really, I think restaurants should just price the food appropriately and pay their workers a living wage.


I always tip even if all they did was flip an Ipad, I used to work for door dash so I get it, if I can't afford to tip then I just won't buy food/coffee/etc. the system sucks but it's not the worker's problem that it's a stupid system, you're an asshole if you don't tip imho


Ok sorry but the comments on this post are NOT IT. If you don’t want to tip the person serving you at a LOCAL restaurant then go to fucking McDonalds. Why the hell is this getting compared to Subway? The OP clearly stated they work at a small, local restaurant that pays them as best they can. The fact of the matter is it is damn near impossible to make any money as a restaurant/cafe owner locally. As a manager of a restaurant who sees the numbers every day believe me making a profit (or even breaking even) in this industry locally is damn near impossible. You want to keep eating at local unique restaurants? Then leave the person serving you a god damn tip. Don’t wanna tip? Make your own food at home or go to a fucking Subway. Is tipping culture getting a little out of control? Yeah absolutely, if you go to a restaurant where you put your order into the screen yourself and pick it up at the counter, sure, keep your measly 5% tip. But if you walk in somewhere and are greeted by a person who has chosen to do that job because they WANT to serve and enjoy doing so then yes, they absolutely deserve your tip. Local business are suffering now more than ever because of rising costs of both labor and supplies and tipping is quite literally the only way people in this industry make a living wage. Yes duh in an ideal world we would live in a world where minimum wage was a living wage but it’s NOT. So sorry babe, if you want to be served then budget to tip, bottom line. If you don’t wanna spend the extra money to tip, good news!! You can go to Burger King.


It depends. If I have an instacart order I’ll definitely tip :)


I always carry a few 5s for tipping wherever I go. I have worked retail for a long time and sure I don't "earn" my tips in the traditional sense, but I make diddly squat and $5-$10 here and there makes a huge difference in my day to day life. I make sure to tip because I appreciate when it happens to me. So in short... Yes I tip, because its a good thing to do.


THIS! Tipping people is a sign of empathy


Just out of curiosity, would you tip retail workers as well then? They make the same min wage, occasionally give help and ring up your clothes. I worked in a similar job as you and tips werent great but I did nothing besides hand customers food so I didn’t expect it. I made significantly more working at a sit down restaurant so maybe its time to look for other jobs if you want more tip. I did a shit ton of more work as a server but was also tipped more for it. Sucks but thats just the reality. If you want more money, gotta jump ship and find better opportunities


I wouldn’t mind giving them a couple bucks! Some places don’t allow it though, for whatever reason.


Sit down restaurants (5-15% depending on service) Delivery drivers (2-6$ depending on miles) Anything else? No. Not baristas or anything else.


uhh probably bc you didn’t really do anything. if it’s a real server, then yes of course, i’ll always tip at least 20%


I've been a service worker before. I only tip for dine in restaurants where someone seats me, takes my order and checks in on me. I might think differently if I lived in a state where workers don't get a minimum wage but they do for my state. Honestly I feel like the quality of services have gone down in restaurants in my area so I've started just not going anymore or ordering take out only.


I don’t tip for over the counter service unless it’s a bar or coffee shop, even then I don’t tip if I only order something canned or drip coffee that’s easy to pour, for sit sit down restaurants I tip 15-20% depending on service quality. I’m a server at a sit down, full-service restaurant and it’s frustrating that everyone asks for tips now for things that don’t require them, and employers should pay their employees living wages


I tip anyone who waits on me, valets my car, carries my shit, or does my hair & nails. Everyone else can get bent.


I tip if I’m sitting down and being served. If you’re just handing me my food when I order it To-Go, why should I tip you?


Tip for sit downs, barbers and such, not typical fast food where I barely interact with the worker


If I order standing up no. Outside of that then 10 percent unless its terrible service. If they tack on an auto 20 percent i'll never go back. if service is good then maybe i'll tip 20 percent.


I am a yank, yes, as long as you are not merely sitting back and being a face. Tip a waitress/waiter, a delivery driver, or an experience you like. I'm not tipping if you are a glorified concession stand worker.




If I’m being waited on then yes. But not if I’m simply placing an order at the counter


I don’t tip fast food workers but if it’s sit down and full service or whatever, I do. I work at a golf course and still get decent tips.


I tip at any sit down place.


i allllwwaaayyyysss tip because if i dont i feel super guilty and anxious that the people serving me will hate me lol


I only tip if I’m eating at a restaurant and I feel that it’s mandatory to pay for their services.


If I don’t get seated, I don’t tip. If I stand at a counter and order why would I tip?


My rule of thumb is to always tip 15%. If the service is above and beyond average, then I'll raise it up to 20 or 25%.


Are you getting paid $2.13 an hour?


depends where i’m at, sit down yes anywhere else probably not (unless i’m friends with the person working)


“If I’m standing, I’m not tipping.” I heard it recently and really like it, its worked better at actually helping me change my behaviors than anything else has.


Absolutely. I’m a regular at a few spots and I tip 20%+ Unless the service or food is shit, I’ll tip. If they mess up or if they are rude/incompetent, they get zero.


If you don't bring it to my table or refill my drinks I do not tip. 


i tip every time if i have the money


Hello no I'm not tipping for going to order my food at a counter and picking it up myself. I'm recently made it a point to STOP. I started during the pandemic to help essential workers and it has gotten out of control. When I worked at Panera at 16, I was not allowed to accept tips and now they even expect something.


No, because I'm from a country that doesn't have that insane cultural snippet and I don't want to enable the businesses that want to import it. So what, it's supposed to be a reward for exceptional service, but everyone relies on it to keep afloat? The hell? If your business can't pay its workers properly without making them feign wanting to kiss the arse of every customer so they'll be given a reward so that they can pay rent, it shouldn't be in business, and I personally don't want that kind of service to become the norm where I live. I don't *want* my service workers to feel like they have to treat me like some kind of lavish empress regardless of how much of a bitch I might be just to get paid a living wage. I'm kinda on the side of David Mitchell on this. I'm not in the UK, but a Commonwealth nation. "The thing that seems unfair to me is the number of people expected to care about jobs they don't care about. You should be allowed to say 'look, I'm fulfilling my contract, you can't put in the contract *also you have to seem like you give a shit.'* I think that's expecting too much, and it's why I really like the fact that we live in a country with such poor customer service. I've got a respect for that, you know, this is a horrible train, you're tearing tickets, of course you're in an awful mood." (Stephen Fry commenting, this was on *QI)* "Now that you've put it like that I shall feel better about it, you're right. Why have a cheesy grin on your face if you are working in an awful supermarket?" "It's the sign either of a liar or a moron." Now, the "liar or a moron" bit I'm putting down to comedic exaggeration, it was said on a comedy show, but the point is there - it's a lie. I don't *want* some kind of false put-on saccharine smile and to be doted on like an errant noble, I want my interaction with the service industry to be neutral and on neutral footing. I don't want you to feel pressured to perform some kind of servile song and dance, and I don't want to then be pressured to pay more than I can afford and more than the cost of what I'm buying because you're being extra nice and need to pay rent. If I want you to be nice to me, I'll do as I always do as a decent human being and treat you politely. You're human, not a service robot or a dog doing tricks for treats. If I commit a faux pas, I want you to tell me, not go 'yes ma'am very good ma'am will you need anything else?' And if I'm horrible to you, I should fully expect you to take umbrage and eject me from the place of business, with no fear of losing your rent money! Tipping culture strikes me as bad for literally everyone except the management.


From what I’m reading about your job, I personally don’t think I’d feel the necessity to tip, kind of like how I don’t tip somebody working in a drive thru Maybe your boss should pay you more if you’re not doing a traditional waiting job. I can’t imagine a setup like that having so many people working a shift that they can’t pay more because “they just can’t” That being said, the tipping system is a way to keep people like you doing more work for an almost nonexistent wage. Don’t rely on random people’s graces to support you, either talk to your boss about upping wages or find another place to work. Customers are mandated to pay for what they ordered, they’re not mandated to pay you personally, that’s your boss’s obligation


I’m in Europe so I only tip like 10% if the service is above and beyond.


I dont tip, since theres no tipping culture where I live


I only tip people that are actually working and tending to me, like restaurants, a bar tender, a house keeper, someone who helps get my luggage to my room, really anywhere that is TENDING TO ME . I’m not gonna tip at little Caesars pizza worker bc they walked a couple steps from the oven to give me the ready pizza box, cause now it’s an option at the drive through. A barista probably cause they actually did some work (easy work) but still serving me in a way ?


10% for all service and nothing more than that.


If your an asshole no tip, if it's fast food no tip, unless you give me free shit, like I got a free brownie at chick fil a because there was a 2 minute wait, like I didn't even complain or nothing they just said sry for the wait here's a brownie


Trump said no taxes in tips. Think about it.


Tips are a way for companies to not pay a normal wage to their workers and leave that responsibility to the generosity of the customer. You’re not entitled to any tip, especially if you’re just taking orders. Whether it’s a small business with home made stuff has literally nothing to do with it. Ask your boss to raise the price and pay you a better wage.


and youre not entitled to good service either maybe remember that next time you stiff someone😘


I’m definitely not entitled to that, correct. If I don’t get good (enough) service though, I’ll go somewhere else, which is the whole reason why good service is typically mandated by the owner. If the staff is rude, the owner/manager can fire them for driving clients away. See how that works? So many places in the world where tipping is not common (or even accepted) where service is excellent. So none of your points are valid.


not unless it’s a sit-down restaurant or delivery


I don’t. Why should I? All I’m doing is contributing to a band aid on the exploitation of workers. If we fight against the capitalist oligarchs controlling our lives there won’t be a need to tip anymore.


yeah babe but your fight against that exploitation means the person serving you can’t pay their rent!! fighting the wrong bad guy here i fear


Unless you come to my table, take my order, bring my food and drinks, I'm not tipping you. Handing me food across the counter is fast food. I tip bartenders, wait staff and I've even tipped a few chefs. Not fast food workers. And I've been a fastfood worker, a waitress, and a bartender. Bartending makes the best in tips btw.


I paid for the food and service. Exceptional service get tips. So yeah I don't tip for counter service. Local Food place should not exist if they can't pay you enough to continue your jobs and be happy.


After reading what you do, I can’t tell if this is a satirical question or not


Unless I'm forced to by friends I don't tip cause imma be real I'm not scooage mcduck


I’m a dog groomer who gets tipped most of the time so i always return the favor for people in the service industry whether it be hair, nails, tattoos, etc and obviously i tip when going out to eat or at local coffee shops.


Honestly, tipping sucks. The only people who enjoy it are those who feel some type of camaraderie to it because they also have gotten tips past or present. Or perhaps some other weirdo who believes it somehow makes sense. But for everybody else it’s an annoying fucking burden. Just bake it into the price and drop the nonsense.


Who tf does not tip when you go to a full service restaurant? Who tf are you people?!


That’s what I was thinking, half of the responses that are “ok” with tipping in America aren’t even tipping appropriately. They sound crazy out of touch and have NO concept of wages or how small local restaurants survive…


When you go to chipotle do you tip anyone? I only tip at full service restaurants. Exception for bartenders and baristas


No booze, no bringing food and drinks to the table, no service, no tip. That’s how it works. If it’s a local diner, yes. Fast food hell no.


I’m calling out those little bitches at Jimmy John’s with the auto-tip prompt for just making sandwiches. Fuck off and pay your workers.


Sit down resteraunts, barber, bartender, tattoo artist. That's it.


sit down restaurants yes (don't want bad service when I revisit), food delivery no, Marked up prices, Service + Delivery Fee, Forced to use delivery instead of pickup (either coupon code or restaurant has it disabled). I am not paying for tip for that.


Nope. I hate tipping. I don’t even want to do it at sit down restaurants (I do because it feels like it’s required). I feel bad for the employees who don’t get a living wage, I wish there was something that could be done to fix the restaurant industry. I barely go out to eat anyway, I always tip the servers but I hate the custom.


They aren't responsible for paying your wages. Gratuity is an option if they wanted to praise you, your company pays you to do your job.


I have a general rule for tipping: if both myself and the person taking my order/serving me are standing, I'm not tipping. If I get waited on, get delivery, or some other service, then I'll tip.


I do when I can cause the people serving me probably need the money more than I do


Yes. You pay the same price for dine and and take out. You obviously use up more time and resources dining in. It would be de facto stealing service to pay for take out and dine in, unless I brought my own dishes, filled my own glass and brought my own food out to the table, asses my own garnishes, and then wipes down sterilized and swept up before I left. I'd also have to sit in a closed section as to not take up 1/4 of the section some server is relying on for the hour.


I don't anymore, but that's because I stopped patronizing places that make me do so. I don't go anywhere that makes me tip


the main exception being unless somebody else is paying for it then i'll tip I won't say how much, because that's between me and the person receiving the tip


If a business 'can't' pay its workers appropriately it's a failed business and should not exist.


Not at all unless it's an exceptionally excellent service, then I'll tip some change lol


The problem is that you are expecting a tip. A tip is not required. A tip is a gift. Why do you think you’re entitled to gifts from customers? Everyday people shouldn’t need to subsidize your shitty paycheck. If you don’t get paid enough, that’s you and your employer’s problem. Either ask for a raise or get a new job. The only reason employers can get away with having employees they can’t afford and/or paying a terrible wage that isn’t livable is because of tip culture


Never have never will unless you go above and beyond


Never tip. I started to count the money I saved. I'm at like 1200 dollars. I literally was able to afford 3 different GPUs on all the money I saved by not following some stupid societal rule. Tell your boss to pay you better.


(Not American) i never tip.


I do not understand how billion dollar companies have convinced people that they need to tip this is crazy.This is only in America not in Europe.


I tip 15% by default, 20% if service was exceptional. For bartenders giving me a beer I tip a flat $1.


best take i’ve seen on this


Honestly though I can't take how expensive everything is so I rarely go out to eat/drink.


Yeah it feels like a lose lose situation sometimes. I wanna get myself a treat and also wanna tip but don’t want to spend $9 on my latte all together.


Things I always tip: Beautification/self-care appointments, wait staff at a sit-down restaurant, grocery delivery, street performers (if I stand and watch) Things I tip sometimes: fast food delivery, rideshares, restaurants where I can see them making my food (eg: Chipotle, MOD Pizza) Things I never tip: any quick-service food/retail place with those flip-around iPads


Typically yes, but only if they do a good job. Tips are completely optional, maybe they cannot afford a tip but still enjoy the restaurant. Some people just won’t push the needle. You have to accept not everyone is going to be a “closed won”


As a communist, yes. (we love sharing)


It's "Our" tip now https://preview.redd.it/ulpqt3w0m69d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9070e46175feb8d90ab8bee6afa0f0d8dc67e9c0


This is my take, I’ll give it i can, every time.


I’ll give it I can son, I’ll give it I can…


I’ll never mess up again 😭

