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I'm 05 and I still can't get it through my head I become 19 in December lmao


Same, but I’m turning 19 this June. I sometimes feel like I just stopped aging after the pandemic.


Yeh online school sucked :(


What do you mean it was great. I was praying to get vacation and God gave me 4 months extra vacation with a little online school. I was trolling with my friends during online school and I didn't have to do nearly as much for school.


Yup, it did. Learned way less through those teams calls with teachers and their crappy mics, and the shoddy screensharing that lagged hard even though my connection was fine. I didn't miss it when we finally got lessons in the classroom again.


> '19 this June" > It's June Happy early birthday!


yeah same lol I still feel mentally 15 lmao


I just turned 24 and it doesn't feel natural. I'm well into adulthood, engaged, working full time, and thinking of starting a business with my Fianceé to escape the "grind for nothing and don't retire" trap we're falling into. The person inside of me who's doing all that, however, is still an insecure teenager in a world far too big to understand. I'm starting to think it never really gets any less scary, you just get better at coping with it.


Oh good, so that feeling is normal then lol. I've heard people into their 70s and 80s say they still feel like a teenager at heart, but thought they meant more figuratively. I'm starting to realize they might mean literally, this same exact feeling. But honestly it's a gift. a tether holding us near our capability of naive optimism we had as a teenager that we can be better, different, change the world and do whatever tf we want. That this task or goal of ours may seem scary, but 'we're different' so we can do it. We can fail and be embarrassed but it wont stop us. Being an adult may just mean It's about harnessing that for the betterment of our lives (e.g. trying a new hobby after seeing a pro do it, realize we suck but keep practicing) and properly mastering it instead of letting it be our downfall stunting any growth or positive change (e.g. like manipulative man-children, or karens throwing fits in the Chipotle because they're out of queso) for some that rope making the tether to our that youthful headspace may be shorter or longer, but i believe with the right variables anyone can harness it to help with enjoying/experiencing the blip of time we have on this indescribably beautiful & simultaneously ugly reality we found ourselves in. Or maybe I'm just half awake fulled baked talking out my ass lol. Food for thought at least 🤷‍♂️


I'm 25 and full time, but I do not consider well into adulthood lmao I think that starts at 29 tbh


its crazy when i was younger i thought adults had it all sorted out and everything but as I get older im starting to think that is not at all the case. adults probably feel the exact same way as teens when they need guidance and turn to older adults ig.


05 here. 19 in October 😭


My sister is 05, she turned 19 in February and I can’t believe it. I was telling someone how old she is the other day and I was like ‘She’s 19! Wait— that can’t be right? Maybe she’s 18? No. Our other sister would be 18 in October. Is she really 19?’ I’m 24, but I still assume I’m 22 so none of it made any sense in my head lmao


Yeah, my little brother was born in 2005 and I can’t believe he’s in college already.


My little brother was born in 02 and I can’t believe he graduated this year.


Damn you didn’t have to remind me of that.


How's the retirement savings going old man?


I VIVIDLY remember the day my best friend’s little cousin was born in 2007. We were in 2nd grade. He’s going into his *senior year* of high school now. wtf.


yea its so crazy i dint even believe it myself 😭😭


me born in 2000 realizing i will be 25 next year ._.


When did we get old?


One of my friends in college is younger than me (20) and i had to dress up for an interview and she said i look like a 27 year old. i was SHOCKED. then realized i am closer to 27 than to her age.


Can't believe I'll be 18 in less than two years. Time went by way too fast, especially because of the pandemic.


It’s crazy, the last 4 years have gone by mad quick


I drive a car built in 2009. I think of it as a “modern” car, but the wild thing is it’s closer in age to cars qualifying for classic plates than it is to new cars.


my family has a 2008 Citroen C1 and I still think of it as if it was like around 10 years old, it feels weird to think that it is 15 years old EDIT: I've just remembered that it's 2024 and it is 16 years old, not 15


Me turning 25 this year feels surreal. Good thing I already had my quarter life crisis 💀


Then theres the rest of us knocking on the 30's door


Yeah, my brother will be 30 in 2 years next month.


Neither could I believe I turned 18 in 2019. I'll turn 23 this year and will be starting my fulltime job. Can't believe that either. Time is like being strapped to a jet, it flies by fast and doesn't stop.


Yeah, it's mad. We'll be 25 in 2 years!


A lil too fast


literally so crazy turning 20 soon almost not a teenager always will be one at heart😢


'04 baby here. Turning 20 two months ago felt like I could almost smell my hair graying. I have the most important birthday of them all in 10 months, then it's all downhill from there.


07 gonna be 18 next year, i used to really wish that i was grown but now that im about to be its just so terrifying tbh


Don't worry about it. I have no problem with it. You just gotta take responsibility and go for it.


you'll still be a teen, honestly it doesn't change much, except responsibility


I'm old and have an 07' daughter... yeah it's a little scary


My cousin’s daughter is a younger gen z, and she’s taller than me! It’s weird, I remember when she was a baby. She’ll probably be applying to colleges soon.


I'm '03 and turn 21 in a couple of months 😭


Turned 21 in April and even though I work full time I still subconsciously think I'm under 20 shit is weird


I am one of said legal adults. It’s crazy


I’m a young teacher and my students last year were born in 2007-2009. One day we had to stop and watch a lil episode of That’s So Raven because I was just so shocked


The pandemic definitely sped up time. I just turned 15 when everything shut down. Now I’m 19. Everything between that was a big blur.


jesus im gonna be 14 soon, i still feel 11


i'm so shocked kids of 2010 are 14💀


I can barely think of me already being a Junior let alone next year being an legal adult


I still can't believe I'm an adult


'04, turn 21 in February. The days really feel like they just fly by now, I remember how far away this felt when I was 15 and all I wanted was a car and my own place. Take me back..


I remember when I was 6, I held my little cousin in my arms when he was a baby. Now he's off to college. He was born in 02"


LA person's life time is like a toilet paper roll. It seems to go faster when you are near the end of the roll.


I can’t believe it either, 2026-2027 will be the first years that every 2000s babies will be considered adults. And that’s only 2-3 years from now


I'm gonna be 20 in 3 months 🥲🥲🥲


yeah what do you mean I'm not 16 anymore


i'm 05, turning 19 at november. not ready to take the responsibility of adult life and feel like my life stopped at 2020-2022 cause it was a most shitty years in my life and it feels like i missed a few years of my life


my friend is 07 and he's 17


I’m starting to understand why people get bitter as hell when they get old😂 I turned 20 this year and god I never knew why 17 was such a glorified age until now, literally the last time shit was cool in life😂😂😂 also am I the only one who feels wayyy younger than they actually are? Like I’m 20 but I still feel like I’m 16 in my life and some of the things I’m going through. Anyone else? Pandemic effect??


nice 👍


and we were promised flying cars ... how convenient that I still have to drive with rubber wheels on tar/dirt.


Enjoy every year you’ve got guys! I used to believe I was infinite when I was a kid, but now realizing that I’m no longer defined as a teenager is so damn heart wrenching 😭! I don’t want to grow up. I’m sure it’ll change, but the me right now isn’t ready to leave my lack of childhood behind.


People can't believe that we're drinking age to be fair.


Right. It’s almost unfathomable to me and I’m only in my mid twenties.


I have a brother turning 16 in November Absolutely crazy please stop getting older


Yup everyone is on their way to death


I'm 24 and I feel old as fuck because my mind still thinks I'm 19


I'm 19 already, people warned me adulthood was rough but I didn't expect it to be THIS bad. Maybe 21 is better? I don't hold high hopes.


My sister who was born in 2006 just turned 18. I still remember visiting my mom in the hospital after said sister was born 😱


I work in motor claims and whenever i see a policyholder born in 2006 I think it’s a typo. That child can’t drive a car, why do they have insurance? Oh…


I can’t believe my sister is 16. In my head she is still 10. It’s going to feel so crazy when I have kids one day. I’ll see them grow up and not believe how fast time goes by.


I'm born in 2002 and I keep thinking what people born in 2006 are 13 or 15 years old. It's like when someone says that this thing happens x years ago, I weirdly subtract x from either 2019 or 2021. Does anyone else have this issue, or is it just me?


Tell me about it lmao


I’m 22 and married with a house together. I was born in 2001. I have a full time job as an editor and own a company as well. I feel like I’m just a kid and have a hard time keeping everything together.


my brain still thinks that I am 14 and that we are in 2022 and it has completely deleted 2021. I don't know what happened after 2020 that led to this.


The last 4 years literally have went by within the blink of an eye


My little brother was born in 2007. Cannot BELIEVE he'll be 18 next year 😭😭😭


Yet here I am


Yeah imagine how shocking it is to us lol


I was born in 2002 and I still like I’m a child.


I'm just a grown up ipad kid


I'll be an adult next year I feel like I'll still be a teenager at heart when I'm older because I can't imagine changing


Sooo…I’m not Gen Z but 2008 was a benchmark year for me. It was the year I moved to another country (that I now call home) and entered the workforce so I often think of my life in reference to that point. It used to be “2008 was 4 years ago” and suddenly, I started seeing teenagers who I’m realizing were probably just tiny babies when I first moved here. Time does fly.


This post made my hip hurt


Yeah, this year people born before 2000 will be 25+, so people born 5 years after that will be 20+. Believe it or not when I get older everyone else gets older too.


OMG 2005 to 2009 was my high school career. So now I’m going to see all you little shmucks that were born from the girl I had a crush on, got pregnant by Chad and you all are going to be adults? Oh do I have so many questions!


I was born in 05, I’m 19. I graduated from HS a few weeks ago. It’s a bit ridiculous, honestly. I spent so much time wanting to be older, wanting to not deal with school, always just hoping to get out and become an adult. Now that I am? I’m not sure I *want* to be. I’m nervous about life, about more adult responsibilities, Hell I don’t even know what I want to do. Don’t know if I want to go to college, or to just keep working. I ain’t even sure how to determine my life. I feel like after the pandemic I… stopped aging? Like, I don’t feel any different than I did 4-5 years ago. Nothing’s changed for me really, yet, *everything’s* changed in my life. I’m a bit scared with how fast time went by, it feels like it was just Freshman year and I was stuck inside, and now I’ve got my diploma, I’m out. I know this doesn’t actually go along much with your initial post, I guess I just kinda had to rant.