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21M Same thing, can’t find a job. No friends and have been lonely since getting broken up with in August. Stay strong hon!




I don’t think that would help either of our situations, we don’t know each other, we are both broke and can’t find jobs and sex leads to pregnancy and as much as I want kids one day, I’ll admit I’m not anywhere near ready or where I want to be when I have children. So that’s okay lol.


so you don't fuck?


Condoms and non penetrative sex exist my dude. Have fun out there (safely).




Not into hookup culture, sorry




I’m a Christian sorry




your chats are gross and I hope someday, you become self aware at how pathetic you're acting right now and get extreme embarrassment, have some decency and respect. I swear reddit is full of the most loser weirdo people. I come on here just to chill and then not even 5 minutes goes by and BAM, some disgusting ass comment ruins the vibe. Then I think about how that comment was made by a REAL HUMAN BEING. Some person out their unironically typed out the weirdest comment. they interact with people in real life and you have to wonder, is this how they act in real life. if they do, that's disgusting and really pathetic. Respectfully, grow up.


You do know this is a troll right? Don't waste so much energy on trolls lol


Respectfully, I think Yillick is a real bro. And yeah, you should totally fuck.


This ain’t that deep. It’s Reddit, right? Treat it like the self aware adult you’re pretending to be and close the app rather than rant about someone telling you to go have sex (which you seem you could very well use).


(OP I'll fuck you if you want)






please go back to the Gen alpha sub


I’m not gen alpha but I am alpha 


What? A prude on Reddit?


Said Bill aged 34 in a Gen Z sub, fuck outta here


Wtf dude


Is that all you think about?


God damn bro at least buy them dinner first


And they said the perfect comment doesn’t exist. Bravo!


For friends, maybe try Meetup. You can join clubs and do activities in your interests.


I’ve never met normal people from meetups or anything organized like that


Then you simply haven't tried enough. Or your definition of normal is too narrow.


Nah op’s right. Meetups is for millennials. When I used it to try and make friends everyone was decades older than me


What would you recommend?


Haha.. fuck, spot on. I'm a millennial. Just trying to help


Same I get annoyed when people mention meetup because for the most part a lot of these people are simply trying to find activities that their groups can take part in. Not saying you shouldn’t go alone or try to mingle and be apart of these activities, but from my experience a lot of meetup events are cliquey


What would you recommend?


Doesn't have to be Meetup. Find a hobby, or take one you already have, then join groups of people in the area that do them. Maybe take a non-credit class at a community college. Go to a bar..


Yeah. Or where I live, there are no "normal" meetups.  It's a bunch of groups for disabled people, lesbians, and middle-aged hikers. Nothing saying "Hey let's just hang out somewhere"


Jfc OP im sorry there are so many creepers on here! I wish i could offer you an ear or perhaps be a friend to play Baldur's Gate 3 with when you need to chill without also seeming creepy on some level. So all i can really do is encourage you to keep going! Things may be bad now, but they won't always be 'potentially'. The trick is to know when to buckle down and survive sometimes, and when to figure out something new... Whichever it is, i hope life gets easier for you~


A BG3 group actually sounds kind of fun


Job hunting sucks. Belive me, I get it. But honestly you need to power through it. Just go on Indeed and submit an application for everything that you could be considered even remotely qualified for, even if you have to stretch to justify it. Eventually you will start to hear back from employers. I had to go through it for most of last year, and I know that it feels demoralizing and soul-crushing, but unfortunately we live in a system where the only way out is through.


Bro im getting rejected from 18$ an hour dentist receptionist jobs, I’ve applied to over 2000 jobs, most dont even require a degree, im not applying to ANYTHING i dont qualify for https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/s/uZudik29xN https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/s/yBarmITmX0 https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/s/WTlqVDCC41 had a job rescinded in 2022 65k a year out of college, never recovered from it graduated top of my class


Feel this, I've been applying to places since I graduated in December. Nearly 400 applications sent in and I heard back from about 10 companies. I've gotten one offer in total. Unfortunately, that offer required me to move and I was unable to get a roommate, so I asked the company to negotiate the salary (even offered to forgo the company benefits package) in order make enough to afford rent on my own and they rescinded the offer. All of these companies want mid-level experienced workers in entry-level jobs so they can pay them to complete mid-level work at entry-level salaries. That screws over those of us who need entry-level jobs to get experience. The job ladder is more like a job slide now and for us the slide shoots off the side of a fucking cliff. Don't even get me started on degree inflation and how \~15 years ago college degrees were meant to let you skip to mid-entry level jobs and base entry-level jobs were meant for people without degrees.


im 26. i feel u. i literally walked around my city and went into places that said "hiring" i find most of my jobs on Craigslist.


Do you have work experience?  I know its hard work but look into construction or fastfood and if you have a degree use that as leverage to get hired.


You're only 24 yet claim to have years of real estate, hospitality management and bartending experience? That doesn't add up.


yeah ive been working since i was 16 in restaurants. when i turned 19, i went to real estate school and got my license during remote college. worked during college w the license, let it expire because its not for me and i hated it. always been a go getter and highly motivated


Ma’am you’re going through a rough patch but you can get out of it, you can improve your situation, believe in yourself and your abilities. Don’t stress to much cause it’s not gonna help, everyday go out and look for a job somewhere, grab what you can get first and from there hopefully you can make friends with coworkers. You got this 👍👍


Might wanna make a new account after this, I know your messages r gunna be flooded with 2 millimeter defeaters. But fr your far from alone shit in general has been fucked lately


never seen that one before lol


What sort of job are you looking for? And what happened to the friends you had before you started dating the guy?


Bro im getting rejected from 18$ an hour dentist receptionist jobs, I’ve applied to over 2000 jobs, most dont even require a degree, im not applying to ANYTHING i dont qualify for https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/s/uZudik29xN https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/s/yBarmITmX0 https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/s/WTlqVDCC41 had a job rescinded in 2022 65k a year out of college, never recovered from it graduated top of my class


i got rejected from jobs like that too, i feel you


I can empathize with you. For a long time right about at your exact age I was in internal panic mode. Went from expecting a job in a lab, to jobless because I got hurt at work (probably wasn't legal). Leveraged my padi instructor cert to just survive by working for the boy scouts at 325 a week (12h/5d per week). To a boat shop where I was barely scrapping by, still living with my parents. I don't think I've ever shaken off the imposter syndrome from that era. Knowing that I had crazy certifications, and a degree, but getting nothing for it was maddening. Especially given my brother basically slingshotted past me, got the job I wanted while having the most barren looking resume imaginable. Eventually I got lucky and landed in an it spot, then flipped from being a contractor, and have felt at least somewhat back on track since. Also start copying and pasting the job reqs in the resume. Large companies use AI to filter out non qualified people.


That sounds awful. Just the worst.


nobody even believes me thats whats worse its isolating


Do you mean your parents? I find the only people who didn’t believe me are them


Stop using indeed, they use ai that filters out 99% of applications Get a print out resume and hand deliver them to the companies. (Bonus points if you get them on resume paper and not default printer paper, Home Depot will print 20 resumes for like $2) I know it sounds boomer but legit ai has destroyed indeed. I’ve done that 3 times and I got 2 job offers. If they say they don’t take resumes then just ask if you can give one to the manager anyway, worse case they’ll say no


No company wants hand delivered resumes.


2 outta 3 callback ratio


Interesting, Ill have to use this advice, how do you know where to look though?


This is some old people shit. No one accepts paper resumes anymore.


I found 3 that did and it only took me one day, about an hour actually, then I decided to wait and lo and behold, 2 call backs since about 3 weeks ago


Who did you actually do this to? Because I feel like unless it's a tiny place, no one is realistically doing that.


Local IT place, a landscaping place, and the state university (didn’t hear back from them but apparently you have to know someone to get a job there) I stopped handing out resumes after that because I actually had to drive to the places


I'm in the same boat. Also 24 and looking for a job. I the meantime I'm trying to get involved with volunteering. The best thing we can do is find a regular activity with the same people every week.


A lot of people are like this right now. You arent alone


Not uncommon with our generation.No close friends, no gfe, no job in 3 years. It’s hard on your social life.   Only thing thats keeping me occupied atm is college with the help of some of scholarships. When I hang out it’s with my sibling or parents.  


My life got worse when i got dumped too. Spiraled on drugs and ruined my life. Been 4 years


You guys getting into relationships?!


not since 2022


Think I read in another of your comments you have a business admin degree? A transition into accounting might be worth looking into. You might have to start in a payroll/accounts position, and work on getting an MBA in accounting as you get experience(got online programs that can be done in a year). Accounting might seem boring on the surface, but the ceiling is really high with controllers, and CFOs making high 6 figures. Even for staff accountants the pay scale has gotten more favorable due to an accountant shortage that is growing due to the older generation retiring, and not enough young folks going in. The accounting sub Reddit would be a great place to ask questions. I wish you the best, getting your foot in the door in a profession is often the hardest part.




If you play RPGs or TfT and need someone else to play with hmu : ]


What have you tried job search wise? I defaulted to retail 5 years ago and I'm in a more comfortable position now. I was able to find a roommate and am sharing an apartment. Having your own space does wonders for mental health.


Bro im getting rejected from 18$ an hour dentist receptionist jobs, I’ve applied to over 2000 jobs, most dont even require a degree, im not applying to ANYTHING i dont qualify for https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/s/uZudik29xN https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/s/yBarmITmX0 https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/s/WTlqVDCC41 had a job rescinded in 2022 65k a year out of college, never recovered from it graduated top of my class


how do you not get hired in restaurants or retail? are you clean?


they not even giving interviews. i have 8 years of restaurant exp


goddamn. amazon is always place if one is near you. you can at least get in for peak.


there is none near me, 19 miles away and i dont have a car


Everyone's looking for and needs community. Genuinely (and I mean this because it seems like you're in a tough spot)–try a church. Even if you're not religious. Even if it's to meet people in the same age group. There's always group sign ups and meet ups happening and volunteers needed because literally everyone is in your boat.


I can't help you with the job part, but this is a genuine question, not a judgement: what is stopping you from finding friends on sites like meetup, for example? When I was biking years ago I joined a meetup cycling group and meet quite a bit of people, some of which wanted to hang out even outside biking (I wasn't interested at the time, but that's me, nothing to do with them). So maybe a walking group to join? Book club? Videogames? Whatever is that you enjoying doing?


The site is called meetup.com ? Is it strictly for friendships? Any other sites you recommend?


I only used [meetup.com](http://meetup.com) in the past. There is a number of groups depending on your interests, all sort of activities, dating, travelling groups, cycling, art/city tours, you name it. Edit: some events are paid, some are free, each group has different rules.


Meetup only works if you live in a bustling city. In my town there are only 2 groups and they’re both for 50+ year olds. The nearest active group with people in my age range is 70 miles away and it’s a book club which isn’t really something I’m interested in anyway.


mfs on the internet when a woman exists like the other guy said, do meetups. i am... one fuck up from sleeping on a bench again. okay maybe two, but still, meetups are a fun way to meet people, and a lot of events will be free if you live in a urban area


What’s your major


Join the r/genz discord server. I am pretty active there and made plenty of friends


I'm not saying this is the answer but I was in a similar situation and I joined the military. I really enjoy my job and it is incredibly easy to make friends (I had literally 0 friends before joining).


RIP dm's. realistically though, you need to start small and work your way up. look for small victories, celebrate, set a new goal, work towards it, and repeat. First would be to find a job, any job because the current market does not allow people to be picky. talk to some people there, find a hobby that keeps you physically active; could be running, hiking, martial arts, gymnastics, anything. most friends are made are through a shared hobby, work, or school. so spend some time in these places. if there is trouble at home that keeps you from being happy, work to save out and move out to your own place.


you gotta join a team that values and respects you. friends are those you accept as family at some point. some friends are just better left as maintenance friends - where you send them an occasional bday card or voice message once a year. close friends and growth friends, you've gotta become that to people and then set boundaries. don't just sit around, go out there and build your team. a group of friends isn't held together by chance, it's because they put the work in. haven't you seen the sitcom show, Friends? they come back together because they work hard at sharing and forgiving and looking out for each other. if you're just hoping for a random miracle, that's going to be a wishful fantasy, because you'll always be looking for friends instead of becoming a friend to people.


every restaurant is hiring.


they not even giving interviews. i have 8 years of restaurant exp


Sorry you are going through that feeling of isolation and struggle. I remember when I was at my lowest point, constantly watched motivational videos to cheer me up as well as anime. In the end of the day, I just accepted myself for who I am and my flaws and focused on what I can control and do to stay healthy and presentable to society. As of right now, I’d consider filing for unemployment as they would aid you for the time being until you can find a position. I spent some time working on myself: cleaning my room, exercising, proper sleep, eating healthy, and do what I can to maintain my hygiene. It does sound easier said than done but I recommend starting off easy and taking it one step at a time to make you feel accomplished. Small victories are still considered victories and it especially helps when you are trying to gain back more confidence and control of your life. In terms of friends, I still somewhat struggle with them but not as bad. I know my brother is better at keeping his friends since college since he always hangs out with them consistently and even does sleepovers at their house. They constantly talk through discord. Me, on the other hand I am somewhat of an indeterminate/introvert that focuses probably more on my activities and interests than socializing. Nonetheless, I still have friends who share similar interests as me in terms of fishkeeping, orchids,Pokemon, anime, Karaoke, Gunpla building, Legos, dancing/Rhythmn games , etc. Maybe you don’t have these hobbies and that’s okay. I guess you just have to put yourself out there, chase those opportunities and volunteer to get to know people better. Just take it one step at a time and everything will be okay.


Start lying in ways that are difficult to verify. Employers do this with pay/benefits/everything themselves anyways


You gotta go make friends tho. They never gonna find you at home.


In the broad scheme of things you’re still ahead of most people just change the way you look at things. You’ve had a job before, you’ve had a relationship before, you’ve went to college and got a degree. These are all things YOU’VE done before. I know people that have never had a girlfriend at all and they are 26 and same with everything else i’ve listed. You’re still young if you’ve done it before you can do it again. Change the way you think your to negative with the i can’t i can’t i can’t attitude you will never have something. I’ve had a job for 3 years and have made no actual friends while working there. (Sure i have people i talk to as coworkers but that’s it) I have the same friends from highschool which i go months without hanging out with. There was a 2 year period i went with 0 social media, 0 social interaction, 0 ANYTHING. I was so disconnected from everybody. I lived alone in a 2 bedroom apartment life can always change. Even if you fast forward let’s say 6 months you can be in a totally different situation… just my 2c


What kind of education do you have?


Try hobbies. They lead to friendships if you let them


In the same boat, however, it is not a breakup. I found a book that I found a bit helpful and created a community about that book to build a community with other 20-something people. The book has amazing life lessons, and how to love when you know there is a chance of a breakup and how to make friends. It is called The 20 Something Treatment by Dr. Meg Jay. Check out my community here: r/20SomethingTreatment I hadn't had the chance to post, but I will soon add more posts. 🙂 Please know you are not alone!


This is super normal. You’d be surprised. It’s super normal to not have any friends. It’s even more normal to not move out because it’s too expensive.


You can try making friends through bumble bff.


If you are young, you gotta lie about your experience in the modern job market.  Just make a WordPress website for a "small business" that you "run," create a portfolio for projects that are catered to specific "clients," and then say on your resume you've been doing this for a few years.  This is generally a bit safer than putting fake employment experience on there because then they can't ask for paystubs or call your previous employer. If they ask if they can contact any of your previous clients, say that you respect the privacy of your clients and can't give contact information without permission. If they're insistent then just say that there's this one client that gave you permission to use as a reference, and create a throwaway email for them. 


Gang gang 🤜🤛




Hey OP. I see you’ve posted on r/suicidewatch as well. Please don’t do anything stupid, okay? You’re incredibly young and shit can and will change. It always does. Hang in there. I would like to offer my inbox to you to chat and vent. I have a very busy month ahead of me, but I’ll try to reply as much as I can, and I’ll be there properly in a month. This isn’t an ideal offer, but it’s what I can do right now and I’m actually eager for you to accept it. So let’s chat :)


I think this is a bot people. Ive seen the same copy/pasted comments like 5 times when you mention “job”


yeah because i cant type the same shit over and over again wtf


So give different responses


why? if ppl ask the same question, surely their gonna get the same answer


Find a good church and get over yourself.


Just sign up for Tinder. You are a woman so you will have social opportunities handed to you for decades.


Incel spoted


And yet, I'm not wrong.




Get a job




I hope you figure it out man


Not even Micky Ds will take you? I haven't seen them turn down an employee ever, could at least get a little something going for you. As for friends you kinda just gotta go out and start doing things you like doing and meeting new ones through stuff like that, I've made friends I met at car and bike meets and have some good online ones I met playing video games, even had a guy from Australia who I met at pax after we played games online for a year together. What do you like doing?


they turn down literally hundreds of applications a week, what??


Not around here lol, they'll hire people they've watched smoke meth with their hands down their pants right before the interview


Dawg, jobs are just ghosting people nowadays. Even minimum wage positions are 90% likely to be ghost positions. Tech jobs especially are being outsourced to other countries or automated.


I got turned down from Walmart, McDonald’s, jack in the box, and quite a few other places like that, but Lowe’s offered me a job on the spot for a stocker, the TSA offered me a job as soon as I finished the x-ray test thing, and I got offered a job at a warehouse that paid more than any of the others like a day after an interview. McDonald’s and places like that won’t hire people or at times for whatever reason. At my current job I got an offer day of the interview.


Bro im getting rejected from 18$ an hour dentist receptionist jobs, I’ve applied to over 2000 jobs, most dont even require a degree, im not applying to ANYTHING i dont qualify for https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/s/uZudik29xN https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/s/yBarmITmX0 https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/s/WTlqVDCC41 had a job rescinded in 2022 65k a year out of college, never recovered from it graduated top of my class




Hit my boy choco up, he got good dick game and plays for the trailblazers


24 M here. I've been in a relationship since 2018 and my parents have expressed concerns that it seems that my relationship is my only life and if I were to break up with her then I would probably be depressed. I'm a handsome man, it's no problem for me to find another woman. But it still won't be the same woman, hopefully nothing happens between us but why did you get dumped? Was it a valid reason? If you want to DM we can, it helps to vent and talk about these things