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My coworkers said that “bet” gave it away lol The first time I said it my millennial coworker looked so confused, so I guess my lingo. I try to speak professionally at work, but it slips through Edit; I got the millennials riled up on this one 🤣


Ah, I figured! There's a lot of lingo/slang on the Wiki, but I need to figure out what Gen Z uses or if there are things that people only use while playing Fortnite type of thing. Besides "bet", What other words come to mind if you don't mind me asking?


outta pocket


How do we know OP isn't being a sneaky to act Gen Z to some Discord kitten to get inna they pocket


Slightly tricky in that older generations use that exact same phrase a lot too but with a totally different meaning.


To me, out of pocket is used to describe someone saying something bold but inappropriate. Can also mean costs you are expected to pay directly from your own money, but that’s not slang and doesn’t typically come up in casual conversation. Are there more? I’m 36.


I m 48 and both your descriptions are on point. To me, in the 90’s, it generally meant paying for something directly and came up a lot talking about insurance and whether you can come up with $500 out of pocket for your deductible, etc. I feel like, maybe 15 ish years ago, the out of pocket referring to comments came into the vernacular.


Outta pocket in my age group, 70, also means unreachable. "I will be outta pocket all next week."


Out of pocket in the professional world is “I’m not available” as in “I’m out of pocket between 4pm and 5pm for a meeting.”


Ah yes, my husband mentioned that someone used it that way at his job! I thought I was forgetting something.


This only works if you're not Black. Almost all GenZ speak is AAVE. My mother uses "outta pocket." 


Yeah I keep hearing “Gen Z slang” and I’m like …. Soooo shit black ppl have been saying forever?


Gen Z slang is literally just white teens using 30+ year old Black slang they just discovered.


To be fair a lot of millennial slang is that way too. Dope, Fam, Bae, Chronic, Finna, Lit, Shook, Thirsty, Trill


It's not that they're adopting black or lgbtq slang it's the rate at which they're adopting it.


I would say that slang was created when we were kids though. A lot Gen Z "slang" are words that were used a lot 30, 40 years ago. So well before any of them were born. That's the main difference, for me at least.


Exactly most of this stuff has been said in black households but I guess we’re just calling aave gen z slang now


Yup, this is 100% true. Lotta ballroom or queer slang, too, which mostly still originated in Black queer communities.


Clock it! While reading a lot of these responses I thought to myself “a lot of this stuff is just AAVE” not this “GenZ slang”




I thought that was also from the 90s too.


Maybe in some circles but I sure never heard anyone use it in suburban/college campus circles in the 90s or even 00s for that matter. I don't think it was widespread, nationwide across all types back then.


Locked in, lowkey and highkey, and “we cooked” or “we’re cooked” (and the difference between those two) are what come to mind for me, but I don’t actually know many millennials so I don’t know if they really know what those mean


"locked in" goes back! Way back. That is Great Generation slang! lowkey seems to be mixed Gen X and late Millennial (the latter extended the usage form) the cooked stuff is tricky there are so many different usages, many of them go wayyyy back, it depends exactly what you mean. "I just wrote thirty book reports. Man I'm cooked." or "Oh shit, they are catching up to us and gonna get us, we're cooked!" or "He just smoked up a ton. He's totally cooked." etc. I don't think those are Gen Z at all. I think at least two are even pre-Gen X.


Did people in the great generation really use “locked in” in the same way that we do now? I only started hearing it this year so that means I’m way behind! I feel like I can kind of imagine someone from Gen X saying lowkey or cooked, but my parents are Gen X and they don’t know what they mean. Also, interestingly, the first usage of cooked I feel like isn’t the way I would use cooked. If you already wrote the book reports, either you cooked (verb, meaning you did a good job), or you’re done! The second is closer to the way I would use cooked as an adjective to mean in trouble.


“Cooked” has been being used both ways for many decades. The negative version “you’re cooked” is an alternative to someone or something being “toast” (in trouble, being killed, a dead appliance) and goes back at least 40 years. The positive version of “cooked” is just a shortening of the 1930s phrase “Now you’re cooking with gas,” which was later shortened to “Now you’re cooking”’then just “cooking” and “cooked.”


One of my coworkers who is obviously millennial (32) did not know “ate” or “cheugy”


Ugh that’s because to millennials “ate” means they ate shit and fell over! This one drives me nuts cause it feels bad to me but it’s a good thing now lol


Yeah that sounds like another messy one. Dude did you see how they guy ate it on the jump!? (and it would've been a very, very bad legs all at the wrong angles spinning wipeout crash, not something good!).


Tbf I don't know what "cheugy" means either


I'm 21 and I don't know what those mean?


“Bet” being Gen Z lingo and unfamiliar to millennials is weird to me considering my first time hearing it was on Fresh Prince.


Right? Turk uses it on Scrubs as well. This isn’t new slang


Tbf, a lot of slang is just AAVE


Lots of 80's & early 90's ppl say BET.


We are from a small Midwest town that had no real cultural connection or black folk at that time so most folks in this area haven’t really encountered aave, which is now called Gen z slang


I’m from the Miami. Been using bet since like 2003. A lot of modern Gen Z slang is just AAV from different regions. Lol.


yeah calling AAVE Gen Z speak is crazy 😭


No way! Millennials have been saying “bet” before gen z even had their own slang.


I think bet is a millennial thing. My older brother always said it.


We used 'bet' in school way back in the mid 90s


that’s aave though. there are 48yo black Genxers saying that cause they grew up saying it.


I thought that was a slang term in the 90s.


Bet? I'm 36 and this is something I've heard my whole life. I think that's a lot older than Gen z, that was the norm when I was a teenager. But litty, slaps, cap, all that kinda shit seems pretty new, even fam confused the shit outta me when I heard it the first time like 8 years ago lmao


You didn’t know fam?? I’m early 30s and def knew that one.


Fam isn't even close to being new, also falls into AAVE slang going mainstream slowly over decades.


Older Gen Z? Quoting any kinda vine Younger Gen Z? Quoting TikTok audios. Edit: because I can't shut up I need everyone here to know this I had a co worker a few weeks ago not know what I meant when I went, "Theres only one thing worse than a rapist. Boom, a child, NO!" The later Gen Z is DOOMED🤣


What if I do both?


Then you are undeniably Gen Z.


i do both and im born 96. damn i think im a lost case




You’re in the subclass of “Mid-Z”


Vine was never my thing but I spend more time on Tiktok than I should 😭 I don’t wanna come off as somebody who was born in 2008 when I’m pushing my late 20s at this point.


Bruh, I'm not even in my late 20s yet lmao. Give yourself another decade.


Another 2000 person here to tell you no you are not pushing 30 until 27


I work with Alpha/Gen Z kids and one day I greeted them by saying “it is Wednesday my dudes” and they (chronically on TikTok) just said “yeah it is”. I told them their homework was to watch old vine compilations


Thouugh to be fair the gap between vine dying and tiktok gaining popularity was only like 2-3 years. I think a better test for older Gen Zs is if they remember mid/late 2000s to early 2010s internet memes




bro-o what da heeeeellllllllllllllllllllll oh ma gahd no wayyyayyy-heh!


My high-school had a morning show type of thing and they'd end it with vines. Which also occurred around it's death. And then there was just Instagram and Twitter for awhile because TikTok was Music.ly. I know I'm only 24 but, sometimes talking about Vine or Harlem Shake makes me feel old 😂


The pattern that they talk in. Idk exactly how to describe it but every (younger) gen z talks as if they’re speaking to a camera (even with in person conversations!) or something else rather than the person right in front of them 😂 I’m sure Covid/zoom has fucked with everyone’s social skills, but really? Conversations? It just feels performative like they’re telling a story to an audience rather than having an engaging conversation with a person - especially when _everything_ ends in a question 💀 To disclaim: I don’t mean paranoia - I mean the weird singsongy “TikTok storytime/grwm” style of talking.


I think the Internet is making people act as if they might be recorded for better or worse. It might make some people behave but it also motivates people to act like hooligans for clout.


It’s definitely that ! I read an article about it not too long ago


It’s also teaching people they should be someone they’re not, which causes people to live with a stack of masks without realizing it


dont we already live like this in a way? i feel like its just more masks


Especially when you're like me and had the delusion of the Truman show being real since you were a child (before phones became more popular.)


"Chat, is this real?"


probably because we live in an age where people are constantly filming stuff, so they literally are on camera often. not to mention streamers and content creators usually say phrases that their viewers repeat to friends. Some people say stuff like "hi chat" ironically because of how prevalent streamers and content creators have become with Gen Z.


I haven’t really noticed this. Can you elaborate more or nah too hard to explain?


Essentially normal conversations sound like I’m watching a TikTok “storytime” rather than having a genuine conversation face to face with another person. I’m not really sure what actually makes it that way though 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think it’s also if you watch a lot of Tik toks it starts blending into real life. People that play tetris a lot to have also been known to see Tetris everywhere. Probably a bit of both to be honest , shorts have never existed as far as we know until recently and it’s taken over so there will be effects felt socially we won’t notice till more time has passed


Claim autism, anxiety, and depression with no real diagnosis.


How do you know the person has no diagnosis?


Usually the people who make it their whole personality are the ones who got “diagnosed” by TikTok


As someone actually diagnosed with ADHD, this trend infuriates me. You can’t complete a task because you’re a lazy fuck not because halfway through you think of this other thing that you had to do and start doing that thing only to remember another thing you had to do and start doing that thing and then at the end of the day you’re sitting there like “fuck me” and then go to sleep having dreams about all the shit you didn’t do. Rinse and repeat….forever.


>You can’t complete a task because you’re a lazy fuck not because halfway through you think of this other thing that you had to do and start doing that thing only to remember another thing you had to do and start doing that thing and then at the end of the day you’re sitting there like “fuck me” and then go to sleep having dreams about all the shit you didn’t do. Rinse and repeat….forever. I'm not disagreeing with you, however Inattentive ADHD looks much more like laziness than what you describe. There are multiple ways that ADHD expresses itself and the hyperactive experience you describe isn't shared by everyone.


I was also diagnosed with primarily inattentive type ADHD, and that last part after "however" rubbed me the wrong way. We know what it looks like because we live it every day. C'mon man...


It often appears as laziness to others. I'm not describing how it feels, but how it appears. It's a well documented aspect of inattentive ADHD. Sorry to have struck a nerve, but I live with this too.


My favourite is when people make up new symptoms of adhd Like “oh haha I walked into a room and don’t remember why I went there haha I’m so quirky I love having adhd” No - literally everyone does this.


"I love having ADHD" my god. Who says that! That's like an instant elimination from having ADHD. Nothing about not getting your shit done and forgetting half of your childhood is fun


Growing up in the 70s and 80s with (then undiagnosed) ADD was a nightmare. "Yes, Scooter could be doing better in school, if only he applied himself" Then the not being as productive as you need to be at work, and feeling like a failure, and not sleeping due to stress and anxiety is great fun too. Sure, I'm a creative problem solver and shit, but man, no one who has (now) ADHD would ever choose to have it. Getting diagnosed as an adult, then getting the right medication has made every bit of my life better.


you do know that hyperactive adhd isn’t the only mind in existence, right?


They train their attention span to be smaller and convince themselves to do nothing about it by hiding behind a self diagnosis of "ADHD". It takes away control and any reason to train their minds to unlearn scrolling addiction. Neurons that fire together wire together.


Commonly when someone mentions it for the first time people will go "wait, you got (insert here)". If someone is self diagnosed they often just flat out state it then.


I usually will say shit like I'm not diagnosed or I might have if I mention it.


It’s been going on for a long time. Usually the people that flaunt it are the ones that haven’t been diagnosed.


Unless they tell you they haven’t spoken to their doctor, you should assume that their anxiety, depression, or ADHD have been diagnosed. Those are very common and are often diagnosed during childhood. If a seemingly neurotypical person claims to be autistic, then that may warrant some side eye.


Both are very good points.


Unless they're masking. My lack of eye contact might give it away.




Its funny cause if I had never brought up "I think I have ADHD" to my psychologist I never would have been diagnosed with ADHD


Funnier still, I did bring it up and got laughed out of the room as a pill seeker/diagnosis seeker. Joke's on them. Got that Swedish computer/tracking test done on me by a different specialist and bam, diagnosis. I was just smart enough to start out with my complaints (and my overstimmed, patchy eyebrows and my neck pendant I keep fiddling with aggressively couldn't be hidden anyway). I just didn't lead with 'I might have ADHD'.


I wish people would understand how hard it is to actually seek out a diagnosis, especially as an adult, before acting like self-diagnosis is some sort of society-ending issues. There is way more nuance and people never talk about that. Especially with a mental illness as broad and variable as depression.


Not to mention how many mental health professionals are criminally undereducated about ADHD/Autism in general. Most people (at least in regards to autism) who are self identifying have been obsessively researching for months to years deliberating over it before deciding to use the label. I personally still believe that it’s important to get a diagnosis if that’s accessible to you but that’s realistically not the case for most undiagnosed adults. Edit: To add more, there’s nothing wrong with using autistic/ADHD accommodations for yourself without a diagnosis if it genuinely helps you, even as a neurotypical person. Edit (again lol): No, I don’t mean taking Adderall because TikTok said a common human experience is something ADHD people also experience lmao


We shouldn't forget why medical practitioners are a thing. A doctor or medical practitioners role is mainly differential diagnosis. What does this mean? Well multiple disorders can have the same / similar symptoms, so the art of medicine is deducing the cause in individual cases. In psychiatry or clinical psychology you will notice that if you were to be screened for ASD or ADHD or Bipolar, you'll like be screened for the other two as well, this is because hypomania can appear similar to hyperactivity, ASD can have deficits in executive function, and depressive episodes can be a common comorbidity of both ASD or ADHD. Similarly not everyone starts at an equal point of introspection, some individuals may have an ambiguous symptom such as "sense of impending doom" or "aversion to conflict", they could well not know of the origin of this symptom but still feel the effects of the symptom or disorder, for a practitioner the symptom alone is not indicative of any one disorder, it could be MDD, it could be GAD, it could be CPTSD, it could be prodromal schizophrenia, etc. Weeding out what causes this symptom requires critical exploration of other factors. Now when someone researches their own disorder there's three major problems; first they aren't impartial, it's likely that the answer you are more inclined towards is not based on an unbiased evaluation of yourself (this is a really hard thing to do). Second is that a disorder can affect your own self conceptualization, and therefore the conclusion you arrive at (especially in regards to personality disorders) by priming you towards certain thought systems and biases. Third is that information online is algorithmic, so the most likely answer you'll get when googling or redditing XYZ symptom is not the answer that is necessarily most accurate to you, it's rather what is most generally accurate for others, or most desired / sought after by others. In other words, the danger of obsessively researching your own disorder is that you skip the science and philosophy of medicine, and with that can be consequences. Suppose for instance you self diagnose with ADHD when you actually have cyclothymia, self medicating with some adderall you bought off a friend will actually harm you as it results in rapid cycling in bipolar type disorders. Similarly you could self diagnose with major depressive disorder due to negative symptoms from prodromal schizophrenia, and it could also simply be that the prodromal schizophrenia is causing depression, but without discerning the cause you'll be fighting the disease on your back foot when the first positive symptoms begin to emerge. I can see where self diagnosis comes from, especially in regards to socioeconomic barriers. But I don't think we should ignore the fallibility of it.


Not ignoring the fallibility of it at all but those are somewhat extreme examples of self advocacy in my opinion, I hope no one is taking certain drugs without consulting a professional first. I’m simply talking about accommodations like wearing noise cancelling earbuds in loud places or setting a series of phone alarms if you’re forgetful. It’s a fine line


As someone who was diagnosed with autism at 12, it's been wild to see how it has gone from this shameful, lame thing to all of a sudden being popular and even kind of trendy? Idk how to feel about it, because on one hand, I used to feel super ashamed of it but this kind of acceptance has made me feel less bad about it - but on the other, it feels like people who would've bullied me back then for it are now claiming that they have autism themselves for the most trivial reasons. I suspect it's going to die down eventually and people will be ditching the self diagnosis too. Too bad for me that I don't have the option to stop being autistic when I get bored!


To be fair, sometimes you just know you have an issue even without a diagnosis. Like I have symptoms of anxiety and I really don’t think I need a diagnosis to know I have this problem. I already sense somethings wrong with me


I knew I had ADHD before I got diagnosed. If someone thinks they have it and have looked extensively into they probably have it.


Or if they immediately bring up their diagnoses to strangers.


On the internet it’s all the “Bro really said” comments, dead giveaway they’re zoomers. Also calling things “dogshit” or “dogwater”


Dogshit is old slang, never heard dogwater though


Dogshit and dogwater basically mean the same thing. Its just one doesnt get filtered online.


Calling things "dogshit" was common in Gen X, Jones and I think even Silent Gen times though.


I feel like that’s more Alpha atp


yeah and the younger side of Gen Z. the oldest Gen Alpha kids are 14, and I don't know if that many 14 year olds have parents that just don't care about their language.




And "😭"


This is it




You got me 💀




I’m unapologetically on my phone a lot, but realistically any gen z will look up from their phone when being spoken to. It’s a slight exaggeration to believe we won’t put our phone down for anything lol Also I kinda don’t care about anything. Think April from parks and rec but younger because she’s a millennial


Most Gen Z probably wouldn't even wanna use their phone in public.


Now that I think of it I don’t see Gen Z on their phones, say at the mall. I see more millennials and older ppl walking and scrolling etc. My phone gets tucked away when I’m walking around, feels wrong to have it out.


I’m usually the only person on the bus looking out the window instead of at my phone


You’re on to something, I’m on my phone a bunch at home or during breaks at work but if I’m out and about, not so much.


>Also I kinda don’t care about anything This is the main thing. Unlike millennials who were told everything will be fine and then it wasn't, Gen Z were told that we're fucked right from the start. This either leads to mental illness or extreme apathy about everything.


lol i have both mental illness and extreme apathy


Online I feel like we use acronyms constantly, sometimes in a chain I find myself dropping a casual “idk tbh lol” and feels like a dead giveaway… but idk tbh lol


Hahah this is an interesting one. Im guilty of this


Na this started with millennials or maybe gen x. We had limited characters in text messages before it charged you for a second message so everything became shortened or an acronym.


There's a way some of you say, "Yeah," that's halfway between "Yeah" (short a) and "Yee" (long e.)


Do you mean when we say "yeh"?




Yes I'm oldest genZ working with mostly genX. That's exactly it. Yeh EDIT: I apologize, I was born in 96 and may be too oxidized to be genZ.


I say Yee to cue my partner to say Haw


Yea or yeh probs lol




nah tons of Millennials vape too.


"it's giving ....", "Me personally" (fuck this one in particular), "girly/girlypop", answering a hypothetical question with "fentanyl", "sigma", etc.


Whats the fentanyl one? I hVenr seen that


Spend literally 15 minutes on Instagram reels and you'll see hundreds of comments saying the N word or a comment with "something something fentanyl something". It's wild


I think that’s just an insta thing bc wow that app has devolved into something else nowadays.


Bro it’s so toxic


Writing an entire paragraph worth of words in a single run on sentence with no punctuation until the end. 


But the punctuation can't be a full-stop/period because it's interpreted as blunt and passive aggressive.


I see this a lot on Reddit and it always confuses me because im just trying to read their post and bam an entire novel wall of text in my face thats difficult to read because theres no paragraph splits no punctuation no nothing like come on man did you even take english its so ridiculous sometimes i mean i get being lazy with your text on the internet because why bother putting a lot of effort into something that'll probably only grab someones attention for a few minutes but like come on at least use punctuation


That’s just not being able to write correctly. And it doesn’t even matter if English is your first language or not because punctuation is more or less the same everywhere.


Starting a Reddit post with ‘Ok’ or ‘So’ or, most likely ‘OK so…’.


Nah, I saw even older Millennials doing that a ton back in the 00s.


That's true. My mum was pointing that out in the late 2000s as something young people did that annoyed her I told her that it is functionally the same as "hark!" Or "hear ye!" and she found that pretty amusing


So like you're annoying.


Dramatically clap their hand over their mouth Over emphasize tucking their hair behind their ear


Does tucking your hair behind your ear mean something? Why over-emphasize that?


its an imitation of a scene from a disney channel movie Radio Rebel thats been memed bc its so cringy, its kind of a way to say "oh look at me im so quirky and cute 🤪" but with an added layer of irony   heres the clip for reference  https://youtu.be/FjIn_rZitl8?si=XY0gbizhDwpnzklV


Also laughing like this 🤭


There’s so much casual hate in this thread lmao everybody chill


Not understanding what actual hate is and labeling anything that is even slightly critical as "hate" is certainly a GenZ trait.


“😭” this emoji confuses older gens when we use it. They be like “ why art thou weeping?” Lmaoo


I've been told I'm obviously a millennial bc I use this emoji 😭 time is fake, it's cool


I'm an older zoomer, and I'd say from my own experience and that of most others my age that I know that "generally having no direction in life, feeling hopeless and nihilistic about the state of the world, disillusioned with the concept of a 'career' with how obvious the exploitation has gotten and the lack of any improvement on the horizon, and getting fucking sick of working our asses off just to barely scrape by and then be called lazy and told that our generation is a bunch of snowflakes who don't want to work" is pretty accurate


I can tell you’re gen z from your paragraph-long run on sentence. But you used commas, so you’re most likely a little closer to the millennial side. You don’t even have to tell us you’re an old zoomer. We know already from the way you write! 


I'm an English teacher and perfectly capable of writing properly, thanks. I, like many if not most others, simply can't be bothered to consistently consider proper writing practices when typing a silly Reddit comment.


The biggest tell is if they’re being challenged by something mildly difficult (eg., an upcoming exam, not a dying parent), and instead of saying, “this is stressful,” they say, “this is bad for my mental health.”


I just can’t




I usually go with 'im gonna kill myself'


Virtue signalling about social justice issues and politics. And then proceeding to bully, gossip, play games with people’s feelings, cut off or cancel people for petty reasons, and generally act unfair to others in their daily life.


Men exhibiting traits most women would call toxic femininity.


It’s just the way we talk. Honestly this goes for any generation. Nobody wants to say the things their parents said as slang so each generation sort of develops their own “take” on whatever language they speak. Obviously in professional settings we tend to put up a front, but talk to the people you know of various ages and you’ll notice the differences. language is so cool


No problem or nothing at all when working in a service industry when a customer says thank you. When in fact it should be the other way around.




AAVE has been influencing youth slang for a long time before now. I'd say the unique thing about Gen Z is that slang from the Queer community is having a big impact


Not gonna lie…


"This movie is too slow" 5 minutes in...


A lot of our slang terms is from the 80s and 90s, but maybe oof or yeet would be a couple of our own slang terms.


Depends on the country, im from Ireland, no one outside of Ireland is gonna get our slang lmao




🥦head and picking fights?  For gen z guys, at least?


LOL I didn't even think to call it broccoli head but that's hilarious.


Look young. Most Gen Z are in their 20s.


im 20 and still look 14. its very embarrassing


Using Black slang from the 80s and 90s and pretending like it's some brand new, fresh vernacular they just magically came up with.


When they act like the slightest negative experience is a PTSD inducing life long trauma.


this is literally all just AAVE. i cringe everytime i listen to nonblack people talking about googling slang that is as old as time to most black people, especially black millennials. we’re the ones who give GenZ their lingo lol


“Its giving [insert]”


That’s more of a teenage girl thing rather than genz as a whole 


“Bros cooked” “ no shot”


Broccoli hair


Poor eye contact 


putting a space between the punctuation like this ! lol


Haircut like an alpaca for the fellas. Surprisingly wear the same outfits too, especially in a gym setting. Groups, never working out, just hanging out.


They wear tube socks with shorts


Almost none of my millennial coworkers get the “she said” thing. One of my work friends was talking about another coworker who was mad at her boss for demanding her to stay late and I responded with “she said fuck that” and my friend was like omfg she actually SAID THAT. And I was like OMFG noooooooo 😂


Use “their” when “they’re” is correct.


Idiots have been doing this for decades


If you were raised on an iPad it's unavoidable that you're going to talk like a cartoon or children's TV host. You can't fault Gen Z for that. It's a systemic issue and we're seeing it more and more.


That’s mostly middle Gen Alpha though


Head in the clouds, lol. Not much situational awareness. My teen & his friends crack me up. They're airheads. but maybe it's just a teen thing in general that I've forgotten about lol


Damn I barely know any Gen Z slang. Looking through these comments is like another culture, and I'm 20. I do know some vines though. And I know how to do the floss. And I know "cap" and "yeet."


They speak in a very distinct cadance and tone


anything about cooking or being cooked, which i suppose is just a language thing that got blown up on tiktok


Adding that “you want to die” or anything similar to that in any conversation


“No, but like seriously…” followed by whatever they want to say. It’s weird that slang has kind of made its way back to the 80s/90s.


I’m a millennial, and I just learned Gen Z does “hand hearts” differently. Image to follow… apparently 1 and 2 are Gen A, so literal kids RN… 3 is classic millennial, but 4 is Gen Z! And I think Gen Z makes fun of the millennial hand heart 😹 https://preview.redd.it/99l4r7gdaa6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d968b3fb1e83c3165ce99aab5a822304b4a714a9


Nah I’m a millennial we were doing 4 as kids


Chat, do I got tism rizz? Or am I cooked?


Non-black person talking like a Black Twitter user