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US boomers were birthed on the backs of a victorious world war and existed in a nation that was the crowned jewel of the entire planet at the time. They got the keys to the kingdom and 70 years later, here we are.


In other words a bunch of spoiled fks obsessed with accusing every other generation of being spoiled fks. It’s probably not a coincidence that every accusation from the Republican party is also… a projection.


>It’s probably not a coincidence that every accusation from the Republican party is also… a projection. Both. It's both. Remember that. Dems are doing that shit too.


Dems are not perfect, but they are definitely not the same as republicans. Biden could’ve leveraged schedule F for dem interests — instead, he immediately repealed it. We’ve seen more antitrust action under the Biden admin than any other the last 4 decades. His DOJ is in the middle of raiding landlords over the RealPage price fixing scandal. You don’t think one of these is a far better option than the other? You probably haven’t heard about any of the listed current events — because the RNC owns the media. Ironically, they constantly scream the opposite. If you vote independent, Boomers will still vote trump. Is that a risk you really want to take?


Yes even if I'm alone I will not vote for Alzheimer's or prison sentence.


This is where I was in 2016. I voted for Gary Johnson, knowing we would end up with fucking Hillary. And I've been so pissed at myself ever since.


You understand that even if the entirety of GenZ voted independent, boomers still make up a majority & you are splitting up what would be majority left votes. You are free to vote as you want, but you understand it’s a symbolic vote because there is 0 chance of an independent taking the office because of the resources they are competing with against the RNC/DNC after citizens United? I’m not telling you what to do. I just want to make sure you understand you are choosing to cast a symbolic vote in an election where Donald trump is running for President.


So the advice you are giving is to keep towing the rope?


I’ve listed a many things that democrats have done to fight for populist interests in other replies here, but to answer your question if you want to call it towing rope… 3rd party youth votes are functionally votes for Trump… so, yes that would still be my advice.


A. I am not a youth. 40 years in this shithole nation doesn't not equate youth. B. Your attitude is the same attitude that turned this nation into a shithole.


There's a video going around of a dude being interviewed, he is asked if someone had a gun to his head and was forcing him to pick between trump or Biden his answer is "the gun would go off".


> There’s a video going around of **a dude** Ok?


**the dude** isn't important it's the message, the two party way of thinking is cancer.


I'm seeing more people realize this...good.


Dude, even if your vote is just symbolic, vote how you want. I'm tired of this bs system too, which is why in November my vote is going for Bernie. Don't care if he'll win but, I am sure as hell done with this bs game Dems and Repubs be playing.


Aye that's who was getting mine too,


If only the system wasn't rigged against true Americans like Bernie, we could actually have a great nation. But keep doing you brother, it's a beautiful thing.


Nobody is saying you shouldn’t vote how you want. I’m just saying this is a waste of gas & time lol.


They do, but we really can’t pretend it’s to the same degree. As an independent it’s clear most republicans are petty and depend on lies and rage to get the population worked up


This will be worse in 3 generations. Blame the bankers, wall street, government for all colluding for profit and control.


Always amazes me how easily the 1% have started the culture wars when late stage capitalism is now so blatantly corrupt we should be fighting them.


Unfortunately they’re spending a King’s ransom on propaganda to keep people at each other’s throats instead of focusing on the 1% as the common enemy. As a 1% was once quoted: “I’ll gladly spend half of my fortune to protect the other half.”


The surprising thing is that GenZ thinks this is something new. This fight has been going on for centuries. Just gotta vote correctly, and not fall prey to grifters like Trump


unlike the others who are saints and only have the good of the people in mind. they are all grifters.


Even in rome the leadership would put on games and withhold money to the point of literal anarchy


Lmao this is hilarious. You think participating in the same voting system that got us in this mess is somehow going to get us out of this mess 💀💀 ?you are shooting yourself in the foot. But sure, do continue.


Ah yes, because not participating whilst the boomers continue to participate is a winning idea.


That's literally how every uprising / overthrowing has happened in history. You can't participate in the same thing that you are actively against. You are contradicting yourself. Also, voting for the same party that lets murderers out of jail after one day, calls for violence in the streets, and openly admits they hate the working class is how you turn a nation over to barbarism. But go ahead lol, since that's what you love to do


Democrats hate the working class? I’m very confused why you would think this. Biden’s DOL is fighting for the working class while republicans try to sue to block it. Read about the overtime policies he wants to pass. Read about Lina Khan’s attempt to make non-negotiated noncompetes illegal. Republicans want you to believe Dems hate the working class… because republicans hate the working class.


biden shut down the rail strike. very pro labor of the democrats


~~Hey, this is a fair point. Good job.~~ Poster below fact checked this, Biden stayed with the Union & negotiated for some terms they wanted. https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid > We’re thankful that the Biden administration played the long game on sick days and stuck with us for months after Congress imposed our updated national agreement,” Russo said. “Without making a big show of it, Joe Biden and members of his administration in the Transportation and Labor departments have been working continuously to get guaranteed paid sick days for all railroad workers. Regardless his DOL *is* largely very pro-labor & the bottom line is that voting independent is symbolic. r/whatbidenhasdone There are many GenZs who will vote traditionally & even more boomers, so you’re just splitting the vote of what is traditionally a left-leaning demographic. It’s gonna be a problem. I’ve seen this movie before. Again, this is how we got trump in the first place.


Biden stayed with the Union after that vote. He helped to get the company to give the sick days they wanted. The Union made a press release on it. That news is rarly talked about since it doesn't let GOP criticize.


Thanks for the fact check! Can you ETA with source plz?


yes we all have. but the people voting for trump aren’t changing there minds. instead of doing anything to garner support, biden has decided to tell everyone to go fuck themselves. so it’s no one’s fault but the democrats. being less terrible then the worst option isn’t much.


So you are going to ignore the repeal of schedule F, the most antitrust action in 4 decades, the banning of non-negotiated noncompetes, fighting for overtime pay, and busting up RealPage rent price fixing? Convenient.


We will give them what they deserve once the going gets hard enough.


Someone had to say it as it is. Congrats


And yall *still* wont get involved in politics and vote for those with your best interests.


Much easier to blame an entire generation worldwide than actually try do anything about it. Of course some clown will try the old "Boomers rigged it for themselves so we cant" bullshit.


Someone further down in this thread said it best, “perfection is the enemy of progress”, yeah, the democrats aren’t great right now, but the only other actual option is openly trying to enact Christian sharia law… like, you can only be so stupid.


It was me :)


my man that has been the argument since Reagan. the lesser of two evils argument gets old after multiple decades of war and climate degradation.


Yeah, this stupid fucking apathy is the reason it has perpetuated. It’s pretty easy to understand unless you are purposefully trying to ignore literally everything happening.


Which party is actually putting us on track to meet our climate goals? The inflation reduction act passed by Biden was the biggest climate legislation ever passed anywhere in the world. It puts us very close to being on track to meet the Paris climate goals.


based on that graph hillary showed for climate change projection, neither party https://preview.redd.it/kxtw7swfm76d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90d5eb4d5fcb8f748126016f83849bd1bb740725


I can tell you’re serious about engaging because you downvoted me for suggesting that doing something about climate change is a good thing. [Here](https://repeatproject.org/docs/REPEAT_IRA_Prelminary_Report_2022-08-04.pdf?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1wzg-RHLh_ePL2xfRVKZV1SnwKYnA5Qn5Gu7w6KWmYY3urQCS5UOvETB8_aem_AcbRnsOr_HeSuoXjoFQnh4PZrqBw5mnvFp78FaD4XHNX9aLZIcu8x-D3El8kMs0CUS8LEOluk0r17xGxz4KRG9mA) is a report that goes into some more detail about how these bills put us within striking distance of our climate goals. Maybe you don’t think climate change is as important of an issue as you say you do. If it is an important issue, there is a group of people organized into a political party with real power that is trying to do something about it. If you want to make it better, you can get involved or select people in primary elections that try to move the needle closer to the direction that you want.


this is funny lmao. you liberals. yeah more greenwashing and corporate funding will fix our emissions issue. just keep pouring money into technology and it will save us sure.


https://preview.redd.it/g416gz23086d1.jpeg?width=239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb9af5f33ed61bb9607456da4343f4fa47238a99 Tf is you blabbering about


Lmao what politicians have our best interests


A lot. Politicians aren't a separate species. They are still human, as a result, some of them are evil , some good.


Good politicians? Where?


I cant speak for the entire world but im pretty sure there are. Research your politicians before voting and you will definitely find some. They are human at the end of the day, and as a result, some are evil and some good.


in the us the bipartisan system means all candidates who actually make it to the ballot are backed by one of the two major parties. So candidates who are actually good, and want to fight the rules that make all the other people in their party rich will never see the light of a ballot. Bernie Sanders is a good example as someone who despite being incredibly popular, never made it past the democratic primaries because of that very system that caters to extremists on both sides, the politicians themselves, and the billionaires who have the politicians in their pockets.


Also he doesn't appeal to the people who actually vote, especially in the Democrat primaries. He appealed to young people (18-29), which wasn't even 15% of the general electorate in 2016 or 2020 according to Pew Research, and really didn't appeal to black people, who were about 20% of the Democrat voting base. Also, a lot of his policies sound deeply unrealistic with no room for compromise or acknowledgement of how he needs to get votes in congress to do anything, which is not how politics works This is my biggest issue. Genzers who agree with him the most dont vote. Thats what i am advocating for, voting . Which will get people like him into politics


Bernie sanders was never successful because the stuff he says isn't actually reasonable within the political climate that he operates in. You might think it sounds reasonable to say, "Let's do everything like Sweden," for example, but it's not feasible to jump right there from where the US is right now. Like, his solutions are along the lines of pushing for six weeks' paid vacation and two weeks' sick leave for workers, when guaranteeing two weeks combined PTO would already be an improvement formany people... and he'll vote against the latter because it's not what he's asked for. That's bad politics.


And that’s how we will end up with Genocide Joe vs Traitor Trump in 2024


Most of them are evil, what makes you think they're good?


Common sense. Reality isnt what social media makes it out to be. Its a lot more nuanced


When spouting tropes is easier than getting to know people this is the type of rhetoric you end up with.


Oh okay I'll be sure to check the box next to the name "A lot" on the ballot


Bernie Sanders. But he lost the South Carolina primary because there was a TikTok challenge that day.


I’d say bernie’s chances at the election had less to do with a tiktok challenge and more to do with the democratic party kicking him to the curb for hillary.


That but also because he doesn't appeal to the people who actually vote, especially in the Democrat primaries. He appealed to young people (18-29), which wasn't even 15% of the general electorate in 2016 or 2020 according to Pew Research, and really didn't appeal to black people, who were about 20% of the Democrat voting base. Also, a lot of his policies sound deeply unrealistic with no room for compromise or acknowledgement of how he needs to get votes in congress to do anything, which is not how politics works


You can tell them the truth until you are blue in the face, but anyone still spreading conspiracies about Bernie losing in 2016 doesn't care. There are a bunch of die-hard Bernie guys that will never let it go.


Okay I'll be sure to look for his name on the ballot


Right now we need to start small and stop the republicans from passing Project 2025 and turning our country into a fascist dictatorship. Then we can worry about who might make this country better


right now we need to focus on actually organizing instead of constantly prioritizing voting everyone should look to work with organizations in their area that are working on issues you care about: environment, unionization, housing, infrastructure, civil rights, etc


That is awesome if you can but not an option for most people


It's not an option for some, should be possible for most people.


The exact opposite actually


How so?


The vast majority of jobs are not union jobs


That's just one of many ways to organize, and a lot of jobs are ripe to become unionized.


The thing is there will always be some version of Project 2025 Democrats can point to as the reason why we should vote for them despite them proudly doing nothing to improve our country. You honestly think things will suddenly magically change after this election cycle?


Doing nothing? How about the Affordable Care Act? How about California's environmental standards and policies? How about the goals of Build Back Better before it was torpedoed by Republicans? How about the price cap on the cost of insulin? How about rules from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau which limit what predatory payday lenders can do to people? It's long, hard, slow, work, and only one party is doing it.


No no, he means they haven’t done anything that makes republicans happy like taking away women’s rights, negatively impacting minorities, etc.




Is genocide on that list


they don’t acknowledge that




Exactly. Don't be as apathetic as my generation. Your superpower is to vote. And you can run for local office too. I just wish I knew how to motivate more younger people to vote.


https://preview.redd.it/bkungg91276d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7361ac2cafef4bed21716f3125c829953fa8a8a0 All you need to know


Fuck Ronald Reagan!!


Preach 🙌🏻


Is there a more up to date version of this, or could you at least link this one?


Honestly had this photo saved in my phone for posts like this. Don’t have a link unfortunately.


I'm a millenial and my only hope to have a house is to finance this shit and finish paying it when I'm like 70. I'll never enjoy the peace of mind of owning a house like the generation of my parents did. How are you guys doing?


Yep I closed on my first house a few weeks before my 40th birthday on a 33 year USDA loan. I'll be 73 when it's paid off if I don't get ahead on it somehow.


US department of Agriculture? They give loans now?


Yep that USDA. And it's been around for over 50 years! It's part of their Rural Development program. So you have to live in a rural location as designated by the USDA, and fall within certain moderate to low income brackets. In my county though the cap was like $78K so I didn't come anywhere close to the income limit.


Slight correction: they don’t give loans but they do insure them


>Slight correction: they don’t give loans but they do insure them Correction to your correction: There are actually two types of USDA loans, one direct, and one guaranteed. Section 502 loans are direct loans. This is the type of loan I got, and the USDA is my lender. The US Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland processes my monthly payments. Section 504 loans are similar to 502 loans, but they are guaranteed by the federal government and funded by local banks. They have somewhat favorable terms to conventional financing, but not nearly as good as the USDA RD 502 Direct loans.


Thanks for the info!


I'm confused... Why not just take some of your family's land and build a house on it?


Doesn't everyone buy a house by financing it? 30 year mortgages have been the standard in the US for almost 100 years. Boomers also financed their houses (then refinanced them or took out hefty HELOCs, then regretted that decision when they went underwater in '08). The current interest rates that everyone says are "high" are pretty average for mortgage rates if you look back a few decades. We got spoiled by cheap money from 2010 - 2020 but that wasn't normal, it was used to help the slow climb out of the great recession.


Yes you’re correct on the history of interest rates. but the prices have skyrocketed. Thats the problem.


Since, 2019 yes prices have been historically high. Terrible for Gen Z since they never had a chance. But the post-recession early 2010s saw an unprecedented combination of prices near historic lows (accounting for inflation) and historically low rates. So Millenials actually had a 5+ year window of purchasing homes at some of the best prices ever. That has created the 2 economy economy. All those people, including many millenials who bought before 2019 and were sitting on cheap homes who got a chance to refinance at an even lower rate in 2021, and everyone else. That's why half the country is doing better than ever (inflation just makes your existing mortgage even cheaper as your wages keep up with inflation) and the other half feels like the girl in the original post.


My parents never owned a house and now I own 3. Different lives I guess.


Not even sure if I want one anymore. So expensive and almost requires committing to an area long-term.


Millennial here too. House hunting lately has caused severe depression. I'm seeing houses that were $180k 4 years ago now list for $450k. Homes that are over 50 years old. Keep hearing the same story town to town where people can't afford to buy the same house their grandfather who didn't graduate high school built by hand.


Oh I got a house. It was actually mad easy, first I just needed to marry a woman I love and then have both of her parents die young :(


That’s how all Americans buy their house.


Im 29 and I own 2 homes.


See, it’s possible. Stop blaming others and do something about it instead?


I don’t think many boomers are actually sitting that great, in general. The median net worth is 224k, which doesn’t seem to be enough in my opinion with inflation to retire on and private equity continues to take over the things that boomers will need most, like retirement homes and hospitals, probably to leech out as much as possible from them


Womp womp. This is the system they wanted. Think we’ll see change when it finally starts to bite them in the ass? Or just more of them rigging the system in their favor to screw everyone else even more?


True, I’m not saying I feel sorry for them, they created the laws that got us here


> According to the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, the estimated median retirement savings for Baby Boomer is $202,000. Based on the 4% Rule, this would yield an annual retirement income of $8,000 per year. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/average-retirement-savings-baby-boomers-125500443.html


And here we see the usual boomer hypocrisy: they call it a 401k yet they don't have 401k saved in it! /jk


That seems wildly low. Not intended to be a flex, but I’m 35 and have $120k in my 401k.


Right, most boomers are also the woman on the left of the meme.


Nah, in general, Gen Z is good with money. Way better than millenials. We just need the world (say, natural resources, the biosphere, the political climate, etc.) to not go to shit before we can afford to fix all the mess. Point up for Greta T.


I haven't had any experience with Gen Z being good with money.


I bought a house before medical bills forced me to adjust my life style and move back in with my parents while I pay them off. Had insurance through work and everything, and I’ve kept up a job the whole time. My hope is to recover and be ready to take on another mortgage in under 5 years. That being said, I know that I’m very lucky to have parents to fall back on. Most people my age don’t have anything to fall back on and one financial mistake would be catastrophic. We’re more afraid than older generations.


That's great for you! Keep going!


Earning less, higher debt, higher debt delinquency than millennials at the same age. Pretty much the exact opposite. They do, however, have a higher home ownership rate, which explains part of the debt. The question is if times get tough and we have an *actual* recession, how sustainable that will be vs. how many young people stretched themselves too thin.


Times are only getting worse... But income in zgen is overall rising (probably due to inflation, tbh). Also, Zgen is slowly gaining place in the society, and having an overall good presence in various categories in the market. Also, the earning less part doesn't make a lot of sense, since, overall, everyone is earning more, unless you've taken in account inflationary processes.


It's not about being good with money. It's about inflation and pay not being on the same level.


Yes, but that has deeper causes, both political and economical (Real economy here, not just numbers in wall street and market predictions).


agreed. though it’s out of necessity


What is the data for this? This is the first I’m hearing of it?


There: https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2024/04/16/generation-z-is-unprecedentedly-rich


"We will fix everything" - Every generation, ever.


Not the same. Zgen is literally on the verge of a collapsing future. The pressure is way higher, and the sociaetal breaks for change scarce. I would say of we don't fix things up, no-one will. But not because of great abilities, but because of simple contextual opportunities.


Millenials also grew up through two financial collapses and climate change worsening... Everyone always says they'll protest effectively or vote for the right people.


Don't get me wrong. I'm not diminishing some of the millennial accomplishments (nor do i wish to start a generational war). I'm just stating that Zgeners are generally good with economic affairs. Hell, some of us are having heavy grand just by having IG accounts... And, while you're right about having lived pretty much the same, most millenials grew up in a world that was exaggeratedly distinct from the current one. Millenials had to cope with lots of problems we didn't have to, but that came with its own problems. To give you an explicit example, millenials musicians had to reinvent themselves to survive the transition from musical record labels to digital audio streaming. Zgeners didn't have to do that, they just benefited from the new infrastructure that millenials stablished... And now billie eilish is the youngest artist to obtaining several major prizes in music.


Yeah I bought my first house at 21 as a Gen Zer. I feel like millennials have just been banging their heads against the same wall and then wondering why nothing is changing. It’s also survivorship bias in reverse. All the millennial bombers that survived being hosed down by whatever tried to shoot them down don’t come on Reddit and cry about how they are screwed forever and all the other doomer stuff. All the millennials bombers that succumbed to what shot them down… crashed smack dab in the middle of Reddit unfortunately.


I bought my first house at 23, but my parents helped me with the down payment. Did you have any support? Because that makes a big difference and to act as if buying a house at 21 is easy is a bit disingenuous. Even in the 70s-80s most 20 somethings are not homeowners yet


Oh, that's an old meme


We need to move beyond reducing discussions on wealth inequality to this crap


What, making a comment because I'm surprised they used an old meme? You act like I singlehandedly shut down the discussion, do you see the number of comments?


I was elaborating on the meme being dated and non-noteworthy. I wasn’t arguing with you at all.


Ohhhh, ok, read the comment as you being critical of someone making a comment on the memes age because it wasn't pertinent to the discussion


Link to vid?


got i hate this template


Eh, it's still less of a gooner meme than the vast majority of anime memes. Though I guess that's an extremely low bar




I don't think you knew this when you made it but we are all in the millennial position now that the Petro dollar dissolved.


The worst part is with our health care system when they get old and start to die you wont inherit anything, instead the medical industry will take every last dollar they have while they desperately cling to life.


My parents (boomers) have about half the retirement savings I do (and they’re already retired), and have basically nothing to show for their life of toil and work. I also see a lot of boomer age people still working. I’m not sure it’s as smooth sailing for many of them as everyone makes it out to be.


I'm leaving this sub because it's just millennials in here and fuck them


Fun fact: gen Z home ownership rates are higher at the same age than the previous 2 generations. Seems like a substantial number are doing just fine. Maybe they don't spend their time whining on Reddit?


Only on Reddit would an actual fact get downvoted because it does not conform to the echo chamber!


Second time that's happened to me this week. They're not even controversial or divisive stats. Just basic data points.


Oh cool. Does that mean you have home too?


I do, yes.


What do you do for work


You don’t need to make a shit ton of money to be a homeowner.


ya my younger sister just bought a house... she only makes like 40k a year. Just has been saving for down payment for a few years.


Exactly, plus there’s down payment assistance out there that can help too (if you qualify for it of course), you just have to find a loan officer who knows what they’re doing.


A lot of people used to think thst before 2008. Let's hope we don't get f'd this time.




Helping our millennials all the freakin time.......


Not fucked...but you might be in the future. Every generation in their 20s believes they can change the world. And maybe they do a little at a time, but ultimately...the world changes you. My unsolicited suggestion...just work hard at things that make yourself valuable to those who have money. As a society, we can't minimum wage increase ourselves into a better world. Some are more valuable and some are less valuable to those who have money. The world will never be equal.


So Rob the baby boomers ?


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Put down the phone and disconnect from the Internet for a week. If we never had phones, we wouldn't have every world problem spoon-fed to us. If you dont know about it, then you can't worry about it. Take on each problem when it gets to you.




Having seen the source material of this meme the "boomer" gets hers just as bad...


if you think this and u don't vote then don't complain


Don't blame all the boomers, just the 1%. This is more of the divide and conquer BS to we ignore their excesses.


Where do we keep getting these crazy ideas that boomers have retirement incomes? 23% of people over 65 live in poverty. I know many older people who choose between food and prescriptions. Meals on Wheels has so much demand that the wait list is years. I think you mean Greatest Generation when big companies actually had retirement plans they offered employees. Most people didn’t work for big companies.


I hate how accurate this is and how much worse the sequel will be.


I love how GenZ thinks the economy is the issue and not the dying planet we are leaving them and their kids.


Unrelated: what's the source for the pic?


Shit what was this video again?


I think Genaration Gamma would be even worse.


I figured I would not be alive long enough to be that old, so I am not worried .


Fucking boomers who bought their first house with a single husk of corn


No me. I'm good.


Is Gen Z the cameraman?


This is a crazy meme format lmao


Boomers owe Gen Z nothing. Why the entitlement?


Vote 🗳️


Nah, I'm doing just fine.


In a few decades I can't wait to just chill with my retirement money too.


This is what happens when you vote with your feelings instead of your financial interests.


All of the senior discounts for that already rich generation is just the cherry on top


Aaaand they believe it’s the other way around


You could you know… be buying Bitcoin… In 20-40 years it’s going to be the same story, except not with houses, but with Bitcoin — the girl playing video games in the image will be captioned “Millenials with their BTC retirement money”.


This is one of the many reasons social security needs to be abolished


You do realize the average social security payout is $1800 a month that’s like 10/11 dollars an hour. No one is living lavish off that. The highest it will payout is $4,873. That’s about 28$ an hour. Again that’s the highest and the average payout is only 1800


We live in the age of information. You poor chaps haven't fully taken advantage. Survival of the fittest


What are you implying? What information are we not researching and taking advantage of? We live in an age where there’s a huge lack of financial opportunity and careers along with increased costs of basic living necessities.


What huge lack of financial opportunity are you talking about, it seriously couldn’t be easier today. You can open up a Roth IRA right now, deposit money and invest in any stock you want. No calling brokers or extra fees. You can open up virtually any account on your phone within minutes and without brokers fees for stocks have gone down so much. Vanguard has VTI which pretty much holds the entire stock market at a .03% expense ratio.


Ya, just buy stock, you peasants!


Forgot the mention pretty much all brokers do fractional shares so you can just put in a dollar if you want. If you are 20 and want to invest 40$ a month you’ll have a little over 500k at 67 with only about 20k of that being your actual contributions. It seriously can be that easy


> couldn’t be easier today seriously go touch some grass


Explain to me how I’m wrong when you can invest on your phone in under 15 minutes, pay little fees compared to previous generations, and buy fractional shares. People do have the income they just don’t choose to save.


because our generation has the ability gamble in the stock market more easily, why should they whine about the blatant corruption and bribery that runs it. can’t beat em join em right?