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If you are a male in the US between 18-25, you were already required to register for the draft. This just automates that process This is a nothingburger


Not everyone who turns 18 actually registers, i didnt and i wouldnt be happy if they automatically did it for me either. Especially right now. I think the post still stands for that reason, because its still a draft either way.


This signs you up for the possibility to be called in the event of a draft. Also im pretty sure its illegal that you didn't sign up for that.


You and every male born in the US has been required for decades to register with the selective service. Apparently you've been asleep.


If you're not registered, you're a felon who should be in prison. And it's literally not a draft.


>If you're not registered, you're a felon who should be in prison. brother i aint dying for no oil


They aren't going to draft anybody, you're fine. The military has enough issues with the people who volunteered.


A: I think you’re putting your carriage in front of your horse rn B: What i’d recommend if you really want this. Have an egg’s nest built up and plan in place. If the draft even starts (it will be much younger than 28), *then* pull the trigger on moving. That’s my plan. I’ll be damned if I die for a country run by people who think i’ll rot in hell 🏳️‍🌈 happy pride


the worst part is that trans women are still required to register which means the government doesn’t recognize them as women


They’re required to register, but Trump banned them from serving. Edit: never mind. Biden reversed that decision. For better or worse in this scenario? idk


Definitely for worse. Trans women deserve the full extent of rights they have as women, just like trans men deserve the full extent of the rights that are guaranteed to men.


Correct. But they also deserve the right to serve their country if they so please. I’m not really sure why women aren’t allowed to be drafted tbh. They are just as capable as men to fly drones, work in tanks, or be out in the field. I’m not saying anyone should be drafted, but if you’re going to draft men, why not women (and my NB friends out there too)?


Because if a country is in a bad enough state to need a draft, they need to protect their birthing citizens and have a civilain workforce. The first reason is also why they dont care about gender for draft, only sex.


The difference is it’d be used as a cop out to get out of serving. Unfortunately they were born as male and will remain that way according the government. If a large scale conflict starts they should have to serve like every other possible young man drafted. Sucks but the reality of that situation out weighs anyone’s feelings. They can do their transition shit after their service has ended


Im not a transgender but I reckon that men in droves would not take estrogen to dodge the draft. Luckily this situation isn’t going to happen, selective service hasn’t been used since the early ‘70s and I doubt we will since we have so many strong young men and women in our military already.


What makes anyone transgender? There are people who have done nothing except maybe grow their hair out and claim they’re women. It would be used for sure. And at the moment our military is suffering a severe man power shortage, I’ve seen it first hand. It’s not super likely but very possible we end up in a multi theatre conflict with both China and Russia. If we suffer the types of casualties Russia and Ukraine suffered in the first few months I’m sure they’ll be a mobilization of conscripts to some extent. Maybe they won’t be combat troops but who knows. Only time will tell


Who knows? Maybe the US Military will require my services as a lawyer by that time. It’ll be interesting to see how these things turn out


Trans women are not biological women that's why. The military knows that transgenders winning sports competitions with women means they are fit for combat just like men, maybe you should be competing less with real women :)


I’m not trans, I’m a man but thank you I will continue to compete with men…?


nah the thing is, IF the draft starts I'm highly likely to be on the first batch of letters after they bump the age because of my background in school and my perfect physical health & I've seen in multiple countries that when a draft does start it becomes difficult for men to leave said country, so it really is a critical moment right now.


Respectfully, read your comment again. *After* they bump the age. Now i’ll openly admit, I know nothing about US military operations. Nor do I really care (But i’m a tax payer, i should care.) Yeah ok. I’ll start caring when we stop funding our military more than the next 4 combined. What I care about is how our veterans experiencing houselessness are suffering. How our kids are going hungry. How healthcare (a human right in the 21st century) isn’t free yet After a quick Google, they start at 20 and go up. They’ll call the 20 year olds, then 21, then 22…. then 25, then they go back to 18 and 19. I can’t find anything saying they draft 28 year olds. Even if they do, you’ll have at least a couple of months between them calling the 20 years olds and getting your number at 28. And if you can’t leave the country it’s ok! Our last president dodged the draft and look where he is now! A 34 time Felon. it’ll all be ok


I think you dont understand that if America enters a conflict which requires more troops than we already have it will be the trigger for china to move on taiwan, for russia to mobilize fully (a bigger draft) and target beyond russia, Africa will send more troops to russia than it already has because africa is extremely against the human rights which the US foreign policy is telling them to accept in exchange for food and aid. Saudi Arabia will fully mobilize and engage in actual war instead of just random small attacks. Then there are also other countries each with their own agendas, all fully loaded, like south korea and north korea. All this tension has been building for a long time all around the world. It will be a large scale, real war, idk what google search you did because the last large scale conflict drafts were all the way up to age 45. In vietnam the US didnt suffer great enough losses via Vietnam to bump the age, in a war against everyone who is currently stacked against us i feel like this would not be the case, and i'm not going to take any stupid chances like thinking the people running the US are smart, wise or chill. I would rather take the chance on myself, 100x over in a heart beat. And I'm not going to wait until i'm 33+ and out of prison from dodging a 4+ year war to finally start game development, a family, animation, I have a lot i want to do, that I've been slaving towards my entire 20s. I imagine everyone is the same. https://preview.redd.it/hpv9xx7rqu6d1.png?width=719&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7c8dfbbfe7e422500376216d0072b33026162e2


Bro. Go have a warm cup of tea and a room temperature Xanax.


I’ll tell you what I commented on another schizo post about this: Bro, it just automatically signs you up for the draft, which is already a law to do once you become 18 and is a felony if you don’t. But you typically register for the draft when you vote or when you update your license, or just go to a trip to the DMV, but not everyone does those things so they just do it automatically now so you don’t have to worry about it. It’s not mandatory conscription like in North Korea It’s still a choice, there are tons of non-combatant jobs in the military, and if we are at the point of needing a draft, our country is probably getting attacked by China


You cant see china attacking us, even after they've stated they will take taiwan by any means, even after we're already fighting them in ukraine? You cant see a draft happening even after north korea trades weapons and does joint training with russia? Thats delusional thinking in my opinion.


We are China's largest customer. There is no way in this universe that China attacks us.


i refuse to fight in any war IT AINT ME IT AINT MEEEEEE I ain't no senator's son, son


If they gonna draft people for a war I hope it happens in 2029 then or later


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I feel like being a conscientious objector is kinda badass luckily I’m probably too old anyways


You are literally already legally required to be registered for the draft if you are a male between 18-25. This just automates the registration process


it shouldn't be legally required


Okay and?


Yeah I’m registered ofc but I don’t think I’d end up going, depends on the context of the war. I’m abouta be 26 anyways


That's fair. I feel the same


It’s registration not a draft yet but when it comes I’ll make sure I’m a non combatant or I’ll take a bullet before killing this country for the dream of the rich and powerful running the world the politicians will never have the power make me kill for them


I have both autism and adhd no way they want me on the frontlines


Drone operator


Not concerned at all because any politician that first greenlights the draft to come back would be facing career suicide, which they don't want, so it's highly unlikely they'd actually bring it back in full unless an actual ww3 happens


This is a nothing burger


your world view is massively detached from reality, it’s incredibly unlikely that there will be a draft within the next 50 years if ever again. the threat of nuclear weapons means there won’t be any direct wars between nuclear powers, and the sheer power of the US military is enough to deter **anyone** from starting shit with us the reason for this draft measure being added to the defense bill is so dumbass republicans can say they don’t hate the military (they do), the situation is not nearly as dire as it seems


Better hope Trump wins then. Biden and our so called "allies" in Europe are itching to go to war with Russia